Original Records of Western Traders, Travellers, Missionaries and Diplomats to 1852
Part 4: East India Company: Ships' Logs, Ledgers and Receipt Books, 1605-1701 from the British Library, London
Contents of Reels
I Log book of the Ascension
Second voyage to Bantam
Captain Roger Stiles
31 July 1605-4 August 1605
II Log book of the Hopewell
Attempt to find the North-West
Captain John Knight
12 May 1606-26 June 1606
III Log book of the Dragon
Part of the journal kept by
Captain William Keeling on the
third voyage to Bantam
12 March 1607-17 April 1607
IV Log book of the Hector
Third voyage to Surat
and Bantam
Captain William Hawkins
4 March 1607-12 March 1608
V Log book of the Dragon
Another journal kept on
the third voyage to Bantam
by Captain William Keeling
8 March 1607-19 June 1608
VI Log book of the Dragon
Precis of Captain William Keeling’s
journal kept on the third
voyage to Bantam
12 March 1607-5 October 1609
VII Log book of the Ascension
Fourth voyage to Bantam
and Surat
Captain Alexander Sharpeigh
14 March 1607-26 August 1609
VIII Log book of the Hector
Third voyage to Surat and
Captain William Hawkins
17 July-19 August 1608
IX Log book of the Peppercorn
Sixth voyage to Surat and
Captain Nicholas Downton
1 April 1610-29 January 1611
X Log books of the Trades Increase and the Peppercorn
Journal kept by Thomas Love
on the sixth voyage
Captains Sir Henry Middleton
and Nicholas Downton
4 April 1610-4 December 1613
XI Log book of the Peppercorn
kept by Captain Nicholas
Downton on the sixth voyage
19 April 1610-19 November 1611
XII Log book of the Trades Increase
Sixth voyage
Captain Sir Henry Middleton
15 November 1610-
22 December 1612
XIII Log book of the Globe
Translation of Peter
Williamson Floris’ journal
on the seventh voyage
5 January 1611-
17 February 1615
XIV Log book of the Clove
Journal kept by Captain
John Saris on the eighth voyage
3 April 1611-17 November 1613
XV Log book of the Dragon
Journal kept by Captain
Thomas Best on the tenth
1 February 1612-15 June 1614
XVI Log book of the Hoseander
Journal kept by Ralph Crosse
on the tenth voyage with copies
of wills and accounts
Captain Thomas Aldworth
3 February 1612-29 August 1613
XVII Log book of the Peppercorn
Part of Captain Nicholas
Downton’s journal on the sixth
9 February-13 April 1612
XVIII Log book of the Hoseander
Tenth voyage
Captain Thomas Aldworth
31 August 1612-12 April 1613
Log book of the James
Voyage from Swally
to Jask and back
Captain Alex Child
5 November 1616-20 July 1617
XIX Log book of the New Year’s Gift
Journal kept by Edward Dodsworth
on the second joint stock voyage
to Surat and Bantam
Captain Nicholas Downton
25 February 1614-
November 1615
XX Log books of the Hector and the Clove
Journals kept by John Monden
on the second joint stock voyage
to Surat and Bantam
28 February 1614-20 June 1617
XXI Log book of the New Year’s Gift
Voyage to Surat and Bantam
Captain Nicholas Downton
9 March 1614-
14 September 1614
XXII Log book of the Clove
Voyage to Bantam and back
kept by John Borden
Captain Jas Foster
20 April 1615-19 June 1617
XXIII Log book of the Hoseander
Voyage from Patani to Hirado
and then to Bantam
Captain Ralph Coppingall
10 July 1615-26 April 1616
XXIV Log book of the Sea Adventure
Journal kept by Edmund Sayers
on a voyage from Hirado to
Siam and back
Captain William
Adams 7 December 1615-
22 October 1616
XXV Log book of the Bull
Journal kept by Robert Adams
on a voyage to Bantam
Captain Martin Pring
5 March 1617-29 December 1618
XXVI Log book of the Sea Adventure
Journals kept by Edmund Sayers
of two voyages from Hirado to
Cochin and back with notes of events
in Hirado
Captain William Adams
20 March 1617-8 January 1619
XXVII Log book of the Moon
Journal of Richard Bragge
on a voyage to Bantam
Captain Sir Thomas Dale
25 July 1618-5 November 1618
XXVIII Log book of the Expedition
Journal of a voyage from
Surat to Jask and back
Captain John Rowe
30 October 1618-
10 January 1619
XXIX Log book of the Charles
Journal kept by Henry Crosby
of a voyage to Surat and Jask
and back
Captain John Bickell
21 March 1619-16 June 1624
XXX Log book of the Roebuck
Journal of a voyage to the
East Indies kept by
Captain Richard Swan
4 February 1620-7 June 1622
XXXI Log book of the Exchange
Journal kept by Captain
Richard Swanley
18 March 1620-24 June 1624
XXXII Log book of the London
Journal kept by Archibald
Jennison on a voyage
to Surat
Captain Andrew Shillinge
25 March 1620-13 June 1622
XXXIII Log book of the Lesser James
Journal kept by Captain
John Wood of a voyage
to the Cape
14 January-27 May 1621
XXXIV Log book of the Jonas
Journal kept by Richard Swanley
of a voyage to Surat and back
Captain John Weddell
19 March 1621-22 July 1623
XXXV Log book of the Palgrave
Voyage to Surat and Batavia
in the Fleet of Defence
23 November 1621-
5 September 1622
Log book of the Bull
Voyage from Japan to Batavia
24 December 1623-
27 January 1624
Log book of the Anne Royal
Voyage from Batavia to England
22 February-11 April 1624
XXXVI Log book of the Hart
Journal kept by Captain
John Bickley on a voyage
to the East Indies and back
6 February 1623-
17 October 1626
XXXVII Log book of the Hart
Journal kept by Andrew Symms
of a voyage to the East Indies
Captain John Bickley
25 February 1623-
17 December 1626
XXXVIII Log book of the Elizabeth
Voyage from Jacatra to
Acheen and back
Captain E Lenmyes
25 March-7 November 1623
XXXIX Log book of the Royal James
Journal kept by Robert Fox
of a voyage to the East Indies
and back
Captain John Weddell
27 March 1624-17 October 1626
XL Log book of the Royal James
Journal kept by Richard Monck
on a voyage to the East Indies
and back
Captain John Weddell
27 March 1624-17 October 1626
XLI Log books of the Eagle and
the Scout
Journals kept by William Minors
of a voyage to Surat, to Gombroon
and back
Captain Nathaniel Best
27 March 1624-7 April 1626
XLII Log book of the Falcon and
the Royal James
Journals kept by Francis Pinder
of a voyage to Surat, to Persia
and back
Captains Richard Blyth and
John Weddell
March 1625-19 October 1626
XLIII Log book of the Discovery
Journal kept by John Vian of
a voyage to the East Indies
Captain John Johnson
7 April 1626-14 November 1628
XLIV Log books of the Discovery and the Hart
Journals kept by David Davies
of a voyage to the East Indies
Captains John Johnson and
Andrew Evans
7 April 1626-18 December 1629
XLV Log book of the William
Journal kept by Andrew Warden
of a voyage to the East Indies
and back
Captain Christopher Browne
16 April 1626-14 February 1629
XLVI Log books of the Hopewell and the Star
Journals kept by Abraham Sayers
in the Hopewell outwards and
homewards in the Star
Captains R Malim
and John Pashley
24 February 1627-12 July 1629
XLVII Log book of the Hart and the
Royal Mary
Journals kept by Edward Austin
on a voyage to the East Indies
Captain Bartholomew Goodall
2 March 1627-
4 October 1628
XLVIII Log books of the Hart and
the Hopewell
Journals kept by John Pashley
on a voyage to Surat
Captains Bartholomew Goodall
and John Pashley
2 March 1627-5 July 1629
XLIX Log books of the Royal Mary,
the Hart and the Hopewell
Journals kept by Peter Andrewes
from Table Bay to Surat
Captain John Pashley
20 July 1627-
12 January 1630
L Log books of the Expedition and the Hopewell
Journals kept by Daniel Hall
of a voyage to Surat,
to Persia and back
Captain John Pashley
6 March 1628-
18 December 1629
LI Log books of the Refuge,
the Falcon and the Royal Mary
Journals kept by John Graunt
from Bantam to England
22 May 1628-
6 November 1629
LII Log book of the Discovery
Journal kept by John Vian
of a voyage to Surat and Persia
and back
Captain John Bickell (Bickley?)
25 March 1629-
16 December 1631
LIII Log book of the Charles
Journal kept by Nicholas Sharpe
of a voyage to Surat, Persia and back
Captain John Weddell
10 April 1629-
17 November 1630
LIV Log book of the Charles
Journal kept by Nicholas Prin of
a voyage to Surat, to Persia and
Captain John Weddell
10 April 1629-
7 April 1631
LV Log book of the William
Journal kept by George Marriatt
of a voyage to Surat, Persia
and back
Captain Mathew Wills
1 March 1630-
6 August 1633
LVI Log book of the Blessing
Journal kept by Andrew Warden
of a voyage to Surat and back
16 March 1630-
30 April 1633
LVII Log books of the Jonah and
the Exchange
Journals of a voyage to Surat
and a voyage to the
west coast of Sumatra and to Bantam
14 March 1631-
August 1633
LVIII Log book of the Blessing
Voyage from Java to Surat, to Persia
and back to England
13 August 1631-
30 April 1633
LIX Log books of the Discovery and
the London
Journals kept by William Speare of a
voyage to Persia, Surat and Bantam
Captain Richard Allnutt
1 March 1633-
18 July 1637
LX Log books of the Palsgrave and the Discovery
Journals kept by Richard Forder of a
voyage to Gombroon and Surat
Captains John Hall and Richard Allnutt
7 March 1633-
31 January 1637
LXI Log books of the Coaster and the Jewel
Journals kept by John Mucknell
of a voyage to Bantam
Captain John Barnes
24 January 1634-
7 December 1637
LXII Log book of the Mary
Journal kept by William Bayley
of a voyage to Surat
Captain James Slade
18 March 1636-
13 January 1640
LXIII Log book of the Dragon?
Journal of a voyage to Acheen, Macao
and Canton
Captain John Weddell
6 April 1637-
4 February 1638
LXIV Log book of the London
Journal kept by James Birkedell
of a voyage to Surat and to Persia
Captain Mathew Wills
12 March 1639-
17 July 1640
LXV Log books of the Hopewell and
the Royal Mary
Journals of a voyage to the
Coromandel coast
10 December 1641-
7 June 1644
Log book of the Hinde
Journal of a voyage from Surat
to Malacca
Captain William Broadbent
26 April 1644-
22 June 1644
LXV Log book of the Falcon
Note of goods received on voyages
to the East Indies
25 September 1645
-26 October 1649
LXVI Log book of the Hinde
Journal of a voyage from Surat
to Malacca and Macao
26 April 1644-
8 February 1645
LXVII Log book of the Eagle
Journal kept by Antony Fenn
of a voyage to Surat
Captain Thomas Stevens
11 February 1645-
28 May 1646
LXVIII Log book of the Concord
Journal kept by Ralph Hodgkines
of a voyage to the Coromandel Coast,
Balasore to Masulipatam and Madras
Captain Roger Kilvert
25 February 1660-
19 February 1663
LXIX Log book of the London
Journal kept by Edward Newell of a
voyage to Bantam and Poleroon
Captain R Bowen
12 April 1661-
23 April 1663
LXX Log book of a voyage to Bantam
29 January-10 July 1662
LXXI Log book of the London
Journal kept by Captain William Basse
of a voyage to Masulipatam, Madras and
24 August 1672-
27 July 1674
LXXII Log book of the Bull
Journal kept by Captain
John Hallwell of a voyage to
Bantam and Manila
3 July 1674-
7 February 1675
Log book of the Bull
Journal kept by Captain
John Hallwell of a voyage from
Bantam to Malacca and Madras
11 October 1676-
1 December 1677
LXXII cont Log book of the Recovery
Journal kept by Captain
John Hallwell of a voyage from
Balasor to Gombroon and Muscat
27 January-
30 September 1681
Log book of the Recovery
Journal kept by Captain
John Hallwell of a voyage from
Balasore to the Maldives
14 January-
13 August 1682
Log book of the Susanna
Journal kept by Captain
John Hallwell of a voyage from
Balasore to England
6 February -25 June 1683
Log book of the America
Journal of a voyage to Bombay and Ceylon
Captain Richard Laycock
15 March 1695-
27 October 1697
LXXIII Log book of the Triplokaine
Journal kept by John Stead of a
voyage to Madras and Bantam
7 February-
1 September 1676
Log book of the Suratt Merchant
Journal kept by John Stead of a voyage
from Madras to England
Captain Francis Johnson
3 February-
18 September 1677
LXXIV Log book of the Flying Eagle
Journal of a voyage from Bantam
to Amoy and back
Captain John Shaw
21 June 1678-
26 January 1679
LXXIV cont Log book of the Flying Eagle
Journal of a voyage
from Bantam to Siam
11 September 1679-
28 March 1680
Log book of the Formosa
Journal of a voyage from Bantam
to Tonquia
21 June-
10 December 1680
LXXV Log book of the President
Journal of a voyage to Fort St George,
Masulipatam and Madras
Captain Jonathan Hide
14 November 1679-
13 January 1682
LXXVI Log book of the Barnardiston
Journal kept by Thomas Parramoer
of a voyage to Bantam
Captain John Slade
30 August 1680-
18 January 1682
LXXVII Log book of the Persia Merchant
Journal of a voyage to Bantam
Captain John Bowers
4 January 1681-
10 February 1682
LXXVIII Log book of the Carolina
Journal of a voyage to Batavia,
Macao and other East Indies ports
Captain John Harding
19 October 1682-
3 September 1683
LXXIX Log book of the Herbert
Journal kept by Edmund Uvedale of a
voyage to the Bay of Bengal
Captain Henry Udall
9 February 1683-
23 July 1684
LXXIX cont Log book of the Herbert
Journal kept by Edmudn Uvedale of
a voyage to Sumatra
Captain Henry Udall
12 November-
8 December 1685
LXXX Log book of the Massingberd
Journal kept by Captain
Joseph Haddock of a voyage to Surat
15 June 1683-
22 December 1684
Log book of the Princess of Denmark
Journal kept by Captain
Joseph Haddock on a voyage from
Madras to China and back
30 May 1689-
4 March 1690
LXXXI Receipt book of the Loyal Adventure
Captain William Goodlad
24 July 1685-27 April 1688
LXXXII Log book of the Berkeley Castle
Journal kept by Philip Leigh of a voyage
to India and Persia
Captain Consett
17 June 1686-
30 May 1690
LXXXIII Log book of the Bengal Merchant
Journal kept by Captain William
Perse of a voyage to
Bombay and Madras
11 September 1686-
8 May 1688
LXXXIV Receipt book of the
Charles the Second
19 December 1686-
19 June 1690
LXXXV Receipt book of the Persia Merchant
Captain Benjamin Brangwin
11 January 1688-
15 May 1690
LXXXVI Log book of the Royal James
Journal of a voyage from Madras
to Sumatra
Captain Richard Cook
6 May 1688-
20 March 1689
LXXXVII Log books of the John and Rachel
Journals kept by Nathaniel Hall
Captain Robert Fox
23 June -1 October 1688
Log books of the John and Rachel
Journals kept by Nathaniel Hall
Captain Robert Fox
26 January-1 April 1689
LXXXVIII Receipt book of the Mary
Captain Stephen Barber
8 Sept 1688-18 Sept 1689
LXXXIX Log book of the Chandos
Journal of a voyage to Madras
Captain John Bonnell
4 February 1689
-1 January 1691
XC Log book of the Defence
Journal of a voyage to Madras, Macao,
Indrapur and from
Bencoolen to England
Captain William Heath
25 February 1689-
16 September 1691
XCI Receipt book of the Elizabeth
Captain Benjamin Brangwin
10 November 1692-
22 March 1694
XCII Receipt book of the Hawke
Captain James Caulier
11 October 1693-
26 February 1695
XCIII Receipt book of the Princess
of Denmark
Captain John Blewet
14 November 1693-
28 March 1695
XCIV Receipt book of the Resolution
Captain Abraham Roberts
12 December 1693-
10 September 1695
XCV Log book of the Samuel
Journal of a voyage from
Vizagapatam and Madras
Captain John Willson
23 December 1693-
9 February 1695
XCVI Log book of the Nassau
Journal of a voyage to Gombroon,
Bombay and Surat
Captain John Lloyd
1 February 1694-
3 March 1696
XCVII Log book of the Benjamin
Journal of a voyage from St Jago
to Bombay
Captain John Browne
13 October 1694-
27 January 1698
Log book of the Benjamin
Journal of a voyage to Fort St George
Captain John Browne
26 October 1698-
30 September 1700
XCVIII Log book of the Russell
Journal of a voyage to Madras,
Bengal and Cadiz
Captain William Blundell
28 March 1695-
27 October 1697
XCIX Receipt book of the Tonqueen Merchant
Captain Page Keeble
13 June –
12 September 1695
C Receipt book of the Defence
Captain William Heath
26 June-16 July 1695
CI Receipt book of the Hawke
Captain John Clarke
6 November 1695-
30 November 1697
CII Log book of the Scepter
Journal of a voyage to Bombay and Mocha
Captain George Phenney
23 November 1695-
1 June 1697
CIII Log book of the Chambers
Journal of a voyage to Bombay, Surat,
Madras and Mocha
Captain Thomas South
23 November 1695-
7 June 1699
CIV Log book of the Charles the Second
Journal of a voyage to Ceylon, Persia,
Gombroon, Bombay, Muscat and Surat
Captain John Dorrill
24 November 1695-
28 July 1698
CV Log book of the Sidney
Journal of a voyage to Madras and Bengal
Captain William Gyfford
23 January 1696-
14 July 1698
CVI Log book of the Madras Merchant
Journal of a voyage to Fort St George,
Vizagapatam and Bencoolen
Captain Benjamin Prickman
9 February 1696-
27 April 1698
CVII Log book of the Sampson
Journal of a voyage to Madras,
Vizagapatam and Calcutta
Captain William Erle
12 February 1696-
8 August 1698
CVIII Log book of the Madras Merchant
Journal of a voyage to Madras,
Vizagapatam, Acheen and Priaman
Captain Benjamim Prickman
4 September 1696-
20 September 1698
CIX Log book of the Amity
Journal of a voyage to the Cape of
Good Hope and Bencoolen
8 January 1697-
5 June 1698
CX Log book of the Madras Merchant
Journal of a voyage from the Cape of
Good Hope to Johanna, Fort St George,
Cuddalore, Vizagapatam, Sumatra and
Captain Benjamin Prickman
28 January 1697-
16 September 1698
CXI Log book of the Fame
Journal kept by John Conaway, 1st Mate,
of a voyage to Madras and Fort St David
Captain Robert Betton
1 February 1697-
27 June 1699
CXII Log book of the Thomas
Journal of a voyage to Bombay
21 March 1697-
28 December 1699
CXIII Log book of the Two Brothers
Journal of a voyage to Boston
and Newfoundland
Captain John Best
April 1697-
26 January 1699
Log book of the Industry
Journal of two voyages between
England and Gibraltar
14 July 1699-
26 December 1700
CXIV Receipt book of the Thorndon
Captain William Petre
1 October 1698-
3 December 1699
CXV Log book of the Josiah
Journal of a voyage to Balasore and Pipli
Captain Richard Strutton
15 October 1698-
16 October 1700
CXVI Log book of the Fleet
Journal kept by the Captain
John Merry of a voyage
to Batavia and Amoy
20 October 1698-
3 February 1701
CXVII Log book of the Sidney
Journal of a voyage to Balasore
and Pipli
Captain Caleb Grantham
19 November 1698-
22 July 1700
CXVIII Log book of the London
Journal of a voyage to Masulipatam
and Balasore
Captain George Mathew
15 December 1698-
1 August 1701
CXVIIIA Ledger of the London
Journal of a voyage to Masulipatam
and Balasore
Captain George Mathew
15 December 1698-
1 August 1701
CXIX Ledger of the Degrave
Captain William Young
?-22 August 1700
CXX Log book of the Antelope
Journal of a voyage to Bengal
Captain Henry Hammond
1 January 1699-
12 May 1701
CXXI Log book of the Neptune
Journal of a voyage to Fort St George
and Masulipatam
Captain John Lesly
14 January 1699-
23 April 1700
CXXII Log book of the Hampshire
Journal of a voyage to Bombay
Captain Francis Fisher
20 February 1699-
23 July 1700
CXXIII Log book of the Macclesfield
Journal kept by Robert Douglas,
Supercargo of a voyage to China
with details of transactions at Macao
and Canton
Captain John Hurle
2 March 1699-
17 June 1700
CXXIV Log book of the Bedford
Journal of a voyage to Bombay,
Surat and Calcutta
Captain Robert Hudson
6 May 1699-
6 August 1700
CXXV Ledger of the Mountague
Captain John Caulier
March 1699-
12 January 1703
CXXVI Log book of the Anna
Journal of a voyage from Bengal
to England
12 April-1 September 1699
Log book of the Anna
Journal of a voyage to Madras and Bengal
Captain Francis Nelly
14 March-12 August 1700
CXXVII Log book of the Julia
Journal kept by Captain
Charles Coastworth of a voyage
to Batavia and Banjar
28 April 1699-
10 July 1701
CXXVIIA Ledger of the Julia
Journal kept by Captain
Charles Coastworth of a voyage
to Batavia and Banjar
28 April 1699-
10 July 1701
CXXVIII Ledger of the Norris
Captain J Allison
April-November 1699
CXXIX Ledger of the Norris
Captain J Allison
April 1699-8 April 1701
CXXIXA Receipt book of the Norris
Captain J Allison
April 1699-8 April 1701
CXXX Receipt book of the Gracedieu
Captain James Murvell
1 June 1699-
3 February 1700
CXXXI Log book of the Hurley
Journal of a cruise down the
English Channel
Captain George Betteris
11 July-3 September 1699
CXXXII Log book of the Loyal Merchant
Journal of a voyage to Bombay
and Surat
Captain Mathew Lowth
1 August 1699-
13 August 1701
CXXXIII Log book of the Rooke
Journal of voyage to the Malabar
coast, Surat to Amoy, to Gombroon
and then to Ceylon
Captain George Simmonds
5 August 1699-
11 April 1702
CXXXIIIA Ledger of the Rooke
Journal of voyage to the Malabar
coast, Surat to Amoy, to Gombroon
and then to Ceylon
Captain George Simmonds
5 August 1699-
11 April 1702
CXXXIV Log book of the Dorrill
Journal of a voyage to Batavia and Amoy
Captain Samuel Hide
31 August 1699-
6 September 1701
CXXXV Receipt book of the Scepter
Captain George Phenney
1 September 1699-
30 November 1700
CXXXVI Receipt book of the East India Merchant
Captain John Harris
1 September 1699-
15 May 1700
CXXXVII Log book of the Trumbal
Journal of a voyage to Batavia
Captain Henry Duffield
7 October 1699-
29 April 1700
CXXXVIII Log book of the Trumbal
Journal kept by Richard Hooper
of a voyage to Borneo, Batavia
and China
Captain Henry Duffield
11 October 1699-
30 July 1702
CXXXIX Log book of the King William
Journal kept by J Goodfellow of
a voyage to the Coromandel coast
Captain John Braddyll
13 November 1699-
28 July 1701
CXL Ledger of the Tankervell
Captain Charles Newnam
15 December 1699-
15 August 1701
CXLI Ledger of the Sommers
Captain John Douglass
26 December 1699-
6 April 1703
CXLII Ledger of the China Merchant
Captain Francis Hosier
1 January 1700-
8 February 1703
CXLIIA Receipt book of the China Merchant
Captain Francis Hosier
1 January 1700-
8 February 1703
CXLIII Log book of the King William
Journal of a voyage from Cadiz to
Madras and to Masulipatam
Captain John Braddyll
13 January 1700-
22 January 1701
CXLIV Log book of the Anna
Journal of a voyage to Madras and Bengal
Captain Francis Nelly
5 February 1700-
31 January 1702
CXLV Log book of the Tavistock
Journal of a voyage to Calcutta,
Bombay, Carwar and Surat
Captain Mathew Martin
7 March 1700-
22 November 1701
CXLVI Log book of the Martha
Journal kept by Samuel Goodman
of a voyage to the Malabar
Coast, from Bombay to Gombroon and
from Bombay to Surat
Captain Thomas Raynes
20 April 1700
3 May 1702
CXLVII Log book of the Borneo
Journal of a voyage to Batavia
and Banjar
Captain Henry Barre
10 June 1700-
31 July 1702
CXLVIIA Ledger book of the Borneo
Journal of a voyage to Batavia
and Banjar
Captain Henry Barre
10 June 1700-
31 July 1702
CXLVIIB Receipt book of the Borneo
Journal of a voyage to Batavia
and Banjar
Captain Henry Barre
10 June 1700-
31 July 1702
CXLVIII Log book of the Rising Eagle
Journal of a voyage to Balasore
Captain Benjamin Boucher
17 September 1700-
8 July 1702
CXLVIIIA Ledger of the Rising Eagle
Journal of a voyage to Balasore
Captain Benjamin Boucher
17 September 1700-
8 July 1702
CXLVIIIB Receipt book of the Rising Eagle
Journal of a voyage to Balasore
Captain Benjamin Boucher
17 September 1700-
8 July 1702
CXLIX Log book of the Seaford
Journal of a voyage to Batavia,
Macao and Canton
Captain Martin Gardiner
21 September 1700-
17 September 1702
CXLIX A Receipt book of the Seaford
Journal of a voyage to Batavia,
Macao and Canton
Captain Martin Gardiner
21 September 1700-
17 September 1702
CL Log book of the Discovery
Journal of a voyage to Mocha
and Socotra
Captain John Evans
10 October 1700-
9 July 1702
CLA Ledger of the Discovery
Journal of a voyage to Mocha
and Socotra
Captain John Evans
10 October 1700-
9 July 1702
CLI Receipt book of the Sarah
Captain John Roberts 19 October-
1 November 1700
CLII Log book of the Rising Sun
Journal of a voyage to Batavia, Canton
and the Coromandel coast
Captain Arthur Holford
3 November 1700-
31 March 1703
CLIIA Ledger of the Rising Sun
Journal of a voyage to Batavia, Canton
and the Coromandel coast
Captain Arthur Holford
3 November 1700-
31 March 1703
CLIII Log book of the Phenix
Journal of a voyage to Madras, Calcutta,
Gombroon and Vizagapatam
Captain Thomas Lambert
16 November 1700-
16 December 1703
CLIV Ledger of the Dashwood
Captain Marmaduke Rawdon
18 November 1700-
7 January 1703
CLV Ledger of the Strettham
Captain Roger Myers
22 November 1700-
17 July 1703
CLVI Ledger of the Strettham
Captain Roger Myers
22 November 1700-
17 July 1703
CLVIA Receipt book of the Strettham
Captain Roger Myers
22 November 1700-
17 July 1703
CLVII Log book of the Neptune
Journal of a voyage to Batavia and Amoy
Captain John Lesly
2 December 1700-
15 September 1702
CLVIIA Ledger of the Neptune
Journal of a voyage to Batavia and Amoy
Captain John Lesly
2 December 1700-
15 September 1702
CLVIII Receipt book of the Bengal Merchant
Captain H Trenwith
5 December-
17 December 1700
CLIX Ledger of the Degrave
Captain William Young
?1700-8 December 1703
CLX Log book of the Loyall Cook
Journal of a voyage to Batavia,
Amoy and Madras
21 January 1701-
20 June 1703
CLXI Log book of the Katherine
Journal of a voyage to Madapollam
and Masulipatam
Captains William Holman and
Samuel Cruft
19 April 1701-
13 April 1703
CLXIA Ledger of the Katherine
Journal of a voyage to Madapollam
and Masulipatam
Captain William Holman and
Samuel Cruft
19 April 1701-
13 April 1703
CLXII Log book of the Herne
Journal of a voyage to Calcutta and Bombay
Captain John Law
31 May 1701-
9 April 1703
CLXIII Log book of the Loyall Bliss
Journal of a voyage to Goa, Bomabay,
Surat and Gombroon
4 June 1701-
5 April 1704
CLXIV Ledger of the Upton
Captain John Camell
29 July 1701-
31 December 1703
CLXV Ledger of the Macclesfield
Captains Thomas Roberts
and John Hurle
10 August 1701-
25 August 1704
CLXVI Ledger of the Rebow
Captain Thomas Dennett
2 October 1701-
2 April 1703
CLXVII Ledger of the Macclesfield
Captains Thomas Roberts and
John Hurle
10 October 1701-
5 April 1704
CLXVIII Ledger of the Leghorn
Captain Jacob Wright
30 October 1701-
13 September 1705
CLXIX Ledger of the Hallifax
Captain Henry Hudson
12 November 1701-
8 December 1704
CLXX Ledger of the Arabia Factor
Captain Abraham Jackson
19 November 1701- 23 October 1703
CLXXI Logs of the Samuel and Anna
Journal of a voyage to Bencoolen
and Batavia
Captain F Reddall
7 December 1701-
26 June 1705