Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series Three: CAB 128 & CAB 129 - Cabinet Conclusions & Cabinet Memoranda, 1945 and following
Part 6: The Wilson Government, January 1969 - May 1970
Detailed Listing
CAB 128/44 - Cabinet Conclusions January - December 1969
(Meetings 1 - 61):
CC (69) 1 3 January 1969
Industrial Affairs: A Policy for Industrial Relations: Draft White Paper
Commonwealth Immigration: UK Passport Holders in Kenya and Uganda
Race Relations: United Nations Convention on Racial Discrimination
CC (69) 2 8 January 1969
Industrial Affairs: A Policy for Industrial Relations: Draft White Paper
CC (69) 3 14 January 1969
Industrial Affairs: A Policy for Industrial Relations: Draft White Paper
Industrial Affairs: A Policy for Industrial Relations: Legislative Timetable
CC (69) 4 16 January 1969
Overseas Affairs: Vietnam, Middle East
The Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Meeting
Industrial Affairs: Commission on Industrial Relations
Decimal Currency: The Change Over: Draft White Paper
CC (69) 5 23 January 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Matrimonial Property Act, Northern Ireland
Overseas Affairs: Vietnam, Middle East, Nuclear Energy: Civil Applications: Gas Centrifuge Development and Collaboration
Industrial Affairs: Inter-Union Dispute with the British Steel Corporation
Price and Incomes: Pay of Doctors and Dentists and of Teachers
Reorganisation of the Ports: Draft White Paper
CC (69) 6 30 January 1969
Report of the Parliamentary Committee: Commonwealth Immigration, Northern Ireland, Specialist Select Committees
Parliament: Private Members Bills
Overseas Affairs: Vietnam, Iraq
Overseas Affairs: Pay of Overseas Telegraph Operators in the Post Office
Prices and Incomes: Comparability in Public Sector Pay
Statement on the Defence Estimates 1969: Draft White Paper
CC (69) 7 6 February 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Overseas Affairs: Vietnam, Middle East, Iraq, Nigeria, Immigration Control Europe
Agricultural Policy: Farm Price Review, 1969
CC (69) 8 11 February 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Parliament (No 2) Bill
Public Expenditure: White Paper on Public Expenditure in 1968-69, 1969-70 and 1970-71
Overseas Affairs: Ministerial Meeting of the Western European Union in Luxembourg, Germany, Vietnam
Industrial Affairs Inter-Union Dispute with the British Steel Corporation, Teachers Salaries, Unrest at the London Docks
Agricultural Policy: Farm Price Review
CC (69) 9 20 February 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Report on the Parliamentary Committee: Parliament (No 2) Bill, Forthcoming Debates on White Papers, Future Business
Overseas Affairs: India, Pakistan, Middle East, General de Gaulle’s Proposals for Anglo-French Discussions: European Co-operation in the Western European Union, Prime Minister’s Visit to Bonn
Industrial Affairs: Inter Union Dispute with the British Steel Corporation, Wage Negotiations in the Motor Industry
CC (69) 10 27 February 1969
Cabinet: Security of Ministerial Discussion
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Parliament (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Vietnam, General de Gaulle’s Proposals for Anglo-French Discussions: European Co-operation in the Western European Union, Visit of the President of the United States
Industrial Affairs: Wage Negotiations in the Motor Industry, Inter Union Dispute with the British Steel Corporation
Economic Situation: Bank Rate
Space Policy: Black Arrow
CC (69) 11 6 March 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Defence: White Paper, Future Business, Parliament (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Visit to Europe of the President of the United States, Germany, Anguilla, Nigeria
Industrial Affairs: Wage Negotiations in the Motor Industry
Agricultural Policy: Farm Price Review
CC (69) 12 12 March 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Farm Price Review, Parliament (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Action Committee for a United States of Europe, Middle East, Rhodesia, Anguilla
Industrial Affairs: Wage Negotiations in the Motor Industry
Overseas Policy: Nigeria
Parliament: Declaration of Interests by Members of Parliament and the Registration of Agents for Overseas Interests
Cabinet: Release of Official Information
Transport Policy: Highway Strategy: Draft Green Paper
CC (69) 13 20 March 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Parliament (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Anguilla
Industrial Affairs: Wage Negotiations in the Motor Industry
Prices and Incomes Policy: NBPI Report on Top Salaries
Aircraft Industry: Concorde
CC (69) 14 25 March 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Alleged Disclosure of Budget Information, Voluntary Euthanasia Bill, Divorce Bill, Select Committee on Overseas Aid, Declaration of Interest by Members of Parliament and the Registration of Agents for Overseas Interests
Overseas Affairs: Nigeria, Anguilla
Ely Hospital, Cardiff: Report of Committee of Inquiry
Aircraft Industry: Concorde, European 250 Seater Aircraft
CC (69) 15 3 April 1969
Political Situation
Prices and Incomes Policy: NBPI Report on Top Salaries
Parliamentary Affairs: Alleged Disclosure of Budget Information, Parliament (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Anguilla, Middle East, Pakistan, Ghana, Niger, Vietnam
Prime Minister’s visit to Nigeria and Ethiopia
CC (69) 16 14 April 1969
The Budget
Land: Modifications in Betterment Levy
CC (69) 17 14 April 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
CC (69) 18 16 April 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Parliament (No 2) Bill
CC (69) 19 24 April 1969
Regional Policy: The Hunt Report on Intermediate Areas
Parliamentary Affairs: Betterment Levy, Industrial Relations Bill
Northern Ireland
Overseas Affairs: Anguilla, Middle East, North Korean, Mr Gerald Brooke
Legislative Programme, 1969-1970
CC (69) 20 1 May 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Select Committees, Insurance (Employers Liability) Bill, Northern Ireland, Industrial Relations Bill
Overseas Affairs: France and Europe, Rhodesia, Greece and the Council of Europe, Greece: Sale of Nuclear Power Station, Mr Gerald Brooke, North Korea
Commonwealth Immigration: Compulsory Entry Certificates for Settlement
Malta: Financial Assistance
Select Committee on Nationalised Industries: Report on Ministerial Control of the Nationalised Industries
CC (69) 21 7 May 1969
Overseas Affairs: Greece and the Council of Europe, Mr Gerald Brooke
Northern Ireland
Parliamentary Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
CC (69) 22 8 May 1969
The Government and the Parliamentary Labour Party
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Industrial Disputes, House of Commons Papers
Cabinet: Joint Meeting of the Cabinet and the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party
Legislation: Leasehold Reform
Cabinet: The Release of Official Information
Aircraft Industry: The European Project for a Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
CC (69) 23 15 May 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Future Control of Rent Increases, International Monetary Fund, Parliamentary Sittings
Overseas Affairs: Anguilla, Vietnam, Malaysia, Iran: Negotiations between the Shah and the Western Oil Consortium
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
Legislation: Divorce Reform Bill
Social Services: Uprating of Social Security Benefits
Legislation: The Permanent Abolition of Capital Punishment for Murder
CC (69) 24 22 May 1969 (10.30 a.m.)
Parliamentary Affairs: Business after the Recess, Industrial Disputes: Strike at Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Warehouse
Northern Ireland: Meeting with the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland
Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd
Overseas Affairs: Rhodesia, Anguilla, Europe, Malaysia and Singapore
Industrial Relations: Industrial Relations Bill, Discussions with Representatives of the TUC
International Monetary Fund
Legislation: The Permanent Abolition of Capital Punishment for Murder
CC (69) 25 22 May 1969 (4.00 p.m.)
Social Services: Uprating of Social Security Benefits
Prices and Incomes Policy: Central Pay Increases for the Non-Industrial Civil Services
CC (69) 26 9 June 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: National Insurance (No 2) Bill, Industrial Disputes: Strike at Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Warehouse
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
Overseas Affairs: Western European Union, Gibraltar [See end of reel for withheld Gibraltar discussion], Centrifuge Collaboration
Parliament: Report of the Royal Commission on Local Government in England
CC (69) 27 12 June 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Divorce Reform Bill
Overseas Affairs: Rhodesia, Gibraltar, Centrifuge Collaboration, Arms Sales in the Middle East
Prices and Incomes Policy: Service Pay
Parliament: Review of Parliamentary Constituencies
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
Export Statistics
CC (69) 28 17 June 1969
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Limited
CC (69) 29 18 June 1969
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Limited
Overseas Affairs: Soviet-Chinese Relations, Conference of Communist Parties, The French Presidential Election, Mr Gerald Brook
CC (69) 30 26 June 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Government Information, Appointment of Chief Information Adviser
Overseas Affairs: Mr Gerald Brooke, Nigeria, Gibraltar
CC (69) 31 3 July 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Review of Parliamentary Constituencies, Divorce Reform Bill, Shipbuilding Investment Grants
Public Expenditure
Overseas Affairs: Nigeria
CC (69) 32 10 July 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Principles of National Health Service Charges, House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Italy, Kenya: Assassination of Mr Tom Mboya, Mr Gerald Brooke, Nigeria, France: Contacts with the New French Government, Bermuda
Overseas Representation
Prices and Incomes Policy: Pay of the Higher Civil Service
Public Expenditure: Distribution of Reductions in 1970-1971
Advice from the Advisory Group on Transplantation Problems
Land Tenure in Scotland: A Plan for Reform
CC (69) 33 16 July 1969
Overseas Affairs: Action Committee for a United States of Europe, Mr Anthony Grey, Bermuda, Greece
Lancashire Textile Industry
Social Services: Implementation of the Report of the Committee on Local Authority Personal and Allied Services
CC (69) 34 17 July 1969
1)Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill, Broadcasting
2) Public Expenditure, 1970-1971: Defence Budget, Overseas Aid and other Overseas Services, Roads and Public Lighting and Transport, Technological Services, Other Assistance to Employment and Industry, Research Councils etc., Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Housing and Local Environment Services, Law and Order, Education and Local Libraries, Health and Welfare, Common Services and Miscellaneous Services
3) Social Services: Principles of National Health Service Charges
CC (69) 35 22 July 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill
Overseas Affairs: Europe, Mr Gerald Brooke, Anguilla
Parliament: Services and Facilities for Members of the House of Commons
Extension of the Ombudsman Principle
Prices and Incomes Policy: Future Policy
Social Services: Social Insurance Benefit: Draft White Paper
Aircraft Industry: Concorde Test Routes
CC (69) 36 24 July 1969
The Government’s Record
Questions of Procedure for Ministers: Policy in Response to Academic Enquiries
Parliamentary Affairs: House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill
Nationalised Industries: Investment Review, Air Corporations and British Airports Authority, Transport Services, Gas, Electricity, Post Office
CC (69) 37 24 July 1969
Racial Discrimination and Government Contracts
Public Expenditure 1970-1971
CC (69) 38 29 July 1969
Public Expenditure 1970-1971
CC (69) 39 30 July 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Divorce Reform Bill, Permanent Abolition of Capital Punishment for Murder, Legislative Programme 1969-1970
Overseas Affairs: Anguilla, Europe, Nigeria, Mr Gerald Brooke, Middle East
Industrial Disputes: Post Office Engineering Union Pay Claim, Pay Negotiations in the London Docks
Public Records: Timing and Method of Release of Records of the 1939-1945 War
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 40 30 July 1969
Prices and Incomes Policy: Future Control of Local Authority Rent Increases
CC (69) 41 19 August 1969
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 42 4 September 1969
Overseas Affairs: Libya, Czechoslovakia, Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
Northern Ireland
Equal Pay
Industrial Affairs: National Newspaper Price Increases
CC (69) 43 11 September 1969
Ministerial Visits Overseas
Overseas Affairs: Libya, Middle East, Nigeria, Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
Economic Situation: Balance of Payments
Social Services: Arrangements for Partial Contracting out of the Earnings-Related Pension Scheme
CC (69) 44 16 September 1969
Northern Ireland
National Superannuation: Arrangements for Partial Contracting out of the Earnings-Related Pension Scheme
Public Expenditure 1971-1972
CC (69) 45 25 September 1969
Future Business
Parliamentary Affairs
Legislation: Permanent Abolition of Capital Punishment for Murder
Overseas Affairs: Canadian Force Reductions, United Nations Meeting of the General Assembly, Middle East, Europe, Strategic Arms Limitation talks, Northern Ireland
Industrial Policy
Equal Pay
Public Sector Purchasing
Parliament (No 7) Bill
CC (69) 46 7 October 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Changes in Organisation of the Government, Future Business, House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill
Industrial Affairs: London Dustmen’s Strike
Legislation: Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965
Northern Ireland
Report of the Royal Commission on Local Government in Scotland
Local Government Reorganisation in Wales
The Queen’s Speech on the Prorogation of Parliament
CC (69) 47 9 October 1969
1)Overseas Affairs: Gibraltar, Federal Republic of Germany, Middle East, Mr Anthony Grey
2)Defence and Overseas Policy: Supply of Wasp Helicopters to South Africa
3)Industrial Affairs: London Dustmen’s Strike
4)Industrial Policy: Industrial Policy, Industrial Relations Bill
5) National Superannuation: Arrangements for Contracting out of the Earnings Related Pension Scheme Legislative Programme 1969-1970
6) Overseas Aid
CC (69) 48 14 October 1969
Parliament: House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill
Northern Ireland
Industrial Affairs: Dustmen’s Strike
The Queen’s Speech on the Opening of Parliament
CC (69) 49 16 October 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Overseas Affairs: British Subjects Detained in China, Turkey, West Berlin
Public Expenditure, 1971-1972: Public Expenditure, Overseas Aid, Fuel Policy and Assistance for Coal Industry
Prices and Incomes: Control of Local Authority and Private Rents
National Superannuation: Draft White Paper
CC (69) 50 21 October 1969
Commercial Policy
CC (69) 51 23 October 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Strike at HMSO, Future Business, House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) (No 2) Bill, Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965, National Superannuation, Cyclamates, Rabies
Overseas Affairs: Federal Republic of Germany, Somalia, Middle East, The Lebanon, Chile, Nigeria
Industrial Affairs
Local Government Reorganisation in Wales: Reorganisation of Secondary Schools
CC (69) 52 30 October 1969
Prince of Wales’ Birthday
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Overseas Affairs: Middle East, Israeli Elections, Libya, Australian Elections, British Subjects in China, Nigeria, Visit to London of the South African Minister of Foreign Affairs
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations Bill
Firemen’s Strike
CC (69) 53 6 November 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Labour Troubles at HMSO, White Papers on Civil Aviation and the Prison Service, Relations between the Government and the Labour Party
Overseas Affairs: Vietnam, Nigeria, Meeting of Warsaw Pact Powers, Europe
New Defence Force for Northern Ireland
CC (69) 54 13 November 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Broadcasting the Proceedings of the House of Commons, Industrial Action at HMSO
Services and Facilities for Members of Parliament
CC (69) 55 20 November 1969
1)Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Overseas Aid, Police Bill, Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965
2)Overseas Affairs: The Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Operations of the British Petroleum Company in the United States, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Centrifuge Collaboration, Visit to Germany by the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, Nigeria
3) Industrial Affairs: Pay Negotiations in the London Docks, Teachers’ Pay in England and Wales
4) Prices and Incomes Policy: Draft White Paper: Low Paid Workers
5) Contributions under the New Pensions Scheme
6) Abuse of Social Security
7) Services and Facilities for Members of Parliament
CC (69) 56 25 November 1969
Police Bill: Mutual Aid and the Special Powers Act
Public Expenditure: Draft White Paper
Overseas Aid
CC (69) 57 27 November 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, London Docks, Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965, Beer Prices, The Government’s Record
Public Expenditure: Draft White Paper
Productivity, Prices and Incomes Policy: Draft White Paper
CC (69) 58 4 December 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Foreign Affairs, Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965, Rabies
Overseas Affairs: Europe, Greece: Membership of the Council of Europe, Greece: Extradition of Mr Christos Kotronis
Industrial Affairs: London Docks, Teachers’ Pay in England and Wales
CC (69) 59 8 December 1969
Productivity, Prices and Incomes Policy: Draft White Paper
Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965
CC (69) 60 11 December 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Legislative Programme 1969-1970
Commission for Industry and Manpower: Draft Consultative Document
Overseas Affairs: East-West Relations: Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels 4-5 December, European Economic Community, Ghana, Dahomey, Gibraltar, Greece: Membership of the Council of Europe
Aircraft Industry: Concorde
Local Government Reorganisation in England
CC (69) 61 18 December 1969
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Industrial Action at HMSO
Overseas Affairs: European Economic Community, Libya, Centrifuge Collaboration, Nigeria
The Geneva Protocol and the Use of Riot Control Agents in War
Industrial Affairs: Coal Prices, Pay of School Teachers in England and Wales, Unofficial Action in the Electricity Supply Industry, NBPI Report on London Fares, London Docks
Industrial Research and Development Corporation: Draft Green Paper
Future of British Air Services Limited
Beagle Aircraft Limited
Economic Affairs
Formerly retained minute:
CC (69) 26 9 June 1969
Overseas Affairs: Gibraltar
CAB 128/46 - Cabinet Conclusions June 1966 - February 1970
(Most Confidential Records):
A limited number of items released on 1 January 2000 are included here:
CC (68) 21 15 March 1968
The International Monetary Situation
CC (68) 22 18 March 1968
The International Monetary Situation
CC (68) 47 22 November 1968
The International Monetary Situation
CC (68) 48 26 November 1968
The International Monetary Situation
CC (69) 15 3 April 1969
1) The Political Situation
CC (69) 22 8 May 1969
The Government and the Parliamentary Labour Party
CC (69) 41 19 August 1969
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 42 4 September 1969
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 43 11 September 1969
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 44 16 September 1969
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 46 7 October 1969
Northern Ireland
CC (69) 48 14 October 1969
Northern Ireland
Much sensitive material contained in these Most Confidential Records remains closed to research. The files have not yet been released.
CAB 129/140 - Cabinet Memoranda January - March 1969
(Papers 1-25)
C (69) 1 Industrial Relations: Legislative Timetable: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 2 A Policy for Industrial Relations: Draft White Paper: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 3 Industrial Relations: The Conciliation Pause: Memorandum by the Paymaster-General
C (69) 4 A Policy for Industrial Relations: TUC Views: Note by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 5 Decimal Currency: The Change Over: Draft White Paper: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 6 A Policy for Industrial Relations: Draft White Paper: Note by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 7 Industrial Relations: Draft White Paper - The Conciliation Pause Proposals: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services and the Paymaster-General
C (69) 8 The Pay of Doctors and Dentists and of Teachers: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 9 Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers - Final Communiqué: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 10 Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers - Speeches on Behalf of her Majesty’s Government: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 11 Commission on Industrial Relations - Terms of Reference Note by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 12 The Reorganisation of the Ports - Draft White Paper: Memorandum by the Minister of Transport
C (69) 13 Pay of School Teachers: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Education and Science
C (69) 14 Statement on the Defence Estimates, 1969: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (69) 15 Pay of Overseas Telegraph Operators in the Post Office: Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 16 Farm Price Review 1969: Memorandum by the Minister without Portfolio
C (69) 17 Agricultural Policy: Farm Price Review 1969: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 18 Agricultural Policy: Farm Price Review 1969: Memorandum by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
C (69) 19 Public Expenditure 1968-1969, 1969-1970 and 1970-1971: White Paper: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 20 Black Arrow: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 21 The Release of Official Information: Memorandum by the Prime Minister
C (69) 22 Agriculture Policy: Farm Price Review 1969: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
C (69) 23 Green Paper on Highway Strategy: Memorandum by the Minister of Transport
C (69) 24 Overseas Policy: Nigeria: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 25 Influence of Overseas Agencies on Parliament: Memorandum by the Prime Minister
CAB 129/141 - Cabinet Memoranda March - May 1969
(Papers 26-50):
C (69) 26 Registration of Propagandists for Foreign Interests: Memorandum by the Paymaster-General
C (69) 27 Concorde: Memorandum by the Minister of Technology
C (69) 28 European 250-Seater Aircraft: Memorandum by the Minister of Technology
C (69) 29 Concorde: Legal Position: Memorandum by the Attorney-General
C (69) 30 Aircraft Industry: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 31 The European Project for a Multi-Role Combat Aircraft: Note by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (69) 32 Annual Farm Price Review, 1969: Memorandum by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
C (69) 33 NBPI Report on Top Salaries: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 34 Influence of Overseas Agencies on Parliament: Note by the Prime Minister
C (69) 35 Legislative Programme 1969-1970: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 36 Industrial Relations: Note by the Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 37 Parliament (No 2) Bill: Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (69) 38 The Hunt Report: Note by the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
C (69) 39 The Hunt Report: Parliamentary Statement: Note by the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
C (69) 40 The Hunt Committee Report: Investment Grants: Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 41 Reply to the Report of the Select Committee on Nationalised Industries on “Ministerial Control of the Nationalised Industries”: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 42 Commonwealth Immigration: Compulsory Entry Certificates for Settlement: Note by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 43 The Release of Official Information: Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 44 Rhodesia: Exchanges with the Regime: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 45 Northern Ireland: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 46 Rhodesia: Exchanges with the Regime: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 47 Leasehold Reform: Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (69) 48 The Permanent Abolition of Capital Punishment for Murder: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department and Secretary of State for Scotland
C (69) 49 Rhodesia: Exchanges with the Regime: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland
C (69) 50 Uprating of Social Security Benefits: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
CAB 129/142 - Cabinet Memoranda May - July 1969
(Papers 51-75):
C (69) 51 Divorce Reform Bill: Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (69) 52 Greece and the Council of Europe: Note by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 53 Northern Ireland: Information on Political and Social Questions: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 54 Industrial Relations: Note by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 55 Increases in National Insurance Contributions: Note by the Secretary of State for Social Security
C (69) 56 Iranian Oil: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 57 Uprating of Social Security Benefits Implications for Public Service Superannuation Schemed: Note by the Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 58 Central Pay Increase for Non-Industrial Civil Service: Note by the Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 59 Industrial Relations Bill: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 60 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies: Note by the Secretary of State for the Home Department and Secretary of State for Scotland
C (69) 61 Rhodesia: Note by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 62 Industrial Relations: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 63 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 64 Service Pay: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 65 Pay of the Higher Civil Service: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 66 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland
C (69) 67 Industrial Relations Bill: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 68 Dispute at Leyland Motors Limited: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 69 Industrial Relations Bill - Reintroduction of Unilateral Arbitration: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 70 Industrial Relations: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 71 Industrial Relations: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 72 Public Expenditure: Distribution of Reductions in 1970-1971: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 73 The Report of the Duncan Review Committee on Overseas Representation: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 74 Reform of Land Tenure in Scotland: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland
C (69) 75 Advice from the Advisory Group on Transplantation Problems: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services, the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Secretary of State for Wales
CAB 129/143 - Cabinet Memoranda July 1969 (Papers 76-100)
C (69) 76 Public Expenditure: Law and Order Programme: Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (69) 77 Import Saving: Note by the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
C (69) 78 Pay of the Higher Civil Service: Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 79 The Lancashire Textile Industry: Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 80 Nationalised Industries Investment Review 1969: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 81 Implementation of the Report of the Committee on Local Authority Personal and Allied Services: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (69) 82 Public Expenditure 1970-1971: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 83 Charges in the National Health Service: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (69) 84 National Health Service Charges: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 85 Extension of the Ombudsman Principle: Note by the Prime Minister
C (69) 86 White Paper on Social Insurance Benefits: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (69) 87 Concorde Test Routes: Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (69) 88 Services and Facilities for Members of Parliament: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 89 Resources for Transfer to New Civil Research and Development: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 90 The Land Commission’s Expenditure on Land Acquisitions: Note by the Chief Secretary, Treasury
C (69) 91 National Film Finance Corporation: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
C (69) 92 Commercial Supersonic Flying and Airport Noise of Concorde: Note by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 93 Concorde Test Routes: Note by the Attorney-General
C (69) 94 Racial Discrimination and Government Contracts: Memorandum by the Attorney-General
C (69) 95 National Consultancy Grants Scheme: Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 96 Nationalised Industries Investment Review: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 97 Public Expenditure: Report on Discussions of 1970-1971: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 98 Racial Discrimination and Government Contracts: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 99 BBC Radio Finance: Memorandum by the Postmaster-General
C (69) 100 The Future Control of Local Authority Rent Increases: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
CAB 129/144 - Cabinet Memoranda July - October 1969
(Papers 101-125):
C (69) 101 Broadcasting: Note by the Postmaster-General
C (69) 102 The Timing and Method of Release of the Records of the 1939-1945 War: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 103 Broadcasting: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 104 Public Expenditure 1970-1971: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 105 Passenger Service Charges at UK Airports: Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 106 Housing Prospects: Memorandum by the Minister for Planning and Land, Ministry of Housing and Local Government
C (69) 107 Northern Ireland: Memorandum by the Minister of Defence for Administration
C (69) 108 Northern Ireland: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 109 Pay of Grades Represented by the Post Office Engineering Union: Memorandum by the Postmaster-General
C (69) 110 Effects of Industrial Action by Post Office Engineering Union: Memorandum by the Postmaster-General
C (69) 111 Post Office Engineering Union Pay Claim: Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (69) 112 Northern Ireland: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 113 Equal Pay: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 114 Northern Ireland: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 115 National Newspapers Price Increases: Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 116 Arrangements for Partial Contracting out of the New Earnings-Related Pension Scheme: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (69) 117 Public Expenditure, 1971-1972 to 1973-1974: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 118 Public Expenditure, 1971-1972: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 119 Northern Ireland: Note by the Home Secretary
C (69) 120 Equal Pay: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 121 Parliament (No 7) Bill: Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (69) 122 Industrial Commission: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 123 Industrial Policy: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 124 Supply of Wasp Helicopters to South Africa: Note by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 125 Local Government Reorganisation in Wales - Implications for England: Memorandum by the Minister of Housing and Local Government
CAB 129/145 - Cabinet Memoranda October - November 1969
(Papers 126-154):
C (69) 126 The Queen’s Speech on the Prorogation of Parliament: Note by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 127 Report of the Royal Commission on Local Government in Scotland: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland
C (69) 128 Local Government Reorganisation in Wales: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Wales
C (69) 129 Continuance of the Murder (Abolition of the Death Penalty) Act, 1965: Memorandum by the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General
C (69) 130 1969 Report of the Public Expenditure Survey Committee: Memorandum by the Minister for Overseas Development
C (69) 131 Northern Ireland: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 132 Legislative Programme: Session 1969-1970: Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 133 Industrial Policy: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 134 Changes in the Organisation of the Government: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 135 Industrial Policy: An Industrial Relations Bill: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 136 The Queen’s Speech on the Opening of Parliament: Note by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 137 Fuel Policy and Assistance for the Coal Industry: Memorandum by the Minister of Technology
C (69) 138 The Queen’s Speech on the Opening of Parliament: Note by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 139 Northern Ireland: Note by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 140 Terms for Partial Contracting out of the National Superannuation Scheme: Draft White Paper: Note by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (69) 141 Public Expenditure 1971-72: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 142 Overseas Expenditure: Note by the Minister of Overseas Development
C (69) 143 The Queen’s Speech on the Opening of Parliament: Note by the Lord President of the Council
C (69) 144 The Queen’s Speech on the Prorogation of Parliament: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 145 Reorganisation of Secondary Schools: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Education and Science
C (69) 146 The Queen’s Speech on the Opening of Parliament: Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (69) 147 Report of the Royal Commission on Assizes and the Quarter Sessions (The Beeching Report): Memorandum by the Prime Minister
C (69) 148 Industrial Relations Bill: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 149 Civil Aviation Policy: Note by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 150 New Defence Force for Northern Ireland: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (69) 151 “People in Prison”: White Paper on the Work of the Prison Service in England and Wales Note by the Home Secretary
C (69) 152 Contributions under the New Pensions Scheme: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (69) 153 Abuse of Social Security: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services and the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 154 Policy for Productivity, Prices and Incomes: Draft White Paper Low Paid Workers: Note by the First
Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
CAB 129/146 - Cabinet Memoranda November - December 1969
(Papers 155-170):
C (69) 155 Public Expenditure White Paper: Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 156 The Police Bill: Mutual Aid and the Special Powers Act: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (69) 157 The Police Bill: Mutual Aid and the Special Powers Act: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (69) 158 Policy for Productivity, Prices and Incomes: Draft White Paper: Note by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 159 White Paper on Public Expenditure: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 160 Nigeria: Relief: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (69) 161 Public Expenditure White Paper: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 162 Public Expenditure 1968-1969 to 1973-1974 White Paper: Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
C (69) 163 Concorde: Memorandum by the Minister of Technology
C (69) 164 Concorde: Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (69) 165 White Paper on Productivity, Prices and Incomes Policy after 1969: Note by the First Secretary of State an Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 166 Local Government Reorganisation in England: Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning
C (69) 167 Commission for Industry and Manpower: Draft Consultative Document: Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (69) 168 The Geneva Protocol and the use of Riot Control Agents in War: Note by the Prime Minister
C (69) 169 Industrial Research and Development Corporation: Draft Green Paper: Note by the Minister of Technology
C (69) 170 Nigeria: Relief for Biafra: Note by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
CAB 128/45 - Cabinet Conclusions January - May 1970
CC Series (Meetings 1-24)
CC (70) 1 13 January 1970
Overseas Affairs: Nigeria and Meeting of Western European Union
Industrial Affairs: Gas Industry Manual Workers’ Pay
Cabinet: Security of Discussion
Pay of School Teachers in England and Wales
Civil Service Non-Industrial Manpower, 1970-1971
Economic Situation
Local Government Reorganisation: Outstanding Issues, Local Government Taxation and Financial Relationships with Central Government, Allowances and Salaries for Members, Aldermen, Electoral Issues and Additional Metropolitan Areas
Implementation of the Report of the Committee on Local Authority and Allied Personal Social Services
CC (70) 2 15 January 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business and Industrial Action at HMSO
London Transport Fares
Commission for Industry and Manpower: Outcome of the Informal Consultations with the CBI, Top Salaries in the Public Sector, Procedures of the CIM, Treatment of Overseas Assets, Local Authority Rents and Conclusion
Salaries of the Higher Judiciary
Reorganisation of the National Health Service
CC (70) 3 20 January 1970
Reorganisation of the National Health Service
Pay of School Teachers in England and Wales
Commission for Industry and Manpower
Thames Flood Barrier
CC (70) 4 22 January 1970
Cabinet: Forward Programme of Business
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Overseas Affairs: Nigeria, Nigeria: Colonel Ojukwu
Local Government Reform: Draft White Paper
CC (70) 5 3 February 1970
Social Services: Reorganisation of the National Health Service: Draft Green Paper
United Kingdom Application for Membership of the EEC: Draft White Paper
Industrial Affairs: Post Office: Pay Negotiations and Financial Objective
CC (70) 6 5 February 1970
United Kingdom Application for Members of the EEC: Draft White Paper
Parliamentary Affairs: Prince of Wales, Future Business, The Budget and Private Members Bills
Overseas Affairs: France: Visit of the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lesotho, South Africa, Middle East and Visit of the Prime Minister and the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary to Washington
CC (70) 7 12 February 1970
Parliamentary Affairs
Legislative Programme 1969-1970
Defence: Draft White Paper
Prices and Incomes: Service Pay, Teachers Pay, Nurses Pay and Post Office: Pay Negotiations
Upper Clyde Shipbuilders
CC (70) 8 17 February 1970
Industrial Affairs: Service Pay, Teachers Pay, Nurses Pay and Ford Motor Company: Pay Negotiations
Housing Policy: The London Authorities (Transfer of Housing Estates, etc.) Order, 1970
CC (70) 9 19 February 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Future Legislation and Evidence to the Commission on the Third London Airport
Overseas Affairs: Italy, Lesotho, China and United States: Foreign Policy for the 1970s
Industrial Affairs: Ford Motor Company: Pay Negotiations
Agricultural Policy: Annual Review of the Agricultural Industry, 1970
CC (70) 10 26 February 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Television and Radio Interviews of Ministers
Overseas Affairs: Visit of the Yugoslav Prime Minister, Laos, Acts of Violence against Civil Aircraft, Germany, Return of 6 Brigade and Associated United and Irish Republic
Compensation for Injurious Affliction: Police Pay and Ford’s
Industrial Affairs
Misuse of Drugs Bill
Post Office Finances
CC (70) 11 5 March 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Overseas Affairs: Visit of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Rhodesia, Laos, Guatemala and Italy
Reorganisation of Local Government and the Health Service in Wales
Industrial Affairs: Teachers Pay and National Health Service: Hospital Pharmacists
Commission for Industry and Manpower: Procedure of the CIM, Price Control Powers, The Use of Powers where the Commission’s Findings are not Unanimous, Matters to which the CIM should have Regard, Notification of Pay Settlement, Legal Requirements to Provide Information, Top Salaries Panel and Foreign Takeovers
Monetary Policy: Bank Rate
Non-Industrial Civil Service: Central Pay Claim
CC (70) 12 12 March 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Deer Hunting and Hare Coursing Abolition Bill
Commission for Industry and Manpower Bill
Commercial Policy: Imports of Butters and Cheese from the Irish Republic
Overseas Affairs: China, Rhodesia: Consular Representation, Rhodesia: United Nations, Cyprus, Laos, Cambodia and South Africa
Malta: Agreement on Financial Assistance
Industrial Affairs: Teachers Pay
Agricultural Policy: Farm Price Review, 1970
Prices and Incomes Policy
CC (70) 13 19 March 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business, Whitsun Recess, Ports Bill and Welsh Local Government Reorganisation
Motion for Murder (Life Imprisonment) Bill
Deer Hunting and Hare Coursing Abolition Bill
Civil Aviation Policy: Merger between British Overseas Airways, Corporation and British United Airways
Overseas Affairs: Rhodesia: United Nations, Rhodesia: Consular Representation, Rhodesia: The Chief Justice, Finland, Cambodia, Laos, Cyprus, Soviet Union and Irish Republic
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations at London Airport
Prices and Incomes Policy: Teachers Pay, British Railways Board: Pay Settlement, Salaries of Chairmen and Members of Nationalised Industry Boards and the Higher Civil Service Non-Industrial Civil Service: Central Pay Claim
Structure of the Textile Industry
CC (70) 14 26 March 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business and Welsh Local Government Reorganisation
Overseas Affairs: China, Middle East, Cambodia, Germany and Lesotho
Nigeria: Colonel Ojukwu
European Economic Communities: The Government’s Policy
Industrial Affairs: Industrial Relations at London Airport, Teachers Pay and Bread Prices
Purchase of 10-ton Trucks for the Army
CC (70) 15 9 April 1970
1)Ministerial Publications
2)Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
3) Overseas Affairs: Visit of the Swedish Prime Minister and the Security of Diplomats Overseas and in the United Kingdom
4) Industrial Relations Bill: Disclosure of Information by Management: Application to the Crown, Statutory Right to belong to a Trade Union, The Work Load on Industrial Tribunals and The Commission on Industrial Relations
5) Purchase of 10-ton Trucks for the Army
CC (70) 16 13 April 1970
The Budget
CC (70) 17 16 April 1970
European Economic Communities
Publications by Former Ministers
Enquiry from Students of Government
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Overseas Affairs: Rhodesia, Greece, Commonwealth Immigration: Colonel Ojukwu
Articles on Government Policy
CC (70) 18 23 April 1970
The Public Service, Relations with the Opposition
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business and Whitsun Recess
Overseas Affairs: Trinidad: Black Power Disturbances
Preservation of Occupational Pension Rights: Retrospection
CC (70) 19 30 April 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business and Whitsun Recess
Overseas Affairs: Cambodia, Middle East, Visit by the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary to the Far East, The Caribbean and Malta
Threatened African Boycott of the Commonwealth Games
Closure of Glyncorrwg Colliery
Financial Assistance to Private Industry
Situation of the Shipbuilding Industry
CC (70) 20 5 May 1970
South-East Asia: Cambodia
Situation in the Shipbuilding Industry: Cammell Lairds
CC (70) 21 7 May 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business National Superannuation Bill and Industrial Action
Overseas Affairs: Cambodia, Fiji, Uganda: Mr Brian Lea and the Irish Republic
Threatened African Boycott of Commonwealth Games
Situation in the Shipbuilding Industry: Cammell Lairds
Industrial Affairs
London Transport Fares Increases
Inter-Urban Road Strategy
CC (70) 22 14 May 1970
Parliamentary Affairs: Future Business
Shipbuilding Industry: Vickers Ship-Repairing Yard, Hebburn
Social Services: Supplementary Benefit
Future Legislative Programme
Proposed New Power for the Commission for Industry and Manpower Bill to Control Expenditure on Advertising and Sales Promotion
London Transport Fares
Starting Date for the Earnings-Related Pensions Scheme
CC (70) 23 17 May 1970
Parliament: Dissolution of Parliament
CC (70) 24 28 May 1970
Parliamentary Affairs
Overseas Affairs: East-West Relations: NATO Ministerial Meeting in Rome on 26-27 May, Arabia: Oil Prospecting, Mr Bobby Moore, British Council of the European Movement: Grant-in-Aid
Industrial Affairs: Dockworkers, Granada Television Company, Industrial Civil Service, Civil Service Photoprinters, Museum Warders and BOAC Pilots
Prices and Incomes Policy: Doctors and Dentists Remuneration, Motor Insurance and Repairs
Environmental Pollution: Draft White Paper
Aircraft Industry: Concorde
Social Services: Pensions Increase
CAB 128/46 - Cabinet Conclusions June 1966 - February 1970
(Most Confidential Records):
A large quantity of the material contained in these records has been
categorised as ‘highly sensitive’ and remains closed to research. Much of this closed material relates to the situation in Northern Ireland.
Please see Reel 81 for items released on 1 January 2000.
Included here are the few additional items released on 1 January 2001. They amount to only 6 folios:
Partial Note of a Meeting held on 12 February 1970 with discussion of question of wage settlements.
SEP (67) 8th Meeting, Item 1
Monday 26 June 1967
Economic Outlook to 1972
(SEP (67) 41)
Confidential Annex CC (70) 7th Conclusions, Minute 4, 12 February 1970, regarding wage claims and inflationary pressure.
CAB 129/147 - Cabinet Memoranda January - February 1970
(Papers 1-20)
C (70) 1 Civil Service Non-Industrial Manpower 1970-1971. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (70) 2 Local Government Reorganisation: Outstanding Issues. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning
C (70) 3 Implementation of the Report of the Committee on Local Authority Personal and Allied Services (see Bohm Report). Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (70) 4 Implementation of the Report of the Committee on Local Authority Personal and Allied Services (see Bohm Report). Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning.
C (70) 5 Pay of School Teachers in England and Wales. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Education and Science
C (70) 6 Salaries of the Higher Judiciary. Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (70) 7 Commission for Industry and Manpower. Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (70) 8 Reorganisation of the National Health Service. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (70) 9 Reorganisation of the National Health Service. Memorandum by the Chief Secretary, Treasury
C (70) 10 Reorganisation of the National Health Service. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland
C (70) 11 Local Government in England: Draft White Paper. Note by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning
C (70) 12 Commission for Industry and Manpower. Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (70) 13 Local Government Reform: Draft White Paper. Note by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning
C (70) 14 Local Government Reform: Draft White Paper. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (70) 15 Reorganisation of the National Health Service. Note by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (70) 16 Statement on the Defence Estimates, 1970. Note by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (70) 17 United Kingdom Application for Membership of the EEC: Draft White Paper. Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (70) 18 Reorganisation of the National Health Service: Draft Green Paper. Note by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (70) 19 United Kingdom Application for Membership of the EEC: Draft White Paper. Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (70) 20 Post Office Finances. Memorandum by the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications
CAB 129/148 Cabinet Memoranda February - March 1970
(Papers 21-40)
C (70) 21 The London Authorities (Transfer of Housing Estates, etc.) Order, 1970. Memorandum by the Minister of Housing and Local Government
C (70) 22 Legislative Programme 1969-1970. Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (70) 23 Pay of School Teachers in England and Wales. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Education and Science
C (70) 24 Upper Clyde Shipbuilders. Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (70) 25 Report by the National Board for Prices and Incomes on Service Pay. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (70) 26 Report by the National Board for Prices and Incomes on Service Pay. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Defence
C (70) 27 Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Limited. Memorandum by the Paymaster General
C (70) 28 Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Limited. Memorandum by the Attorney-General
C (70) 29 Nurses Pay. Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (70) 30 Annual Review of the Agricultural Industry, 1970. Note by the Minister without Portfolio
C (70) 31 Future Legislation. Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (70) 32 The Reorganisation of the Health Service in Wales. Note by the Secretary of State for Wales
C (70) 33 Proposed Improvements in Land Compensation: Inclusion of a Scheme Dealing with Injurious Affliction. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning
C (70) 34 Misuse of Drugs Bill. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (70) 35 Local Government Reorganisation in Wales and Monmouthshire: Draft White Paper. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Wales
C (70) 36 Report of the National Libraries Committee. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Education and Science
C (70) 37 Salaries of the Higher Judiciary. Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor
C (70) 38 Commission for Industry and Manpower. Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (70) 39 Non-Industrial Civil Service: Central Pay Claim. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (70) 40 Pay of the Higher Civil Service. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
CAB 129/149 - Cabinet Memoranda March - May 1970
(Papers 41-68)
C (70) 41 Salaries of Chairmen and Members of Nationalised Industry Boards. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (70) 42 Rabies. Memorandum by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
C (70) 43 Malta: Agreement on Financial Assistance. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and the Secretary of State for Defence
C (70) 44 Annual Farm Price Review, 1970. Note by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
C (70) 45 Structure of the Textile Industry. Memorandum by the Paymaster General
C (70) 46 Motion for Murder (Life Imprisonment) Bill. Note by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (70) 47 Purchase of Ten-Ton Trucks for the Army. Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (70) 48 Industrial Relations Bill. Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (70) 49 Industrial Relations Bill. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (70) 50 Commonwealth Immigration: Colonel Ojukwu. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
C (70) 51 Lesotho. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C (70) 52 Preservation of Occupational Pension Rights: Retrospection. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (70) 53 Financial Assistance to Private Industry. Note by the Minister of Technology
C (70) 54 Situation in the Shipbuilding Industry. Memorandum by the Paymaster-General
C (70) 55 Financial Assistance to Private Industry: Code of Conduct. Memorandum by the Chief Secretary, Treasury
C (70) 56 Closure of Glyncorrwg Colliery. Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (70) 57 Proposed New Power for the Commission for Industry and Manpower Bill to Control Expenditure on Advertising and Sales Promotion. Memorandum by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity
C (70) 58 Inter Urban Road Strategy. Memorandum by the Minister of Transport
C (70) 59 London Transport Fares. Memorandum by the Minister of Transport
C (70) 60 Starting Date for the Earnings-Related Pensions Scheme. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Social Services
C (70) 61 Future Legislative Programme. Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council
C (70) 62 Proposed New Power for the Commission for Industry and Manpower Bill to Control Expenditure on Advertising and Sales Promotion. Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade
C (70) 63 London Transport Fares. Memorandum by the Minister of Transport
C (70) 64 Election Business Committee. Note by the Secretary of the Cabinet
C (70) 65 Aircraft Industry: Concorde. Note by the Minister of Technology
C (70) 66 Pensions Increase: A New System. Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
C (70) 67 The Protection of the Environment: The Fight Against Pollution. Note by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning
C (70) 68 The Queen’s Speech on the Prorogation of Parliament. Memorandum by the Lord President of the Council