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Selected Titles from the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the British Library Newspaper Library, London
Series Two: The Economic Impact of Scientific & Technical Change

Part 1: The Mechanical Engineer, 1897-1907

Part 2: The Mechanical Engineer, 1908-1917

Publisher's Note

“The period 1897-1917 is a central one for economic and technological development. It contained the third great wave of industrialization in world history (the others being located in the approximate periods 1780-1810 and 1850-70) and witnesses bursts of activity in new industrial economies such as Japan, Italy, Russia and the Scandinavian countries, as well as further rapid growth in established industrial systems such as Germany, France and the USA. The economic great powers of today were forged in these years.

Fuelling this intensification in world industrialization was a remarkable effort in innovation. New technologies such as electrical engineering, chemicals, bicycles, steam turbines and motor cars provided the leading edge of the expansion. Within these twenty years, electricity was generated for public supply and transportation, petrolburning vehicles took to the roads and powered aircraft struggled to the skies.

These were advances which left their mark not only on the economic history of the period but on the entire organisation of life in the twentieth century. Mechanical engineering, of course, was at the heart of this cluster of scientific and technological innovations”.

Clive Trebilcock
University Lecturer in Economic History,
University of Cambridge
and Fellow, Pembroke College, Cambridge

Series Two of our project on Business and Financial Papers is devoted to the Economic Impact of Scientific and Technical Change. We start by making available a complete run of The Mechanical Engineer.

Originally published on a weekly basis by the Scientific Publishing Company, Manchester, these volumes of The Mechanical Engineer feature excellent diagrams and illustrations to match the authoritative articles and reports. It is not merely a technical journal. There are also many articles detailing the interaction between science, commerce and industry. There are frequent comparative features describing the state of industry in Britain, France, Germany and particularly America where technological innovation, new systems of organisation and business management set the standard with which others had to compete.

Part 1 covers the years 1897 to 1907 and Part 2 of this microfilm edition covers the years 1908-1917.The years 1897 to 1917 encompass a period of rapid scientific and technical advances. Steel had taken the place of iron in engineering. By this time the Krupp works at Essen contained some of the most powerful machinery in the world. Competition between British and German industry was heightened by the prospect of a major European conflict. The demands for war materials after 1914 gave a further stimulus to industry and innovation.

Aircraft, wireless telegraphy, railways, chemicals, electricity supply, steam turbines and petrol driven vehicles all benefitted.

The Mechanical Engineer is an invaluable record of these developments. With detailed reports, industrial, shipping and railroad notes, correspondence, articles and lists of recent patents, it contains an abundance of information covering all the latest inventions, technical problems, theories and solutions to overcome difficulties, as well as providing an extensive range of material on relevant breakthroughs throughout the world.

The Mechanical Engineer, 1897-1917 has much material on Steel Construction Work, Internal Combustion Engines, Valves and Gearing, Electric Motors, Petrol Engines, Machine Tools, Steam Turbines, Electrical Engineering, Gas and Oil Engines, Technical Instruction in Germany, Variable Speed Mechanisms and many other subjects.

The first issue for January 1905 features articles on Public Wireless Telegraphy, New Regulations for Heavy Motor Cars, Condensers for Steam Turbines, the Care and Management of Steam Boilers, the Reversible Internal Combustion Engine, Experiments on Screw Propellers, High Tension Switch Gear, Improvements in Steel Furnaces, Practical Alternating Current Testing, Shrinkage of Cast Iron, Board of Trade Reports on Boiler Explosions and Inspection Procedures for High Speed Engines.

Twelve years later in January 1917 subjects receiving attention include Steam and Hydraulic Valves, Clutches, Liquid Fuels, Control of Fuel Supply, Steel Alloys, Differential Gearing, advice on Anti-vibration Techniques, Electric Motors, Electromagnetic Switches, Dynamos, Transformers and Electric Furnaces.
New volumes start in January and July of each year. Nearly all volumes are preceded by a detailed index. Each issue has a clear contents page on or close to the cover of the journal. There is also an index to advertisers and a classified list of Advertisers’ Specialities.



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