Section IV: Africa Missions
Part 26: Africa General, 1935-1949
Contents of Reels
REEL 524
Catalogue of the papers of the Overseas Division, 1935-1949 pp15-23
Africa General, 1935-1949
AF g F 1 Finance: Reductions 1938-1939
Correspondence regarding the Society’s financial position; minutes of the Estimates Committee; notes on economies which could be made in each of the African missions; statistical tables showing estimated and real expenditure of the missions and of the foreign expenditure of CMS General Funds.
AF g F 2 Policy regarding educational realignment 1945-1950
Report of the Educational Realignment Committee, 1947 with associated letters and comments; draft report of the Commission of the Foreign Work of the Society; report of the Conference of Missionaries, 1948; report of the Commission on the Devolution of Work to Africans, 1947.
REEL 525
AF g F 3 Grants-in-aid for educational institutions 1936-1940
Correspondence concerning the inadequacy of grants and the need for further expansion of educational facilities in Nigeria.
AF g F 6 Pensions of lay missionaries 1941-1947
Statistics on missionaries’ Superannuation, Disabled Fund and Retiring Allowances with a list of missionaries.
AF g F 7 Staff salaries 1941-1949
List of staff with salaries.
AF g F 8 Finance general 1939-1942, 1944
A wide variety of correspondence related to finance, including the distribution of the East Africa Famine Relief Fund, missionary pensions and Aided Schools.
REEL 526
AF g F 9/2 Africa Contingencies Fund 1936-1949
Notes on the lack of money in the fund; list of donations received; news on the African Churches Mission in Liverpool.
AF g F 9/5 Walter Jones Fund 1937, 1942, 1946-1949
Details of money granted from the fund.
AF g O 3 Agricultural Missions Incorporated, New York 1934-1950
Correspondence with the Africa Group Secretary, H D Hooper; statement regarding The Laudermilk-Africa Project.
AF g O 4 Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society 1939-1944
Pamphlets and periodicals of the society.
AF g O 6 The Boy’s Brigade in Northern Nigeria 1939-1949
Leaflets explaining the brigade’s work; progress reports; correspondence with the CMS Secretary.
AF g O 7 British Council 1940-1947
Correspondence with the British Council re their teaching in Africa.
AF g O 8 British Council of Churches: Rural Questions Committee 1946, 1948
Minutes of the Rural Question Committee; correspondence regarding the decision to form an Institute of Rural Life.
AF g O 9/2 British and Foreign Bible Society questionnaire on African languages used in the mission areas with responses 1940
AF g O 14/2 Church Assembly Overseas Council:
Anglo-African Committee 1932, 1939-1949
Minutes, correspondence and reports of the Anglo-African Committee; minutes of meetings of the West African Students’ Union (WASU), London; financial reports; notes on the welfare of colonial people in the United Kingdom, 1942; proposal for an African club in London; report on The Welfare of Africans in Europe War Fund.
AF g O 16/1 Conference of British Missionary Societies:
General correspondence 1943-1947
Correspondence concerning the need for Africans to replace Europeans in African education.
AF g O 16/2 Conference of British Missionary Societies:
Africa Committee: correspondence and papers 1940-1949
Minutes of the Africa committee; a short article by H D Hooper on the policy of CMS missions in Africa; lists of training institutions in Africa.
AF g O 16/3 Conference of British Missionary Societies:
Recruiting group papers 1937-1940
Notes on how to recruit new missionaries.
AF g O 16/4 Conference of British Missionary Societies:
Christian Councils in Africa 1943-1947
A description of the workings of Christian Councils in Africa and reports on their progress with a list of members.
REEL 527
AF g O 16/6 Conference of British Missionary Societies:
Papers of the Candidates sub-committee: Proposals for united training at Selly Oak 1939-1942
AF g O 16/7 Conference of British Missionary Societies:
Margaret Wrong Memorial Fund Committee 1947-1949
Reports of the committee; list of money received for the fund; news cuttings re Margaret Wrong’s death and an account of her death and funeral by Rev S Moore; correspondence received after her death.
AF g O 17/1 Colonial Office: General correspondence 1939-1948
Memos re the recruitment of staff for mission schools in Nigeria; correspondence between Rev H D Hooper in London and the Colonial Office; a report by the Colonial Office of the social welfare work carried out by CMS in the colonies.
REEL 528
AF g O 17/2 Colonial Office:
Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies 1932, 1940-1949
Minutes of the Advisory Committee; a proposal concerning the recruitment of missionary educationists; notes on a scheme for the development of African education with statistical tables.
AF g O 18 Foreign Missions Conference of North America 1948-1949
Notes on the making of a film about medical missionaries.
AF g O 22 Hausa Band Council 1935-1939, 1950
Discussion on how to deal with contributions to the Hausa Band (an organisation which raised money for work in Northern Nigeria); minutes of the Hausa Band Council; correspondence between the Council and H D Hooper at headquarters.
REEL 529
AF g O 24 Institute of Rural Life at Home and Overseas 1942-1949
Minutes of the Men Candidates Committee and of the conference of British Missionary societies; a description of the work of the Institute; a statement on agricultural and rural development activities in the Niger diocese; draft estimates for the rural training and demonstration centre; report of the CMS agricultural supervisor of schools; a report by the Colonial Office on the problems of rural welfare in the colonies; an issue of “Christian Farmer”.
REEL 530
AF g O 26/1 International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa
Minutes and papers 1943-1949
Minutes of the committee with details on income, expenditure and budgets; reports on the circulation of the journal “Listen”; reports on conferences.
REEL 531
AF g O 26/2 International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa
General correspondence 1935-1940
Details on visits to schools and hospitals in Africa by the Secretary, Miss Margaret Wrong; minutes of the committee; details on income and expenditure; correspondence with H D Hooper in London.
REEL 532
AF g O 26/2 International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa
General correspondence 1941-1943
Report on the development of African literature; correspondence with H D Hooper; report of a conference on the Swahili Bible; a note on nationalistic feelings held by Africans and on the growing influence of the press; notes on a library system for Nigeria; resolutions of the Anglo-American conference of the Church Assembly Missionary Council; minutes of the International Committee; a report on the future of African broadcasting in Kenya; correspondence regarding the journal “Listen”.
REEL 533
AF g O 26/2 International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa
General correspondence 1944-1949
An issue of “The Daystar” (a new theological quarterly); details of the Margaret Wrong fund; letters from Mrs U H S Snow, the Acting Secretary of the Committee; report on the committee since Miss Wrong’s death and suggestions for her replacement; correspondence with H D Hooper; a report on rural education in Uganda; report of a conference on teaching English to Africans.
REEL 534
AF g O 26/3 International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa
Miscellaneous reports and papers 1929-1938, 1945-1948
Suggestions for the advance in literacy and Christian literature in Africa; reports on the work of the committee; minutes of meetings of the American section of the committee; details on income and expenditure; reports on visits by Miss M Wrong, the Secretary, to Africa and America; reports on the production of vernacular literature and on the mission printing presses.
AF g O 26/4 International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa
Miscellaneous correspondence 1943-1949
Report of a visit to Nigeria by Michael N Davidson.
AF g O 27/2 International Missionary Council: Congo Group 1925, 1940, 1947
Correspondence with H D Hooper; minutes of the Congo missions committee.
AF g O 27/3 International Missionary Council Jackson Davis survey on rural
development and correspondence 1944-1946
Notes of the Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland.
AF g O 27/5 International Missionary Council Theological training sub-committee:
Papers 1948-1949
Memos, letters and reports on the training of African clergy; proposals for an inter-diocesan theological college.
AF g O 28 International Institute of African Languages and cultures 1936-1941,
1943 An article on the work of the institute with other papers.
AF g O 31 League of Coloured Peoples 1939-1940, 1942
An issue of the “Newsletter of the League of Coloured Peoples”, September 1942; leaflet on the history of the league; 9th Annual Report of the league, 1939-1940; letters and reports on “The Colour Bar”; details on income and expenditure of the league.
AF g O 32 League of Nations Union: Mandates, committee minutes and correspondence 1933, 1936, 1942
AF g O 36 Phelps-Stokes Fund:
New York 1942-1943, 1946-1947
AF g O 37 Protestant Episcopal Church of the USA 1941-1943
AF g O 40 South Africa CMS Letters and Papers 1945-1946
AF g O 42 Sudan United Mission Letters and Papers 1949
REEL 535
AF g O 43 Temperance Council of the Christian Churches 1940-1949
Article on drink in Nigeria by Bishop Philips; a history of the Overseas Temperance Council (formerly the Native Races and the Liquor Traffic United Committee); a note on the drinking habits of the Bantu; reports on conferences.
AF g P 1 German missions 1944-1948
Letters and reports regarding the status of the former German missions; report of a visit to Pokomo, 1941 by HJ Butcher.
AF g P 2 German Colonial claims 1938-1939
Letters and minutes of meetings.
AF g P 3 Colonial development and welfare 1940-1945
Newspaper cuttings; letters and reports concerning rural welfare and the control of diseases and trade unionism in the colonies.
REEL 536
AF g P 4 Race Relations: correspondence with East Africa and Rhodesia 1945
Letters from H D Hooper regarding race relations.
AF g R 1 Circumcision schools amongst the Kikuyu 1925, 1930, 1945
A booklet on female circumcision in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan; letters from H D Hooper to the Bishop of Mombasa concerning circumcision; various articles taken from the “East African Standard” and other newspaper cuttings on the subject including one by H R A Philip, a medical missionary, describing the circumcision of a group of girls at Fort Hall.
AF g R 2 Marriage and polygamy:
Memoranda, papers and correspondence 1911, 1930-1949
Memo on new laws by the Kenyan and Nigerian governments regarding the registration of marriages according to native customs; notes by Miss C Matthews (CMS missionary in the Bassa country, Northern Nigeria) regarding the position of women in relation to local marriage customs; memo on the customary law of inheritance; notes on a enquiry into African marriage customs as affected by contact with European civilisation; report on a proposed study of African marriage customs; a memo on polygamy by E Carey Francis, Principal of the Alliance High School, Kenya.
REEL 537
Africa East, 1935-1949
AFE AD 1 East Africa delegation: report of a tour, correspondence and papers 1937-1938
Correspondence with H D Hooper; report of a visit to East Africa, Sudan, Egypt and Palestine, 1937-1938 by H D Hooper with his thoughts on the future of missions in those areas.
AFE AD 2 Report of a visit by J Howard Cook to CMS Hospitals in East Africa 1939
AFE AM 1/1 Regional administration in East Africa and the Sudan
General correspondence 1948-1949
Report of the Select Committee and a report of a visit to Ruanda by C G Grimshaw; notes on expenditure on mission buildings; report of the Estimates Committee; letters from H D Hooper regarding the new General Secretary; reports on a tour of East Africa by C G Grimshaw.
AFE AM 1/2 Regional administration in East Africa and the Sudan
Private correspondence with the Regional Secretary 1945, 1948-1949
Regional Secretary’s details (Colonel G George Grimshaw); minutes of meetings of the General Secretary Select Committee.
REEL 538
AFE AM 2 Educational adviser to missions in East Africa 1931, 1933, 1935-1947,
Minutes of meetings of the Advisory Committee on Christian Education with reports; reports of the Educational Advisers (Mr L B Greaves and Rev J C C Dougall) to Kenya and Uganda with details on schools and teacher training and their expenditure; minutes of meetings of the Standing Educational Committee of the Tanganyika Missionary Council; report of a talk by Mr L B Greaves on the educational policy of missions in relation to the government.
REEL 539
AFE AP 1 Province of East Africa; Regarding policy 1927, 1937-1938, 1943, 1945
Minutes of a conference of East African bishops; report by the General Secretary on a visit to East and Central Africa, 1937 and his investigation into the question of an ecclesiastical province for East Africa; considerations about the proposed formation of a province of East Africa including two or more Anglo Catholic dioceses with a printed pamphlet on the subject.
AFE E 1 Higher Education in East Africa 1937-1941, 1943, 1945
Letters from and to H D Hooper; minutes of a meeting of the Advisory Committee of Christian Education; memo on the position of secondary schools in the Upper Nile Diocese and future policy; details on girls’ secondary education in Uganda; report on higher education in Butere; teacher training in Nyanza; the report of the Makerere Commission; a general report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on higher education in East Africa, 1937; newspaper cuttings.
AFE E 2 European education in East Africa 1939, 1941
Minutes of the Sub-Committee on European education in East Africa with correspondence.
AFE E 4 Memoranda on education in East Africa 1936-1947
Reports of a conference on education in Africa; a statement on educational policy; notes on educational development and secondary education in Uganda; report on the Buloba women’s training college in Buganda; notes on the reorganisation of boys’ schools.
AFE M 1 Regional medical adviser in East Africa 1944-1947
Notes on the joint conference of CMS medical representatives in East Africa; minutes of the Tanganyika Diocesan Council concerning medical matters.
REEL 540
Africa West, 1935-1949
AFW AD 2/2 Correspondence regarding a tour by Dr Violet Grubb to Nigeria and Sierra Leone 1948-1949
Correspondence with H D Hooper.
AFW AM 2 Educational adviser in West Africa 1942-1943, 1945-1947, 1949
Correspondence regarding candidates for the post.
AFW AP 1/1 Province of West Africa Policy: correspondence 1949
Draft constitution of the province with memos from the bishop.
AFW E 1 Higher education in West Africa 1935-1940, 1943-1947
Booklet entitled “Native Authorities and Education” by H S Scott; report of the Inter-University Council for Higher Education in the Colonies; reports on theological education; memo by the Methodist Missionary Society; a statement on education in Nigeria and the need for expansion of facilities; correspondence regarding the future of Fourah Bay College; proposal for a United College for divinity students; minutes of a missionary conference in Yoruba regarding training.
AFW E 2 New West African University theological faculty 1945-1948
Report on the teaching at the university by H C L Heywood and on other theological colleges; memos and correspondence concerning theological training.
REEL 541
AFW E 3 Reports and memoranda on educational work in West Africa 1929-1945
Proposed changes in the Nigerian educational system; training and supervision of teachers in Sierra Leone; notes on theological training and higher education; memo from the staff at Fourah Bay College regarding the commission of inquiry into higher education in West Africa; conclusions of a conference of educational missionaries; a ten year plan for the development of education in Nigeria; memo on the training of African teachers; note on the place and importance of agriculture in education by H G Ramshaw; details on CMS schools in Yoruba; statistics on schools in the Niger and Basel missions; two fascinating long letters from Father Francis concerning school inspections.
AFW F 1 West Africa Native Bishoprics Fund 1933, 1938-1939, 1941
Correspondence and memos.
AFW O 1 West African Students’ Union 1946-1947
Two newsletters of the West African Students’ Union, 1947; minutes of meetings of the Committee of Management.