Section IV: Africa Missions
Part 16: South Africa Mission, 1836-1843, Kenya Mission, 1841-1888 and Nyanza Mission, 1876-1882
Part 17: Kenya Mission, 1880-1934
Part 18: Kenya Mission, 1880-1934
Part 19: Taganyika Mission, 1900-1934, Nyanza Mission, 1880-1886 and Rwanda Mission, 1933-1934
Contents of Reels - Part 16
REEL 315
South Africa Mission, 1836-1843
Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions Vol 3
South and East Africa pp 6-32
C A 4 L 1 Letter Book 1836-1841
Copies of outgoing correspondence from Secretaries at headquarters to missionaries and others. Most letters are instructions to new missionaries such as Rev W Hewetson and Mr and Mrs R Philips.
C A 4 M 1 Mission Book 1836-1843
Original Papers copied in full for the use of the committee in London. Some of the originals presented to the South African government in 1921 are now kept in Cape Town. Letters included are those from Rev F Owen on his arrival at Table Bay, the forming of the mission and his journal for March 1837; some very long and detailed journals of Rev F Owen for 1837-1840; journals of Rev
W Hewetson for 1838; Rev R Philips’ journals and letters for 1838 describing his work among the Zulus.
C A 4 O 1 Original Papers-
Papers re the establishment of
Church Missionary Society
Associations in Cape Town
and Grahamstown 1837-1840,
C A 4 O 2 Original Papers-
Newspapers 1837-1839
Graham’s Town Journal – some copies for 1837-1839; South AfricanCommercial Advertiser – some copies for 1837 and 1838; Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette – one copy for July 1838.
C A 4 O 3 Original Papers-
Correspondence 1842,1921, 1925
Letters re the Rev Owen journal and papers from Rhodes University College, 1921 and the Archives of the Department of Government of South Africa, 1925.
C A 4 O 4 Original Papers-
Letters and Papers
of individual missionaries
Wallace Hewetson 1837-1841
Journal of the voyage to South Africa, 1837; letter re his son’s death, 1837, journals for 1838-1840 with a description of the murder of Mr Retief, commander of the Dutch, by Dingaan in 1838 and the journey to Ambanasti.
C A 4 O 5 Original Papers-
Letters and Papers
of individual missionaries
Rev Francis Owen 1838-1840,
Letters for 1839-1840 and 1842 including a dispute between
W Hewetson and R Philips 1839 and a copy of the journal for February– March 1838 re Dingaan’s killing of the Boers.
C A 4 O 6 Original Papers-
Letters and Papers
of individual missionaries
Robert Philips 1838-1841
Letters re the treatment of Mrs Edwards 1839; journals for 1838-1839 describing his voyage out 1838 and trek up the Orange River in 1839.
REEL 316
Kenya Mission, 1841-1888
C A 5 I 1 Individual Letter Book 1863, 1867,
1868,1870, 1881, 1888
Personal letters, such as those of condolence or censure to individual missionaries from the Secretary in London.
C A 5 L 1 Letter Book 1842-1858,
1864-1865, 1868-1877
Copies of outgoing correspondence from Secretaries at headquarters to missionaries and others. Most letters are instructions to new missionaries recently arrived at the mission. An index to names is included.
C A 5 L 2 Letter Book 1877-1883
Copies of outgoing correspondence from Secretaries at headquarters to missionaries and others. Most letters are instructions to new missionaries recently arrived at the mission. An index to names is included.
REEL 317
C A 5 M 1 Mission Book 1842-1846
Original Papers such as letters and journals copied in full for the use
of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for the financial papers. An index to names is included. Letters of Rev
J Muhleisen, Rev J C Muller, Rev J Warburton, Bishop Michael Alexander, Rev C W Isenberg, Rev J L Krapf. Also included is a very detailed journal of Rev J Muhleisen for April to July 1843. Rev L Krapf’s papers include journals for 1843-1845 with a long detailed account of his trip to the Wanika tribe at Rabai, his excursions to Dshembo and Dshogni and notes on Zanzibar and slavery.
REEL 318
C A 5 M 2 Mission Book 1846-1856
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for the financial papers. From 1846-1849 journals are also copied. An index to names is given. Included are: Rev Dr L Krapf’s journal for 1845 covering his excursion to Rabai, Empia and his journey to Ukambani in 1849 detailing the tribal customs and way of life of the people. Rev J Rebmann’s letters and journals include one for 1847-1848 describing his journey into the northern parts of the Wanika country with notes on the customs of the people and a journey to Madjame in 1849; letters from Rev J Erhardt to the Lay Secretary.
C A 5 M 3 Mission Book 1856-1862
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for the financial papers. An index to names is given. Letters from: Rev G P Badger, Rev J G Deimler, Dr L Krapf and Rev J Rebmann to the Secretary. Included also is a letter from Dr David Livingstone about the rediscovery of a lake called Shireva in 1859.
REEL 319
C A 5 M 4 Mission Book 1875-1876
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for the financial papers. An index to names is given. Letter from Rev H S Price to the secretary re Rev J Rebmann’s unsuitability for the post of missionary; a list by Rev H S Price of the completed mission buildings at Freretown.
C A 5 M 5 Mission Book 1877-1878
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for the financial papers. An index to names is given. Letters from Rev J W Handford re the evangelical work and the schools and the development of Freretown as a place for the reception and training of freed slaves. Letters also from Rev J A Lamb, Commander William
F A H Russell, Rev H K Binns and Dr J Kirk, British consul general in Zanzibar.
C A 5 M 6 Mission Book 1879-1880
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for the financial papers. An index to names is given. Annual letters for 1876-1879 are pasted into the back of the volume. Letters included are from Mr J R Streeter, Rev Dr L Krapf, Mr W Harris and Rev A Menzies.
REEL 320
C A 5 O 1 Original Papers– 1851-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary. Miscellaneous Letters to the
Secretaries at headquarters.Numerous letters including those from Captain J B Haines, consul at Aden, J H Speke re the proposed exploration of the Nile in 1861, Bishop W G Tozer in Zanzibar, W J Prideaux, consul at Zanzibar, Alfred Copplestone re the death of Mrs Streeter, R W Felkin, lay agent in Frere Town.
C A 5 O 2 Original Papers– 1851, 1856
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev George Percy Badger,
C A 5 O 3 Original Papers – 1876-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Henry Kerr Binns
Letters and reports of visits to Godoma, 1876 and Jilori, 1877. Also included are Annual Letters.
C A 5 O 4 Original Papers – 1876-1877
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Francis Bourazan, catechist.
C A 5 O 5 Original Papers – 1873-1874
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.
Rev William Bartlett Chancellor
Letters giving first impressions, account of his work and journeys within the mission are given.
C A 5 O 6 Original Papers – 1875-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
George David, catechist.
An account of the customs of the “Ugnaro” custom of the Wangika tribe, 1879, a translation of a petition from Christians at Godoma, 1880, a report of a visit to Godoma, June 1875.
C A 5 O 7 Original Papers – 1856-1857
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev John Gottfried Deimler
C A 5 O 8 Original Papers – 1851
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Conrad Diehlmann
C A 5 O 9 Original Papers – 1849-1855
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev John James Erhardt
Map of the Rabai country, 1852, journal of his journey to Usambara and three months’ stay with the king of the country, Kmeri, 1853; extract of a journal kept at Tanga, 1854.
C A 5 O 10 Original Papers – 1875-1876
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Edward Wood Forster,
medical missionary.
Report on the new mission station of Freretown, July 1875, quarterly reports of the medical mission work done in Mombasa, 1875-1876.
REEL 321
C A 5 O 11 Original Papers – 1876-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
John William Handford,
Letters re his arrival, the school, the pupils and the work, a description of a journey to Giriama in 1878 with an account of the burial and marriage customs, Annual Letters for 1876, 1878-1879.
C A 5 O 12 Original Papers – 1875-1879
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
William Harris, lay agent.
C A 5 O 13 Original Papers – 1842-1843
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Charles William Isenberg
A very long journal of a third journey to Abyssinia, 1842-1843.
C A 5 O 14 Original Papers – 1878
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
William Henry Jones,
native catechist.
Account of a journey to Duruma, 1878.
C A 5 O 15 Original Papers – 1873,1877
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Sir John Kirk, consul at Zanzibar.
REEL 322
C A 5 O 16 (1-161) Original Papers – 1841-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Dr John Ludwig Krapf
Copy of a “Treaty of Amity and Commerce” between Sehela Selassie, King of Shoa… and Captain the name of H M the Queen, 1841, remarks on the island of Zanzibar with details on the climate, products, trade, the inhabitants, slavery and a table of commodity prices, a letter re slavery, a sketch of the probable course of the Haines river, 1844, copy of a letter to Prince Albert 1854, copy of a letter to Bishop Gobat of Jerusalem, notes on the beginning of the Uganda mission 1875.
REEL 323
C A 5 O 16 (162-173) Original Papers – 1841-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Dr John Ludwig Krapf
Journals – among others – a journey from Ankober to Massawa, 1842, a voyage from Aden to Zanzibar, a journey to the islands of Pemba, Tanga and Mombas, 1844, a journey to the country of the Wanika tribe at Rabai and visit of the Wakamba people at Endila, 1845, a journey to Dshembo, Dshogni, Likoni, Rabai, Empia and the vicinity, 1845, a 40 mile journey to Takaongo, 1845.
REEL 324
C A 5 O 16 (174-179) Original Papers – 1841-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Dr John Ludwig Krapf
Journals including a journey to Ukambani and a two month’s residence there, 1841, a journey to Usambara, 1852, a memoir on the East African Slave Trade – its effects, its suppression etc.
C A 5 O 17 Original Papers – 1876-1878
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev James Abner Lamb,
mission secretary
Letters re Captain Russell and his difficulties, letters from H K Binns, F Bourazan, George David and Isaac Nyondo, report of a visit to Godoma, Annual Letter for 1876.
C A 5 O 18 Original Papers – 1879-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Alfred Menzies,
mission secretary
C A 5 O 19 Original Papers – 1842-1844
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev John J Muhleisen
Journal for April-June 1843.
C A 5 O 20 Original Papers – 1842
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev John Christian Muller
C A 5 O 21 Original Papers – 1851
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Charles Pfefferle
An account of his voyage from Aden to Mombasa, 1851.
C A 5 O 22 Original Papers – 1877
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Emil Arnold Praeger,
medical missionary
REEL 325
C A 5 O 23 Original Papers – 1874-1876
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev William Salter Price,
secretary and
director of the East Africa mission.
Memo relating to Rev T H Sparshott, 1875, list of buildings completed and in progress at Freretown, the duties of Mr Harris in connection with the Industrial Settlement of the CMS, a proclamation against the slave trade from the Sultan of Zanzibar, 1876, extracts from journals for 1874-1876.
C A 5 O 24 Original Papers – 1846, 1850-1868 and 1875
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev John Rebmann
Report on ten years work in East Africa, 1855, personal expenditure for the year 1857, journals for 1846-1849 including an account of a journey to Jagga, 1848, a journey to Teita in 1847, a journey to Madjame in Kiriama, called Jagga by the Swahilis in 1849, an Annual Letter for 1869.
REEL 326
C A 5 O 25 Original Papers – 1876-1878
Papers such as letters journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary
Commander William F A H Russell,
lay superintendent.
A list of the Christian population in Freretown, a statement of freed slaves received by the CMS at Mombasa, Feb 1875-March 1877.
C A 5 O 26 Original Papers – 1868-1875
Papers such as letters journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary
Rev Thomas Henry Sparshott
Extract from a journal January 1875, Annual Letters 1871, 1874.
C A 5 O 27 Original Papers – 1877-1880
Papers such as letters journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary
John Radford Streeter,
lay superintendent.
Examples of writing by Godoma Christians, 1880 and Annual Letters, 1878-1879.
Nyanza Mission, 1876-1882
Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions
Vol 4 East Africa pp 8-19
C A 6 L 1 Letter Book 1876-1882
Copies of outgoing correspondence from Secretaries at headquarters to missionaries and others. Most letters are instructions to new missionaries recently arrived at the mission. An index to names is given. Included are: Lists of articles for missionaries to take such as a bedstead, compass, pocket filters; a memo on the plans for the future of the Victoria Nyanza mission after a conversation with Mr Stanley, a letter to His Majesty King Mtesa, ruler of Uganda from the CMS committee.
REEL 327
C A 6 M 1 Mission Book 1876-1878
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for other papers. An index to names is given. Letters from Lieutenant G Shergold Smith re his voyage to Zanzibar, from Mr J G O’ Neill regarding his exploration of the River Kingani, 1876, Rev A M Mackay on his journey up the river in “The Daisy”, an account of a journey from Bagamoyo to Mpwapwa in 1876 with a list of deaths, desertions and dismissals on the way. Included also is a letter from Lieutenant
G Shergold Smith on a journey from Kagei to Ukerewe Island, an account of the murder of Shergold Smith by natives written by Rev C T Wilson, a letter from Mr C Stokes written at the village of Kiungo, 6 days march from Bagamoyo, 1878.
C A 6 M 2 Mission Book 1879-1880
Original Papers such as letters copied in full for the use of the committee in London. A note of receipt is made for other papers. An index to names is given. A letter from Rev A M McKay on the repercussions of Shergold Smith’s death, a detailed description of the different tribes of the area by Mr J T Last, 1879, a letter from Rev G Litchfield re his work at Rubaga, a copy of a letter to King Mtesa, asking for permission for missionaries to travel freely.
C A 6 N Victoria Nyanza
Minutes 1875-1880
The committee supervised the commencement and conduct of the
mission. Included are signed agreements entered into by Ralph Burton, W C Tytherleigh, George Sneath and James and William Robertson.
REEL 328
C A 6 O 1 Original Papers – 1876, 1878
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Letters from the Foreign Office,
Sir J Pauncefote, Secretary
C A 6 O 2 Original Papers– 1878-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Letters from the Foreign Office,
Letters from J Hewat and Co,
agents for CMS at Alexandria.
C A 6 O 3 Original Papers– 1876-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Letters from the Foreign Office,
Letters from Smith Mackenzie and Co,
agents for CMS at Zanzibar.
C A 6 O 4 Original papers – 1876-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Letters from the Foreign Office,
Miscellaneous letters
to Secretaries at headquarters.
Letter from F Holmwood, assistant political agent at Zanzibar, 1876, from W C Tytherleigh in Sadani, an industrial agent, from Rev
L Krapf re his outfit for a journey up the Nile in 1878.
C A 6 O 5 Original Papers– 1877-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Dr Edward John Baxter,
medical missionary.
C A 6 O 6 Original Papers – 1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.
Alfred John Biddlecombe,
lay agent.
A letter during voyage to Africa, 1880.
C A 6 O 7 Original Papers - 1876-1878
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
George James Clark, lay agent.
Journal of a journey from Bagamoyo to Mpwapwa, 1876.
C A 6 O 8 Original Papers – 1879-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Henry Cole, lay agent.
C A 6 O 9 Original Papers – 1878-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Alfred John Copplestone,
industrial agent.
Journal of a journey from Uyui to Lake Nyanza, 1879.
C A 6 O 10 Original Papers – 1878-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Robert William Felkin,
medical missionary
Journal for 1878-1879 giving details of a meeting with the King and his chiefs, private diary of a voyage by river steamer from Berber to Khartoum, 1878 and from Khartoum to Shambe, 1878.
REEL 329
C A 6 O 11 Original Papers - 1878-1879
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Colonel Charles George Gordon,
later General Gordon.
A map of the route from Lado to Urondogani near Owen Falls showing physical features, sites of military stations and routes taken by Speke, Grant and Baker.
C A 6 O 12 Original Papers – 1877-1878
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Henry James, lay evangelist.
C A 6 O 13 Original Papers – 1876-1878
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to
London by the mission secretary.
Dr John Kirk ( later Sir John Kirk),
British Consul General.
C A 6 O 14 Original Papers – 1877-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.
James Thomas Last, lay agent.
Account of visit to Giriama, 1877, drawings of arrow-heads, wooden flasks and the camp at Mlali, plans of the mission settlement and buildings at Mpwapwa, 1878, a description of the tribes in the area, vocabulary in Swahil, Kiseguhha, Kinguru etc 1878.
C A 6 O 15 Original Papers – 1878-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to
London by the mission secretary.
Rev George Litchfield
C A 6 O 16 ( 1-50) Original Papers – 1876-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Alexander Murdoch Mackay,
lay agent and evangelist.
REEL 330
C A 6 O 16 (51-end) Original Papers – 1876-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Alexander Murdoch Mackay,
lay agent and evangelist.
Account of a journey up the Kingani river, July 1876, a description of the hospitality extended to them by the local chief on a journey to Tanga and back to Bugamoyo.
C A 6 O 17 Original Papers – 1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Philip O’ Flaherty
C A 6 O 18 Original Papers - 1876-1877
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Thomas O’Neill, lay agent
Meteorological observations, sketches of the King and his wives at Ukerewe in 1877, map of the southern end of Lake Nyanza.
C A 6 O 19 Original Papers – 1878-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Charles William Pearson,
lay evangelist.
C A 6 O 20 Original Papers – 1879-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev John Charles Price
C A 6 O 21 Original Papers – 1876-1877
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London by the mission secretary.
Dr John Smith, medical missionary.
C A 6 O 22 Original Papers – 1876-1877
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Lieut George Shergold Smith,
leader of the mission.
Report from F Holmwood of his exploration of the Kingani River 1876, list of expenditure in cloth and beads for food and tribute of a small caravan from Sadani to Kagei, 1877, copy of a diary for October 1877, notes and sketches on customs, buildings, clothes and furniture, 1877, journal for November and December 1877, letter to his mother giving an account of the exploration of the Simeyu and Ruwana rivers in October 1877.
C A 6 O 23 Original Papers – 1877-1878
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
George Edward Sneath,
industrial agent.
C A 6 O 24 Original Papers – 1878-1880
Papers such as letters, journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Charles Stokes, lay agent.
C A 6 O 25 Original Papers – 1876-1880
Papers such as letters,
journals, reports and
minutes sent to London
by the mission secretary.
Rev Charles Thomas Wilson.
Account of a march from Bagamoyo to Mpwapwa, 1876, letter written at Usukuma about a journey of 8 days, 1878, an account of the history and superstitions of the Waganda people, an account of the murder of Shergold Smith, list of Kiganda words, 1878, letter to the King of Uganda, Mtesa, 1879, list of the demands to be granted by Mtesa before the establishment of a new mission, 1879, outfit lists for missionaries, houses, stations and general stores, 1879.