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Part 1: Indian Views on Britain and Empire, 1810-1915, from The British Library, London

Contents of Reels


Awatsing Mahtabsing, Something about my trip to Europe (Sukkur, 1905)

Lala Baijnath, England and India: Being impressions of persons and things English and Indian and brief notes of visits to France, Switzerland, Italy, and Ceylon (Bombay, 1893)

Mary Bhore, Some impressions of England (Poona, 1900)

Mary Carpenter, Last days in England of Rajah Rammohun Roy (London & Calcutta, 1866)

Mary Carpenter, Last days in England of Rajah Rammohun Roy (Calcutta, 1915)

Rajarama Chatrapati, Diary of the late Rajah of Kolhapoor during his visit to Europe in 1870 (London, 1872)


Frank Cundall (Ed), Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition (London,1886).

Nandalala Dasa, Reminiscences - English and Australian, being an account of a visit to England, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Ceylon, etc (Calcutta, 1893)


Ramesachandra Datta, Three years in Europe (Calcutta,1873)

Ramesachandra Datta, Three years in Europe (Calcutta, 1890)

Ramesachandra Datta, England and India: a record of progress during a hundred years, 1785-1885 (London, 1897)


Ghanasyama Nikantha Nadkarni, Journal of a visit to Europe in 1896 (Bombay, 1903)

Nagandra Natha Ghosha, Indian views of England (Calcutta, 1877)

Pothum Janakamma Raghavayya, Pictures of England (Madras, 1876)

Pratapachandra Majumdar, Sketches of a tour around the world (Calcutta, 1884)


Dayarama Gidumal, The life and work of Malabari (Bombay, 1888)

Behramji Mehrbanji Malabari, Infant marriage and enforced widowhood in India (Bombay, 1887)

Behramji Mehrbanji Malabari, An appeal from the daughters of India [on infant marriage] (London, 1890)

Behramji Mehrbanji Malabari, The Indian eye on English life, or rambles of a pilgrim reformer (London, 1893)


Behramji Mehrbanji Malabari, The Indian eye on English life, or rambles of a pilgrim reformer (Bombay, 1895)

Behramji Mehrbanji Malabari, East and West [a periodical]. Vol 1, Nos 1-4, November 1901 – February 1902.


Trailokyanatha Mukharji, A visit to Europe (Calcutta, 1889)

J Nauroji & H Mihrbanji, Journal of a residence of two years and a half in Great Britain (London, 1841)

Thomas Pandiyan, England to an Indian eye (London, 1897)


G P Pillai, London and Paris through Indian spectacles (Madras, 1897)

Jhinda Ram, My trip to Europe (Lahore, 1893)

Joseph Salter, The Asiatic in England. Sketches of sixteen years work among Orientals (London, 1873)

R Caldwell, Records of the Early History of the Tinnevelly Mission of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Lands (Madras, 1881)

Joseph Salter, The East in the West, or work among the Asiatics and Africans in London (London, 1896)


Samuel Satthianadhan, England and India. Lectures (Madras, 1886)

Samuel Satthianadhan, Missionary work in India from a native Christian point of view (Madras, 1899)

Samuel Satthianadhan, Four years in an English university (Madras,1890)

Samuel Satthianadhan, The Rev W T Satthianadhan, B D, a brief biographical sketch (Madras, 1893)

Samuel Satthianadhan, Theosophy: An appeal to my countrymen (Madras, 1893)

Samuel Satthianadhan, A holiday trip to Europe and America (Madras, 1897)


Samuel Satthianadhan and Kamala Satthianadhan, Stories of Indian Christian life (Madras, 1898)

Charles Stewart (translator), The travels of Mirza Abu Talib Khan in Asia, Africa and Europe (London, 1810)



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