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Section I: East Asia Missions

Part 10: China Mission, 1834-1914
Part 11: South China Mission, 1885-1934
Part 12: South China Mission, 1888-1934
Part 13: Chekiang Mission, 1885-1934
Part 14: Chekiang Mission, 1888-1934


Introduction to Part 14: Chekiang Mission, 1888-1934

Part 14 completes the papers of the Chekiang Mission, 1888-1934. It includes the remaining Original Papers, 1906-1934 begun in Part 13 and the Précis Books 1888-1934.

The Original Papers are the incoming papers sent by the missions to London. They contain letters regarding all manner of subjects: the current political situation in China is covered in depth so is the threat of famine. There are letters from missionaries describing their first impressions, requesting furloughs, increases in salary, permission to marry and descriptions of their travels in the countryside around the missions.

Reports, Minutes and Pamphlets of all kinds are to be found including: Reports of the Mid-China Conferences and Ladies Conference, Minutes of the Ningpo Native Church, the Hangchow Medical Mission Hospital, the Ningpo Girls Boarding School; the constitution and rules of the Ningpo Training College, report of the Medical Mission at Ningpo, the constitution of the Chinese Students Christian Union, pamphlet on the Shanghai Seaman’s Church and Mission Society, a description of the Union Bible School, Report on the Mary Vaughan Girls High School in Hangchow, Medical Board reports, a pamphlet on the Christian Literature and the Reform Movement in China, a report on the missionary work in Chekiang, a bulletin of the University of Nanking and on the riot in Shanghai.

Items related to finance cover topics such as: discussions about missionary salaries, costs for building a new hospital and training college, expenses of the Medical Training College and Hangchow Hospital and annual grants. There are also statistics regarding work done with opium smokers, the amount of travelling done by missionaries, statistics for the missions showing baptisms taken place, number of Native Clergy and boy and girl Chinese scholars.

Miscellaneous items include: notices of examinations in Chinese, requests for ladies to go to China, the uncertainty of letters reaching England from China, notes and plans for a new Bishop Hoare Memorial chapel, a proposed scheme for a United Missionary movement in China, an account of the Native Church Council, a booklet entitled China’s Young Men, a description of a day’s work at the Hangchow Medical Mission

There are newspaper cuttings covering subjects such as Anglicanism and the work and experiences of missionaries such as Miss Joynt in Chekiang.

The Précis Books, 1888-1934 contain the printed précis of incoming papers prepared for the Group Committee. Each précis comprises the number, date, writer, date received, summary of contents, proposals for committee action to be taken and/or the Secretary’s remarks. They cover a wide range of subjects echoing those to be found in the Original Papers. They also include some extra inserted papers such as minutes and regulations.




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