Original Records of Western Traders, Travellers, Missionaries and Diplomats to 1852
Part 2: The Papers of Englebert Kaempfer (1651-1716) and related sources from the
British Library, London
Detailed Listing
This detailed list is based on the unpublished manuscript descriptions of the Sloane Collection and the published catalogue entries of the Catalogue of Additions to the manuscripts at the British Library. Please note that the Sloane Collection is often numbered erratically and some numbers have not been allocated. This is indicated in the listing that follows.
Sloane Ms 74:
Codex chartaceus, in 8vo, elongato, ff 50, sec XVII.
Manuale Botanicum viataris aujudem, continens descriptiones plantarum in rn regionibus orientalibus florentium, datum profert “Osacci, 27 Febr 169”.
Sloane Ms 2907:
Chartaceus, in folio, ff 482, sec XVII
Engelberti Kempferi Amoenitatum Exoticarum politiro-physico-Medicarum Fasciali quinquo. Autogr et Imperf ff 1-482.
Sloane Ms 2908:
Chartaceus, in folio majori, f 16, sec XVII
Raphaelis de Mans Descriptio Persia, communicata Engelberto Kaempfero, 22 Sept 1684, subjictus theoria et proxis Lingua Turcica.
ff 1-16.
Sloane Ms 2909
Does not exist.
Sloane Ms 2910:
Paper, in Folio, ff 302. XVII Century.
Miscellanea de Rebus Asiaticus & Mss Kaempfer.
Notes and extracts concerning the parts of China visited in his travels by E K [b.1657, d. 1716], together with Plans, Drawings of Plants, etc. Among the contents are:
- Remarks upon the mode of making the sign of the cross in Russia.
ff 2-3
- Notes on various routes through Persia. ff 4-9.
- Notes concerning the tribes of Kalmuck and Usbeck Tartars. ff 98-15
- Translation of a letter in Dutch from Johan Melma, to EK contains a disquisition upon the various races of Tartary, China and the nejghbouring countries Asia. No date. ff 16-23.
- Extracts “ans des Voyage Jenkinsons, editronis Gallica. [Voyage of Anthony Jenkinson] pour decouvrir le chemin du Cathay par la Tartarie. ff 236-31.
- Extracts by EK from his journal of travels through Russia to Persia in 1683. f33.
- Oriental notes f45, f61 etc.
- Description of various parts of the Palace and Gardens of the King of Persia at Isfahan, with drawings, plans etc. ff 86-106.
- Memoria inquirendorum in Persia Simplicum. ff 107-110 [Persian equivalents for the names of various plants].
- Description of a Journey from Schamachi [Shomakha in Transcaucasia] to Baku, with an account of the Naptha Well at Baku. ff 112-123.
- Rudera Persepolitana. A description of Church Ruins, etc in the plain of Persepolis.
ff 124-127.
- Botanical notes concerning the Palm. ff 128-138.
- “Reisen aus Persia in Indien, 1688” Notes of a Journey by sea [from Gombroon, in the Straits of Ormuz] to Ceylon, touching at Muscat, the Coast of Malabar, etc Jun 30–Sep 16 1688. ff 139-146.
- A French translation of a work by Abraham Rogers. ff 150-159.
- “Notitia Malabaricae”. ff 160-170 [notes political, topographical etc re the coast of Malabar].
- Extracts from a letter from [Herbert] Jaeger [Dutch physician and naturalist] to EK, Batavia, 25 Nov 1687. ff 171-173.
- Extracts from a letter from [Herbert] Jaeger to Georg Everhard Rumph [consul at Amboyna and Naturalist], Batavia 25 Feb 1689.
- Copies of various off docs re the affairs of the Dutch East India Company at Batavia, 1650-1689. ff 177-203.
- Letter from Peter Brochebourder to [EK?[ enclosing the Siamese characters of the Alphabet dated Siam, 6 July 1690 f 209
- Rough notes upon the Flora of the island of Java and neighbouring areas. ff 219-266
- Extracts from the Journal of Nicolas Conkebacker, Resident [? Of the Dutch Factory in Japan] in Firondo [an island near Kinsin, in Japan] 6 Sept 1633 – Feb 1639. ff 267-274.
- Notes upon a Japanese work entitled “Kin Sio Kagami” or a Treatise showing what parts of the human body are to be burnt with the Moxa [a vegetable substance used as a caustic]. ff 275-276,
- Notes upon a work entitled “De rebus Japanicis Indicis et Persianis epistolae, recentriares à Johanne Hay,” 1605. f277.
- List of papers delivered over by Hendrik van Buytenheirs [President of the Dutch Factory in Japan] to his successor Cornelis van Outhoorn, 10 Oct 1688. ff 292, 295.
- Notes upon early voyages of the Portuguese to Japan. ff 297-298.
Sloane Ms 2911
Does not exist
Sloane Ms 2912:
Persian paper in folio, ff 170; XVII century in the handwriting of EK.
Collections relative to Persia, used by EK for “Amoenitatis Exotica”,
- His journey to Bugun in the province of Laar, in June 1636, with his excursion to the village of Meinam. ff 3-5.
- His return from Bugun to the city of Gamrow, in Aug 1886, with a drawn view of the bath of Churchu. f6.
- His journey to Disguin, in May 1638, with views of Bugun and Mount Boma. ff 9-12.
- His journey from Isfahan to the hot baths of King Abbas, in June 1684. f 13.
- Account of the Sultan’s entrance into Isfahan 23 Jun 1688. f16.
- Extracts from the journal of a voyage in Persia 1684-1686. f17.
- Sketches of routes from Aleppo to Baghdad, from Antrach to Bassora and from Bassora to … f 18.
- “Itineraire de Perse; d’Isfahan a Sira, de Sira a Laar, et de Laar a Gombron pre d’Orumuz” by P du Val, Geographe du Roy. f 196.
- Journey from Isfahon to Ganvron, with views of towns and public buildings, bein Nov 1685. ff 20-69,
- Extracts from the Journal of John Curans, envoy from the Dutch East India Company to the King of Persia, and commissioner to excrive the commercial resources of Persia, Subratta, Ceylon, Cormentel an Malacca, Sept 1651. ff 70-107.
- Journal of Hubert de Lavicse, director of the Committee of Holland in Persia, March-Nov 1666. ff 108-170.
Sloane Ms 2913
Does not exist.
Sloane Ms 2914:
Chartaceus in folio, ff 233; sec XVII
Delineatrories plantarum Japonicarim.
Sloane Ms 2915:
Chartaceus, in folio, ff 168, sex XVII
1. Delineatines Plantarum Persiccarum. ff 8-11
2. Descriptio Plantarum Japanicorum, 1690. ff 12-125.
3. Index plantarum. ff 126-168.
Sloane Ms 2916
Not included – a 15th century Kalendarium.
Sloane Ms 2917 A & B:
Chartaci, in quarto ff 57 et 73. Sex XVII
“Plantarum Persicarum rudis tam delineatio quem descriptio.
Sloane Ms 2918
Not relevant.
Sloane Ms 2919
EK Persian and Dutch dictionary. Not included.
Sloane Ms 2920:
Chartaceus, in Octavo, ff 226. Sec XVII
Collectonea ad historiam, mores et institua Persicarum.
Sloane Ms 2921:
Paper, in Octavo, ff 37 XVII Century
Diary of EK’s journey from Batavia, capital of Java to Siam and Japan. May-Sept 1690.
Sloane Ms 2922
Does not exist.
Sloane Ms 2923:
Paper in oblate quarto, ff 153, XVII Century.
1. Dance tunes, Allemand, Giguo, Courante, Saraban, Onique Pas etc, written by EK. ff 36-36.
2. Inscription on an iron plate, worn round the neck by an Arab f 37.
3. Miscellaneous notes relative to the natural productions, arts, history and government of Persia.
ff 38-49.
4. Diary of a journey from Astrakhan through the Caspian Sea, into Persia; with views of towns.
ff 50-100.
5. Dane tunes by J A Kaempfer. ff 101b-115.
6. Diary kept by EK of his journey from Stockholm to Moscow, and China to Astrakhan. 20 Mar 1683starts. ff 116-153.
Sloane Ms 2924:
Paper, in Octavo, ff 123. XVII Century
1. Persian and German vocabulary. ff 1-43.
2. Phrases in Persian and French. ff 44-47.
3. German and French vocabulary. ff 51-54.
4. Dialogue in Provencal and German. ff 56-58.
5. Vocabulary of verbs in the Turkish language. ff 59-102.
6. Notes respecting forms of procedures in courts of law. ff 103-118.
Sloane Ms 2925 – 2926
These do not exist.
Sloane Ms 2927
Not relevant.
Sloane Ms 2928
Not relevant.
Sloane Ms 2929A:
Chartaceus, in folio, ff ii, sec XVII
“Plante officinales Jaccatrenses [in Insula Jara]”. ff 1-11.
Sloane Ms 2929B:
Chartaceus, in folio, ff 21; sec XVII
Treatise on the organs of generation in males. ff 1-21.
Sloane Ms 3060:
Papers in folio, ff 559, end of the XVII Century
The original High-German MS of EK’s History of Japan, with drawings of which a list is given at the end.
Printed with variations, in 2 vols, 4to, Lemgo 1777.
Sloane Ms 3061:
Paper, in folio, ff 157, XVII Century
Collectanea de Rebus praecipue Japonicis. Includes:
1. Account of disturbance in Siam in 1689, owing to the revolutionary designs of Constantin Phaulcon [a Greek adventurer and Minister of Finance to the King of Siam, b 1648 d 1688] and his French adherents. ff 5-9.
2. “Miscellanea Notitarum Regnii Stamensis” – History of Kingdom.
ff 10-19.
3. “Schola sur le Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites” 1687 ff 20-21.
4. List of some Siamese plants. ff 216-22.
5. Memorial addressed by EK to William van Outhourn, Gov Gen [of Batavia], 1693. ff 23&47.
6. List of the Mikados of Japan from the earliest times to 1688
ff 24-43.
7. Notes regarding Japanese chronology. ff 341-44.
8. Extracts from “Osacca Meno Gatari” or A Treatise on the affairs of Ossaca, containing an account of the Civil War in Japan, which follows the death of the Secular Emperor Takosama [16c]/
9. Notes on Japanese Mythology.
10. Extracts from Japanese book on the War at Simabera and the Massacre of the Christians of Arima [in 1638] ff 69-83.
11. Of the Rebellion of the Christians of Arima [in Japan] extracted from the Dutch EIC journal. ff 84-89.
12. Narrative of a journey from Nagasaki to Jeddo by Daniel Sex, in 1669, drawn up by John Beckhuyson. ff 90-99.
13. Calendarium Japonicum, 1688. ff 101-102.
14. Account of various journeys in Japan, 1684-1686. ff 104-114.
15. Extracts from the Journal of Henrich Cornelisa Schap in Japan,
1643-`644. ff 15-118.
16. Notes concerning the Trade of the Dutch East India Company in
Japan. ff 118-127.
17. Miscellaneous notes regarding Japan. ff 130-159.
Sloane Ms 3062:
Paper, in Quarto, ff379, XVII Century.
Collectonea Japonica.
Notes and observations re the history, govt, natural production of Japan with extracts from Japanese authors and a fragmentary vocabulary of the Japanese language.
Sloane Ms 3063:
Paper, in Octavo, ff 141, XVII Century
Adversaria varia. Includes:
1. Du nom et origine des Christiens de St Jean. ff 1-10.
2. Russian letters. ff 12-156.
3. De supersti tiosis titibus Christranorum S Johannis ff 156-176.
4. Copy of a letter from John [Sobieski] III, King of Poland [1674-96] to Schah Solimon, King of Persia [1666-94] dated 28 Jun 1686.
ff 18-19.
5. Consilium Medicum Nobilissimo Mallabari cae Gubernatori datum a 1689. ff 19-26.
6. Translation of a heathen world book in Dutch. ff 27-30.
7. Two medical exercises by EK. ff 31-32.
8. Copies of letters from EK to various persons, mostly private friends [and esp members of the family of Parvé at Amsterdam] or officials of the Dutch EIC, 1684-1705. ff 34-95.
9. Copies of letters of EK relating to his journey to a residence in the Courts of Russia and Persia in the suite of the Swedish ambassador Louis Fabricius, 1683-1685. ff 96-141.
Sloane Ms 3064:
Kaempfer Papers - Correspondence
Sloane Ms 4026:
Sheuchzer translation of History of Japan (ff 76-130)
Add Ms 9856:
Jesuit Missions, 1593-1686
Add Ms 9857:
Jesuit Missions, 1593-1686
Add Ms 9858:
Jesuit Missions, 1593-1686
Add Ms 9859:
Jesuit Missions, 1593-1686
Add Ms 9860:
Jesuit Missions, 1593-1686
Add Ms 31300:
Richard Cock’s Diary
The diary of Richard Cocks, head of the English factory at Firando [or Hirado] in Japan; 1615-1622.
Two volumes.
Vol. i. 1 June, 1615-5 July, 1617;
Paper; ff. 210. Folio.
Add Ms 31301:
Richard Cock’s Diary
Vol. ii. 6 July, 1617 - 17 Jan. 1618/9, and 5 Dec. 1620-24 March, 1621/2.
Paper; ff. 239. Folio.