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Series Two: Imperial Adventurers and Explorers

Part 1: The Papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office

Detailed Listing

This listing is based on three separate sources. Firstly, the brief catalogue of the Arundell Collection at the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office; secondly, on the notes made by Mary S Lovell in 1995, during the work that she undertook for her biography of Burton (which was published in 1998); thirdly, on our own detailed examination of the manuscripts at the time of filming. We are grateful to WSRO and Mary Lovell for permission to make use of their listings.

Arundel Collection [date of accession by WRO 14/7/93]

Burton 2667/26 (7 boxes)


Box 1: “Scrapbooks/Genealogy” - containing 7 Scrapbooks

2667 26/1/1 Late 19 cent.

A volume of notes on the genealogy of Sir Richard Burton.

1. Large Scrapbook (brown) with handwritten note on front:
Notes on Burton Genealogy collected at different times by Isabel Burton (signed)
Contains particulars of Richard Burton’s family and ancestry, mainly in Tuam (or Galway)

2667 26/1/2 1893 Copies of reviews of Isabel Burton’s book ‘Life of Richard Burton’.

2. Hardbound scrapbook entitled by hand:
Romeikes and Curtice cuttings on ‘Life’ 1893 (nb: Romeikes and Curtice is a press cuttings agent)

Contents are several hundred reviews of IB’s 'Life of Richard Burton'.

A few selected at random:

Scottish Leader 9/5/1893 “Literary Notes” -

“In his lifetime he was known with somewhat dubious reputation, chiefly as the translator of ‘Arabian Nights’, a work filled with as little for the Boarding school as the edifying memoirs of M, de Casanova. But the books in which he has related many of his adventures in foreign lands are full of interest and excitement, with as much romance as falls to the lot of nineteenth century travellers…”

Talk 2/8/1893 p.843 -

“…On the whole, having read all she has to day in his defence, I incline to think that Lady Burton was justified in her action in the matter of the Scented Garden. And I fancy that the outcry would not have been heard, indeed that it would never have been made, had the loss by fire been merely to scholars and not to the dealers in, and lovers of, pornography…however, it does seem a pity that it never occurred to Lady Burton to hand the manuscript over to the authorities of the British Museum where it might have been accessible to scholars. [goes on to speak of IB’s righteous feminine scorn of those who condemn her action]: . . . If her work will not rank besides that of the great biographies of great men, she may at least congratulate herself that she has produced a book which will be read and returned to with great pleasure and interest. High as the reputation of Sir Richard Burton stood before . . . it stands higher than ever now . . . ”

Evening News 29/7/1893 -
[cutting saying that IB had returned to ‘Our Cottage’ at Mortlake where she was ill].

Daily Graphic 14/7/1893 Reviews of “the Life” -
“ . . . she should have felt less and written better . . .”

[most reviewers appear to feel that her admitted ‘idolatry’ of RFB was not a good base for a biographer. It makes her, said one ‘unfit for the venture’ (Glasgow Evening News 20/7/1893)]

Commerce 9/8/1893 p258 -
Picture of IB ‘as a bride’ ‘Burton’s room at Trieste’

St James Budget 4/8/1893
“Decidedly, the book of the hour.”

Black & White 19/8/1893 n.p.
Picture of Burton’s Smoking Divan at Trieste

Spectator 19/8/1893
Contradiction by W.A. Greenhill of RFB’s memory that he met Arnold

[note that there are many overseas reviews indicating that the book found its way to America, Australia and New Zealand very quickly]

2667 26/1/3 1894-1895 Copies of reviews of Arabian Nights.

3. Another Press Cuttings Book, written in IB’s hand:

Arabian Nights - Cuttings date from Oct 1894 - Feb 1895.

Some excerpts:

Morning Post [date?]

“A new edition is to be edited by Mr Leonard C. Smithers who purposes to restore 4/5ths of the matter annulled in the edition prepared for the press by (if we remember rightly) Mr Justin McCarthy, and known as ‘Lady Burton’s Edition . . .’”

Westminster Gazette [undated]

“A new and elaborate limited edition of Sir RFB’s translation of A Thousand and One Nights, and Supplemental Nights will be shortly announced by H.S.Nicholls and Sons. It will be in 12 vols, royal octavo (like the original) and bound in black and gold. The text is taken from Sir Richard’s own copy and will have all his latest additions improvements and corrections, and it is edited by Leonard C. Smithers. The price of the 12 volumes is 6 guineas net, the date of the publication is fixed for November 30th.

As to expurgation, Lady Burton’s edition was a repeat of 10 volumes only of the first issue, 215 pages were omitted. In the forthcoming edition, which comprises the complete work, only about 50 pages will be excised. One reason for this seems to be the promise given by Sir RB to his subscribers that no cheap edition of the entire work would be produced . . .”

[The Smither’s edition seems to have only left out the most contentious parts of the Terminal Essay, called by one reviewer ‘the most disgusting appendix ...’]

2667 26/1/4 c1895 Cuttings of reviews of Arabian Nights and sundry events of interest to Isabel Burton.

4. Unbound scrapbook of cuttings regarding ‘the Arabian Nights’ and sundry events of interest to Isabel in general (animals, hospitals, Africa, people they’ve known, etc). This volume is in poor condition.

Many letters to the press, c1884, by IB detailing cruelties to animals, especially donkeys (sore backs, underfed, overburdened) horses (unshod, sore backs, overworked, beaten, underfed etc) dog (unfed, strays, used in dog carts to pull huge loads etc). Discussions on female franchise.

2667 26/1/5 c1890 Scrapbook of papers and letters about Burton’s death.

5. Scrapbook entitled “General Comments, Death etc

[Letters addressed to IB at “Our Cottage” 2 Worple Road, Mortlake, London SW.] Obits [thousands]: ‘He was a man who delighted to shock and frighten prudish and timid people . . . ’

“… a man of large literary attainments and ability, a man of untiring energy and restless activity, and one whose travels probably covered a wider range than those of any explorer of his time.”
Washington Post

2667 26/1/6 1886 A sketch of the career of Burton by Bates Richards, Wilson and St Clair Baddeley.

6. 1886. A Sketch of the career of Sir Richard Burton by Bates Richards, Wilson and St Claire Baddeley

2667 26/1/7 1998 Catalogue of an exhibition about Richard Burton at Orleans House Gallery London.

7. Catalogue of exhibition at Orleans House, Gallery 1998 (?)


BOX 2 - Correspondence, manuscripts, reviews and pamphlets

Box 2 contains 18 packages or bundles of correspondence and memorabilia. This makes this the single largest group of material within the archive. We have filmed the material over five reels. The following brief summary provides a brief overview of the material, before proceeding to the more detailed reel by reel notes.

Box (2) Brief Summary


(i) The case of Captain Burton at Damascus – concerning the complaint of the Turkish Wali which led to his dismissal. [102 items]
Correspondence –Edward Freeman: letters from Cairo to Damascus – there is much on the Balkans, the Nazareth affray and the Midian Expedition. Also, sundry personal letters [103 items]


(iii) Bundle of letters from Jeffcock, solicitor of Henry & Co, Publishers [24 items]
(iv) Sundry letters – business and publishing matters [70 items]
(v) Sundry letters – business and publishing matters [36 items]
(vi) ‘Amharic’ Prayer Book [1 item]


(vii) Correspondence and cuttings re Lady Burton’s will. Letters re second edition of Arabian Nights (Standard Library Edition) [13 items]
(viii) Wills and settlements of Isabel; Joseph Burton and Richard Baker
(ix) Agreements re Arabian Nights, West African Mining reports and pamphlets


(xi) Lady Burton’s original manuscript of Iracema (a novel)
(xii) Lady Burton’s last wishes to family (not for legal use), two red folders:
(a) ALEPH – Lady Burton’s last wishes to her sister Dilly
(b) BETA – Lady Burton’s last wishes (Religious)
(xiii) Reviews/cuttings regarding RFB’s The Book of the Sword
(xiv) Sundry letters and telegrams including Littai Mines matters; Chas Zingler;

Dr Julius Buchler. [7 items]
N.B. Items 1-6 are important being letters in RFB’s or IB’s hand.
(xv) IB’s correspondence with the Letchford’s demands for money for painting in Trieste, and his and Dr Baker’s treatment of IB after RFB’s death. [21 items]
(xvi) Sao Paulo. Port Statistics. Not detailed in attached list.


(xvii) Isabel and G. Etheridge correspondence regarding her life of RFB [110 items]
(xviii) Bundle of letters from James Irvine of Gold Coast Co 1880-1895 [95 items]
(xix) Letter: Theodore Dwight to Isabel Burton, Boston, Mass, 21 Feb 1895 re Napoleon’s death mask.

2667 26/2/i 1870-1871 Papers relating to the dismissal of Burton as British Consul, Damascus, Syria. Mainly Copies of documents in the National Archives.

Package (i):

Contents: 102 items numbered in pencil 1 – 102. This package consists mainly of the file copies of original documents now housed in the Foreign Office files at the Public Record Office at Kew. It is the case made by Captain Burton, answering the written complaints to the FO by the Turkish Wali in Damascus, Mrs Augusta Mott and other interested parties whose combined correspondence ultimately led to Burton’s dismissal from his post as HBM Consul in Damascus. Some of the letters are very faint.

1. F.O. ‘Blue Book’: Case of Captain Burton at Damascus.

2. RFB to Sir Henry Elliott, June 9 1871 (re Bedouin raids in N. Syria). [Secretary’s hand copy]

3. RFB to Sir Henry Elliott, November 21, 1870. (re: protection for British nationals resident in Syria).

4. The ‘only two letters’ which RFB sent to IB, mentioned in Blue book; letter from Druse chief to RFB

5. Consular report from RFB to Secretary of State, Damascus 10/7/1871. Especially: answers criticisms of him by Turkish governor

6. Wm Wright to Augusta Mott criticising her for her attitude towards Burton.

7. RFB to Earl Granville (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) 12/11/71 from 14 Montagu Place London

8. Copy of letter from Granville to Consul General Eldridge in Beirut July 22 1871 re Burton’s dismissal due to complaints received.

9. Copy of letter to RFB at Bludan 15 August 1871 from his replacement Thomas Jago. Orders him to return to Damascus immediately

10. Draft of letter to FO regarding Mrs Mott’s objections. Written by Secretary but contains RFB’s signature at end of letter.

11. File copy of note from Sir Henry Elliot ‘on the proceedings of Mr Mott when he visited the prison at Damascus’.

12. Fair copy of RFB’s long letter to Secretary of State regarding his being withdrawn from Damascus setting out his case. Written from 14 Montagu Place 16th October 1871

13. Draft notes in Isabel’s hand – hastily written indicating it was possibly dictated by RFB. ‘Miscellany’ includes points to be included in the presentation of his case to FO and list of documents supporting his claims.

14. ‘List of Longstanding British Claims presented at different times to Rashid Pasha’

15. Consular report to FO from RFB Damascus June 3, 1871

16. Letter to RFB of support from missionaries, Scott, Wright, Crawford and Fanny James. 12th July 1871

17. RFB’s reply to above (Bludan July 19th 1871) thanking them for support. Mentions difficulties, indicating he was already in trouble with his superiors ‘yet the prospect is still full of hope. . . ’

18. Augusta Mott to RFB July 3rd 1871. Thanks him for ‘decisive action’. Important in that it was Mrs Mott complaints of RFB’s behaviour which was partly responsible for his withdrawal.

19. From L.M. Johnson (Consul General of USA) in Damascus to RFB regarding Wali’s threat to exile ‘Hassan’ (a Christian convert supported by Mrs Mott)

20. From ‘Ann’ to Isabel Burton July 22 1871. Re Hassan case, asks for anonymity.

21-102. Still to be itemised but are numbered. Note that a few are in IB’s handwriting, and that one or two contain short notes or annotations in RFB’s handwriting.

2667 26/2/ii 1871-1889 Correspondence to Richard Burton from various correspondents including
Edward Freeman, historian, and Arthur Evans, archaeologist on various topics including the Balkans, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia; and his interest in mining minerals.

Package (ii) 2667/26/2 Correspondence with Edward Freeman; letters concerning Nazareth affray; various official letters from Cairo re Midian expedition; miscellaneous correspondence.

(1) – (19) (also (85) – (87)) Letters from Edward Freeman, Somerlease, Wells (and some from abroad), to Richard Francis Burton (RFB) from 10 Sept. 1876 to 16 June 1881.

Edward Augustus Freeman (1823-92): English historian, born in Harborne, Staffs. Educated at Trinity College, Oxford, he succeeded William Stubbs as Regius Professor of Modern History. Among his prolific output were his History of Federal Government (1863) and History of the Norman Conquest (1867-76).

Lively correspondence on Balkan political questions (topical interest). Starts formally (“My dear Sir”) and by mid 1877 adopts informal “My dear Burton”. Appears to consider RFB as only person he can talk to on subject. From 1877 travels for his health, probably visits Burtons.

- Has lost bodily strength but can still “kick a Jew or a Turk as well as ever”.

- “Tell Mrs Burton that I wish she would come and persuade the people here [Rouen] not to set one old horse to draw 10 men and heaps of luggage. Still the horses are not all over wounds, as they are in Sicily.”

(20) Letter from Arthur J. Evans (son-in-law of Edward Freeman, later Sir Arthur John Evans, archaeologist (1851-1941), to RFB, London, 2 Sept (no year): would like to meet him at Athenaeum to talk about Bosnia.

(21) Letter from G. B. Hannaford to RFB, Auckland, New Zealand, 12 Oct. 1885: RFB’s agent in NZ for erotic publications; asks RFB for help in marketing his “Iron Skeleton Windmill Bell Turret or Tower”.

(22) Receipt from Chas. Clarke to F. Smart Esq., regarding salary.

(23) Letter from Alfred G. Lock to RFB, 31 May 1875: agreement re Saltpetre property.

(24) Letter from Dr John Wortabet to RFB, Beyrout, 29 June 1871: Moslem Christian in danger – help required.

(25) Letter from ?Nacan Artin Bey to RFB, Paris, 7 Sept. 1889: Money for Midian expedition.

(26) Letter from Robert leming to RFB, Glasgow, 15 August 1882: Egyptian affairs.

(27) Letter from Gil. Jackson to RFB, off St Vincent, 6 Feb. 1881 – going to Brisbane.

(28)–(31) Miscellaneous letters to RFB: thanks for help etc.

(32)–(33) Letters from William H. White to RFB, Royal Inst. of British Architects, 2 Jan 1879 and to IB, 8 Jan 1879, re publications and Midian expedition. (NB Burtons in London.)

(34)–(41) Letters from Charles Clarke to RFB, mostly from Zagazig [between Cairo and Port Said] on various Egyptian matters: 17 Sept., 19 Oct., 30 April and 11 Dec. 1883: 20 Dec. 1884; 26 Feb 1886; 10 April 1883.

(42)–(47) Letters from Fred Smart to RFB, Cairo, 5, 12, 17, 21, 6, 5 April [no year]: payment by Khedive/Midian concession and family matters [see 48].

(48) [see (42)–(47)] Letter from Fred Smart to Aunty (IB), probably Cairo, 12 April (no year):

“Burton has written me a line to enquire about something for a friend of his – but neither I nor 10 more people can read the words – I was to have answered his questions to you very sorry cannot do it.”

(49)–(56) Miscellaneous letters to RFB asking favours, thanks etc.

(57) Letter from I Scott to RFB, Alexandria, Sunday (no date): sorry to lose him and glad to welcome him back – “You do us real good – Carlyle would say you are a genuine man amongst the clothes-horses of gigmanity.”

(58)–(60) Various letters from the Société Khediviale de Géographie, 1882, from Signor Bonola.

(61) Extract (torn page) from the Blue Book on Nazareth affair [belongs in Bundle (i)]

(62)–(64) Miscellaneous letters about Nazareth affray (1871-1872).

(65)–(66) Letters from W Faulkner to RFB, Suez, 26 July and 31 Oct. 1879: WF’s promotion; Midian expedition; invitation to RFB and IB to stay as house is now in order.

(67)–(69) Letters from acting Minister of War, Cairo, to RFB, 14, 15 and 17 Nov. 1877: addition of M.E. Lacase artist-photographer, and M. Philippin, master blacksmith, to ?Midian expedition; supplies for ditto.

(70)-(76) Letters from Yacoub Artin Bey to RFB, Cairo, 9 May 1879 (distribution of Midian expedition No. 9 report – including one to Gordon Pasha); 14 Mar. and 10 June 1879 (Note by RFB “Kindly return it. I keep ?friends?” [can’t read – BR]; 27 June 1879 (rejoicing at change of Khedive); 29 Dec. 1884; 2 Mar. 1885; 1 Feb. 1889? To IB.

(77)-(78) Letters from David Duguid, Scotland, 6 June and 29 June 1881, asking for help in getting a job.

(79) Telegram Voltera, Cairo, to RFB 25 Dec. 1879 – Happy Christmas etc.

(80) Telegram Haggi Wali to RFB, Zagazig, 4 Jan; 1880 – Thanks.

(81)-(84) Letters from E.A. Floyer to RFB, Cairo, 25 April, 22 May, 14 July, 31 July 1881: re Mr Floyer’s book and matters in Cairo. [See (96) & (97)]

(85)-(87) Letter from & two postcards Edward Freeman to RFB; 29 July 1876 and 9 & 13 Jan. 1877. [See (1) to (19)]

(88)-(93) Various letters to RFB asking for jobs etc.

(94) Letter from L.M. Johnson, Consul-Gen. of USA, Beirut, to RFB, 29 June 1871: concern re Hassan, convert from Islam to Christianity, arrested and sent to Damascus. Request for help.

(95) Letter from Johnson Matthey & Co, Hatton Gdn, to RFB, 30 Sept. 1878: enclosing reports on minerals and regretting not more favourable.

(96) - (97) Two letters from E.A. Floyer to RFB, Cairo, 10 and 14 June 1881, re Mr Floyer’s book.

[See (81)-(84)]
Mrs Burton’s efforts for the protection of the unfortunate sore- backed donkeys and horses are shewing results and already two or three people who never thought about the matter before begin to look over the horses before they hire a carriage.”

(98) Letter from J.H. Murchisonto RFB, 11 Jan. 1879: publ. arts. from Times extracts from ? Sharpe or appended to RFB’s preface. No difficulty re money for Expedition.

(99) Copies of letters from Naseef Meshaka to ?RFB, Damascus, 29 June 1870; RFB to ? 30 June 1870 re above; reply from Beirut 1 July 1870 re above. All re visits to Christians in prison in Damascus, in IB’s handwriting.

(100) Letter from Alfred G. Lock to IB, Southampton, 29 Jan. 1875, re finances to be raised by Arundell family for mining explorations (MYVATU): Mr L. not entirely sure of RFB’s reliability/credentials – seeks urgent assurances. Furious annotations by RFB.

(101) Letter from John Zeller to RFB, Damascus, Nazareth, 2 August 1871; re attack on RFB’s party and “farce” or a trial of offenders; workmen at Nazareth Church hindered by Muslims; need strong orders to local authorities.

(102) Letter from J.H. Murchison to RFB, Jnr, Carlton Club, London, 15 April 1879; should go to Cairo to settle about concessions, then prepare expedition to Midian at end of autumn; expect to see IB in London tomorrow.

(103) Letter from A.M Charrington to RFB, Suez Hotel, 4 Dec. ? Great regret that RFB has been recalled from work of investigation he had commenced. What is motive? The “great Shedide” has arrived, sent by Khedive to assist Col. Warren to produce “guilty parties”.


BOX 2 - Correspondence, manuscripts, reviews and pamphlets (continued)

2667 26/2/iii 1893-1897 Correspondence about accusations of Anti-Semitism made against Richard Burton.

Package (iii) contains:

Correspondence between Isabel and Mr Jeffcock – solicitor of 15 Cliffords Inn, and publisher; mainly dated 1893-1897. Also some correspondence between W.H. Wilkins – Isabel’s biographer – and the Society of British Jews 1897.

1-22 Not individually listed.

23. Letter from W.H. Wilkins of 8 Maudevile Place 16th March 1897 to London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews’ who wrote on March 15th 97 to ‘dear Madam’ (probably Isabel’s sister Mrs Fitzgerald who was her chief Executor), regarding a publication entitled ‘Human sacrifice among Eastern Jews’ by RFB [see 2667/26-2 (iii) 24]. Reads: “re resolutions passed by your Board . . . the executors of Lady Burton have signified their willingness to discuss the matter with you . . . in the circumstances the threat of an action for criminal libel partakes of the nature of intimidation. I have already seen the letters which you have written to Miss Plowman and Mrs Fitzgerald and I note that in your communication to the ladies you adopt a very different tone . . . we are acting under legal advice and we shall be guided accordingly.”

24. London Committee of British Jews. Letter from Solicitor to the Board:
“I have already had correspondence with Mr Wilkins, the editor of the work in the hope that it was not too late to stop the publication . . . such a book would revive a cruel and absurd mediaeval legend which has been triumphantly refuted over and over again. . .”

2667 26/2/iv 1876-1895 Correspondence of various matters including letters from Edward Freeman.

Package (iv)

Large bundle of sundry letters.

1. Stamped envelope addressed to The Lady Burton, forwarded to her c/o Pier View, Sea Road, Boscombe, Hants. Postmarked Pozzuoli 25/6/93.

2. Letter (contents of item 1 above – from Albert Letchford 27/6/93 requesting information on Arab dress.

3. Ditto June 24 1893. Apologises for not reply to ‘kind letters’ and acknowledging presents she had sent for ‘Evie’. Advises technical points of frescoes vs gouache or oil paintings on walls of mausoleum.

4. Asks for her help with Smithers in obtaining commission to illustrate Arabian Nights. June 29 1893

5-7 All from Albert or Irelyn Letchford – friendly and ingratiating in tone.

8. July 1893 Irelyn Letchford – ditto

9. August 10, 1892 Thanks IB for gift

10. Albert Letchford requests IB to exhibit his ‘fencing’ picture of Burton at the Royal Academy

11. Leighton tells IB picture must be submitted by owner.

12. Undated from AL cannot thank here enough for her help etc

13. Receipt from AL for 500 florins for Fencing picture and cast of hand and foot, death drawing etc ‘and declare myself paid in full etc. . . for all the above. . . which are absolutely Lady Burton’s property'.

14. Letchford Dec 31 1893 apology for lateness of painting, due to death of ‘little Frankie’ Katie’s boy on Christmas Eve.

15. AL to IB – front page missing

16. Thick black-edged calling card engraved ‘Lady Burton

17. Impromptu will signed by IB on October 25 1890 requesting that in event of her death hers and RFB’s bodies be conveyed to England for burial. Dr Grenfell and Albert Letchford names as Powers of Attorney. Another similar document giving them Power of Attorney ‘Fearing that my mind may be

affected by grief .’

18. Declaration regarding her never having said anything detrimental about Miss Letchford.

19. AL to Lady Burton Dec 18 1892 signed your ‘loving friend Albert’. Important; he notes the closeness of the relationship between IB and RFB.

20 Crossed out draft of IBs statement regarding ‘I was frightened of him’.

21. De Mathos (solicitor & publisher) letter advising her not to give Smithers contract but she can sign it and mail it to her solicitor Mr Jeffcock.

22. Alice Quarry to Lady Burton 22 Feb 1895

23. Lord Leighton letter dictated Mar 24 1893

24. Alice Quarry to Lady Burton 18 Sept 1894

25. IB’s Memorandum begins ‘I want to sell my own book for £1500’

26. Contract between Isabel Burton and Mr Jeffcock to sell the whole of RFB’s and IB’s versions of Nights including supplemental Nights on condition that every immodest or coarse word be suppressed now and forever and join with her in opposing anyone who might attempt to make a ‘black’ (ie erotic) version of it.

27. Ida Mellor to IB Feb 10 1893

28. Smithers letter to IB 16 July 1891 regarding £22 he owes her.

29. Huntley Justin McCarthy to RFB 17/9/86 regarding the ‘Jardin’

30. Robin Kerslake to RFB. Offers book in which RFB might be interested.

31. F.F. Arbuthnot to IB 18/12/95. Re Smithers and the few pages written by RFB for Elephantis

32. Edward Avery Jun 29 1988 (see xerox)

33. Shipping documents for body and effects from Trieste to England 3 copies

34. Typewritten copy stating IB wishes to sell copyrights to works.

35. RFB (in own writing) to James Irvine – from Madeira May 3rd 1882

36 FF Arbuthnot to IB 14 Jan 1895. ‘Will go and see Smithers and ask him about the matter. . . ’

37. Contents of desk’ list

38. Cutting about IB’s will ‘Extraordinary provisions

39. Contents of Box 1 – list

40. Notice to the shareholders of the Gold Coast Mining Co 7/4/84

41. Envelope outlined in heavy black line, written in IB’s hand ‘Captain Burtons’ tonic bitters’. Inside RFB’s design for bottle including handwritten legend of the drink.

42. Envelope entitled ‘LETTERS OF LADY BURTON’. [a-k]

a. Typewritten letter to IB from Henry & Co – solicitors 14th Aug 1893 ‘you will remember that you are to supply us with an introduction…

b–k. All letters regarding publications. Many from Teixos de Mattos advising her what to do. Smithers is in with Nichols and ‘is more of a publisher than a solicitor’;

43. Letter from IB’s bank National Provincial Mayfair branch regarding a cheque not been presented (Smithers?)

44. Three letters to RFB, one in old German script from ‘Munster 15 Mai 1887; 2 from A Turnstall about technical matters, mining, theological matters, etc.

45. James Irvine to RFB 8/10/81 re Gold Coast matters

46. To IB from National Prov Bank.

47. Chas Jeffcock to IB Aug 9 1893. Re visit to her house.

48. a-c Three routine letters from National Pro bank to IB

49. Unnamed correspondent writes to thank IB for advise re some small matter in publication which will be put right 7 Jan 1875

50. a-b Two letters from Edward Freeman to RFB 1876 (for main Freeman correspondence see bundle 2, items 1-19)

51. Nat pro bank to IB acknowledge receipts of £1000

52. Corlyn Stacey to IB 14 Dec ‘93. Cannot take business and return papers.

53. National Provincial to IB 12 Sept 1892 routine matters

54. A. Tiexira de Mattos of Henry and Co, publishers, 2 May 1893 to IB’ ‘Henry’s are anxious to treat with America (re her book Inner Life).

55. Contract for ‘Inner Life of Syria’ £100

56. Unreadable signature. Letter to IB Oct 1895 re Arabian Nights

57. IB’s circular letter to find publishers for RFB’s works undated 1891.

58. Envelope [incorrectly headed Official certificate of Richard’s death etc’ contents 5 letters re publishing trivia from Mr Nicholls in which he mentions Mr Smithers but nothing of importance.

59. Chas Jeffcock to IB Feb 16, 1894 re visit to see her.

60. Ditto July 12, 1894

61. Indecipherable signature to IB u/d 23 St James’s Square SW ‘Your charming present is just arrived and Mary is much pleased . . .’

62. Mallorca 11 May 1895 . . . thinks perhaps a warmer climate might be better fro IB’s health’. . .

63. Cutting from the Westminster Review vol 143 no3. History as told in the Arabian Nights.

64. Waterlow and Sons Ltd Printers – Will send stereos (a form of b&w photos) . . . Nov 11th 93

65. Printed pamphlet about Milan dated 1895

66. Isabel’s draft statement regarding publication, after RFB’s death of ‘Arabian Nights’.

67. Isabel’s letter (edited and corrected) to the writer’s Club Jan 15, 1894

68. Notice advertising Letchford’s illustrations to Nights ‘Series of 65’ original illustrations from the oils

(2 copies)

69. Slip of paper with notes in RFB’s hand – not yet transcribed [virtually unreadable]

70. Albert Letchford to IB re RFB’s conversion to Catholicism

2667 26/2/v 1870-1881 Letters to Richard and Isabel Burton on a range of subjects.

Package (v)

1. A Rath. Fitzgerald to IB [her cousin] April 6 188?

2. Edgar Smith of British Museum to RFB re geological samples from Midian Oct 25th 1878

3. J.H. Murchison to IB Mar 22, 1880. Apologises for not replying has been away and unwell and a great many letters remain unopened as yet . . . writes about ‘the Egyptian question’.

4. Edgar A. Smith to RFB 14 10 78 re shells and fungi samples from Midian

5. From WR Smith, Cairo 25th Marc 1880. Re Mss [probably erotic] in Syrian convent. Says he will try to get hold of them but ‘the monks having previously been paid are afraid to show them’.

6. Unreadable-Mason? To RFB scribbled note: I am called to Cairo to appear before the Divan on Tuesday and so leave this morning. . .

7. Floyer to RFB Cairo Sept 15 1881 ‘My book is about half finished and the publishers are beginning to worry me about the preface. . .

8. E St J Fairman Cairo 29 Jan 1880 Hotel d’Europe to RFB staying at Shepherd’s Hotel Cairo. ‘I sent the report to the Levant Herald. . .’

9. Letter from Yacoub Artis Bey 14 v 79 Cairo to RFB

10. Slip of paper containing Arabic characters

11. Bundle of letters entitled Khedive mines and Levick

12. Short letter to IB 20 Mar 1893 from Postmaster of Trieste

13. Short document in Italian. Looks like chemical analysis or prescription. RFB’s brief notes on it.

14. Short note in French to Richard as ‘Chef of Midian expedition.

15. Envelope containing business card of Salvatore Page, dragoman and courier at Alexandra Egypt.

16. Note in French from Alexandra 10 June 79 re Yacoub Artin Bey

17. Envelope titled ‘Private letters to Sir Richard Burton’ [empty]

18. From Imperial Continental Water Co 22/12/79 to RFB re him joining them

19. Ally Slopers’ ink blotted letter to Lady Burton

20. Invitation from PH Zech to RFB and IB to stay with them if they make a visit to Syria this year addressed to Trieste.

21. From Angelo Redesco – letter in Italian re glyphs at Alexandra (not translated).

22. (Written on Shepheards Hotel notepaper). Short note in French to RFB by [1/1] Venilly. Note RB’s short comments in ink in French in margins.

23. June 20, 1879; Societie de Geographie. Acknowledgment of ‘Stones and Bones from Midian’ probably for analysis.

24. Short letter in French; Cairo 5 December 1877 regarding Midian expedition.

25. Ditto November 27, 1877. re geographer astronomer who wishes to join Midian expedition.

26. To IB from unreadable 21 Stanley Crescent Nov 11 1879. Regarding IB’s campaign against cruelty to animals.

27. Wm Falkner to RFB Suez 18 Aug 1877. Thanks him for trying to get him a position. Suffering from pneumonia; ‘nothing to do with a lady’ but feels better in Suez compared to Alexandra. Gives details of inscriptions on base of Cleopatra’s needle.

28. April 8 188? To RFB from R Ell… Reade [?] regarding an ‘Election Machine’

29. Port-Said 3 Mar 1880 From Robert Joyce to RFB re garding steamers from Jaffa.

30. A. Sprenger to RFB short u/d note regarding a notice he had written on the Midian expedition.

31. Edgar A. Smith of British Museum Sept 30 – List of shells he has identified from those brought back from the Midian by RFB.

32. Small note with 6 names on it in Richards hand. Underneath in IB’s hand ‘From an involuntary pickpocket’

33. From employee of Egyptian Railway regarding equipment suitable for use by Capt Burton on Midian expedition.

34. Director of above to RFB enclosing above ‘regarding the implements you require. . .’ Dec 1 1877 Boulae Works.

35. Printed notice of a meeting of Societie Khediaviale Cairo 25th Jan 1880.

36. Printed pamphlet in German Geographischen Gesellschaft Wien 1870.

2267 26/2/vi 17th cent Amharic prayer book presented to Isabel Burton on the death of Richard Burton.

Package (vi):

Leather case [old and worn] containing roughly bound ms in wooden cover with string fixings. Label on outside of case states ‘Amharic prayerbook of some antiquity’. Inscribed in front cover ‘Isabel Burton from Colonel Abadir 19 March 90 Amharic prayerbook. Also contains postcard from expert who says it is not Amharic.


BOX 2 - Correspondence, manuscripts, reviews and pamphlets (continued)

2667 26/2/vii 1888-1895 Correspondence about Isabel Burton’s will and the second edition of Arabian Nights.

Package (vii):

Correspondence and cuttings re Lady Burton’s will; letters re second edition of Arabian Nights (Standard Library Ed.)

(1) Certificate of embalming and placing in strong coffin of body of RFB from Head Doctor to the Municipality of Trieste, Dr Constantin, 24 Oct. 1890.

(2) Lady Burton deceased – Particulars of Estate.

(3)-(5) Press cuttings from Daily Telegraph, The Standard and The Birmingham Gazette re Lady Burton’s will.

(6) Map-Kartezur Reise von Sarajevo zum Dormitor und durch die mittlere Herzogovina.

(7) Photograph of Lady Burton: inscribed “In remembrance of Isabel Burton 1898, Mortlake”. Taken by Gunn & Stuart, Richmond SW. Widow’s weeds, standing with one hand on chair.

(8) Certificate dated 19 Feb. 1889 to “Lady Burton and her Family” being letters of Association in the Prayers of the Community of the Abbey of Lerins, Order of Citeaux.

(9) Cerificate (in French) dated 31 October 1888 to “Lady Burton et à sa Famille” being letter of Association in the prayers of the Community of the Abbaye de N.-D. de Lerins, Congregation de Sénanque, Ordre de Citeaux.

(10) Certificate (in Italian) creating La Signora Contessa Isabelle Burton President of the Apostleship of Prayer at Trieste, 26 December 1875.

(11) Letter from IB to Writer’s Club, London, 15 Jan. 1894, enclosing gift of new edition of Arabian Nights with story of copyright problems, plus draft of letter (6 sheets).

(12) Draft of Letter from IB to Editor of Whitehall Review re copyright and new edition of Arabian Nights (2 sheets)

(13) IB’s draft story of new edition of Arabian Nights and her defence after her death (4 sheets).

2667 26/2/viii 1820-1895 Copy of the marriage settlement of Joseph Netherville Burton and Martha Baker, 1820 with additional settlement 1825; extract from the will of Richard Baker, Herts, 1824; will of Isabel Burton, 1895.

Package (viii):

Large parchment documents:
(a) The last will and testament of Isabel Lady Burton dated December 28, 1895.

There is an important phrase on p.5:

“I bequeath all my husband’s and my private papers and private journals, private letters, law documents and especially my husbands and my early private journals (five of each) and all copies of journals whether typed or written and all other private matter to my sister Elizabeth Mary Regis Fitzgerald who is to follow the private instructions given to and learnt by the said Minnie Grace Plowright as to what she shall do with them as most of them by the wish of my husband and myself have to be burnt without being read, to which I add that she and Gerald Arthur Arundell and Rev Henry Cavendish and Minnie Grace Plowman may refer to Emily Marven (my former maid) 6 Elvaston Mews, SW if any doubt arise as she knows where many things are any my literary trustees have nothing to do with these papers or journals or letters . . . I wish Minnie Grace Plowman to have control of what is to be burnt or kept - she having been my private secretary for five years knows all my papers . . . and my wishes concerning them.”

[Specifically directs that no ‘literary gentlemen’ be given access to papers to ‘look over them’ . . . hitherto unpublished manuscripts to be burned with rare exceptions – Ladilas Magyaris African Travels, Materials for four more books of Camoens, material towards another book on the sword
. . . on Greek Proverbs and Greek anthology. . . The Gypsies. . . . Slavonic Proverbs. . . Dr Wetzstein’s Hauran]

“I forbid the printing of a single immodest word . . . or a single coarse or indecent word in any of my dear husband’s writings . . . that my literary executors do not demand to see any private papers, journals correspondence etc. . . direct them to prosecute any [unsuitable publication] associated with the name of my husband inasmuch as my husband directed me to publish all such of his work as would not misrepresent him to the public. . . such as would shed a false light on his honest upright and moral life.”

b) Copy Settlement previous to the marriage of Joseph Netherville Burton Esq with Miss Martha Baker 29th Feb 1820

c) Additional settlement to above document 14th May 1825. Income on entire estate to Mrs Burton for life, on her death half this to her Captain Burton

d) Official Extract of the Will of Richard Baker Esq, late of Barham House Hertfordshire Proved 19th November 1824 in London

2667 26/2/ix c.1885 Agreement for the publication of Arabian Nights with prospectus.

Package (ix)

a) Agreement between Richard and Isabel Burton and Waterlow & Sons Ltd., publishers to publish 1028 copies of ten volumes each of the author’s book ‘Alf Laylah wa Laylah’ 25 copies to the author and the other three to be file copies under the direction of the author.

b) Prospectus (printed) of the library edition of Arabian Nights edited by Leonard Smithers.

2667 26/2/x c.1880-c.1885 West African Mining reports and pamphlets.

Package (x): West African Mining Reports and Pamphlets.

1. Blue notebook used by RFB as a scrapbook for cuttings. Inscribed in cover in his hand ‘Gold’. Contains numerous press cuttings, some with his annotations on the ‘Gold Fields’ in West Africa and specifically regarding his mining expedition there with Cameron in 1882.

2. Speech delivered by V. Lovett Cameron, Chairman of the Invicta HQ West African Gold Fields Ltd to shareholders. June 1, 1883

3. The Building World. Journal for artists, Engineers and archaeologists.

4. Memorandum of Association ‘Wynaad District Gold Mining Company.’

5. Chambers Journal of popular Literature, Science and Art Aug 5 1882. Editorial upon gold, marked by RFB.

6. Mining report by Assay engineer and memo by James Irvine (RFB’s associate in the Gold Coast Co; 4 March 1884. ‘Dear B. A very nice letter from Cameron yesterday. We must keep up our ‘pecker’ things will come right before long if ones cash holds out long enough. Are you better? JI’

7. West African Gold Fields Ltd. Invitation to shareholders to subscribe further funds to ‘prevents enforced sale’ 21 May 1884

8. Minutes of proceedings of Guinea Coast Mining Co 5th March 1883. Meeting of anxious shareholders. RFB mentioned significantly in discussions. Basically it is meeting for the Directors to try to calm anxious shareholders.

9. Prospectus and Memorandum of Association of: Egwira Mines Ltd – 2 copies; Wassau Gold Coast Mining; Cankim Bamboo Gold Mines

10. Report on Mines of Izrah – marked up by RFB

11. Report and advertisement on hydraulic rams and on Transvaal gold fields.

12. Notice to shareholders. On reverse side of notice is a draft letter in RFB’s handwriting on the subject of these mines. Of specific note is his use of several languages in the draft as well as a phrase in Arabic script.

13. Remainder of package is a large collection of maps, charts and prospectus of various mining companies, reports on same and press cuttings.


BOX 2 - Correspondence, manuscripts, reviews and pamphlets (continued)

2667 26/2/xi c.1885 Isabel Burton’s ms. translation of Iracema, a novel.

Item (xi) Isabel Burton’s manuscript of Iracema (a novel) – original. ff4-151.

2667 26/2/xii 1895, 1896 Papers concerning Isabel Burton’s last wishes.

Item (xii) Lady Burton’s last wishes (for family and not legal use). Two red folders:

(A) A – ALEPH: Lady Burton’s last wishes to her sister.

(1) Letter from IB to Dilly, Eastbourne, 30 Dec. 1895 – instructions to her death.

(2) IB’s story of The Scented Garden.

(3) IB’s expenses from RFB’s death till funeral.

(4) Press cutting from the Times, 17 June 1896, re IB’s will.

(5) Note to Elizabeth Mary Regis Fitzgerald, Edgar Clifford Arundell and Gerald Arthur Arundell in place of codicil, with three other pages of instructions.

(6) Instructions for those present when IB is preparing for death (notebook).

(7) Letter from W A Coote, Vigilance Soc. to ‘Dilly’ Fitzgerald ? destruction of ?, 1896.

(B) B – BETA: IB’s last wishes (mainly religious forms and rituals to be followed).

2667 26/2/xiii 1884 Reviews of The Book of the Sword by Richard Burton.

2667/26/2 (xiii) Reviews of RFB’s book The Book of the Sword, published 1884.

One review (St James’s Gazette, March 7, 1884, p.7 annotated by IB – “Miserable enough – but I send it. How much better they know than you!”)

2667 26/2/xiv 1880-1881 Draft letters and a report on Littai Mine, Brazil by Richard Burton.

Package (xiv)

1. Draft letter in RFB’s hand to ‘Dear Sir’ on matter of Littai Mine. Dated Trieste July 10th 1890.

2. Draft letter in RFB’s hand (pencil on back of letter received by him from John Lean. Addressed to Emperor of Brazil, he begins, Sir, I take the liberty of writing directly to you with a copy. . . rest is virtually unreadable but is about the Littai mines. Note that RFB was friendly with the Emperor Dom Pedro during his spell in Brazil as Consul at San Paulo.

3. Draft letter written by RFB for Isabel to write. Headed Trieste Sept 3 1881

4. Undated letter in Isabel’s hand regarding commission of 10% payable to RFB.

5. Letter to Isabel from Charles Lewinger of 28 Albemarle Street 24 June 1881. On reverse RFB has drafted a reply for Isabel to copy out.

6. Envelope containing an eleven page report by RFB in his own handwriting. NB: Such a large manuscript in RFB’s hand is very rare outside of his literary writings since he generally used a secretary to write his correspondence and lengthy reports, or dictated them to Isabel.

7. Remainder of packet is unclassified here but consists of a number of letters and Telegrams from Charles Zingler and a few from Dr Julius Buchler.

2667 26/2/xv 1890-1893 Correspondence concerning Alfred Letchford’s demand for money for paintings and Dr Baker’s treatment of Isabel Burton.

Package (xv)

Correspondence concerning Alfred Letchford’s demands for money for paintings in Trieste and his and Dr Baker’s treatment of IB after RFB’s death.

(1) IB’s account of problems with Letchford and payment for his paintings (2 copies).

(2) Letter from from IB to Prince? in Trieste? from London, undated, telling story of problems with Letchford and Dr Baker.

(3) Three drafts of IB’s power of attorney to Letchford and Baker should her mind fail with grief after RFB’s death, dated 25 Oct. 1890, Trieste.

(4) Bundle of letters in Italian from lawyers Tonicelli and Richetti, Trieste, from Feb.-July 1891, with English translation of Letter from of 11 May.

(5) – (9) Letters from Alfred Letchford etc.

(5) Letter from Letchford to IB, Trieste, 2 Oct 1892 re paintings.

(6) Letter from Letchford to IB, Pazzuoli, 8 Apr 1893 re picture for chapel.

(7) Note from ?Letchford re Madonna painting (undated).

(8) Copies of letters to Mrs Letchfordfrom IB re Miss Letchford and to IB from Letchford asking for payment.

(9) Receipt from Letchford for F1.500 from IB dated 13 April 1892.

(10)-(11) Two letters in Italian from lawyer Richetti to IB, Trieste, 4 June and 23 Sept. 1891.

(12)-(13) Two letters from I & R Priv. Austrian Soc. of Credit as receipts from Letchford or payment, 13 April 1892 and 21 June 1892.

(14) Letter from Baker to IB, Sunday, Oct 25 (no year, ?1890), sending cheque for £ or Fl. 500 [was he exercising power of attorney and giving IB an advance?]

(15)-(17) Correspondence between British Museum and IB re Arab costumes.

(18) Telegram Cawley, Trieste, 2 Mar. 1891, to IB in London, no sequestration pending letters following.

(19) Letter from Henry Graves, publisher, to IB, London, 12 July 1893, cost of etching a plate and printing.

(20) Letter from ? to IB, Beckenham, 21 Aug. 1894, requesting time to visit.

(21) Letter from IB to ? “e parenti”, Trieste, 26 October 1890, certifying power of attorney given to Dr Baker and Mr Letchford (in Italian).

See Package (iv), doc (13): receipt from A. Letchford for Fl.500 in payment for fencing picture, cast of hand and foot, and deathbed drawing, declaring himself paid in full for all above, which are absolutely Lady Burton’s property, Dec. 1893.

2667 26/2/xvi 1856-1867 Report by the Vice President of the province of Sao Paulo, on health, crime and public facilities, Autumn of imports into Sao Paulo 1856. Statement of accounts of the province of Sao
Paulo, 1866-1867.

Item (xvi) Official report relating to Sao Paulo.


BOX 2 - Correspondence, manuscripts, reviews and pamphlets (continued)

2667 26/2/xvii 1893-1894 Correspondence largely between Isabel Burton and George Etheridge of
Chapman and Hall (publishers) about several books, notably her biography of Burton.

Bundle (xvii) 110 items

All letters to Isabel Burton from George Etheridge, publisher of Chapman & Hall, unless stated otherwise. They appear to be about several books, the most important of these being her Life of Burton.

1. 13 June 1893. ‘Would you like to see the index before it is printed off?’

2. 26 June 1893.
“Mudies Library people have told our traveller that you have been asking your friends not to order the book at Mudies Library. The consequence is that Mudies have not ordered more than 150 copies which is very small. It is a pity you did this as it is a library book and there are many people who cannot afford to buy the book yet will order it from the library.”
[referring to the ‘slip’ IB sent out]

3. 22 June 1893. ‘I have received several orders from people you sent circulars to – some of the circulars have been returned. . .’

4. 10 June 1893. [sends prospectuses].

5. 11 June 1893. ‘Please let me know by return which of the two title pages you prefer and do you particularly wish the word ‘Captain’ to appear. Mr Chapman thinks he likes it without.’

6. 23 June 1893. The trade have all been complaining to us about your little slip of paper that you have been sending out with the prospectus of Sir Richard Burton’s biography. In order to put matters right we have had to issue a note - see rough pull enclosed to the chief booksellers in the country. . .

7. 9 June 1893. It is very kind indeed to send me your portrait – it is very good and makes a very pretty picture. . . the agreement is that no copies for the English market are to be supplied to the American. . .

8. 8 May 1893. Correction slips. . . Enclosed is the original portrait in black and white which you so admired. . .

9. 1 May 1893. ‘I am sending you a rough sketch of the cover for the Biography. Although the artist has not drawn the medal on the reverse side it will come just about where the [---] is pencilled in. The rays of light appear to me to be too heavy – would not a few lines convey the same meaning as well. The devil is certainly fiercer but should he not be smaller. Now, as regards the print – the grave does not appear to me to be quite right – should there not be something sketched in on the offside in the background to denote ground and tufts of grass – there is something wanting.’

10. 28 April 1893. Re portrait of RFB. ‘I will arrange about you having the black and white drawing when it is finished with. The artist will correct the mistake he made about the moustache before the block is made.’

11. 6 May 1893. acknowledges receipt of her letter

12. 27 April 1893. Sends another batch of proofs

13. 21 April 1893. ‘No photographs have yet come to hand. . . Mr Chapman will not have the Trieste view coloured. . .

14. 17 April 1893. Re using RGS maps in book

15. 25 April 1893. Proposes calling in on her ‘tomorrow’.

16. 10 April 1893. Returns 9 pictures – some may have to be reproduced ‘- it is quite impossible to work on them at your house. . .’

17. 8 April 1893. Is sending someone to collect pictures.

18. 12 April 1893. Note on IB’s paper that he (Etheridge) has called and is leaving a map on her table.

19. 4 May 1893. Makes appointment to call on her.

20. 3 May 1893. Sends under separate cover impressions of blocks.

21. 29 May 1893. I am indeed sorry you have been kept so hard at it but the holidays have been the cause. Printers will not work for a day or so after the holiday.

22. 25 May 1893. About illustrations. . . ‘Mr Blockman is rectifying the Desanges portrait.’

23. 23 May 1893. So that there is no mistake I have made a list of the full page illustrations.

24. Telegram. To IB at Boscombe. Proofs sent to Publisher today. Wilson

25. Telegram. 25 May 1893. To Lady Burton, Pier View hotel, Sea Road Boscombe. Have wired printer to send completion page proof tonight. Etheridge.

26. Postcard. 29 May 1893. Re portrait of RFB for frontispiece.

27. Gram. Re proofs.

28. Postcard. Acknowledgement of postcard received.

29. Telegram. Please return today as much as possible for press.

30. Tuesday morning. ‘Do you wish a separate index [fr vols 1 & 2] or a complete one at end of vol 2. I think the former better but it is not usual. . .’

31. Sunday. Encloses rough sketch of prospectuses.

32. 19 April 1893. Re photos

33. 19 May 1893. ‘will arrange with Mr Chapman about circulars for Mr Smithers etc. . . ’

34. 16 May 1893. To IB from Mr Wilson of William Clowes & Sons. Acceding to her instructions that they take utmost care in printing the biography of her husband.

36. 17 May 1893

37. 10 May 1893. Agreement for US and Canadian rights.

38. 14 May. Difficulties with printers re overtime to catch up schedule.

39. 20 April. Send 2 batches of proofs.

40. 26 May 1893. Says they cannot improve on portraits of Isabel owing to the nature of the plates not being sharp enough.

41. 12 May 1893. Is sorry the printers are so careless. He has written to them about it.

42. 23 May Pencil proof goes to you today.

43. June 1 1893. Engraving company say that they will make a new engraving of a portrait if she will let them have original to work on at their studios. Cannot work in the lights in a room at her home.

44. 2 June 1893. The Desanges portraits have been delivered as per your telegram.

45. 3 June 1893 Enclosed is proof Vol II

46. 7 June 1893. Is getting a new block done of Isabel from the Desanges portrait.

47. 12 June 1893. Thinks it wise of her to stay a little while longer at the seaside.

48. 30 June. She is returning to London today and he wishes to call on her tomorrow.

49. 3 July. Mr Chapman is not doing anything with your note to the trade. There is a trade paper called the ‘Clique’. In the last issue there is a reference to your slip of paper. [sends copy]. Make suggestions as to what is best to be done.

50. 5 July 1893. Encloses copy of the piece in ‘Clique’

51-70. Not catalogued. All c1892, regarding getting the Biography accepted by Mr Chapman, and technical details.

71-100. Not catalogued. All c1892, regarding getting the Biography accepted by Mr Chapman, and technical details.

101. 9 June 1894. The trade in many instances is asking 32/6d for the biography

102. Xmas Eve 1894. Sends greetings and wishes her to know he has ‘not forgotten the many pleasant hours passed in your society. My wife joins me in wishing you every happiness.’

103. 20 February 1895. Will call on her as requested.

104. 31 December 1892. He has made appointment with Mr Chapman to discuss her proposed biography and the ‘Arabian Nights.’

105. 22 May 1894. Suggests she puts all the particulars down regarding Arabian Nights and sends it to him to put before the Board.

106. 9 Oct 1894 He and his wife have been thinking about her having just got back from holiday. ‘It is a bout a year now since we paid you a visit in your quiet and pretty little home at Mortlake – a lovely autumn afternoon . . .’

107. Gram July 5 93. Send today without fail the copy of her communication to the ‘Clique’

108. 10 communications from people who have either ordered or not ordered her book.

109. Copy of printed letter to trade: Dear Sir, our attention has been drawn to a ‘slip, issued by lady Burton, asking her friends to order ‘the life of sir RFB’ direct from us. This has been done without our or Mr Etheridge’s sanction. Chapman and Hall. 22 June 1893.

110. 23 June 1893. ‘Mr Chapman is not mangling your preface and has not altered a word of it. I would not let him. . . I am keeping a list of all the orders I receive and will let you have a list every now and again. I can’t give the exact date of publication. . . some of the booksellers are quite up in arms about your slip. . . [IB has annotated ‘Let me have this back and don’t show it to anyone]’.

2667 26/2/xviii 1880-1895 Correspondence from James Irvine, Guinea Coast Mining Co. Africa to
Richard and Isabel Burton.

Bundle (xviii)

Letters from James Irvine of Guinea Coast Gold Mining Co. to RFB and IB, 1880-1895. James Irvine & Co., Exchange Court, Liverpool

1. JI to IB, 19 Jan 1882.

2. JI to RFB, 19 Jan. 1882 at Madeira.

3. JI to IB, 24 Jan. 1882, re movements of mail.

4. JI to IB, 3 Feb. 1882, re IB’s anxiety re RFB’s health.

5. JI to RFB, 3 Feb. 1882, Cameron to get on with “hydraulicking” or two companies will fail.

6. JI to IB 7 Feb. 1882, methods of catching mail. “Mr Grant is my agent and will know Cap. Burton’s whereabouts at all times.”

7. JI to RFB, 11 Feb. 1882 – pleased with report from Sierra Leone. “I have forwarded your letters to Mrs Burton, and I have answered one or two anxious ones of hers regarding you, one by wire, in which I reassured her.”

8. JI to IB, 21 Feb. 1882 – reassuring her that RFB was “very well and in great spirits”.

9. JI to RFB, 23 Feb. 1882 – does not think RFB’s scheme for importing coolie labour necessary. Is keeping IB posted by wire once a week.

10. JI to IB, 28 Feb. 1882 – allaying IB’s anxieties.“I have no wife - I lost her 18 months ago - and the world is dark - and will be.“But her absence does not prevent me feeling for others.”

11. JI to IB, 1 Mar.1882 – warm clothes for RFB to be at Madeira.

12. JI to IB, 6 Mar. 1882 – personal re illness of JI’s son.

13. JI to IB, 10 Mar. 1882 – no letters as steamer did not call at Axim.

14. JI to RFB, 11 Mar. 1882 – re request for gifts for King Play [?], and official transfer of Izrah property to Guinea Gold Coast Mining Co.

15. JI to IB, 13 Mar. 1882 – clothes purchased for RFB.

16. JI to IB, 13 Mar. 1882 – “neck band of shirt 18½”. Does not expect to hear for 3-4 weeks as RFB now up-river. Might reach Madeira by 20 April.

17. JI to IB, 24 Mar. 1882 – Vichy water has been sent to RFB.

18. JI to IB, 31 Mar. 1882 – re mail. RFB not expected until first week of May at soonest. Dr & Mrs Waterhouse introduced to IB, to all at Trieste.

19. JI to RFB, 5 April 1882 – would he like a dinner at the Adelphi to welcome him home?

20. JI to IB, 14 April 1881 – re mail. “All letters from Captain Burton speak most favourably of the object of his visit, he is satisfied that an enormously rich country is now being opened up.”

21. James Irvine Esq., To Gold Mining Express – accounts from 25/1/82 – 10/2/82 (no name).

22. JI to RFB, 21 April 1882 – disappointed RFB did not go to working mines at Effirenta[?] as his views might have changed.

23. JI to RFB, 24 April 1882 – technical matters. IB now in Vienna “for a change” [to see doctor?? BR]. Will than go to London, room at 23 Dorset St., Montagu Sq. from 1 May.

24. JI to RFB, 24 April 1882 – IB has been ill, but glad she was well enough to travel to Vienna. Notes London address.

25. JI to RFB, 25 April 1882 – better to have dinner in London – hopes to get Lord Derby to preside.

26. JI to RFB, 27 April 1882 – re arrangements for dinner.

27. JI to IB, 27 April 1882 – mail etc.

28. Wm Grant, Axim, to RFB, Liverpool, 1 May 1882 – re samples etc. “. . . as I know you will always be a friend to me I am and will always feel grateful for the knowledge I have gained by being mixed up in your society”.RFB’s own note at top of page: “Please read and return.”

29. JI to IB, 1 May 1882 – arrangements for dinner – can IB get Lord Derby?

30. JI to RFB, 4 May 1882 – very pleased with RFB’s “splendid report” on Apatim. Hopes for a good report from RFB and Capt. Cameron.

31. JI to IB, “Wednesday”, - sending the “Anecdotal Photgraph of Cap. Burton in Truth, which you thought you had not seen. . .”

32. JI to IB, Claughton, Tuesday (black-edged paper) – arrangements for IB to see the Docks.

33. JI to IB, Claughton, 24 May 1882 (black-edged) – re IB’s request for an advance from mines of £200 – not possible yet. Disappointed RFB couldn’t lecture – Cameron no substitute.

34. JI to IB, 3 May 1882 – arrangements for dinner.

35. JI to IB, Claughton, “Monday” (black-edged) – arrangements for meeting with IB.

36. JI to IB, Claughton, 17 May 1882 (black-edged) – arrangements for IB to meet JI at office, then cross Mersey to Claughton for lunch to meet children. “I shall telephone up to you about 10.30. . . ”

37. M. Watt-Fitzgerald – “Your affectionate cousin” – to IB, 25 May [1882?] asking on behalf of husband for RFB’s opinion of works at Widness? Widneu?

38. JI to IB, 19 May 1882 – sends “cheap copy of Cameron’s last. . . and photograph”.

39. JI to RFB, 25 May 1882 – pity Cameron talked of “unhealthiness” of Ingotrow[?]. FO friend compliments RFB and on his Fernando Po reports to FO.

40. JI to IB, 30 May 1882 – not up to writing today – crossed from Ireland last night!

41. JI to RFB Claughton, 3 June 1882 – not clear. Anecdote at end: “I overheard my little boy speaking to his equally small cousin this afternoon.” Coz: “Who is that?” – pointing to Mrs Burton’s likeness. [Son] “Oh that’s Mrs Burton she is a lady”, strong emphasis on lady. Coz: “Oh, what more?” evidently wanting more information. [Son} “She prevents cruelty to animals”.

42. Copy Letter from Lord Derby to JI, 6 June 1882, declining invitation to dinner with many compliments re RFB.

43. JI to IB, 8 June 1882 – forwarding Lord Derby’s letter, expressing satisfaction. Guinea Coast Co. will pay a proportion of RFB’s expenses.

44. JI to RFB, 17 June 1882 – proposals for a sydicate for operations of various mines.

45. JI to RFB, 19 June 1882 – thanks for “very concise account for the six properties”.

46. JI to RFB, 20 June 1882 – introducing Major Kitson. Chairman of the Carta Para Gold Mining Co.

JI to RFB, 20 June 1882 – JI intends Walker to go to Akim and other gold fields so Ponsonby not necessary. Does not wish (and thinks RFB agrees) to be associated with Ponsonby.

48. JI to IB, 3 July 1882 – no money, can’t pay her anything.

49. JI to IB, 7 July 1882 – sorry couldn’t see her. Glad Co. has paid.

50. JI to RFB, 8 July 1882 – management of various mines.

51. JI to IB, 19 July 1882 – postponement of dinner

52. JI to RFB, from Moffat, Dumfries., 4 August 1882 – disappointment at lack of investment.

53. Copy Letter from from ? at Akim to JI, 4 August 1882 – reports on each mining area. [Not RFB, Cameron or Walker. ?Grant?]

54. Letter from Wm Grant to RFB, Axim, 8 August 1882 – long report on situation in various mines – something about trouble Cameron got into.

55. JI to RFB, 19 August. 1882, from Moffat – various matters re mines – people just not investing. Opinions about different people – Cameron, Walker, etc.
“I note the fact of your having two young cousins, what can they do? If they are in London, and would call at the Grand any time from the 12th to 15th[?] Sept. or if they could call at Liverpool I should be glad to see them.”

56. JI to RFB from Moffat, 1 Sept. 1882 – various matters re mines and management.

57. Grant to the Secretary of the Company, 5 Sept, 1882 – report on various mine matters (almost illegible).

58. JI to RFB, 5 Sept. 1882 – regrets RFB had been forced by Lord Granville to resign his directorship.

59. Grant to RFB, Axim 9 Sept. – “My dear Master and friend”. Various matters re mines and people/staff.

60. Letter from Henry I. Dakin, Sec. Guinea Gold Coast Mining Co., 12 Sept. 1882, re RFB’s resignation and its acceptance by the Board of Directors. Draft reply by RFB in his own hand: [also pencilled ?rhyme?]

“Dear Sir,
I have to acknowledge yours of the 12th inst. in which the Board accepts my resignation and is pleased to express regret at losing my services. I shall always take the greatest interest in the G.C.G.M.; and shall be most happy to answer any questions that may occur to the director and I should much like to see my place taken by Capt. Cameron whose practical knowledge of details in the Gold Coast will be very valuable.”

61. JI to RFB, 18 Sept. 1882 – reports of Board Meetings of all the companies.

62. Copy of Professor Gimbel’s Report. Good, for the Gold Coast Mining Co. Mines.

63. JI to RFB, 18 Sept. 1882 – not really interested in RFB’s project for “natural spring of soda-water”. Handwritten note at top by RFB.

64. JI to RFB, 26 Sept. 1882 – good news from Effirenta[?] – would have done better before if not mismanagement in putting up machinery. Francis, newly appointed manager of G.C.Co, drank himself to death in three weeks – got through 53 bottles of brandy and champagne in 21 days and died of sunstroke.

65. JI to RFB, 2 Oct. 1882 - various matters re mines, saw Cameron, going to sell Yerimah property. RFB had asked about Lord Granville being in office when he became managing director of coal and iron works – JI cannot remember but he thinks so.

66. JI to RFB, 3 Oct. 1882 – thanks him for case of soda-water – will help him assess possibilities. Has not mentioned to Izrah Board possibility of putting Cameron in RFB’s place as Cameron’s name not popular with investors at present - “he has decidedly lost caste, though if he goes on taking care of himself it will come back again.” “P.S. I have written to Walker about the Diary.” [??]

67. JI to RFB 13 October 1882 – thanks for dedication in book – new connection with Messrs Bateman & Co – amused by RFB’s remark that domestic quiet of home life had laid him up.

68. JI to RFB, 20 Oct. 1882 – extract from Mr Walker’s letter of 4 Sept. – Mr Smith said he never failed to find traces of gold (in Cankin).

69. JI to RFB, 20 Oct. 1882 – various matters – saw Cameron.

70. JI to RFB, 22 Oct. 1882 – various matters.

71. JI to IB, 30 Oct. 1882 – personal matters – “it is at present a pleasant dear dream of mine that your husband should leave the Consulate and take to opening up new countries and things”. Have got first 100oz gold out of one mine, now displayed in jeweller’s window.

72. JI to RFB, 3 Nov. 1882 – various matters – written to RFB after he had gone to look for Prof. Palmer.
Letter from undated on Liverpool paper, “Dear Sir”, from JI, quoting letter from Mr McLennan to Mr Walker re mismanagement at mines.

74. JI to IB, 6 Nov. 1882 – writing to IB in RFB’s absence on mining matters.
“. . . gold remittances are now coming home, the public must soon be alive to the value of these investments. . .”.

75. JI to IB, 8 Nov. 1882 – Cameron is drawing his expenses on Grant who debits Irvine – not pleased (£150-£200).

76. JI to RFB, 11 Nov. 1882 – Cameron to survey Gold Coast for Admiralty, and other matters.

77. JI to IB, 11 Nov. 1882 – same as 76 above.

78. JI to IB, 20 Nov. 1882 – misunderstandings between JI and Cameron now cleared up. Cameron upset re reports of his misbehaviour – would IB not write any more about it because Cameron values IB’s good opinion so highly.

79. JI to IB, 30 Nov. 1882 – rather depressing news from some mines – a lot of mismanagement – soda-water O.K. but 1/- is too high – 4d more realistic.

80. JI to IB, 4 Dec. 1882 – would IB tell Cameron that it was not JI who wrote bad reports about him. But he is a bad correspondent. Various matters.

81. H. Vroom, District Commissioner, Rum Rum, to RFB, 15 Dec. 1882 – re two possible properties on gold Coast.

82. JI to IB, 15 Dec. 1882 – invited Cameron to breakfast but he didn’t turn up. Investors not very forthcoming and won’t be until gold arrives in quantity.

83. JI to RFB, 19 Dec. 1882 – “news from the Coast seems to get worse and worse with drunkenness and extravagance and I very much fear the damage is irreparable…” Disappointed with news of Effirenta and Gold Coast mines. Would have preferred his own name to have been used less in book in case people say second volume has been written in his interest. Misunderstanding about getting Cameron on the Board. Various matters.

84. JI to RFB, 20 Dec. 1882 – re sale of Kerimah Mine etc.

85. JI to RFB, 28 Dec. 1882 – detailed personnel matters – hydraulicking method preferred by RFB) is condemned by everyone in Africa – Cameron to go out and see “fair play”. Cameron’s Admiralty scheme not such at all – private scheme funded by city financiers. “There is no question about the gold but it seems almost impossible to get men who can find it for us”.

86. West African Gold Fields Ltd., Letter from 30 July 1883, reports on boxes of quartz sent by Cameron and assayed.

87. – do- 14 July 1883, Cameron’s latest report.

88. – do – Report of the Directors to adjourned General Meeting, 6 March 1884.

89. JI to RFB, 10 March 1885 - requesting return of advance of £165.13s.lld made in 1882 as he is now very hard up.

90. JI to RFB, 19 Jan. 1886 – still talking of mining possibilities but JI’s business is in bad shape. Thinks Cameron “bungled” the hydraulicking and washed gold away.

91. JI to IB, 16 Dec. 1886 – much bothered re Guinea Coast Co. affair- “We are all being blamed, myself in particular – for the mismanagement of the Board which ruined [?] it.”

92. JI to RFB – “Dear Sir Richard” 28 Feb. 1887 – still thinking about buying land on Fernando Po with RFB.

93. JI to IB, 13 March 1893 - ? slur cast upon RFB about mining business and IB’s use of it in Life. JI will protect IB’s interest – hopes for better times.

94. JI to IB, 14 March 1893 – corrections to 93.

95. JI to IB, 10 March 1893 – natives have been mining since Europeans left and getting lots of gold.

2667 26/2/xix 1895 Letter to Isabel Burton about Napoleon’s death mask.

Package (xix) Letter to Lady Burton re Napoleon’s death mask 1895.

2667 26/2/xx 1892-1895 Letters to Isabel Burton about her investments.

Package (xx) Letters to Lady Burton re her investments.


BOX 3 - Notebooks and press-cuttings

2667 26/3/1 c.1880 Volume containing lists of friends in Syria and of the family, books, party guests
and other miscellaneous details.

Box 3 – Note-books and press-cuttings (10 items).

Item 1: Handwritten commonplace book of lists in English and French: eg: on one page, c1880, there is:

“List of Friends in Syria, for remembrance:

Charles Drake (RIP)
Mrs Digby el Mezrab (Lady Ellenborough)
Abd el Kadir
Mrs le Haye (sp?) ) Consulate
Dr Nicora ) French
Mrs Firaud )
M. Omar Bey
2 Meshekas deformed
Hannah Misk
Wright )
Scott RIP ) missionaries
Crawford )
Miss James ) school


[the full list comprises 44 names.]

Another list included is:

‘List of the family’

Henry Raymond Arundel
Louisa and six children – 3 boys 3 girls
Isabel Burton
Blanch Smyth? Piggot
Dilly (Fitzgerald?)
Emmeline van Zeller (?) 12


The Hon Mrs Henry Arundel
The Hon Arthur Arundel and 5 daughters 7


Lord and Lady Arundel
Cicely 7


Lord and Lady Gerard
Billy and May
Trig and Brilly (?)
Kitty 8


G….d Tim and wife and children
Emma and Lord Stoppard 9


Gerry and Pha….?
Theresa 3



he volume also contains all of the following:

Burton newspaper cuttings
List of photos

Guests to her birthday party
People of influence in Austria
Household ‘wants’ and inventories of furnishing etc.
Places she had been to
Prescriptions for medications
Food for hardworked horses - bran mash etc.
List of publishers (under - letters to write) Music
‘How to work the ice machine’
A list of ‘Dick’s clothes’ but
Also ‘Captain Burton’s clothes’

Shipped to Damscus on 21/4/70
On the SS Danube Liverpool to Beyrout:
…25 cases (12 bottle) Best Claret
1 case Pale brandy
3 cases Pale dry sherry
3 cases Port

‘How to read a sextant graduated to 10 seconds’

[Somewhere she writes of her scanty wardrobe but here she gives a vast inventory, pages of dresses for day and evening, as well as trimmings, fans, head dresses, shoes, handkerchiefs, cuffs and collars etc. Linen: nightgowns, Napkins, chemises, trousers, stockings, combinations, dressing gowns.

Household contents run to 50 pages including silver, glass

Note in Penzer Annotated bibliography (Philpott 1923):

On Thomas Wright’s biography:

To the casual reader it appears accurate and complete but a little closer observation shows how utterly unreliable and full of blunders (to say the least) the work really is . . . slipshod (pp 28-29)

2667 26/3/2 c.1880 A volume of medicinal prescriptions, cures etc. including an advertisement for
cannabis cigarettes.

Item 2: c1880 Medicinal prescriptions, cures etc. including an advert for cannabis cigarettes.

2667 26/3/3 1869 Press cutting book principally of review of Richard Burton’s book about Brazil.

Item 3: 1869 press cuttings book principally reviews of Burton’s book on Brazil

2667 26/3/4 1872-1873 Press cuttings book about articles by Richard Burton on travel and exploration with papers and letters about the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain.

Item 4: 1872-73 press cuttings book articles on travel and exploration with papers and letters about the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain.


BOX 3 - Notebooks and press-cuttings (continued)

2667 26/3/5 1873 Press cuttings book principally of reviews of Richard Burton’s book about Zanzibar and the exploits of David Livingstone.

Item 5: 1873 Press cuttings - reviews of Burtons book on Zanzibar and the exploits of Dr Livingstone.

2667 26/3/6 1893 Press cutting books of reviews of Isabel Burton’s book ‘The Life and Work of Sir Richard Burton’.

Item 6a: 1893 Press cuttings reviews of Isabel’s book and of the life and work of Sir Richard Burton. This is a very good source for understanding the public reception of Burton. Papers range from the Liverpool Post to The Rangoon Times.

Item 6b: Cuttings on Uniform Library.
One review remarks: “How Sir Richard Burton’s ‘Kasidah’ – A Lay of the Higher Law’ has hitherto escaped being reckoned the poem of the century, is one of the anomalies or paradoxies peculiar to literature.”
Thomas Sinclair, in The Humanitarian, June 1894.

2667 26/3/7 1856-1864 African Scrapbook

Item 7: 1856-1864 African scrapbook, newspaper cuttings

2667 26/3/8 1869-1872 Letters in the press about the state of Syria.

Item 8: 1869-1872 Newspaper letters re the state of Syria

2667 26/3/9 1878-1879 Cuttings book of reviews of Isabel Burton’s book on Arabia; Egypt; India; affairs in Trieste; Spiritualism; anti-Vivisection. Book of addresses concerning the latter subject.

Item 9: 1878-1879 Press cuttings book. Entitled “The Animal World” from one end and “AEI” from the other.
Material on Isabel’s book on Arabia, Egypt and India; affairs in Trieste; spiritualism; anti -vivisection; with book of addresses concerning the latter.

2667 26/3/10 1878-1879 Cuttings Book.

Item 10: [1871] Photographs of the leading protagonists in the Tichbourne case with 2 photographs of unidentified groups of Stonehenge.


BOX 4 – Scrapbooks

2667 26/4/1 c1865 Memoranda book of Richard Burton about his term as consul to Santos, Brazil.

Book 1. Green leather bound scrapbook. Contents:

Brochure of The Royal Mail Steam packet Company
Brazil & River Plate Route
Conditions/Agents etc

Steamer is monthly from Southampton leaving on the via Lisbon, St Vincent (Cape de Verde) Pernambuco, Nahia, Rio de Janeiro. Then Monte Video, Buenos Ayres. Fare £16 (female servants £6.13 4d)

‘List of articles left in our charge by Captain Burton April 29th 1865:

1 heavy single short gun Patch cutter cording rod
Small bore single rifle & mould
Double barrel double bore and mould IB No. 3138
Large air cane (maker’s name unreadable)
Rifle slings and old flask

Printed list of the Sanskrit alphabet 1838

Cuttings of articles by travellers in Brazil & SA (heavily annotated by IB (1866)

Article from ILS Nov 16 1861 on Brigham Young. Good etching of Young and also the residence picture in Burton’s book.

Lengthy verbatim reports of lectures on Darwinian controversy and by professors of biology who have travelled throughout the US and S America

Cuttings about SA in Spanish maps and charts of cities/areas/ports

Long manuscript screed, possibly notes of dictation of a lecture entitled ‘Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread’. In RFB’s tiny crabbed almost unreadable hand on blue paper in fine pencil.

Similar in ink - again unreadable without effort - almost certainly a detailed ‘commercial intelligence’ report from RFB.
Memoranda for Captain Burton (IB’s writing)

Newspaper/articles welcoming Burton’s appointment to Santos Consul. News “received here with unqualified pleasure in the hope that this enterprising geographer would find means to utilise his residence in Brazil by the prosecution of important investigations. . . ” In Jan 1866 Burton was writing to the same newspaper of a phenomena he witnessed ‘while canoeing down the river Iguape after the fearful rains he was shown small conical rock which he believed to be volcanic. . .’ Anglo-Brazilian Times.

Cuttings from ‘The Reader’ June 9, 1866: review of Baker’s ‘The Albert Nyanas’ etc “Burton has earned a wreath of laurels in which African exploration is only one of the leaves but it should always be remembered the he, though only partly successful, was the first to begin the search after the great lakes of Equatorial Africa. Speke and Grant had work set them to do, and they did it well but . . .”

Cuttings from ‘The Journal of Applied Science’ o n The Titchborne claimant on continuing African exploration

Appendix to the Iwe Irohin 1965 - writer complains that at a meeting of the Anthological Society in London RFB spoke against missionaries and said that ‘the Christian converts were the curse of Western Africa’. Also in trouble for his support of polygamy in Africa which he said was ‘the natural state of things’. This was jumped on by missionaries in letters to newspapers and was probably beginning of the animosity between Burton and Missionaries.

2667 26/4/2 1899 Scrapbook of newspaper reviews of Isabel Burton’s edition of Richard Burton’s books.

Book 2. Brown bound scrapbook ‘Romeike’s Agency & Curtice’s Press Information Agency and Curtices Miscellaneous cuttings: 1893. Curtice’s was a press cuttings agency in Catherine Street, London.

Mostly about IB’s work bringing out editions of RFB’s works.

The widow of Sir RB, the great African explorer has taken up her abode for the winter with her sister Mrs Fitzgerald in Baker St. She is working hard at the revision of the remainder of her husband’s papers. Her sight is failing now and she wishes to complete this self imposed task while sight remains. She works steadily for seven hours every day before late dinner, eschews all society, and never goes out except in a closed carriage. Her drawing room is full of relics of Damascus Dahomey and Mecca and she is never so happy as when talking about her ‘glorious married life’. She is close on 63 but looks twenty years younger. The Echo, London, 23/11/93


BOX 4 - Scrapbooks (continued)

2667 26/4/3 1887 Scrapbook of newspaper reviews of Hitchman biography of Richard Burton.

Book 3. Another bound scrapbook dating from 1887 mostly reviews and articles about Hitchman’s bio of RFB. Arguments and daily battles are said to have been fought by IB and Hitchman. Stories of RFB’s failing health etc. also stories of general interest to both Burtons Science, Livingstone, the arts etc. Many letters of Isabel Burton to the press are included (original manuscript drafts).

2667 26/4/4 1890 Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings About Sir Richard Burton’s death.

Book 4. Another scrapbook with cuttings from 1890 regarding Sir Richard’s death. Many obituaries from newspapers all over Europe.


BOX 5 - Photograph Albums

2667 26/5/1-4 19th cent. Photograph albums mainly of relatives and friends and acquaintances in
Brazil, Syria and elsewhere.

Four Photograph albums:

(1) Green leather bound with brass clasp
Pictures of many people who they met - including

  • Lord Houghton/Lady Houghton
  • F.F. Arbuthnot
  • Emperor (Pedro) and Empress of Brazil
  • Speke
  • Vambery (the Hungarian traveller)
  • Sir Samuel Baker
  • Ouida
  • Rashid Pasha
  • Abd el Kadir
  • F.F. Arbuthnot (another view)
  • Melkham Wardiz ‘My dragoman in Syria’ *
  • Khamoor *
  • ‘Puss Burton in Syria’
  • Dilly
  • Jack
  • Lady Baker *
  • Brigham Young
  • Also the ‘Rio Club’

(2) Brown leather album:

Contains lots of unidentified Arundell relatives, a few of pet dogs - also unidentified.

(3) Large green album:

Dick’s cousin
Pictures of members of diplomatic legations in Santos, Brazil, Damascus etc Hanna Misk.

Small black album - 1883

Miscellaneous photos of women and some of pet dogs.


BOX 6 - Photograph Albums

2667 26/6/1-4 mid 19th cent. Albums photographs of India (with prints and sketches including one of Sir Charles Napier), Jeddah in Arabia, Sao Paulo in Brazil, Egypt, Palestine, Italy, and elsewhere.

Four photograph albums:

(1) Faded pictures of old Bombay - possibly taken during the Burtons trip to India:
With prints and sketches including Sir Charles Napier;
Etching of ‘eve’s tomb at Jeddah’;
Plan of ‘interior of the pyramids.’

Panoramic view of Sao Paulo’ Brazil;
Neat houses, clean empty streets, railway line

Another of an unidentified port with square rigged ships in port.

(3) Brown album engraved.
Egypt and Palestine

Scenic photos mostly of Jerusalem;
One good one of Damascus;
Many of Baalbek.

(4) Scenes of Italy,
Old masters and religious pictures.

2 good pictures of
Maloja, Engladine 31st August 1890
Showing thick fall of snow.

‘Bertie Piggots College Feldkirch 1888’
British Association: Geological section at bath 1864.

The ship I went to Morocco in 1885 - RMS Ballaratt
[picture of Steamship with two masts - fore and aft - 2 funnels]

Pictures of Austria.

Some nice engravings of New Hall and Arundel Castle.


BOX 7 - Books, postcards, notebooks and photographs

2667 26/7/1 mid-late 19th cent. Photographs of Aden, Germany,
Australia and France.

2667 26/7/2 1894 First Footsteps in East Africa vol 1
and 2 with forward by Isabel Burton.

2667 26/7/3 1880 The Lusidas by Camoens translated
by Sir Richard Burton.

2667 26/7/4 late 19th cent. Diary of dates of death of relatives
and friends.

2667 26/7/5 1890 Prayer used for Richard Burton
signed by Isabel Burton.

2667 26/7/6 1897 Vol 2 of ‘The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton’ by W H Wilkins.

2667 26/7/7 [1893] The life of Sir Richard Burton by
Isabel Burton.

2667 26/7/8 c.1860 African notebook of Sir Richard
Burton with sketches of people (including John Manning Speke)
Buildings, animals etc with notes.

2667 26/7/9 1936The Arabian Knight’ by Seton
Derden - a biography
of Sir Richard Burton. [OMITTED].

2667 26/7/10 19th cent. Photograph album mainly
unidentified people.

2667 26/7/11 1900 ‘The Kasidah’ by Richard Burton.

2667 26/7/12 mid 19th c. Red photo album mainly people.

2667 26/7/13 c.1875 Arabic ‘First Reading Book’.

Box 7

1. Group of postcards of Aden, Ragaz-Engadin, Klosters, Davos, and St Moritz. Several photographs of places - could be where they lived and the photo taken in the garden at Trieste is with Letchford. Burton looks as though he’s had a stroke and Isabel is leaning on him.


2. First footsteps in East Africa vols 1 & 2 edition published in 1894 with a foreword by IB.

3. The Lusiadas Seventy Portuguese sonnets by Camoens Englished by Richard Francis Burton, edited by his wife in two vols (Bernard Quaritch) 1880 Vol 1. Autographed ‘Wishing a happy Christmas with the best regards of the Author.

4. A book (sort of perpetual/ ‘any year’ diary) of dates of death of family:
eg; October 20th ‘Richard Francis Burton Palazzo Fossleth Trieste, 1890 aged 69 years and 7 months RIP
Sept 1st ‘Blanche Smyth-Pigott nee Arundel Weston Super Mar, 1891 aged 56’

Signed by IB March 19th/20th 1891, from her loving sister Willie Fitzgerald

‘Oh dearest dead
to Heaven with grudging sighs
we gave you
to Him be doubts forgiven
Who took you there to save you.
Now get us grace to love our memories
yet more kindly. Pine for our home above
and tied [?] to God more blindly

5. Prayer book, signed by IB ‘used for Richard Burton 20th Aug 1890’
[nb; bookmarked a the De Exequiis Defunctorum]

‘Psalmus 129’
‘De Profundis clamavi ad te Domine
Domine exaudi vocem meam. . . ’


BOX 7 - Books, postcards, notebooks and photographs (continued)

6. Original version of The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton autographed by author

To Mrs Fitzgerald from W.H. Wilkins May 7, 97 Vol 2

7. The Life of Sir Rich Burton by Lady Isabel 2 vols

8. Brown Album
Full of pages from RFB’s pocket notebooks: African sketches of people, buildings and animals, and notes in several languages, very tiny writing, unreadable without much effort (I didn’t have time)
Photocopy of album only to be produced

Sketches of fellow passengers and crew on boat to America
List of contacts in S. America including Sir R Tichnorne
Map details and courses set - Syria
Details of engraving on tombs and pillars in Syria
Pyramids, Greece etc
These formed part of his working notes for the early books

9. Original book by Seton Derden The Arabian Knight
[OMITTED from the microfilm edition].

10. Photograph Album unidentified subjects (all people).

11. The Kasidah by Sir Richard Burton

12. Red photograph album.




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