Complete classes from the CAB and PREM series in the Public Record Office, London
Series One: PREM 3: Papers concerning Defence and Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers.
Part 4: PREM 3/170-198 (Subject files cover Finland, Fleet Air Arm, France, Germany - Air Force, Germany - Army, Germany - Fleet, and Germany)
Part 4 is dominated by Churchill’s subject files on France and Germany.
There are also important papers on the Fleet Air Arm (including its role during Operation Overlord - the invasion of Normandy), on the Meetings of Foreign Secretaries in Moscow and on Post-War Planning.
The material on France is wide ranging and includes all the following topics:
Military operations prior to the French capitulation in 1940; Relations with the French Committee of National Liberation; Discussions with General Giraud and General Charles de Gaulle; the future of the French Fleet; the future of the French Colonies; reports on the
Vichy Government; the Free French fighting forces and their participation in the liberation of Western Europe.
As might be expected the material on Germany is extensive; it covers:
the German Air Force (see PREM 3/189); the German Army (see PREM 3/190);
the German Fleet (see PREM 3/191) including papers on the battleship Tirpitz and the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau; Plans to undermine German morale; Surveys on the internal political situation in Germany; the Occupation of Germany; Zones of Occupation; Allied Control Machinery; the appointment of Sir William Strang as Political Adviser (see PREM 3/194); Reparations; Submarines/ U-boats (see PREM 3/196) and Surrender (including “Crossword” files on surrender negotiations; see PREM 3/197-198).
PREM 3/170/1 - FINLAND: Declaration of war against Finland, Roumania and Hungary, September-December 1941
PREM 3/170/2 - FINLAND: Finnish-Soviet peace proposal, March-May 1943
PREM 3/170/3 - FINLAND: Armistice, February-September 1944
PREM 3/170/4 - FINLAND: Various, July 1941-December 1943
PREM 3/171/1 - FLEET AIR ARM: Release by Canada of Catalinas, September 1941
PREM 3/171/2 - FLEET AIR ARM: Proposal to transfer Coastal Command to HM Admiralty, November-December 1940 and March 1942
PREM 3/171/3 - FLEET AIR ARM: Supply of modern fighter and torpedo aircraft, September 1941-April 1942
PREM 3/171/4 - FLEET AIR ARM: Supply of Grumman military aircraft, October 1940-May 1942
PREM 3/171/5 - FLEET AIR ARM: Supply of fighters, May-September 1942
PREM 3/171/6 - FLEET AIR ARM: Supply of Barracudas, March 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/171/7 - FLEET AIR ARM: Summaries of naval air operations, April-October 1943
PREM 3/171/8 - FLEET AIR ARM: Use of Fleet Air Arm for Overlord operation (invasion of Normandy), January-February 1944
PREM 3/171/9 - FLEET AIR ARM: Supply of aircraft, March-June 1943
PREM 3/171/10 - FLEET AIR ARM: Various, May 1940-June 1945
PREM 3/172/1 - FOREIGN SECRETARIES’: Meeting in Moscow: Arrangements, July-September 1943
PREM 3/172/2 - FOREIGN SECRETARIES’: Meeting in Moscow: Notes and agenda, October 1943
PREM 3/172/3 - FOREIGN SECRETARIES’: Meeting in Moscow: Memorandum and results, October-November 1943
PREM 3/172/4 - FOREIGN SECRETARIES’: Meeting in Moscow: Records of proceedings [missing from the original], November 1943
PREM 3/172/5 - FOREIGN SECRETARIES’: Meeting in Moscow: Various, October-November 1943
PREM 3/173/1 - FRANCE: ALLIANCES: France-Soviet Treaty, November 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/173/2 - FRANCE: ALLIANCES: Anglo-French Declaration of 28 March 1940, March-June 1945
PREM 3/173/3 - FRANCE: ALLIANCES: Proposed Anglo-French Treaty, April-May 1945
PREM 3/174/1 - FRANCE: ARMISTICE: German armistice terms, June 1940
PREM 3/174/2 - FRANCE: ARMISTICE: Broadcast by General de Gaulle, June 1940
PREM 3/174/3 - FRANCE: ARMISTICE: French warships in North Africa, June 1940
PREM 3/174/4 - FRANCE: ARMISTICE: Various, June 1940
PREM 3/175 - FRANCE: BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE: evacuation of, May-August 1940
PREM 3/176 - FRANCE: Franco-British Union, June 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/177/1 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Attitude of Canadian Government on administration of French territory, April 1944
PREM 3/177/2 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: French currency, January-July 1944
PREM 3/177/3 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Policy in respect of administration of Liberated France, January-June 1944
PREM 3/177/4 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Policy in respect of administration of Liberated France, June-August 1944
PREM 3/177/5 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Arrangements to be made in French Continental Territory Liberated by the Allied Forces under the Supreme Allied Commander, August 1944
PREM 3/177/6 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Policy in respect of administration of Liberated France, October 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/177/7 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Recognition of French Provisional Government, October 1944
PREM 3/177/8 - FRANCE: CIVIL AFFAIRS: Various, March-September 1944
FRANCE (continued):
PREM 3/178/1 - FRENCH COLONIES: Martinique, May 1941-March 1943
PREM 3/178/2 - FRENCH COLONIES: Future of Indo-China, November 1943-March 1945
PREM 3/178/3 - FRENCH COLONIES: Operations in Indo-China, September 1944-June 1945
PREM 3/178/4 - FRENCH COLONIES: Operations in Cameroons, August 1940
PREM 3/178/5 - FRENCH COLONIES: Various, June-December 1940
PREM 3/178/6 - FRENCH COLONIES: Various, June 1941-March 1943
PREM 3/179/1 - FRENCH FLEET: Operations at Oran, June-July 1940
PREM 3/179/2 - FRENCH FLEET: Dunkerque, April-May 1941
PREM 3/179/3 - FRENCH FLEET: Desertions from French squadron at Alexandria, March 1943
PREM 3/179/4 - FRENCH FLEET: Situation of French Fleet, June-July 1940
PREM 3/179/5 - FRENCH FLEET: French squadron at Alexandria, October 1942-April 1943
PREM 3/179/6 - FRENCH FLEET: French squadron at Alexandria, May 1943
PREM 3/179/7 - FRENCH FLEET: Various, August 1940-December 1944
PREM 3/180/1 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Pay, allowances and pensions, June-November 1940
PREM 3/180/2 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Organisation and employment, August 1943-March 1944
PREM 3/180/3 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Arms for Paris Police, November 1944
PREM 3/180/4 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Rearmament of French forces, November 1944-May 1945
PREM 3/180/5 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Re-building of Air Force, January-July 1945
PREM 3/180/6 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: French production of Mosquitoes, May-June 1945
PREM 3/180/7 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Participation against Japan, October 1943-April 1945
PREM 3/180/8 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Participation in Western Europe, July-December 1942
PREM 3/180/9 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Use of Le Clerc Division, March-May 1944
PREM 3/180/10 - FRANCE: FIGHTING FORCES: Various, June 1940-December 1944
PREM 3/181/1 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): General Giraud’s visit to USA, June-July 1943
PREM 3/181/2 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Recognition of Committee, June-August 1943
PREM 3/181/3 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Canadian recognition of Committee, August 1943
PREM 3/181/4 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): ‘The Road to Recognition’ - Report by Resident Minister Algiers, August-October 1943
PREM 3/181/5 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Composition of Committee, November 1943
PREM 3/181/6 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Recognition formulae, August 1943
PREM 3/181/7 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Reconstruction of Committee, June 1943
PREM 3/181/8 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): United States policy towards France, July 1943
PREM 3/181/9 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Recognition of Committee, August-September 1943
PREM 3/181/10 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Prime Minister’s conversation with General de Gaulle, January-February 1944
PREM 3/181/11 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (I): Various, June 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/182/1 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Position of General Giraud, March-May 1944
PREM 3/182/2 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Recognition of Committee as Provisional Government, May-July 1944
PREM 3/182/3 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Arrest of M Boisson, Peyrouton, Flandin and Admiral Derrien, December 1943-October 1944
PREM 3/182/4 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Recognition of Committee as Provisional Government, July-October 1944
PREM 3/182/5 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): M Flandin, December 1944-April 1945
PREM 3/182/6 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Report by Resident Minister Algiers, January 1944
PREM 3/182/7 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Service Missions to Committee, January-May 1944
PREM 3/182/8 - FRANCE: Relations with French Committee of National Liberation (II): Various, January 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/183 - FRANCE: Material lost in and evacuated from France, June-July 1940
PREM 3/184/1 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): M Chautemps, October 1940
PREM 3/184/2 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): General Odic, February 1942
PREM 3/184/3 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Retained by Department under Section 3 (4), January 1941-March 1942
PREM 3/184/4 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): German occupation of unoccupied France, October-November 1942
PREM 3/184/5 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Closed for 50 years., December 1942-May 1943
PREM 3/184/6 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Treasury payments to Resistance movements, June-July 1943
PREM 3/184/7 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): M Herriot, April-September 1943
PREM 3/184/8 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Memorandum on Present Position of France and its Probable Development by M Flandin, March-September 1943
PREM 3/184/9 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (I): Various, November 1940-November 1943
PREM 3/185/1 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): Supplies to and use of Maquis, January-July 1944
PREM 3/185/2 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): French participation in settlement of German affairs, February 1945
PREM 3/185/3 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): General de Gaulle’s refusal to meet President Roosevelt at Algiers, February 1945
PREM 3/185/4 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): French participation in conferences, November 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/185/5 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): Professor Rougier - contacts and alleged secret agreement with Vichy Government, October-December 1940 and July 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/185/6 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): Report by Squadron-Leader Griffiths on escape from France, September 1943-March 1944
PREM 3/185/7 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): Messages to M Herriot, Reynaud, Daladier and Blum, May-June 1945
PREM 3/185/8 - FRANCE: MISCELLANEOUS (II): Various, December 1943-July 1945
PREM 3/186A/1 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNMENT: Naval aspect, October 1940
PREM 3/186A/2 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNMENT: Peace terms, October 1940
PREM 3/186A/3 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNM ENT: Relations with Vichy, November 1940
PREM 3/186A/4 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNMENT: Letters from M Reynaud to Marshal Ptain, May-November 1941
PREM 3/186A/5 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNMENT: Communications with General Weygand and Marshall Ptain, July 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/186A/6 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNMENT: Closed for 75 years., April 1942
PREM 3/186A/7 - FRANCE: Relations with VICHY GOVERNMENT: Various, May 1940-November 1942
PREM 3/186B - FRANCE: Relations between VICHY GOVERNMENT and the Dominions, May 1941-June 1942
PREM 3/187 - FRANCE: Relations between VICHY GOVERNMENT and the USA, February 1941-July 1942
PREM 3/188/1 - FRANCE: WESTERN FRONT: Operations: French requests for air support, May-June 1940
PREM 3/188/2 - FRANCE: Action in event of French military collapse, May-June 1940
PREM 3/188/3 - FRANCE: Secret cypher telegrams, May-June 1940
PREM 3/188/4 - FRANCE: M Monnet, chairman of Anglo-French Co-ordinating Committee, May-June 1940
PREM 3/188/5 - FRANCE: Despatches on operations of British Expeditionary Force, September 1939-June 1940
PREM 3/188/6 - FRANCE: Various, May 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/189/1 - GERMAN AIR FORCE: Reports on countermeasures to new German air weapons and acoustic torpedo, October 1943-February 1945
PREM 3/189/2 - GERMAN AIR FORCE: Mr Justice Singleton’s enquiry into comparative strengths of RAF and German Air Force, June-October 1941
PREM 3/189/3 - GERMAN AIR FORCE: CID Air Defence Research Committee papers, [1937]
PREM 3/189/4 - GERMAN AIR FORCE: Various, May 1940-November 1944
PREM 3/190/1 - GERMAN ARMY: War Office intelligence summaries, July 1940-December 1941
PREM 3/190/2 - GERMAN ARMY: German tanks captured in North Africa, April 1941-July 1942
PREM 3/190/3 - GERMAN ARMY: Various, September 1941-June 1945
GERMANY (continued):
PREM 3/191/1 - GERMAN FLEET: Tirpitz, October 1940-November 1944
PREM 3/191/2A - GERMAN FLEET: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, March 1941-January 1944
PREM 3/191/2B - GERMAN FLEET: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau: damage seen at Kiel, 1942
PREM 3/191/3 - GERMAN FLEET: Various, August 1940-July 1945
PREM 3/192/1 - GERMANY: Economic control, September 1944
PREM 3/192/2 - GERMANY: Dismemberment, October 1942-May 1945
PREM 3/192/3 - GERMANY: Various, September 1944-April 1945
PREM 3/193/1 - GERMANY: GENERAL: Proposed broadcast to Germany, May-June 1944
PREM 3/193/2 - GERMANY: GENERAL: Plans to undermine German morale, January 1945
PREM 3/193/3 - GERMANY: GENERAL: Operation MATCHBOX on broadcasting, January-February 1945
PREM 3/193/4 - GERMANY: GENERAL: Capture of Von Papen, April 1945
PREM 3/193/5 - GERMANY: GENERAL: Unconditional surrender, November 1943-April 1944
PREM 3/193/6A - GERMANY: GENERAL: Various, mainly German morale, May 1940-May 1945
PREM 3/193/6B - GENERAL: Internal political situation in Germany, 1945
PREM 3/194/1 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Zones of occupation in Austria, January-February 1945
PREM 3/194/2 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Zones of occupation and control machinery in Germany, January 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/194/3 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Control machinery and appointment of Sir William Strang as Political Adviser, November 1944-May 1945
PREM 3/194/4 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Declaration on defeat of Germany and withdrawal of Anglo-American forces to agreed zones of occupation, May-June 1945
PREM 3/194/5 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Participation of France, May-June 1945
PREM 3/194/6 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Non-fraternization, June-July 1945
PREM 3/194/7 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Zones in Austria and Vienna, April-July 1945
PREM 3/194/8 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: French sector in Berlin, July 1945
PREM 3/194/9 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Procedure for withdrawal to zones of occupation, April-May 1945
PREM 3/194/10 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Order for withdrawal to zones of occupation, June 1945
PREM 3/194/11 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Agreement on zones of occupation, December 1943-June 1945
PREM 3/194/12 - GERMANY: OCCUPATION: Various, August 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/195/1 - GERMANY: Post-Defeat Directives: US draft directive to Supreme Commander, September-November 1944
PREM 3/195/2 - GERMANY: Post-Defeat Directives: British draft directives for Allied Commanders-in-Chief, September-November 1944
PREM 3/195A/1 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: Allied Reparation Commission, February 1945
PREM 3/195A/2 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: British Reparations Committee and appointment of British representative to Allied Reparation Commission, March-May 1945
PREM 3/195A/3 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: British Reparations Committee and appointment of British representative to Allied Reparation Commission, March-May 1945
PREM 3/195A/4 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: Report of Reparations Committee and distinction between reparations and booty, June 1945
PREM 3/195A/5 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: Report of Reparations Committee and distinction between reparations and booty, June 1945
PREM 3/195A/6 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: Allocation of reparations, June-July 1945
PREM 3/195A/7 - GERMANY: REPARATIONS: Various, July 1945
PREM 3/196/1 - GERMANY: SUBMARINES: Graph operation (Capture of U-Boat), August 1941-February 1942
PREM 3/196/2 - GERMANY: SUBMARINES: Various, July 1940-May 1945
PREM 3/197/1 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Peace feelers, December 1943-December 1944
PREM 3/197/2 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Unconditional surrender, January 1943-April 1944
PREM 3/197/3 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Terms of surrender, December 1943-December 1944
PREM 3/197/4 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Arrest of Admiral Doenitz, May 1945
PREM 3/197/5 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Disposal of war material, May-July 1945
PREM 3/197/6 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Surrender offer by Himmler through Sweden, April-May 1945
PREM 3/197/7 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Signature, announcement and implementation of surrender, May 1945
PREM 3/197/8 - GERMANY: SURRENDER: Various, March 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/198/1 - GERMANY: SURRENDER-CROSSWORD: (including negotiations for surrender in Italy) Printed Telegrams [Missing from the original], March-April 1945
PREM 3/198/2 - GERMANY: SURRENDER-CROSSWORD: German approach at meetings in Switzerland, February-April 1945
PREM 3/198/3 - GERMANY: SURRENDER-CROSSWORD: Arrangement and announcement of surrender, April-May 1945
PREM 3/198/4 - GERMANY: SURRENDER-CROSSWORD: Congratulations [Missing from the original], May 1945
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