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Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series Three: CAB 128 & CAB 129 - Cabinet Conclusions & Cabinet Memoranda, 1945 and following

Part 6: The Wilson Government, January 1969 - May 1970

Brief Chronology



Cabinet discusses Barbara Castle’s draft White Paper, In Place of Strife, on Industrial Relations. Immigration Appeals Bill given its second reading.


Bank rate raised to 8 per cent.


Cabinet still divided over Barbara Castle’s proposals on Industrial Relations. Marsh, Callaghan, Mellish and Hart speak out against the proposals.


Budget further increases the burden of taxation. Mellish appointed Chief Whip. Callaghan continues to oppose Wilson over Industrial Relations.


General Council of the TUC publishes its own Programme for Action opposing proposed legislation on Industrial Relations.


Wilson confirms that he is prepared to drop parts of legislation which the TUC found controversial. Face-saving formula announced whereby member unions would observe the TUC’s own guidelines on regulating unofficial strikes.


Clashes between Protestants and Catholics in Londonderry followed by riots in Belfast. British army sends troops to quell rioting.


Treasury announces that Britain’s balance of payments had moved back into surplus during the first half of 1969. This was followed by a huge rise in exports in July and August further boosting the trade figures.


Anthony Crosland placed in charge of transport and housing policy with the title of Secretary for Local Government and Regional Planning. This was to have been the prelude to the reorganisation of local and regional government following recommendations of the English and Scottish Royal Commissions.


Two day foreign affairs debate on Vietnam and on Nigeria and the Biafra war. Abolition of the death penalty becomes a permanent measure. The Hague Summit Conference of the Six votes in favour of enlarging and strengthening the European Community. The opens up the possibility for Britain to apply for membership.



Economic situation continues to improve with a £39 million trade surplus for the month.


Roy Jenkins introduces a careful and restrained budget avoiding charges of electioneering. Labour fares moderately well in the Greater London Council elections.


Labour makes further gains in the local elections. Wilson decides to dissolve Parliament and hold a General Election.


Conservatives win General Election on 18 June.



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