Manuscript Records of Traders, Travellers, Missionaries & Diplomats, 1792-1942
Parts 4 & 5: Manuscript Diaries and Papers from the China Records Project at Yale Divinity Library
Abbreviations for missions agencies featured in the China Records Project:
ABCFM - American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
ABFMS - American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society ACM – American Church Mission
ALM - American Lutheran Mission
AUG - Augustana Synod Mission
BMS - Baptist Missionary Society (British)
CBM - Church of the Brethren Mission
CCC - Church of Christ in China
CIM - China Inland Mission
CLS - Christian Literature Society
CMML - Christian Missions in Many Lands
CMS - Church Missionary Society
ChCC - China Continuation Committee of the National Missionary Conference
EPM - English Presbyterian Mission
FCMS - Foreign Christian Missionary Society
FFMA - Friends’ Foreign Mission Association
LCMS - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod; pre 1947 MELCM; pre 1927 ELSM
LMS - London Missionary Society
LUM - Lutheran United Mission
MEFB - Methodist Episcopal Church
MES - Methodist Episcopal Church South
MGC - Mennonite General Conference
MMS - Methodist Missionary Society
PN - American Presbyterian Mission, North
PS - American Presbyterian Mission, South
RC - Roman Catholic
RCA - Reformed Church in America
RCUS - Reformed Church in the United States
SBC - Southern Baptist Convention
SDA - Seventh Day Adventist Mission
SVMM - Student Volunteer Movement
UCC - United Church of Canada
UCMS - United Christina Missionary Society
WFMS - Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Chrch
YM - Yale in China Association
YMCA - Young Men’s Christian Association
YWCA - Young Women’s Christian Association