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Section V: Missions to the Americas

Part 2: North West Canada, 18211880

Part 3: North West Canada, 18221930

Part 4: British Columbia, 18561925

Contents of Reels - Part 4


East Asia (Group 1) Missions Vol 1

Canada Catalogue pp 88-102

Please note that the early Letter Books and Mission Books for this mission are entered in the corresponding volumes for North-West Canada.

C C 2 O 1 Original Papers
Correspondence with Bishops Diocese of British Columbia
George Hills 1862-1877
The Original Papers include letters, journals and annual letters sent to the Secretary in London. Included are: statistics of Indian tribes of the Pacific Coast – number of men, women and children and language; account of the Bishop’s visit to Metlakatla Mission where he examined 100 catechists; printed report of the first synod of the Diocese of British Columbia, 1875.

C C 2 O 2 Original Papers
Correspondence with Bishops Diocese of Athabasca
William Carpenter Bompas 1877-1878
Letter on his arrival at Metlakatla and his first impressions, 1877; narrative of a journey to Metlakatla in the winter of 1877; report of a visit to Kincolith and Metlakatla in February 1878; account of Christmas at Metlakatla, 1877.

C C 2 O 3 Original Papers
Corrrespondence with Bishops Diocese of Caledonia
William Ridley 1879-1880
Letter on his arrival and his first impressions of Metlakatla; report on a month’s journey into the interior; letter re William Duncan and Robert Tomlinson.

C C 2 O 4 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Rev William Henry Collison, Metlakatla 1873-1880
Letter about his journey and arrival at Metlakatla; report on a journey from Metlakatla to Massett, Queen Victoria Islands, 1876; specimens of the Hydah and Tsimshian languages; newspaper cutting of Lord Duffrin’s visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands, 1876; Annual Letters for 1876, 1880; petition from Christians at Metlakatla requesting that Mr and Mrs Colinson should not be moved to another station, 1876.

C C 2 O 5 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Very Rev Edward Cridge, Dean of Christ Church cathedral, Victoria 1861, 1866-1875
Report on a visit to Metlakatla, 1867; letter to William Duncan giving his reasons for leaving the Church of England and joining the Reformed Episcopal Church, 1875; printed account of the trial of the Very Rev Edward Cridge, 1875.

C C 2 O 6 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Robert Cunningham, Nass River 1862-1866
Journal of voyage out to Canada, 1862; letters, 1863 and 1866.

C C 2 O 7 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Rev Robert Reid Arthur Doolan, Metlakatla and Nass River 1864-1867 News cuttings re the sale of alcohol to the Indians, 1866; copy of the minutes of the Committee meeting held in Metlakatla, 1866; abstract of his journal for 1 May – 30 Sept 1865; printed journal for 1 October 1865 – 31 March 1866; diary for April 1866 – 30 June 1866; journal for 27 Sept 1866 – December 1866


C C 2 O 8 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
William Duncan, Fort Simpson and Metlakatla 1856-1879
Letter to the Governor of British Columbia, 1865; minute of committee meetings held at Metlakatla, 1867 re Mr Own’s case; letter to the Governor of British Columbia requesting the possibility of divorce being allowed amongst Indians, 1867; letters from Paul Leegaio, 1868-1869; printed report of the British Columbia government on Indian Reserves, 1875; address from Christians at Metlakatla urging the Bishop to be reconciled with Dean Cridge, 1877; newspaper cutting on the Governor – General’s visit to British Columbia, 1876; journals for 1856-1861, including his account of his first visit to the Kee-thrahtlah Indians, 1860; Annual Letters for 1868-1869, 1871, 1873-1876, 1878-1879.


C C 2 O 9 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Rev Frank Barrow Gribbell, Victoria 1866
Newspaper cuttings re Metlakatla, 1866; medical certificates for Mrs Gribbell.

C C 2 O 10 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Mrs Lise Gribbell, Victoria 1866
Letters to Mrs Gribbell from Isabella Keith and Margaret, two Indian women.

C C 2 O 11 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Rev Alfred James Hall, Metlakatla and Fort Rupert 1877-188
Letter after his arrival and his work of three months, 1877; a printed copy of “The Primary Manual of the Fort Rupert CMS Mission”, 1879; letter after two years at Fort Rupert including two visits made to the “neighbouring heathen tribes”; letter re the traffic in liquor with Indians at Metlakatla and Fort Rupert, 1880; account of the first few months in Metlakatla, 1878; Annual Letter for 1878.

C C 2 O 12 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Henry B Owen, Victoria 1867-1868
Letter re difficulties of working with William Duncan, 1867; accounts; letter from Paul Leegaio, 1868 and to Dean Cridge, 1868.

C C 2 O 13 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Captain James C Prevost, Vancouver Island 1857-1879
Letter from William Banfield, Indian agent re the Indians at Ohiat, Barclay Sound, 1859.

C C 2 O 14 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Henry Schutt, Metlakatla 1876-1879
Letters for 1876-1877, 1879; Annual Letters for 1876-1879.

C C 2 O 15 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
George Edward Sneath, Masset 1879-1880
Letters for 1879; Annual Letter for 1880.

C C 2 O 16 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Rev Robert Tomlinson, Kincolith and Ankihtlast 1867-1880
Letter applying for a site for the mission buildings and reserve, 1869; an account of a whisky woman; account of work among the Kitiksheans, 1875; statement by Rev Tomlinson in reference to the withdrawal of his licence by Bishop Hills, 1877; extracts of the diary for 1867-1868; tour among the tribes on the Nass and Skeenia Rivers., 1874; First to Third Annual Reports of the Kincolith Mission Hospital, 1871-1874; Annual Letters for 1868-1870, 1872-1876, 1878-1879; sketch map of the Pacific Coast showing Fort Simpson, Metlakatla, Kincolith and Indian settlements along the Skeena and Nass rivers.

C C 2 O 17 Original Papers
Letters, Journals and Papers of missionaries and others
Rev Lewen Street Tugwell, Fort Simpson 1860-1862
Letters, 1860-1862; journal extracts for 1860-1861.


G 1 C 2 L 1 Letter Book 1881-1888
Letter to David Leask and other native Christian Brethren at Metlakatla re the division between the native Christians, 1883; instructions to new missionaries; letter to William Duncan at Metlakatla re the extent of the government reserve at Metlakatla.

G 1 C 2 L 2 Letter Book 1888-1905
Instructions to new missionaries; resolutions regarding the administration of the mission.


G 1 C 2 L 3 Letter Book 1905-1922, 1925
Instructions to missionaries.

G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1881-1882
1881 Annual Letters from Robert Tomlinson, 1881; W Collison, 1881; Henry Schutt, 1881; Alfred J Hall, Fort Rupert; Mr Duncan, 1881; report of the first conference of missionaries of the North Pacific mission, 1881 with details on the individual missions; report of the Ankihttast mission since the return of Rev Tomlinson.

1882 Memo on events at Metlakatla, 1881; a report on a visit to Fort Rupert and other tribes, Jan 1882, Alert Bay by Alfred J Hall; report of the second annual conference of missionaries of the North Pacific Mission, 1882; letters re Mr Duncan’s behaviour in inciting the people against the Bishop.


G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1883-1884
1883 Report of a meeting of chiefs and Indians at Metlakatla, 1882; an account of the destruction of the mission building at Metlakatla; newspaper cuttings relating to the situation in Metlakatla, 1883; letter from native women complaining about the departure of Mr Duncan; proceedings of the third annual conference of the missionaries of the North Pacific Mission, 1883; newspaper cuttings re the resignation of the Bishop of British Columbia.

1884 Copy of Dr Powell’s address to the Tsimpsean Indians at Metlakatla, 1884; diary kept by A J Hall 17 August-30 December 1883; news cuttings re the trouble with the Indians at Metlakatla; copy of the minutes of the fourth annual conference of missionaries of the North Pacific Mission, 1884; photos taken in the Queen Charlotte Islands by Mr Maynard.


G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1885-1888
1885 Newspaper cuttings re the Commissioner’ s report on the Metlakatla problem, 1885; report by C Harrison on the work at Massett, 1885; letter from Matthew Auckland, native Timpshean regarding his stand with the Bishop against Mr Duncan; minutes of the Nass River Station, 1885; minutes of the conference of the North Pacific Mission held at Metlakatla, 1885 with a report on the Metlakatla Mission; sketch map of Aiyansh; report on the Indians in Alert Bay.

1886 Letter from Mr Duncan re the problems at Metlakatla, 1886; statistical returns of the North Pacific Mission, 1886; list of expenditure for building the mission house at Massett; account of work among the Zaguills, Alert Bay, 1885-1886 by A E Price; account of work in Metlakatla, 1886; annual report of the North Pacific Mission, 1885; discussion on missionary salaries; newspaper cutting on the refusal of the Indians in Metlakatla to allow surveying of the Indian reserves.

1887 Newspaper cutting on the problems with the Tsimpsean Indians; extract from Rev C B Nash’s Annual Letter, 1886; copy of the minutes of the seventh annual missionary conference; annual report of the North Pacific Missions, 1886-1887; copy of “The Diocesan and Parish Magazine”, October 1887.

1888 Extracts from Rev J Field’s Annual Letter, 1888; printed report of the commission on the state and condition of the Indians of the North West Coast of British Columbia; minutes of the eighth annual conference of missionaries.


G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1889-1896
1889 Diary of Albert J Hall during his journey made to the Indians south of Alert Bay, 1889; statistics of the North Pacific Mission showing the number of native lay teachers, native catechists, scholars and number of baptisms.

1890 Report on a missionary tour by Dr Ardagh and R W Gurd to Kithatla, 1889; a copy of “The Metlakahtlan”, January 1890; proceedings of the British Medical Council; first impressions of Massett by J H Keen, 1890

1891 Proceedings of the annual conference of the North Pacific Mission; photograph of the CMS Church at Massett.

1892 Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the North Pacific Mission; report for the mission, 1891-1892.

1893 Statement of receipts and expenditure for the building of Christ Church Mission Church.

1894 Proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the North Pacific Mission.

1895, 1896 Letters and reports from missionaries.


G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1897-1904
1897 Letters and reports from missionaries.

1898 Minutes of CMS Conference, Kincolith.

1899 Letters from Indian Chiefs complaining that Bishop Ridley had only visited Massett twice in 50 years.

1900 Letter by Rev G F S re Dr Ardaghi’s treatment of patients and Miss Beeching’s suitability for missionary work; minutes of the CMS Conference, 1899; letter from Indians on the reserve at Hazelton to the Superintendent of General Indian Affairs, Ottawa re the Indian Agent and Rev Field.

1901 Minutes of the CMS Conference; news cutting about the fire at the mission house at Metlakatla.

1902 Minutes of the CMS Conference with reports on the CMS stations by A J Hall; letter from the Chiefs and Indians re the retirement of the bishop and their wish to have Archdeacon Collison as the new bishop; news cutting re the work among the Indians on Vancouver Island written by the Bishop of Columbia.

1903 Photograph of the Girls’ Home at Metlakatla; CMS Conference report.

1904 Letters re Miss Edwards’ suitability as a teacher at the Girls’ School, Metlakatla; extracts from the CMS conference held at Victoria; letter re a visit to the salmon canneries at Rivers Inlet by A J Hall.


G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1905-1912

1905 Report on visits to the mission stations by the Bishop of Caledonia; report on the Tahl-Fan Indians at Stricken River Mission; minutes of the CMS Board held at Metlakatla.

1906 Report of the Columbia Coast Mission; report by A J Hall on a visit by the Governor General.

1907 Letters and reports by missionaries.

1908 Printed report on the Indian Schools of Manitoba and the North West Territories by the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Indian Affairs; report on the Industrial School at Alert Bay by A W Corker, the Principal; news cutting from “The Empire” on the proceedings of the Third Synod of the diocese of Caledonia.

1909 Letters and reports from the missionaries.

1910 Issue of “The British Columbia Church Aid Society”; report on the fire at Aiyansh Mission.

1911 News cutting from “The Empire” regarding Bishop du Vernet’s reaction to intemperance among the Indians; journal of the Aiyansh Mission, Nass River, September 1910-March 1911 by James B McCullagh; minutes of the CMS Board meeting.

1912 Minutes of the CMS Board with a financial statement; photograph of the children at the Girls’ Home at Alert Bay and of the new mission house at Aiyansh.


G 1 C 2 O Original Papers 1913-1925

1913 Letter from the new superintendent of the new Girls’ Home, Alert Bay by A W Corker; minutes of the meeting of the CMS Board at Metlakatla; leaflet of “The Friends of the Indians of British Columbia".

1914 Copy of the “Journal of the Fourteenth Synod” in the Diocese of British Columbia with the statistics for the year; minutes of the CMS Board meeting at Prince Rupert.

1915 Requests for furloughs; letters re sickness and death of missionaries.

1916 Medical certificates for missionaries and furlough requests.

1917 Reports on the work of Rev Albert Price on the Queen Charlotte Islands

1918 Copies of “The North British Columbia News” reporting on the floods at Aiyansh; photographs of the floods at Aiyansh and of an Indian wedding feast; report of “The Friends of the Indians of British Columbia”; minutes of the CMS Board meeting at Prince Rupert; report on the Alert Bay Mission; the Book of Common Prayer translated into Niefa; newspaper cutting on the death of Rev J Field.

1919 Minutes of the CMS Board meeting at Prince Rupert.

1920 Letters from missionaries requesting furloughs; newspaper cutting on Canadian Indians who fought in WW I – 35% of them enlisted; letter re Rev A Price’s nervous breakdown.

1921 Newspaper cutting containing a tribute to Rev McCullagh who had served for 37 years at Aiyansh.

1922 Description of the funeral of the Venerable W H Collison, Arch Deacon.

1923 Please note that no papers could be found for this year.

1924 News of the death of the Archbishop of Caledonia.

1925 News of the retirement of Rev Corker.


G 1 C 2 P 1 Précis Book 1881-1892
The Précis Book consists of a printed précis of the papers sent to London with the date, writer, date received, summary of contents, proposals for committee action to be taken and/or the secretary’s remarks.Topics included are: confidential and personal letters from the missionaries; news on the mission stations; receipt of Annual Letters and journals; reports of conferences; notes on mission affairs and mission buildings; accounts of visits by the Bishop; minutes of the Mission Board.

G 1 C 2 P 2 Précis Book 1892-1922, 1924-1925
The Précis Book consists of a printed précis of the papers sent to London with the date, writer, date received, summary of contents, proposals for committee action to be taken and/or the secretary’s remarks. Topics included are: confidential and personal letters from the missionaries; news on the mission stations; receipt of Annual Letters and journals; reports of conferences; mission affairs and mission buildings; accounts of visits by the Bishop; minutes of the Mission Board.



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