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SERIES ONE: European War, 1914-1919, The War Reserve Collection (WRA-WRE) from Cambridge University Library

Part 5: The Royal Army Medical Corps, Red Cross and other Ancillary Series

Part 6: The War at Sea and the War in the Air


An Explanation of the War Reserve Collection (WRA-WRE), Card Catalogue and Manuscript Listings

The Cambridge War Reserve Collection (WRA-WRE) is a large collection of ephemeral, manuscript and printed sources relating to the First World War.  The way in which the collection was formed and the character of its contents are described in the Introduction by Dr J M Winter.

The main body of the material is organised in two ways.

First by size, categorised as:

WRA - 24-47 cm or larger in height

WRB - 24-31 cm in height

WRC - 21-24 cm in height

WRD - 17-21 cm in height

WRE - 10-16 cm in height

Secondly, by subject code number:

1.Parliamentary Papers, Diplomatic Correspondence, & Official Documents (we propose to omit all widely available sections - such as Official Papers - where appropriate)

2.Political and Historical Literature (including general histories, causes, origins) (we propose to omit all widely available section where appropriate)

Military Operations

12. Naval Operations

13. Aerial Operations

14. RAMC, Red Cross work.  YMCA.  Auxiliary Services

15. German Occupation.  Deportations

16. Prisoners.  Atrocities

17. Personal narratives & reminiscences

18. Regimental records

19. Pictures, illustrations

30. Economics. 

31. Finance.  Socialism

33. Russian Affairs.  Bolshevism

34. Pacifist Literature

35a. Propaganda (Allies)

35b. Propaganda (Germany)

36. Sermons.  Charities.  Religion.  Benevolent Societies

40. Social Life.  Sport & Amusements

41. Peace.  League of Nations

42. Literature

44. Rolls of Honour.  Memorial Volumes

45. Reconstruction

46. Miscellaneous


Books, periodicals and pamphlets are given three figure item numbers as follows:

Books and Pamphlets

Bound books with printed slips in the General Catalogue:  1-

Unbound books with printed slips in the General Catalogue:101-

Bound books listed only in the Card Catalogue:201-

Unbound books listed only in the Card Catalogue:301-

Continuation of Bound books with printed slips in the General Catalogue where 1- fills up:401-

Continuation of Bound books with printed slips in the General Catalogue where 1- and 401- fills up:1001-

For example:


This is an unbound item listed only in the Card Catalogue.


Bound periodicals with printed slips in the General Catalogue:101-

Unbound periodicals with printed slips in the General Catalogue:201-

Bound periodicals listed only in the Card Catalogue:301-

Unbound periodicals listed only in the Card Catalogue:401-

Posters are given the WRP. ‘P’ for Posters

Newspapers are given the coding WRN. ‘N’ for Newspapers.



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