Selected Titles from the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the British Library Newspaper Library, London
Series Two: The Economic Impact of Scientific & Technical Change
Part 1: The Mechanical Engineer, 1897-1907
Part 2: The Mechanical Engineer, 1908-1917
Sample Content Pages from the Original Journals
Part 1: The Mechanical Engineer, 1897-1907
The following sample contents pages give some idea of the wide-ranging nature of The Mechanical Engineer.
29 January 1898 Vol I No 1
The Great Strike Bubble
The Amalgamated Society’s Finances
Demand for Labour Saving Appliances
Speed of Tools
Locomotive Performance, by Professor Pullen
Engine Breakdowns
Air Propeller Tests, by W C Popplewell, MSc
Fellows Gear Shaper
Consumption of Steam in Pumps, by A Sharp, BSc
Trial of HMS Diadem
The Row Tube
Depreciation of Machinery, by F Grover
Commerical Management, by F G Burton
New Cruise Argonaut
Slinging of Heavy Weights, by A H Barker
Novel Bicycle Brake
Boiler Explosions
United States Patent Law
Effect of High Compressive Stress
29 January 1898 Vol I No 1 (cont.)
Technical Instruction in Germany and Austria
6 January 1900 Vol V No 102
The Position of Electrical Engineering
Automatic Stoking for Gas Works
Relative Properties of Tungsten and Molybdemum Steels
Methods of Suppressing Arcs in Switches, Fuses, etc
The Design and Construction of a Modern Central Lighting Station
An Expanding Lathe Mandrel
Standardising Copper Conductors
Experiments on the Flow of Water over Bell-mouthed Pipes
The Cost of Electricity from Isolated Plants
Combustion and Forced Draught
Vertical Profile Milling Machine with Combined Flat and Circular Table
Pressure in Pipe due to Stoppage of Flowing Liquid
The Electric Plants of Two U S Battleships
Some Conditions of the American Iron and Steel Industries
5 January 1901 Vol VII No 154
Engineering Trades: The Retrospect and Prospect
The Design and Construction of Machine Tools
Power Gas and Large Gas Engines for Central Stations
Why we lose our Foreign Trade
The Paris Exhibition
Centrifugal Fans for Cupolas and Forges
The Construction of Foundry Patterns
Ashley’s Patent Mine Pump
Modern Locomotive Practice
On the Supercession of the Steam by the Electric Locomotive
Turner’s Patent Packing and Non-conducting Covering
A New Principle in Gas Engine Design
Electrical Attachment for Simultaneously Generating Tabor Indicators
2 July 1904 Vol XIV No 336
Patents, and Search Anticipation
Expert Witnesses and Board of Trade Inquiries
Things in General
Milling Machines
Steel Axles
Parsons and Stoney’s Continuous Current Dynamo
Impressions of a Visit to America
Coaling of Warships
Different Applications of Steam Turbines
Automatic Gear for Colliery Winding Engines
Gasoline Engine for Submarines
Sahlin’s Blast Furnace Indicator
Practical Alternating-current Testing
Speed-varying Device for Machine Tools
Electric Alarms for Hot Bearings
Flow of Gas in Mains and Distribution at High Pressure
High-speed Centrifugal Pumps
Standard Methods for Green Sand Beds
A French Design of Gas Engine
Moulding Machines and their Use
Metal Quotations
Tenders Wanted
1 July 1905 Vol XVI No 388
The Growth of Large Gas Engines
Steampipe Explosion on board the Steamship “Orizaba”
A French Locomotive with Water-tube Boiler
The Steam Turbine
Method of Promptly Stopping Traction Engines
Our Coal Output
Piston Valves for Steam Engines
The Testing of Cast Iron
Steam Regenerative Accumulator
Superheaters in Locomotives on the Belgian State Railways
1 July 1905 Vol XVI No 388 (cont.)
Boiler Explosions
Can a Steam Turbine be started Quicker than a Reciprocating Engine?
Driving Mechanism for Boring and Drilling Machines
Metal Quotations
Electrical Power Generating Station and Transmission
Forced Feed Lubrication
The Minerals of Canada
Part 2: The mechanical engineer, 1908-1917
4 January 1908 Vol XXI No 519
Lemperière’s Balanced Valveless Internal Combustion Engine
The latest 460 Type Locomotive of the Smith Western and Great Central Railways
Cut Off Gear for Steam Engines
Notes on Copper
Krupp’s Universal Joint Coupling
Electrical Engineering Problems and Solutions
The Greenwich Thermal Storage Tank Explosion
The Use of Zinc Dross in Making Manganese Bronze
Tricks of the Turbine Steamer “Camden”
Power Transmission by Friction Driving
An Engineer’s Impression of America
A New Design of Two-Stroke Cycle Internal-Combustion Engine
Titanium in Steel and Iron
Owner Killed by Boiler Explosion
Fletcher’s Iron Melting Furnace
The Utilisation of Waste Energy
Comparative Performance of Steam and Electric Locomotives
Copper-clad Steel
The Foundry Department and the Department of Engineering Design
The New Alloys
Comparative Operating Costs of Electric and Steam Locomotives
Repairs to Ships’ Machinery
5 July 1912 Vol XXX No 754
Synthetic Rubber
The New Coal Mines Act
British Museum of Safety Appliances
British Motor-cars’ Victories at the Grand Prix
Superheating in Portable Locomotives
Dirigible Airship Disasters
Memorial to “Titanic” Engine-room Staff
Steam Road Roller Fitted with Superheater and Feed Heater
De Laval Multi-cellular Type Steam Turbine
Why Manganese-Bronze Castings Leak Under Pressure
The Conversion of Iron and the Protection of Structural Ironwork
Owen’s Smoke-density Indicator
Elongation in 8in and 2in Bars
Holzworth’s Gas Turbine
Annual Report of H M Electrical Inspector of Factories
Centenary of Gas Lighting in London
Awaiting Controlling Valves for Steam Engines
The Core Room: Its Equipment and Management
Dugald Clerk, DSc
Softening and Purification of Water
Steel and its Heat Treatment
Competition: Its Uses and Abuses
2 July 1915 Vol XXXVI No 910
Die Castings
Depreciation of Diesel Engine Plant
Variable-speed Gearing for Machine Tools
Fuel Oil for Locomotives
Water Power in New Zealand
Auld’s Stop Valve
Waste-heat Boilers for Open Hearths
Notes on Feed Check Valves and Internal Feed Pipes
Lancaster and Tongue’s Steam Trap
Printing Machinery