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Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series Three: CAB 128 & CAB 129 - Cabinet Conclusions & Cabinet Memoranda, 1945 and following

Part 4: The Macmillan/Home Governments, January 1957 - October 1964
(CAB 128/31-38 & CAB 129/85-118)

Brief Bibliography

John Boyd-Carpenter - Way of Life (1980)

Lord Butler - The Art of the Possible (1971)

Alec Cairncross - The Robert Hall Diaries, 1954-1961 (1991)

Cairncross & Watts - The Economic Section, 1939-1961 (1989)

David Carlton - The Suez Crisis (1989)

David Carlton - Anthony Eden (1981)

Randolph Churchill - Rise and Fall of Sir Anthony Eden (1959)

J C R Dow - The Management of the British Economy, 1945-1960 (1964)

Harold Evans - Downing Street Diary, 1957-1963 (1981)

Lord Home - The Way the Wind Blows (1975)

Alistair Horne - Macmilan, 1894-1956 (1988)

Alistair Horne - Macmilan, 1957-1986 (1989)

Anthony Howard - RAB: The Life of R A Butler (1987)

Irving, Hall & Wallington - Scandal ‘63 (1963)

Earl of Kilmuir - Political Adventure: The Memoirs of the Earl of Kilmuir (1964)

Richard Lamb - The Failure of the Eden Government (1987)

Richard Lamb - The Macmillan Years, 1957-1963: The Emerging Truth (1995)

Selwyn Lloyd - Suez, 1956 (1978)

Harold Macmillan - Winds of Change, 1914-1939 (1966)

Harold Macmillan - The Blast of War, 1939-1945 (1967)

Harold Macmillan - Tides of Fortune, 1945-1955 (1969)

Harold Macmillan - Riding the Storm, 1956-1959 (1971)

Harold Macmillan - Pointing the Way, 1959-1961 (1972)

Harold Macmillan - At the End of the Day, 1961-1963 (1973)

Reginald Maudling - Memoirs (1978)

Kenneth O Morgan - The Peoples’ Peace (1990)

Anthony Nutting - No End of a Lesson (1967)

Anthony Seldon - Churchill’s Indian Summer: The Conservative Government, 1951-1955 (1981)

Robert Sheperd - Iain Macleod (1994)

D R Thorpe - Selwyn Lloyd (1989)

John Turner - Macmillan (1994)

Harold Watkinson - Turning Points (1986)

Roy Welensky - 4,000 Days (1964)

Harold Wilson - A Prime Minister on Prime Ministers (1977)



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