Complete Classes from the CAB & PREM Series in the Public Record Office
Series Three: CAB 128 & CAB 129 Cabinet Conclusions & Cabinet Memoranda,
1945 and following
Part 1: Attlee Government, August 1945-October 1951 (CAB 128/ 1-13 & CAB 129/ 1-20)
Part 2: The Attlee Government, August 1945-October 1951
(CAB 128/ 14-22 & CAB 129/ 21-47)
Clement Attlee As it Happened [Autobiography] (1954)
Clement Attlee The Labour Party in Perspective (1937)
Clement Attlee The Labour Party in Perspective and Twelve Years Later (1949)
Clement Attlee Purpose and Policy. Selected Speeches (1947)
Correlli Barnett The Audit of War, the Illusion and Reality of Britain as a Great Nation (1986)
Aneurin Bevan Democratic Values (1951)
Aneurin Bevan In Place of Fear (1952)
Vincent Brom Aneurin Bevan, A Biography (1953)
Alan Bullock The Life and Times of Ernest Bevin (1960)
Trevor Burridge Clement Attlee, a Political Biography (1985)
Alec Cairncross Years of Recovery, British Economic Policy 1941-1951 (1985)
Richard Crossman The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Selections 1964-1970. (Ed. A Howard 1991)
Justin Davis Smith The Attlee and Churchill Administrations and Industrial Unrest, 1945-1955, a Study in Consensus (1990)
Geoffrey Dellor (ed) Attlee as I Know Him (1983)
Bernard Donoughue & G W Jones Herbert Morrison: Portrait of a Politician (1973)
Jim Fyrth (ed) Labour’s High Noon: The Government and the Economy, 1945-1951 (1993)
Michael Foot Aneurin Bevan, A Biography (1962)
Kenneth Harris Attlee (1982; revised edition 1995)
Hazlehurst, Whitehead & Woodland A Guide to the Papers of British Cabinet Ministers 1900-1964 (1974, revised 1997)
Peter Hennessy & Robin James Escape from Empire (1983)
Kevin Jeffries The Attlee Governments, 1945-1951 (1992)
Roy Jenkins Mr Attlee: An Interim Biography (1948)
R J Moore & John T Murphy Labour’s Big Three: A Biographical Study of Clement Attlee, Herbert Morrison & Ernest Bevin (1948)
Herbert S Morrison An Easy outline of Modern Socialism (1938)
Herbert S Morrison Economic Planning (1947)
Herbert S Morrison Herbert Morrison: An Autobiography (1960)
Herbert S Morrison The Labour Party and the Next Ten Years (1946)
Ben Pimlott Hugh Dalton (1985)
Ben Pimlott (ed) The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton 1918-1940, 1945-1960 (1986)
Ben Pimlott (ed) The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton 1940-1945 (1986)
John Saville The Politics of Continuity, British Foreign Policy and the Labour Government 1945-1946 (1993)
John Saville The Labour Movement in Britain (1988)
Anthony Seldon Ruling Performance, British Governments from Attlee to Thatcher (1989)
Nick Tiratsoo (ed) The Attlee Years (1991)
Edward F Williams A Prime Minister Remembers. The War and Post-war Memoirs of the Rt Hon Earl Attlee (1961)
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