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Original Records of Western Traders, Travellers, Missionaries and Diplomats to 1852

Part 3: Papers of John Scattergood (1681-1723), Isaac Titsingh (1740?-1812), Heinrich Julius Klaproth

            (1783-1835) and other early materials from the British Library, London

Detailed Listing

The following descriptions have been taken from the British Library Catalogue of Additional Manuscripts.


Add Ms 9390
Five letters to William Marsden, Esq, from Isaac Titsingh, between June 1806 and June 1811; - A Detail, or Memoir, on the powder Dorsia, and on Koboe Daysi, who discovered it, by Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9391

Chronology of the Japanese and Chinese, adapted to the European era, by Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9392

Remarks on the chronology of the Chinese, according to the opinion of the Japanese, and their fabulous chronology, forming the basis of the government of the first Dayri, Zin-moe-ben-O, followed by a regular Epact of the succession of the Chinese and Japanese monarchs; by Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9393

Chronology of the Japanese and Chinese, by Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9394
Bedenkingen over de Teidreekening der Chineezen na het gevoelen der Japaners; beneevans eenige Aanmerkingen napens de Oorspronk der Japanners, en eene gereegelde Jarrtelling van de Opvolging der Chineesche en Japasche Vorsten tot het Jaar 1784; door Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9395
Nipon-O-Day-Itze-Ran, or a short detail of the Dayris of Japan; by Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9396
Annotations on the Dayris, or Sovereigns of Japan, composed in 1782 by Isaac Titsingh. Folio.

Add Ms 9397
Description of the wedding ceremonies among farmers, mechanics and merchants in Japan; - Description of the funerals, and of the festivals in honour of the gods; - Two descriptions of the island Jeso. By Isaac Titsingh. Folio.


Add Ms 11703
SUPPLÉMENT à la Géographie Impériale intitulée, Tae tsing yih tung che. Par M. Henri Jules Klaproth. Autogr. Folio.

Add Ms 11704
HISTORISCHER Atlas von China, in ein und zwanzig Karten, von H. J. Klaproth, 1821 [only the explanatory text];-Geographical nomenclature of the country of the Mongols, Kalkas, etc., by M. Klaproth. Autogr. Folio.

Add Ms 13818
STATEMENTs relative to the trade between Europe, India and China in general, and the English East India Company's trade in particular, 1792. Folio. There is an index on page 1. Part of the papers of the Marquess of Wellesley.


Add Ms 13882
JOURNAL kept on board the ship Frederick in the Chinese Sea, Aug.- Oct. 1803;-Another copy of the French Journal kept on board Le Général Malartic, June-Nov. 1800. Fr. Folio.

Add Ms 13977
PAPELES VARIOS de Indias ; a similar collection of Papers in Spanish, relating to the following subjects :-
Copies of the bulls of Alexander VI. and Paul III., conveying the sovereignty of the Indies to the kings of Spain, 1493, 1537, with a translation of the former, f. 1 ;-Description of the Spanish dominions in the East and West Indies, 1629, f. 14;-Papers relating to the mines of Potosi, 1627, f 53 ;- General description and statistics of Spanish America, f. 71 ;-The mines of Peru, 1589, f. 82;-Monasteries, etc. of Peru, 1589, f. 86;-Decree relative to the Council of the Indies, 1609 (printed), f. 103 ;-New Spain, 1614, f. 107 ;-Peru, f. III ;-Report of Pedro de Valencia, of the papers of Don Hurtado and Alonso Sanchez, 1609, chiefly relative to China, f. 114;-Decree relative to D. Bernardo Sarmiento, 1625, (printed) ;-Letter of the Marques de Baydes to D. Joan de Solorcano, 164 1, f. 127;-Office of the Inquisition, f. 131 ;-Decrees concerning the pleas before the Council of the Indies, 1620, (partly printed) ;-Letter of P. Paulo Paez from Ethiopia, 1617, f. 139 ; Printed papers relating to Tierra Firme, etc. 1610, 1623, f. 141 ;-Account of the province of Larecaja, 1624, f. 153 ;-Disastrous fire in the city of Nombre de Dios, in Tierra Firme, 1596, f. 163 ;-Papers, manuscript and printed, relating principally to Peru, 1620-1635, f. 168; among them, the Memorials of F. Juan de Silva upon the general state of the provinces, 1613, f. 203 ;-On the state of affairs at Potosi, 1623, f 259 ;-Report by Manuel Ribeiro de Texeira, on the Indies, 1635, f 294;-Relations concerning Peru by the Principe de Esquilache, 1621, and the Marques de Guadalaxara, 1628, ff. 341, 392 ;-Papers relating to California, 1632, 1645, (some printed) ;-Concerning the conversion of the native Indians, f. 457 ;-The island of Tencriffe, 1648 (printed), f. 465;-Peru and New Granada, 1625 (printed) f 471 ;-The Marañon river, 1626 (printed), f. 485;-The province of Maranhã, 1624 (printed), f 187 ;- S. Domingo, 1637, f. 499 ;-Island of Tortuga, 1633, f. 505 ;-Windward Islands, f. 513 ;-Province of Chucuyto, in Peru, 1619, f 519;-Various ecclesiastical affairs, 1620-1630, f.525 (partly printed). Folio.


Add Ms 16913
MEMOIRE instructif, en forme de Journal, sur ce qui c'est passé au sujet des Missions de la Chine, depuis l'arrivée en cet Empire de Monseigneur [Charles Thomas Maillard] de Tournon, Patriarche d'Antioche, aujourdhuy Cardinal, jusq'au départ de Monseigneur [Charles] Maigrot, Vicaire Apostolique, Evesque de Conon," 1704, 1705 (imperf.), f. 2;-" Relation des alf'aires de la Chine, touchant la Religion, 23 Dec. 1708;" in a letter from one of the missionaries in China. At the end is a Latin translation of an Imperial Edict for the expulsion of missionaries not having an Imperial diploma; dated 24 July, 1708; and a copy of a letter from Charles, Bishop of Conon, to Pare Gorbillon, Superior of the French Jesuits at Pekin; dat. Canton, 11 Feb. 1707, Fr., f. 32;-" Copy of an Attestation by Père Claude Visdelou and Pare [Antoine] Beauvolier, of an act of recognition of Chinese idolatry, by Charles Maigrot, Bp. of Conon, in 1699, Lat., certified by G. Daubenton, Soc. Jes., f. 42 ;-" Relatio sepulturæ magno Orientis Apostolo S. Francisco Xaverio erectæ in Insula Sanciano, anno Sæculari MDCC.," by Père Gaspard Castner, f. 44;-" Epistola R. P. Joannis Francisci Gerbillon, Soc. Jesu, Missionariorum Gallorum apud Sinas Superioris Generalis, ad Patrem Michaelem Angelum Tamburinum, Soc. Jesu Vicarium Generalem;" dat. Pekini, 13 Nov. 1705, f. 60;-Copy of a Letter from Père Dominique Turpin to Père Du Halde; dat. Pondicherry, 6 Feb. 1716, Fr.,
f. 65 ;-"Del estat present de la mission de la Chine;" consisting principally of a dissertation on the meaning of the words Tien and Xam Ti, and to show that the Chinese religion is not opposed to the worship of the true God (imperf.), f. 67; -" Acta inter Majestatem suam Tartaro-Sinicam, Legatum Apostolicum et Mandarinos, a 26 Nov. 1720, usque ad discessum ejusdem Legati Pechino, tertia Martii 1721," f. 91 ;-" Mémoires sur le Royaume de Mien [Pegu], de Monseigneur Claude Visdelou, Evêque de [Claudiopolis] ; traduction du Chinois;" dat. Pondicherri, 27 Jan. 1722 ; accompanied by extracts from several printed works, f. 1 1 6 ;- Tract in defence of the Jesuit Missionaries in China, in their controversy with the " Missions Etrangares" (imperf.), Fr., f. 131 ;- " Copie sur l'original de la Lettre de Mess. Fiberge et Triffacier, Superieurs des Missions Etrangères, pour lavertir des friponneries des Jesuites de la Chine sur le culte de Confucius," etc. [addressed to M. de Ponchartrain] ; dat. Paris, 25 Sept. 1702, f 154 ; -Letter from a Jesuit, respecting the discountenance of the Propagandist missionaries at the Court of Rome, in their attacks against the Jesuits, 1728, Fr. f. 157;-A Letter of general news, addressed to Pare [Charles] Le Gobien; dat. Paris, 31 Aug. 1695, Fr., f. 159;-Copies of two Letters to Père Judde, at Nantes; dat. Dinant, 29, 31 July, 1695 [the signature, commencing with G . . ., has been cut out], Fr., f. 161 ; -" Lettre d'un homme de la Cour A Madame de Lionne, sur sa lettre du 23 Avril, 1701," f. 163 ;-"Recit d'un combat naval donné entre une petite Barque Françoise et l'arinée des Iroquois, prez le fort de Frontenai, dit Katarokoui, le 14e. Sept. 1687," by a Jesuit missionary, f. 167 ;-Copy of a Letter of a Jesuit Missionary, who had served in Canada, respecting the treacherous treatment of the Iroquois by the French Government in Canada [in 1686-1683]; written after his return to France, and dated Paris, 23 Jan. 1695, Fr., f. 173. Small Quarto.

Add Ms 18098
LIST of places in the Islands of Japan, by Isaak Titsingh [Head of the Dutch Factory at Nagasaki, 1778-1784]. Paper; XVIIIth cent. Folio.

Add Mss 18099-18100
PAPERS of Isaak Titsingh upon the history of Japan. In Dutch. In two volumes. Folio.

VOL. I. Account of the principal landed proprietors of Japan, their incomes, etc., f. 1; List of the state officials of Japan, their salaries, etc., f. 29; Successive Emperors of Japan, from the beginning of the 17th to the beginning of the 18th century, f. 61; Further lists of landed proprietors, and of temples, f. 62; Names of the streets of Nagasaki, f. 83. [Add. 18,099.]

VOL. II. Copies of Japanese inscriptions, from seals, cylinders, etc., f. 1, b; "Inlyding tot de beschryving van het naalde steeken en moxa branden, in verscheide ziektens," f. 6;"Aanteekeningen omtzend de Dayries of opper versten, en de sjogoons of kroons evelhebberen; beneevens het jaarlyks ceremonieel in het Paleis te Jedo; de vyf groote Feest of compliment daagen, en het Feest der Lantaarns," f. 7.
[Add. 18,100.]


Add Ms 18101
COPIES of letters written by Isaak Titsingh, while Governor of the Dutch Settlement of Chinsura, in Bengal, Councillor at Batavia, and Ambassador at Pekin, and while in England, to his relatives and others; 16 Jan. 1790-28 Apr. 1797. Dutch and English. Paper. Folio.

Add Ms 18102
Journal d'un voyage a Peking;" translated from the Dutch autograph of Mr. Titsingh; containing the diary of his journey from Canton to Pekin, as Head of the Dutch Embassy, etc.; 22 Nov. 1794-11 May, 1795. French. Paper. Folio. Probably the journal of Joseph de Guignes, interpreter on the Embassy.


Add Ms 18105
PAPERS and collections, by Julius Heinrich Klaproth, on the Chinese and Tartar languages; with notices and a few drawings of antiquities in the East. German. Autograph. Paper; XIXth cent. Folio.

Add Ms 20,228
LETTERS of J. W. Stott to Sir H. Lowe; Cape Town, 13 Nov. 1816-27 June, 1820, f. 1; Letters of T. T. Harrington to T. H. Brooke, Secretary to Government at St. Helena, and others; Cape Town, 29 April, 1817-11 Sept. 1819, f. 21; Letters of James B. Urmston to Sir H. Lowe; Macao and Canton, 4 Dec. 1817-20 Nov. 1821, f. 53. Paper. Folio.

Add Ms 20,807
1. "RELACION hecha al Summo Pontifice Clemente XI. por el P. Fr. Francisco Gonzalez de San Pedro de Predicadores, . . . Misionero Appostolico en la China." An account of the dissensions between the Jesuits and other Missionaries in China during the 17th cent., and of the proceedings of Charles Thomas Maillard, Cardinal de Tournon, Vicar Apostolic in India and China, 1701-1710; followed by further advices on the religious disputes in 1712-1713, and the condemnation of the Jesuits by Innocent XIII in 1723. In seven parts. Span. f1.

2. "Anotaciones para un papel que el P. visitador Andres Lubelli, de la compañia de Jesus, remitio al P. Fray Salvador de Santo Thomas el año de 1682." Span.; translated from Portuguese. f. 288.

3. "Memorias funebres . . . que en el Convento de Sto Domingo de Manila . . . hizo la Provincia del Santissimo Rosario, orden de Predicadores, . . . a Don Carlos Thomas Maillard, Cardenal de Tournon," etc.; "à los 22 de Maio de 1711;" followed by other documents on the same subject, and concluding with a notice of the Cardinal's interment in Rome in 1723. Span. f. 325. Paper; XVIIIth cent. Small Quarto.


Add Mss 26,816-26,818
TRACTS, copies of correspondence, and other papers relating to the Catholic missions in China, chiefly in connection with the controversy between the Jesuit and other missionaries on questions of Chinese doctrine and ritual; collected apparently by Jean Francois Fouquet, Jesuit missionary, and afterwards Bishop of Eleutheropolis; circa 1700-1740. Three volumes. Paper. Quarto. With the book stamp of Cardinal Gentili. Among the contents are:-

26,816. VOL. I. 1. Treatise on the funeral rites of the Chinese, the cult of the dead, etc., written upon the occasion of the burial of Antonio Provana, Jesuit missionary at Canton, in 1723. Lat. f. 5. b. see Vol. iii., f. 130.

2. "Testament de l'impératrice, mère de l'empereur chinois qui regne aujourd'hui;" 25 June, 1723: with explanatory notes, f. 105. A Latin version is at f. 112.

3. Mode of burial of a Chinese empress, circa 23 Mar. 1737; translated from Chinese into Latin by the Franciscan "Carolus Horatii a Castorano," f. 117.

4. Correspondence of Jean François Fouquet with Pères de Goville, Hervieu, and others, on controversial subjects connected with Chinese religion; 1721, 1736. Lat., Fr. and Ital. ff. 128-206.

5. Memorial of Michael Angelo Tamburini, General of the Jesuits, to Pope Benedict XIII., in defence of the Jesuit missionaries in China [1725]. Ital.; with marginal remarks in Latin. f. 233.

6. "Ragguaglio de' principij e de' progressi che ha avuti la religione christiana in una famiglia Tartara congiunta di sangue colla reale che attualmente regna nella Cina," f. 282.

7. Sigismondo Maria, Calchi, Barnabita, to Pope Clement XI.; Canton, 21 Oct. 1721. Ital. f. 320.

8. The Jesuits at Pekin to Michael Angelo Tamburini, General of the order; Pekin, 17 July, 1722. Lat. f. 337.

9. "Transumptum Diarii missi ab imperatore Sinarum ad Summum Pontificem [Clementem XI.] super legationem [Caroli Ambrosii Mezzabarbae], patriarchae Alexandriae," containing ccounts of interviews of the legate with the emperor, etc.; 24 Dec. 1720 - 21 Jan. 1721, f.350.

26,817. VOL. II. 1. Letters of Pope Innocent XIII. to the Emperor of China; 1723. Lat. f. 1 b.
2. Observations by Charles [Maigrot], Bishop of Conon, upon the memorial of the General of the Jesuits to the Pope in the preceding volume. Lat. f. 4.

3. "Observationes in librum cui titulus Sinensis Imperij libri classici sex. . . .e Sinico idiomate in Latinum traducti a patre Franceseo Noel," etc.; Pragae, 1711, f. 56.

4. "Observationes [episcopi Cononensis] in scriptum Jesuitarum [vol. i. f. 350] quo varia Sinarum Imperatoris mandata referuntur;" 1721, f. 81.

5. "Acta causae rituum seu ceremoniarum Sinensium," with other printed papers; 1693-1715, ff. 93-133.

6. "Responsum [Joannis Francisci Fouquet] episcopi Eleutheropolitani, ad quaestionem hanc gravissimam, an. . . . . .ad sacerdotium promovere nativos Sinenses expediat;" 20 July, 1726. Signed; with autograph corrections. f.144. At f. 179 are other "risposte" of the same in 1723 concerning the mission of the Patriarch of Alexandria to China in 1720.

7. "De octo permissionibus quae neophytis Sinensibus concessae sunt brevis sed accurata consideratio," per Joannem Franciscum Nicolai, Archiepiscopum Mirensem; 29 Apr. 1735. Copy certified by the author. f. 164.

8. Answers of Giovanni Francesco da Leonessa, Bishop-elect of Berito, and vicar-apostoli of Hu Quang in China, to questions of the Holy Office concerning the religion of the Chinese; Rome, 11, 19 July, 1699, ff. 190, 205.

9. "Recit fidelle de ce qui regarde le Chinos nommé Jean Hou, que le p. Foucquet Jesuite amena de la Chine en France dans l'année 1722," f. 231.

10. Copies and extracts of letters from missionaries in China; 1717- 1735. Lat., Fr. and Ital. ff. 280-381.

11. Controversial correspondence of the Bishop of Eleutheropolis with Pères Bertrand de Linyeres and Pierre de Goville; 1723, 1736. Ital. and Fr. ff. 382-414.


26,818. VOL. III. 1. Copies and extracts of controversial correspondence of the Bishop of Eleutheropolis, on matters of Chinese doctrine 1723-1726. Fr. and Ital. ff. 1-65, passim.

2. "Editto dell' Imperadore della Cina vicino alla sua morte;" 1722, 76.

3. Rites observed at the burial of a Chinese empress. Lat. f. 80.

4. "Eclaircissement sur ces quatre lettres Chinoises, Then, Ty, Tsong, Che:" a controversial tract on the interpretation of the meaning of words used in the will of the Emperor Kan-hy; with an answer in Latin, ff. 107, 111. An Italian version of the tract occurs at f. 9

5. Two tracts entitled, "Judicium de quibusdam funebribus honouribus Sinensium," and "Clausula de cerenioniis Sinensibus," written by the Bishop of Eleutheropolis on two letters concerning the burial of Antonio Provana, Jesuit missionary at Canton, in 1723, ff. 129, 140. A duplicate of the first tract occurs at f. 98.

6. "Propyleum Templi veteris Sapientie sou Aditus ad antiqua monumenta Siiiensium. Ostenditur quenam origo sit illorum monumentorum, tum proponitur Problema Theologicum. . . .an et qua ratione dici possit. . . .per characterem Tao designari Deum Summum, quem nos Christiani colimus," f. 146.

7. Lists of the missionaries in China, 1552-1722; and of the Christian churches in the various provinces of China, f. 159.

8. "Controversia Sinica;" a list of the various works printed pro and contra the Jesuits in China in - their controversy with the Dominicans and Franciscans; 1634-1733; preceded by a list of the bishops' names and titles occurring in the same, f. 177 b.

9. "Textus quidam ex libro antiquissimo Tao Te Kim excerpti quibus probantur Sanctissimæ Trinitatis Mysterium Sinicæ genti olim notum fuisse," f. 201.

10. "Extrait du grand Dictionaire Historique en Six tomes:" being a compendious account of China and its history to circa 1704, f. 224.

Add Ms 32,165
JOURNAL of a mission to India and China by an agent of the Austrian Government, in connexion with the Company trading in the East; 1782-1785. French. The writer left Nantes, 6 Oct. 1782, visited several places in Southern India and Maeao and Canton, and returned to Falmouth, 20 July, 1785. He was present in the camp of Tippoo Sultan during the siege of Mangalore, 1784. Paper; ff. 73. XVIIIth cent. Quarto.

Add Ms 33,761
(Gr. vii.) " ANNUAL LETTERS written, out of Japonia [Japan] in the yeare of our Lorde 1625. 1626. 1627. to . . . Mutio Vitelleschi, Generall of the Society of Iesus." With a dedicatory letter from the translator, Thomas Somerset, 5th son of Henry Somerset, Earl of Worcester [succ. 1628, cr. Marquess in 1642], addressed to his father. Apparently autograph. The translation is probably made from an Italian edition, Lettere Annue, etc., Rome, 1632. The letters are written by:-
John Baptista Bonelli; Meaco [Macao], 15 Mar. 1626, f. 2 b;
Peter Moreiòn; Macao, 31 Alar. 1627, f. 52 b;
John Roiz Giran; Macao, 31 Mar.. 1627, f. 91 ;
Christopher Ferreria; Japonia, 14 Sept. 1627, f. 123 b. With postscript " of the death of Leonard Massudadenzo, who was beheaded for the Catholicke Faith in the cittie of Ximabara," 13 Dec. 1627 ; Japonia, 25 Jan. 1628. f.163.
Paper; ff. 165. Circ. 1632-42. With book-stamp, 18th cent., of the Medical Society of London. Small Quarto.


Add Mss 43730-43733
SCATTERGOOD COLLECTIONS. Vols. XIV-XVII. Transcripts, etc., of papers of John Scattergood (1681-1723), merchant of Madras, compiled by Bernard Page Scattergood, Lavinia Mary Anstey and others, from originals exhibited in a suit in Chancery, Scattergood v. Raworth (1724), and now among the Chancery Masters' Exhibits in the Public Record Office (bundles 134/1 and 2). Typewritten. A selection of the papers, which concern John Scattergood's activities as a merchant in the East Indies, Persia and China, and his domestic affairs, was edited by Sir R. C. Temple, L. M. Anstey and B. P. Scattergood, The Scattergoods and the East India Company, 1681-1723, as a supplement to the Indian Antiquary (Sept. 1921-Nov. 1933), reprinted collectively in a private edition, 1935. A photographic facsimile of a mathematical notebook of John Scattergood not included in the present transcripts is Add. MS. 44966; other material relating to him will be found in Add. MSS. 42122-42123 and in the 'Scattergood Register', Add. MSS. 44950-44961.

Paper. Four volumes. Large quarto. Arranged chronologically as follows:-

43730. Vol. XIV (ff. ii + 5 10). Vol. I. 1698-1715.


43731. Vol. XV (ff. i+517). Vol. II. 1716-1720.


43732. Vol. XVI (ff. i + 423). Vol. III. 1720-1725, n.d.
his family (ff. 209-450).

43733. Vol. XVII (ff. i + 450). Index to vols. I-III (ff. -,76), followed by accounts of the papers from which they were compiled (ff. 179-208) and of the lives, wills, etc., of John Scattergood and other members of his family.


Egerton Ms 2212
COPIES of documents relative to controversies between the Jesuit and other missionaries in China with regard to certain religious observances among the Chinese converts; 1693, 1697 -circa 1700. See Add. MSS. 26,816-26,818.
1. Memorials of Nicolas Charmot, "Procuratore generale dei vescovi e vicarij apostolici [Francesi] dell'.Asia Orientale," to Pope Innocent XII., and the Congregation of the Holy Office; [1697]. Ital. and Lat. ff. 2, 4.
2. Letter of Charles Maigrot, vicar-apostolic of the province of Fo-Kien [afterwards Bishop of Conon], to Pope Innocent XII.; Fo-kien, 10 Nov. 1693. Lat. f. 28.
3. "Declaratio seu mandatum Revmi Caroli Maigrot;" Chang-lo, province
4. "De facta pro Fokiensi vicariatu circa nonnullos Sinicos usus declaratione-Brevis totius rei expositio:" addressed by Charles Maigrot to the Holy Office; 10 Nov. 1693, f. 38.
5. "Eadem declaratio publicata a R. P. Joanne Basset. Provicario Apostolico provinciæ Kiang-si;" Foo-chow, 30 June, 1693, f. 91.
6. Epistolæ ad Carolum Maigrot Joannis Francisci Aleonessa Leonissa]; Nanking, 11 Sept. 1693, f. 97;-Philiberti le Blanc; Hing-hoa, 4 Maii, 1693, f. 102;-Salvatoris à S. Thoma; Foo-chow, 10 Apr. 1693, f. 103;-Jacobi Tarin; Canton, 24 Julii, 1693, f. 105; -Lucæ Thomas; Kien-nieng 16 Apr., 6, 23 Maii, 1693, ff.106, 106 b, 112 b.
7. "Epistola [Joannis Francisci à Leonissa] ad Thomam Croquier; Nanking, 11 Sept. 1693, f. 100 b.
8. "Expositio facti de controversijs Sinensibus," etc. [circa 1697-1700], f. 114.
Paper; xviiith cent. Quarto.

Egerton Ms 3409
LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. LXXXVI. Official and private correspondence (with numerous enclosures) of Lord Holdernesse, as Minister to the United Provinces, with Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle, as Secretary of State for the Northern Department; 1749-1751. Includes details of the Company in Emden, 1750. (ff. 228). Sept.-Oct. 1750.




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