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(Public Record Office Class FO 371)

Part 3: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
(PRO Classes FO371/162308-162436, 168135 & PREM 11/3689-3691)

Contents of Reels


FO 371 Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence

Cuba - 1962

FO 371/162308 Annual Review for 1961
FO 371/162309 Periodic reports from HM Consul, Santiago de Cuba
FO 371/162310 Internal political situation (Folder 1)
FO 371/162311 Internal political situation (Folder 2)
FO 371/162312 Internal political situation (Folder 3)
FO 371/162313 Internal political situation (Folder 4)


FO 371/162314 Internal political situation (Folder 5)
FO 371/162315 Internal political situation (Folder 6)
FO 371/162316 Internal political situation (Folder 7)


FO 371/162317 Activities of anti-Castro exiles (Folder 1)
FO 371/162318 Activities of anti-Castro exiles (Folder 2)
FO 371/162319 Visits and tours by Embassy staff
FO 371/162320 Communism
FO 371/162321 Treatment of prisoners in Cuban gaols (Folder 1)
FO 371/162322 Treatment of prisoners in Cuban gaols (Folder 2)
FO 371/162323 Activities of counter-revolutionaries in Cuba


FO 371/162324 Foreign policy (Folder 1)
FO 371/162325 Foreign policy (Folder 2)
FO 371/162326 Political relations between Cuba and NATO
FO 371/162327 Political relations between Cuba and Argentina
FO 371/162328 Political relations between Cuba and Bolivia
FO 371/162329 Political relations between Cuba and Brazil
FO 371/162330 Political relations between Cuba and Chile
FO 371/162331 Political relations between Cuba and China
FO 371/162332 Political relations between Cuba and Columbia
FO 371/162333 Political relations between Cuba and Czechoslovakia
FO 371/162334 Political relations between Cuba and Mexico
FO 371/162335 Political relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union
FO 371/162336 Political relations between Cuba and the United States (Folder 1)
FO 371/162337 Political relations between Cuba and the United States (Folder 2)


FO 371/162338 Political relations between Cuba and the United States (Folder 3)
FO 371/162339 Political relations between Cuba and the United States (Folder 4)
FO 371/162340 Political relations between Cuba and the United States (Folder 5)
FO 371/162341 Political relations between Cuba and Uruguay
FO 371/162342 Political relations between Cuba and Venezuela
FO 371/162343 Political relations between Cuba and Ecuador
FO 371/162344 Political relations between Cuba and Poland
FO 371/162345 Political relations between Cuba and Algeria
FO 371/162346 Political relations between Cuba and Cambodia
FO 371/162347 Political relations between Cuba and the United Kingdom
FO 371/162348 Economic Reports


FO 371/162349 Economic Situation
FO 371/162350 Technical Assistance; Visit of hydrological experts from the Soviet Union
FO 371/162351 Coinage system in Cuba
FO 371/162352 Budget
FO 371/162353 Foreign Trade (Folder 1)
FO 371/162354 Foreign Trade (Folder 2)
FO 371/162355 Foreign Trade (Folder 3)
FO 371/162356 Foreign Trade (Folder 4)


FO 371/162357 Foreign Trade (Folder 5)
FO 371/162358 Foreign Trade (Folder 6)
FO 371/162359 Foreign Trade (Folder 7)
FO 371/162360 Foreign Trade (Folder 8)
FO 371/162361 Commercial relations with China
FO 371/162362 Commercial relations with Czechoslovakia
FO 371/162363 Commercial relations with Romania
FO 371/162364 Commercial relations with the Soviet Union
FO 371/162365 Commercial relations with the United States
FO 371/162366 Commercial relations with Cambodia
FO 371/162367 Commercial relations with the United Kingdom (Folder 1)


FO 371/162368 Commercial relations with the United Kingdom (Folder 2)
FO 371/162369 Commercial relations with the United Kingdom (Folder 3)
FO 371/162370 Commercial relations with Canada
FO 371/162371 Arms for Cuba
FO 371/162372 Soviet military aid to Cuba
FO 371/162373 Soviet aid to Cuba
FO 371/162374 Cuban armed forces


FO 371/162375 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 1)
FO 371/162376 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 2)
FO 371/162377 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 3)
FO 371/162378 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 4)
FO 371/162379 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 5)
FO 371/162380 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 6)
FO 371/162381 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 7)
FO 371/162382 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 8)


FO 371/162383 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 9)
FO 371/162384 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 10)
FO 371/162385 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 11)
FO 371/162386 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 12)
FO 371/162387 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 13)
FO 371/162388 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 14)
FO 371/162389 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 15)
FO 371/162390 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 16)
FO 371/162391 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 17)


FO 371/162392 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 18)
FO 371/162393 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 19)
FO 371/162394 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 20)
FO 371/162395 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 21)
FO 371/162396 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 22)
FO 371/162397 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 23)
FO 371/162398 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 24)
FO 371/162399 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 25)
FO 371/162400 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 26)


FO 371/162401 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 27)
FO 371/162402 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 28)
FO 371/162403 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 29)
FO 371/162404 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 30)
FO 371/162405 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 31)
FO 371/162406 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 32)
FO 371/162407 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 33)


FO 371/162408 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 34)
FO 371/162409 US Blockade of Cuba (Folder 35)
FO 371/162410 US Blockade - Public Relations (Folder 1)
FO 371/162411 US Blockade - Public Relations (Folder 2)
FO 371/162412 US Blockade - Public Relations (Folder 3)


FO 371/162413 Agrarian Reform
FO 371/162414 Sugar
FO 371/162415 Cotton
FO 371/162416 Civil Aviation
FO 371/162417 Censorship
FO 371/162418 British property in Cuba
FO 371/162419 Oil
FO 371/162420 Steel
FO 371/162421 Visit to Cuba by Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
FO 371/162422 Visit to Cuba by Lord Lambton
FO 371/162423 Visit to Cuba by Lord Boyd Orr and his wife
FO 371/162424 Visit to Soviet Union of Guevara and Aragones
FO 371/162425 Visit to Cuba of Mr R H Christin and his party
FO 371/162426 Cuban publications and journalism
FO 371/162427 Propaganda
FO 371/162428 Intelligence and Press information on Cuba
FO 371/162429 Education in Cuba
FO 371/162430 The Church in Cuba
FO 371/162431 Pan-American Health Organisation
FO 371/162432 Sport in Cuba
FO 371/162433 Cuban Foreign Service (Folder 1)
FO 371/162434 Cuban Foreign Service (Folder 2)
FO 371/162435 Celebrations in Cuba
FO 371/162436 Labour
FO 371/168135 Annual Review for 1962


PREM 11 Prime Minister’s Office: Correspondence and Papers, 1962

PREM 11/3689 Cuba, 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
PREM 11/3690 Cuba, 1962: UN Security Council discussions; detailed telephone conversations between Kennedy and Macmillan; US blockade of Cuba; Cold War

PREM 11/3691 Cuba, 1962: NATO; Cold War; Khrushchev; Turkey



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