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Series Three: Papers of Carl Menger, 1840-1921, from the William R. Perkins Library, Duke University

Part 1: Notebooks, Notes on Economic Principals and Notes on Money

Part 2: Lectures, Notes on Methodology, Correspondence, Biographical Materials and Micellanea and Printed Matter

Contents of Reels - Part 2


Lectures (Teaching Materials)

Seminararbeiten über Kapitalbegriff, etc  (Student notes on capital)

Lectures (Die Theorie und Praxis des Bankwesens, Erste Vortrag), 1872

Lectures, c 1884-1894

Notes on Methodology

Material on Irrthümer


Franz.  Nationaloekonomie

Notes on Classical Economics

Untersuchungen, 1p


Notes on Methodology

Die Frage über die Methode... from Juridicheski Westrik No 12 (1884):  81

Methode, 1876

Methode material (2 folders)

Diverses ad Methode pt 1

Diverses [ad] Methode pt 2

Typed transcript of plan for work on method and other notes

Ad Methode

Miscellaneous notes


Notes on Methodology

Grundrichtungen der Forschung

Etymologie/ Philosophie

Schema für eine Classification der Wissenschaften überhaupt

Notes on Classification der Wissenschaften

Classification der Wirtschaft.  Wissenschaften.  Includes material on Erkenntnisziele der Forschung  and die realistische Richtung der Forschung

Classification der Wissenschaften

Printed work on plants, 11pp, concerned with classification


Notes on Methodology

Verständnis und Voraussicht

Gegen Wundts Auffassung der Wissenschaft (2 folders)

Mathematik:  Ideele Richtung, c 1898

Erkenntnisziele/Richtungen der Forschung  (2 folders)


Notes on Methodology

Material on directions of research, with special attention to Deduction, 1890's

On Induction

Induction, c 1899

Ueber Wesen der Methoden...



Notes on Methodology

Empirismus in der deutschen Nationaloekonomie [late 1890's]

(2 folders)

1. Empirische Gesetze; 2.  Arten

Material ad Unzulänglichkeit des Empirismus


Notes on Methodology

Empirismus, Realismus, Posivitismus in deutscher Nat. Oek.

Realistische Richtung...

Ob exacte realistische Theorien auf Geb. d. Tat. Ersheinungen mogl?

[c 1890's]



Notes on Methodology

Realistische auch idealistische Richtung der ideologischen Forschung

Theorie...Realismus...  On Logic (2 folders)

Kritik von Wundts Logik

Causalität,  c 1905-1914

Willensfreiheit; Ethik,  c 1904-1910

Notes on free will; self consciousness, c 1912-1914


Notes on Methodology

Notes on role of value judgments in Wissenschaft

Moral im Handel, scattered pages and notes

Notes on philosophical topics, c 1907-1913

Notes on philosphical topics, c 1910's    (3 folders)



Carl Menger, 1863-1884

Carl Menger, 1885-1888

Carl Menger, 1889-1920 and nd



Karl Menger, 1914-1985 and nd

Anton Menger, 19??


Biographical Materials and Related Family Material

Diary, 1875-1894 (with information from 1840)

Diary transcriptions and notes on Carl Menger's life by Karl Menger, 12pp and 1 blue notebook

Honours:   1.   Iron Cross, III class, 1876

                2.   Correspondant, Institut de France, 1894 - 2 letters of congratulation

                3.   Correspondant, La Société de statistique de France, 1897

                4.   Certificate of Admission, Regia Lynceorum Academia, 1899

                5.   Honorary president for 1901, Institut international de Sociologie, 1900

                6.   Requests for C Menger to accept other positions; 1 envelope, 2 sheets

Miscellaneous information, dates etc

News Clippings, Articles in honour of Menger's 60th, 70th and 75th birthdays, his retirement (1903), and on the occasion of his death

Commemoration of Menger on his 70th birthday (R Zuckerkandl)

Introduction for the Collected Works of Carl Menger (London School of Economics and Political Science) by F Hayek

Photographs:                     1.   Carl Menger?

                                        2.   Daughter of Dr Perin 1911

                                        3.   Carl Menger and friend, nd

Menger (?):  Railways and Financial Institutions

Anton Menger: Sein Leben und Lebenswerk (K Grünberg);

Das Recht auf den vollen Arbeitsertrag; Neue Sittenlehre;

Ueber die sozialen Aufgaben der Rechtswissenschaft


Biographical Materials and Related Family Material

Anton Menger:  Volkspolitik

Anton Menger (?):  Rede beim Antritte des Rectorats, 1874

Max Menger:  Diary, 1861-1870

Max Menger: Die Reform der directen Steuern in Oesterreich

Max Menger:  Obituaries

Karl Menger:  The Logic of the Laws of Return (reprint)

Karl Menger: (Articles he collected?)

              1.   Italien...Flugmalerei (R Vasari)

              2.   On Equilibrium in Graham's Model of World Trade... (L McKenzie)

              3.   Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History (K Popper)

              4.   Educational Theatre and UNESCO (H Schnitzler)

              5.   Introduction, Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation (by Karl Popper)

              6.   Derivation of Bond Pricing Formula

Karl Menger:   Recht und Logik (F Paradies)  

Karl Menger:  Miscellaneous News Clippings

Karl Menger:  Miscellaneous recollections, 1 partial page



Bill for Neue Freie Presse, 1909

Early Writings


Entwurf der Statuten für die Redehalle

Printed description of university life, after 1903

Notes on Prague University Student Associations

Bibliographical References

Catalogue of Carl Menger's Library

List of materials in the Vienna University Library not in Menger's personal library, 1869

Von alten Büchern.  Antiquarische Bücher und Antiquare

Notes on Austrian Politics by Crown Prince Rudolf

Notes on Progressive Income Tax

Miscellaneous Notes, Carl Menger and Karl Menger (?)



Printed Matter

News Clippings:  Reviews by Carl Menger

News Clippings:  Articles by Carl Menger

News Clippings:  Reviews of Carl Menger's works

News Clipping Copies:  Reviews concerning Menger

News Clippings:  Articles by Carl Menger on universities and their reform

News Clippings:  Miscellaneous

News Clippings:  Reviews of Grundsätze, 2nd ed


Printed Matter

Grundsätze, copies 1 and 2 (2 folders)


Printed Matter

Grundsätze, 2 unnumbered copies

Grundsätze, 2nd ed, Handexamplar

Grundsätze, 2nd ed, galley proofs for pp 87-91, 99-101


Printed Matter

Untersuchungen with Menger's annotations

Untersuchungen (2 folders)


Printed Matter

Untersuchungen, bound in signatures with blank leaves.  Used by F Hayek in preparing a 2nd ed, nos I - II, 1-10, 12-14

Untersuchungen, bound in signatures with blank leaves.  Used by F Hayek in preparing a 2nd ed, nos 15-19

Irrthümer des Historismus with revisions by Karl Menger

Zur Kritik der Politischen Oekonomie, 2 copies (only one has been filmed)

Zur Theorie des Kapitals, 2 copies in German (only one has been filmed); 1 in French

Grundzüge einer Klassifikation der Wirtschaftswissenschaften

On the Origin of Money

Ein Gesetz gegen Kartelle


Printed Matter

Geld, 1900 (2nd ed of Handwörterbuch), 3 copies  (only one has been filmed)

Geld, 1909 (3rd ed of Handwörterbuch), 6+6+5 copies (only one has been filmed)

Articles on Currency Reform:

              1.   Beiträge zur Währungsfrage...

              2.   Das Goldagio und der heutige Stand der Valutareform

              3.   Der Uebergang zur Goldwährung

              4.   Die Valutaregulierung in Oesterreich-Ungarn (incomplete)

Miscellaneous works not by Menger:

              1.   Das Selbstbewusstsein (T Lipps) (incomplete)

              2.   On geistige Arbeit (incomplete)

Works by Colleagues:

              1.   Zins (Böhm-Bawerk)

              2.   Preis (Zuckerkandl)

              3.   Sostarnyia chasti i metody politicheskoi ekoomii (A A Isaeva)

Articles relating to Carl Menger and the Austrian School:

              1.   Fundamentals of Austrian Economics  (T C Taylor)

              2.   Menger on Ricardo  (K Yagi)

              3.   Böhm-Bawerk's First Interest Theory (K Yagi)

              4.   Review of Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics (Jaffé)

Articles by Karl Menger:

             1.   Austrian Marginalism and Mathematical Economics (gallery proofs; 1 English copy; 1 German

                   copy; 1 German summary)

             2.   Program from One Hundred Years of Carl Menger's 'Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre' 

                   2 copies


Printed Matter (Oversize)

Die Schillerzeit (contribution by Menger, among others, to commemoration of Schiller, 1905)

Review of Böhm-Bawerk's Positive Theorie des Kapitals

Biographical Materials (Oversize)

Honors.  Election to Societas Regia Edinensis, 1895

Application for Habilitation, 1871

Miscellaneous (Oversize)

Notes on Austrian Student Rising



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