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(Public Record Office Classes FO 371 and FCO 21)

Part 5: Complete Files for 1953 (PRO Class FO 371/105188-105355)

Contents of Reels

REEL 106

FO 371/105188

China: annual review for 1952

FO 371/105189

Summary of events, December 1952 to May 1953; change in form of reporting agreed with the Embassy in Peking

FO 371/105190

Extracts from Peking newspapers of August 1953 dealing with Chinese economic and educational progress

FO 371/105191

Internal political situation in China (Folder 1)

FO 371/105192

Internal political situation in China (Folder 2)

FO 371/105193

Internal political situation in China (Folder 3)

REEL 107

FO 371/105194

Internal political situation in China (Folder 4)

FO 371/105195

Internal political situation in China (Folder 5)

FO 371/10519

Reaction to change of US policy on neutralisation of Formosa; Chinese Nationalist activity against mainland China (Folder 1)

REEL 108

FO 371/105197

Reaction to change of US policy on neutralisation of Formosa; Chinese Nationalist activity against mainland China (Folder 2)

FO 371/105198

Reaction to change of US policy on neutralisation of Formosa; Chinese Nationalist activity against mainland China (Folder 3)

FO 371/105199

Retained by Department under Section 3(4)

FO 371/105200

Political situation in Formosa: summaries of events and situation reports from British Consulate, Tamsui (Folder 1)

FO 371/105201

Political situation in Formosa: summaries of events and situation reports from British Consulate, Tamsui (Folder 2)

FO 371/105202

Political situation in Formosa: summaries of events and situation reports from British Consulate, Tamsui (Folder 3)

REEL 109

FO 371/105203

Political situation in Formosa: summaries of events and situation reports from British Consulate, Tamsui (Folder 4)

FO 371/105204

Details of Chinese Communist leaders and holders of Communist Party posts (Missing; file lost by Foreign Office)

FO 371/105205

Communist reorganisation of State power in China following the Fourth Meeting of the First National Committee of the Political Consultative Council

FO 371/105206

Surveys of the Chinese North East press for the first three months of 1953

FO 371/105207

Account of the Communist attack on Changsha in 1930, requested by the French Embassy in London

FO 371/105208

Political and economic developments in Sinkiang

FO 371/105209

Ministerial changes in the Chinese Government

FO 371/105210

Summaries of Chinese press and propaganda, December 1952 to December 1953

FO 371/105211

HMG recognition of Communist China; Prime Minister's comment on the brief on the subject of admission of Red China to United Nations

FO 371/105212

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

FO 371/105213

Relations between Chinese Nationalists and those nations recognising them as the Government of China; US support for the Chiang Kai-shek regime in Formosa.

FO 371/105214

Speech by Permanent Representative of Nationalist China at the UN in January 1953

FO 371/105215

China News Commentary No. 66 about New China News Agency (NCNA) reports and comments on marriage reform, attitude to President Eisenhower's State of the Union speech and the Fourth Session of the Chinese National Committee

FO 371/105216

Future of Formosa

FO 371/105217

Political relations between China and Germany

FO 371/105218

Political relations between China and Japan

FO 371/105219

Political relations between China and Norway

REEL 110

FO 371/105220

Political relations between China and Soviet Union; Chinese reaction to the death of Stalin

FO 371/105221

US policy towards China

FO 371/105222

Entertainment of Polish State dance ensemble touring China, given by Premier Chou en Lai

FO 371/105223

Post and telecommunications agreement between China and Mongolia

FO 371/105224

Political relations between China and UK; visit of British delegation to Shanghai; conversations in London between Secretary of State and Chinese Charg d' Affaires; relations between HM embassies and Chinese representatives abroad (Folder 1)

FO 371/105225

Political relations between China and UK; visit of British delegation to Shanghai; conversations in London between Secretary of State and Chinese Charg d' Affaires; relations between HM embassies and Chinese representatives abroad (Folder 2)

FO 371/105226

Nationalist Chinese protests at alleged infringement of Chinese sovereignty by British ships and aircraft

FO 371/105227

Chinese support for meeting of Five Great Powers and call for a world peace pact

FO 371/105228

Summary of Chinese affairs in 1953; FO proposal to send to Peking occasional "round-ups" of affairs in the world scene

FO 371/105229

US policy with regard to Nationalist-held islands off the Chinese mainland coast

FO 371/105230

Air raid warning and blackout imposed over Tamsui

FO 371/105231

Alleged Chinese plan to invade South-East Asia

FO 371/105232

Economic reports on China, November 1952 to April 1953

REEL 111

FO 371/105233

Preparations for China's industrial development; measures to combat the shortage of food; statistics of the Chinese economy compiled August 1953; introduction of collective agreements to fulfil the five year plan 1953-1957 (Folder 1)

FO 371/105234

Preparations for China's industrial development; measures to combat the shortage of food; statistics of the Chinese economy compiled August 1953; introduction of collective agreements to fulfil the five year plan 1953-1957 (Folder 2)

FO 371/105235

Preparations for China's industrial development; measures to combat the shortage of food; statistics of the Chinese economy compiled August 1953; introduction of collective agreements to fulfil the five year plan 1953-1957 (Folder 3)

FO 371/105236

The co-operative system in China; press reports of Chinese Communist Party's role in North East Chinese industry and of construction of China's first mobile factory

FO 371/105237

Economic reports on Macau, October 1952 to June 1953

FO 371/105238

China Association: extracts from periodical bulletins showing details of UK trade with China and Hong Kong

FO 371/105239

Economic reports on Formosa to October 1953

FO 371/105240

Break-up of the China Insurance Company

FO 371/105241

Economic progress reports on Formosa

FO 371/105242

Economic situation in Macau

FO 371/105243

Chinese regulations on foreign currency; China's budget for 1953; effect of US Foreign Assets control on China's finances

FO 371/105244

Budget of the Central Government of Formosa for 1953

FO 371/105245

Foreign Office advice against giving permission to a Jamaican bank to credit a Formosan account with the proceeds of sale of drafts to the Chinese Consulate in 1949

FO 371/105246

Sale of foreign currency holdings to the Bank of China by HM Consulate, Shanghai

FO 371/105247

Losses by British subjects in respect of Chinese Municipal Debentures originally held by them

REEL 112

FO 371/105248A

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 1)

FO 371/105248B

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 2)

FO 371/105249

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 3)

FO 371/105250

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 4)

FO 371/105251

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 5)

REEL 113

FO 371/105252

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 6)

FO 371/105253

British trade with China; British shipping in the China trade (Folder 7)

FO 371/105254

China's foreign trade; development of China's export trade through Hong Kong; extent of US trade with China

FO 371/105255

US reaction to Hong Kong foreign trade involving Communist China

FO 371/105256

Trade between Macau and Hong Kong; Macau's trade directly with UK; implications of deneutralization of Formosa; introduction of new import controls in Macau

FO 371/105257

Proposed payments agreement between Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong

REEL 114

FO 371/105258

Protocols extending trade agreement between Japan and Communist China

FO 371/105259

Trade agreement between China and Soviet Union; Soviet aid to China

FO 371/105260

US trade with China; American efforts to recapture Chinese markets


Trade relations between China and UK (Folder 1)

FO 371/105262

Trade relations between China and UK (Folder 2)

REEL 115

FO 371/105263

Trade relations between China and UK (Folder 3)

FO 371/105264

Trade relations between China and UK (Folder 4)

FO 371/105265

Trade relations between China and UK (Folder 5)

FO 371/105266

Trade relations between China and UK (Folder 6)

FO 371/105267

British search for opportunities for export to Formosa; visit of UK Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, to Taiwan

FO 371/105268

Demands for taxes on HM consular property in Shanghai and Tientsin

FO 371/105269

Taxation in Formosa

FO 371/105270

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

FO 371/105271

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

FO 371/105272

Training of the Chinese Nationalist forces in Formosa; US military aid to Formosa

REEL 116

FO 371/105273

Troop movements in China; precautions against threat of Nationalist offensive

FO 371/105274

Leave facilities in Hong Kong for UN troops from Korea

FO 371/105275

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

FO 371/105276

Shooting down of a US aircraft by Chinese Communists

FO 371/105277

Chinese Communist Army dispositions: order of battle of the "People's Liberation Army"

FO 371/105278

Attack on a RN motor launch by a Chinese Communist armed craft off Hong Kong; attack on HMS Modeste by a Chinese shore battery;Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

FO 371/105279

Route of RAF flights between Singapore and Japan via Hong Kong; advice of flights to Taipei Air Control

FO 371/105280

Supply of US jet aircraft to the Chinese Nationalist Air Force

FO 371/105281

Search for an article by Minister of Geology, Lee Ssu-kuang, on atomic energy production in China; uranium development in Sinkiang

FO 371/105282

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 1)

FO 371/105283

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 2)

REEL 117

FO 371/105284

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 3)

FO 371/105285

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 4)

FO 371/105286

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 5)

REEL 118

FO 371/105287

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 6)

FO 371/105288

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 7)

FO 371/105289

Cases of Chinese Nationalist interference with British and other shipping (Folder 8)

REEL 119

FO 371/105290

Formosan territorial waters: restrictions on Japanese fishing vessels

FO 371/105291

Problems for Japanese fishermen created by Chinese Communists

FO 371/105292

Article in the Chinese Biological Journal accusing Western "Imperialists" of stealing Chinese plants

FO 371/105293

Developments in China's agriculture: report on production in the years 1949-1952 and observations on the 1953 harvest

FO 371/105294

Forest conditions in Taiwan, taken from an article in the September 1952 issue of "Chinese-American Economic Co-operation"

FO 371/105295

Sugar industry in Formosa

FO 371/105296

Grain production in China: government drive to increase production

FO 371/105297

Textile mills in China; government directive fixing price ratio between cotton and food grains

FO 371/105298

Chinese protest at seizure by the Hong Kong authorities of the fishing vessel Yu-Chiung; Court order releasing two trawlers to their owners

FO 371/105299

Fisheries of Taiwan: post-war recovery

FO 371/105300

Miscellaneous reports on transport improvements and problems in China

FO 371/105301

Use by Chinese Communists of British ships to carry goods to and from Chinese ports (Folder 1)

REEL 120

FO 371/105302

Use by Chinese Communists of British ships to carry goods to and from Chinese ports (Folder 2)

FO 371/105303

Interference with British shipping by Chinese Communists

FO 371/105304

Discrimination against foreign shipping in the freight agreement concluded between Formosa and Japan; alleged increase in the Formosa freight tax

FO 371/105305

Chinese Government projects for river control, water storage and irrigation

FO 371/105306

New arrangements for transmitting extracts from Hansard to Peking Embassy

FO 371/105307

Facilities for Queen's messengers and Chinese couriers

FO 371/105308

Requisitioning of part of British Embassy compound in Peking

FO 371/105309

Sino-Soviet Petroleum Company's activities in Sinkiang

FO 371/105310

Discovery of rich mineral deposits in North China; geological survey

FO 371/105311

Work of the Hill Murray Institute for the Blind in China

FO 371/105312

Foreigners, including Commonwealth and US citizens detained or in prison in China (Folder 1)

FO 371/105313

Foreigners, including Commonwealth and US citizens detained or in prison in China (Folder 2)

FO 371/105314

Case of seizure of three US citizens and the yacht Kert by Chinese Communists

FO 371/105315

Difficulties of British subjects in China

FO 371/105316

Applications from Chinese Nationalists for entry into Singapore and Hong Kong

REEL 121

FO 371/105317

Representations about delays in grant of exit permits to British subjects wishing to leave China

FO 371/105318

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs involvement in requests for visas for various non-Chinese Asian nationals to attend International Women's Congress in Copenhagen

FO 371/105319

Difficulties of Japanese living in Formosa and wishing to visit Hong Kong on business

FO 371/105320

Complaints about treatment of Philippine nationals by Hong Kong immigration authorities

FO 371/105321

arious proposals to visit China by British, Swedes, Businessmen, newspaper correspondents and trade unionists

FO 371/105322

Visits to Hong Kong by John Osborne of "Time Magazine" and by Joseph Yager, Deputy Head of Far East Research Division of the US State Department

FO 371/105323

Visit to Formosa by US General Mark Clark, Commander of UN Forces in Korea, accompanied by General Shoosmith, his British Deputy Chief of Staff

FO 371/105324

Cases of piracy in the South China Sea

FO 371/105325

Settlement of account between the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education and other Chinese cultural organisations

FO 371/105326

Retained by Department under Section 3 (4)

FO 371/105327

Daily News Releases of the New China News Agency covering fortnightly periods in March and May 1953

FO 371/105328

Titles of publications in Formosa; translation of an article in "Free China Review"; sample of the weekly bulletin called "Free China Information" published in London, dated 19 February 1953

FO 371/105329

Daily News Release of 14 January 1953; reports and articles by Mao Tse-Tung on military matters and plans for economic development of China; translation into Chinese of the works of Stalin

FO 371/105330

Retained by Department under Section 3(4)

FO 371/105331

Transfer of Soviet property in China to the Chinese

FO 371/105332

Disposal of money for the benefit of Formosa, involving repayment by HMG of a loan originally made in 1941

FO 371/105333

Reshaping of Chinese higher education; press extracts about educational reforms

FO 371/105334

Nationalist objections to foreign language students in Formosa but eventual agreement to admit two or three cadets from HM Colonial Service to Formosa as private students

REEL 122

FO 371/105335

Arrests and expulsions of Roman Catholic priests in China; persecution of Catholic missionaries; later relaxation of attitude towards the Roman Catholic Church

FO 371/105336

Extracts from China Missionary News Letters in last quarter of 1952

FO 371/105337

Action of provincial governments in China against so-called reactionary religious sects and organisations; formation of Chinese, Islamic and Chinese Buddhist Associations

FO 371/105338

Problems of evacuation of European refugees from China; proposed investigation of refugee problems by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (Folder 1)

FO 371/105339

Problems of evacuation of European refugees from China; proposed investigation of refugee problems by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (Folder 2)

FO 371/105340

Deportations of overseas Chinese from South East Asian countries; Kuomintang efforts to win support for Chiang Kai-Shek among the overseas Chinese, following the Conference in October 1952 in Formosa

REEL 123

FO 371/105341

Establishment of autonomous regions in the border area of China; statistics of national minorities; new Tibetan autonomous regional government

FO 371/105342

Increased coverage of the Chinese press in Formosa by recruitment in the British Consulate in Tamsui of an additional translator; Parliamentary Question about number of British consulates in mainland China and Formosa respectively

FO 371/105343

Status of the Political Adviser's Office in Hong Kong; proposed enlargement of the Trade Commission in Hong Kong

FO 371/105344

Changes in staff of Soviet Mission in China; replacement of Kuznetsov by Yudin as Soviet Ambassador after nine months

FO 371/105345

Movements of Chang Wen Tien, Chinese Ambassador to the Soviet Union

FO 371/105346

Foreign diplomatic appointments to Chinese Nationalist Government in Formosa; speech by US Ambassador Rankin on presentation of his credentials in Taipei

FO 371/105347

Chinese "control directives" relating to diplomatic staff in Peking

FO 371/105348

Recall of French Ambassador and most of his staff from Peking, January 1953

FO 371/105349

Countries whose interests in Peking are looked after by HMG

FO 371/105350

Coronation celebrations in the British Embassy Peking; message of congratulations from Chou en Lai to Prime Minster and his reply

FO 371/105351

Shanghai celebrations of Third Anniversary of founding of the People's Democratic Republic, 1st October 1952; May Day 1953 celebrations in Peking

FO 371/105352

Deportation from Hong Kong of fourteen members of the "Chinese Anti-Communist National Salvation Youth Corps"

FO 371/105353

Labour and wages conditions in China; labour insurance regulations; conditions of peasants; problem of unemployment

FO 371/105354

Labour situation in Hong Kong; visit of Richard L Deverall, Asian Representative of the Free Trade Union Committee of the American Federation of Labour

FO 371/105355

First National Statistics Conference, Peking, December 1952; report translated from the "People's Daily"

FO 371/110193

Miscellaneous correspondence concerning Chinese personalities

FO 371/110194

Annual Review for China for 1953




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