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Complete classes from the CAB and PREM series in the Public Record Office, London
Series One: PREM 3: Papers concerning Defence and Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers.

Part 8: PREM 3/326-358 Subject files cover Netherlands East Indies, Norway, Occupied Countries, Offensive Operations, Oil, Operations in Europe, Overlord, Palestine and Poland



This part of the microfilm project starts with the Netherlands East Indies (details on the War in the Pacific); Northern Ireland (defence of); Norway (operations such as Narvik, Grofter, and Claymore, the latter concerning the Lofoten islands, and the Armament of Norwegian forces from December 1944 onwards, as well as updates on German naval units such as the Tirpitz and Scharnhorst (see also under Germany: Navy) and U-boats using bases on the Norwegian coast); Occupied Countries (British military administration); Octagon (the Quebec Four Power Conferences); Offensive Operations (including reconnaissance raids on the French coast and the administration of Combined Operations, especially the Appointment of Sir Roger Keyes as Director of Combined Operations, his replacement by Admiral Mountbatten, then Laycock and finally by General Bourne; Oil (Oil supplies from America, Lend-Lease, Anglo-American discussions, denying the enemy oil and Admiralty oil losses in the Far East).

Operations in Europe (referred to as “Operations on Continent”), especially Telegrams exchanged with Stalin about a proposed second front, June 1942 - March 1943; discussions with Hopkins and General Marshall, discussions with President Roosevelt and with Stalin, “Rankin” (SOE planning in the event of a German withdrawal from Occupied Europe, Allied strategic planning in advance of the D-Day landings, Operation Starkey (a cross channel feint) and a large number of flies on Overlord (the invasion of Normandy) form a dominant element of this part.

There is a wealth of detail on Overlord (operational planning, preparations, D-Day landings, special equipment, command structure, and the follow up to D-Day). There are files on the Normandy battles, the Falaise Pocket, the Ardennes and the South of France.

Palestine is briefly covered.

There are over 70 files on Poland ranging from Polish-Soviet relations, the evacuation of Polish forces from France in 1940, General Sikorski, Polish aircrew, the formation of a Polish Armoured Division, supplies for Warsaw, the Warsaw Rising, the Katyn Wood massacres, the Oder-Neisse Line through to the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences.

REEL 115
PREM 3/326 - Netherlands East Indies, February 1941-October 1944
PREM 3/327/1A - NORTHERN IRELAND: Conscription, May 1941-May 1943
PREM 3/327/1B - NORTHERN IRELAND: Conscription: US and Republic of Ireland’s views, 1943
PREM 3/327/2 - NORTHERN IRELAND: Defence, December 1940-Jan 1942
PREM 3/328/1 - NORWAY: Narvik: Civil Lord’s report, April 1940-May 1940
PREM 3/328/2 - NORWAY: Narvik: Operations due south, May 1940
PREM 3/328/2 - NORWAY: Narvik: daily reports on air strengths and defences, May 1940
PREM 3/328/4 - NORWAY: Narvik: telegrams, May 1940-June 1940
PREM 3/328/5 - NORWAY: Operations in northern Norway, May-June 1940, March 1941-May 1941
PREM 3/328/6 - NORWAY: Miscellaneous, June 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/328/7 - NORWAY: Operation CLAYMORE: Lofoten Islands, January 1941-March 1941
PREM 3/328/8 - NORWAY: Operation Grofter: Norwegian participation with Russia in liberation of Norway, October 1944-November 1944
PREM 3/328/9 - NORWAY: Armament of Norwegian forces, December 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/328/10 - NORWAY: Narvik: various, April 1940-July 1940
PREM 3/328/11A - NORWAY: Various, December 1940-July 1945
PREM 3/328/11B - NORWAY: Norwegian military attaché in Stockholm, 1941
PREM 3/328A/1 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: British Military Administration, February 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/328A/2 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: British Military Administration, February 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/328A/3 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: Enquiry into administration arrangements, June 1943
PREM 3/328A/4 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: Employment of MP’s in AMGOT, August 1943-October 1943
PREM 3/328A/5 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: Employment of MP’s in AMGOT, August 1943-October 1943
PREM 3/328A/6 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: Proposed tripartite declaration, September 1943
PREM 3/328A/7 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: British Military Administration of Occupied Territories in Africa 1941-43, January 1945
PREM 3/328A/8 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: Operation of AMGOT in Sicily, August 1943-September 1943
PREM 3/328A/9 - OCCUPIED TERRITORIES MILITARY GOVERNMENT: Reports on Sicily and refugees and political prisoners in French north Africa, September 1943

REEL 116
PREM 3/329/1 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Agenda, August 1944-September 1944
PREM 3/329/2 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Messages to Marshal Stalin and General Chiang Kai-Shek, September 1944
PREM 3/329/3 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Report of Combined Chiefs of Staff, September 1944
PREM 3/329/4 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Record of Proceedings (printed), October 1944
PREM 3/329/5 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Notes for PM’s speech, September 1944
PREM 3/329/6 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Meeting with Canadian Cabinet War Committee, September 1944
PREM 3/329/7 - OCTAGON (QUEBEC) conference: Various, September 1944

REEL 117
PREM 3/330/1 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Appointment of Sir Roger Keyes as Director of Combined Operations, July 1940
PREM 3/330/2 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Resignation of Sir Roger Keyes and appointment of Adm. Mountbatten as Chief of Combined Operations, September 1941-April 1942
PREM 3/330/3 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Combined Operations General Orders (Printed), September 1942
PREM 3/330/4 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Appointment of Brigadier Laycock as Chief of Combined Operations, September 1943-October 1943
PREM 3/330/5 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Appointment of General. Bourne as Director of Combined Operations, June 1940-July 1940
PREM 3/330/6 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Directive to Director of Combined Operations, February 1941-March 1941
PREM 3/330/7 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Correspondence with Sir Roger Keyes, September 1940-September 1941
PREM 3/330/8 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Reconnaissance raids on French coast, November 1943-May 1944
PREM 3/330/9 - OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS (ie Combined Operations): Various, June 1940-December 1944

REEL 118
PREM 3/331/1 - OIL (I): Oil and tanker returns, May 1942-February 1944
PREM 3/331/2 - OIL (I): Ninth: Report by Lord Hankey’s Committee on Preventing Oil from Reaching Enemy Powers (printed), December 1941
PREM 3/331/3 - OIL (I): German Oil Position, December 1942-May 1943
PREM 3/331/4 - OIL (I): Axis Oil Position, November 1943-December 1943
PREM 3/331/5 - OIL (I): Oil imports, November 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/331/6 - OIL (I): Protection of oil storage tanks, October 1940-June 1941
PREM 3/331/7 - OIL (I): Admiralty oil loss in Far East, May 1942
PREM 3/331/8 - OIL (I): Oil supplies from America, December 1942-January 1943
PREM 3/331/9 - OIL (I): Various, April 1942-September 1943
PREM 3/332/1 - OIL (II): Oil Position on Axis Europe (printed), May 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/332/2 - OIL (II): 100 octane fuel, November 1941-August 1944
PREM 3/332/3 - OIL (II): Pluto (pipeline to continent), August 1944-March 1945
PREM 3/332/4 - OIL (II): Oil stocks in UK and north west Europe, January 1945-March 1945
PREM 3/332/5 - OIL (II): Lend-Lease oil, June 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/332/6 - OIL (II): Anglo-American discussions and Joint Oil commissions, December 1943-November 1944
PREM 3/332/7 - OIL (II): Various, March 1944-July 1945

REEL 119
PREM 3/333/1 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Sledgehammer operation (establishment of bridgehead on Continent in event of crack in German morale), August 1942
PREM 3/333/2 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Round-up operation (major assault on Continent), June 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/333/3 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Telegrams exchanged with Marshal Stalin, January 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/333/4 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Amphibious operations from UK, April 1943-May 1943
PREM 3/333/5 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Telegrams exchanged with Marshal Stalin, May 1943-July 1943
PREM 3/333/6 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Meeting with Mr. Hopkins and General Marshall, April 1942
PREM 3/333/7 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Bolero operation (reception of US forces in UK), May 1942
PREM 3/333/8 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Meetings with M Molotov, May 1942-June 1942
PREM 3/333/9 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Meeting with General Marshall and Adm King, July 1942
PREM 3/333/10 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Command of Torch (NW Africa) and Round-up of operations, July 1942-August 1942
PREM 3/333/11 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Telegram exchanged with President and Marshal Stalin, September 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/333/12 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Plans for operations, March 1943-April 1943
PREM 3/333/13 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Organization, April 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/333/14 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Rankin operation (action in event of German withdrawal in NW Europe), August 1943
PREM 3/333/15 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Strategic Concept for Defeat of Axis in Europe, 1943-44 August 1943
PREM 3/333/16 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Directive to Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander, February 1943-August 1943
PREM 3/333/17 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Starkey operation (cross-Channel feint), August 1943-September 1943
PREM 3/333/18 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Rankin operation, January 1944
PREM 3/333/19 - OPERATIONS on Continent: Various, March 1942-April 1944

REEL 120
PREM 3/334/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Air Policy: Reports on reactions to Allied bombing offensive on western seaboard of Europe, April 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/334/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Air Policy: Policy of attacking railway targets, October 1943-May 1944
PREM 3/334/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Air Policy: Exchange of telegrams with President on bombing policy and French casualties, May 1944
PREM 3/334/4 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Air Policy: Various, May 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/335 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Air Policy: Casualties, June 1944-May 1945

REEL 121
PREM 3/336/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Appointment of General Eisenhower as Supreme Allied
Commander and other appointments, August 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/336/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Army & Corps Commanders, January 1944
PREM 3/336/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Directive to Supreme Allied Commander, October 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/336/4 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Future of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary
Force, and Allied Force Headquarters, May 1945
PREM 3/336/5 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Air Command, November 1943-Ocotober 1944
PREM 3/336/6 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Proposed appointment of F M Alexander as Deputy Supreme Commander, January 1945-January 1946
PREM 3/336/7 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Commands: Various, January 1944-July 1945
PREM 3/337/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Committee on preparations: Establishment of committee, January 1944
PREM 3/337/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Committee on preparations: Inland transport, January 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/337/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), committee on preparations: Various, February 1944
PREM 3/338 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Maps
PREM 3/339/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: General Montgomery’s notes for army commanders and senior officers before Overlord, March 1944-July 1944
PREM 3/339/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Special equipment, January 1944-Apr 1944
PREM 3/339/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: President’s proposed statement to German people, May 1944
PREM 3/339/4 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Broadcast by HM the King, May 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/339/5 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Broadcast by General Eisenhower, May 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/339/6 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Proposed statement by General De Gaulle, May 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/339/7 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: General De Gaulle’s visit to France, June 1944
PREM 3/339/8 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: HM the King’s (codename General Chester) visits to Overlord area (Normandy) France, and front line at Eindhoven, Netherlands: Operation Partridge: security arrangements, June 1944-October 1944
PREM 3/339/9 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Decoration for General Bradley, January 1945
PREM 3/339/10 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Publicity for British troops in First Canadian Army, February 1945-March 1945
PREM 3/339/11 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: PM’s visit to Overlord, June 1944-March 1945
PREM 3/339/12 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: British political advisers at Supreme Headquarters, May 1945
PREM 3/339/13 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Miscellaneous: Various, February 1944- April 1945
PREM 3/340 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Naval: January 1944-September 1944

REEL 122
PREM 3/341/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Build-up, May 1944-July 1944
PREM 3/341/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Command arrangements, overall plan, and meeting of PM, General Eisenhower, ACM Tedder, and Chiefs of Staff, November 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/341/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Overall plan for future operations, December 1944-February 1945
PREM 3/341/4 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): F M Montgomery’s reports, with maps, March 1945-May 1945
PREM 3/341/5 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Liaison with Russians and plan for future operations, March 1945-April 1945
PREM 3/341/6 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Battle of Falaise pocket, July 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/341/7 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Correspondence with the Archduke Otto, March 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/341/8 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Various, June 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/341/9 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Operations (post D-Day): Various, January 1945-May 1945

REEL 123
PREM 3/342/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Overlord/Anvil (South of France), January 1944-April1944
PREM 3/342/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Outlines of plan, July 1943-August 1943
PREM 3/342/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Outlines of plan, July 1943-August 1943
PREM 3/342/4 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Cover plan, November 1943
PREM 3/342/5 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Proportions of British and American troops, November 1943- January 1944
PREM 3/342/6 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Date of Operation, November 1943-January 1944
PREM 3/342/7 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Build-up figures, January 1944
PREM 3/342/8 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Report and Appreciation of Overlord (printed), July 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/342/9 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Periodic Review of Conditions in Europe and Scale of Opposition to Overlord (printed), May 1944
PREM 3/342/10 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Information given to Russians on preparations and date, October 1943-May 1944
PREM 3/342/11 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Plans (pre D-Day): Various, July 1943-June 1944
PREM 3/343 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Ports on Continent – unloading figures, July 1944-April 1945
PREM 3/344/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Relation to Mediterranean: telegrams exchanged with FM Smuts, September 1943-December 1943
PREM 3/344/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Relation to Mediterranean: Various, October 1943-November 1943

REEL 124
PREM 3/345/1 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: General De Gaulle’s visit, and French communications between Algiers and London, February 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/345/2 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Editor of Chicago Tribune, May 1944
PREM 3/345/3 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Continuation of ban on visitors to coastal areas, June 1944
PREM 3/345/4 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Imposition of ban on visitors to coastal areas etc, January 1944-February 1944
PREM 3/345/5 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Press speculation, December 1943-February 1944
PREM 3/345/6 - Retained by department, Section 3 (4), February 1944-March 1944
PREM 3/345/7 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Minutes and reports of committee on Overlord preparations, February 1944-March 1944
PREM 3/345/8 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Captain Liddell Hart, March 1944
PREM 3/345/9 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Fishing restrictions, April 1944
PREM 3/345/10 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Ban on diplomatic communications, April 1944
PREM 3/345/11 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Ban on Chinese diplomatic communications, April 1944-May 1944
PREM 3/345/12 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Duration of security restrictions, May 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/345/13 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Security: Various, March 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/346 - OVERLORD (invasion of Normandy), Telegrams exchanged with Marshal Stalin, May 1944-March 1945
PREM 3/347 - PAC ROCKETS, July 1940-August 1940
PREM 3/348 - PALESTINE, May 1940-June 1940 and March 1944
PREM 3/349 - PAN-AMERICAN AIRWAYS, South Atlantic and trans African ferrying, August 1941-September 1941
PREM 3/350 - PICKET operation (attack on Tirso dam), February 1941

REEL 125
PREM 3/351/1 - POLAND, General (I): Polish forces – evacuation from France, Anglo-Polish military agreement, pay and allowances, June 1940-December 1940
PREM 3/351/2 - POLAND, General (I): Equipment of Polish forces, October 1940-November 1940
PREM 3/351/3 - POLAND, General (I): Restoration of liaison between Polish government and people, September 1940-November 1940
PREM 3/351/4 - POLAND, General (I): Reprisal raids for German atrocities in Poland, December 1942-February 1943
PREM 3/351/5 - POLAND, General (I): Correspondence with General Sikorski on organisation of Polish units, April 1940-June 1940
PREM 3/351/6 - POLAND, General (I): Polish troops interned in Switzerland, December 1940-February 1941
PREM 3/351/7 - POLAND, General (I): Polish officers at Middle East H.Q., March 1941-April 1941
PREM 3/351/8 - POLAND, General (I): Polish-Soviet agreement and Polish forces in Russia, July 1941-September 1941
PREM 3/351/9 - POLAND, General (I): Polish forces in Russia, September 1941-October 1941
PREM 3/351/10 - POLAND, General (I): Formation of Polish armoured division, October 1941-April 1942
PREM 3/351/11 - POLAND, General (I): Memorandum by Gen. Sikorski on Allied strategy, November 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/351/12 - POLAND, General (I): Messages exchanged with Polish government’s delegats in Warsaw, November 1942-December 1942
PREM 3/351/13 - POLAND, General (I): General Sikorski’s speech to Continental Prime Ministers, February 1943
PREM 3/351/14 - POLAND, General (I): Recruitment for Polish armoured division, May 1943-June 1943
PREM 3/351/15 - POLAND, General (I): New Polish government, July 1943
PREM 3/351/16 - POLAND, General (I): Luncheon with Polish President, July 1943
PREM 3/351/17 - POLAND, General (I): Various, September 1940-November 1941
PREM 3/351/18 - POLAND, General (I): Various, January 1942-November 1943

REEL 126
PREM 3/352/1 - POLAND, General (II): Military Supplies Agreement, January 1944-June 1944
PREM 3/352/2 - POLAND, General (II): British Military Mission to Poland, February 1944-August 1944
PREM 3/352/3 - POLAND, General (II): Recognition of Polish Secret Army, August 1944
PREM 3/352/4 - POLAND, General (II): Planned German execution of inmates of concentration camps, September 1944-October 1944
PREM 3/352/5 - POLAND, General (II): 2nd Polish Division, June 1944-March 1945
PREM 3/352/6 - POLAND, General (II): Settlement of Poles in Britain and British Empire, December 1944-March 1945
PREM 3/352/7 - POLAND, General (II): Dissolution of National Council and reorganization of Polish Provisional Government, March 1945-April 1945
PREM 3/352/8 - POLAND, General (II): Secret protocol to Anglo-Polish agreement of 1939, May 1944-April 1945
PREM 3/352/9 - POLAND, General (II): Polish Commander-in-Chief, October 1944-June 1945
PREM 3/352/10 - POLAND, General (II): Polish aircrew training, September 1944-June 1945
PREM 3/352/11 - POLAND, General (II): Supplies for Warsaw etc., September 1944-December 1944
PREM 3/352/12 - POLAND, General (II): Warsaw rising, August 1944-September 1944
PREM 3/352/13 - POLAND, General (II): Future of Polish armed forces, March 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/352/14A - POLAND, General (II): Various, 1944-1945
PREM 3/352/14B - POLAND, General (II): Withdrawal of special facilities for exiled Polish government, 1944-1945
PREM 3/353 - POLAND, Massacre of Poles in Katyn Wood, June 1943-May 1944

REEL 127
PREM 3/354/1 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Polish forces evacuated from Russia, November 1941-May 1942
PREM 3/354/2 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Gen. Sikorski’s visit to Middle East, January 1943-March 1943
PREM 3/354/3 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Polish-Soviet Relations (printed), May 1943
PREM 3/354/4 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Representation of Polish interests in USSR., May 1943
PREM 3/354/5 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Equipment of Polish troops in Middle East evacuated from Russia, April 1942-February 1943
PREM 3/354/6 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Organization of Polish troops in Middle East evacuated from Russia, and arrest of Polish delegates in Russia, August 1942-September 1942
PREM 3/354/7 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Polish forces evacuated from Russia, July 1942-October 1942
PREM 3/354/8 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Polish-Soviet relations, and diplomatic break, February 1943-May 1943
PREM 3/354/9 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Polish-Soviet relations, May 1943
PREM 3/354/10 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (I): Various, November 1942-October 1943

REEL 128
PREM 3/355/1 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Suggested visit of Polish Prime Minister to Washington, December 1943
PREM 3/355/2 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Communication to Dominions of messages exchanged with Marshal Stalin, February 1944-March 1944
PREM 3/355/3 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Press leakages, March 1944-September 1944
PREM 3/355/4 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet frontier, March 1943-October 1943
PREM 3/355/5 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Proposed reorganization of Polish forces in Middle East, and policy of Polish government towards Russia, November 1943
PREM 3/355/6 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet relations – Teheran conferences, November 1943-December 1943
PREM 3/355/7 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet relations, January 1944
PREM 3/355/8 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet relations, January 1944-February 1944
PREM 3/355/9 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet relations, February 1944-March 1944
PREM 3/355/10 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Morale of Polish troops, March 1944
PREM 3/355/11 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Instructions to Ambassador in Moscow and statement to Parliament, March 1944-May 1944
PREM 3/355/12 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet relations, June 1944-September 1944
PREM 3/355/13 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Discussions and agreement in Moscow etc, October 1944-November 1944
PREM 3/355/14 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Polish-Soviet relations, November 1944-January 1945
PREM 3/355/15 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (II): Various, November 1943-December 1944

REEL 129
PREM 3/356/1 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Polish Provisional Government (printed), January 1945
PREM 3/356/2 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Poland’s Eastern Frontier: History (printed 1944 Feb), February 1945
PREM 3/356/3 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Polish-Soviet relations and future of Poland - Yalta conference, January 1945-February 1945
PREM 3/356/4 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Dominions views on results of Yalta, February 1945
PREM 3/356/5 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Meetings of Poles in Moscow, April 1945
PREM 3/356/6 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Telegrams Mar-May (printed), April 1945-June 1945
PREM 3/356/7 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Arrest of Polish leaders by Russia, March 1945-July 1945
PREM 3/356/8 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Oder-Neisse line, July 1945
PREM 3/356/9 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Implementation of Yalta agreement, February 1945-March 1945
PREM 3/356/10 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Telegrams exchanged with Foreign Secretary and Marshal Stalin, April 1945
PREM 3/356/11 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Correspondence with Australian PM, April 1945-May 1945
PREM 3/356/12 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Telegrams exchanged with Foreign Secretary, President Truman, and
Marshal Stalin, April 1945-May 1945
PREM 3/356/13 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Meeting of Poles in Moscow, June 1945
PREM 3/356/14 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Telegrams from Potsdam conference, July 1945
PREM 3/356/15 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Recognition of Polish provisional government, July 1945
PREM 3/356/16 - POLAND, Polish-Soviet relations (III): Various, January 1945-July 1945

REEL 130
PREM 3/357/1 - POLAND, General Sikorski’s meeting with PM: Material for broadcast to Poland, February 1941-March 1941
PREM 3/357/2 - POLAND, General Sikorski’s meeting with PM: Minutes of meeting etc., February 1941-March 1941
PREM 3/358 - POLAND, General Sikorski’s visits to Middle East, USA, and Canada, January 1941-April 1941

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