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(Public Record Office Class FO 371)

Part 1: Revolution in Cuba, 1959-1960
(PRO Classes FO 371/139396-139521, 148178-148345 & PREM 11/2622)

Contents of Reels

FO 371 Foreign Office: Political Departments; General Correspondence from 1906


Cuba - 1959

FO 371/139396 Annual Review for 1958
FO 371/139397 Retained by Department Under Section 3(4)
FO 371/139398 Internal political situation in Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/139399 Internal political situation in Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/139400 Internal political situation in Cuba (Folder 3)
FO 371/139401 Internal political situation in Cuba (Folder 4)
FO 371/139402 Internal political situation in Cuba (Folder 5)
FO 371/139403 Internal political situation in Cuba (Folder 6)
FO 371/139404 Movements of ex-President Batista of Cuba
FO 371/139405 Visits and tours made by staff of Her Majesty’s Embassy in Cuba
FO 371/139406 Difficulties in reporting current changes in Cuba
FO 371/139407 Communism in Cuba
FO 371/139408 Pamphlets distributed in Mexico against President Castro of Cuba
FO 371/139409 Foreign policy of Cuba
FO 371/139410 Political relations: Argentina
FO 371/139411 Political relations: Brazil
FO 371/139412 Political relations: Bulgaria
FO 371/139413 Political relations: Guatemala
FO 371/139414 Political relations: China
FO 371/139415 Political relations: UAR


FO 371/139416 Political relations: Japan
FO 371/139417 Political relations: Netherlands
FO 371/139418 Political relations: Peru
FO 371/139419 Political relations: Soviet Union
FO 371/139420 Political relations: Turkey
FO 371/139421 Political relations: US
FO 371/139422 Political relations: Uruguay
FO 371/139423 Political relations: Venezuela
FO 371/139424 Political relations: Sudan
FO 371/139425 Political relations: Indonesia
FO 371/139426 Political relations: Burma
FO 371/139427 Political relations: Yugoslavia
FO 371/139428 Political relations: Vietnam
FO 371/139429 Political relations: UK (Folder 1)
FO 371/139430 Political relations: UK (Folder 2)
FO 371/139431 Political relations: UK (Folder 3)
FO 371/139432 Political relations: UK (Folder 4)
FO 371/139433 Political relations: UK (Folder 5)
FO 371/139434 Suggested visit to United Kingdom by President Castro of Cuba
FO 371/139435 Political relations: Commonwealth countries
FO 371/139436 Interest shown by Cuba to sovereignty of Cay Sol Anguila Bay in Bahamas
FO 371/139437 Repatriation of British subject, normally resident in Chile, from Cuba to Bahamas
FO 371/139438 Economy of Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/139439 Economy of Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/139440 Economy of Cuba (Folder 3)
FO 371/139441 Economy of Cuba (Folder 4)
FO 371/139442 Economic development of Cuba
FO 371/139443 Effect of exchange and banking controls on budget of Cuba


FO 371/139444 Import controls of Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/139445 Import controls of Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/139446 Commercial relations: UAR
FO 371/139447 Commercial relations: FRG
FO 371/139448 Commercial relations: Japan
FO 371/139449 Commercial relations: Morocco
FO 371/139450 Commercial relations: Norway
FO 371/139451 Commercial relations: Peru
FO 371/139452 Commercial relations: Spain
FO 371/139453 Commercial relations: US
FO 371/139454 Trade agreement between Cuba and UK
FO 371/139455 Commercial relations: UK
FO 371/139456 Interests of British companies in trade with Cuba
FO 371/139457 Taxes in Cuba
FO 371/139458 Supply of military equipment to Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/139459 Supply of military equipment to Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/139460 Supply of military equipment to Cuba (Folder 3)
FO 371/139461 Supply of military equipment to Cuba (Folder 4)
FO 371/139462 Armed forces of Cuba
FO 371/139463 Strength of Revolutionary Army of Cuba
FO 371/139464 Alleged recruitment in FRG for invasion of Cuba by forces of ex-president Batista
FO 371/139465 Training for navy of Cuba


FO 371/139466 Ships for navy of Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/139467 Ships for navy of Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/139468 Visit to United Kingdom by naval mission from Cuba
FO 371/139469 Special RAF overflights of Cuba
FO 371/139470 Sales of military aircraft to Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/139471 Sales of military aircraft to Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/139472 Sales of military aircraft to Cuba (Folder 3)
FO 371/139473 Sales of military aircraft to Cuba (Folder 4)
FO 371/139474 Sales of military aircraft to Cuba (Folder 5)
FO 371/139475 Sales of military aircraft to Cuba (Folder 6)
FO 371/139476 Air force of Cuba
FO 371/139477 Rice cultivation in Cuba
FO 371/139478 Agrarian reform in Cuba
FO 371/139479 Supplies of sugar offered by the US to Cuba
FO 371/139480 Convention on Conservation of Shrimp between US and Cuba


FO 371/139481 Railways in Cuba
FO 371/139482 Supplies of Leyland buses from United Kingdom to Cuba
FO 371/139483 Civil aircraft for Cuba
FO 371/139484 Nationalisation of airlines of Cuba
FO 371/139485 Aircraft for survey work in Cuba
FO 371/139486 Shipping and flag discrimination in Cuba
FO 371/139487 United Kingdom interest in construction of shipyard in Cuba
FO 371/139488 Expropriation of British property in Cuba
FO 371/139489 Confiscation of property in Cuba
FO 371/139490 Oil resources of Cuba
FO 371/139491 Electricity in Cuba
FO 371/139492 Mining of minerals in Cuba
FO 371/139493 Community of Jews in Cuba
FO 371/139494 Deportations from Bahamas to Cuba
FO 371/139495 Attitude of Cuba towards granting political asylum
FO 371/139496 Cancellation of diplomatic and special passports issued by Government of President Batista of Cuba
FO 371/139497 Exit permits for citizens and foreigners leaving Cuba
FO 371/139498 Issue of visa for Jamaica to leader of revolutionary movement of Haiti, resident in Cuba
FO 371/139499 Visit of UK Federation of Master Builders to Cuba
FO 371/139500 Visit to UK of revolutionaries of Cuba
FO 371/139501 Visit of Jai Narain Singh to Cuba
FO 371/139502 Visit to UK of Director of National Institute for Agrarian Reform of Cuba
FO 371/139503 Visit of American Society of Travel Agents to Cuba
FO 371/139504 Visit to UK of Major Ernesto Guevara of Iria in Cuba
FO 371/139505 Visit to UK of Head and Vice President of Industrial Division of Bank for Agricultural Development of Cuba
FO 371/139506 Training of police of Cuba
FO 371/139507 Retained by Department under Section 3(4)
FO 371/139508 Obscene publications in Cuba
FO 371/139509 Press correspondents in Cuba
FO 371/139510 Press in Cuba
FO 371/139511 Rents, leased accommodation and undeveloped land in Cuba
FO 371/139512 Education in Cuba
FO 371/139513 Religion in Cuba
FO 371/139514 Remarks on events in Cuba by Cardinal Cushing of Boston
FO 371/139515 Reduction in sale prices of medicines in Cuba
FO 371/139516 Racial discrimination in Cuba
FO 371/139517 Diplomatic representation of UK in Cuba
FO 371/139518 Diplomatic representation of foreign countries in Cuba
FO 371/139519 Diplomatic representation of Cuba in foreign countries
FO 371/139520 Request for UK customs facilities at Southampton for diplomats from Cuba
FO 371/139521 Labour situation and trade unions in Cuba


Cuba - 1960

FO 371/148178 Annual review for 1959
FO 371/148179 Internal political situation (Folder 1)
FO 371/148180 Internal political situation (Folder 2)
FO 371/148181 Internal political situation (Folder 3)
FO 371/148182 Internal political situation (Folder 4)
FO 371/148183 Internal political situation (Folder 5)
FO 371/148184 Internal political situation (Folder 6)
FO 371/148185 Internal political situation (Folder 7)
FO 371/148186 Alleged attempts to overthrow Government


FO 371/148187 CLOSED
FO 371/148188 Appointments to Government
FO 371/148189 CLOSED
FO 371/148190 CLOSED
FO 371/148191 CLOSED
FO 371/148192 Organisation of women
FO 371/148193 CLOSED
FO 371/148194 Influence on countries of Latin America of Cuban revolution
FO 371/148195 Adjustments to HM Embassy's reporting
FO 371/148196 Foreign policy
FO 371/148197 Political relations: Eastern Europe
FO 371/148198 Political relations: Argentina
FO 371/148199 Political relations: Brazil
FO 371/148200 Political relations: Guatemala
FO 371/148201 Political relations: Chile
FO 371/148202 Political relations: China
FO 371/148203 Political relations: Columbia
FO 371/148204 Political relations: Czechoslovakia
FO 371/148205 Political relations: UAR
FO 371/148206 Political relations: FRG
FO 371/148207 Political relations: Mexico
FO 371/148208 Political relations: Morocco
FO 371/148209 Political relations: Paraguay
FO 371/148210 Political relations: Romania
FO 371/148211 Political relations: Soviet Union
FO 371/148212 Political relations: Spain
FO 371/148213 Political relations: US (Folder 1)
FO 371/148214 Political relations: US (Folder 2)
FO 371/148215 Political relations: US (Folder 3)
FO 371/148216 Political relations: US (Folder 4)
FO 371/148217 Political relations: US (Folder 5)


FO 371/148218 Political relations: US (Folder 6)
FO 371/148219 Political relations: US (Folder 7)
FO 371/148220 Political relations: US (Folder 8)
FO 371/148221 Political relations: Venezuela
FO 371/148222 Political relations: Ecuador
FO 371/148223 Political relations: Poland
FO 371/148224 Political relations: Indonesia
FO 371/148225 Political relations: Algeria
FO 371/148226 Political relations: Nicaragua
FO 371/148227 Political relations: Yugoslavia
FO 371/148228 Political relations: Iraq
FO 371/148229 Political relations: UK (Folder 1)
FO 371/148230 Political relations: UK - salient points (Folder 2)
FO 371/148231 Political relations: Commonwealth countries
FO 371/148232 Political relations: West Indies
FO 371/148233 Claim to sovereignty over Cay Sal islands (Folder 1)
FO 371/148234 Claim to sovereignty over Cay Sal islands (Folder 2)
FO 371/148235 Military expeditions against countries in Latin America
FO 371/148236 Economy
FO 371/148237 Industrial development
FO 371/148238 Currency and banking
FO 371/148239 Financial situation
FO 371/148240 Controls of imports and exports (Folder 1)
FO 371/148241 Controls of imports and exports (Folder 2)


FO 371/148242 Controls of imports and exports (Folder 3)
FO 371/148243 Controls of imports and exports (Folder 4)
FO 371/148244 Foreign trade
FO 371/148245 Commercial relations: China
FO 371/148246 Commercial relations: Czechoslovakia
FO 371/148247 Commercial relations: UAR
FO 371/148248 Commercial relations: FRG and GDR
FO 371/148249 Commercial relations: Japan
FO 371/148250 Commercial relations: Romania
FO 371/148251 Commercial relations: Soviet Union
FO 371/148252 Commercial relations: Spain
FO 371/148253 Commercial relations: Sweden
FO 371/148254 Commercial relations: US
FO 371/148255 Commercial relations: Uruguay
FO 371/148256 Commercial relations: Poland
FO 371/148257 Commercial relations: Yugoslavia
FO 371/148258 Commercial relations: Iraq
FO 371/148259 Commercial relations: UK trade agreement
FO 371/148260 Commercial relations: UK (Folder 1)
FO 371/148261 Commercial relations: UK (Folder 2)
FO 371/148262 Commercial relations: UK (Folder 3)
FO 371/148263 Commercial relations: Commercial visits to UK
FO 371/148264 Commercial relations: Effects of US trade embargoes on trade with UK


FO 371/148265 Commercial relations: Commonwealth countries
FO 371/148266 Taxation
FO 371/148267 Sale of arms (Folder 1)
FO 371/148268 Sale of arms (Folder 2)
FO 371/148269 Embargo on sale of arms
FO 371/148270 US naval bases
FO 371/148271 Naval bases of Soviet Union in Cuba
FO 371/148272 Army
FO 371/148273 Army of Cuba
FO 371/148274 Naval co-operation with US and UK
FO 371/148275 Sale of naval vessels and equipment
FO 371/148276 Navy
FO 371/148277 Sale of military aircraft (Folder 1)
FO 371/148278 Sale of military aircraft (Folder 2)
FO 371/148279 Overflying by RAF aircraft
FO 371/148280 Air force training
FO 371/148281 Agriculture
FO 371/148282 Sugar
FO 371/148283 Railways
FO 371/148284 Civil aviation
FO 371/148285 Flag discrimination and shipping policy
FO 371/148286 UK interest in construction of shipyard
FO 371/148287 Shipping


FO 371/148288 Treatment of press by President Fidel Castro
FO 371/148289 Expropriation of property owned by British subjects
FO 371/148290 Expropriation of property owned by US nationals
FO 371/148291 Expropriation of property
FO 371/148292 Claims against Government
FO 371/148293 Oil (Folder 1)
FO 371/148294 Oil (Folder 2)
FO 371/148295 Oil (Folder 3)
FO 371/148296 Oil (Folder 4)
FO 371/148297 Oil (Folder 5)
FO 371/148298 Oil (Folder 6)
FO 371/148299 Oil (Folder 7)
FO 371/148300 Oil (Folder 8)


FO 371/148301 Oil (Folder 9)
FO 371/148302 Oil (Folder 10)
FO 371/148303 Oil (Folder 11)
FO 371/148304 Oil (Folder 12)
FO 371/148305 Oil (Folder 13)
FO 371/148306 Treatment of Jews
FO 371/148307 Attitude towards granting of political asylum
FO 371/148308 Visit to Cuba of Brigadier F J C Pigott, Deputy Director of Military Intelligence, UK
FO 371/148309 Visit to Cuba of Abd'ol Kader Chanderli, representative of Liberation Movement of Algeria (FLN)
FO 371/148310 Visit to Cuba by Dr Jagan, Minister of Trade and Industry, British Guyana
FO 371/148311 Tours of Latin America by President Dorticos
FO 371/148312 Visit of president Sukarno of Indonesia
FO 371/148313 Tourism
FO 371/148314 Visit of mission of Government of Cuba to Europe and UAR
FO 371/148315 Regulations governing travel
FO 371/148316 Visit of Mr Jack White of Irish Times
FO 371/148317 Visit to Cuba of academics from Romania and Czechoslovakia
FO 371/148318 Visits to Soviet Union and China
FO 371/148319 Visit of Dr Alan Glyn, MP
FO 371/148320 Arrest and detention of UK correspondents
FO 371/148321 Publications in Cuba
FO 371/148322 Visits of journalists
FO 371/148323 Propaganda of Cuba
FO 371/148324 Security and intelligence organisations
FO 371/148325 Law on urban reform
FO 371/148326 University students
FO 371/148327 Construction of schools
FO 371/148328 Religion of Cuba
FO 371/148329 Tour of Europe and China by health delegation headed by Minister of Health
FO 371/148330 Emigration to Australia and New Zealand


FO 371/148331 Emigration to US
FO 371/148332 Wedding of President's sister
FO 371/148333 Exhibition of Soviet industry, art and culture
FO 371/148334 UK diplomatic representation
FO 371/148335 Diplomatic representation of foreign countries in Cuba
FO 371/148336 Diplomatic representation of Cuba in foreign countries (Folder 1)
FO 371/148337 Diplomatic representation of Cuba in foreign countries (Folder 2)
FO 371/148338 Diplomatic representation of Cuba in foreign countries (Folder 3)
FO 371/148339 Appointments of service attachés to Cuba and Cuban service attachés in foreign countries
FO 371/148340 May Day celebrations
FO 371/148341 Boy Scout movement
FO 371/148342 Labour situation and trade unions
FO 371/148343 Visit to Eastern Europe by delegation from Confederation of Labour
FO 371/148344 Communism in Cuba
FO 371/148345 UN discussions on Cuba

PREM 11 Prime Minister’s Office: Correspondence and Papers, 1951-1964

PREM 11/2622 Proposed Supply of arms and aircraft to Cuba 1959



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