(Public Record Office Class FO 371 and FCO 21)
Part 4: Complete Files for 1952 (PRO Class FO 371/99229-99387)
Contents of Reels
FO 371/99229:
Annual report on China for 1951 (1952)
FO 371/99230:
Periodical political summaries, December 1951 to December 1952 (1952)
FO 371/99231:
Chinese Nationalist preparations in Formosa for an attack on the mainland; US statements supporting Nationalist harassment of mainland; Communist war preparations; Churchill's warning to Chiang Kai-Shek against interfering in Chinese continental affairs; Nationalist raids (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99232:
Chinese Nationalist preparations in Formosa for an attack on the mainland; US statements supporting Nationalist harassment of mainland; Communist war preparations; Churchill's warning to Chiang Kai-Shek against interfering in Chinese continental affairs; Nationalist raids (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99233:
Political, social and economic developments in Communist China (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99234:
Political, social and economic developments in Communist China (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99235:
Political, social and economic developments in Communist China (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99236:
Political, social and economic developments in Communist China (1952) (Folder 4)
FO 371/99237:
Political, social and economic developments in Communist China (1952) (Folder 5)
FO 371/99238:
Political, social and economic developments in Communist China (1952)
FO 371/99239:
Formosa: situation reports, monthly summaries of events, political developments, speeches of President Chiang Kai-Shek, text of Kuomintang manifesto (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99240:
Formosa: situation reports, monthly summaries of events, political developments, speeches of President Chiang Kai-Shek, text of Kuomintang manifesto (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99241:
Formosa: situation reports, monthly summaries of events, political developments, speeches of President Chiang Kai-Shek, text of Kuomintang manifesto (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99242:
Reports based on surveys of the North East People's Daily newspaper; reports of encouragement of migration to the North East Province or North Manchuria (1952)
FO 371/99243:
Political situation in Hong Kong; reports of Communist and Nationalists activity; reports of kidnapping into Chinese territory from Hong Kong (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99244:
Political situation in Hong Kong; reports of Communist and Nationalists activity; reports of kidnapping into Chinese territory from Hong Kong (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99245:
Political situation in Hong Kong; reports of Communist and Nationalists activity; reports of kidnapping into Chinese territory from Hong Kong (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99246:
Political situation in Hong Kong; reports of Communist and Nationalists activity; reports of kidnapping into Chinese territory from Hong Kong (1952) (Folder 4)
FO 371/99247: Legal status of Port of Dairen; restoration of port for use of Soviet ships carrying supplies to Far East (1952)
FO 371/99248:
Alleged Russian domination in South West Chinese provinces of Sinkiang; reports on internal affairs of Sinkiang gleaned from eight surveys of Sinkiang Daily and speech by Sinkiang politician (1952)
FO 371/99249:
Information about leading Chinese Communist politicians, soldiers, and officials of the Central Government (1952)
FO 371/99250:
Motivation and direction of Chinese Communisms paper on deviations from the party line in the Chinese Communist Party; Communist proposal for an All-China People's Congress in 1953 (1952)
FO 371/99251:
Constitutional reform in Hong Kong; increase in number of elected members on the Urban Council from two to four (1952)
FO 371/99252:
Incidents between Portuguese and Chinese in Macao; Portuguese-Chinese negotiations resulting in settlement and modification of Chinese demands (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99253:
Incidents between Portuguese and Chinese in Macao; Portuguese-Chinese negotiations resulting in settlement and modification of Chinese demands (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99254:
Press report of increased prosperity in Inner Mongolia; transfer of capital from Kalgan to Kweisui (1952)
FO 371/99255:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99256:
Summaries of Chinese press and propaganda during 1952 (1952)
FO 371/99257:
China news commentaries, compiled by the Office of the Commissioner General for the UK in South East Asia, Singapore (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99258:
China news commentaries, compiled by the Office of the Commissioner General for the UK in South East Asia, Singapore (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99259:
Anglo-US differences in policy towards Nationalist China; Formosan Government's anxiety to improve relations with HMG; US hopes of overthrow of Communist regime in mainland China; military assessment of Nationalist Chinese capability of attacking Communist China (1952)
FO 371/99260:
Chinese reactions to recent statements of British foreign policy; brief on China for the Secretary of State at the NATO meeting in Lisbon; Chinese press comments on UK recognition of the People's Government of China; establishment of diplomatic relations between UK and China (1952)
FO 371/99261:
Extension of Korean War into China in the event of a breakdown in the truce talks; paper on probable political consequences of retaliatory action against China; HMG's views on a possible naval blockade of China (1952)
FO 371/99262:
HMG assertion of its adherence to the principles of the Nine-Power Treaty of 1922 on China as far as applicable to present conditions (1952)
FO 371/99263:
Chinese-Mongolia agreement on cultural and economic co-operation (1952)
FO 371/99264:
Text of Chou en Lai's statement on the Japanese Peace Treaty; Japanese attitude to Sino-Soviet discussions and to the concept of Nationalist Chinese sovereignty over the mainland of China (1952)
FO 371/99265:
Speeches and exchanges of messages on the Second Anniversary of the Soviet-Chinese Treaty; Soviet-Chinese talks in Moscow, Sept 1952; speculation on subjects and outcome of talks; Indian concern at this meeting (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99266:
Speeches and exchanges of messages on the Second Anniversary of the Soviet-Chinese Treaty; Soviet-Chinese talks in Moscow, September 1952; speculation on subjects and outcome of talks; Indian concern at this meeting (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99267:
Speeches and exchanges of messages on the Second Anniversary of the Soviet-Chinese Treaty; Soviet-Chinese talks in Moscow, September 1952; speculation on subjects and outcome of talks; Indian concern at this meeting (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99268:
US policy towards China; assessment of statements by prominent Americans to the press and on radio and television; US policy towards Formosa (1952)
FO 371/99269:
Exchange of visits between Burmese and Chinese delegations on cultural and agricultural matters (1952)
FO 371/99270: Political relations between China and India; statements by Mrs Pandit Nehru about her impressions of New China; Indian cultural mission to China (1952)
FO 371/99271:
Difficulties of British diplomatic representation in China; Anglo-Chinese political relations; HMG enquiry into desirability and ways of intensifying measures to deter the Chinese from further aggression (1952)
FO 371/99272:
Firing on British merchant ships; exchange of fire between Chinese Communist shore batteries and HMS Mountsbay and Consort (1952)
FO 371/99273:
Unofficial contacts between UK and China including visits by British scientists; various accounts of life in China as seen by the visitors; questions raised about British subjects imprisoned in China (1952)
FO 371/99274:
British relations with Nationalist China (1952)
FO 371/99275:
Tension on the Hong Kong border with China; discretion given to Hong Kong police to return fire of Chinese where safety of Hong Kong inhabitants is concerned (1952)
FO 371/99276:
Chinese accession to Protocol to the UN Prohibition of Use in War of Gas and Bacteriological Methods; question of right of Communist Chinese Government to ratify Geneva Convention and other instruments (1952)
FO 371/99277:
Status of the Chinese Offshore Islands (1952)
FO 371/99278:
Monthly economic reports on China from the British Consul (Commercial) at Shanghai (1952)
FO 371/99279:
Report on economic and social progress in East China during 1951 (1952)
FO 371/99280:
Elimination of private enterprise in China, particularly in the municipal sector (1952)
FO 371/99281:
Campaign of austerity in Chinese economic activity; inauguration of the Tientsin Investment Company; report of economic expansion in North West China; efforts to expand heavy industry; compensation of low capital by plentiful cheap labour (1952)
FO 371/99282:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99283:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99284:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99285:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 4)
FO 371/99286:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 5)
FO 371/99287:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 6)
FO 371/99288:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 7)
FO 371/99289:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 8)
FO 371/99290:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 9)
FO 371/99291:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 10)
FO 371/99292:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 11)
FO 371/99293:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 12)
FO 371/99294:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 13)
FO 371/99295:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 14)
FO 371/99296:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 15)
FO 371/99297:
British business interests in China (1952) (Folder 16)
FO 371/99298:
Economic reports for Formosa in 1952; British business firms in Formosa; claim by Taiwan Electric Power Company against Babcock and Wilcox Ltd (1952)
FO 371/99299:
American business interests in China; difficulties encountered by foreign firms in China; interests of British banks in China (1952)
FO 371/99300:
Growth of industry in North East China; growth of the Co-operative Movement; labour unions in North East China; industrial output in East China; new power station at Fuhsin in South West Manchuria (1952)
FO 371/99301:
Economic report on Hong Kong for March 1952 (1952)
FO 371/99302:
Reports on the Shanghai Water Works Company Ltd and the Shanghai Electric Construction Company for 1951 (1952)
FO 371/99303:
Anglo-Chinese Chamber of Commerce: discussions on its future; China's expression of willingness to trade with the UK, through the China National Import-Export Corporation (1952)
FO 371/99304:
Difficulties of British banks in China due to freezing of their dollar assets; proposed closure of British banks; approach to USA to obtain release of frozen dollars (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99305:
Difficulties of British banks in China due to freezing of their dollar assets; proposed closure of British banks; approach to USA to obtain release of frozen dollars (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99306:
Difficulties of British banks in China due to freezing of their dollar assets; proposed closure of British banks; approach to USA to obtain release of frozen dollars (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99307A:
Report on the budget of the Central and Provincial Governments of Formosa for the years 1952 and 1953 (1952)
FO 371/99307B:
Chinese Government Purchasing Commission: liquidation (1952)
FO 371/99308:
Restriction on movement of currency, cheques, bonds, gold, silver and merchandise by post into or out of China; restrictions on credit offered by Chinese banks in Hong Kong; control measures on foreign currencies held by foreign diplomats; lowering of interest rates of Chinese banks (1952)
FO 371/99309:
Confirmation that silver coin and bullion belonging to China had been recovered after being kept in a Tientsin bank under seal since 1940 (1952)
FO 371/99310:
Effect of control of strategic exports to China; reports of smuggling from Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore and Borneo into China; proposals to modify controls on exports to Formosa (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99311:
Effect of control of strategic exports to China; reports of smuggling from Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore and Borneo into China; proposals to modify controls on exports to Formosa (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99312:
Effect of control of strategic exports to China; reports of smuggling from Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore and Borneo into China; proposals to modify controls on exports to Formosa (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99313:
Opening of Chinese foreign trade channels; trade in British ships; Anglo-Chinese agreement on rice and cotton trade; establishment of the 'China Committee for Promotion of International Trade' (1952)
FO 371/99314:
Nationalist Chinese proposal to set up a small trade agency in Singapore (1952)
FO 371/99315:
Trade between China and Japan (1952)
FO 371/99316:
Sino-Soviet talks in Moscow, November 1952, about problems of trade for 1953 (1952)
FO 371/99317:
Swiss doubts about future trade with China (1952)
FO 371/99318:
Increase in Anglo-Chinese trade as a result of agreements reached between the Chinese and British Trade Delegations attending the International Economic Conference in Moscow; problems of exporting to China (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99319:
Increase in Anglo-Chinese trade as a result of agreements reached between the Chinese and British Trade Delegations attending the International Economic Conference in Moscow; problems of exporting to China (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99320:
Increase in Anglo-Chinese trade as a result of agreements reached between the Chinese and British Trade Delegations attending the International Economic Conference in Moscow; problems of exporting to China (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99321:
Increase in Anglo-Chinese trade as a result of agreements reached between the Chinese and British Trade Delegations attending the International Economic Conference in Moscow; problems of exporting to China (1952) (Folder 4)
FO 371/99322:
Levying of Agriculture Tax on summer and autumn harvests; land and house tax on properties owned or rented by foreign diplomatic and consular missions; imposition of fines for delay in payment (1952)
FO 371/99323:
Details of strength and disposition of Chinese military and air forces, including field forces in the border areas (1952)
FO 371/99324:
American policy regarding Nationalist Chinese forces in Formosa; return of Chief of United States Military Assistance Advisory Group in Taiwan; General Chase to United States for consultations (1952)
FO 371/99325:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99326:
Detention and searching of merchant ships by the Nationalist Chinese Navy; insurance claims by shipowners against Nationalist Government, pursuit of claims by British Consulate, Tamsui; release of some vessels effected; proposals for arming British merchant ships (1952)
REEL 100
FO 371/99327:
Detention and searching of merchant ships by the Nationalist Chinese Navy; insurance claims by shipowners against Nationalist Government, pursuit of claims by British Consulate, Tamsui; release of some vessels effected; proposals for arming British merchant ships (1952)
FO 371/99328:
Detention and searching of merchant ships by the Nationalist Chinese Navy; insurance claims by shipowners against Nationalist Government, pursuit of claims by British Consulate, Tamsui; release of some vessels effected; proposals for arming British merchant ships (1952)
FO 371/99329:
Detention and searching of merchant ships by the Nationalist Chinese Navy; insurance claims by shipowners against Nationalist Government, pursuit of claims by British Consulate, Tamsui; release of some vessels effected; proposals for arming British merchant ships (1952)
FO 371/99330:
Development of Chinese agriculture; reactions of peasants towards the drive for producers' co-operatives; action against drought in North West China; report on food production and administration in Taiwan (1952)
FO 371/99331:
Cultivation of protective forests on the western border of North East China (1952)
FO 371/99332:
Land redistribution in Formosa (1952)
FO 371/99333:
Tea production in China (1952)
FO 371/99334:
Formosa tea market report no 2, following the close of the spring tea season, by United Exporters (1952)
REEL 101
FO 371/99335:
Chinese cotton industry and trade; good cotton harvest (1952)
FO 371/99336:
Formosan fishing industry (1952)
FO 371/99337:
Chinese railway operation and construction; preparations for expansion in 1953 (1952)
FO 371/99338:
Opening of various highways in China and over the borders, including the road to Lhasa, Tibet; whereabouts of the records of the Wuhu Road Improvement Society (1952)
FO 371/99339:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99340:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99341:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99342:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99343:
Notification of partial closure of the Yangtze River entrance; chart of the area (1952)
FO 371/99344:
Prevention of floods in the Middle Yangtze Kiang; flood diversion and irrigation scheme; operation of the 'People's Victory Canal' (1952)
FO 371/99345:
Confiscation and requisitioning of foreign property in China; particulars of cases where British individuals and firms have suffered from Chinese requisitioning; requisitioning of public utility companies in Shanghai (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99346:
Confiscation and requisitioning of foreign property in China; particulars of cases where British individuals and firms have suffered from Chinese requisitioning; requisitioning of public utility companies in Shanghai (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99347:
Protest at Chinese takeover of the Tientsin Country Club (1952)
FO 371/99348:
Chinese land reform programme; completion of reform in most of China (1952)
FO 371/99349:
Requisitioning of HMG property at Foochow and of French Embassy compound in Peking (1952)
FO 371/99350:
Chinese petroleum industry (1952)
FO 371/99351:
Coal industry in Formosa (1952)
FO 371/99352:
Completion of Hsinchu Power Plant, Formosa; visit to hydro-electric projects in the Turoku Gorge; article on the interconnected power system of the Taiwan Power Company (1952)
FO 371/99353:
Oil deposits in Formosa (1952)
FO 371/99354:
Mineral resource potential of Taiwan; report of Consul's visit to Tainan Salt Works (1952)
REEL 102
FO 371/99355:
Representations made to Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs by heads of foreign missions on behalf of US and other foreign and Commonwealth nationals in China; proposed statement to UN about treatment of foreigners; statistics of foreigners arrested and detained in China (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99356:
Representations made to Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs by heads of foreign missions on behalf of US and other foreign and Commonwealth nationals in China; proposed statement to UN about treatment of foreigners; statistics of foreigners arrested and detained in China (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99357:
Representations made to Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs by heads of foreign missions on behalf of US and other foreign and Commonwealth nationals in China; proposed statement to UN about treatment of foreigners; statistics of foreigners arrested and detained in China (1952) (Folder 3)
FO 371/99358:
epresentations made to Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs by heads of foreign missions on behalf of US and other foreign and Commonwealth nationals in China; proposed statement to UN about treatment of foreigners; statistics of foreigners arrested and detained in China (1952) (Folder 4)
FO 371/99359:
Refusal of Hong Kong and Malaya to allow entry to Nationalist Chinese Cheng Yen-fen; Hong Kong visa policy determined by anxiety about agitation caused by Chinese Nationalists (1952)
FO 371/99360:
Visits of Portuguese Minister for Overseas Affairs to Far East, US Commanding General of the Fleet, Franklin A Hart to Hong Kong; Ministry of Transport official Le Goy to Hong Kong; Australian Minister for the Philippines, Moore to Formosa; report of lavish entertainment of visitors to Peking (1952)
FO 371/99361:
Tientsin Municipal regulations establishing procuratorial informants paid only for information given to higher authority; new regulations for Chinese People's Court; request for information about HBM Supreme Court, formerly at Shanghai; reform of Chinese judiciary (1952)
FO 371/99362:
Communist newspapers in Hong Kong; use by New China News Agency (NCNA) of propaganda contravening the Hong Kong Control of Publications Ordinance; serious warning to NCNA on possible prosecution (1952)
FO 371/99363:
Appearance of a new daily newspaper in Peking called the People's Daily in place of the Hsin Min Pao (New People's Daily) (1952)
FO 371/99364:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
FO 371/99365:
Retained by Department under Section 3(4) (1952)
REEL 103
FO 371/99366:
Education in China; reorganisation of university training; creation of propaganda schools (1952)
FO 371/99367:
Failure of the 'Progressive Church' in China after one year; creation of a Chinese Islamic Association; Chinese Islamic Delegation's visit to Pakistan (1952)
FO 371/99368:
Chinese Moslem Association in Formosa (1952)
FO 371/99369:
Buddhism in China; founding of a Chinese Buddhist Association (1952)
FO 371/99370:
Future of the Lester Chinese Hospital in Shanghai and the International Hospital in Hankow; Chinese insistence on registration of land (1952)
REEL 104
FO 371/99371:
Chinese representation at the Olympic Games 1952: admission of Chinese Communists and withdrawal of the Nationalists (1952)
FO 371/99372:
Establishment of regional motorway in the People's Republic of China in an attempt to solve the problem of national minorities, particularly in South West China (1952)
FO 371/99373:
Disposal of refugees from China; maintenance of clearing offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong; proposed use of blank visas for removal of refugees from Hong Kong; aid to refugees in Hong Kong; problem of foreign refugees in Shanghai (1952) (Folder 1)
FO 371/99374:
Disposal of refugees from China; maintenance of clearing offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong; proposed use of blank visas for removal of refugees from Hong Kong; aid to refugees in Hong Kong; problem of foreign refugees in Shanghai (1952) (Folder 2)
FO 371/99375:
Disposal of refugees from China; maintenance of clearing offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong; proposed use of blank visas for removal of refugees from Hong Kong; aid to refugees in Hong Kong; problem of foreign refugees in Shanghai (1952) (Folder 3)
REEL 105
FO 371/99376:
Problems of overseas Chinese in South East Asia; complaints about treatment of overseas Chinese families in Kwangtung; Nationalist drive to win support of the overseas Chinese; conferences in Taipeh and Canton; study of China's population (1952)
FO 371/99377:
Parliamentary questions about duties of British Consul-General in Formosa and whether they justify continuation of the post (1952)
FO 371/99378:
Indian diplomatic representation in Peking (1952)
FO 371/99379:
Size of the US Consulate-General in Hong Kong: appointment of a Canadian representative in Hong Kong (1952)
FO 371/99380:
Labour Day celebrations in Peking 1 May 1952; details of delegations attending; celebration of Third Anniversary of Foundation of Chinese People's Republic on 1st October 1952 (1952)
FO 371/99381:
Chinese claims to territory on southern frontier with Burma (1952)
FO 371/99382:
Reform of Chinese script; campaign against illiteracy in China; difficulties due to lack of knowledge of the Chinese language (1952)
FO 371/99383:
Development of movement for democratic reform in factories and mines; wages in China; direction of labour; labour situation in Hong Kong; US Information Services official's appointment in Hong Kong, unemployment and trade unionism in China (1952)
FO 371/99384:
Development of a progressive labour insurance system in Formosa (1952)
FO 371/99385:
Withdrawal of Australian proposal to take over UK responsibilities in the New Hebrides; proposed partition of the territory (1952)
FO 371/99386:
Status of HM Consulate, Papecte, Tahiti (1952)
FO 371/99387:
Report on the Consul-General of Nationalist China, Doctor Yao at Papecte (1952)