Manuscript Records of Traders, Travellers, Missionaries and Diplomats, 1792-1942
Part 6: Correspondence and Papers of Sir Ernest Satow (1843-1929) relating to China from Public Record Office Class PRO 30/33
Our microform publications are prepared and produced in accordance with recommended and established guidelines for the production of microform of superior quality. These conform to the recommendations of the standard guides to good microforming and micropublishing practice.
Attention should be drawn to the nature of the original material. This project consists of official and private correspondence arranged in files. A variety of different inks are used creating problems of contrast and show-through. Some items are also badly stained, discoloured, or faded. Letters are bound into guard books which sometimes lead to the text being obscured. On some occasions, the first and last pages have also been presented in the same opening and there maybe some instances where the text runs at 90° where it has been filmed in portrait format. Some pages are torn, crumpled or cropped. Every effort has been made to minimise these difficulties and some openings are microfilmed more than once in an attempt to bring out all the features of the original. Nevertheless these original characteristics present difficulties of image and contrast which stringent tests and variations of density cannot entirely overcome.
The most responsible care has been exercised in the filming of this unique collection and every effort has been made to ensure that this microform publication meets the standards established by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and prevailing European standards.