Series One: European War, 1914-1919, The War Reserve Collection (WRA-WRE) from Cambridge University Library
Part 9: Peace, Versailles and the League of Nations
Contents of Reels
WRA.41.1 The Treaty of Peace Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
33cm. London. 1919. 480pp
WRA.41.2 Masaryk, T.G., The New Europe…
KWR/31 JKH/36 (Jul 51)
[London. 1918]. 74pp
WRA.41.103 Conférence de la Paix. 1919-1920. Receuil des Actes de la Conférence. Part. 3. DRW25 KWR/31 /RH/36
31cm. [192-]. 150pp
WRA.41.301 Délégation Bulgarie à la Conférence de la Paix. [Address to the President…]
31cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 15pp
WRA.41.302 Délégation Bulgarie à la Conférence de la Paix. Observations sur les Prétentions Territoriales Serbes Concernant la Bulgarie
33cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 15pp
WRA.41.303 Délégation Bulgarie à la Conférence de la Paix. Exposé sur la Question de la Thrace Occidentale
33cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 20pp
WRA.41.304 Délégation Bulgarie à la Conférence de la Paix. La Bulgarie et les minorités ethniques. La situation des juifs en Bulgarie
33cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 10pp
WRA.41.305 Délégation Bulgarie à la Conférence de la Paix. The Ethnic Character of Western Thrace According to Greek Official Testimonies
31cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 9pp
WRA.41.306 Délégation Bulgarie à la Conférence de la Paix. Les Accusations Contre la Bulgarie
31cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 45pp
WRA.41.307 Bessarabian Délégation. The Roumanians Before the Peace Conference. The question of Bessarabia
31cm. [Paris]. [1919]. 25pp
WRA.41.308 Korean Delegation. The Peace Conference
30cm. Paris. 1919.
1. Letter signed by John Kiusic Shoho Kimm (1p)
2. Copy of letter sent to Mr. Lloyd George signed JMS Kimm (1p)
3. Petition. The claim of the Korean People and Nation (6pp)
4. Memorandum. The claim of the Korean People and Nation (17pp)
WRA.41.310 Conditions of peace with Bulgaria
31cm. Paris. 1919. 138pp
WRA.41.311 Commission des Responsabilités Guerre et Sanctions
32cm. [1919]. 16pp
WRA.41.312 Istria
31cm. 5pp+1 map
WRA.41.313 Memorandum on the Dalmatian Question
31cm. [1919]. 12pp
WRA.41.314 The town of Rijeka (Fiume)
31cm. [1919]. 12pp+1 map
WRA.41.315 Triest. The town of Triest
31cm. [1919]. 8pp+1 map
WRA.41.316 North Frontier. Delimitation between Serbians and Magyars in the Batchka
31cm. [1919]. 22pp+1 map
WRA.41.317 Delimitation between Serbians and the Roumanians in the Banat
31cm. [1919]. 14pp+1 map
WRA.41.318 Frontiers between the Kingdom of the Serbians, Croatians and Slovenes, and the Kingdom of Italy
31cm. [1919]. 3pp+1 map
WRA.41.319 Territories of Goritza and Gradiska and the town of Goritza
31cm. [1919]. 8pp+1 map
WRA.41.320 The Serbo-Bulgarian Relations and the Question of the Rectification of the Frontier
31cm. [1919]. 15pp+1 map
WRA.41.321 The Military Effort of the Serbians, Croatians, and Slovenes in the War of 1914-18
31cm. [1919]. 20pp
WRA.41.322 Albania
31cm. [1919]. 1pp
WRA.41.323 Mémoire de Mesures Économiques Qui Devraient Être Adoptées par les Pays Alliés Envers les Pays Ennemis Avant la Suspension des Hostilités. 2e éd.
33cm. London. 1916. 5pp
WRA.41.324 Memorandum Presented to the Peace Conference in Paris, Concerning the Claims of the Kingdom of the Serbians, Croatians, and Slovenes
31cm. London. [1919]. 10pp+1 map
WRA.41.325 The Peace Conference. The claim of China…
31cm. Paris. 1919. 51pp
WRA.41.326 Questions for Readjustment Submitted by China to the Peace Conference
31cm. ib. 1919. 43pp
WRA.41.327 China. Exposé des revendications de la Chine…
31cm. ib. 1919. 91pp+ 2 maps
WRA.41.328 Deutsche Waffenstillstandskommission. Abkommen…
33cm. [Berlin. 1919]. 19pp
WRA.45.1011 Reparations Commission. List of Documents Issued by the Economic Service Transfer Committee…Documents 1-283 (ppI+1-16)
29 etc cm. [1928]. 17pp
WRA.45.1012 Reparations Commission. List of Documents Issued by the Economic Service Transfer Committee…Documents 279-326 (ppI+16-18)
29 etc cm. [1930]. 4pp
WRA.45.102 Reparations Documents. Transfer Committee. Economic Service.
30 etc cm. [Berlin. 1924-1930]
No. 1 (8pp), No. 3 (2pp), No. 4 (2pp), No. 5 (4pp), No. 6 (5pp), No. 7 (29pp), No. 8 (2pp), No. 9 (2pp), No. 12 (6pp), No. 13 (2pp), No. 14 (3pp), No. 15 (3pp), No. 16 (13pp), No. 18 (4pp), No. 19 (6pp), No. 21 (9pp), No. 22 (3pp), No. 23 (3pp), No. 24 (7pp), No. 25 (6pp), No. 29 (11pp), No. 30 (2pp), No. 32 (7pp), No. 33 (5pp), No. 34 (1p), No. 351 (3pp), No. 352 (1p), No. 36 (3pp), No. 38 (2pp), No. 42 (2pp), No. 45 (25pp), No. 49 (1p), No. 50 (3pp), No. 52 (2pp), No. 53 (4pp), No. 54 (5pp), No. 55 (6pp), No. 591 (9pp), No. 592 (2pp), No. 60 (3pp), No. 61 (12pp), No. 63 (4pp), No. 64 (2pp), No. 65 (3pp), No. 66 (20pp)
WRA.45.102 Reparations Documents. Transfer Committee. Economic Service.
Cont’d] 30 etc cm. [Berlin. 1924-1930]
No. 67 (24pp), No. 69 (16pp), No. 71 (6pp), No. 75 (24pp), No. 78 (10pp), No. 79 (2pp), No. 80 (2pp), No. 84 (5pp), No. 88 (1p), No. 90 (7pp), No. 92 (1p), No. 93 (4pp), No. 94 (7pp), No. 95 (5pp), No. 96 (38pp), No. 97 (1p), No. 98 (5pp), No. 99 (1p), No. 100 (1p), No. 101 (2pp), No. 102 (2pp), No. 103 (2pp), No. 104 (7pp), No. 105 (5pp), No. 106 (5pp), No. 107 (5pp), No. 108 (5pp), No. 109 (3pp), No. 110 (3pp), No. 111 (2pp), No. 112 (2pp), No. 113 (13pp), No. 114 (4pp), No. 115 (10pp), No. 116 (34pp), No. 117 (3pp), No. 118 (19pp), No. 119 (5pp), No. 120 (5pp), No. 121 (8pp), No. 122 (8pp), No. 123 (3pp), No. 125 (2pp), No. 126 (2pp), No. 127 (2pp), No. 129 (5pp), No. 130 (5pp), No. 132 (33pp), No. 135 (3pp), No. 136 (94pp), No. 137 (22pp), No. 138 (3pp), No. 139 (20pp), No. 140 (20pp), No. 141 (7pp), No. 143 (16pp), No. 144 (2pp), No. 145 (3pp), No. 146 (4pp), No. 147 (15pp), No. 148 (2pp), No. 149 (5pp), No. 150 (3pp), No. 151 (2pp), No. 152 (6pp), No. 153 (3pp), No. 154 (3pp), No. 155 (3pp), No. 156 (3pp), No. 157 (2pp), No. 158 (5pp), No. 159 (16pp), No. 160 (16pp), No. 161 (11pp), No. 162 (12pp), No. 163 (3pp), No. 164 (4pp), No. 165 (6pp), No. 166 (3pp), No. 167 (3pp), No. 168 (6pp), No. 169 (3pp), No. 170 (12pp), No. 171 (17pp), No. 172 (3pp), No. 173 (7pp), No. 174 (2pp), No. 175 (6pp), No. 176 (3pp), No. 178 (5pp), No. 180 (6pp), No. 181 (3pp), No. 182 (8pp), No. 183 (3pp), No. 184 (17pp)
WRA.45.102 Reparations Documents. Transfer Committee. Economic Service.
Cont’d] 30 etc cm. [Berlin. 1924-1930]
No. 185 (24pp), No. 186 (11pp), No. 187 (28pp), No. 188 (10pp), No. 189 (3pp), No. 190 (6pp), No. 191 (3pp), No. 192 (2pp), No. 193 (5pp), No. 194 (5pp), No. 195 (4pp), No. 196 (5pp), No. 197 (2pp), No. 198 (5pp), No. 199 (3pp), No. 200 (5pp), No. 201 (2pp), No. 202 (2pp), No. 203 (6pp), No. 204 (6pp), No. 205 (2pp), No. 206 (7pp), No. 207 (3pp), No. 208 (10pp), No. 209 (3pp), No. 210 (2pp), No. 212 (5pp),
No. 213 (2pp), No. 214 (7pp), No. 215 (2pp), No. 216 (4pp), No. 217 (2pp), No. 218 (6pp), No. 219 (2pp), No. 220 (4pp), No. 221 (3pp), No. 222 (4pp), No. 223 (6pp), No. 224 (3pp), No. 225 (14pp), No. 226 (2pp), No. 227 (3pp), No. 228 (2pp), No. 229 (5pp), No. 230 (7pp), No. 232 (5pp), No. 233 (50pp), No. 235 (2pp), No. 236 (37pp), No. 237 (7pp), No. 238 (16pp), No. 239 (8pp), No. 240 (5pp), No. 241 (2pp),
No. 242 (3pp), No. 244 (6pp), No. 245 (58pp), No. 245bis (5pp), No. 246 (14pp), No. 247 (6pp), No. 248 (2pp), No. 249 (14pp), No. 250 (25pp), No. 252 (7pp), No. 254 (3pp), No. 255 (6pp), No. 256 (2pp), No. 258 (6pp), No. 260 (2pp), No. 261 (6pp), No. 262 (3pp), No. 263 (2pp), No. 265 (7pp), No. 266 (2pp), No. 267 (7pp), No. 268 (2pp), No. 69 (4pp), No. 270 (9pp), No. 271 (2pp), No. 272 (14pp), No. 273 (3pp),
No. 274 (9pp), No. 275 (6pp), No. 276 (2pp), No. 277 (3pp), No. 2781 (7pp), No. 2782 (1p), No. 279 (12pp), No. 2801 (6pp), No. 280a. (33pp), No. 281 (10pp), No. 282 (46pp), No. 283 (3pp), No. 284 (3pp), No. 285 (47pp), No. 286 (3pp), No. 287 (9pp), No. 288 (5pp)
WRA.45.102 Reparations Documents. Transfer Committee. Economic Service.
Cont’d] 30 etc. cm [Berlin. 1924-1930]
No. 290 (11pp), No. 291 (27pp), No. 292 (3pp), No. 2931 (30pp), No. 2932 (93pp), No. 294 (2pp), No. 295 (74pp), No. 296 (26pp), No. 297 (2pp), No. 298 (2pp), No. 299 (2pp), No. 300 (2pp), No. 301 (2pp), No. 302 (2pp), No. 303 (96pp), No. 304 (2pp), No. 305 (59pp), No. 306 (2pp), No. 307 (19pp), No. 308 (33pp), No. 309 (2pp), No. 310 (7pp), No. 311 (31pp), No. 312 (3pp), No. 313 (3pp), No. 314 (51pp), No. 315 (3pp), No. 316 (98pp), No. 317 (2pp), No. 318 (2pp), No. 319 (2pp), No. 320 (3pp), No. 321 (2pp), No. 322 (84pp), No. 323 (2pp), No. 324 (23pp)
WRA.45.102 Reparations Documents. Transfer Committee. Economic Service.
Cont’d] 30 etc cm. [Berlin. 1924-1930]
No. 325 (123pp), No. 326 (2pp), No. 3271 (57pp), No. 3272 (2pp), No. 328 (2pp), No. 329 (17pp), No. 330 (2pp), No. 331 (8pp), No. 332 (31pp), No. 333 (8pp), No. 334 (2pp), No. 335 (50pp), No. 336 (2pp)
WRA.45.1031 Reparations Commission. Transfer Committee. Economic Service. List of notes issued….2 parts. Numbers. 1-81
30 etc cm. [1929]. 6pp
WRA.45.1032 Reparations Commission. Transfer Committee. Economic Service. List of notes issued….2 parts. Numbers 78-122
30 etc cm. [1929]. 4pp
WRA.45.104 Reparations Notes.
34 etc cm. [Berlin. 1925-]
No. 2 (24pp), No. 3 (19pp), No. 4 (19pp), No. 5 (23pp), No. 8 (19pp), No. 9a (13pp), No. 10 (12pp), No. 11 (12pp), No. 12 (10pp), No. 13 (40pp), No. 14 (12pp), No. 15 (18pp), No. 22 (23pp), No. 25 (12pp), No. 26 (76pp), No. 27 (62pp), No. 28 (34pp), No. 29 (10pp), No. 30 (4pp), No. 31 (27pp), No. 33 (19pp)
WRA.45.104 Reparations Notes.
Cont’d] 34 etc cm. [Berlin. 1925-]
No. 34 (38pp), No. 35 (15pp), No. 36 (93pp), No. 37 (10pp),
No. 38 (20pp), No. 39 (29pp), No. 40 (24pp), No. 41 (19pp), No. 42 (35pp), No. 43 (55pp), No. 44 (85pp), No. 45 (14pp), No. 46 (28pp), No. 47 (22pp), No. 48 (21pp), No. 49 (23pp), No. 50 (12pp), No. 51 (28pp), No. 53 (25pp), No. 55 (11pp), No. 57 (8pp), No. 58 (7pp), No. 59 (18pp), No. 60 (7pp), No. 61 (9pp), No. 62 (19pp), No. 63 (7pp), No. 64 (13pp), No. 65 (14pp), No. 66 (4pp), No. 67 (7pp), No. 68 (17pp), No. 69 (8pp), No. 70 (6pp), No. 71 (5pp), No. 72 (5pp), No. 73 (5pp), No. 74 (6pp), No. 75 (15pp), No. 76 (14pp)
WRA.45.104 Reparations Notes.
Cont’d] 34 etc cm. [Berlin. 1925-]
No. 77 (37pp), No. 78 (9pp), No. 79 (4pp), No. 80 (10pp), No. 81 (7pp), No. 82 (13pp), No. 83 (8pp), No. 84 (22pp), No. 85 (7pp), No. 86 (8pp), No. 87 (5pp), No. 88 (9pp), No. 89 (13pp), No. 90 (13pp), No. 91 (5pp), No. 92 (6pp), No. 93 (8pp), No. 94 (7pp), No. 95 (6pp), No. 96 (9pp), No. 97 (8pp), No. 98 (9pp), No. 99 (8pp), No. 100 (2pp), No. 101 (15pp), No. 102 (6pp), No. 103 (15pp), No. 104 (10pp), No. 105 (5pp), No. 106 (5pp), No. 107 (11pp), No. 108 (30pp), No. 109 (13pp), No. 110 (8pp), No. 111 (16pp), No. 112 (7pp), No. 113 (16pp), No. 114 (17pp), No. 115 (9pp), No. 116 (24pp), No. 117 (6pp), No. 118 (7pp), No. 119 (18pp), No. 120 (12pp), No. 121 (6pp), No. 122 (15pp), No. 123 (9pp), No. 124 (16pp)
WRA.414 Daily Review of the Foreign Press, Issued by the General Staff, War Office. The Peace Discussion, Jan 30, 1917
34cm. 11pp
WRA.419 Summary of comment…on the Peace Treaty, with official notes and declarations. 2 numbers, May 1919
34cm. 1919
WRA.423 Daily Review of the Foreign Press issued by the General Staff, War Office. Reconstruction Supplement. Volumes 1-4
34cm. 1917-19
Volume 1:
No. 1 (pp1-8), No. 2 (pp 9-18), No. 3 (pp 19-28), No. 4 (pp 29-40), No. 5 (pp 41-52), No. 6 (pp 53-60), No. 7 (pp. 61-70), No. 8 (pp. 71-82), No. 9 (pp. 83-95), No. 10 (pp. 96-107), No. 11 (pp. 108-119), No. 12 (pp. 120-130), No. 13 (pp. 131-140), No. 14 (pp. 141-148), No. 15 (pp. 149-160), No. 16 (pp. 161-176), No. 17 (pp. 177-195), No. 18 (pp. 196-212), No. 19 (pp. 213-230), No. 20 (pp. 231-244), Index (59 pp)
WRA.423 Daily Review of the Foreign Press issued by the General Staff, War
Cont’d] Office. Reconstruction Supplement. Volumes 1-4
34cm. 1917-19
Volume 2:
No. 1 (pp. 1-16), No. 2 (pp. 17-36), No. 3 (pp. 37-60), No. 4 (pp. 61-80), No. 5 (pp. 81-100), No. 6 (pp. 101-118), No. 7 (pp. 121-143), No. 8 (pp. 145-164), No. 9 (pp. 165-182), No. 10 (pp. 185-210), No. 11 (pp. 213-230) No. 12 (pp. 233-255), No. 13 (pp. 257-278)
Volume 3:
No. 1 (pp. 1-26), No. 2 (pp. 29-50), No. 3 (pp. 53-78), No. 4 (pp. 81-103),
No. 5 (pp. 105-130), No. 6 (pp. 133-155), No. 7 (pp. 157-175), No. 8 (pp. 177-202), No. 9 (pp. 205-232), No. 10 (pp. 233-252), No. 11 (pp. 253-283), No. 12 (pp. 285-303)
Volume 4:
No. 1 (pp. 1-24), No. 2 (pp. 25-40), No. 3 (pp. 41-64), No. 4 (65-82),
No. 5 (pp85-108), No. 6 (pp. 109-124), No. 7 (pp. 125-142)
WRA.609 League of Nations Society Publication No.15, 2nd ed: “The Project of a League of Nations”
34cm. London. 1917. 31pp
WRB.34.302 The Basis for a People’s Peace
28cm. London. [1917]. 10pp
WRC.34.1.9 Union of Democratic Control Pamphlet. Why We Should State Terms of Peace
22cm. London. [1917]. 10pp
WRC.34.110 Union of Democratic Control Pamphlet. Towards an International Understanding
22cm. London. [1917]. 30pp
WRC.34.115 Union of Democratic Control Pamphlet. Hobson (J.A): League of Nations
22cm. London. [1917]. 22pp
WRC.34.116 Union of Democratic Control Pamphlet. Dickinson (G.L): Economic War after the War
22cm. [London]. [1917]. 24pp
WRC.34.119 Union of Democratic Control Pamphlet. Morel (E.D): African Problem and the Peace Settlement
22cm. London. 1917. 36pp
WRC.34.123 Union of Democratic Control Pamphlet. Peace Overtures and their Rejection. Dec 1916-March 1918
22cm. London. [1918]. 24pp
WRC.34.303 Suggestions for Terms of a Peace Settlement
21cm. [1916]. 8pp
WRC.34.304 Now, or Never! By T.H.Ferris
21cm. Leeds. [1916]. 4pp
WRC.41.1 Bentley, E.C., Peace Year in the City. 1918-1919
23cm. London. 1920. 302pp
WRC.41.2 Austria’s Peace Offer 1916-17. Ed. by G. de Manteyer
23cm. London. 1921. 366pp
WRC.41.3 The German Treaty Text [WRC.41.101]
25cm. London. 1920. 310pp+1 map
WRC.41.102 Hohefeld, J., Der Kampf um den Frieden 1914-19
22cm. Leipzig. 1919. 222pp
WRC.41.103 The Treaty of Peace Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
22cm. London. 1920. LXXXVIII+310pp
WRC.41.104 Keynes, J.M., Der Friedensvertrag von Versailles
22cm. Berlin. 1921. 56pp
WRC.41.105 Nordman, N., Peace Problems: Russia’s Economics
22cm. London. 1919. XIII+128pp
WRC.41.301 Wales, J.G., Continuous Mediation Without Armistice
22cm. London. [1915]. 16pp
WRC.41.302 Official Documents Concerning Neutral and Belligerent Rights Issued Since August 4, 1914
20cm. Boston. 1915. 170pp
WRC.41.303 Lowell, A.L., A League to Enforce Peace
20cm. 1915. 22pp
WRC.41.304 Myers, D.P., Arbitration Engagements Now Existing in Treaties…
20cm. 1915. 40pp
WRC.41.305 Levermore, C.H., Preparedness – For What?
20cm. 1915. 12pp
WRC.41.306 Certificate of Incorporation of the League to Enforce Peace
22cm. New York. 1916. 9pp
WRC.41.307 Maclagen, O.F., How to End the War Quickly
22cm. Letchworth. [1916]. 20pp
WRC.41.308 League of Nations Society. Explanation of the Objects of the Society
22cm. [1916]. 27pp+ 1 postcard
WRC.41.309 Wells, H.G., A Reasonable Man’s Peace
22cm. London. 1917. 8pp
WRC.41.310 Ferrero, G., La Difficoltà della Pace
24cm. [Milano]. 1917. 4pp
WRC.41.311 Bruck, A.Clutton, Our Common Purpose
22cm. London. [1919]. 8pp
WRC.41.312 Die Deutschen Gegenvorschläge
22cm. Charlottenberg. 1919. 136pp
WRC.41.313 Mantelnote und Antwort der Alliierten und Assoziierten Mächte auf die Deutschen Gegenvorschläge
22cm. ib. 1919. 136pp
WRC.41.314 Milhand, E., La Neutralité Suisse et la Société des Nations
23cm. Genève. 1919. 67pp
WRC.41.315 Mack, R.J., A League of Nations
21cm. Cork. 1918. 22pp
WRC.41.316 The Community of Nations
21cm. London. [1919]. 16pp
WRC.41.319 Deutsche Kolonisationsmethoden in Südwestafrika
21cm. n.p. [1918]. 8pp
WRC.41.320 League of Nations Society Publications. Objects and rules
22cm. London. [1917]. 4pp+ 1 postcard
WRC.41.322 League of Nations Society Publications No.2. 2nd ed. Explanation of the Objects…
22cm. London. [1917]. 28pp
WRC.41.323 League of Nations Society Publications No.3
22cm. London. [1917]. 2pp
WRC.41.325 League of Nations Society Publications No.5
22cm. London. [1917]. 4pp
WRC.41.328 League of Nations Society Publications No.8. A League of Nations: How to Begin It. By Aneurin William M.P
22cm. London. [1917]. 22pp
WRC.41.330 League of Nations Society Publications No.10. How to Prevent War
22cm. London. [1917]. 3pp
WRC.41.331 League of Nations Society Publications No.11. General Smuts and a League of Nations
22cm. London. [1917]. 20pp
WRC.41.333 League of Nations Society Publications No.13 Younghusband, Sir. F., The Sense of a Community of Nations
22cm. London. [1917]. 8pp
WRC.41.336 League of Nations Society Publications No.16. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting Held at the Caxton Hall – July 20th 1917
22cm. London. [1917]. 16pp
WRC.41.337 League of Nations Society Publications No.17. Report of a Conference of the Legal Profession…
22cm. London. [1917]. 19pp
WRC.41.338 League of Nations Society Publications No. 18. Williams, Aneurin, M.P. The Minimum of Machinery
22cm. London. [1918]. 8pp
WRC.41.339 League of Nations Society Publications No.19. Unwin, R., Functions of a League of Nations
22cm. ib. [1918]. 20pp
WRC.41.340 League of Nations Society Publications No.20. A League of Nations. A Scheme of Study
22cm. ib. 1917. 17pp
WRC.41.341 League of Nations Society Publications No.21. A Durable Settlement
22cm. ib. 1918. c4pp
WRC.41.343 League of Nations Society Publications No.23. Nations Unite!
22cm. ib. 1918. 6pp
WRC.41.344 League of Nations Society Publications No.24. Recent Pronouncements…
22cm. ib. 1918. 6pp
WRC.41.345 League of Nations Society Publications No.25. The Demand of Labour
22cm. ib. 1918. 8pp
WRC.41.346 League of Nations Society Publications No.26.
22cm. ib. 1918. 4pp
WRC.41.347 League of Nations Society Publications No.27. Paish, Sir. George, The Economic Interdependence of Nations
22cm. ib. 1918. 16pp
WRC.41.348 League of Nations Society Publications No.28. Dickinson, Sir. W.H., Disarmament and a League of Nations
22cm. ib. 1918. 16pp
WRC.41.349 League of Nations Society Publications No.29. Germany and a League of Nations.
22cm. ib. 1918. 4pp
WRC.41.351 League of Nations Society Publications No.31. Davies, Major D., Some Problems of International Reconstruction and A League of Nations
22cm. ib. 1918. 6pp
WRC.41.352 League of Nations Society Publications No.32. A People’s Peace. A League of Nations Versus Militarism, by H.N. Spalding
22cm. ib. 1918. 4pp
WRC.41.353 League of Nations Society Publications No.33. The Demand of the Churches for a League of Nations
22cm. ib. 1918. 16pp
WRC.41.354 League of Nations Society Publications No.34. World-wide Support for a League of Nations
22cm. ib. 1918. 6pp
WRC.41.355 League of Nations Society Publications No.35. Kiek, Edward, Brotherhood and World Peace
22cm. ib. 1918. 4pp
WRC.41.356 League of Nations Society Publications No.36. The Devils Disciples
22cm. ib. 1918. 7pp
WRC.41.358 League of Nations Society Publications No.38. Second Annual Report. March 1917-March 1918 as approved at the Annual Meeting, June 14 1918
22cm. ib. 1918. 22pp
WRC.41.359 League of Nations Society Publications. Monthly Report for Members. No.8. August 1918
22cm. ib. 1918. 17pp
WRC.41.360 Davies, Major D., A Suggestion Concerning the First Meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations
25cm. London. 1920. 20pp
WRC.41.361 Grey, Sir Edward, La Société des Nations
21cm. Genéve. [1918]. 23pp
WRC.41.362 Grey, Sir Edward, Der Völkerbund
21cm. Zürich. 1918. 24pp
WRC.41.363 Tourtoulis, M, Conditions Essentielles d’une Paix Durable dans les Balkans
21cm. Lausanne. 1919. 11pp
WRC.41.364 Memorandum Submitted to the Peace Conference by the National Delegation of the Euxine Pontus
21cm. Manchester. 1919. 8pp
WRC.41.365 Lodge, Henry Cabot, and A. Lawrence Lowell. Joint Debate on the Covenant of Paris. League of Nations Souvenir Number
20cm. Boston. n.d. 50pp
WRC.41.366 Montes, Ismael, Les Droits de la Bolivie sur Tacna et Arica
22cm. London. 1920. c46pp
WRC.41.367 Wendt Heinrich, Schlesien und der Weltfrieden. Denkschrift des Vereins für Geschichte Schlesiens
21cm. Breslau. 1919. 38pp
WRC.41.368 Karadimitrès, A.D., Les Evénements Politiques et la Nature à propos des Revendications Helleniques Devant le Congrès de la Paix
21cm. Paris. 1919. 20pp
WRC.41.369 Von Ludendorff, Das Scheitern der Neutralen Friedensvermittelung August-September 1918
21cm. Berlin. 1919. 58pp
WRC.41.370 Von Ludendorff, Das Verschieben der Verantwortlichkeit
21cm. ib. 1919. 138pp
WRC.41.371 Moulton, H. Fletcher, The Business Man’s Guide to the Peace Treaty
22cm. London. [1919]. 94pp
WRC.41.372 The Peace Conference – and After
24cm. ib. [1920]. 78pp
WRC.41.373 Von Ludendorff. Das Friedens-und Waffenstillstandsangebot
21cm. Berlin. 1919. 80pp
WRC.41.374 Syria. La Question Syrienne Exposée por les Syriens
24cm. Paris. 1919. 56pp
WRC.41.375 Völkerbund Berichte der Nationalrätlichen Kommission
24cm. n.p. 1919. 114pp
WRC.41.376 Taft, Hon. William Howard, League to Enforce Peace. American Branch. Its Proposals and What they Mean.
22cm. [Philadelphia]. [1915]. 4pp
WRC.41.377 Lowell, A. Lawrence, An Appeal to Public Opinion
22cm. ib. [1915]. 5pp
WRC.41.378 Head, Sir Somerville, The League of Nations
22cm. Peking. 1918. 8pp
WRC.41.379 Protestation Adresée à la Conference de la Paix par les Albanais de Bucarest et Constantza – Roumanie – Contre les Pretentions Greques sur L’Albanie du Sud
23cm. Bucarest. 1919. 20pp
WRC.41.380 George, D.L., Fredsförslagen och de Allierade Talav Premiärministern D. Lloyd George den 19 December 1916
21cm. London. 1917. 30pp
WRC.41.381 Objects and Rules of the League of Nations Union
21cm. London. [1919]. 11pp
WRC.41.382 Tudela, Fransisco, Early Efforts in Both Americas Towards the Establishment of a League of Nations
22cm. [Washington. 1919]. 14pp
WRC.41.383 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Report No. 176
23cm. [Washington]. 1919. 7pp
WRC.41.384 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Vol.2
23cm. ib. 1919. 140pp
WRC.41.385 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt.13
23cm. ib. 1919. 33pp
WRC.41.386 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt.14
23cm. ib. 1919 27pp
WRC.41.387 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt.15
23cm ib. 1919. 22pp
WRC.41.388 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt.17
23cm. ib. 1919. 180pp
WRC.41.389 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt.19
23cm. ib. 1919. 32pp
WRC.41.390 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt. 20
23cm. ib. 1919 18pp
WRC.41.391 Treaty of Peace with Germany. Hearings before the Committee of Foreign relations United States Senate… Pt.21
23cm. ib. 1919. 40pp
WRC.41.392 The Bulgarian Peace Treaty. Speeches Delivered in the British Parliament
21cm. London. 32pp
WRC.41.393 Headlam, J.W., The Peace terms of the Allies
21cm. ib. 1917. 32pp
WRC.41.394 Conditions of Peace of the Allied and Associated Powers. Complete Reproduction of the Official Text
22cm. Berlin. 1919. 212pp+1 map
WRC.41.395 Die Friedensforderungen der Entente
22cm. ib. 1919. 224pp+1 map
WRC.41.396 Briantchaninoff, A.N., Pacte d’une Ligue des États et Nations Civilisés pour le Développment et la Défense du Droit International Codifié
22cm. Paris. 1921. 24pp
WRC.41.397 Captain A. Barr Comstock Favours League. Letter to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. By Member of the Gas Defense Division Chemical Warfare Service
23cm. Boston. [1919]. 4pp
WRC.41.398 Why Labour is in Favour of a League of Nations
21cm. 3pp
WRC.41.399 Working for a League of Nations. A Handbook on County Organization for the League to Enforce Peace
23cm. New York. 12pp
WRC.41.400 The League of Free Nations Association of Massachusetts
23cm. Boston, Mass. 19-. 6pp
WRC.41.401 McAdoo, Hon. W.G., A League to Prevent War with a Review of the Fight Against the Formation of the United States
23cm. New York. 1919. 22pp
WRC.41.402 President Wilson’s Fourteen Points: The Basis of the New World Order
24cm. [Boston, Mass]. [1918]. 4pp
WRC.41.403 Victory Don’t Waste It! Speak out for a League of Nations
30cm. ib. 1p
WRC.41.404 Skinner, R.D., The Peace Conference Close Up
15cm. 1p
WRC.41.405 Organise the World Through a League of Nations
17cm. ib. [1918]. 4pp
WRC.41.406 Lawrence, David, Gates’ Notes Show Relation with Mexican Rebels
34cm. 1918. 1p
WRC.41.407 Gibbs P., A League of Nations or Anarchy
15cm. Boston. 10pp
WRC.41.408 League of Free Nations Association. Statement of Principles
27cm. New York. 1918. 8pp
WRC.41.409 Taft, William Howard, The Obligations of Victory
23cm. ib. 1918. 8pp
WRC.41.410 Hoover, Herbert, “We Cannot Fiddle While Rome Burns”
23cm. ib. 1919. 8pp
WRC.41.411 Taft, William Herbert, America Can’t Quit
23cm. ib. 1919. 28pp
WRC.41.412 The League of Nations. What Labour Has Said on a League of Free Nations
31cm. Boston. 19-. 1p
WRC.41.413 Why Does Labour Want a League of Free Nations?
26cm. Boston, Mass. 1p
WRC.41.414 El Tratado de Versalles de 1919 y sus Antecedentes
22cm. Madrid. 1920. 464pp
WRC.41.415 Walsh, Dr. Walter, §231. Eine Englische Predigtgegen den Versailler Schuldparagraphen
25cm. Berlin. [1921]. 16pp
WRC.41.417 Henderson, A., Labours Peace Terms
22cm. [London]. [19-]. 4pp
WRC.41.418 The Basis For a Just Peace
23cm. Tunbridge Wells. [1916]. 4pp
WRC.41.419 Harris, J.H., Peace & Colonial Reconstruction. A Programme
24cm. London. [1918?]. 8pp
WRC.45.101 Reconstruction Problems 1-38
22cm. London. 1918-.
1. The Aims of Reconstruction (18pp)
2. Housing in England and Wales (24pp)
3. The Demobilisation and Resettlement of the Army (15pp)
4. Housing in Scotland (24pp)
5. New Fields for British Engineering (16pp)
6. Raw Materials and Employment (20pp)
7. Guide to Work and Benefits for Soldiers and Civil War Workers (15pp)
8. Re-settlement of Civil War Workers (16pp)
9. Naval Demobilisation (16pp)
10. Labour Conditions and Adult Education (20pp)
11. Commercial Forestry (16pp)
12. The Re-settlement of Officers:
1Army and RAF (28pp)
2Navy (28pp)
13. Rural Industries (16pp)
14. Food Production and its Problems for the Consumer (24pp)
15. Juvenile Employment (24pp)
16. Prices During the War and After (15pp)
17. Art and Industry (20pp)
18. Industrial Councils. The Whitley Scheme (16pp)
19. State Regulation of Wages (16pp)
20. Land Settlement (16pp)
21. The Classics in British Education (20pp)
22. Domestic Service (16pp)
23. Public Health
1A Survey (32pp)
2The Present Problem and the Ministry of Health (16pp)
24. Electrical Development (16pp)
25. Town Planning (19pp)
26. Natural Science in British Education (16pp)
27. Officers’ Guide to Civil Careers (64pp)
28. Scientific Business Management (16pp)
29. British Fishermen and the Nation
1Sea Fisheries (20pp)
2Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (16pp)
30. Modern Languages in British Education (20pp)
31. Trusts Combines and Trade Associations (16pp)
32. Poor Law Reform (24pp)
33. Child Welfare (28pp)
WRC.45.101 Reconstruction Problems 1-38
Cont’d] 22cm. London. 1918-.
34. The Future of Aerial Transport (24pp)
35. The Uses of Costing (24pp)
36. Industrial Research (32pp)
37. The Mission of the British Army (24pp)
38. The Business of Government
1The Central Machinery (30pp)
2The Work of the Departments (32pp)
3The Civil Service (40pp)
WRC.45.304 Bell, Sir Hugh, “Trade after the War: Could We if We Would, and Would We if We Could, Capture German Trade?”
25cm. [London]. 1916. 8pp
WRC.45.305 Dennis, E.R. Bartley, M.P., Trade after the War
23cm. ib. 1916. 4pp
WRC.45.309 Shimmin, Arnold N., Taxation and Social Reconstruction
21cm. ib. [1917]. 32pp
WRC.45.312 Le Personne, Louis, Notes Concerning the Economic Situation Between the Allies and Germany Before and After the War
22cm. London. 1916. 12pp
WRC.45.313 Withers, Hartley, The Need for Saving in Peace Time
22cm. ib. [1919]. 32pp
WRC.45.316 Rahola, Federico, Programme Americanista Post-Guerra
25cm. [Barcelona]. [1918]
WRC.45.323 Paish, Sir George, The Economics of Reparation
21cm. London. [1921]. 16pp
WRD.41.1 Ettighoffer, P.C., Moskau, Compiègne, Versailles: Erlebisses eines Deutschen Nachrichtenoffiziers
20cm. Gütersloh. [1936]. 286pp
WRD.41.101 Chéradame, André, La Guerre Européenne & Le Paix que Voudrait L’Allemagne. 7e ed.
19cm. Paris. 1915. 116pp
WRD.41.102 Carrasco, José, La Bolivia Devant la Société des Nations
18cm. Nancy. 1921. 219pp
WRD.41.202 Les Bases D’une Paix Durable Écrit à la Demande du New York Times. Par Cosmos
20cm. ib. 1917. 175pp
WRD.41.301 Die Deutsche Note und die Antwort der Alliierten
18cm. n.p. [1917]. 8pp
WRD.41.302 Rockefeller, J.D., Brotherhood of Men and Nations
19cm. n.p. [1918]. 42pp
WRD.41.303 Turull, Paul. M., La Societat de les Nacions, la Moral Internacionalista i Catalunya
20cm. Barcelona. [1917]. 80pp
WRD.41.304 Wilson, Woodrow, El President Wilson y la Liga de Naciones: Extractos de sus Discursos, Declaraciones y Mensajes
19cm. Madrid. 1918. 21pp
WRD.41.305 Wilson, Woodrow, El President Wilson y La Liga de Naciones. Discurso Pronunciado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos el 27 Septiembre de 1918, en el Teatro de la Opera de Nueva York, con Motivo del Cuarto Empréstito Nacional
20cm. ib. 1918. 12pp
WRD.41.306 Long, Samuel Wesley, The Weapon of Peace
17cm. Philadelphia. [1915]. 48pp
WRD.41.307 The International Peace Year-Book, 1915
19cm. London. [1915]. 208pp
WRD.41.308 Henderson, A., ???? ???????? ? ?????
19cm. n.p. [1918]. 8pp
WRD.41.309 Weltfriedensbedingungen: Darlegungen des Britischen Premierministers am 5ten Januar, 1918
16cm. n.p. [1918]. 24pp
WRD.41.310 The Belgian Labour Party: Memorandum on Peace Terms
19cm. New York. 1918. 38pp
WRD.41.311 Grey, Viscount of Fallodon, Liga Narodów
19cm. n.p. 1918. 12pp
WRD.41.312 The Fundamental Basis. The Peace Testimony of the Society of Friends. Being the Report of Commission I. issued by the Committee of the Peace Conference of All Friends
18cm. London. [1918]. 34pp
WRD.41.313 The Life of the Society of Friends. Being the Report of Commission V. issued by the Committee of the Peace Conference of All Friends
18cm. ib. [1918]. 26pp
WRD.41.314 Littleboy, William, Friends and Peace
18cm. ib. 1915. 12pp
WRD.41.315 Peace among the Nations: Being the Testimony of the Society of Friends on War
18cm. ib. [1915]. 16pp
WRD.41.316 Personal Life and Society. The Peace Testimony of the Society of Friends. Being the Report of Commission III, issued by the Committee of the Peace Conference of All Friends
18cm. ib. [1918]. 26pp
WRD.41.318 Richard, Adhémar, Nouse Pouvons Supprimer Toutes les Guerres! Lisez! – Méditez! – Agissez!
19cm. Genève. [1915]. 30pp
WRD.41.319 Pollard, A.F., The League of Nations. An Historical Argument
19cm. Oxford. 1918. 68pp
WRD.41.320 The League of Nations. The Covenant Explained
20cm. London. [1919]. 80pp
WRD.41.321 Barker, Ernest, A Confederation of the Nations: Its Powers and Constitution
19cm. Oxford. 1918. 55pp
WRD.41.322 Helfferich, Karl, Die Friedensbedingungen: Ein Wort an das Deutsche Volk
20cm. Berlin. 1919. 50pp
WRD.41.323 The Idea of a League of Nations: Prolegomena to the Study of World-Organisation. By the Research Committee of the League of Nations Union
19cm. Oxford. [1920]. 55pp
WRD.41.324 The Way to the League of Nations: A Brief Sketch of the Practical Steps Needed for the Formation of a League. By the Research Committee of the League of Nations Union
19cm. ib. 1919. 21pp
WRD.41.325 Deutschlands Zukunft bei einem Güten ünd bei einem Schlecten Frieden
19cm. München. 1917. 48pp
WRD.41.326 El Convenio de la Liga de las Naciones
19cm. Santiago de Chile. 1920. 134pp
WRD.41.327 Talbot, E.J., Bishop of Winchester, The Spiritual Sanctions of a League of Nations
19cm. Oxford. 1919. 11pp
WRD.41.328 Wilkinson, Spenser, British Aspects of War and Peace
18cm. London. [1920]. 64pp
WRD.41.329 Pollock, Sir. F., The League of Nations and the Coming Rule of Law
19cm. London. 1918. 15pp
WRD.41.330 Karácsonyi, John de., The Formation of the Nationalities in Hungary
20cm. Berne. 1919. 20pp
WRD.41.331 Taleki, Professor Doctor Count Paul, The Ethnographical Composition of Hungary
20cm. Berne. 1919. 8pp
WRD.41.332 The Partition of Hungary
20cm. ib. 1919. 8pp
WRD.41.333 Rækkebo, A.J., De Krigförandes Fredsorustningar
20cm. Stockholm. 1917. 39pp
WRD.41.334 Forsyth, P.T., Grundlaget for en Verdens-Fristat
20cm. København. 1918. 27pp
WRD.41.335 Fisher, Victor, Italy and the Yugo-Slavs: A Dangerous Problem
19cm. London. [19-]
WRD.41.336 Suggestions for League Speakers: Speech Material for League of Nations Addresses
18cm. New York. 1919. 72pp
WRD.41.337 Ententens Krigsmål. De Allierades Svar På President Wilsons Frednot. Bemyndigåd Översättning.
19cm. Stockholm. [1917]. 20pp
WRD.41.338 Grey, Viscount of Fallodon, The League of Nations
17cm. London. [1918]. 15pp
WRD.4031-8 International Conciliation. Published monthly by the American Association for International Conciliation.
Nos 83-90.
19cm. New York. 1914-19
1No. 83, October 1914 (125pp)
2No. 84, November 1914 (62pp)
3No. 85, December 1914
4No. 86, January 1915 (54pp)
5No. 87, February 1915 (94pp)
6No. 88, March 1915 (172pp)
7No. 89, April 1915 (92pp)
8No. 90, May 1915 (38pp)
WRE.2.305 War – Guilt? 60 Testimonials from the Entente
15cm. Berlin. 1922. 34pp
WRE.41.301 Grey, Viscount, Der Bund der Völker
13cm. n.p. 1918. 12pp