Section VII: General Secretary's Papers
Part 1: Papers relating to Africa, 1847-1950
Part 2: Papers relating to Africa, 1873-1949
Publisher's Note - Part 2
This second part of the section covering the General Secretary papers consists of the papers for the Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Northern Nigeria, Upper Nile, Ruanda, Southern Sudan, Northern Sudan and Egypt Missions taken from the “Correspondence with Overseas” section.
Kenya, 1874-1949
A wide variety of topics are covered including slavery, education, problems with missionaries, mission hospitals, the Mombasa diocese, bishopric and cathedral.
Contents include:
- the proposed formation of a settlement for freed slaves at Mombasa and in the Seychelles. 1874-1875
- papers regarding a Royal Commission on fugitive slaves
- the suppression of the slave trade at Zanzibar
- the opening up of the interior of Central Africa
- papers relating to problems with specific missionaries caused by problems such as marriage to African women, mistreatment of Africans and drunkenness
- journals of missionaries giving good descriptions of the customs and living conditions of the local people
- reports on educational work including a report on the Alliance High School, Kikuyu, 1948 by W H Carey
- annual mission reports
- the murder of Bishop Hannington
- native forced labour
- the gold question in Kavirondo
- the building of the “Highland Lassie” steamer
- lists of pastoral workers, educationists and medical workers
- plans for a new divinity school
- extracts of letters from Miss Mabel Shaw regarding the situation at the mission in Nairobi, Kampala and Toro
- minutes of the first meeting of the Kenya Mission Hospitals Management Board Commission
- future policy of the mission after WW II written by David G C Symonds.
Uganda, 1881-1949
One part of the papers is devoted to Bishop A R Tucker’s appeal, 1891 for a CMS steamer for the Victoria Nyanza. Its purpose was not only to help with mission work but also to aid policing of the lake for slave trade activities. His appeal also concerns, in the face of German influences, the need for the continued occupation of Uganda by the British East Africa Company and CMS.
Other interesting topics included are:
- a visit of Ugandan chiefs to England, 1880
- the directorship of the mission, 1897
- Miss Annie Emma Allen, missionary - letters concerning her journey out to Africa and impressions of her time spent there, 1900-1903
- church organisation and the constitution of the church of Uganda, 1897-1910
- the division of the diocese of Eastern Equatorial Africa into the dioceses of Uganda and Mombasa
- reports on the work at Mboga by A T Schofield
- memo on the teaching of Swahili in schools
- report on the Uganda Medical Mission
- letter from R H Freak at the Nyakasura School
- Annual Letters, 1948 from I Robinson at Mwiri, Rev W H A Butler at Kako,
Rev R E Hopkins at Kampala
- letter from Margaret Lane, 1947 concerning the leper mission at Teso
- letter re the shortage of women educationalists
- letter from the Bishop regarding closer co-operation between the CMS and the Native African Church
- correspondence concerning the Uganda Seven - an evangelistic band working with African clergy, 1937-1938
- Mengo hospital including plans for reconstruction of the hospital and its future, notes of a conference on the hospital, 1937, accounts showing the grave position in 1934, memo on medical work in Uganda by W Wilson Cash and a report on the hospital by J Edward Cook.
Tanganyika, 1925-1949
Many of the papers in this section concern the constitution of the diocese of Central Tanganyika, the constitution of the Christian Council of Tanganyika and the appointment of the bishop of Central Tanganyika, W Wynn Jones.
Other topics included are:
- education in the mission
- finances of the mission with statistics
- details of grants received, money spent on maintenance, equipment and staff by government aided schools at Kongwa, Dodoma, Moumi and Berega
- extracts from the minutes of the Executive Committee of the mission
- report on a visit to the mission by Max Warren in November 1949
- minutes of the first meeting of the Christian Council, December 1948
- minutes of the Synod of the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, January 1948
- minutes of the meeting of the Diocesan Council, 1942
- notes on the CMS and German missions in Tanganyika
- a printed copy of “The Central Tanganyika Diocesan Letter”, 1943
- report of the Convention, Synod, Ordination, Conference and Diocesan Council, Dodoma, August 1936
Northern Nigeria, 1912-1949
This material is very useful for the memoranda, letters and reports on mission policy written by Max Warren, A G Fraser and Handley Hooper.
A good variety of subjects are included in the papers:
- correspondence regarding the problems with the medical mission and the lack of educationalists
- report on a visit to the mission detailing the problems with the hospital and the school at Wusasa
- proposal for a United Elementary Training Centre at Kudet, Ibadan
- circular letter from the Bishop of Northern Nigeria, N Sherwood Jones
- memo on missionary work in the mission
- report on CMS policy and work in Nigeria, 1927 by Rev A G Fraser
- memo on mission policy by Max Warren
- report on difficulties with the Nigeria government.
- correspondence concerning Wusasa middle school, 1948
Upper Nile, 1920-1949
The papers of this mission consist of general correspondence mostly concerning the appointment of L C Usher-Wilson as bishop, notes regarding the future of Buwalasi College and letters regarding the boundary of the Upper Nile diocese.
Ruanda, 1926-1949
The papers of the Ruanda mission consist of:
- minutes of the Ruanda Council
- correspondence with the Belgian government regarding church schools in Ruanda-Urundi and a statement on education in the mission by Rev P J Brazier
- minutes of the first annual conference of the Ruanda mission , Kabale, January 1934
- report of a visit to the mission by Rev A St John Thorpe, September-October 1933 and report of a tour of Ruanda- Urundi by Rev B R Isaac, 1948
- report of a visit to Usumbura by Dr A C Stanley Smith and Dr J E Church
- memo on clergy and evangelist training
- minutes of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, the Ruanda Consultative Committee and of the Missionaries Conference 1947
- report to the Home Council, 1936 by the Ruanda Secretary, W Arthur Pitt Pitts
- report on Kigezi educational work
- memos on the United Church by Dr A C Stanley Smith, Dr L E S Sharp and
Rev J J Willis
- notes on the characteristics of the Ruanda Revival Fellowship and on the Mutaho convention, June 1945 held to discuss the future of the mission
- correspondence regarding the Ruanda constitution
- reports on the Ruanda General and Medical Mission
- report of a Sub-Committee to consider the financial position of the mission
- correspondence concerning the possibility of a separate Ruanda diocese and appointment of a bishop
- correspondence concerning the training of Ruanda candidates at CMS training colleges
Southern Sudan, 1925-1949
The papers for Southern Sudan consist of general correspondence together with letters and reports on education, medical work, funding and mission policy.
Included are:
- notes by Dr Lloyd, 1926 on the enforcement by the Sudan government of regulations relating to mission schools
- notes on the educational system in Sudan and on cooperation with the government in Southern Sudan with respect to educational work and a report on the education of girls in Southern Sudan
- notes on the opening of stations among the Nuer, 1930 and the development of Dr Fraser’s work among the Moru
- statistics of the mission funds showing the contrast between 1932 and 1937
- notes on the dispute between the Roman Catholics and the CMS in Southern Sudan
- correspondence regarding the system of zones
- notes on the type of new personnel required
- notes on plans to open a leprosy settlement
- translation of the Mufti’s Fetwa concerning female circumcision
- correspondence regarding the introduction of vernacular teacher training
- notes on the practical implications of mission educational policy
- minutes of a conference at Yei, 1948
- correspondence concerning the realignment scheme of the Southern Sudan mission together with a report of the realignment committee
- memo on Christian leadership in Southern Sudan
- correspondence concerning the Sudan assistant bishopric
Northern Sudan, 1919-1949
Correspondence concerning the Nuba mountains area forms a significant part of the papers. Items included are:
- an agreement concerning CMS educational work in the area
- letter from the mission secretary, J S Trimingham to H D Hooper, General Secretary, 1942 regarding educational policy in the Nuba mountains and notes on the position and future policy of educational work in the Nuba mountains by C F L Bertram
- letters from missionaries and others on their arrival in the Nuba mountains
- impressions of the Nuba mountains area by Oliver C Allison, assistant bishop in the Sudan, 1949
Included also are documents covering a wide variety of topics:
- notes on CMS mission policy in the Northern Anglo-Egyptian Sudan by
J S Trimingham, 1945
- reports read at a general conference in 1933 – general report, medical report, report on the Atbara school, the Wad Medani Girls’ School, the Omdurman Girls’s School and the Omdurman medical mission and dispensary
- memo on the missionary situation in Sudan
- report on the history of medical work in the mission
- reports on women’s education by Mabel C Warburton
- report on the Omdurman hospital, 1938
- report on American mission work in Omdurman and Khartoum
Other material for Northern Sudan interfiled with documents on Southern Sudan consists of:
- minutes of the Standing Committee for Northern Sudan at Khartoum and of the Governor-General’s Council, Khartoum
- reports on CMS Girls’ Schools, 1927 in Northern Sudan by Mabel C Warburton
Egypt, 1925-1947
The main topics covered in the papers are:
- correspondence, minutes and reports concerning the Egypt Mission Property Trust, 1926-1937
- correspondence regarding the appointment of the bishop, 1946-1947
- correspondence, memoranda and papers regarding the Menouf medical mission, 1931-1939 with a report on the hospital at Menouf, 1934 by W Wilson Cash and a report of a meeting to discuss the future of the hospital, 1931
- correspondence regarding religious liberty and freedom of worship, 1939
General correspondence covers:
- report of the CMS conference in Cairo, 1933
- report on the Old Cairo medical mission
- report and balance sheet of the English School, Cairo, 1926
- minutes of meetings of the Egypt mission Standing Committee
- report on CMS schools in Egypt
- list of converts baptised since 1882
- long report of a visit to Egypt, Sudan and Palestine by W Wilson Cash, 1933
- minutes of the Egypt and Sudan Diocesan Council, 1940
- notes on the diocese of Egypt and the Sudan, 1938 by Llewellyn Gwynne, bishop of Egypt and the Sudan
- plan for the more effective occupation of the Giza and Menoufia provinces, 1938 by S A Morrison
- memo on the future policy of the Old Cairo medical mission, 1946