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Section VI: Missions to India

Part 1: India General, 1811-1815 and North India Mission, 1815-1881

Part 2: North India Mission, 1844-1886

Contents of Reels - Part 2


Catalogue to West Asia ( Group 2) Missions Vol 2 North India pp 9-22

C I 1 M 9 Mission Book 1844-1845

The Mission Books contain hand written copies of the Original Papers sent by the missionaries to the Secretary in London. The papers are numbered in the order they arrived in London. The letters and journals from 1844–May 1849 are copied out in full and a note of receipt is made for the financial and printed papers. From 1849 onwards the letters only are copied. Annual Letters are not copied out but those from 1875 onwards are printed at the back of the volumes. Each volume contains a name index.

Items include: letters from Rev William Smith to Rev James Innes re his missionary tour through Oude in 1843 with a description of Lucknow and breakfast with the King; Rev J Innes to the Lay Secretary re finances; Rev C G Pfander’s journal, Jan-March 1843; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee detailing progress in the missions; Rev J P Menge’s journal for Jan-Sept 1843 describing his tour from Gorakhpur to Jaunpoor; Rev J Hoernle’s report on the Orphan Institution at Agra; circulars; details of missionary travel expenses.


C I 1 M 9 Mission Book 1844-1845

Items include: Finance minutes; extracts of the minutes of the Agra District Missionary Society; letter from Rev J J Weitbrecht to the Lay Secretary; letters from various missionaries to the Lay Secretary on a variety of subjects; Rev P L Sandberg’s journal for August-December 1844; a list of the Christian teachers in the mission with details on their salaries.

C I 1 M 10 Mission Book 1845-1847

Minutes of a meeting of the missionaries of Agra; regulations for the salaries of native assistants; proposal for an institution at Agra to educate native youths; minutes of the meeting of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee; extract of a letter from Archdeacon Dealtry to the Bishop of Calcutta re his visit to the district of Krishnagur; minutes on the Benares Free School by D F McLeod; Rev J Long and Rev W Smith’s journals for 1845-1846.


C I 1 M 10 Mission Book 1845-1847

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; letter from Rev J J Weitbrecht to Rev H Venn re the death of Mr Coates, CMS Secretary in London; Rev J Innes’s minute on funds in July 1846 showing expenditure on mission buildings and salaries; a certificate on the health of Rev J C Wendnagel.


C I 1 M 11 Mission Book 1847-1849

Rev J Innes to Rev H Venn enclosing documents; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with information on the missions; notes on the Solo Mission by Rev G G Cuthbert, February 1847; a note on the expenditure of the Simla mission, October 1846-September 1848; minutes of a meeting of Bengal missionaries, October 1847; report by Mr A Acheson to Rev H Venn, January 1848 on the orphan boys rescued during the great famine with statistics showing their educational proficiency; meeting of the missionaries of the Agra District, 3 January 1848.


C I 1 M 11 Mission Book 1847-1849

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with details on the missions; minutes of the meeting of the Bengal district, 1849.

C I 1 M 12 Mission Book 1850-1853

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee; minutes of the Clerical Sub-Committee; letter from Rev G G Cuthbert to Rev H Venn giving updates on the missions; Mr J B Barry’s History of the Tezpore Mission.


C I 1 M 12 Mission Book 1850-1853

First letter from Rev E C Stuart to Rev H Venn on arrival in Agra; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; Rev G G Cuthbert to Rev H Venn listing documents sent to him; minutes of the conference of the Agra district; journal of Rev R Clark, January–March 1852; Bishop of Calcutta to Rev H Venn.


C I 1 M 13 Mission Book 1853-1855

Minute on the proposition of ordaining several European and East Indian catechists and teachers, 1853; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; minutes of the tenth conference of the brethren of the Agra district, February 1853; minutes of the Benares Conference, April 1853.


C I 1 M 13 Mission Book 1853-1855

Minutes of the conference of the Agra and Benares districts, 1854; letter from the new missionary Rev W Rebsch telling of his journey by ship and arrival in the mission; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with updates on the missions; letter from Rev Kruckeberg to Rev H Venn asking for his son to be allowed to attend the CMS school in England; minute regarding the Bengal Training School; Rev C F Cobb to Rev H Venn re the bishop’s visit to the mission, Benares 1854; minutes of the missionary conference held at Amritsar, January 1855.

C I 1 M 14 Mission Book 1855-1858

Extract from Rev C B Leupolt’s journal, February-March 1855; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; Bishop of Calcutta to Rev H Venn; report on education in the Boys’ School, 1855; minutes of the Bengal District Conference, September 1855; minutes of the Punjab missionaries regarding the ordination of native converts and the salaries of native pastors; Rev T H Fitzpatrick to Rev H Venn regarding his wife’s work among the women.


C I 1 M 14 Mission Book 1855-1858

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with mission updates; letter from Rev C G Pfander to Rev G G Cuthbert re the Indian Mutiny written at Peshawar, August 1857; Rev T H Fitzpatrick to Rev H Venn re the admitting of native Christians to public employment; Rev A Strawbridge concerning the state of the country after the Mutiny.


C I 1 M 15 Mission Book 1858-1861

Rev G G Cuthbert to Rev H Venn; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with updates on missions; letter from Mr W Wright to the Secretary, Agra May 1858 describing how the students at the CMS School reacted during the Mutiny; minutes of the meeting of the Bengal Conference, March 1858; Rev C B Leupolt to Rev H Venn, September 1858 describing a visit to Cawnpore, the site of a massacre during the Mutiny with a statement by Eliza Bradshaw and Elizabeth Letts on the massacre of women, men and children; letter from Rev C B Leupolt telling of his daughter’s death from smallpox one month after her marriage and his decision to have a sabbatical in Europe after fourteen years in India; extracts from Rev C F Cobb’s diary, 1858 and a description of his visit to Lucknow in January 1859; Rev J Long’s Annual Report, 1859; minutes of the Bengal Conference, October 1859.


C I 1 M 15 Mission Book 1858-1861

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with updates on the missions; letters from the Bishop of Calcutta to Rev H Venn; letters on a variety of topics from the secretary of the mission to the Secretary in London.

C I 1 M 16 Mission Book 1861-1862

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with updates on missions; various letters from missionaries to the Secretary in London.


C I 1 M 16 Mission Book 1861-1862

Rev A Strawbridge to Rev E C Stuart, 1862 regarding the closure of the school due to sickness; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee; minutes of the meeting of the Agra C M Association; address from the missionaries, CMS Calcutta to Rev J Long re a publication by a native worker and his indictment on a charge of libel; translation of a letter from four of the dismissed pupils of the Santipur Training School; minutes of a special meeting of the Peshawar CM Association, March 1862.


C I 1 M 17 Mission Book 1871-1872

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with reports on the missions; report by Mr A H Wright on the Hindu Girls’ School for girls of the lower caste; report of the work of the two Colporteurs working for Rev M S Seal at Kidderpur with a list of villages visited, number of books sold and amount of money raised.


C I 1 M 17 Mission Book 1871-1872

Minutes of the Agra conference, Krishnagar; report on the missions.

C I 1 M 18 Mission Book 1873-1874

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with a report on the missions; circular re founding a mission at Mhou and Indore; report of a meeting proposing to amalgamate the different missionary colleges in Calcutta; Rev B Davis’ description of the death of a Christian convert after being bitten by a mad dog.


C I 1 M 18 Mission Book 1873-1874

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with updates on the missions; report of Rev G M Gordon to Rev J Welland on three weeks itineration in the Jhelum district, 1874; report by Rev A P Neele on the Lucknow Mission School and his travels in the mission including an update on the CMS School for Hindu boys and the difficulties in travelling due to the floods.


C I 1 M 19 Mission Book 1875-1876

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with reports on the missions; report of Rev F Abel’s work at the CMS school in 1874;report of Rev A P Neele on his travels in the mission.


C I 1 M 19 Mission Book 1875-1876

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; rules for a Native Church Council, 1876; Rev William Briggs of Multan to Rev H Wright, June 1876 re the huge increase in native assistants from one to twelve in just a few years.At the end of the volume are printed Annual Letters from the missionaries for 1875-1876.

C I 1 M 20 Mission Book 1877

Rev T J Mayer to Rev C C Fenn about the arrest of a Colporteur for falsifying the bookshop accounts; resolutions passed at the conference of the Bishops in Calcutta, 1877; proceedings of the Punjab CMS Native Church Council.


C I 1 M 20 Mission Book 1877

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee and update on the missions; letter from the Bishop of Calcutta to the Secretary in London; letter from Rev C Vines to Rev W Gray written from a sanatorium about his work in Agra; report from Rev G M Gordon to Rev D Barry about his work at Multan. At the end of the volume are Annual Letters, 1876-1877.


C I 1 M 21 Mission Book 1878

Minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; Rev C G Daeuble to Rev W Gray from the outstation at Camp Gosningnary; appeal to the Calcutta Corresponding Committee from the Santhal missionaries for a medical missionary, plus Annual Letters from the missionaries for 1877-1878.


C I 1 M 22 Mission Book 1879-1880

Letter from the Bishop of Calcutta to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Calcutta 1879; minutes of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee with an update on the missions; report by Rev J Erhardt to Rev W Gray on his arrival at the Sikandra Orphanage, April 1879 describing the huge influx of sick and starving children; another report by Rev J Erhardt describing the desperate state of starvation in the area; the secretary of the mission’s report on Anglo-Vernacular Schools; details on the CMS institutions in the area– staff, educational agencies and CMS buildings. At the end of the volume are Annual Letters from missionaries for 1878-1879.


The Individual Letter Books contain private and confidential letters to individual missionaries from the Secretary in London. Rev Christopher Fenn was the last Secretary to be appointed specifically to write these letters and he continued until his retirement in 1894. In his letters for the 1860’s there is much about the development of the local church into a body independent of European support. Each volume has a name index.

C I 1 I 1 Individual Letter Book 1852-1856


C I 1 I 2 Individual Letter Book 1856-1858, 1863-1868


C I 1 I 3 Individual Letter Book 1868-1886




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