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Series One: Embassy & Consular Archives - Japan (1905-1940)
(Public Record Office Class FO 262)

Part 3: Detailed Correspondence for 1924-1926 (PRO Class FO 262/1602-1672)


FO 262/1602: Accounts Volume 1. 1924. ff 1-328
FO 262/1603: Addresses to Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce Volume 2. 1924. ff 1-85

FO 262/1603 (continued): Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce (continued), Annual Report through to Subject File on Apples. Volume 2 (continued). 1924. ff 85-366
FO 262/1604: Subject Files on Archaeological Research through to Aviation. Volume 3. 1924. ff 1-404
FO 262/1605: Subject Files on Bailey, Major through to Budget. Volume 4. 1924. ff 1-216

FO 262/1606: Subject Files on Cables through to China, Loans. Volume 5. 1924. ff 1-372
FO 262/1607: Subject Files on China, Political and China, Wireless. Volume 6. 1924. ff 1-600

FO 262/1607 (continued): Subject File on China, Wireless (continued). Volume 6 (continued). 1924. ff 600-667
FO 262/1608: Subject Files on Chinese Eastern Railway through to Consular Leaves and Moves. Volume 7. 1924. ff 1-688

FO 262/1609: Subject Files on Consular Office Allowances through to Czechoslovakia. Volume 8. 1924. ff 1-398
FO 262/1610: Subject Files on Dairen Consulate through to Directories. Volume 9. 1924. ff 1-460

FO 262/1611: Subject Files on Disarmament through to Dyes. Volume 10. 1924. ff 1-436
FO 262/1612: Subject Files on Earthquake Casualties through to Earthquake, Yokohama. Volume 11. 1924. ff 1-387

FO 262/1612 (continued): Subject Files on Earthquake, Yokohama (continued). Volume 11 (continued). 1924. ff 387-412
FO 262/1613: Subject Files on the Economic Situation through to Exhibitions (New Zealand and South Seas International). Volume 12. 1924. ff 1-401
FO 262/1614: Subject Files on the Fabian society through to the Heath Case. Volume 13. 1924. ff 1-405

FO 262/1614 (continued): Subject Files on the Heath Case through to Humphrey, S G. Volume 13 (continued). 1924. ff 405-467
FO 262/1615: Subject Files on Immigration into Japan (Chinese) through to Insurance Companies. Volume 14. 1924. ff 1-357

FO 262/1615 (continued): Subject Files on Insurance Companies through to Isogai, MRL. Volume 14 (continued). 1924. ff 357-462
FO 262/1616: Subject Files on Japan Advertiser through to Kyoto. Volume 15. 1924. ff 1-451
FO 262/1617: Subject Files on Labour through to Life Certificates. Volume 16. 1924. ff 1-238

FO 262/1617 (continued): Subject Files on Lighting and Heating through to the London Conference and Luxury Tariffs. Volume 16 (continued). 1924. ff-239-540
FO 262/1618: Subject Files on MacBrien (General) through to Museums. Volume 17. 1924. ff 1-325

FO 262/1619: Subject Files on the Nagasaki Consulate through to Osborne House. Volume 18. 1924. ff 1-444
FO 262/1620: Subject Files on the Paracels Islands through to the Philippine Islands. Volume 19. 1924. ff 1-468

FO 262/1620 (continued): Subject Files on Population through to Publication. Volume 19 (continued). 1924. ff-469-536
FO 262/1621: Subject Files on Quarantine through to Russia and Japan. Volume 20. 1924. ff 1-508
FO 262/1622: Subject Files on the Safeguarding of Industries Act through to Shanghai Harbour. Volume 21. 1924. ff 1-230

FO 262/1622 (continued): Subject Files on Shimonoseki Consular Agency through to the Siebold Centenary. Volume 21 (continued). 1924. ff 231-370
FO 262/1623: Subject Files on Singapore through to Summer Time. Volume 22. 1924. ff 1-320
FO 262/1624: Subject Files on Tagore, Rabindranath through to United States and Japan. Volume 23. 1924. ff 1-356

FO 262/1624 (continued): Subject Files on United States and Japan through to Universities. Volume 23 (continued). 1924. ff 356-504
FO 262/1625: Subject Files on Visas through to Yokohama, Restoration of Foreign Interests. Volume 24. 1924. ff 1-400
FO 262/1626: Accounts. Volume 1. 1925. ff 1-319

FO 262/1627: Subject Files on Accountants, including the Annual Report, through to the Budget. Volume 2. 1925. ff 1-782
FO 262/1628: Subject Files on Cables, China through to Canada, Emigration to. Volume 3. 1925. ff 1-220

FO 262/1628 (continued): Subject Files on Celebrations through to China, Loans. Volume 3 (continued). 1925. ff 221-462
FO 262/1629: Subject Files on China, Political including Shanghai Incident and China Crisis. Volume. 1925. ff 1-578

FO 262/1629 (continued): Subject Files on China, Political. Volume 4 (continued). 1925. ff 578-644
FO 262/1630: Subject Files on China, Salt through to Commercial Missions, French. Volume 5. 1925. ff 1-677

FO 262/1630 (continued): Subject Files on Commercial Missions, French through to Communism. Volume 5 (continued). 1925. ff 677-794
FO 262/1631: Subject Files on Compensation (War Damages etc) through to Consular Service, Unsalaried. Volume 6. 1925. ff 1-499
FO 262/1632: Subject Files on Consular Sites, Sale of through to Consular Staff, Native, Seoul. Volume 7. 1925. ff 1-193

FO 262/1632 (continued): Subject Files on Consular Staff, Native Seoul through to Czechoslovakia. Volume 7 (continued). 1925. ff 193-468
FO 262/1633: Subject Files on Daita Bunka Kyokai through to Disease. Volume 8. 1925. ff 1-466

FO 262/1634: Subject Files on Drugs through to Dyes and Dyestuffs. Volume 9. 1925. ff 1-574
FO 262/1635: Subject Files on Earthquake Relief to Emigration, Japanese. Volume 10. 1925. ff 1-338

FO 262/1635 (continued): Subject Files on the Empire Community Settlement through to Explosives. Volume 10 (continued). 1925. ff 339-412
FO 262/1636: Subject Files on Finance through to Guatemala. Volume 11. 1925. ff 1-404

FO 262/1637 (continued): Subject Files on Housing, Consular through to Ireland. Volume 12 (continued). 1925. ff 212-611
FO 262/1638: Subject Files on Japan, Administration through to Korea. Volume 13. 1925. ff 1-347

FO 262/1638 (continued): Subject Files on Korea (continued). Volume 13 (continued). 1925. ff 347-443
FO 262/1639: Subject Files on Labour, China through to Museums. Volume 14. 1925. ff 1-598
FO 262/1640: Subject Files on Nationality through to Navy, Japanese. Volume 15. 1925. ff 1-89

FO 262/1640 (continued): Subject Files on Navy, Japanese through to the Overseas League. Volume 15 (continued). 1925. ff 89-286
FO 262/1641: Subject Files on Palestine through to Perpetual Leases. Volume 16. 1925. ff 1-527

FO 262/1641 (continued): Subject Files on Perpetual Leases through to Publications. Volume 16 (continued). 1925. ff 527-716
FO 262/1642: Subject Files on Quarantine through to Russia and Japan. Volume 17. 1925. ff 1-565

FO 262/1643: Subject Files on the Safeguarding of Industries through to the Shimoneseki Consulate. Volume 18. 1925. ff 1-300
FO 262/1644: Subject Files on Shipping through to Summer Time. Volume 19. 1925. ff 1-380
FO 262/1645: Subject Files on the Tamsui Consulate through to Telegrams. Volume 20. 1925. ff 1-72

FO 262/1645 (continued): Subject Files on Telegrams through to Typewriters. Volume 20 (continued). 1925. ff 72-664
FO 262/1646: Subject Files on United States and Japan through to Visits of the Fleet including full details of the Visit of HRH Prince George. Volume 21. 1925. ff 1-128

FO 262/1646 (continued): Subject Files on Visits of the Fleet through to the Vladivostok Consulate. Volume 21 (continued). 1925. ff 128-398
FO 262/1647: Subject Files on War Bonus through to the Yokohama Consulate-General. Volume 22. 1925. ff 1-511

FO 262/1648: Subject Files on Abyssinia through to Accounts, Yokohama. Volume 1. 1926. ff 1-333
FO 262/1649: Subject Files on Africa, South, Emigration to, including the Annual Report through to Aviation, General. Volume 2. 1926. ff 1-496

FO 262/1650: Subject Files on the Bank of Japan through to the Budget. Volume 3. 1926. ff 1-248
FO 262/1651: Subject Files on Cables, General through to Consular Corps. Volume 4. 1926. ff 1-386
FO 262/1652: Subject File on China, Political (Part 1).Volume 5. 1926. ff 1-143

FO 262/1652 (continued): Subject Files on China, Political (Part 1 continued). Volume 5 (continued). 1926. ff 143-446
FO 262/1653: Subject Files on China, Political (Part 2). Volume 6. 1926. ff 1-424

FO 262/1654: Subject File on China Tariff Conference (Part 1). Volume 7. 1926. ff 1-356
FO 262/1655: Subject File on China Tariff Conference (Part 2). Volume 8. 1926. ff 1-337

FO 262/1656: Subject Files on Consular Fees through to Consular Service, Japanese. Volume 9. 1926. ff 1-395
FO 262/1657: Subject Files on Consular Sites, Sale of, through to Court. Volume 10. 1926. ff 1-337

FO 262/1657 (continued): Subject Files on Court through to Customs Facilities. Volume 10 (continued). 1926. ff 337-462
FO 262/1658: Subject Files on the Dairen Consulate through to Dyes and Dyestuffs. Volume 11. 1926. ff 1-529
FO 262/1659: Subject File on Drugs. Volume 12. 1926. ff 1-108

FO 262/1659 (continued): Subject File on Drugs (continued). Volume 12 (continued). 1926. ff 108-569
FO 262/1660: Subject Files on Earthquakes through to Embassy Staff. Volume 13. 1926. ff 1-337

FO 262/1660 (continued): Subject Files on Embassy Staff through to Extradition. Volume 13 (continued). 1926. ff 337-494
FO 262/1661: Subject Files on Facilities through to Housing, Embassy Staff. Volume 14. 1926. ff 1-567

FO 262/1662: Subject Files on Identity Cards through to Italy and Japan. Volume 15. 1926. ff 1-599
FO 262/1663: Subject Files on Japan, anti-foreign feeling through to Japan, Political. Volume 16. 1926. ff 1-130

REEL 100
FO 262/1663 (continued): Subject Files on Japan, Political through to Korea. Volume 16 (continued) . 1926. ff 130-508
FO 262/1664: Subject Files on Labour, Japan through to Mariners, Notices to. Volume 17. 1926. ff 1-365

REEL 101
FO 262/1664 (continued): Subject Files on Marriage and Divorce through to Museums. Volume 17 (continued) . 1926. ff 366-572
FO 262/1665: Subject Files on the Nagasaki Consulate through to Otani, Count Kozu. Volume 18. 1926. ff 1-291
FO 262/1666: Subject Files on the Pacific Medical Conference through to the Pan Pacific Science Congress. Volume 19. 1926. ff 1-229

REEL 102
FO 262/1666 (continued): Subject Files on Parcel Post through to the PEN Club. Volume 19 (continued) . 1926. ff 230-577
FO 262/1667: Subject Files on Pensions through to Ports and Harbours. Volume 20. 1926. ff 1-358

REEL 103
FO 262/1667 (continued): Subject Files on Ports and Harbours through to Publications. Volume 20 (continued) . 1926. ff 358-584
FO 262/1668: Subject Files on Quarantine through to Russia and Japan. Volume 21. 1926. ff 1-579

REEL 104
FO 262/1668 (continued): Subject File on Russia and Japan (continued). Volume 21 (continued) . 1926. ff 579-618
FO 262/1669: Subject Files on Saghalien through to Summer Rent. Volume 22. 1926. ff 1-460
FO 262/1670: Subject Files on the Tamsui Consulate through to Tokyo Imperial University. Volume 22. 1926. ff 1-253

REEL 105
FO 262/1670 (continued): Subject Files on Tokyo Imperial University through to Treason. Volume 22 (continued) . 1926. ff 253-441
FO 262/1671: Subject Files on Treaties, Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty, including other Commercial Treaties and the Naval Limitation Treaty, through to Warships. Volume 24. 1926. ff 1-529

REEL 106
FO 262/1672: Subject Files on Weinglass, J M through to Yokahama, Reconstruction. Volume 25. 1926. ff 1-661



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