Series One: The Papers of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford,
1593-1641, from Sheffield City Libraries
Detailed Listing
[WWM STRAFFORD PAPERS – Please see note on appropriate form of citations and references made from these papers.]
Supplied by Sheffield City Archives
82 folios
ff 1-61 index
ff 62-82 cover volumes 24-25
Please note that a complete version of this index has been incorporated into this guide immediately after this Detailed Listing.
13 volumes
Str P 1 Letterbook of Strafford’s correspondence as Lord Deputy with officials and leading personages in Ireland, prior to his arrival in Dublin, January 1631-32 – December 1632. Preceded by instructions to previous Lords Deputy, 1611-28. 97 folios.
Str P 2 Letterbook in original parchment binding, January 1617 – January 1625. 189 pp.
Str P 3 Letterbook of Strafford’s correspondence with Charles I, Cottington and Weston, June 1633 – April 1640. pp 1-343 and pp 1-110. (Some misnumbering occurs with the pagination of the original material.)
Str P 4 Copies of Royal Letters under the signet, warrants, etc … February 1632 – August 1638. 356 pp.
Str P 5 Letterbook of Strafford’s correspondence with the Royal secretaries, Coke and Windebanke, May 1633 – December 1634, and 1635. 270 pp.
Str P 6 Letterbook of Strafford’s correspondence with Archbishop Laud, November 1633 – November 1636. Bound in at the end is another volume of correspondence with the secretaries, Coke and Windebanke, February 1638 – July 1640. pp 1-366 and pp 1-47.
Str P 7 Letterbook of Strafford’s correspondence with Archbishop Laud, November 1636 – May 1639. 191 pp.
Str P 8 Letterbook of miscellaneous correspondence, including correspondence with the Earl of Carlisle, the Commissioners for the Admiralty, the Bishop of London, Lady Clifford, the Earl of Leicester, Lord Clifford, Lord Goring, the Lord Marshal Arundel, Lord Willmot and the Earl of Newcastle, May 1633 – March 1636. 435 pp.
Str P 9 Letterbook of correspondence with the Spanish resident, Signor Nicolades, and his brother, and with John Taylor and Capt. Plumbleigh, all concerning Spanish trade, shipping and pirates, July 1933 – December 1636. Bound in with this volume is the book of correspondence with Coke and Windebanke; letters to Coke, 1635-37; letters from Coke and Windebanke, 1634-37. pp 1-23 and pp 1-376.
Str P 10(A) Letterbook of miscellaneous correspondence, including correspondence with Sir James Hay, the Earl of Marr, the Earls of Leicester, Holland, St Albans and Northumberland, Lord Willmot, Sir Henry Vane, the Lord Keeper Coventry, the Duke of Lenox, the Bishop of Down and the Marquis of Hamilton, April 1637 – September 1639 pp 1-364.
Str P 10(B) Letterbook of miscellaneous correspondence, including correspondence with Lord Cottington, Sir Henry Vane, the Lord Admiral and the Lord Keeper, July 1638 – April 1640 pp 1-152.
Str P 11(A) Letterbook of miscellaneous correspondence, including much correspondence with Coke and Windebanke, the Royal Secretaries, September 1637 – April 1640 pp 1-335. (pagination jumps from p.284 to p.317 but no actual text is missing from the original.)
Str P 11(B) Letterbook of correspondence with Coke and Windebank, August – December 1637 pp 1-16.
For details please see the Index of Correspondents included after page
Str P 12/1-77 April 1627 – August 1629
Str P 12/78-158 September 1629 – October 1630
Str P 12/159-237 November 1630 – July 1631
Str P 12/238-318 July 1631 – March 1632/3
Str P 13/1-80 April – October 1633
Str P 13/81-155 November – December 1633
Str P 13/156-238 January – March 1633/4
Str P 14/1-88 March 1633/4 – May 1634
Str P 14/89-170 June – September 1634
Str P 14/171-243 October – December 1634
Str P 14/244-342 January – March 1634/5
Str P 15/1-88 March – May 1635
Str P 15/89-178 June – July 1635
Str P 15/179-253 August – October 1635
Str P 15/254-303 November – December 1635
Str P 15/304-367 January – March 1635/6
Str P 16/1-78 March – October 1636
Str P 16/7-163 November 1636 – March 1636/7
Str P 16/168-262 Letters from Lord Clifford and Christopher Wandesford to Strafford, 1627,1639.
Str P 17/1-72 March – May 1637
Str P 17/73-144 June – July 1637
Str P 17/145-217 August – October 1637
Str P 17/218-269 November – December 1637
Str P 17/270-325 January – March 1637/8
Str P 18/1-77 March – June 1638
Str P 18/78-136 July – October 1638
Str P 18/137-188 November 1638 – March 1638-9
Str P 19/1-63 March – May 1639
Str P 19/64-134 June – November 1639; undated
Str P 20/1-99 Letters addressed to Strafford on estate and related matters from Richard Marris, his household steward, R Rockley, the Revd C Grenewoode and R Burrows (one; also several from R Gascoigne on general matters, 1627-1639. This section contains also the following miscellaneous estate and official papers:
(1) Kimberworth rents, 1632 (with Marris’s letter of 16/9/1634).
(2) Thornton Risebrough: rental and accounts, 1628–30.
(3) Copy of records out of the tower which proves Thornton to have been a manor since
the time of Edward II.
(4) Signed petition form the townsmen of Harwood for holding the market and fair
on Monday, 14/2/1630/1 (with Marris’s letter of 17/2/1630/1).
(5) Petition concerning the excessive tolls of Castleford, Ferrebrigge and Abberford, n.d.
(6) Memorandum concerning a recusant’s composition ie Sir Henry Merrie of Barton, Derbyshire, 1632.
(7) Exception taken by Lionell Farrington against certain compositions in the Northern counties
– a list of 30 names and comments.
(8) Mr Tempest’s claim in Secroft [Seacroft] as Lord of the manor of Roundhay.
(9) Notes of Mr Shillito’s claim of a manor in Seacroft.
(10) A particular of the manor of Roundhay, 1633.
(11) List of bailiffs of Wentworth’s estates and their debts, 1636. (Used as a wrapper.) and Nine letters from Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, to Sir William Wentworth, 1596/7 – 1602/3, and other papers, apparently collected to prove some case concerning Sir William’s services to the Earl; and other papers relating to the Talbot family. Also several papers concerning the rights of Wentworth’s Savile nephew, grandson of Sir George Savile, against his grandfather and his 2nd wife, 1616–19 [99 letters].
Str P 20/100-182 Letters of Strafford relating to Irish ecclesiastical affairs: Letters from Irish bishops and others, including several letters from Laud relating to general matters, and a few personal notes from English ecclesiastics, 1630–1639. Also in addition:
(1) Map of Baltimore, Ireland, n.d.
(2) Memoranda and papers relating to the Church and Crown rights.
(3) Petitions from Irish bishops – individual and collective.
(4) Letters relating to the re-establishment of Youghall College.
(5) Petition of the protestant inhabitants both clergy and laity within the county of Cavan [1633],
relating to monies collected towards the maintenance of the Army.
(6) Case of the benefice of Tagboine, to which Hugh Cressy is recently presented, 1634.
(7) Case of Thomas Phesant and Charles Culton, fellows of Trinity College, Dublin.
(8) Matters relating to the statutes for Trinity College, Dublin.
(9) Petition of the Archbishop of Tuam and the clergy of the province of Connaught, for the
augmentation of the revenue of the Church.
(10) A brief note of the case and state of the monastery of Connall.
(11) Answer (addressed to Wentworth) of the Bishop of Derry (John Bramhall) to a petition
against the assessment in his diocese, n.d.
(12) Note in Wentworth’s hand addressed to the Prolocutor of Convocation, sending a
canon to be adopted, agreeing to the Articles of Religion agreed upon in the Convocation at
London in 1562.
(13) Statement of Robert Plunkett concerning money bequeathed by Thomas and Luke
Plunkett for maintaining 3 poor scholars.
(14) Statement about disputes between the secular and regular [Roman] clergy in Ireland,
and list of Romish ecclesiastics about Dublin, September 14, 1633.
(15) State of the diocese of Downe before the last royal visitation in October 1634.
Str P 20/183-271 Early Family Correspondence, 1546–1627:
Several early family letters: from Beatrix Wentworth, 1546 (one); to Thomas Wentworth, 1570, 1577 (two); to Sir William Wentworth 1601–1613 (several). Then follows the first section of the general chronological series: Letters to Strafford, 1613–1627 [88 letters].
Str P 21/1/75 Original Letters from Strafford; most of them are addressed to Sir Edward Stanhope, Richard Marris (Wentworth’s steward), William Railton (his man of affairs), Peter Man (his man of affairs in Yorkshire), and some few to his father, his children and family and Sir George Radcliffe; there are also drafts and copies of letters to various persons and of some of his earlier speeches,. 1611 – September 1631
Str P 21/76-140 Original Letters from Strafford; most of them are addressed to Sir Edward Stanhope, Richard Marris (Wentworth’s steward), William Railton (his man of affairs), Peter Man (his man of affairs in Yorkshire), and some few to his father, his children and family and Sir George Radcliffe; there are also drafts and copies of letters to various persons and of some of his earlier speeches. Oct 1631 – Dec 1635
Str P 21/141-215 Original Letters from Strafford; most of them are addressed to Sir Edward Stanhope, Richard Marris (Wentworth’s steward), William Railton (his man of affairs), Peter Man (his man of affairs in Yorkshire), and some few to his father, his children and family and Sir George Radcliffe; there are also drafts and copies of letters to various persons and of some of his earlier speeches. January 1635/6 – 1640
Str P 22/1-52 Personal and Miscellaneous: Letters addressed to Strafford, mainly on personal and trivial matters, originally bound together owing to their being written on half sheets. Many of them are from his second wife and the Holles family, the Cliffords, and other relatives and personal friends. 1625–1639.
Str P 22/53-109 Personal and Miscellaneous: Letters addressed to Strafford, mainly on personal and trivial matters, originally bound together owing to their being written on half sheets. Many of them are from his second wife and the Holles family, the Cliffords, and other relatives and personal friends. 1625–1639. (continued).
Str P 22/110-165 Personal and Miscellaneous: Letters addressed to Strafford, mainly on personal and trivial matters, originally bound together owing to their being written on half sheets. Many of them are from his second wife and the Holles family, the Cliffords, and other relatives and personal friends. 1625–1639. (continued).
Str P23/1-14 Commissions and Papers, 1603–1639, some relating to previous Lords Deputy of Ireland; also Instructions and Papers relating to the Council of the North; Commissions for defective titles in Ireland 1638–1639; and the commission for the Earl of Strafford to be Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1639. The volume comprises the following items:
(1) The Commission to Hon. Lord Viscount Falkland to be Lord Deputy of Ireland, dated 1621.
(2) The Commission of Sir Arthur Chichester to be Deputy of Ireland dated 4 January 1605 (?)
(3) The Commission of the Lord Mountjoy to be Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1 January 1603
(4) Instructions for the Lord Wentworth, President of the North, Anno 1628 4th Charles I.
[Rymer’s foedera. Volume 19 page 10.]
(5) Instructions for the Lord Scroop, President of the North. 6 of James I.
(6) Instructions of the Lord Sheffield, President of the North, 7 of James I.
(7) The Appointment of Sir William Ellis, Sir Thomas Tildsley, Sir John Lowther and Richard Dyott Esq.
to be Counsellors in fee and Sir Arthur Ingram to be Secretary of the Council in the North. Dated
4th Charles I. [Rymer’s foedera. Volume 19 page 10].
(8) Ditto of the 8th Charles I appointing the same counsellors and Sir John Melton as Secretary.
[Rymer’s foedera. Volume 19 p 411].
(9) Ditto of the 12th of Charles I for Sir William Ellis, (Sir Thomas Tidlesley crossed out,)
Sir John Lowther, Sir Richard Dyott and Sir William Dalton to be Counsellors, and Sir John Melton,
(10) The Commission appointing the Earl of Strafford Lord Lieutenant of the County of York. 16 Charles I.
(11) Instructions for the Lord Wentworth, President of the North. 8th Charles I. [Rymer’s foedera
volume 19 page 411].
(12) A Commission for Defective Titles in Ireland, 1638.
(13) A Commission for Defective Titles in Ireland, 1639.
(14) A Commission for the Earl of Strafford to be Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1639.
Str P 24-25/1-76 Miscellaneous State Papers: Part I Speeches in the English Parliament; Business of the Council of the North; General English and Scottish affairs (including legal cases).
Speeches, etc
1 Speech of Lord Keeper Williams on entering office, 1621.
2-7 Copies of Speeches in Parliament, 1625/6.
8 Petition of Sir Thomas Wentworth for release from prison to transact urgent business, 1627.
9-17 Copies of speeches in Parliament, etc, 1627/8.
18 Copies of speeches of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Earl of Pembroke. n.d.
19 Sir Walter Chute’s speech, n.d.
20 The King’s address to the Lords concerning his prerogatives. May 17th, no year given.
Council of the North
21 Copy. Grant to John More of the late Monastery of St Mary’s, York. 1613.
22 Commission to Richard marries to procure carts for transporting wood, etc. on behalf of the Lord President. 12 February 1628/9.
23 Petition from Newcastle upon Tyne. 16 April 1631.
24 Commission and instructions to Wentworth as President of the Council of the North. 21 March 1632/3.
25-29 Papers concerning Richard Berington’s grant of the place of Serjeant of Arms at York 1633/4.
30 Copy of auditor’s certificate re: Manors of Easingwold and Halsy, 1634.
31-33 The Lord President’s account, warrants etc. for his expenses extraordinary upon the Commissions of Recusants and Knighthood, 1634.
34 Order exempting William Stamford from the penalties of his recusaney, 9 January 1634/5.
35 Warrant to prepare a grant to Wentworth of the custody of the Park at York, 1635.
36 Petition of Sir John Bourchier re: his trespass in the new park enclosed out of the Forest of Gaultres. n.d.
37 Order exempting Sir Cecill Trafford of Trafford from the penalties of his recusancy, 27 February 1636/7.
38-39 Petition and copy. William Levett of Doncaster, re his patent for a toll at Doncaster, 1637.
40-42 Charges against John Goodhand re abuse of his position in the Court of Wards; and papers, 1637.
43 Copy. Confirmation of appointment of Sir Edward Osborne as Wentworth’s Deputy Lieutenant General at York, 2 March 1638/9.
44 Case against Elizabeth Redhead, farmer of the Greenwax. n.d.
General English and Scottish affairs
45 Copy Clause from grant of 20th part of the profits of the alum business, 1609.
46 Proceedings against the Earl and Countess of Suffolk for embezzlement, 1619.
47 Memoranda of clauses to be heard in Star Chamber: Alexander Leighton and Sir Robert Cotton, 1630.
48 Copy. Grant of Mr Crewe’s wardship, 1632.
49 Order to Earls of Arundel and Pembroke touching the inheritance of the Dowager Countess of Pembroke, 1632.
50-53 Copies. Letters from the Privy Council concerning trees felled for ship-building, to the JPs of Surrey, Sussex, Wiltshire and Dorset, 1633.
54 Copy. Order to the Lord Mayor of London re persons lodging in London and Westminster contrary to Royal Order, 1634.
55-56 proceedings in dispute between the clergy of London and several parishes, concerning tithes, 1634.
57, 59 Copies of letter and petition of JPs of Devon to the Council, concerning levying of ship money. January – March 1634/5.
58 Copy of clause re special remainders in Lord Weston’s grant of the Castle of Winchester, February 1634/5.
60 Copy. Order in Council allowing Vintners to dress meat. 2 March 1634/5.
61 List of ships, 1635/6.
62 List of ships to be provided, by counties, March 1635/6.
63-66 Petitions, decree, etc. in matter between Sir Peter Wentworth and George Warner concerning seats in Woolston Church, 1635/7.
67 Copy. Declaration of the Judges concerning the legality of Ship Money, 7 February 1636/7.
68 Draft grant of Alum works in Dorset and Yorkshire, 1637.
69, 70 Petitions. Lady Astley and Dowager Countess of Clare concerning provision for Denzill Holles, 1638.
71 Account of Proceedings of General Assembly of Scotland, meeting at Glasgow, 1639.
72 Counties into which the Lords letters were written concerning ship money, 1639.
73 The King’s letter to the nobility to attend him at York with armed forces, 26 January 1638/9.
74 Copy. Appointment of Thomas, Earl of Arundel as General of the King’s army, 1 March 1638/9.
75 Lord Falkland’s speech in Parliament (on ship money?), 7 December 1640.
76 List of the Lord’s Committee to examine the institution and power of the Star Chamber, 4 January 1640/1.
Str P 24-25/77-141 Miscellaneous State papers: Part II Miscellaneous Foreign Affairs; Irish general affairs, including Irish Parliamentary Papers.
Miscellaneous foreign affairs
77 Contemporary translation of Cardinal Richelieu’s letter to the Queen Mother of France.
78 Report on fighting in the Low Countries since 12 May, (O.S.).
79 Copy. French King’s Injunction restraining trade with Spain.
General Irish Affairs
80 List of Lords Deputy of Ireland extracted from the Rolls. Edward I – Edward IV.
81 Warrant for grant of office of Clark of the Crown and Hanaper to R. Meredith and G. Carleton, n.d.
82 Copy of warrant for grant of Command of Galway to Lord Clanrickarde, 1625.
83, 84 Two papers concerning the interrelation of the powers of the Chancellor and Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1626.
85 Certificate re: Clerkship of the Peace of Dublin, Westmeath, etc, granted to John Darniell and Henry Maudesley. Post 15 February 1627/8.
86 Nomination of agents for the various provinces of Ireland, 1627–28.
87 Humble requests on behalf of the subjects of Ireland, with the Lords’ apostiles on the same, 1628.
88 “Instructions” to be observed by the Lord Deputy and Council in Ireland (answer to the preceding document), 1628.
89 Another copy of the “Instructions”, but with marginal notes.
90 Instructions to the President of Munster for paying monies to the Vice Treasurer, 1629.
91 Order to repair Dublin Castle against Wentworth’s arrival, 21 February 1631/2.
92 Copy. Propositions made by Wentworth concerning the government of Ireland, 22 February 1631/2.
93 Additional propositions (by His Majesty’s special commandment), 22 February 1631/2.
94 Lord Falkland to Wentworth concerning collection of recusancy fines, 3 March 1631/2.
95 Copy. Warrant for Wentworth’s allowances for journey’s etc. November 1632.
96, 97 Petitions of George Piggott for the creation of an office of Filacer in the King’s Bench in Ireland, 632-33.
98, 99 Two laudatory addresses to Wentworth (on arrival in Ireland).
100 Copy. Warrant for letters patent creating Wentworth Vice Admiral of Munster, 11 January 1633/4.
101 Examination on oath of Gerald Keating, concerning Christopher Flatsbury, a Franciscan friar, 31 January 1633/4
102 Minutes of Council of Ireland re: calling Parliament, 23 May 1634.
103 Letter from President of Munster concerning proceedings at County Kerry election, 1634.
104 Form of letter dispensing certain Irish peers from attending Parliament, 16 June 1634.
105 Order of the King to the Deputy giving him power to determine order of precedence, 1613.
106 Order concerning precedence between Lord Dunsany and Lord Thrimbleston, 8 July 1634.
107 Draft warrant for Commission authorising the Lord Deputy to give the Royal Assent to Acts passed, 8 July1634.
108 Letter from Coke re: the same.
109 Note of Acts passed in the First Session, 1634.
110 Memorandum of Parliament re: summons of William, Baron Slane, 7 July 1634.
111 Lord Deputy’s statement to the Lords concerning their powers under Poyning’s Law, 1634.
112 Resolution concerning fees payable to offices attending the Lords’ House. 1 August 1634.
113 Wentworth’s instructions to the Judges of Assize to make a statement of His Majesty’s intentions for the good of Ireland, August 1634.
114 Copy of the Graces desired to be passed into Law, 6 October 1634.
115 Another copy with proposed instructions thereon, signed by the Council, 6 October 1634.
116 Copy of Order that none shall leave Ireland without licence, 1634.
117 Petition of the Commons for the re-enactment of James I’s Book of Instruction. October 1634.
118 The Commons by the above Book of Instruction may be revived by Proclamation, November 1634.
119 Copy of the said Book of Instruction, printed Dublin, 1632.
120 Another petition for the Graces, with the “Instructions” to Lord Falkland attached, 1634.
121 A catalogue of the nobility of Parliament who ought to set the first day of the Second Session, November 1634.
122 Copy. Exceptions taken to Wentworth’s account as Vice Admiral. January 1634/5.
123 Copy. Order for those holding lands in Ireland to reside there, January 1634/5.
124 Copy. Order that the Judges at Westminster consider certain cases transmitted from Ireland, February 1634/5.
125 Copy. Commission concerning the office of the Court of Wards, 3 March 1634/5.
126 Estimates of victuals for the Connaught progress with 700 men, June 1635.
127 Ditto.
128 Letter from R. Meredith and R. Bolton to Lord Willmot, advising him of a suit against him, 4 March 1635/6.
129 Copy. Warrant to the Lord Deputy to repair to England, 1636.
130 Draft letter authorising Wentworth to visit England, etc., 1636.
131 Receipt. Thomas Paramore for £1,000 due under a deed of the Earl of Carlisle, 30 November 1636.
132 Lord Chichester to Wentworth. Wishes to be excused personal attendance, 1 June 1637.
133 Instructions concerning black Irish marble for St Paul’s Cathedral. Signed Inigo Jones, 1637.
134 Copy. Warrant to Adam Loftus to repair to England and place Great Seal in commission, 1638.
135 Act of State instituting Oath of Abjuration of the Scottish Covenant, 16 May 1639.
136 A note of the Acts passed in the third session of Parliament, January 1634.
137 Copy of Commission to the Lord Deputy to make decisions on questions of precedency, March 1639/40.
138 Lord Deputy Wandesford’s speech to the Irish commons, October 1640.
139 Remonstrance of the Commons, addressed to the Lord Deputy apostiled, November 1640.
140 George Carr to William Railton concerning rents payable to Lord Baltimore, 10 May 1645.
141 Butt’s “Discourse on the State of Ireland”.
Str P 24-25/142-208 Miscellaneous State Papers: Part III The Irish Revenues; the establishment of a Mint in Ireland; the Irish Customs and trade regulations.
The Irish Revenues
142 “The heads of such matters as I conceve do conduces for advancement of the Crownes Revenewe…”. No author.
143 Propositions of Sir Charles Coote for increasing His Majesty’s revenue in Munster, Leinster and the English pale.
144 copy. Order to Lord Deputy to terminate old Commission and appoint a new Commission for taking and determining accounts.
145 Copy. Instructions to the Lord Deputy concerning payment for the Abbey of Leiz, purchased by the Earl of Ormonde.
146 Copy. Information of John Butler concerning ways in which the Crown is defrauded and asking for grant of a fourth part of such revenue as shall accrue from his discovery.
147 Copy. The King to the Lords Justices, ordering them to make a return of the revenues of Ireland, 12 January 1631/2.
148 A note of what is due to pensioners, almsmen and maimed soldiers, Michaelmas, 1632.
149 Money paid to the Receipt; endorsed “My Lord of Westmeath’s contribution from the County.” C.1632.
150 Abstract of revenue, by Provinces, 6 November 1633.
151 Statement of revenues and considerations for improvement of the same. December –
January 1633-4.
152 Receipt of Fayth. Fortescue for various disbursements, 1633/4.
153 Advice submitted by the House of Commons concerning his Majesty’s debts, 1634.
154 A briefe of the receipts and payments made with His Majesty’s Receipt, 17-24 January 1634/5.
155 Instructions to Commissioners and names of persons appointed for “taxing the subsidies”, 21 January 1634/5.
156 Note of sums received by the Earl of Westminster for his “last imploiment for England”, 25 January 1634/5.
157 Assessment of the nobility of Ireland, 25 March 1635.
158 Extracts of the first payment of four entire subsidies, June 1635.
159 Petition of the freeholders of the Baronies of Boylagh – Banagh and Ferhue (County Donegal), concerning their assessments, July 1635.
160 Statement of the commissions for His Majesty’s Subsidy, about the above case, 12 August 1635.
161 Commissions for assessing the subsidy to Wentworth, about the delay which will be caused by a new valuation, 15 January 1635/6.
162. Draft, in Wentworth’s hand of His Majesty’s Instruction to himself, concerning the revenue and other matters, 4 April 1636.
163 Fines for ale licences, 1635.
164 A brief to receipts and payments into His Majesty’s Receipt, 19 to 26 November, 1636.
Establishment of a Mint in Ireland
165 Copy. Wentworth to Coke, recommending the establishment of a Mint. 26 January 1634/5.
166 Order to establish a Mint. 1 March 1634/5.
167 Minute of resolution for taking advice of certain persons concerning the Mint. 10 April 1635.
168 Cautions to be observed in the proposed Mint, 23 April 1635. Wentworth’s draft corrections.
169 Another copy. Fair copy of the above draft.
170 Plan of proposed Mint. n.d.
171 Original order of the Council concerning the Mint. 21 March 1637/8.
The Irish Customs and Trade Regulations
172 Order of the Council of Ireland imposing a duty of a rose noble on every net cast, on strangers fishing in the mouth of any harbourage in Ireland, 6 October 1623.
173 The state of the Customs accompts, 1624/29.
174 A particular of the Customs receipts from twenty-three Irish ports, annually, 1624/5, 1632/33.
175 Memorandum of the value of the Customs and of His Majesty’s certain rent, 1629/31. For Sir George Radcliffe.
176 The state of the Customs accompts during the time William Adcock, administrator of the Duke of Buckingham, administered them, 1630/32.
177 A brief of all the salt imported at the several Irish ports, 1631.
178 Total of customs due from various ports (in Wentworth’s hand) n.d.
179 Propositions regarding tobacco and customs in connection with the Earls estate, c.1634.
180 Copy. Order that no tallow be exported from Ireland without licence, 31 May 1633.
181 Remonstrance of the farmers of the customs in Ireland concerning the monopoly of the export of tallow, May 1633.
182 Account of the customs for the year ending Lady Day 1633. (In Wentworth’s hand).
183 Draft warrant to the Lord Deputy to authorise the transport of horses from England, 16 January 1633/4.
184 Copy of a certificate from the Committee of Revenue concerning the customs of Ireland, 20 February 1633/4.
185 Copy. Warrant to the Lord Deputy to grant licences for the export of wool, 24 March 1633/4.
186 Copy. Lord Deputy’s request that Chamberlaine’s privilege of transporting 15,000 pipestoves be abrogated, 16 April 1634.
187 Petition of the commons for free export of tallow; and reasons, 1634.
188 The Lords petition on the same subject; with their reasons, 1634.
189 Draft (in Raglton’s hand) for an order concerning an imposition on sea coals imported into Ireland, 1635/6.
190 George Sherlock offering remedies for the breaking of regulations concerning trade. 27 January 1635/6
191-194 Copies of extracts from Wentworth’s letters to the King, Laud, Coke and Windebanke touching the Customs. 5 July 1636.
195 Declaration upon oath of Sir Christopher Wandesford relating to the propositions for the Customs. 5 July 1636.
196 Sir George Radcliffe’s depositions concerning the Customs. 13 July 1636.
198 A certificate of what the import of wines did amount up to according to the old rate at [twenty ports names], 1636-7.
199 Numbers of horses transported annually, 1635-8, in the ports of Bangor and Dunnoghodee.
200 The Rejoinder of the Earl of Pembroke and Duke of Lennox concerning the Irish Customs. 14 February 1637/8.
201 Brief of agreement concerning the Irish Customs, April 1638.
202 Memorial concerning the lease of the Irish Customs ( in Raylton’s hand). 26 April 1638.
203-207 Proceedings, order, etc. in the Court of Wards concerning the Duchess of Buckingham’s lease of the Irish Customs, exceptions taken to the agreement, etc.
April–May 1638.
208 Sentences on certain persons (named), smuggling tobacco contrary to the Proclamation. 5 December 1639.
Str P 24-25/209-274 Miscellaneous State Papers: Part IV The Irish Navy; the Army in Ireland.
The Irish Navy
209 List of persons taken by the Turks. n.d.
210 A list of the ships that are to go out in the First Fleet (Ship’s names and captains, 28 in all). n.d.
211 Order to the impressed ship “Truelove” to search for pirates; Thomas Gayner Captain. 15 June 1633.
212 Thomas Ganner (or Gayner) to Mr Denny: articles to be observed at sea, 1633.
213 Account of Captain Denny’s movements round the Irish coast.
214 Examinations of seamen concerning Captain Pronneville. 18 October 1633.
215 Acquittance for wages and victualling of the “Lion’s 9th Whelp”. 22 November 1633.
216 Petition to the Lord Deputy by Richard Roche complaining that his ship has been seized and himself imprisoned. 17 January 1633/4.
217 Copy Warrant to pay certain sums to the Antelope and Lion’s 9th Whelp for guarding the Irish coast. 10 March 1633/4.
218 Corrected copy of 217 in Wentworth’s hand.
219 Draft of a warrant to the Treasurer of Ireland to pay out money for maintaining ships to guard the Irish Coast. December 1634.
220 Estimate of the charge of the Bonaventure and 9th Whelp serving upon the Irish Coast. 4 March 1634/5.
221 Estimates for putting to sea the two ships above.
222 Original order. Rules to be Observed by all Vice Admirals. 2 May 1635.
223 William St Leger to the Lords Justices of Ireland reporting activities of Turkish pirates. 7 July 1636.
224 Petition to the King by the Dutch West India Company for permission to prosecute Sir Beverley Newcomen for taking a Dutch ship on pretence of piracy. February 1636/7.
225-226 Sir Beverley’s answer and letter of Sir Henry Martin, concerning the above charge.
227 Examinations and reports in Spanish apparently relating to above charge.
228 Copy. Grant to Edward Nicholas of the office of Ferriage in Ireland. 10 July 1637.
229 Mr Crane’s memorial for a warrant upon his account of pipestaves. 30 September 1637.
230 William Batten’s bill for the shallops. 17 September 1640.
231 Warrant for payment for the ten shallops for the Irish service, for which a tally was struck on the Company of Soapboilers. 18 April 1641.
232 A note (apparently in Strafford’s hand) amending the foregoing warrant.
The Army of Ireland
233 Abstract of the charge of all the wars in Queen Elizabeth’s reign, subsidies given, etc.
234 Drilling instructions for foot companies, n.d.
235 “Whether it is better to use only Musketts…”
236 List of horse and foot in Ireland. n.d.
237 Horse and foot companies in Ulster and Munster. n.d.
238 Horse and foot companies in Ulster. n.d.
239 Captains of horse troops in each province. n.d.
240 Entertainment (i.e. maintenance allowance) due to various troops of horse and their individual officers. n.d.
241 Number and total pay of horsemen. n.d.
242 Troops in Ireland and where garrisoned. n.d.
243 List of foot companies and where garrisoned. n.d.
244 A list of such arms and other provisions as are now to be provided for HM’s service in Holland. n.d.
245 Draft for an order referring all army appointments in Ireland to the Lord Deputy’s decision. “Onely a conceit of my owne…”
246 Original signatures of persons subscribing to a contribution to the Army. n.d.
247 Considerations touching a war against the house of Austria i.e. how Ireland should be put in readiness. n.d.
248 Copy. Warrant for surrender of Charles Wilmot’s grant in reversion of the office of Marshall of the Army of Ireland. October 1616.
249 Order to the President of Munster for distribution of troops billeted in the Province, 28 February 1627/8.
250 A further order with list of troops enclosed. 21 March 1627/8.
251 The same. June 26, 1628.
252 The same with list attached. 31 October 1628.
253 The same with list attached. 13 December 1628.
254 Instructions to the Sheriff of Westmeath concerning pay for support of troops quartered in the County. 17 June 1629.
255 A further order to the President of Munster, 2 October 1629.
256 Quarterly charge for the maintenance of the Army due from certain towns, quarters ending September and beginning October 1629.
257 A further order to the President of Munster, with list. 26 March 1629/30.
258 Monies paid by the country towards the maintenance of the Army in Ireland. April 1628-December 1631.
260 Instructions from the Crown to the Council of Ireland concerning the Army. 14 April 1632.
261 Estimate of military stores remaining in various towns. 5 August 1633.
262 Petition of Henry, Lord Viscount Valentia, concerning the position of Marshall of the Army of Ireland, to which he has lately succeeded.
263 Copy. Warrant confirming the succession of Viscount Valentia to the office of Marshall, with all the accustomed companies, fees, etc. 6 October 1634.
264 Money for the Army paid out of revenue: analysis for the half year ending Michaelmas 1634.
266 Strength of garrisons of horse and foot in Ireland. January 1635/6.
267 List of entertainments (maintenance allowances) due to officers of horse and foot companies. 6 June 1636.
268 A view taken of the Foot of Duncannon, noting repairs needed.
269 Copy. Warrant to grant a new patent to Sir Robert King of office of Muster Master General. 1 October 1637.
270 The Earl of Antrim’s demands for assistance for raising forces and arms. 11 March 1638/9.
271 Particulars of the charge proposed by the Earl of Antrim to be borne by His Majesty. 1639.
272 The Earl of Antrim’s propositions to be considered concerning his preparations for the Isles of Scotland. 1639.
273 Taffety delivered to the officers of the Army. June 1639.
274 Copy. Warrant to the Lord Deputy to raise three subsidies and 8,000 foot and 1,000 horse for service in Scotland. 2 March 1639/40.
Str P 24-25/275-350 Miscellaneous State Papers: Part V Land and Plantations in Ireland; Revenues and Plantation in Athlone; Irish industry and trade.
Land and Plantations in Ireland
275 Lands etc. in Munster that His Majesty may be entitled to, with other concealments. n.d.
276 Information concerning concealed lands forfeited by Daniel O’Sullivane. n.d.
277 Copy. Order to examine case of land in County Longford alienated to one of the “meere Irish”. n.d.
278 Note of towns which common on the Currough of Kildare. n.d.
279 Draft Order concerning regrant and settlement of the Birnes country, Cosha and Ranelagh, declared Crown property. n.d.
280 A brief of HM’s title to the Counties of Roscommon, Sligo, Mayo and Galway. n.d.
281 Discovery of HM’s title to the county of Desmond. n.d.
282 A proposition concerning the intended plantation of Connaught (in Wentworth’s hand) n.d.
283 A particular note of the lands, etc. in the Name, late Christopher Shemlocks. n.d.
284 Descent of the family of Donnogh and proposed inquisition to find that Donnogh was killed in actual rebellion. n.d.
285 Note of Lord Westmeath’s lands in jointure and sold. (Westmeath’s signature) n.d.
286 “A proportion of 1,000 acres” of the lands of Lords Dockery and Esmond, Sir William Parsons, Sir Roger Johns and Sir Adam Loftus. n.d.
287 Copy. Order for enrolment of all titles etc. claimed to be held by Letters Patent, but not enrolled in Ireland. n.d.
288-291 County Clare petitions of freeholders, etc. touching their estates there. (Original signatures on two.)
292 Copy. Petition of freeholders of Roscommon, holding estates by Letters Patent of the Crown. n.d.
293 Copy. Petition of Robert Harpoll, Esq, concerning composition with the Committee for Defective Titles for his estates. n.d.
294 Particulars of acreage of the Manor of Coghlanston. n.d.
295 Statement of case concerning Upper and Lower Ivaughs, County Downe. n.d.
296 Memorandum about the estates of Mr Mason.
297 Copy. Queen Elizabeth’s order for the Provinces of Connaught and Thomond “to be compounded after the best division”. 15 July 1585.
298 Copy. Order calling in all freedoms in respect of lands in Connaught and Thomond. 1 July 1587.
299 Copy. Warrant to, make grants to the undertakers in Ranelagh, County Wicklow. 7 December 1627.
300 Instructions to be observed in settling the lands of Ranelagh. (To Lord Deputy Falkland.)
301 Copy. Order to undertake a survey of the lands in Munster of which George Ughtred Courtney is undertaker, from which the Crown has received no rents. 9 April 1628.
302 Copy. Order to survey lands claimed by Cahill O’Hara. 31 September 1629.
303 Survey of the twelve proportions by which the land at Londonderry is allotted. 1632.
304 Names of jury for finding the King’s Title at Porthomnye, County Galway, and those who refused to find for the King. 13 August 1635.
305 Petition of Edward Bermingham and others, fined and imprisoned for not finding the King’s title in County Galway. n.d.
306 John Blake’s examination relating to the Earl of St Albans’s letters patent to Balenrobe, County Mayo. 24 August 1635.
307 Petition to Lord Mayo, concerning his lands of which particulars should have been given to the Castlebar Commission. 29 November 1635.
308 Abstract of certain leases made by Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Ormonde. 1 March 1635/6.
309 The number of Martt lands in the Birnes and the freeholders’ demands. 21 March 1635/6.
310 Charles Coote reports to Wentworth that present owners are cutting and selling timber on their lands in view of the intended plantation of Connaught. 28 March 1636.
311 Compositions made on HM’s Commission of Grace for remedying defective titles (old rents, increase, totals). 4 May 1636.
312 List of those who signed the general instrument in Galway. 10 July 1636.
313 Petition of John Donellan, esq. imprisoned for not finding HM’s title in Galway; he is Lord St Albans’s steward and wishes to go to England. 20 August 1636.
314 Lord Deputy and commissioners of Connaught to Secretary Coke on their intended course with lands held by Letters Patent there. 30 November 1637.
315 The demands of the City of London, concerning Londonderry, with the King’s answers. 16 July 1637.
316 Queries concerning Londonderry (in Raylton’s hand).
317 A particular of the Londoners’ rents.
318 Petition of Viscount Taaffe, concerning the Manor and Castle of Ballymote, for which he wishes to compound. January 1639/40.
Revenues and Plantation in Athlone
319 Copy Petition of the inhabitants of Athlone for the fee farms of their houses etc. n.d.
320 Statement of the case of Athlone. n.d.
321 The state of the rents of Athlone in 1616 and at the time of the information, c.1623.
322 The King’s letter concerning grants in fee farm to be made to suitable settlers in Athlone. 22 April 1618.
323 Copy. Order: grants in fee farm to be granted to persons conformable to the Church of England. 22 April 1618.
324 Order similar to 323, relating to that part of Athlone which lies in Roscommon. 17 May 1619.
325, 326 Further orders concerning Athlone. May 1619, May 1622.
327 Copy. Sir Charles Coote’s letter against the President of Connaught, concerning the King’s revenues from the manor of Athlone. 24 September 1623.
328 Another copy.
329 Abstract of the state of HM’s composition rent, issuing out of the Province of Connaught, by the composition book, and by Sir Charles Coote’s account.
330 Lord Falkland’s letter to the Council upon Sir Charles Coote’s information. 15 November 1623.
331 Answer of the Lord President of Connaught (Charles Wilmot) to Coote’s accusations touching Athlone.
332 Wilmot’s letter on the same. 20 November 1623.
333 Letter concerning the Athlone case from the Council in England to the Lord Deputy, 30 December 1623.
334 Advice to the council to appoint a special Commission of Inquiry. 8 January 1623/4.
335 Copy. Order of the Lord Deputy to enquire into the Crown’s revenues in Athlone. 6 August 1624.
336 Lord Wilmot’s submission to the King concerning certain charges about Athlone. 3 October 1635.
Irish Industry and Trade
337 Petition of Theobold Maurice for a patent for applying his invention of dressing and preserving salmon. n.d.
338 Proposals of James Acheson concerning extraction of silver from mines in Ireland. n.d.
339 Copy. Petition of Benjamine Crokey: project for growing flax and making linen. n.d.
340 Crokey’s petition touching flaxseed. n.d.
341 Brief of a project of making linen in Ireland. n.d.
342 considerations “pour advancer le trafficq du Beurre dans le Royaume D’Angleterre et ameliorir celuy D’Irlande”. n.d.
343 Copy of printed Proclamation of the Council of Ireland against excessive usury. 3 October 1618.
344 Examinations of miners touching quantities of ore got in the Royal mines of Munster. 1632-3.
345-347 Copies. Orders concerning grant of the Office of Clerk of the Markets throughout Ireland to several persons on behalf of George Kirk. 13 May 1633.
348 Copy. Covenant of the Company of Soap makers for repayment of £4000 if this sum be spent on their behalf in Ireland. 16 July 1633.
349 Names of towns in Ireland where saltpetre has been sought. 6 June 1637.
350 Letter of William Boswell to Sir Thomas Roe on propositions for a colony connected with the salmon business. April 5–15, 1638.
Str P 24-25/351-427 Miscellaneous State Papers: Part VI Irish petitions and Legal Papers of Private Persons.
Irish Petitions, case papers of private persons unconnected with official matters
351 Copy. Petition of Lady Conway, giving an account of her misfortunes since her marriage to Sir Fouleke Conway at the age of eleven. n.d.
352 Draft Petition. Hugh Cressy, Justice of the King’s Bench in Ireland, concerning his son George, apprenticed to a draper, who subsequently left him his shop and stock. n.d.
353 Petition of Hugh Cressy, Wentworth’s chaplain, concerning expenses he has incurred in connection with a title to a northern living. n.d.
354 Copy. Petition of Phillip Temple, who has served many years in the Army of Ireland and has lost his eyesight. n.d.
355 Copy. Petition of John Dobb, Marshall of the forecourts of the Court of Castle Chamber, for permission to name a successor. n.d.
356 Missing.
357 Statement of case between George Courtney esq. and Thomas Fitzgerald concerning title to land in Munster called Clenlish. n.d.
358 Copy. Petition of George Herbert concerning pretended claims of Robert Calvert on his father’s estate. n.d.
359 Petition. Sir Thomas Phillipps asks for regrant of his pension out of the revenues of Ireland. n.d.
360 Petition. Ann Mooney asks for an order that she may enjoy the lease of her farm in Ringerstowne. n.d.
361-362 Proceedings and copy of order in matter of the Earl of Desmond’s debt to the Earl of Middlesex. 1628.
363 Petition of Daniel MacCarthy, heir to the Earl of Clancarthy, who is prevented by the mortgages, one Valentine Browne, from redeeming Ballicarbry (County Kerry). 1629.
364-369 Answer of Valentine Browne, and further papers in Daniel MacCarthy’s case.
370-371 Petition of Lucas Dillon asking to be relieved of the wardship of the present Earl of Castellow Gallen; and answer to the same. 1630.
372 Copy. Report from the Court of Wards and recommendation from the Council of England, concerning Henry Gosnold’s petition for a lease for 21 years of all reliefs and heriots in Ireland. 1631.
373 Copy of further petition from Henry Gosnold on the same, 1633.
374 Copy. Order to Chief Justices etc. in Ireland not to allow any further suit of the Lord Fitzwilliam’s against his younger bretheren. 20 May 1631.
375-376 Copies. Orders re: suite between the Earl of Ormonde and Sir Thomas Butler relating to Cloghgrenam. 1632.
377 Schedule of lands in Lord Tullaghelm’s feoffment made to the use of Sir Thomas Butler; concerns lands also belonging to the Earl of Ormonde. n.d.
378-380 Petitions and affidavit of George Bovile asking for a grant of mines he has discovered in Ireland, 1633.
381-382 Copy, petition and interrogatories in case of a nuncupative will of Dr James Medcalfe. His daughter Alice, and husband Samuel Powell, ask to receive their part of the estate, 1634.
383 Judgement in the case of Phillip Percivalle versus James and Nicholas Barry, concerning sale of lands to repay a debt. 14 November 1634.
384-388 Copies of petitions, orders, etc. in the case of George Standish and Joan, his wife, versus Archibald Hamilton, administrator of the goods of Lord Balfour, to whom the petitioners had lent money on a promise of certain lands in Ireland, 1635.
389 Copy. Petition of Arthur Langford concerning his right, during the wardship of Henry O’Neale, to enjoy certain lands for which the Earl of Antrim demands a rent of £7. 1635.
390 Order of the council in England to pay Lady Button the arrears of her husband’s pension in Ireland. 27 may 1635.
391 Letter from the King (per Secretary Coke) sending petition of William Standley. 14 June 1635. Petition is not included with the Letter.
392-393 Copies of petitions of Sir Thomas Staples (by his agent Christopher Staples) and of Sir Anthony Jancie concerning publication of the depositions of witnesses in case between, June 1635.
394-403 Papers in the case of John Greteng of Greetinge, a merchant of Lubeck, robbed by pirates on a ship of Chester called the Valentine off Holyhead, 5 July 1632. He was awarded £1,000 but deprived of it by the stratagems of Walter Warre and his sureties, who subsequently fled beyond the seas. 1632-37.
404 Copy of order. Lady Lettice, Baroness of Offaly versus George Earl of Kildare, concerning Castleleigh, 7 April 1636.
405-408 Petition of John Stepney, butler of Trinity College, Dublin, complaining that Christopher Turner, late of the College, owes him for bread and beer; answers, orders etc. 1636.
409 Copy. Petition of John Nollan and Thomas Linch complaining that one Patrick French had leased Downell (County Sligo) of which he is the mortgagee, to others, though their own lease is unexpired. July 1636.
410 Copy of French’s petition disputing above statement, 1636.
411 Schedule of parties and charges in two cases to be heard in Court of Castle Chamber; both concern Elizabeth Clancy, a ward, and the plaintiff is John Carroll, Esq. 15 February 1636/7.
412 Statement of case concerning the Manor of Turloughe (County Mayo), between the Earl of Niddesdale and Walter Bourke.
413 Petition of Dame Mary Lake concerning a case of clandestine marriage of one William Domville with her daughter. 1637.
414-416 Order, statements etc., in case of Calco Chambre, who has petitioned complaining of the Trustees under his father’s will, James Fiennes and John Crewe. 1638.
417-418 Examinations of several persons before the Mayor of Drogheda (John Jeene), touching the arrest of Christopher Draycott, son and heir of Sir John Draycott; and Jeene’s covering letter to Wentworth. October 1638.
419-423 Hansard’s case; various papers concerning the grant by Sir Richard Hansard, to trustees, of the manor of Lifford, to certain uses including the building of a church and school at Lifford in 1618 (copy of the feoffment produced in the case). 1638–9
424 Evidence of Thomas Gwynn and others, that one delivering a warrant for the attachment of Robert Barr, merchant, the latter refused to obey the warrant. 13 October 1638.
425 Decree in a case between Charles, Lord Lambert and Mary Wakefield, widow of Thomas Wakefield of London, Goldsmith, concerning the former’s debts. 28 November 1638.
426 Order reducing £1000 fine on John White to £5 at petition of the prisoner. 21 December 1639.
427 Similar order reducing fine of £500 on Michael Millpatrick to 40 shillings. 21 December 1639.
Str P 24-25/428/482 Miscellaneous State Papers: Part VII Papers in cases brought by Wentworth on behalf of the Crown: the Foulis Case; Youghall College and the Earl of Cork; the Mountnorris Case; Case of Nicholas Stephens etc …; the Piers Crosbie Case; and the Case of Lord Chancellor Loftus. Also Imports on Wines and a few unspecified Plans.
Papers in cases brought by Wentworth, on behalf of the Crown, against individuals
I The Foulis Case
428 Answers of Sir David Foulis to the Information of the Attorney General. 27 November 1632.
429 Order of the Court concerning an Inquisition on the lands of Sir David Foulis for paying the £3,000 fine to Viscount Wentworth. 27 June 1634.
430 Notes on a conveyance contrived to defraud the Lord Deputy of his damages, sent to Sir John Finch. 27 June1634.
431 Copy. Petition of Henry Foulis to the House of Lords, concerning estates settled on him and subsequently awarded to Wentworth. 1641.
432 Copy. Petition of Sir David Foulis to the House of Lords against the Earl of Strafford, reciting the former proceedings against him. 1641.
II Youghall College, Trinity College Dublin, and the Earl of Cork
433-435 Two letters from Michael Boyle to Dr William Laud, concerning his “promotion money”, due to St John’s College, Oxford, 1618-19; and memorandum signed by William Juxon, that £35 still remains to be paid.
436 List of towns demised by Trinity College, Dublin to Sir R.L. n.d.
437 Information in Castle chamber against the Earl of Cork, concerning the endowments of Youghall College. 17 November 1634.
438 The answer of Richard, Bishop of Cork, to the interrogatories concerning the College at Youghall. 15 April 1635.
439 Depositions of the Bishop of Waterford, concerning Youghall College. 25 April 1635.
440-441 Two further papers in the case.
442 Copy. The Earl of cork’s petition that there may be no further processes against him concerning Youghall College.
III The Mountnorris Case
443 Copy. Order for enquiry into the conduct of Mountnorris as Vice Treasurer. 31 July 1635.
444-445 Sentence delivered on Mountnorris, and draft corrected in Wentworth’s hand. 12 December 1635.
446-448 Copies of correspondence between Wentworth and Secretary Coke about the sentence on Mountnorris. January 1635/6.
447 Copy. Order declaring Mountnorris’s patents of office void. 25 January 1635/6.
449-458 Petitions etc. from Mountnorris to the Crown, during his imprisonment. 1636.
459 Copies of precedents for removal of Irish officials from office.
IV Case of Nicholas Stephens
460 Sentence in Castle Chamber against Nicholas Stephens and others for spreading abroad a letter and order of Cardinal Barbarini against Paul Harris, contrary to the laws against foreign jurisdictions and bringing in Papal Bulls. 1635.
V The Piers Crosbie Case
461-473 Orders, examinations, notes, etc., in the case against Sir Piers Crosbie.
474 Decree in Star Chamber against Sir Piers Crosbie and others for spreading falsehoods with deliberate intention of dishonouring the Lord Deputy. 27 May 1639.
VI Case of Lord Chancellor Loftus
475 Draft letter from the King to the Lord Deputy as to proceedings to be taken against Lord Loftus. 16 March 1638/9.
476 Copy. Petition of Dame Sara Loftus that her husband may be removed to his own house. 8 May 1639.
477 Copy. Order of the House of Commons, that the decree and fines thereon against Adam Loftus, Viscount Edey, be reversed. 3 May 1642.
Imposts on Wines (part of section on Customs and Trade Regulation)
478 Copy of assignment by the Earl of Carlisle to Thomas Ferrers and Sir Arthur Ingram of the impost on wines in Ireland for £3160.
479 Copy of assignment of Thomas Ferrers’s share in the impost on wines, to Henry Percy and William Murray. 20 June 1636.
480 Draft of a release to be made by Percy and Murray for the receipt of £999 10s upon the impost of wines in Ireland.
[stored separately because of extra large size].
Plans (unspecified)
481 Plan of a fortification (no place stated): “The whole compass of this fortification is 860 perches”.
482 Plan of an army drawn up in battle order.
Str P 26 Household Book of Thomas Wentworth, 1617.
Str P 27 Household Book of Thomas Wentworth, 1618–19.
Str P 28 Household Book of Thomas Wentworth, 1622–23.
Str P 29 Terrier and Survey of Strafford’s Yorkshire Estates, 1636.
Str P 30 Journal and notebook kept by Strafford during his French tour, 1612.
Str P 31 Terrier of Lands belonging to the Rectories and Vicarages in the Deanery of Bedford, delivered at the Visitation of Bedford, 1634.
Str P 32 The Book of Offices in the King’s Household and Courts of Record, 1614.
Str P 33 The Book of Ordinances of the Queen’s Household, 1553.
Str P 34/1-18 Bundle of Documents, comprising the following items:
(1) Printed Declaration showing the necessity of the Earl of Strafford’s suffering, 1641
(2) Copy of a Letter from Strafford to the Vice Treasurer of Ireland, Sir Adam Loftus, n.d.
(3a) Digressions to be inserted in fit places … a narrative. n.d.
(3b) Narrative of events from august 1634 to August 1648, with notes on debates and voting, argument of precedents and prescriptions on the fit and proper course of action. 28 August 1648.
(4) List of representatives from counties and boroughs in the Parliament of 1620.
(5) Letter of 9 October 1638 from Lord Lorne to Lord Viscount Wentworth, Lord Deputy of Ireland.
(6) Narrative of the Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. n.d.
(7) Another narrative of events. (pages in wrong order in the original.)
(8) Propositions to be considered of, by his Majestie, concerning the Government of Ireland, February 1631.
(9) Improvements in ye Bishopricks … 1636
(10) Letter from Strafford, dated London 25 July 1636.
(11) Observations upon my Lord’s Speech … 13 February 1637.
(12) A Letter of this King of Spain to ye wife of Don Balrazar de Cuniga, whilst he lay very dangerously sick. n.d.
(13a) Copy of Letter from Strafford to Vice Treasurer, Sir Adam Loftus, 4 February 1640.
(13b) Letter from Wentworth to his son William Wentworth (supposedly first letter to his son, n.d.) Also one additional copy of the same.
(14) A Survey of the Government of Ireland, 1 January 1631.
(15) Directions for Establishing a Plantation etc … n.d. (pp 1–4 of this document are missing from the original). pp 5-60.
(16) To the Right worshipfull, my good and approved loving father, Sir William Wentworth. Sir Thomas Wentworth to his father, London 25 April 1614 (?). Discusses proceedings in Parliament; transport of cloth to France; arguments in committee about the Cloth trade. Also another copy of the same. Loose.
(17) Some Observations and Collections made in a Parliament held 18 uo King James I. By Sir Thomas Wentworth, Viscount and Baronet, afterwards Earl of Strafforde. n.d.
(18) Miscellaneous notes and Family Trees. Also an illustration of Strafford with Sir Christopher Wandesford. n.d.
Str P 35 Copies of articles of impeachment against the Earl of Strafford, and copies of his answer.
Str P 36 A Summary of the evidence by my Lord of Strafford, … speech delivered on 12 April 1641.
Str P 37 Diurnal proceedings of both houses of Parliament, November 1640 – May 1641. MS of Earl of Strafford’s Trial and other proceedings in Parliament.
Str P 38 Collection of autograph verses, being a New Year’s gift for Sir William Wentworth, from his fellow students at Trinity College, Dublin, January 1639/40.
Str P 39 Book of arms of Wentworth.
Str P 40/1 Manuscript Book: “William Wentworth … his advice and councell to Thomas Wentworth, his sone and heire … all written with his own hand.” 1604-1607. Also some poems to the memory of Lady Anne, Sir William’s wife, 1611.
Str P 40/1(A) Contemporary Copy of Str P 40/1
Str P 40/2 Manuscript Book. Sir William Wentworth to his son Thomas: an account of “extraordinary providences” to himself and family.
Str P 40/3-41 Royal Letters from Charles I to Strafford, October 1633 – April 1641.
Str P 40/2-47 Royal Letters from Queen Henrietta Maria to Strafford, April 1634 – August 1639; and undated.
Str P 40/48-53 Letters concerning Strafford’s accepting the Deputyship of Ireland, and various other miscellaneous letters:
48 Copy, endorsed by sender, of a letter from a close friend to Strafford to dissuade him from accepting the Deputyship, October 23, 1631.
49 Contemporary copy of Strafford’s letter to Sir Edward Stanhope, on same subject, 25 October 1631.
50 Rough drafts in Strafford’s hand: letter to Sir Richard Weston. Letter of speech to the Council on his being dismissed from the office of Customs Rotulorum [1626]. (Both on one paper).
51 Draft or copy of a letter from Wentworth to Lord Treasurer Weston protesting his reasons for serving the King are neither for advancement nor profit, October 21, 1632.
52 Letter on estate business to his servant Richard Marris, 22 May 1629.
53 Draft of lease of Londonderry, with marginal comment by Charles I, 1637.
Str P 40/54-69 Letters and Papers concerning Strafford’s trial and death:
54 Contemporary copy of the Earl’s peroration of his defence before the Lords.
55 Draft notes in Strafford’s hand for procedure and speech to be made by the King on receiving the Bill of Attainder.
56 Draft petition from Strafford to the King, 10 May 1641.
57 Strafford’s last letter to his daughter Anne, 19 April 1641. [Endorsed by her.]
58-59 Strafford’s last letter to his son. The original (58) is endorsed by the recipient, and there are several copies (59), one of which appears to have been taken (erroneously) for the original.
60 A prayer in the King’s handwriting and a copy. These were included with the letter and copies above.
61 Contemporary note about an incident at the Cross Keys Tavern in the Strand on the afternoon of the Earl’s death.
62 Note, endorsed 13 May 1642: report concerning “my lord’s body being opened” and list of those present.
63 Letter (17 November 1666) from Thomas Radcliffe to the 2nd Earl of Strafford, referring to an enclosed note from “My lord Primate usher’s Almanake”, being a summary of the King’s message delivered to Strafford by Usher, 11 May 1641.
64 The note referred to above (63) and a copy.
65 Contemporary petition to Charles I asking him to buy in the late Earl of Strafford’s interests in tobacco in Ireland, 18 May 1641.
66 Contemporary copy of the King’s letter to the Justices in Ireland for delivering the patent of the late Earl’s estate, 20 January 1641/2.
67 Sir George Radcliffe’s note of his last letter to Strafford and his copy of the latter’s last letter to him, to which the 1st Marquis of Rockingham has added (on the same sheet) the extract from Ussher’s diary (64) referred to above.
68 Copy of the Act reversing Strafford’s attainder.
69 Letter and a copy from Sir George Wentworth to William Raylton at Fulham concerning the young Earl’s financial plight. Letter from Lady Albreda Bourke to Maud, Countess Fitzwilliam, about the opening of Strafford’s grave at Wentworth, January 1923.
Str P 40/70-85 Miscellaneous letters and papers concerning the proposed new edition of the Strafford letters; scheme for the Life of Strafford; Notes and events following Strafford’s execution:
70 Letter unsigned addressed to the 2nd Earl of Strafford embodying scheme for a life of Strafford by the writer and notes. The 1st Marquis of Rockingham’s comment attributes it to Sir George Radcliffe. It does not appear to be in Sir George’s handwriting.
71 Observations on the effects of the printed edition and proposals for a new edition.
72 Memorandum about the Strafford papers.
73-76 Letters from Revd. W Knowler to Lady Charlotte and Lord Rockingham: 13 November 1769 [containing key to cipher], and 2 undated; 2 letters from Lady Charlotte to Lord Rockingham, 2 December 1769. Item (74) is a copy of the original letter from Thomas Wentworth (Earl of Strafford) to his son William dated 11 May 1641 from the Tower.
77 Key to cipher, and transcripts of 2 letters in cipher. [all in Lady Charlotte’s hand].
78 Letter, 16 March 1772 from Rd Scrope enclosing 2 transcripts from the Clarendon papers:
79 Lord Mountnorris to the Earl of Strafford, 11 May 1641.
80 Letter from the Marquis of Worcester to Lord Clarendon, 11 June 1660. [The enclosures are in a separate packet with an endorsement of Lady Charlotte’s: “These papers have never been shown to Mr Seward and he shall not get scent of them”, and a note (81).
82-84 Various copies, extracts etc made by Lady Charlotte.
85 Notes written about 1731, in the 1st Marquis of Rockingham’s hand, about events following from Strafford’s execution.
Str P 40/86-90 Wentworth family papers.
86 Copies of deeds dated 1303, 1314, and 1536-7 concerning Wentworth.
87 Epitaphs of Wentworths who died in the 16th and early 17th centuries.
88 Genealogical and armorial notes of the Wentworths, in the handwriting of Thomas, 1st Marquis of Rockingham. 1741.
89 Another copy of the genealogical account and the Earl of Malton’s (afterwards 1st Marquis of Rockingham) coat of arms emblazoned, two versions, one of which is impaled with Finch (his wife’s family).
90 Poem on Wentworth Woodhouse. (18th century).
Str P 40/91 Packet of satirical manuscript verses and prophecies of the late 17th century, and copy of letter from Mr Marsh to the Duke of Richmond with the latter’s reply. The packet is marked: “Papers given by Mrs Marsh”.
Str P 41 Survey of the Irish Estates (including warrants for tobacco) c.1655.
Str P 42 Miscellaneous papers of William; Earl of Strafford’s executors – bonds, notes of sale.
Str P 43 Copies of instructions to Lords Deputy of Ireland and other officials, 1559–1601.
Str P 44 (A) Book containing 19th century copies of some of Strafford’s correspondence.
Str P 44(B)-(C) Additional Books containing 19th century copies of some of Strafford’s correspondence.