Section VII: General Secretary's Papers
Part 3: Papers Relating to Japan and China, 1874-1952
Catalogue to General Secretary’s Papers pp 1-12
G/Y Correspondence with Overseas
G/Y ASg Asia General
G/Y ASg 1
Papers of Miss Mabel C Warburton as Adviser to the Africa and India Group Committees on Christian Missions in the Near and Middle East 1944-1947.
Included are: letters from Miss Warburton to the Near and Middle East Committee regarding committee matters and to Max Warren, General Secretary concerning her tour to the Middle East mission; reports on freedom for religious education in the missions, on the provision of teacher training in Palestine, on conferences of British Missionary Societies; a survey on education in the Middle East; minutes of Near and Middle East conferences.
G/Y ASg 2
Correspondence regarding Far East policy in China 1943-1944, 1947
G/Y J Japan
G/Y J 1/1A/1
Correspondence regarding the setting up of the Tokyo bishopric and the appointment and consecration of bishops 1878-1885
G/Y J 1/1A/2
Letters from CMS supporters protesting against and in support of CMS funds being used to pay the bishop in Japan 1882
G/Y J 1/1A/3
Correspondence and papers regarding the financial support of the bishopric of South Tokyo 1895-1897
G/Y J 1/1B
Correspondence regarding possible candidates for the second bishopric in Kyushu 1893-1894
G/Y J 1/1C
Correspondence regarding the setting up of the Osaka bishopric 1892-1895.
Included are statistics of missions and missionary work in Japan, 1893 giving interesting details such as the number of missionaries, churches, membership etc.
G/Y J 1/1D/1
Letters and papers regarding the setting up of the Hokkaido bishopric 1887, 1890,
1892, 1894
G/Y J 1/1D/2
Correspondence regarding possible candidates for the Hokkaido bishopric 1896
Included are: pamphlets on the Church in Japan, the Nippon Seikokwai; a pastoral letter to the clergy of the Church of England in Japan by Bishop Edward Bickersteth, 1892; an article on the newly organised Church in Japan.
G/Y J 1/2
Correspondence with Bishop Bickersteth and others regarding Archdeacon Warren’s duties as mission secretary and the possibility of a diocese at Yezo 1895-1896
G/Y J 2
Miscellaneous papers 1904, 1911, 1914, 1917, 1921, 1923-1925, 1928-1939
Included are: correspondence regarding the St Paul’s Guild for Japan; minutes of executive meetings of the International Committee on Christian Education, 1933; suggestions regarding future policy of foreign missions in Japan; report of a committee on the Far East; minutes of meetings of the executive meeting of the Japan Christian Council, 1932; notes on the “Kingdom of God Campaign” by William Axling; report of the dioceses of South Tokyo, Kobe and Hokkaido, 1924 by Bishop S Heaslett; pamphlet on Christian unity and the federation of Japanese Christian Churches; reports on the Japan mission, 1935-1938; report on increased Japanese nationalism; details on the damage caused to the Bishop Poole Girls’ School, Osaka by a typhoon in 1934; notes on the handing over of CMS work in Nagoya and Toyohashi to the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada; account of a meeting with Japanese bishops to discuss the termination of foreign financial support and leadership, 1940.
G/Y J 2
Miscellaneous papers 1940-1950
Included are: comments on a broadcast from Japan regarding mission deputation, 1945; a description by Bishop J C Mann of living conditions and life in Japan, June 1946; copies of letters from Miss Leonora E Lee of Kobe to the Archbishop of Canterbury, October 1945; report of the Christian movement in Japan since June 1942; article on the relation between the NSKK and the National Christian Council of Japan by Bishop Michael Hinsuke Yashiro, Bishop of Kobe and presiding bishop of the Nippon Seikokai; report of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Theological College, Tokyo.
G/Y J 3
Correspondence and papers concerning Ikebukuro College (Central Theological College), Tokyo 1917-1921, 1935
G/Y J 4
Correspondence regarding the appointment of the bishop for the diocese of Hokkaido 1917-1918, 1920-1922, 1926-1927
G/Y J 5
Correspondence regarding the appointment of the bishop for the diocese of Kyushu 1927, 1935
G/Y J 6
Papers for Korea including: a report of a visit to Korea by C Darby Fulton of the Committee of Foreign Missions, Nashville, Tennessee, 1937; a report on Korean Christianity by Akira Ebisawa, General Secretary of the National Christian Council of Japan; a leaflet regarding “The Nevius Plan for Mission Work in Korea” by Charles Allen Clark 1937-1939
G/Y CHg China General
G/Y CHg 1/1-4
Please note that these are missing from the CMS Archive files held in Special Collections at Birmingham University Library
G/Y CHg 2 General correspondence 1925-1927, 1931-1949
Items included are: reports on property losses due to enemy action, 1945; letters from J Gurney Barclay regarding the release of interned missionaries; notes on mission co-operation in the Chinese government health services; articles by Mary Leitch on the effect of opium on the Chinese; notes on the attitude of the Chinese to foreigners in 1927; resolutions adopted by British missionary societies working in China, 1925; report on a tour of China missions by Canon H A Wittenbach, 1947; resolutions and reports of the 10th General Synod of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui, Shanghai, 1947; report of the chairman of the House of Bishops, 1937-1947.
G/Y CHg 3
Correspondence regarding the appointment of bishops 1912, 1915, 1920-1938,
1941, 1943, 1950
Including notes on relations between the churches in China and those of Great Britain and USA, 1942.
G/Y CHg 4 Correspondence regarding
the validity of marriages of
British missionaries in China 1915-1916
G/Y CHg 5
Correspondence of the Bible Union of China regarding CMS doctrinal views; copies of the BUC Bulletin Vol 1 Nos 1-2 1921-1922
G/Y CHg 6
Correspondence, memoranda and printed papers of the National Christian Council
for China 1925-1929, 1935-1937, 1944
Included are: notes on problems confronting the Christian movement in China by C Y Cheng, 1927; impressions by Ronald Rees of 10th and 11th meetings of the National Christian Council, 1935, 1937; memo on law and property matters in China by W P Mills, 1937; pamphlet on a five year review of the Council; proposals for the reorganisation of the Council, 1928.
G/Y CHg 7
Correspondence, notes and duplicated papers regarding the registration of schools with the Chinese government 1926-1928
Included is a report on the attitude of the Chinese government and Chinese students and the necessity for a change in Christian education
G/Y CHg 8
Correspondence and papers regarding higher education 1928-1929, 1935, 1941, 1944, 1946-1947
Included are: report on the changing status of missions and higher education; proposal for a Christian Universities of China Association, 1944; minutes of meetings of the National Committee for Christian Religious Education in China and of the Committee of Christian Colleges in China; proposal for a collaboration of College Trustee Boards, 1940; notes on the financial situation of the China Christian Educational Association, 1929; report on the Anglican missions in China by F H Hawkins, London Missionary Society, 1928.
G/Y CHg 9
Correspondence regarding a proposed Far East visit by the Asia Secretary 1934-1936. Includes a report by K Maclennan after a visit to the Far East, 1934.
G/Y CHg 10
Correspondence regarding church union 1937
G/Y CHg 11
Correspondence regarding the archbishops’ appeal for the church in China 1943-1946.
Included is a report on the crisis in the church in China - the Chung Hwa Sheng Kung Hui.
G/Y CH 1 South China
G/Y CH 1/1/1
General correspondence 1874, 1880
Letters from missionaries and the Secretary on a variety of topics; report on St Paul’s College, Hong Kong by Bishop of Hong Kong, J S Burdon, 1874; correspondence with the Secretary concerning difficulties between Bishop Burdon and Rev A B Hutchinson.
G/Y CH 1/1/2
Correspondence regarding the appointment of the bishop of Hong Kong 1896
Included is a batch of private letters from Bishop Alford to the Secretary, H E Fox.
G/Y CH 1/2
General correspondence 1926, 1934, 1936-1937, 1942-1949
Included are: notes regarding the transfer of hospital property at Kunming to the diocese, 1949; report by Canon H A Wittenbach on a Japanese Christian service held at St Andrew’s Kowloon at the end of WWII, September 1945; report on the status of missionary education by Geoffrey Allen, 1936; report on the mission, 1926; letter in Chinese from the Standing Committee, Kong Yuet diocese, 1934.
G/Y CH 1/3
Correspondence regarding the appointment of bishops for the Hong Kong diocese 1920, 1926-1927, 1931-1932, 1943-1949
Included are: memo on Hong Kong schools by the East Asia Secretary, 1949; a pamphlet entitled “The Idea of the Missionary Society: Its Value in a Changing World” by M A C Warren.
G/Y CH 2 Chekiang
G/Y CH 2/1/1
Correspondence, printed papers and extracts from letters, 1877, 1879 from English, German and American missionaries and Bishop Burdon regarding the Chinese
term for God 1875-1879
G/Y CH 2/1/2
Correspondence with George E Moule and Arthur E Moule regarding the successor
to Bishop Russell as bishop of North China 1879-1880
G/Y CH 2/1/3
Correspondence with George E Moule and Arthur E Moule concerning the question of withdrawal from Shanghai 1880-1881
G/Y CH 2/1/4
Correspondence with George E Moule and Rev Arthur Elwin concerning the Chinese term for bishop 1898-1899
G/Y CH 2/1/5
Correspondence regarding the bishopric of Mid-China 1907
Correspondence with Bishop Cassels regarding the possibility of his appointment as successor to Bishop G E Moule.
G/Y CH 2/2
Correspondence with the diocese and general correspondence with the mission 1912, 1917, 1924, 1928, 1937-1939, 1946-1950
Included are: rules and regulations for the diocese of Chekiang; preliminary report of 5th synod of Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui, Canton,1924; circular letter from Rev Gilbert Baker, Shanghai, 1947; letters from Miss Mary Andrews to Canon Wittenbach with news on the mission; translation of a Chinese petition.
G/Y CH 2/3
Correspondence regarding Hangchow hospital and the future of medical work
in China 1936, 1938, 1940, 1948-1949
G/Y CH 3 Western China
G/Y CH 3/1/1
Correspondence regarding the possibility of subdividing the Mid-China diocese and
creating the new diocese of Western China 1895
Included are: report by Dr Edward Hume on the future of hospitals in the mission, 1936; report on the state of the mission after the return of the missionaries in 1946; details on talks with the Japanese authorities, 1940.
G/Y CH 3/2
General correspondence 1935-1936, 1939-1951
Items included are: confidential report by Rev Sverre Holth on the situation in China after the takeover by the Communists, 1951; personal views of China by William H Newell, 1949-1951; correspondence regarding the resignation of the Bishop in 1950; letter by Bertha Hensman of the West China Union University regarding the situation in China, 1950; correspondence between the General Secretary and Bishop Maxwell concerning the Church in Western China and possible Church union; notes on a trip to Northern China, describing the effects of Communist rule, 1949; report on a proposed national council for the Church in China; correspondence describing the bombing of Chengtu by the Japanese, 1940.
G/Y CH 3/3
Correspondence regarding the appointment of bishops in the diocese of Western Szechwan 1919-1922, 1938-1939, 1942, 1950-1952
Items included are: notes on the West China Diocese and its development; report on the leadership of the diocese in Western Szechwan giving details of Bishop
C T Song’s behaviour; report on the growth of the work of the Anglican Communion in China by Rev John Curtis, 1934.
G/Y CH 3/4
Correspondence regarding co-operation with other missions 1927-1930, 1934
Included are: educational regulations of the Nationalist government issued by National University Nanking, 1927; report on a conference on co-operation in West China, London 1934; statement of a committee appointed by members of the faculty of the West China University at Shanghai, 1927 regarding the situation in China with regard to education.
G/Y CH 4 Fukien
G/Y CH 4/1/1/A
Correspondence regarding the Foochow disturbances 1878-c1881
G/Y CH 4/1/1/B
Set of papers and correspondence with the Foreign Office, collected to prepare for a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador regarding difficulties at Foochow 1878 –c1881
G/Y CH 4/1/2
Letters of sympathy from CMS supporters, local associations and other missionary societies concerning the murder of Mr and Mrs Robert Stewart and six others at Hwa-Sang on 1 August 1895 by a group of“Vegetarians” 1895-1896
G/Y CH 4/1/3
Correspondence regarding the setting up of the diocese and possible candidates for
the Fukien bishopric 1904-1905
G/Y CH 4/2
General correspondence 1917, 1922, 1927-1951
Included are: letters regarding the election of Bishops and the establishment of the Chinese Church; report of the Fukien Christian University, 1934-1935; reports on the situation in China, 1949 by Tom and Frances Wilkinson and Olive Bell; minutes of a conference of Fukien missionaries, 1946; minutes of a special committee on personnel, 1944.
G/Y CH 4/3A
Official correspondence, news cuttings, letters and reports concerning the murder of
Eleanor Jane Harrison and Edith Nettleton, 1930 1930
G/Y CH 4/3B
Correspondence with relatives and friends concerning the murder of Eleanor Jane Harrison and Edith Nettleton 1930
G/Y CH 4/3B
Correspondence with relatives and friends concerning the murder of Eleanor Jane Harrison and Edith Nettleton 1930
G/Y CH 4/3C
Letters of sympathy concerning the murder of Eleanor Jane Harrison and Edith Nettleton 1930
G/Y CH 4/4
Correspondence concerning the appointment of an assistant bishop 1937-1938
G/Y CH 5 Kwangsi-Hunan
G/Y CH 5/2
General correspondence 1921-1926, 1931, 1940, 1945-1951
Included are: report on the state of education in Hunan, 1950; report on the missionary situation in Kweilin, 1945 by Addison K S Hsu; Annual Letter of Bishop P Stevens, 1940.
G/Y CH 5/3
Correspondence regarding the appointment of John Holden as bishop of the diocese 1923
G/Y CH 5/4
Correspondence regarding the secondment of Rev G F S Gray to the staff of Nanking Central Theological College; minutes of the Board of Founders 1936, 1939-1940