Section VI: Missions to India
Part 5: North India Mission, 1817-1880
Part 6: North India Mission, 1817-1880
Contents of Reels - Part 5
Catalogue to West Asia (Group 2) Missions Vol 2 North India pp 4-57
C I 1 O 1(1-75)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879 The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: the establishment of a missionary boarding school, an increase in missionary salaries, education and preaching.
C I 1 O 1(76-153)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879 The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: the need for a new edition of the Bible in Hindustani and for a Sanskrit diary, the state of the schools and mission expenses.
C I 1 O 1(154-276)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879 The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: death of native teachers, movement of missionaries to other stations.
C I 1 O 1(277-359)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879 The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: the appointment of new missionaries, news on catechists, missionary loans and salaries, schools and the appointment of teachers, salaries and negotiation for mission land.
C I 1 O 1(360-430)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879
The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: the appointment of new missionaries, financial problems, proposals for a new mission house, funds needed for building repairs.
C I 1 O 1(431-534)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879
The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: schools and the health of missionaries.
C I 1 O 1(535-575)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879
The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: health of missionaries, salaries, grants, building costs of the Cathedral Mission College and of huts for local people after the cyclone of 1868, the Bengal conference of 1869 and the appointment of language assistants.
REEL 100
C I 1 O 1(576-627)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879
The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: the building of a new church in Krishnapore, Calcutta mission, the appointment of catechists, new school buildings, the failure of crops and sickness in Basharatpore, arrival of new missionaries, the financial state of schools and grants for medicines.
REEL 101
C I 1 O 1(628-641)
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Minutes 1820-1879
The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Included are: an abstract of a report by Rev A Stark on his visits to Pahari villages, requests by missionaries for leave.
C I 1 O 2
Original Papers
Calcutta Corresponding
Committee Reports
and Papers 1817-1878
Subjects discussed include: a report on the difficulties of the year, a general introduction on the mission, reports on the mission areas, some including statistical tables of the number of native Christians, day schools, boarding schools, teachers and pupils and statements of accounts.
C I 1 O 3
Original Papers
Simla and Himalaya
Committee Papers 1840-1846
The minutes are divided into different mission areas. Subjects discussed include: proposals re schools, local funds and grants, the first report of the Himalaya mission giving details on its progress from the start to 1844 with financial statistics.
REEL 102
C I 1 O 4(1-4)
Original Papers
Missionary Conferences
Reports 1845-1879
Subjects discussed include: education, preaching, training of native agents, the native church, medical missions, itinerations, native female education and also included are statistics of the mission stations.
REEL 103
C I 1 O 4(5-8)
Original Papers
Missionary Conferences
Reports 1845-1879
Subjects discussed include: education, preaching, training of native agents, the native church, medical missions, itinerations, native female education, statistics of the mission stations.
C I 1 O 5
Original Papers
Church Council Reports 1871,
Subjects discussed include: the ministry among native Christians, evangelisation, duties of native Christian laymen, church committees, church funds and pastorates.
C I 1 O 6
Original Papers
Local CMS
Associations 1823-1879
Papers include: minutes of the Agra CMS Association meeting, a pamphlet on the Agra Orphan Institution, minutes of the Benares CMS Association and Orphan Seminary with financial accounts, report of the Jay Narain’s Institution at Benares, reports of the Calcutta CMS Association, the Chunar CMS Association with accounts, the Gorakhpur CMS Association and the Lucknow CMS Association and a proposal for a native church in Amritsar.
REEL 104
C I 1 O 7
Original Papers
Punjab Committee
for Medical Missions 1863-1874
Minutes of meetings, some with accounts. Topics covered include: lists of diseases treated, major and minor operations performed, number of patients and results of the treatment.
C I 1 O 8
Original Papers
Correspondence with
Bishops of Calcutta 1820-1879
Thomas Fanshaw Middleton,
Reginald Heber,
John Thomas James,
Daniel Wilson,
George Edward Lynch Cotton,
Robert Milman,
Edward Ralph Johnson
Papers include: a printed report on missions by the Bishop of Calcutta, 1871, printed resolutions passed at the Conference of Bishops of India and Ceylon in Calcutta, 1877 regarding the relation of missionary societies to diocesan organisations.
C I 1 O 9
Original Papers
Government Papers 1854-1880
Papers include: documents regarding grants in aid of education with statistics, papers relative to the Bill for the Solemnization of Marriage in India of Christians.
REEL 105
C I 1 O 10
Original Papers
Education Papers 1823-1880
Papers include: minutes of meetings of the subscribers to the Free School at Agra, minutes of a meeting of the Benares Free School with a list of boys at the school with details on their progress and a list of bursaries, prospectus of a proposed college in Calcutta, minutes of a meeting regarding a proposal to amalgamate different missionary colleges in Calcutta, statistics of day schools in the Lucknow mission and reports regarding the education of Native Christians.
C I 1 O 11
Original Papers
Finance Papers 1820-1879
Papers include: minutes of the Finance Sub Committee, monthly accounts for Calcutta Corresponding Committee regarding missionary allowances, a printed leaflet on the Native Pastorate Fund, accounts of the Roxburgh Colportage Fund, appeal for building a church in Lucknow.
REEL 106
C I 1 O 12
Original Papers
Drafts including
letters re finance 1823, 1834,
Topics include: the building of new mission houses, missionary accounts.
REEL 107
C I 1 O 13
Original Papers
Candidates Papers 1827-1868
The papers mostly consist of letters of recommendation.
C I 1 O 14
Original Papers
Building Plans 1826-1880
Estimates, plans for buildings including Calcutta Cathedral College and Alexandra Christian Girls’ Boarding School.
C I 1 O 15
Original Papers
of Consecration 1844
C I 1 O 16
Original Papers
Appeals, Addresses and
Memorials 1849-1877
C I 1 O 17
Original Papers
Correspondence with,
and papers of,
other Societies 1820-1879
Papers include: letter from the American Methodist Mission, the proceedings of a meeting in Calcutta of the Ladies Society for Native Female Education, 1825 together with a printed leaflet on the history of the society with statistics on schools, an annual report of the Benares station, papers of the Christian Vernacular Education Society and rules of the Christian Instruction Society.
REEL 108
C I 1 O 18
Original Papers
Statistics c1822-1875
Statistics cover various topics including: the number of Native Christians in the missions, the number of clergymen, lay teachers, baptisms, schools etc in the North India mission.
C I 1 O 19
Original Papers
Papers of Indian
Christians 1823-1875
Extremely interesting and detailed journals of Native Christians including also their reports, Annual Letters and petitions, mostly translated, but some also in the original language.
C I 1 O 20
Original Papers
Mission Papers 1849-1875
Very detailed and interesting reports of the Kashmir Medical mission, the Lucknow Church mission, and the Meerut, Peshawar, Punjab and Sikandra Missions.
C I 1 O 21
Original Papers
Miscellaneous Letters
to Secretaries
at Headquarters 1827-1879
C I 1 O 22
Original Papers
Miscellaneous Papers 1820-1878
C I 1 O 23
Original Papers
Printed papers 1842-1879
Papers include: correspondence re the consecration of churches in India and the proposed alterations in the Anglican liturgy together with news cuttings from The Benares Recorder and The Enquirer.
REEL 109
C I 1 O 24
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Frederick Abel 1865,
Annual Letters and miscellaneous papers.
C I 1 O 25
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Alexander Acheson 1847-1852
Includes reports on missionary work, the mission in general and on the Jay Narain’s College and Free School.
C I 1 O 26
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Adlington 1820-1828
C I 1 O 27
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Alfred Alexander 1830-1844
Includes journals and reports and statistics on the CMS schools in the mission.
C I 1 O 28
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
J Wallis Alexander,
Secretary of the Calcutta
Committee 1838-1839
C I 1 O 29
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
George Frederick
Hermann Ansorge 1848,
Includes reports on the mission.
C I 1 O 30
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Paul Ansorge 1848-1849,
Includes journals and a report of preaching tours.
C I 1 O 31
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Bright Archer 1860
C I 1 O 32
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Simmonds Attlee 1860
C I 1 O 33
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William James Ball 1855-1865,
Includes Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 34
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Francis Henry
Baring 1873, 1877
C I 1 O 35
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Matthias Barker 1856
C I 1 O 36
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev David Thomas
Barry 1876-1879
Rev D T Barry was Secretary of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee, 1876-1878. Included are: letters on mission affairs, conferences, missionaries, the committee and notes on the Peshawar mission.
REEL 111
C I 1 O 37
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Barton 1860-1875
Rev J Barton was Secretary of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee, 1865-1867 and the Principal of the Cathedral Mission College, Calcutta. Included are: letters on his voyage out, news on committee meetings and education, a printed pamphlet on St John’s College, Agra and a long section on his itinerations.
C I 1 O 38
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Rowland
Bateman 1868-1872,
Includes Annual Letters and a description of a visit to Murgbee Sikhs at Dhunpho, 1870.
C I 1 O 39
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Charles John Batstone 1855-1856
C I 1 O 40
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Robert Braithwaite
Batty 1860-1861
C I 1 O 41
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Augustus William
Baumann 1875, 1878,
Includes Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 42
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Charles Baumann 1870-1880
Includes Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 43
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
John Baumann 1880
C I 1 O 44
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Robert John Bell 1863-1873
Includes an Annual Letter.
C I 1 O 45
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Herman Friedrich
Beutel 1873, 1876
Includes an Annual Letter.
C I 1 O 46
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Molam Biswas 1872
One Annual Letter.
C I 1 O 47
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Russell
Blackett 1876-1880
Rev W R Blackett was Secretary of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee, 1876. Included are Annual Letters, reports and correspondence regarding the Divinity School at Krishnagur.
REEL 112
C I 1 O 48
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Charles Henry
Blumhardt 1839-1876
Includes very detailed Annual Letters regarding the famine at Krishnagur and extracts from his journals describing the schools.
C I 1 O 49
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Edward Keane
Blumhardt 1871-1880
Includes Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 50
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Christian
Bomwetsch 1847-1880
Rev Bomwetsch translated the Gospel of Matthew into Bengali. Includes reports and Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 51
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Guru Churu Bose 1858-1861
Includes Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 52
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Samuel Bost 1851-1852
Includes journals.
REEL 113
C I 1 O 53(1-44)
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Bowley 1820-1843
Includes journals and letters regarding Native Christians and Orphan Asylums.
REEL 114
C I 1 O 53(45-74)
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Bowley 1820-1843
Interesting extracts from his journals regarding his itinerating, preaching and the customs and festivals of the country.
REEL 115
C I 1 O 53(75-87)
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Bowley 1820-1843
Interesting extracts from his journals regarding his itinerating, preaching and the customs and festivals of the country.
REEL 116
C I 1 O 53(88-end)
Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Bowley 1820-1843
Interesting extracts from his journals regarding his itinerating, preaching and the customs and festivals of the country.