Complete classes from the CAB and PREM series in the Public Record Office, London
Series Two: CAB 50 & CAB 51 - The Papers of the Committee of Imperial Defence - Papers of the Oil Board, 1925-1939,and Middle East Questions, 1930-1939 (CAB 50/1-19 & CAB 51/1-11)
CAB 50/1 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board:
Minutes of Meetings 1-28 (23 June 1925-7 Oct 1936)
1st Meeting (23 June 1925)
1 Terms of Reference
2 Admiralty Oil Fuel Reserves
3 War Office Requirements
4 Air Ministry Requirements
5 Board of Trade Requirements
6 Exports and Tonnage of Neutral Countries
7 Time Basis of Annual Report
8 Refineries
9 Use of tankers for Commercial Purposes
10 Shale Oil
11 Low-Temperature Carbonisation of Coal
2nd Meeting (27 January 1926)
1 Admiralty Oil Fuel Requirements
2 Admiralty Requirements of Light Oils
3 War Office Requirements of Light Oils
4 Air Ministry Requirements of Light and Heavy Oils
5 Total Requirements of Light Oils: Sources of Supply and Transport Tonnage Required
6 Possible Revision of Rate of Accumulation by the Cabinet or Committee of Imperial Defence
7 Future Work, etc
3rd Meeting (4 March 1926)
1 Accumulation of Oil Fuel Reserves
2 Revised Air Ministry Requirements for a Far Eastern War
3 Neutral Tonnage Available for British Purposes
4 Civil Requirements of Petroleum Products and Tanker Tonnage Required
5 Civil Requirements of the Dominions and Colonies
6 Total Tanker Tonnage Required and Available in 1937
7 Requirements of Petroleum Products: Report to the Principal Supply Officers Committee
8 Annual Report
4th Meeting (23 July 1926)
1 Civil Requirements of Petroleum Products in the United Kingdom in 1937
2 Admiralty Requirements for a War during the Current Year
3 Requirements of the Dominions and India, Colonies, etc
4 Oil Supplies of the World
5 Terms of reference
5th Meeting (30 November 1926)
1 Draft of First Annual Report
2 Future Work
6th Meeting (21 December 1926)
1 First Annual Report
2 Future Work
3 Title of the Board
7th Meeting (14 March 1928)
1 Work for the coming year
2 Second Annual Report
8th Meeting (15 April 1929)
1 Third Annual Report
2 Production of Oil from Coal
3 Production of Liquid Fuels in the United Kingdom Carbonisation of Brown Coal in Germany
4 Cabinet Decisions regarding the Accumulation of Oil Fuel Reserves for the Navy in 1929
9th Meeting (24 July 1929)
1 Fourth Annual Report
2 Oil Fuel Reserves in New Zealand
3 Conclusions of CID on Third Annual Report
10th Meeting (10 November 1929)
1 Recent Developments in Oil Refining
11th Meeting (1 May 1930)
1 Production of Oil from Coal
2 Development of Oil Refining
3 Desirability of building up a reserve of Lubricating Oil to meet a War Emergency
4 Provision of Containers for the Distribution of Petrol and Lubricants in Time of War
5 Situation regarding the outstanding subjects referred to
Sub-Committees of the Oil Board
6 Invitation to Colonies to provide information required by the Oil Board
7 Oil Consumption and Production in South Africa and Newfoundland
8 Composition and Terms of Reference of Treatment of Coal Sub-Committee
12th Meeting (10 July 1930)
1 Consideration of the Revised Memorandum on the Development of Oil Refining
2 Fifth Annual Report
13th Meeting (2 July 1931)
1 Fuel Oil Stocks in New Zealand
2 Scheme for Providing the Empire Requirements of Petroleum during the First Year of a War in an Asiatic Theatre
3 Reports by the Service Departments on Tests and Trials carried out with Oil produced from Coal
4 Correspondence between the Prime Minister and Sir Holberry Mensforth regarding the use of the natural fuel resources of this country
5 Memorandum by the Secretary of Mines on Low Temperature Carbonisation
6 Interim Report of the Sub-Committee on the Provision of Oil Containers
7 Curtailment of the Scottish Shale Industry in relation to problems of Imperial Defence
14th Meeting (21 July 1931)
1 Sixth Annual Report
2 Joint Memorandum by the Board of Trade Supply Organisation and Petroleum Department regarding Benzol, Toluol and Phenol
15th Meeting (9 May 1932)
1 Preferential Treatment for Oil Produced by British Companies operating in Trinidad
2 Reports on various forms of liquid fuel derived from Coal that have been investigated by the Air Ministry (1931-1932)
3 Benzol, Toluol and Phenol
Constitution of Oil Fuel Sub-Committee in the Commonwealth of Australia
16th Meeting (27 July 1932)
1 Preferential Treatment for Oil Produced by British Oil Companies operating in Trinidad
2 Reports on Tests and Trials carried out by the War Office with fuel produced from Coal
3 Final Report of the Sub-Committee on the Provision of Oil Containers
4 Supply of Oil in a War in an Asiatic Theatre
17th Meeting (20 October 1932)
1 Seventh Annual Report
2 Exports of Petroleum Products from Trinidad
18th Meeting (6 January 1933)
1 Low Temperature Carbonisation Fuel from the Welbeck Distillation Company
2 Export Petroleum Products from Trinidad
19th Meeting (17 February 1933)
1 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments
2 Export of Petroleum Products from Trinidad
20th Meeting (6 July 1933)
1 Report of Sub-Committee on Welbeck Aviation Spirit
2 Control of tankers: Interim Report of Sub-Committee
3 First Annual Report of the Oil Fuel Sub-Committee of the Australian Department of Defence
4 Air Ministry Tests and Trials of Spirit produced from Coal
5 Investigations conducted by the Admiralty regarding liquid fuels produced from British Coals
6 Production and Exportation of Petroleum Products from Trinidad
7 Supply of Oil in a War in an Asiatic Theatre
8 French organisation for the supply of oil in time of war
9 Proposal to use Industrial Alcohol in Motor Spirit in British Guiana
10 Mosul Oilfields Ltd and the British Oil Development Concession in Iraq: Proposed pipeline from the Mosul area to the Mediterranean
21st Meeting (21 July 1933)
1 Control of Tankers: Interim Report of Sub-Committee
2 Eighth Annual Report
3 Oil Fuel Sub-Committee of the Australian Department of Defence
22nd Meeting (25 October 1934)
1 Ninth Annual Report
Monthly Statements showing Exploration and Production of Petroleum for Trinidad
23rd Meeting (18 February 1935)
1 Defence Plans
2 Reserves of Lubricating Oil
3 Proposed Constitution of the Tanker Tonnage Committee in Peace Time
4 Sources of Supply of Aviation Fuel in Time of Emergency
5 Reserves of Oil Fuel for the Mercantile Marine in Time of War
24th Meeting (24 September 1935)
1 War Book Measures
25th Meeting (26 November 1935)
1 Tenth Annual Report
2 Interim Report by the Principal Supply Officers Committee (India)
3 Home Requirements of Aviation Fuel during the First Year of a European War
4 Reserves and Storage of Oil Fuel in New Zealand
5 Substitute Fuels for Motor Vehicles in Germany
26th Meeting (7 February 1936)
1 Provision of Oil Containers
2 Reserves of Oil for the Mercantile Marine in Time of War
3 Steps to Render Germany independent of Foreign Supplies of Fuel
4 Developments as Regards Hydrogenation taking place in certain Continental Countries
5 USA Neutrality Bill: Supply of Material to Belligerents
6 Priority of Allocation to India and Burma of Petroleum Products from Burma
27th Meeting (24 July 1936)
1 Report of Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserve
2 First Interim Report of the Container Sub-Committee
3 Report of the Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee
28th Meeting (7 October 1936)
1 Home Production Policy
2 Priority of Allocation to India and Burma of Petroleum Products from Burma
CAB 50/2 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board:
Minutes of Meetings Numbers 29-45 (13 November 1936-28 July 1939)
29th Meeting (13 November 1936)
1 Home Production of Oil
2 Accumulation of Reserve by the Services and the Provision of Underground Storage
3 Fourth Annual Report of the Australian Supply Committee No 8
4 Proposals for the Production of Petroleum Products by Special Processes
5 Position of the Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee
6 Ariel Views of Oil Installations
7 Annual Oil Board Report
30th Meeting (8 December 1936)
1 Final Report of the Reconstituted Container Sub-Committee
2 Provision for the Staff required for the Ministries or Departments which may be formed after the Outbreak of War
3 Financial Aspects of Billingham
4 Trinidad as a Source of Aviation Spirit Supply
5 Appointment of a Technical Adviser to the Petroleum Department
31st Meeting (27 January 1937)
1 Draft Eleventh Annual Report
2 Civil Stocks and Effect on Supplies and Tanker Position of a Closed Mediterranean
3 Supplies of Aviation Spirit: Forth Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserve
4 First Annual Report of the New Zealand Oil Board
5 The Granting of Further Concessions to Steam-Driven Road Vehicles in Order to Encourage the Continued Maintenance of this Alternative Class of Road Transport
32nd Meeting (18 June 1937)
1 Establishment of Refineries at Haifa
2 Civil Stocks: Proportion Considered "Relatively Secure"
3 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Far Eastern War
4 Use of Alternative Fuels
5 Trinidad: Degree of Importance as a Source of Oil Supply in Time of War
6 Supply of Petroleum Products to Belgium in Time of Emergency
7 Lubricating Oil Plant Erected by Messrs Herbert Green, Killingholme, Lancashire
8 Report of a Committee Appointed by the Southern Rhodesian Government to Investigate the Oil Position in Southern Rhodesia
9 War Office Reserves of Petrol
33rd Meeting (23 July 1937)
1 Oil Board sub-Committee
2 Civil Stocks: Proportion Considered "Relatively Secure" and the Quantities held by the Oil Companies
3 Trinidad: Marine Oil Areas
4 Supplies of Aviation Spirit
5 Neutrality Legislation of the USA
Additional Report of the Reconstituted Container Sub-Committee
34th Meeting (10 December 1937)
1 Draft Twelfth Annual Report
2 Estimated Requirements in the First year (1940) of a Far Eastern War: Allocation of Supplies in the event of (a) A Closed Mediterranean, (b) Supplies from Rangoon not being available
3 Use of Alternative Fuels
4 Storage of Petroleum Products
5 Report of a Committee appointed by the Southern Rhodesian Government to Investigate the Oil Position in Southern Rhodesia
6 Trinidad: Marine Oil Areas
7 Civil Stocks: With Special Reference to the Proportion Considered Relatively Secure
8 Additional Report of the Reconstituted Container Sub-Committee
9 Trinidad: Degree of Importance as a Source of Oil Supply in Time of War
10 Estimated Scale of Air Attack on England in the Event of War with Germany
11 Australia: Oil Supplies
35th Meeting (11 February 1938)
1 Civil Oil Stocks: Vulnerability
2 Civil Oil Stocks: Building up o the Three Months' Rationed Level
3 Aviation Spirit: Accumulation of Reserves
4 Oil from Coal Report
5 Oil Storage in Spain and Damage caused by Air Attack
6 Low Temperature Carbonisation in Germany
7 Jugoslavian Oil Concession to Italy
36th Meeting (11 April 1938)
1 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations
2 Importance of Oil Supplies from Bahrein
3 Scheme for the Rationing of Petroleum Products
4 The Expropriation by the Mexican Government of the Properties of the Oil Companies in Mexico
5 Oil Possibilities in Central Europe
6 Report of Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee
7 Canada :Seventh Report of Oil Requirements
8 Twelfth Annual Report of the Oil Board
9 Oil Stocks on the Banks of the Thames
10 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Far Eastern War
37th Meeting (20 May 1938)
1 Reserves of Aviation Fuel
2 Sources of Supply of Aviation Fuel in Emergency
3 Use of Alternative Fuels
4 Falmouth Committee: Aviation Spirit
5 Civil Oil Stocks: CID Conclusions
38th Meeting (19 July 1938)
1 East African Dependencies
2 War Office Reserves of Petrol
3 A Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme
4 Government Tankage and Reserve
5 Effects of Air Attack on Oil Storage in the Spanish Civil War
6 Expropriation of the Property of the Oil Companies in Mexico
7 Oil Tankers: Best Means of Meeting Possible Deficiencies
8 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations
9 Reserves of Aviation Fuel
10 Importance of Oil Supplies from Bahrein
11 Navy's Oil Requirements for the First Year of a War in Europe and the far East Simultaneously
39th Meeting (11 October 1938)
1 Survey of the Resources of Trinidad with Regard to the Production of Aviation Fuel
2 Draft Motor Spirit rationing Scheme
3 Principal Supply Officers Committee (India) Report on Containers for Petroleum Products
4 The Allocation of Aviation Fuel from Rangoon in Emergency to the Royal Air Force outside India
5 Hydrogenation Plants for 100-Octane Fuel
6 War Office Reserves of Petrol
7 Australia: Oil Supplies
8 First Report by the Oil Depots Committee on the Extinguishing of Fuel Oil Fires in "Saucers"
9 Oil Board Terms of Reference
10 Annual Report of the Oil Board
40th Meeting (20 December 1938)
1 Amended Terms of Reference of the Oil Board
2 Air Ministry Requirements of Bulk Fuel Vehicles for use in an Emergency
3 Australia: Oil Supplies
4 War Office Reserves of Petrol
5 Supply of Petrol and Petroleum Products to West African Dependencies in an Emergency
Survey of the Resources of Trinidad with Regard to the Production of Aviation Spirit
41st Meeting (3 January 1939)
1 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to meet War Requirements
REEL 1 50/2 (cont.)
42nd Meeting (24 January 1939)
1 Revised Draft Annual Report
2 Tankers: Control in Time of War
3 Progress made by the Service Departments in Laying Down Oil Reserves up to the end of October, 1938
4 Seventh Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves
5 Second Progress Report of the Technical Sub-Committee on the Storage of Petroleum Products
6 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations
7 Rationing of Petroleum Products in India
8 Second Special Report by the Oil Depots Committee
43rd Meeting (28 February 1939)
1 Draft Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme
2 Amended Terms of Reference of the Board
3 Bulk Fuel Vehicles for the Transportation of Oil
4 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to meet War Requirements
44th Meeting (5 May 1939)
1 Supply of Oil to Egypt in Time of War
2 Proposal for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to meet War Requirements
3 Union of South Africa: Oil Supplies
4 Oil Supplies in Time of War: Discussions between Southern Rhodesia and the Union of South Africa
5 India: Oil Supplies
6 4-Gallon Tins: requirements of War Office and Air Ministry in the Middle East in an Emergency
7 Bulk Fuel Vehicles for the Transportation of Oil: War Office Requirements
8 Proposals for an Increase in the War Office Reserve of Liquid Fuels and Lubricants
9 Trinidad: Survey of Resources with regard to the production of Aviation Fuel
10 Oil Fuel Tank Trials, Shoeburyness
11 Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme for Private Cars, Goods Vehicles and Motor Cycles
12 Progress made by the Service Departments in Laying Down Oil Reserves up to the end of October, 1938
13 Sources of Supply in the Dual Contingency of a War simultaneously in Europe and the Far East
14 The Storage of Petroleum Products
15 Defence of Trinidad
16 Thirteenth Annual Report
17 Supply of Petrol, Aviation Spirit and Fuel Oils to the Colonies, etc, in the event of an Emergency
18 Acquisition by the Government of Old tankers and Laying Up on a Care and Maintenance Basis
19 Civil Stocks
45th Meeting (28 July 1939)
1 Proposals for securing adequate supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to meet War Requirements
2 East and West African Dependencies: Petrol Supplies in an Emergency
3 Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme
4 Provision of Protected Storage for Reserves of Aviation Fuel for the Fleet Air Arm and Motor Torpedo Boats
5 Proposals for Storage of Additional Reserve of Aviation Fuel in the United Kingdom
6 Reserves of Aircraft Mineral Lubricating Oil
7 Aviation Spirit: Sources of Supply in an Emergency
8 Aviation Fuel Production at Billingham in an Emergency
9 Provision of Funds for the Purchase of British and Foreign Tankers
10 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations
11 Fourth (Special) Report by the Oil Depots Committee
12 Air Raid Precautions at Inland Bulk or Distributing Depots and Filling Stations
13 East African Dependencies: Petrol Supplies in an Emergency
14 Admiralty Requirements of 100,000 tons of Fuel Oil
15 Third Report of the Oil Depots Committee
16 Vulnerability from Air Attack of Oil Installations at Ports in India
CAB 50/3 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board: Memoranda:
Papers 1-51 (1 May 1925-1 July 1930)
1 Composition and Terms of Reference (1/5/25)
2 Control of Oil Fuel in War: Report of Principal Supply Officer' Committee (1 May 1925)
3 Bergius Oil Process and Low-Temperature Carbonisation: Excerpt from 17th Meeting of the Principal Supply Officers' Committee (22/7/25)
4 Admiralty Requirements: Memorandum by the Admiralty (-/1/26)
5 Admiralty Estimate of Oil Fuel Requirement: Note by the Joint Secretaries (22/1/26)
6 Revised Admiralty Estimate of Requirements of Light Oils During the First year's Hostilities for a War in the Far East (22/1/26)
7 War Office Requirements of Light Oil for a Far Eastern War: Note by the Joint Secretaries (27/1/6)
8 Provisional Detailed Estimate of Yearly Consumation of Aviation Spirit, MT Petrol and Heavy Oils by Units of the Royal Air Force which Might Operate in Connection with a War in the Far East: Note by the Air Minister (27/1/26)
9 Total Requirements of Light Oils; Source of Supply; and Transport Tonnage Required: Note by the by Sea Transport Department, Board of Trade (27/1/26)
10 Neutral Tonnage Available For British Purposes: Memorandum prepared in the Sea Transport Department, Board of Trade (18/2/26)
11 Naval Oil Fuel Reserves: Note by the Joint Secretary, covering excerpt from Conclusions of 209th Meeting of Committee of Imperial Defence (18/2/26)
12 Civil Requirements of Petroleum Products in the United Kingdom: Memorandum prepared in the Board of Trade (19/2/26)
13 Estimated Total Tanker Tonnage Required and Available in 1937 for the Fighting Services, Civil Needs etc: Statement Prepared in the Sea Transport Department, Board of Trade (19/2/26)
14 Requirements of Aviation Spirit, MT Petrol and Fuel Oil for a Far Eastern War: Note by the Air Ministry (23/2/26)
15 Civil Requirements of Petroleum Products in the United Kingdom in 1937: Memorandum by the Board of Trade (9/3/26)
16 Admiralty Estimate of Requirements of Oil Fuel during First Year's Hostilities for a War in the Far East (25/3/26)
17 Present Requirements of Oil for Hong Kong, British Malaya and Ceylon: Memorandum by Sir Gilbert Grindle, Colonial Office (18/7/26)
18 Estimated Oil Requirements in 1937 for India, the Colonies and Dominions: Statement by the Board of Trade (20/7/26)
19 Oil Supplies of the World: Memorandum by the Board of Trade (-/7/26)
20 First Annual Report (31/12/27)
21 First Annual Report: Conclusions of 220th Meeting of the Committee of Imperial Defence (25/1/27)
22 Persian Oil Field: Increase in the Potential Transfer from Oil Field to Abadan and Refinery Facilities to Deal with the Extra Crude: Note by the Joint Secretary (26/2/27)
23 Oil Control During the Great War: Memorandum Prepared in the Board of Trade (-/8/27)
24 Second Annual Report (26/3/28)
25 Report of Naval Programme Committee - Oil Fuel Reserves: Note by the Secretary Covering Extract form Cabinet Conclusions (2/3/28)
26 Production of Liquid Fuels in the United Kingdom and Carbonisation of Brown Coal in Germany: Memorandum by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (10/3/28)
27 Oil Supply in Time of War: Report of the Sub-Committee (20/3/29)
28 The production of Benzol: Note by the Secretaries covering Memoranda (14/1/29)
29 First and Second Reports of the Board; Report of Oil Requirements of Canada: Note by the Secretaries Covering Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies (14/1/29)
30 Oil Fuel Reserve for the Navy: Note by the Joint Secretary Covering Cabinet's Decisions (18/1/29)
31 Replies from the Dominions to the Colonial Office Despatch of 9th August, 1928 (OB 29) (26/3/29)
32 Oil Production and Development: Memorandum by the Prepared in the Board of Trade
33 Third Annual Report (26/4/29)
34 Production of Oil by the Hydrogenation of Coal: Memorandum by the President of the Oil Board (27/3/29)
35 Third Annual Report - Approval of: Note by the Joint Secretary (10/5/29)
36 Oil Fuel Reserves in New Zealand: Note by the Joint Secretary (16/5/29)
37 Supply Organisation in Peace and War: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Report of Principal Supply Officer's Committee (24/5/30)
38 Oil Fuel Reserves in New Zealand: Note by the Joint Secretaries and the Petroleum Department of the Board of Trade (14/6/30)
39 Fourth Annual Report (29/6/30)
40 Recent Developments in Oil Refining: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department of the Board of Trade (19/10/29)
41 Statistics required from the Dominions and Colonies: Note by the by the Joint Secretary covering Circular Despatch (22/10/29)
42 Replies Received from the Governments of South Africa and Newfoundland: Note by the Joint Secretary (23/10/29)
43 Fuel Oil used by Foreign Navies and the British Mercantile Marine: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department, Board of Trade (4/11/29)
44 Hydrogenation of Coal: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (15/11/29)
45 Extraction of Oil from Coal: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Letter from the Admiralty and Terms of Reference of Sub-Committee (23/11/29)
46 Developments of Oil Refining: Memorandum Prepared in Accordance with 10th Meeting of Oil Board (6/12/29)
47 Reserves of Lubricating Oil for the Three Services: Letter from the Air Ministry (16/1/30)
48 Reserves of Lubricating Oil for the Army: letter from the War Office (24/3/30)
49 provision of Containers for the Distribution of Petrol and Lubricants in Time of War: Letter from the War Office (8/4/30)
50 Iraq petroleum Company - Review of Negotiations, 1929: Memorandum prepared by the Petroleum Department, Board of Trade (13/5/30)
51 Fifth Annual Report (1/7/30)
CAB 50/4 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board: Papers 52-100
(5 June 1930-9 February 1933)
52 Hydrogenation of Coal: Note by the Secretary covering correspondence between Lord Thomson and the Chairman of the Imperial Chemical Industries regarding the development of the process of coal hydrogenation (5/6/30)
53 Statement by the Air Ministry as to how their requirements of lubricating oil in the event of war were arrived at (11/7/30)
54 Note by the Secretary stating the action taken in pursuance of the Conclusion reached by the Oil Board at its 12th Meeting (17/9/30)
55 Trials with Petrol Produced by the Low Temperature Carbonisation: Copy of a letter from the Air Ministry to the Secretary (1/10/30)
56 Extracts Summarised from Second Annual Report on the Oil Requirements of Canada (22/9/30)
57 Fifth Annual Report - Approval of (28/10/30)
58 Fifth Annual Report of the Oil Board: Note by the by the Joint Secretary covering extract from the Despatch which accompanied the Report when it was forwarded to the Dominions (5/12/31)
59 Fuel Oil Stocks in New Zealand: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Despatch from the Governor-General of new Zealand (19/12/31)
60 proposed Scheme for Providing the Empire Requirements of Petroleum and Benzol during the First Year of a War in an Asiatic Theatre: Memorandum by the Joint Secretaries (22/9/31)
61 Sub-Committee on the Provision of Oil Containers: Composition and Terms of Reference(6/2/31)
62 Production of Oil from Coal: Note by the Joint Secretary (2/3/31)
63 Annual Consumption and Imports of Oil for Iraq for the Year 1930: Copy of despatch with enclosure, from the High Commissioner for Iraq to the Secretary of State for the Colonies (18/2/31)
64 Statement Showing Tests and Trials Carried Out by the Admiralty up to the end of February, 1931, in Connection with Oils Produced from Coal: Memorandum prepared in the Admiralty (19/3/31)
65 Report on Various Types of Liquid Fuel Derived form Coal that have been Investigated by the Air Ministry: Memorandum prepared in the Air Ministry (19/3/31)
66 Trials of petrol produced by Hydrogenation of Coal: Minute with enclosures from the War Office to the Secretary (18/3/31)
66A Minute from the War Office (19/6/31)
67 Natural Fuel Resources of this Country: Note by the Joint Secretary covering correspondence between the Prime Minister and Sir Holberry Mensforth (28/4/31)
68 Scientific Treatment and Utilisation of Coal: Note by the by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum by the Secretary for Mines (6/5/31)
69 Report of the Sub-Committee on the Provision of Oil Containers (2/6/31)
70 Note on the Use of Pulverised Fuel in Internal Combustion Engines (14/7/31)
71 Sixth Annual Report (30/9/31)
72 Fuel Oil Stocks in New Zealand: Copy of letter from the Joint Secretary to the Dominions Office (15/7/31)
73 Benzol, Toluol and Phenol: Joint Memorandum by the Board of Trade Supply Organisation and Petroleum Department (16/7/31)
74 Amendments to the Sixth Annual Report (30/7/31)
75 Preferential Treatment for Oil Produced by British Oil Companies Opening in Trinidad: Copy of letter from the War Office (25/2/32)
76 Report on Various Forms of Liquid Fuel Derived from Coal that have been Investigated by the Air Ministry (1931-1932)
77 Constitution of Oil Fuel Sub-Committee in the Commonwealth of Australia: Copy of letter from the Australian Defence Liaison Officer in London to the Secretary of the Oil Board (21/4/32)
77A Channels of Communication for Information about Oil Situation in Australia (23/11/32)
78 Preferential Treatment for Oil Produced by British Oil Companies
Opening in Trinidad: Note by Sir John E Shuckburgh, Colonial Office (3/5/32)
79 Preferential Treatment for Oil Produced by British Oil Companies Opening in Trinidad: Memorandum prepared by the Mines Department (10/5/32)
80 Final Report of the Sub-Committee on the Provision of Oil Containers (13/6/32)
81 Report by the War Office on Teats and Trials Carried Out with petrol products Produced by the Hydrogenation of Coal (17/6/32)
82 Preferential Treatment for Oil Produced by British Oil Companies Opening in Trinidad: Copy of letter from the Admiralty (14/7/32)
83 Seventh Annual Report (26/10/32)
84 Return Showing Exports of Petroleum Products from Trinidad Month by Month for 1931 and the First Six Months of 1932 with country of Destination (1931-1932)
85 Return from Trinidad Showing Exports of Petroleum Products in Imperial Gallons for the Month of July, 1932, with Country of Destination (4/10/32)
86 Return from Trinidad Showing Exports of Petroleum Products in Imperial Gallons for the Month of August, 1932, with Country of Destination (8/10/32)
87 Seventh Annual Report: Draft substitute paragraph 17 suggested by the Colonial Office (14/10/32)
88 Exports of Petroleum Products from Trinidad: Copy of Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Officer administering the Government of Trinidad (17/10/32)
89 Exports of Petroleum Products from Trinidad: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum prepared in the Petroleum Department (19/10/32)
90 Return from Trinidad Showing Exports of Petroleum Products in Imperial Gallons for the Month of September, 1932, with Country of Destination (4/11/32)
91 Statement Showing Petroleum Products in Barrels Manufactured in Trinidad for Eight Months Ended August, 1932 (1/2/32)
92 Low Temperature Carbonisation Fuel from the Welbeck Distillation Company: Note by the President of the Oil Board covering a Memorandum prepared in the Air Ministry (29/12/32)
93 Statement Showing Petroleum Products in Barrels Manufactured in Trinidad for the Month of September, 1932 (2/1/33)
94 Low Temperature Carbonisation Fuel from the Welbeck Distillation Company: Departmental Comments on Paper Number OB 92 (3/1/33)
95 Export of Petroleum Products from Trinidad: Copy of despatch from the Officer administering the Government (10/1/33)
96 Statement Showing the Petroleum Manufacturers and Exports of Trinidad for the Month of October, 1932 (27/1/33)
97 Report by the War Office on Special Petrol Produced from Coal: Copy of Minute from the Director of Supplies and Transport enclosing Report by the War Department Chemist (30/1/33)
98 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments: Memorandum by the Mines Department (including Petroleum Department) (4/2/33)
99 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments: Copy of letter from the Air Ministry enclosing comments on Paper Number OB 98 (10/2/33)
100 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments: Copy of Minute from the War Office regarding Paper Number OB 98 (9/2/33)
CAB 50/5 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board: Papers 101-175
(14 February 1933-3 November 1936)
101 Returns Showing Production and Exportation of Petroleum Products for Trinidad during November 1932
102 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments: Admiralty remarks on Paper Number OB 98 (14/2/33)
103 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments: Copy of letter from the Colonial Department (15/2/33)
104 Purchase of Motor Spirit by Government Departments: Copy of letter from the General Post Office (18/2/33)
105 Supply of Oil in a war in an Asiatic Theatre: Note by the Joint Secretaries (16/3/33)
106 Tests and Trials of Spirit Produced from Coal: Copy of letter from the Air Ministry (15/3/33)
107 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for December, 1932
108 Investigations Conducted by the Admiralty into Various Processes for the Production of Liquid Fuels from British Coals: Copy of a letter from the Director of Navy Contracts to the Mines Department (7/3/33)
109 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for January, 1933
110 First Annual Report of the Oil Fuel Sub-Committee of the Australian Department of Defence (15/2/33)
111 Control of Tankers: Interim Report of the Oil Board Sub-Committee (19/4/33)
112 French Organisation for the Supply of Oil in Time of War: Report forwarded by the IIC (4/5/33)
113 Proposal to use Industrial Alcohol in British Guiana: Correspondence forwarded by the Colonial Office (10/5/33)
114 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for February, 1933 (19/5/33)
115 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for March, 1933 (12/6/33)
116 Mosul Oilfields Ltd, and the British Oil Development Concessions in Iraq Proposed Pipe-Line from the Mosul Area to the Mediterranean (14/6/33)
117 Report of Sub-Committee on Welbeck Aviation Spirit (30/6/33)
118 Draft of a Letter from Sir Alfred Faulkner to Mr F Fenwick (30/6/33)
119 Report on Trials of Low Temperature Carbonisation Oil Carried Out in HMS Westminster (1/3/33)
120 Statement of Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for April, 1933 (1/7/33)
121 Oil Fuel Sub-Committee of the Australian Department of Defence: Note by the Joint Secretary (17/7/33)
122 Eighth Annual Report (31/7/33)
123 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for May, 1933 (30/8/33)
124 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for June, 1933 (30/8/33)
125 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for July, 1933 (20/10/33)
126 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for August, 1933 (6/11/33)
127 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for September, 1933 (12/12/33)
128 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for October, 1933 (29/12/33)
129 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for November, 1933 (14/2/34)
130 Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad for December, 1933 (16/3/34)
131 Ninth Annual Report: Note by the Joint Secretaries (27/3/34)
132 Monthly Statement Showing Production and Exportation of Petroleum from Trinidad: Note by the Joint Secretaries (-/4/34)
133 Ninth Annual Report: Note by the Joint Secretary (27/3/34)
134 Ninth Annual Report (31/10/34)
135 Oil Board - Defence Plans: Note by the Joint Secretaries (11/1/35)
136 Reserves of Lubricating Oil: Note by the Joint Secretaries (11/1/35)
137 Proposed Constitution of the Tanker Tonnage Committee in Peace Time: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum prepared by the Admiralty (11/1/35)
138 Sources of Supply of Aviation Fuel in Time of Emergency: Memorandum prepared by the Air Ministry (18/1/35)
139 Reserves of Oil Fuel for the Mercantile Marine in time of War: Note by the Joint Secretaries (11/2/35)
140 Proposals for the Future with Regard to the Contents of the Oil Board Annual Reports: Memorandum by the President of the Oil Board (22/2/35)
141 Proposals for the Future with Regard to the Contents of the Oil Board Annual Reports: A conclusion of the Committee of Imperial Defence at its meeting held on 25th February, 1935 (11/3/35)
142 Effect of German Air Attack on British Ports: Air Staff Appreciation (29/3/35)
143 Interim Report of the Principal Supply Officers Committee (India): Note by the Joint Secretaries (12/8/35)
144 War Book Measures: Note by the Joint Secretary (20/9/35)
145 War Book Measures: Minutes to the Secretary, CID (27/9/35)
146 Substitute Fuels for motor Vehicles in Germany: paper prepared by the Military Intelligence Branch War Office (8/10/35)
147 Tenth Annual report (26/11/35)
148 Interim Report by the principal Supply Officers Committee (India): Comments by the Air Ministry (12/11/35)
149 Home Requirements of Aviation Fuel During the First Year of a European War: Letter from the Air Ministry covering Memorandum on the subject (13/11/35)
150 Reserves and Storage of Oil Fuel in New Zealand: Communication from the Dominions Office covering a despatch from the Governor-General of New Zealand (20/11/35)
151 Hydrogenation - Developments taking place in certain Continental countries: Communication from the Mines Department (20/12/35)
152 Provision of Oil Containers: Recommendation of the Supply Board to the Committee of Imperial Defence (31/12/35)
153 Reserves of Oil for the Mercantile Marine in Time of War: Conclusion of CID at its meeting held on 20th December, 1935 (31/12/35)
154 Steps to Render Germany Independent of Foreign Supplies of Fuel: Memorandum by Dr Ormandy covered by a summary taken from ICF Paper No 47 (13/1/36)
155 USA Neutrality Bill - Supply of Material to Belligerents: Notes by Industrial Intelligence Centre covering copy of text of Bill (22/1/36)
156 Provision of Oil Containers: Memorandum by the Director of Supplies and Transport (31/1/36)
157 Priority of Allocation to India and Burma of Petroleum Products from Burma: Note by the India Office (6/2/36)
158 Development in the Near and Middle East: Map of Near and Middle East as Regards Oil Production Development (23/3/36)
159 Re-Constituted Container Sub-Committee (27/4/36)
160 Naval Oil Fuel Requirements: Copy of Official Communication from the Admiralty (6/5/36)
161 Protection of Stocks of Petroleum Products: Note by the Joint Secretary (6/7/36)
162 Report of Sub-Committee on Petroleum products Reserves: Covering Memorandum by the President of the Oil Board (27/7/36)
163 Report by the Container Sub-Committee: Covering Note by the Joint Secretary of the Oil Board (21/7/36)
164 Report of the Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee: Covering Note by the Secretary of the Oil Board (23/7/36)
165 Priority of Allocation to India and Burma of Petroleum Products from Burma: Note by the Joint Secretary (28/7/36)
166 Conclusions of Committee of Imperial Defence on First Report of Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves: Note by the Joint Secretary (12/8/36)
167 Home Production Policy: Memorandum by the President of the Oil Board (30/9/36)
168 Priority of Allocation to India and Burma of Petroleum Products from Burma: Copy of a Communication from the Air Ministry with enclosures (6/10/36)
169 Proposals for the Production of Petroleum by Special Processes and other Suggestions for Effecting Economy: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Communication from the War Office (8/10/36)
170 Accumulation of Reserves by the Services and the Provision of Underground Storage: Note by the Joint Secretary (15/10/36)
171 Fourth Annual Report of the Australian Supply Committee No 8: Note by the Joint Secretary (20/10/36)
172 Vulnerability of Oil Installations: Note by the Joint Secretaries covering Aerial Photographs (9/11/36)
173 Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee: Note by the Joint Secretary (-/10/36)
174 Home Production of Oil: Second Report of Reserves of Petroleum Products Sub-Committee (3/11/36)
175 Provision of Underground or Bomb-Proof Storage for the Oil Fuel Reserve of the Fleet:: Memorandum by the Admiralty (3/11/36)
CAB 50/6 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board: Papers 176-250
(14 November 1936-26 April 1938)
176 Home Production of Oil: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum by the Board (14/11/36)
177 Provision for the Staff Required by Ministries or Departments which may be formed after the Outbreak of War: Note by the Joint Secretary (20/1/36)
178 Storage of Reserves of MT Petrol and Lubricants: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Report by the War Office (34/11/36)
179 Provision of Security for the Petroleum Products Reserves of the Three Defence Services: Report by the Oil Board (1/12/36)
180 Storage of Reserves of Aviation Fuel: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum by the Air Ministry (24/11/36)
181 Final Report of the Re-Constituted Container Sub-Committee (2/12/36)
182 Provision of Oil Containers: Memorandum by the Oil Board (11/12/36)
183 Civil Stocks: Effect on Supplies and Tanker Position of a Closed Mediterranean: Third Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (11/12/36)
184 Eleventh Annual Report (31/12/36)
185 Supplies of Aviation Spirit: Fourth Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (20/1/37)
186 First Annual report of the New Zealand Oil Board (21/1/37)
187 The Granting of Further Concessions to Steam Driven Road Vehicles in Order to Encourage the Continued Use of this Alternative Class of Road Transport: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the Secretary for Mines (25/1/37)
188 Civil Stocks: Memorandum by the Oil Board covering Third Report (Section A) of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum products Reserves (-/2/37)
189 Effect on Supplies and Tanker Position of a Closed Mediterranean: Memorandum by the Oil Board covering Third Report (Section B) of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum products Reserves (22/2/37)
190 Note by the Secretary covering CID Conclusions on the Eleventh Annual Report of the Board (23/2/37)
191 Establishment of Refineries at Haifa: Note by the Colonial Office (3/3/37)
192 Civil Stocks of Petroleum Products: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Third Report (Section A) of Sub-Committee (9/3/37)
193 Effect on Supplies and Tanker Position of a Closed Mediterranean: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusion on Third Report (Section B) of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (9/3/37)
194 Civil Stocks of Petroleum Products: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Minute by the President of the Oil Board to the Home Defence Committee (23/4/37)
195 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Meet the Estimated Requirements and Industrial and Civil Requirements of the Empire in the First year (1940) of a Far Eastern War: Fifth Report of Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (26/5/37)
196 Use of Alternative Fuels: Sixth Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (9/6/37)
197 Granting of Further Concessions to Steam-Driven Vehicles in Order to Encourage the Maintenance of this Alternative Class of road Transport: Memorandum by the Secretary for Mines (8/6/37)
198 Trinidad: Degree of Importance as a Source of Oil Supply in Time of War: Note by the Joint Secretary covering copy of letter, with enclosures, from Colonial Office (12/6/37)
199 Supply of Petroleum Products to Belgium in Time of Emergency: Copy of Note by the Secretary to the Principal Supply Officers organisation to the Joint Secretaries, Oil Board (12/6/37)
200 Lubricating Oil Plant Erected by Messers Herbert Green & Co, at Killingholme, Lincolnshire: Note by the Petroleum Department (12/6/37)
201 Report of Committee Appointed by Southern Rhodesian Government to Investigate the Oil Position in Southern Rhodesia: Note by the Joint Secretary covering summary of Conclusions and Recommendations (14/6/37)
202 Civil Stocks: Proportion Considered 'Relatively Secure': Note by the Joint Secretary covering Minute by the Home Defence Committee (16/6/37)
203 Establishment of Refineries at Haifa: Memorandum prepared in the Admiralty (15/6/37)
204 Trinidad: Degree of Importance as a Source of Oil Supply in Time of War: Note by the Joint Secretary covering copy of reply sent to Colonial Office (1/7/37)
205 Supply of Petroleum Products to Belgium in Time of Emergency: Note by the Joint Secretary covering copy of reply to Principal Supply Officers Organisation (1/7/37)
206 Report of Committee Appointed by Southern Rhodesian Government to Investigate the Oil Position in Southern Rhodesia: Memorandum by the Oil Board (21/7/37)
207 Fourth Report of Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (Paper No OB 185): Note by the Air Ministry (9/7/37)
208 USA Neutrality legislation: Note by the Joint Secretaries to the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (21/7/37)
209 Civil Stocks with Special reference to the Proportion Considered 'Relatively Secure' and the Quantities Held by the Oil Companies: Seventh Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (21/7/37)
210 Trinidad - Marine Oil Areas: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Memorandum prepared by the Colonial Office (15/7/37)
211 Reconstituted Container Sub-Committee: Additional Report (22/7/37)
212 Fifth Annual report of the Australian Defence Resources Committee No 8: Note by the Joint Secretary acknowledging receipt of two copies of Report (14/9/37)
213 Protection and Camouflage of Oil Tanks: Copy of letter with enclosure from Sir FE Smith KCB, CBE, to the Joint Secretary (14/9/37)
214 Report of Committee Appointed by Southern Rhodesian Government to Investigate the Oil Position in Southern Rhodesia (14/9/37)
215 Trinidad Marine Oil Areas: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the Oil Board (15/9/37)
216 Note by the Joint Secretary, Referring to Sir FE Smith's Letter (Paper No OB 213)
217 Civil Stocks - With Special Reference to the Proportion Considered 'Relatively Secure': Report by the Oil Board (25/10/37)
218 Additional Report by Reconstituted Container Sub-Committee: Memorandum by the Oil Board (19/10/37)
219 Copy of a Letter, dated 4th October 1937, from the Secretary, Australia House, to the Joint Secretary, Oil Board (12/10/37)
220 Report of Committee Appointed by Southern Rhodesian Government to Investigate the Oil Position in Southern Rhodesia: Note by the Joint Secretary covering copy of a letter from the Governor, Southern Rhodesia, to the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs (9/11/37)
221 Trinidad: Degree of Importance as a Source of Oil Supply in Time of War: Note by the Joint Secretary (10/11/37)
222 Civil Stocks - With Special Reference to the Proportion Considered 'Relatively Secure': Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID
Conclusions on OB 217 (16/11/37)
223 Additional Report of the Reconstituted Container Sub-Committee: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on OB 218 (16/11/37)
224 Australia - Oil Supplies: Note by the Joint Secretary (24/11/37)
225 Estimated Requirements in First Year (1940) of a Far Eastern War: Allocation of Supplies in the Event of (A) A Closed Mediterranean, (B) Supplies from Rangoon not being Availabale: Memorandum by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (18/11/37)
226 Trinidad: Degree of Importance as a Source of Oil Supply in Time of War: Note by the Joint Secretary (30/11/37)
227 Estimated Scale of Air Attack on England in the Event of a War with Germany: Note by the Joint Secretary (30/11/37)
228 Use of Alternative Fuels: Note by the Joint Secretary covering progress report by the Mines Department (1/12/37)
229 Australia - Oil Supplies: Note by the Joint Secretary covering copy of a letter sent to the Secretary, Australia House (14/12/37)
230 Twelfth Annual report (28/12/37)
231 Technical Sub-Committee on the Storage of Petroleum Products: Progress report (7/12/37)
232 Progress Made by the Service Departments in Laying Down Oil Reserves: Summary prepared by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (9/12/37)
233 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Far Eastern War: Memorandum by the Oil Board (8/2/380
234 Oil Storage in Spain and Damage Caused by Air Attack: Extracts from a 'reliable' newspaper correspondent (6/1/38)
235 Copy of a Translation of a Letter from General Goering to the Low Temperature Carbonisation Corporation (10/1/38)
236 Jugoslavian Oil Concession to Italy: Copy of a letter received by the First Lord of the Admiralty (2/2/38)
237 The Vulnerability of Civil Oil Stocks: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the Civil Lord (9/2/38)
238 Civil Stocks: Building Up to the Three Months' Rationed Level: Memorandum by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (2/2/38)
239 Conclusions of Committee of Imperial Defence on the Twelfth Annual Report of the Oil Board (8/3/38)
240 Oil stocks on the Banks of the Thames: Note by the Joint Secretary (8/3/38)
241 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Far Eastern War: Note by the Joint Secretary covering conclusions of the Committee of Imperial Defence on a Memorandum by the Oil Board (15/3/38)
242 Civil Stocks: Building Up to the Three Months' Rationed Level: Memorandum by the Oil Board (29/3/38)
243 Oil Development and Possibilities in central Europe: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (-/4/39)
244 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations: Progress Report by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (4/4/38)
245 The Importance of Oil Supplies from Bahrain: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (-/3/38)
246 Scheme for the Rationing of Petroleum Products During an Emergency: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (-/3/38)
247 The Expropriation by the Mexican Government of the Properties of the Oil Companies in Mexico: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (8/3/38)
248 Tanker Tonnage: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a report by the Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee (7/4/38)
249 Canada - Seventh Report of the Oil Requirements of Canada, 1936, dated 1st February 1938: Note by the Joint Secretary (8/4/38)
250 Civil Oil Stocks: Note by the Joint Secretary covering conclusions of Committee of Imperial Defence (26/4/38)
CAB 50/7 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board: Papers 251-300
(9 May 1938-31 January 1939)
251 Oil Tankers. Best Means of Meeting a Possible Deficiency: Note by the Board covering a Report by the Tanker Tonnage Committee (9/3/38)
252 Expropriation of the Properties of the Oil Companies in Mexico: Note by the Oil Board covering a Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (9/3/38)
253 The Importance of Oil Supplies from Bahrain: Memorandum by the Oil Board (17/5/38)
254 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations: Note by the Oil Board covering Progress Report by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (6/5/38)
255 Use of Alternative Fuel: Note by the Joint Secretary covering
Progress Report by the Mines Department (16/5/38)
256 Sources of Supply of Aviation Fuel in Emergency: Memorandum by the Air Ministry (May 1938)
257 Reserves of Aviation Fuel: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the by the Air Ministry (16/5/38)
258 Report of the Sub-Committee on Oil from Coal (Falmouth Committee): Aviation Spirit: Note by the Air Ministry and Mines Department (18/5/38)
259 Effects of Air Attack on Oil Storage in the Spanish Civil War: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Report by the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (18/5/38)
260 Expropriation of the Property of the Oil Companies in Mexico: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 252 (26/5/38)
261 Oil Tankers. Best Means of Meeting Possible Deficiencies: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 251 (26/5/38)
262 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 254 (26/5/38)
263 East African Dependencies: Supply of Petrol, Aviation Spirit and Fuel Oils in the Event of an Emergency: Memorandum by the Colonial Office (15/6/38)
264 Reserves of Aviation Fuel: Memorandum by the Board covering a Memorandum by the Air Ministry (17/6/38)
265 Importance of Oil Supplies from Bahrain: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 253 (24/6/38)
266 War Office Reserves of Petrol: Note by the Joint Secretary covering copy of a letter from the War Office (19/6/38)
267 The Navy's Oil Requirements for the First Year of a War in Europe and the Far East Simultaneously: Copy of a letter, with enclosure, from the Admiralty to the Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence (12/7/38)
268 Reserves of Aviation Fuel: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 264 (11/7/38)
269 Draft Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (-/7/38)
270 East African Dependencies: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (14/7/38)
271 Government Tankage and Reserve: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the President of the Board (15/7/38)
272 War Office Reserves of Petrol: Copy of a letter from the War office to the Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence (25/8/38)
273 Australia - Oil Supplies: Copy of a letter from the Australian Military Liaison Officer in London covering a Memorandum prepared in the Australian Defence Department in answer to questions raised by the Oil Board, vide Paper No OB 229 (21/9/38)
274 The Extinguishing of Fuel Oil Fires in 'Saucers': First (Special) Report by the Oil Depots Committee on (29/9/38)
275 Survey of the Resources of Trinidad with Regard to the Production of Aviation Fuel: Memorandum by the Air Ministry (22/9/38)
276 Draft Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (-/10/38)
277 Containers for Petroleum Products: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Report by the Principal Supply Officers' Committee (India) (nd)
278 The Allocation of Aviation Fuel from Rangoon in Emergency to the RAF outside India: Joint Memorandum by the Air Ministry and the Petroleum Department (10/10/38)
279 Australia - Oil Supplies: Copy of a letter from the Admiralty to the Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence (14/10/38)
280 Tankers - Control in War: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the Tanker Tonnage Sub-Committee (31/10/38)
281 War Office Reserves of Petrol: Memorandum by the Board (11/11/38)
282 Supply of Petrol and Petroleum Products to the West African Dependencies in an Emergency: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a copy of a letter from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the Officers administering the Governments of Gambia, Gold Coast, Nigeria and Sierra Leone (16/11/38)
283 Rationing of Petroleum Products in India: Note by the Petroleum Department (21/11/38)
284 Survey of Resources of Trinidad with regard to the Production of Aviation Spirit: Copy of a letter from the Governor of Trinidad (5/12/38)
285 War Office Reserves of Petrol: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 281 (8/12/38)
286 Fire Resisting Properties of Concrete Wall Partitions in Oil Installations: Second (Special) Report by the Oil Depots Committee (12/12/38)
287 Amended Terms of Reference of the Board: Note by the Joint Secretary (16/12/38)
288 Bulk Fuel Vehicles for the Transportation of Oil: Memorandum by the Joint Secretary (17/12/38)
289 Progress made by the Service Departments in Laying Down Oil
Reserves up to the End of October, 1938: Note by the Joint Secretary covering Summary prepared by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (3/1/39)
290 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Major War Simultaneously in Europe and the far East: Eighth Report of the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (23/12/38)
291 Amended Terms of Reference of the Oil Board: Memorandum by the Board (13/1/39)
292 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to Meet War Requirements: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Memorandum by the Air Ministry and a Report of a Committee under Chairmanship of Sir Harold Hartley (30/12/38)
293 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to Meet War Requirements: Memorandum by the Board (13/1/39)
294 Thirteenth Annual report (24/1/39)
295 Storage of Petroleum Products: Second Progress report by the Technical Sub-Committee (23/12/38)
296 Bulk Fuel Vehicles for the Transportation of Oil: Memorandum by the Oil Board (13/1/39)
297 Internal Security in Trinidad: Note by the Joint Secretary covering a Note by the Colonial Office (10/1/39)
298 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations: Second Progress report by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (17/1/39)
299 Amended Terms of Reference of the Oil Board: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusions on Paper No OB 291 (31/1/39)
300 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to Meet War Requirements: Note by the Joint Secretary covering CID Conclusion on Paper No OB 293 (31/1/39)
CAB 50/8 - Committee of Imperial Defence: Oil Board: Papers 301-346
(31 January 1939-18 August 1939)
301 Bulk Fuel Vehicles for the Transportation of Oil: Note by the Joint Secretary (31/1/39)
302 Progress made by the Service Departments in Laying Down Oil Reserves up to the end of October, 1938: Memorandum by the Oil Board (10/2/39)
303 The Storage of Petroleum Products: Note by the Oil Board (3/2/39)
304 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Major War Simultaneously in Europe and the far East: Note by the Oil Board (22/2/39)
305 Draft Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme: Joint Memorandum by the Petroleum Department and the Ministry of Transport (21/2/39)
306 The Storage of Petroleum Products: Note by the Joint Secretary (28/2/39)
307 Progress made by the Service Departments in Laying Down Oil Reserves up to the end of October, 1938: Note by the Joint Secretary (8/3/39)
308 Defence of Trinidad: Note by the Joint Secretary (8/3/39)
309 Oil Fuel Tank Trials, Shoeburyness, 30th and 31st August, 1938: Third Special Report by the Oil depots Committee (9/3/39)
310 Sources of Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Meet the Estimated Requirements of the Services and for Industrial and Civil Purposes of the Empire in the First Year (1940) of a Major War Simultaneously in Europe and the far East: Note by the Joint Secretary (30/3/39)
311 Thirteenth Annual Report: Note by the Joint Secretary (20/3/39)
312 India - Oil Supplies: Note by the Joint Secretary (16/3/39)
313 Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme for Private Cars, Goods vehicles and Motor Cycles: Note by the Joint Secretary (3/4/39)
314 Supply of Petrol, Aviation Spirit and Fuel Oil, to the Colonies, etc, in the event of an Emergency: Note by the Joint Secretary(12/4/39)
315 India - Security of Oil Stocks: Note by the Joint Secretary (12/4/39)
316 Union of South Africa - Oil Supplies: Memorandum by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (15/3/39)
317 4-Gallon Tins - Requirements of the War Office and Air Ministry in the Middle East in an Emergency: Memorandum by the Sub-Committee on Petroleum Products Reserves (17/3/39)
318 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to Meet War Requirements: Memorandum by the Air Ministry (24/4/39)
319 War Office requirements in an Emergency of Bulk Fuel Vehicles for the Transportation of Oil: Memorandum by the War Office (24/4/39)
320 Proposal for an Increase in the War office reserve of Liquid Fuels and Lubricants: Memorandum by the War Office (24/4/39)
321 Transport of Petroleum Products from Burma to India in War: Copy of a letter from Mr WG Hynard, Board of Trade (27/4/39)
322 Trinidad - Survey of Resources with Regard to the production of Aviation Fuel: Note by the Joint Secretary (21/3/39)
323 Egypt and Sudan - Oil Supplies in Time of War: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (-/3/39)
324 Discussions between the Southern Rhodesian Government and the Union Government of South Africa with regard to Oil Supplies in Time of War: Note by the Joint Secretary (26/4/39)
325 Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme for Private Cars, Goods vehicles and Motor Cycles: Note by the Joint Secretary (27/4/39)
326 Acquisition by the Government of Old Tankers and Laying up on a Care and Maintenance Basis: Note by the Joint Secretary (3/5/39)
327 East African Dependencies - Petrol Supplies in an Emergency (31/3/39)
328 Fire Baffles: (1) For Oil, (2) For Petrol: Fourth (Special) Report by the Oil Depots Committee (27/4/39)
329 Admiralty Requirements of 100,000 Tons of Fuel Oil (16/5/39)
330 Third Report of the Oil Depots Committee (24/5/39)
331 The Vulnerability from Air Attack of Oil Installations at Ports in India: Note by the Joint Secretary (24/5/39)
332 Aviation Fuel - Production at Billingham in an Emergency: Note by the Joint Secretary (13/7/39)
333 East and West African Dependencies - Petrol Supplies in an Emergency: Note by the Joint Secretary (31/5/39)
334 Air Raid precautions at Inland Bulk or Distribution Depots and Filling Stations: Note by the Joint Secretary (14/6/39)
335 Provision of Funds for Purchase of British and Foreign Tankers: Note by the Joint Secretary (30/6/39)
336 Proposals for Securing Adequate Supplies of 100-Octane Fuel to Meet War Requirements: Copy of a Letter from the Air Ministry to the President of the Board (6/7/39)
337 Passive Defence Measures for Oil Installations: Note by the Joint Secretary (13/7/39)
338 Reserves of Aircraft Lubricating Oil: Note by the Joint Secretary (13/7/39)
339 Provision of Protected Storage for Aviation Fuel Reserves for the Fleet Air Arm and Motor Torpedo Boat Flotillas: Memorandum by the Admiralty (22/7/39)
340 East and West African Dependencies - Supplies of Petroleum Products in an Emergency: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department on matters raised in OB 333 (-/7/39)
341 Aviation Spirit - Sources of Supply in an Emergency: Joint Memorandum by the Petroleum Department and the Air Ministry
342 Motor Spirit Rationing Scheme (-/7/39)
343 Proposals for Storage of Additional Reserve of Aviation Fuel in the United Kingdom: Memorandum by the Air Ministry (25/7/39)
344 Production Capacity for Aviation Fuel: Memorandum by the Air Ministry (27/7/39)
345 Oil Storage in the Thames Estuary: Note by the Joint Secretary (28/8/39)
346 Oil Reserves in Egypt - War Office Stocks of MT Spirit: Note by the Joint Secretary (18/8/39)
CAB 50/9 - Oil Fuel Board Sub-Committee: Oil Requirements in War (November 1925)
OB (SC) 1 Minutes of Meeting held in the Admiralty (3/11/25)
[NB - This Sub-Committee met to consider Paper OB 4; no further meetings held or memoranda issued]
CAB 50/9 - Oil Fuel Board Sub-Committee: Supplies, Sources and
Tanker Tonnage in relation to Empire Oil Requirements in War
(11 May 1928-20 March 1929)
OB 27 Report of the Oil Board Sub-Committee 1928 (20/3/29)
OB (SC) 1 Composition and Terms of Reference (nd)
OB (SC) 2 Minutes of First Meeting held in the Admiralty (11/5/28)
OB (SC) 3 Schedule of Estimated Requirements of Petroleum and Liquid Products in a Far Eastern War (1927)
OB (SC) 4 Particulars of Exports of Crude Oil and Refined Products from Producing Countries (1926)
OB (SC) 5 Proposed Pipeline from Iraq to Haifa (28/6/28)
OB (SC) 6 Capabilities of the Persian Field and Anglo-Persian Refineries (16/11/28)
OB (SC) 7 Minutes of the Second Meeting held at the Admiralty (27/11/28)
OB (SC) 8 Commercial Stocks in the United Kingdom on 31st December, 1927: Memorandum by the Petroleum Department (10/12/28)
OB (SC) 9 The Position under Existing Treaties: Memorandum by the Board of Trade (13/12/28)
OB (SC) 10 Minutes of the Third meeting held at the Admiralty (17/12/28)
OB (SC) 11 No copy available
OB (SC) 12 Minutes of the Fourth Meeting - No copy available
CAB 50/10 - Second Term of Reference of the Oil Board - Control of Oil Supplies and of Tanker Tonnage in War (4 October 1929)
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