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Section IV: Africa Missions

Part 14: Egypt Mission, 1889-1934

Part 15: Egypt Mission, 1889-1949

Contents of Reels - Part 14

REEL 284

Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions Vol 5 Egypt pp 7-15

G 3 E L1 Letter Book 1889-1897

The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from headquarters in London to missionaries. It has an index arranged alphabetically by missionary and gives dates and the relevant page in the volume. A wide range of topics are covered including: the need for more recruits, lists of books purchased for the Cairo CMS Library, circulars re missionaries’ private reading and Bible Study, copies of correspondence with the Board of Foreign Missions of the United Presbyterian Church of North America.

G 3 E L2 Letter Book 1897-1904

The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from headquarters in London to missionaries. It has an index arranged alphabetically by missionary and gives dates and the relevant page in the volume. A wide range of topics are covered including: letter to the missionary D M Thornton re the policy of the mission to Moslems and the relationship with Coptic Christians, instructions to missionaries, rules for the women’s conference, circular letter to missionaries engaged in educational work.

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G 3 E L3 Letter Book 1905-1915

The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from headquarters in London to missionaries. It has an index arranged alphabetically by missionary and gives dates and the relevant page in the volume. A wide range of topics are covered including: an appeal for a mission to the Pagan tribes in Southern Sudan, circulars re the probation and relative status of missionaries, re the recall of missionaries from Palestine and re retrenchment. Included also is a memo on various ways in which ladies may work in relation to CMS.

G 3 E L4 Letter Book 1915-1921

The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from headquarters in London to missionaries. It has an index arranged alphabetically by missionary and gives dates and the relevant page in the volume. A wide range of topics are covered including: a memorandum re language schools in missions, a report on the policy of the mission, a report of the Egypt policy sub-committee concerning work in the Northern Sudan.

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G 3 E L5 Letter Book 1922-1927

The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from headquarters in London to missionaries. It has an index arranged alphabetically by missionary and gives dates and the relevant page in the volume. A wide range of topics are covered including: letters from W B Smith at the YMCA in Cairo and from the Medical Secretary to Dr F O Lasbrey re Dr E G Sugg at Old Cairo hospital.

G 3 E L6 Letter Book 1927-1934

The Letter Book contains copies of outgoing correspondence from headquarters in London to missionaries. It has an index arranged alphabetically by missionary and gives dates and the relevant page in the volume. A wide range of topics are covered.

G 3 E O Original Papers 1890

Highlights include: letters from missionaries re schools, hospitals, visits to Cairo; letters re legal matters concerning the CMS school in Cairo; notice of a CMS conference in Cairo; details on plans to do missionary work among the Arabs of the Sinaitic Peninsula; letter from Westminster asking the Secretary in the mission to set up a medical mission at Suakin because of the famine in the Sudan; extracts from an article in “The Muahttan” re the state of the famine, prices and punishments meted out for wrong doings in Sudan;reports on the state of the mission, the work in Biblewomen in Cairo; balance sheets of expenditure for the mission; photos of orphaned children; extracts from General Haig’s letters describing his visit to Suakin in the Sudan to see the starving children.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1891-1893

1891 Highlights include: letters from Rev F A Klein re grants needed, the need to strengthen the mission, the appointment of new teachers; a pamphlet “ A Plea for Egypt” by Dr F J Harpur detailing the need for more missionaries, Biblewomen and native assistants; extracts from a medical missionary’s journal of a visit to Beni Suef; discussions on whether to make Cairo the headquarters of the medical mission; a report by the missionary Jessie Bywater on the cost of living in Cairo.

1892 Highlights include: a description of a sea journey to the Egypt mission by the new missionary, Dr Frank Laird; a report of the medical mission with a statement of accounts; call for more itinerary work to be done; a vivid description of a visit to people in their own homes by the missionary, Miss Jenny Ellis; internal discussions on the appointment of a new headmaster for the school; complaints by the men that the lady missionaries have too much influence in the mission: This evil must be remedied and the female element put back into its former proper position….

1893 Included are statistics of attendances at the mission hospital.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1894-1897

1894 Included are: letters from missionaries re: grants for Biblewomen work, missionary salaries, illness of missionaries; desire for new missionaries to be sent out; descriptions of the work of the American missionaries; resignations of missionaries due to ill health; minutes of the Finance Committee; report of an itineration to the Fellaheen women by the missionary Eliza Bywater.

1895 The papers include: discussions re the opening of a Boys’ School in Cairo and the new medical mission library; language examination questions; regulations for new missionaries; newspaper cuttings; Finance Committee minutes and many letters from the missionaries Fred A Adeney, Rev Klein and Dr F J Harpur.

1896 Highlights include: estimates for new residences and hospitals; documents in Arabic; estimates for the Cairo female medical mission.

1897 Included are: Finance Committee Minutes; a pamphlet re the medical mission in Old Cairo; money spent on school teachers in 1897 giving a list of the teachers.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1898-1899

1898 Highlights include: many letters from Rev F F Adeney re mission business; Finance Committee minutes; a letter re workers needed for the Girls’ School in Cairo; letter from Dr Harpur re the abandonment of wounded enemy in Omdurman and his desire to go and help them; news of the Sudan mission.

1899 Included are: an account of the tribes living in the Upper Nile valley; Finance Committee minutes; an appeal for money for a new dispensary; extracts from Annual Letters; ideas on how the mission could be improved sent to the Secretary in London by Rev Douglas Thornton; a paper on the state of the Coptic Church; letters discussing what presents should be given to the African chiefs; plans and drawings for a new mission house.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1900-1901

1900 Included are: Finance Committee minutes; newspaper cuttings from the Egyptian Gazette, a newspaper cutting from “The Times” re the opening up of the Sudan to European enterprise; plans for the CMS Boys’ School in Cairo; an account of a journey up the Nile by Rev Harpur.

1901 Highlights are: minutes of the Egypt missionary conference and the women’s conference; a detailed report on all aspects of life in the mission by Rev Fred F Adeney; a memo of a meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury; an estimate of school teachers’ salaries.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1902-1903

1902 Included are: minutes of the Egypt missionary conference and the women’s conference; many letters re business of the mission from Rev F Adeney; report of the mission giving details on staff, the medical mission,schools and evangelical work; a copy of “The Nile Printing Press”; a chart of schools visited with descriptions of the creed of the children and whether they are middle, lower or middle class; report of an interview between Rev D Thornton with the Secretary in London.

1903 An announcement of the death of Rev F Adeney, the secretary of the mission, from pleurisy at the age of 38 ( he had been secretary for ten years) - Rev R MacInnes to take over as Secretary; minutes of the mission conference and the women’s conference; report on the mission detailing changes in staff, accommodation, schools, medicine, evangelical work.

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G 3 E O Original Papers and Map 1904,1905 (1-59)

1904 Included are: letters from Rev R MacInnes; report on CMS in the Soudan with information on Khartoum, Omdurman, Native Agents, Schools, Medical Work and Industrial Work; minutes of the women’s conference and the missionary conference; newsletter of the Girls’ School at Bab-El-Luk in Cairo; newsletter of the mission; plans for building the Gordon Memorial Mission at Khartoum.

1905 (1-59) Included are: report of an interview between the secretary of the mission and the Rev J Kelly Giffen of the American Presbyterian Mission on the Sobat; missionary conference minutes; auditor’s notes of liabilities and assets.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1905 (60-end), 1906

1905 (60-end) Highlights are: pleas for funds for the hospital in Old Cairo; newspaper cuttings from “The Egyptian Gazette”; report on medical work in the villages with much detail on the customs and life of the local people; an issue for 1904 of “Cairene and Fellaheen” - the story of the year’s work of the CMS in Egypt.

1906 Included are: minutes of the missionary conference and the women’s conference; extract of a paper read at Oxford by Rev Douglas H Thornton on “The Educational Problem in Egypt”.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1907-1909

1907 Highlights include: copies of “Sudan Church Notes”; women’s conference minutes covering education, medical work, itineration, native agents; report of an interview in London between Lord Cromer and Rev MacInnes; an issue of “Cairene and Fellaheen”- the work of the mission for the year; report on Girls’ Training School in Cairo; an account of Rev D M Thornton’s death aged 34 with a brief history of his life and work, reprinted from “The Orient and Occident”.

1908 Minutes of missionary conference; report on the medical mission; issue of “Cairene and Fellaheen”.

1909 Report of the medical mission; newspaper cuttings re the missionary conference, issue of “Cairene and Fellaheen”.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1910

1910 Highlights include: minutes of the meeting of the Khartoum Station committee giving details on finances, schools, medical work; Annual Letters of missionaries including Rev MacInnes, Helen Adeney ( describing her work among the village women), A J Toops, Janet Lewis, Lilian Jackson, Zoe Tristram and L Crowther; newspaper cutting in memory of the first native convert to die– Philibbus Abdullah; extract from Bishop Ingham’s journal describing his travels in Egypt; proposal to take over the American mission station at Menouf; a press cutting on the Egyptian nationalists.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1911-1912

1911 Highlights include: Annual Letters from missionaries such Edmund Lloyd, Janet Lewis, M Cay, G M Western, Helen Adeney, M W Williams, F J Harpur; a memo on the work and policy of the Egypt mission; issue of “Cairene and Fellaheen” for 1909-1910 giving details on evangelical work, schools, work in the villages and among the women, medical work, finances and lists of subscriptions to the Egypt fund. It also includes a notice of the death of Miss Bird with a brief history of her work and life.

1912 Included are: Annual Letters from missionaries such as L Crowther, C J Tristram and Jessie Bywater; minutes of the missionary conference and the women’s conference; photos of the Bishop of London on a visit to the mission; missionary probation forms.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1913-1915

1913 Highlights include: a report of the Special Committee on Women’s Work in the Egypt mission; report of the death of Dr B M Pain from meningitis contracted from a patient and a brief account of his work and life; an issue of “Cairene and Fellaheen” for 1911-1912; report of the Cairo Study Centre for Arabic, Islam and Mahommedan Evangelisation; report by Rev MacInnes of an interview with Lord Kitchener when he visited the hospital in Old Cairo.

1914 Included are: the report of the Khartoum Station Committee; missionary conference minutes.

1915 Included are: report of the Khartoum Station Committee; women’s missionary conference minutes; newspaper cuttings from “The Egyptian”.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1916-1918

1916 Included are: minutes of the missionary conference; an issue of “Cairene and Fellaheen” for 1913-1914 covering the mission during the first few months of WW I; Khartoum Station Committee report; Cairo Study Centre report; report on the situation in the schools by Miss A H McNeile, head of the school in Khartoum

1917 Included are: minutes of the missionary conference and the women’s conference; missionary probation reports.

1918 Included are: minutes of the missionary conference and the women’s conference; details on Miss Zoe Tristram – whether she should be allowed to return to the mission after leaving to look after her brother in England; a pamphlet entitled” A Church of England Mission to Egyptians” - describing work in and around Cairo.

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G 3 E O Original Papers 1919-1920

1919 Highlights are: an account of the troubles in Egypt and their causes since the end of WW I written by J McIntyre; minutes of the Egypt sub-committee and the women’s conference.

1920 Highlights are: minutes of the Inter-mission conference; report of a visit to Northern Sudan; minutes of the missionary conference.

REEL 300

G 3 E O Original Papers 1921-1922

1921 Included are: minutes of the women’s conference and the missionary conference; report on the mission hospital by E C Levy and on the profits of the Old Cairo hospital; notes on the estimated expenditure of the Girls’ school; history of the Girls’ school at Atbara.

1922 Included are: letter re proposed treaty between Egypt and Great Britain and the need for religious toleration; minutes of the Khartoum Station Committee, the missionary conference and the women’s conference; report on the Cairo conference on Church Reunion attended by the Coptic Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox Churches and the Presbyterian and Anglican Churches.




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