Section IX: Middle East Missions
Part 1: Palestine, 1935-1959, and Middle East General, 1935-1959
Contents of Reels
Catalogue to the Overseas Division Papers
pp 90-92
Palestine, 1935-1959
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 1
Letters from Miss Mabel C Warburton, the Middle East Adviser in London to Rev A C MacInnes, Secretary of the mission; letters from Rev A C MacInnes to London regarding the mission, including details on hospitals, schools, missionaries, war damage, finances, evacuation; minutes of meetings and conferences.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 1
Report of Rev Donald Blackburn on conditions affecting the health of missionaries in Jordan, 1953; report on missionary salaries.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 1 (Jordan)
Memo on need for more staff in the mission; report by Miss Winifred A Coate on women’s work, 1957; report on the political situation in Jordan, 1956; CMS Newsletter for Jordan, 1956; report on the Girls’ School in Amman.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 2
Details of contributions to the Arab Refugee Relief Fund, 1949; review of the CMS relief work for refugees from the Holy Land, January to September 1949; papers on Miss Winifred A Coate’s work at the Zerka Relief Centre; letters and reports from Miss M C Warburton, Middle East Adviser on the Arab refugee situation; CMS News Sheet, 1948 giving details on the Arab refugee problem in Palestine and Transjordan; correspondence with the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief regarding CMS work with the Arab refugees, 1949; report by the Bishop of Jerusalem on the Jerusalem and East Mission; letters from P E J and Margaret Cutting, Gaza Hospital on air raids and casualties, 1948; report by Rev Donald Blackburn on Arab refugees at Nablus and Es Salt, Transjordan, 1948; extracts of letters from missionaries on the sufferings of the Palestinian Arab refugees, 1948; reports by Archdeacon MacInnes on conditions in the Palestine Mission, 1948; minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee, 1949 and of a meeting of the Provisional Diocesan Board of Education, 1939.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 2
Pamphlet “The Arabs in Palestine”, printed by the British Society for International Understanding, 1950; correspondence regarding refugee relief work and aid; report by Mrs Joy MacInnes on the refugee relief work carried out; financial details of the refugee relief work; very detailed reports on the Arab refugees and on the Israeli situation by Dr James Parkes; CMS News Sheet concerning Jordan, 1951 written by Miss Winifred Coate.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 2
Correspondence with the Jerusalem and the East Mission and the Finland Missionary Society regarding the transfer of CMS property including Nazareth Orphanage, Girls’ School at Jaffa and the Lydd Mission House; correspondence with Mr E Gavison, lawyer appointed by CMS to deal with the transfer of the property; letters regarding War Damage Compensation; correspondence regarding the sale of the Bishop Gobat School playground; much detail on the Kafr Kanna property and the hospital at Salt; correspondence with Miss Winifred A Coate; minutes of conferences organised by the Jordan mission; extensive detail on the furore caused by the decision to make the swimming pool in Jerusalem open to both sexes; financial statements of the Jordan mission.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 3
Reports by Rev A C MacInnes, mission secretary on mission affairs; letters from Miss Winifred A Coate to Miss M C Warburton in London regarding the situation in the mission in 1948; reports on schools; minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee, Jerusalem; news on the Palestine Native Church; report by the Evangelistic Committee, 1940; report on Moslem evangelism, 1936; memo by Rev A C MacInnes on the future of the mission.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 3
Minutes of the Standing Committee and of the Finance Committee, Jordan, 1954;
letters from Rev Donald Blackburn regarding the future of the mission; details on the registration of a CMS Charitable Society; reports on mission activities; correspondence regarding the transfer of CMS property to the Jerusalem and the East Mission; memo on the history and work of the Palestine Native Church Council (PNCC); report on a tour of the Jerusalem and the East Mission by C W Williams, 1951; report on conditions in the Palestine Mission by Rev C S Milford, West Asia Secretary, 1951.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 3 (Jordan)
Correspondence with Rev Najib Cuba’in regarding CMS help in training of ordinands of the Arab Evangelical Episcopal Church; memo regarding medical policy in Jordan; minutes of the Standing Committee of the Jordan Mission, 1955; pamphlet printed by CMS on Arab refugees, 1955; CMS leaflet on help needed for refugees in Jordan, 1955; thoughts by Bishop of Jerusalem on the effects of the partition of Palestine, 1948.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 3 (Jordan)
Extracts from the minutes of CMS Directors regarding CMS evacuation proposals; correspondence concerning the Kefr Yasif property; correspondence concerning the handover of CMS property to the Jerusalem and the East Mission; memo on the future of CMS work in Palestine; correspondence with the Bishop of Jerusalem; letters from Rev Donald Blackburn; details on the proposed integration of the CMS mission with the Diocese of Jerusalem; financial
estimates, 1950.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 4
Letters from Rev A C MacInnes regarding the recruitment of missionaries, nurses and doctors for the mission.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 4
Details on the Jordan Church Sites and Buildings Fund.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 5
Correspondence regarding the CMS property at Lydd and the land at Tayyibeh.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 5
Memo on the proceedings of the Palestine Sub-Committee, 1959; correspondence regarding the Bashlawi family; review of CMS work with refugees from the Holy Land, January-September 1949; report by Mabel C Warburton on refugee rehabilitation projects at Zerka, 1955.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 6
Report by R G Allison on the proposed transfer of CMS property, 1949; report by Donald Blackburn on mission activities at Es Salt, Jordan; letters from the Secretary in London to Rev E F F Bishop of the Newman School of Missions, Jerusalem; report of the Sub-Committee on properties in the mission, 1945; details on CMS property at Kefr Yasif, 1937.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 6
Correspondence regarding the appointment of Colonel Clarke to deal with CMS property in Israel, 1951; details on the handing over of CMS property; notes on a visit to Israel by Rev Donald Blackburn, 1950.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 6
Letters from the Jerusalem and the East Mission regarding the transfer of CMS property; letters from Mr E Gavison concerning the transfer of CMS property; letters regarding the Compulsory Loan Law, 1953; correspondence regarding the CMS Mission House; details of bomb damage to the Bishop Gobat School; notes on a visit to Israel by Rev Campbell Milford, 1952; report on CMS property in Israel by Colonel Clarke and Miss Wilson, 1952.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 7
Reports of the Finance Committee and correspondence regarding financial matters.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 7
Correspondence with Rev Donald Blackburn regarding mission finances.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub Files 8-9
CMS News Sheets – Palestine and Transjordan, 1949 and Palestine, 1948; report of a visit to Israel by Rev Donald Blackburn, 1949; excerpts of a general report on the Jerusalem and the East Mission by Rev A C MacInnes, 1948; details regarding the evacuation of women missionaries, 1947; report on mission wartime work by Rev A C MacInnes, 1941; report from CMS hospital in Jaffa by Isabel Gilliland describing difficult wartime conditions, 1938.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 10
Correspondence regarding the Gilead Mission Hospital; report of a meeting to consider the possibility of co-operative work among missionary societies in Israel, 1947; minutes of meetings of the Provincial Diocesan Board of Education, 1935-1943; printed report of meetings of the United Missionary Council of Syria and Palestine, 1935 and 1937; memo on the provision of courses in higher education and teacher training, 1935; printed report on a proposed Missionary Polyclinic in Damacus, 1936.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 13
Letters regarding the Five Year Reconstruction Plan, 1949; reports on the unstability of the situation in the Middle East, 1949; report by Rev Donald Blackburn on a visit to Israel, 1949; report on CMS work in Jerusalem by Rev
A C MacInnes with notes on the development of educational work, 1943; notes on the training of candidates for ordination; correspondence regarding a proposed visit of the General Secretary, Rev Hooper to Palestine; minutes of the Standing Committee of the Palestine Medical Sub-Conference.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 1
Palestine Mission
Sub File 13
CMS New Sheets – Jordan, 1954 and Palestine, 1951-1953.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 2
Minutes of CMS Conferences
and Committees, Palestine
Minutes of Medical Sub Conference, Standing Committee, General Conferences; reports of the Evangelistic Committee, Educational Committee, Building Committee, Moslem Evangelism.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 2
Minutes of CMS Conferences
and Committees, Palestine
Minutes of Standing Commitee, Conferences, Finance Committee, Medical Sub Conference, Standing Committee of the Palestine Native Church Council, reports of the Education Committee, Evangelistic Committee.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 2
Minutes of CMS Conferences
and Committees, Jordan
Minutes of Standing Committee of Jordan and Palestine, Annual Conference and Finance Committee.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 3/1
Palestine Native Church Council
Minutes of meetings of the Palestine Native Church Council (PNCC); correspondence between Secretary in London and Palestine Secretary, Archdeacon C MacInnes regarding activities of the PNCC; notes on the status and aims of the PNCC; minutes of meetings of the Evangelical Episcopal Church, Palestine.
AS 1935/59 G2 P 3/2
Palestine Native Church Council
Letters from: Eric Bishop, Newman School of Missions; Archdeacon C MacInnes, Secretary of the mission; Rev M A Cuba’in, Secretary of the Council of the Arab Evangelical Episcopal Community in Palestine.
AS 1935/59 G2 P d 1
Jerusalem archbishopric
Regulations of the Palestine Arab Evangelical Episcopal Community, 1945; report on the partition of Palestine, 1948; letters from the Bishop of Jersualem and from Eric Bishop of the Newman School of Missions; minutes of the Provisional Diocesan Board of Education, 1936.
AS 1935/59 G2 P d 1
Jerusalem archbishopric
Report on the future plans and leadership for the Near East Christian Council; report of the UNC Committee for Refugee Relief in East Jordan.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 1
Girls’ School, Amman
Correspondence regarding sale of land and plans and costs of the new school; report of the Building Committee, 1936.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e1
Girls’ School, Amman
Correspondence with Bishop Cuba’in of the Evangelical Episcopal Community; minutes of the Advisory Board of the Girls’s School, 1957.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 2
Bishop Gobat School
Report on visit to the school by Bishop of Jerusalem, 1949 and by C H Sharp, 1948; memos and letters regarding staff, war conditions; plans and estimates for extension to the school.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 2
Bishop Gobat School
Correspondence between Rev C S Milford, West Asia Secretary in London and
E Gavison concerning the letting out of the school to the Israeli government; letters from the Old Boys’ Association regarding the Centenary of the school, 1950.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 3
Girls’ College, Jerusalem
Minutes of meetings of the Home Board of the college; report on the college by Miss J B Muller giving details of the fighting and unrest, 1947; reports of the Directors, with financial details.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 3
Girls’ College, Jerusalem
Reports of the Directors with financial details; reports on the college and details of rent received as rent from the Israeli government.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 4
CMS Orphanage, Nazareth
Correspondence between Archdeacon C MacInnes and Miss Mabel C Warburton, Middle East Adviser; details of finances; lists of contributions to the orphanage fund; reports on the orphanage by Miss Violet S Wyatt.
AS 1935/59 G2 P e 4
CMS Orphanage, Nazareth
Reports on the orphanage by Miss Helen Wilkinson; correspondence between Miss H Wilkinson and the West Asia Secretary and the Middle East Adviser.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 1
General: Amman
Memos regarding staff for the mission; letters from Miss Winifred Coate at
El Husn, Transjordan to Miss Mabel C Warburton giving her views on partition; review of Transjordan mission and girls’ education; details on the Amman Church Building Fund.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 1
General: Amman
Correspondence regarding staffing at Girls’ School, Amman.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 2
General: Gaza
Correspondence regarding the development of the CMS land at Gaza.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 2
General: Gaza
Proposals to incorporate Gaza into the Egypt mission; report on a visit to Gaza by Archdeacon C MacInnes, 1950.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 3
General: Jaffa
Memos on the handing over of the Girls’ School, Jaffa to the Palestine National Christian Council; notes by Archdeacon C MacInnes on the closing down of Jaffa Hospital, 1946.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 3
General: Jaffa
Correspondence regarding the sale of furniture at the Jaffa mission.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 4
General: Jerusalem
Letters regarding the establishment of an international enclave in Jerusalem, 1949; report on a visit to Jewish Jerusalem by the Bishop of Jerusalem, 1949; details of damage to St Paul’s Church by terrorists; letters concerning the disposal of the Jerusalem mission house, 1943; details of the sale of Scopus Land.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 5
General: Lydd
Memos regarding the offer of Lydd to the Palestine Native Church Council, 1947; report by Dr Alter on the possibility of rural work in the Lydd area.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 6
General: Nablus
Extracts from the minutes of the Standing Committee of the Palestine Mission regarding work at Nablus; memos regarding the sale of land near Nablus Mission House, 1938.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 7
General: Ramleh
Letters regarding the sale of land at Keffa Kenna and a house in Ramleh.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 8
General: Salt
Extracts from the minutes of the Standing Committee regarding a visit to Salt, 1946; annual reports on the mission by Rev Donald Blackburn.
AS 1935/59 G2 P g 9
General: Shefa Amr
1935, 1937,
1942, 1945
Correspondence regarding the work being carried out at the mission.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 1
Gaza Medical Mission
Report by S A Morrison on the future of the mission and staffing problems, 1949; correspondence between the Secretary in London and Dr C A Stuart of the hospital regarding refugee work and the future of the hospital; CMS News Sheet on Gaza Hospital, 1949.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 1
Gaza Medical Mission
Correspondence regarding the transfer of Gaza Hospital to the Southern Baptist Mission, 1954-1955; summary of refugee relief work carried out at the hospital by Dr Robert McClure, 1953; CMS News Sheets on the hospital by Sister Beatrice Coggan, Rev Donald Blackburn and Dr A R Hargreaves; report on the future of the hospital by Dr Robert McClure, 1951; correspondence regarding staffing for the hospital; summary of operating costs of the hospital, 1949.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 2
Jaffa Medical Mission
Correspondence between the West Asia Secretary in London and Miss F E Newton regarding the sale of Jaffa hospital (her sister had bequested the hospital to CMS); list of CMS property in Palestine within the Israeli area.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 2
Jaffa Medical Mission
Correspondence between the Secretary in London and E Gavison regarding the transfer of the hospital to the Church of Scotland Trust.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 3
Nablus Medical Mission
Views on the future of the hospital by Archdeacon C MacInnes; CMS News Sheet with reports on Nablus Hospital by Dr Louisa E Pigeon and Miss E R Anson, 1946; extracts from the minutes of the Sub Committee of the Palestine Mission regarding medical policy, 1939; details on the administration of the hospital by the Palestine Native Church Council, 1949.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 3
Nablus Medical Mission
Details regarding the death of Dr Jameel Tucktuck, 1954; extracts from the report of Rev C S Milford’s tour, 1951; CMS News Sheets regarding the hospital.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 4
Salt Medical Mission
Plans for the use of Salt hospital for refugee relief work, 1948; CMS News Sheets on Salt hospital; correspondence between Mrs Janet W MacInnes, Secretary of the Palestine mission and the Secretary in London, 1938.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 4
Salt Medical Mission
Report on CMS medical work in Jordan by Alec P Barclay, 1956; report by Miss Winifred A Coate, 1953; report on the Welfare Centre, 1953.
AS 1935/59 G2 P m 5
Pamphlet containing news on the Zerka Refugee Centre and appeal for funds; correspondence between Miss Winifred A Coate of the centre and the West Asia Secretary, C S Milford.
Middle East General, 1935-1959
AS 1935/59 MIE AD 1
Diary of a tour through
Europe to the Middle East
and Afghanistan by
Rev C Murray Rogers Sept-Dec
AS 1935/59 MIE AD 2
Diary and papers regarding
Middle East and Iran,
Canon C S Milford,
West Asia Secretary 1955-1956
AS 1935/59 MIE AM 1
Papers of the Adviser to
Middle East Missions,
Miss Mabel C Warburton 1935-1949
Correspondence with: Secretary in London; Archdeacon A C MacInnes, Secretary of the Palestine Mission; Bishop Stewart, Amman; Bishop Thompson, Isfahan, Persia; Archdeacon W P Hares, Karachi, Pakistan; Miss Mary Thompson, Girls’ School, Amman; Rev J S Trimingham, Omdurman; minutes of meetings of the Home Board of Jerusalem Girls’ College; minutes of meetings of the Centre for the Training of Teachers in Palestine; circular letters to CMS with news on the missions; minutes of meetings of the CMS Near and Middle East Advisory Council.
AS 1935/59 MIE AM 1
Papers of the Adviser to
Middle East Missions,
Miss Mabel C Warburton 1950-1954
Correspondence with Canon C S Milford, West Asia Secretary; report on her last visit to the Middle East; letters regarding her resignation in 1951.
AS 1935/59 MIE M 1
Papers of the regional medical
adviser for Sudan, Egypt, Palestine
and Jordan, H G Anderson 1951-1953
Mostly comprising correspondence with Dr May L Bertram, Omdurman Hospital.
AS 1935/59 MIE O 1
Papers of the
Near East Christian Council 1935-1949
Report of the Central Literature Committee for Muslims; pamphlets consisting of “A Message from the Near East Christian Council to all Churches and Missions”, News Bulletin of the Near East Christian Council, 1938 and “Christian Education in the Near East” published by the Council.
AS 1935/59 MIE O 1
Papers of the
Near East Christian Council 1950-1959
News on the Council by the Secretary, Harry G Dorman; minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee; papers on the constitution of the Council.