Section VI: Missions to India
Part 3: India General, 1811-1815 and South India Mission, 1815-1884
Part 4: South India Mission, 1834-1880
Contents of Reels - Part 4
Catalogue to West Asia ( Group 2) Missions
Vol 3 South India pp 6-29
C I 2 M 11 Mission Book 1834-1835
The Original Papers were copied into Mission Books so that a legible copy was available for the use of the committee. Included are letters to and from missionaries and secretaries re mission business, missionary reports on their work and itineration, minutes of meetings and conferences. Each volume contains an index.
Letters from Rev Henry Baker, Rev John Tucker, Rev J Peet, Rev
J C F Winckler, Rev and Mrs W J Woodcock, Rev John Devasagayam, Rev B Bailey, Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev P Schaffter, Rev J Cornelius, Rev E Dent; journals describing the missionary’s work from Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev P Schaffter, Rev J Peet, J Cornelius, Rev E Dent and others; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee; report of the Mayaveram Station by Rev J Tucker together with a list of the CMS Free Schools.
C I 2 M 12 Mission Book 1835-1836
Letters from Rev T Norton, Rev J Tucker and others; journals of Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev J J Muller, Rev W J Woodcock, Rev P P Schaffter, Rev B Schmid, Rev John Devasagayam; reports from the Tinnevelly Schools by Rev J J Muller and Rev P P Schaffter, on the Cochin and Allepie Stations by Rev J Tucker, on the Cottayam Mission; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee.
C I 2 M 13 Mission Book 1836
Letters from Rev J Tucker to Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev J Peet and others; journals of Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev J J Muller, Rev J M Lechler, Rev W J Woodcock, Rev G Pettitt, Rev J Devasagayam, Rev E Dent, E Serjeant, John Ananthan, Rev T Norton; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee; report of the Cottayam Mission, report by Rev T H Applegate on the Mayaveram mission.
C I 2 M 14 Mission Book 1836-1838
Letters from Rev J Tucker, Rev W J Woodcock, Bishop of Madras, Rev G Pettitt, Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev J Peet; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee; petition of the Tinnevelly congregation to the Corresponding Committee; reports of Readers and others at Cottayam and on Mrs Baker’s Female School at Cottayam.
C I 2 M 15 Mission Book 1838-1839
Letters from Rev J Tucker, Rev G Pettitt, Mr P Batchelor; journals of Rev C Blackman, Rev E Dent, Rev H Baker, Rev J H Gray, Mr J Johnson; minutes of a meeting of the Cottayam missionaries.
C I 2 M 16 Mission Book 1838-1840
Letters from Rev G Pettitt, Rev W T Humphrey, Rev S Ridsdale; Rev J Tucker’s minutes on the Tinnevelly Mission together with letters to the Secretary in London and the Bishop of Madras; minutes of a meeting of the Madras Corresponding Committee, of a meeting of the residents of Masulipatam and of the meeting of the Tinnevelly missionaries; an account of the practice of Hook Swinging by Rev J H Elouis; report on Cottayam by Rev H Baker and a report on the Madras Institution; summary of the estimated receipts and disbursements for the Madras Mission for 1840.
C I 2 M 17 Mission Book 1840-1841
Letters from Rev S Hobbs, Rev J H Gray, Rev T Norton, the Bishop of Madras, Rev J Chapman, Rev J Devasagayam, Rev
C Blackman; minutes of a meeting of the missionaries at Palamcottah, of the Madras Corresponding Committee, of the Tinnevelly missionaries; half yearly report of the Palamcottah station of the Tinnevelly Mission; reports on the Northern District of the Tinnevelly Mission, the Dohnavur District, the Cottayam District, the Cochin Mission and the schools of the Palamcottah Mission. These reports include news on missionaries, catechists, schools, congregations, seminaries and societies. There is also a report on the Madras Institution and the Suvisashapuram district of the Tinnevelly Mission by Rev J J Muller regarding female education. Journals are included for Rev F Rogers, Rev J Thomas and Rev
P P Schaffter.
C I 2 M 18 Mission Book 1841-1843
Letters from Major Browne, Rev H Cotterill, the Bishop of Madras,
Rev B Bailey, Rev H W Fox, Rev J Chapman, Rev
J Tucker; half yearly report of the Palamcottah Station of the Tinnevelly Mission; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee.
C I 2 M 19 Mission Book 1843-1844
Letters from Rev J Tucker to the Bishop of Bombay and the Bishop of Madras, Rev J H Gray, Rev P P Schaffter, Rev J Peet to the Diwan of Travancore; minutes of the meeting of the Madras Corresponding Committee and of the Tinnevelly missionaries; a statistical return for the mission stations; Rev J H Gray’s report on the Madras Institution.
C I 2 M 20 Mission Book 1844-1845
Letters from Rev J Tucker to the Bishop of Madras and missionaries, Rev C T E Rhenius, Rev J Peet to the Rajah of Travancore, Rev J Thomas; minutes of the meeting of the Madras Corresponding Committee and of the Tinnevelly missionaries; papers relating to the question of caste; journal of Rev J Tucker.
C I 2 M 21 Mission Book 1845-1847
Letters from Rev J Innes, Rev J Tucker, the Bishop of Madras, Rev J Peet, Rev P P Schaffter, Miss Caroline Giberne, Rev
J T G Barenbruck; minutes of the meeting of the Tinnevelly and
Palamcottah missionaries and of the Madras Corresponding Committee; correspondence relating to the Caste Question; Rev
J Chapman’s report on the Cottayam College; statement of salaries,
allowances, pensions etc granted to the missionaries and catechists; Rev J H Gray’s and Rev J Tucker’s reports on the Madras Institution for 1845 and 1846 respectively.
C I 2 M 22 Mission Book 1847-1850
Letters from Rev J T G Barenbruck, Rev J Tucker, Rev J G Ragland, Rev B Bailey, Rev H Baker to Rev J G Ragland re the state of the mission at Aleppie at Travancore, Mr W Cruickshank, Rev E Dent, Rev Stephen Hobbs, Rev J Devasagayam, Archdeacon Shortland; obituary of Peter the Instructing Catechist by Rev J T G Barenbruck; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee and of the meetings of the Travancore, Pannavadili and Palamcottah missionaries; notes on the Catechists’ Widows Fund of Tinnevelly.
C I 2 M 23 Mission Book 1850-1853
Letters from J G Ragland, Miss M A Hansford, Rev N J Moody; minutes of the meeting of the Palamcottah missionaries, the Madras Corresponding Committee, the Conference of the Tinnevelly missionaries; petition of the British Mission in Travancore to the Rajah; Rev E Johnson’s account of a visit to the Hill Arrians; report on the Mavelicara Mission, Travancore by Rev J Peet.
C I 2 M 24 Mission Book 1853-1856
Letters from Rev N J Moody, Rev H Venn, Colonel Browne, Miss
Caroline Giberne, Rev J Hawksworth, Rev J Devasagayam, Rev
E Johnson; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee and of the Travancore missionaries held at Pallamcottah; report on the
Tinnevelly Mission by Rev N J Moody; Rev J G Ragland’s report on an itineration in Tinnevelly.
C I 2 M 25 Mission Book 1856-1858
Letters from Rev P S Royston, Rev T G Ragland, Bishop of Madras, Rev H Venn, Miss Caroline Giberne, Rev J Peet, Rev
J Devasagayam, Rev W Knight, Rev P P Schaffter, Rev E Sargent, Rev J Pickford, Rev L Cradock, Colonel Browne; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee, of a meeting of the Travancore missionaries and also of the Madras Finance Sub Committee; proceedings of the first meeting of the University of Madras held at the College Hall, April 7 1857; Rev E Sargent’s report on the examination of the Training Institution and his account of the conversion of a Brahmin.
C I 2 M 26 Mission Book 1858-1860
Letters from Rev T Y Darling, Rev P S Royston, the Madras Secretaries, Rev T G Ragland, Rev E Sargent, Rev R H Vickers, the Bishop of Madras, the Bishop of Colombo, Rev J Hawksworth; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee, the Travancore Missionaries, the Tinnevelly missionaries and the Masulipatam missionaries; report of the Trichoor mission by J G Beuttler.
C I 2 M 27 Mission Book 1860-1862
Letters from Rev A Dibb, Rev P S Royston, Rev F W N Alexander, the Bishop of Madras, Rev J Devasagayam; minutes of the Madras
Corresponding Committee, the Masulipatam missionaries, the Travancore and Tinnevelly missionaries together with the minutes of the first meeting of the Telegu missionaries; journal of Rev
F W N Alexander’s visit to the Koi Mission; minutes of the Finance Committee.
C I 2 M 28 Mission Book 1868-1870
Letters from Rev O Mamen, Rev J Nee, the Travancore clergy to Rev P S Royston regarding an increase in salary, Rev J H Bishop to the Committee, Rev P S Royston, Rev John Sharp, Rev
J M Speechley , Rev C C Fenn, the Bishop of Madras; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee, the Tinnevelly conference, the Madras Native Church Council, the Travancore missionaries, the Telegu conference, the conference of CMS missionaries at Palamcottah, the Palamcottah Church Council; report of fifteen candidates for the Tinnevelly Native Pastorate.
C I 2 M 29 Mission Book 1871-1872
Letters from Rev P S Royston, Mrs D Andrews, Rev W P Schaffter, Rev David Fenn, Rev J Barton; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee, of the Telegu Church Missionary Conference, a conference held at Palamcottah plus the minutes of the Native Church Councils of Madras and Mengnanapuram; information regarding castes in India by Rev J Barton.
C I 2 M 30 Mission Book 1873-1874
Letters from Rev David Fenn, Rev J Barton, the Lay Secretary, the
Bishop of Madras, Rev J Sharp; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee.
C I 2 M 31 Mission Book 1875-1876
Letters from Rev D Fenn, Rev W Gray, Rev J Barton, Rev Dr Sargent, Rev J David, the Bishop of Madras; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee, of the Tinnevelly Native Church Council, of the Telegu conference at Masulipalam, of the Pallavuram Native Church Council and of the Travancore and Tinnevelly CMS conferences; report on Rev Sholto Douglas’ visit to Madras; report by A Subberoygudu on a visit to Amalpur; description by Rev
E Sargent of the Prince of Wales’ visit to Palamcottah in 1875; printed Annual Letters from missionaries and native catechists including Rev W Johnson, Rev Samuel Paul, Rev W P Schaffter, Rev J Cornelius, Rev J E Padfield, Rev D Stephen, Rev A James.
C I 2 M 32 Mission Book 1877
Letters from Rev R C MacDonald, Rev David Fenn, Rev W Gray, Madras Mission Secretary, Rev H Schaffter, the Bishop of Madras, Rev W Wright, Rev A Morgan, Rev John Sharp; letters from missionaries of the Tinnevelly and Telegu stations regarding the famine in 1877; minutes of the Madras Corresponding Committee and of the Finance Sub Committee; printed Annual Letters from missionaries and catechists including Mrs M A Vickers, Rev Henry Baker, Rev T Ephraim (Native Catechist), Rev Alfred Morgan.
C I 2 M 33 Mission Book 1878
Letters from Rev A F Painter, Rev W Gray, Rev J Thornton, Rev David Fenn, Rev R C MacDonald, the Bishop of Madras, Rev
A H Arden; minutes of the Telegu missionaries’ conference; printed Annual Letters from missionaries and catechists including Rev Henry Schaffter, Mrs M A Vickers, Rev D Daniel (Native Catechist), Rev W J Richards, Rev V Simeon (Native Catechist).
C I 2 M 34 Mission Book 1879-1880
Letters from Rev F W N Alexander, the Bishop of Madras, Travancore missionaries to the Secretary in London, Rev W J Richards, Rev J Caley, Rev A H Arden, Rev W Clayton, Rev A W Poole, Mrs M A Vickers, Bishop E Sargent, the Bishop of Travancore and Cochin; minutes of the Nallur Native Church Council, of the Madras Corresponding Committee, report on the Telegu country by Rev A H Arden; Annual Letters from missionaries and catechists including Rev Hugh Horsley, Rev A H Lash, Rev V Simeon (Native), Rev W G Baker, Rev James Stone.