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Series Two: The Treaty of Rome and European Integration, 1957-1960

Part 1: Files for 1957

Detailed Listing


General Correspondence and Related Papers from Political and Other Departments, 1957

FO 371/128308 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

Record of conversation concerning Euratom with Monsieur Spaak and the Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and the President of the Board of Trade at 10 Downing  Street, 15 January, 1957.

Visit of the Euratom ‘Three Wise Men’ to the United Kingdom.

Trade in nuclear materials. Fourth Meeting of the Joint Working Party, 14 January, UK Delegation to OEEC.

FO 371/128309 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

Provisional programme for the visit to the UK of MM Armand, Etzel and Giordani.

Aide-Memoire from MM Armand, Etzel and Giordani to the Secretary of State and the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, 4 February.

New York Times, February 20, 1957, Atomic power feud divides the AEA.  Strauss backs FOP plan on private development – Murray bids US Act.

FO 371/128310 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy, Draft Statute of the Nuclear Energy Agency, 10th April.

Draft Summary of the Main Provisions of the Treaty Setting Up the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom).

Brief on ‘Civil Atomic Cooperation and Euratom’ for the Prime Minister’s Visit to Germany on 7 May.

FO 371/128311 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:

OEEC – Steering Committee on Nuclear Energy – Working Party on Public Health and Safety.

The Belgian attitude in Euratom. The UK delegation to the United Nations, New York, July 12th.

Visit to Canada of the three members of the Atomic Energy Committee of the Brussels Conference, 14-16 February.

FO 371/128312 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:

Free Trade in the Nuclear Field and the European Free Trade Area. Draft for a ministerial meeting in October. 

Privileges and immunities in OEEC joint undertakings in the field of Nuclear Energy, 1 August.


FO 371/128313 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy letter to W Wilson, UK delegation to OEEC, Paris, setting out 3 points arising from the Minutes of the first meeting of the Energy Committee, 8 October 1957.

Draft of paper on HMG’s legal powers to implement the OEEC convention on (Nuclear) Security Control.

Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy draft protocol relating to the tribunal set up by the convention of the establishment of a security control in the field of nuclear energy, 30 September 1957.

FO 371/128314 

Nuclear Energy, Euratom and The Three Wise Men of Euratom (Louis Armand, Franz Etzel and Francesco Giordani) (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:

Sir Hugh Ellis-Rees, UK delegation to OEEC re: the position on nuclear energy, mentioning the proposal that the Paymaster General should come to Paris to be present when important decisions to be taken, 20 November 1957.

Copy of letter from Inland Revenue to Mr F C How, AEO, enclosing table of comparison of net incomes after taxation in the various countries, 12 December 1957.

Request from UK delegation to OEEC in Paris to Foreign Office, London for full powers for Sir H Ellis-Rees to sign Convention on Security Control, and the Protocol on the Tribunal, 13 December 1957.

FO 371/128325 

Simplification of frontier formalities in EC member states (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

Recommendation 118, adopted by the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe on the conclusion of an agreement concerning reciprocal travel facilities for the war disabled when travelling abroad by railway, 31 January 1957.

Correspondence from J A Marriott, Leicester and ensuing discussions re: news report which stated, ‘Britain has refused to join a European enquiry into ways of cutting out red tape on foreign travel, March 1957.

FO 371/128326 

Simplification of frontier formalities in EC member states (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

Papers concerning the meetings of the Council of Europe Special Committee on Frontier Formalities at which Britain is not represented.  Mr Meade, Head of the Delegation in Strasbourg, is prepared to attend future meetings as an observer, August 1957.

Questionnaires and discussions re identity cards for travel purposes in OEEC countries.

FO 371/128328 

Strasbourg Plan concerning territorial territories, comprising files such as:

Strasbourg Plan – reactions of the Belgian, Irish, Turkish, Luxembourg, Netherlands & French delegates on Item 21 of Agenda for the meeting of Deputies.  Expert Study Group for the development of Africa, increased budget premium, January 1957.

Drafts of telegram to Strasbourg about the Expert Working Group on the development of Africa, and associated discussions.


FO 371/128331 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

European initiative, circular letter to all OEEC posts asking for copies of articles and information items relating to the signing of the Common Market and Euratom Treaties, January 1957.

European initiative, reports re: Japanese attitude to UK proposals for a Free Trade Area, December 1956 – February 1957.

FO 371/128332 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

Sir R Barclay, Copenhagen, notes for his speech to the British Import Union on the FTA, December 1957.

Copy of Savingram to the High Commissioner, Federation of Malaya, concerning the FTA, 14 December 1956.

FO 371/128333 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

Papers concerning the visit of M Spaak, Chairman of the Inter-Governmental Conference for the Common Market.

Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.  Working Party No. 17 of the Council.  Report to the Council on Methods of Association with the Common Market of the Six, December 1956.

FO 371/128334 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of letter from the Treasury to the British Embassy, Washington asking who will be the US representative at the forthcoming meeting of the OEEC Ministerial Council, and stressing the need to be fully briefed as to the US attitude towards the FTA, January 1957.

Translation of a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon of January 31, 1957, and copy of Aide Memoire about the Europe and Free Trade Area and Customs and Economic Union.


FO 371/128335 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:

Record of a conversation between Lord Harvey and Sir Cecil Weir who emphasised the importance of UK joining with Europe in a Common Market and Free Trade Area owing to the possibility of Germany taking our place, 7 February 1957.

Report on a visit to Athens on 1 & 2 February, 1957 when the Free Trade Area was discussed. Attached note states, ‘Mr Cahan told Sir Hugh [Ellis-Rees] that this report under-states the degree of resistance to the idea of a Free Trade Area which he encountered on his visit to Athens.’

FO 371/128336 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:

Draft minutes of the meeting of Heads of Delegates, held on 1 February 1957 in Brussels, to discuss the Common Market and Euratom.

Note for the record on the inclusion of overseas territories in the Free Trade Area, February 1957.

FO 371/128337 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:

Reports from Sir C Jebb, British Embassy, Paris to Secretary of State, Selwyn Lloyd, that ‘Eurafrica’ is to be first on the agenda of Franco-American talks, plus a memorandum on the present position of the Common Market and Euratom from a European perspective, 23 Feb 1957.

European Initiative: Press extracts from various countries, February 1957.

FO 371/128338 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:

Minutes  on the European Industrial Free Trade Area and the Six-Power Customs Union, February 1957.

Report of conversation with Andre de Staercke when the Free Trade Area and the Customs Union were discussed, with particular reference to overseas territories, February 1957.


FO 371/128339 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 9) comprising sub-files such as:

Discussions following the Russian statement on Euratom and the Common Market, March 1957.

Press extracts from a number of OEEC posts, March 1957.

FO 371/128340 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 10) comprising sub-files such as:

Japanese reaction to the Industrial Free Trade Area, together with an article in ‘British Opinion’, March 1957

Full record of the meeting of the Anglo-French Economic Committee at Quai d’Orsay, 20 March 1957.

FO 371/128341 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 11) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of the text of a talk on the Common Market and Euratom given by Baron Snoy to Belgian government officials, April 1957.

Note on the Konigswinter Conference concerning discussions on the Rome Treaty and the Free Trade Area, April 1957.

FO 371/128342 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 12) comprising sub-files such as:

Record of a conversation between P Gore-Booth and Wormser, of the French Foreign Ministry and head of the economic section of the Quai D’Orsay, about the attitude of the French representatives at the OEEC Working Parties on the Free Trade Area, April 1957.

Note from the Japanese ambassador addressed to the six  Messina Governments expressing Japanese disquiet lest the Common Market should result in the creation of a regional economic bloc, April 1957.


FO 371/128343 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 13) comprising sub-files such as:

Analysis of the Swiss outlook on the proposals for a European Industrial Free Trade Area, April 1957.

Draft brief and papers re the preparation for the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s meeting with Monsieur Faure on 6 May 1957 for European harmonisation, includes notes on, ‘Known or expected difficulties’.

FO 371/128344 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 14) comprising sub-files such as:

Visit by the Secretary of State for the Netherlands, M Van der Beughel to London to talk on the progress of negotiations on the Industrial Free Trade Area and its connection with Euromart.

Draft minutes of the meeting of the Comite Interimaire for the Common Market and Euratom, held at Brussels on 16 & 17 April 1957.

FO 371/128345 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 15) comprising sub-files such as:

Discussion with Portugal about Portuguese apprehensions concerning the Treaty of Rome, and about the Free Trade Area, May 1957.

Visit by the President of the Board of Trade, Sir David Eccles, to Lisbon to discuss the Free Trade Area with Dr Salazar, July 1957.

FO 371/128346 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 16) comprising sub-files such as:

Draft minutes of meeting at Brussels of the Comite Interimaire for the Common Market and Euratom, 15 May 1957.

Comments from the UK Permanent Delegation in Paris to the Foreign Office, London on the timetable for future negotiations for a Free Trade Area in ES (EI) (57) 143, 22 May 1957.


FO 371/128347 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 17) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of a minute for the Prime Minister concerning the course of the Free Trade Area negotiations in the past week, 28 May 1957.

Copies of two speeches to be given by the President of the Board of Trade on June 7 at the Paris Fair and the British Chamber of Commerce.

FO 371/128348 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 18) comprising sub-files such as:

Memorandum by the governments of Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands for submission to GATT, 29 May 1957.

Papers concerning a visit to Rome by the President of the Board of Trade, Sir David Eccles, including report of the meeting with the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Onorevole Pella, to discuss the proposed Free Trade Area, 12 June 1957

FO 371/128349 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 19) comprising sub-files such as:

Comments on the differences of income in the various  European economic structures and how this will affect the Common Market and Economic Equilibrium, 27 May 1957.

Meeting with Sir Gladwyn Jebb about the European Free Trade Area: others present included: Peter Thorneycroft, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Selwyn Lloyd, Foreign Secretary, Sir David Eccles, President of the Board of Trade, Nigel Birch, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and David Ormsby-Gore, Minister of State, Foreign Office, 15 July 1957.

FO 371/128350 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 20) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of a note on a meeting between F E Figgures (Treasury), Wormser, and Valery on 19 June 1957, when the general French difficulties were discussed.

Article published by Centre d’Action Euroéenne Fédéraliste (AEF) entitled L’Euratom et Au Marché Commun Européen concerning the conference held in Paris 15-17 March 1957.


FO 371/128351 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 21) comprising sub-files such as:

Reports on the Rome Treaties debate in the National Assembly, 6 & 7 July 1957.

List  of errors in the printed texts of the Treaties presented by the Netherlands delegation, June 1957.

Reports on the French ratification debate in the National Assembly of the Rome Treaties, 2 July 1957.

FO 371/128352 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 22) comprising sub-files such as:

Draft paper for transmission to UK Embassies in the six capitals on tariff aspects of the Free Trade Area negotiations, July 1957.

Papers relating to a meeting between the Secretary for State and the French Ambassador on 19 July 1957 about the Free Trade Area.

FO 371/128353 

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 23) comprising sub-files such as:

Papers prepared by J M Heath, Mutual Aid Department of the Foreign Office, on Portugal and the Free Trade Area for Sir David Eccle’s visit to Portugal, July 1957.

Memorandum concerning agriculture presented by the British Government in Brussels at the Comite Interimaire for the Common Market and Euratom, 8 July 1957.

FO 371/128354

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 24) comprising sub-files such as:

Report of some Swedish views on the prospects for a Nordic Customs Union in the light of Danish views on the proposed Free Trade Area and the European Economic Community, 22 July 1957.

Prime Minister’s personal Minute about appointment of Paymaster General to supervise future development of UK European FTA policy, 26 July 1957.


FO 371/128355

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 25) comprising sub-files such as:

Draft papers on the subject of voting in the Free Trade Area, including Probable Attitude of other OEEC Countries, and requesting amendments, August 1957.

Report on the implications for the Atlantic Alliance of possible changes in the structure of Economic Cooperation in Europe, August 1957.

FO 371/128356

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 26) comprising sub-files such as:

Report on possible United Kingdom inducements in the Free Trade Area negotiations, 16 August 1957.

BBC monitoring report that the Federal Press Service announced that the Danish attitude to the European Common Market and the Free Trade Area were discussed at Bonn between Danish Foreign Trade Minister, J O Krag and the Federal Ministers, Brentano, Erhard and Luebke, August 1957.

FO 371/128357

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 27) comprising sub-files such as:

Draft circular telegram concerning expected increased  tariffs on horticultural produce, and the dangers which will arise inside the Free Trade Area, September 1957.

Report by Sir William Palmer’s Working Party to the Federation of British Industries (FBI), Association of British Chambers of Commerce (ABCC), and National Union of Manufacturers (NUM) with regard to the European Free Trade Area, 22 August 1957.

FO 371/128358

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 28) comprising sub-files such as:

EEC & FTA ‘Twenty Items’ Note by the Treasury.  Items include: 1)Beef and veal; 2) Bacon; 3) Mutton & lamb; 4) Butter; 5) Cheese; 6) Eggs; 7) Barley; 8) Wheat; 9) Unrefined sugar; 10) Coffee; 11) Cocoa; 12) Fresh fish; 13) Apples & pears; 14) Tomatoes; 15) New potatoes; 16) Citrus fruit; 17) ;Chocolate, pastry & confectionary; 18) Spirits; 19) Manufactured tobacco; 20) Wine, 9 September 1957.

Draft minutes of the meeting of the Interim Committee for the Common Market and Euratom held at Brussels on July 22-24, 1957.


FO 371/128359

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 29) comprising sub-files such as:

Brief on the implications of including the following products in the Free Trade Area: human hair; pigs’ hogs’ and boars’ bristles or hair; badger hair and other brush making hair; horsehair; skins and other parts or birds, with their feathers or down; bones and horn cores; horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks of animals, etc.

FO 371/128360

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 30) comprising sub-files such as:

Submission covering a luncheon to be given on September 24 in honour of the Austrian delegation of the FTA.  Mr Maudling to take the chair.

Reports on a talk with M Schaus, Luxembourg Ambassador in Brussels, about the FTA and Mr Maudling’s appointment. 17 September 1957

FO 371/128361

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 31) comprising sub-files such as:

Draft reference papers on the EEC and the FTA for the use of information posts abroad.  Asks for comments.

Full text of a recent speech by Dr Schaffner, Head of the Division of Commerce in the Federal Department of Public Economy on Switzerland’s attitude to European economic integration. 27 September 1957

FO 371/128362

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 32) comprising sub-files such as:

First draft of the minutes on the meeting with Austrian officials on 23/24 September 1957 about the European Free Trade Area sent to McKean at the Treasury.

Copy of two notes on a conversation between C M Anderson, Foreign Office, London and M Max Kohnstamm in Luxembourg on the subject of the Common Market, FTA and Euratom. 2 October 1957


FO 371/128363

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 33) comprising sub-files such as:

Record of the talks between Mr Reginald Maudling and Italian ministers, Signor Pella and Signor Cattani, in Rome, 5 October 1957.

Full record of the conversations on the FTA which the Paymaster-General had with the Belgians during his recent visit to Brussels.  The text of the record was agreed with the Belgians. 11October 1957

FO 371/128364

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 34) comprising sub-files such as:

French attitude to the Free Trade Area, and how negotiations might be developed. ‘They said that public opinion in France was now almost solidly hostile to our proposals for a Free Trade Area.  This hostility was not shared by officials, and any French government which might be formed was likely to favour, on political grounds, the negotiation of a Free Trade Area.’ 7 October 1957

EEC and FTA Working Party on Agriculture, note by the Treasury, including Duty Free quotas for foodstuffs. 28 October 1957

Request from Lisbon to the Foreign Office for a factual article on British proposals for a European Free Trade Area, emphasizing that Her Majesty’s Government is committed to the idea and concentrating on positive aspects of proposals for agriculture.  The article is for the Lisbon Journal do Comercio.  24 October 1957.

FO 371/128365

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 35) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of a minute by Sir E Cohen enclosing a minute by Mr Bretherton on the problem of France in the FTA – discussion and comments. 22 October 1957

Foreign Office asked to prepare a dossier on Ministerial Statements on the FTA, annotations, amendments and discussions. 28 October 1957

FO 371/128366

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 36) comprising sub-files such as:

Note by the Secretariat concerning the additional protocol to the Convention on social security of migrant workers. 21 October 1957.

Trade Negotiations Committee, Free Trade Area Sub-Committee, Definition of Origin: List of Qualifying Processes, memorandum by the Board of Trade.  5 November 1957.


FO 371/128367

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 37) comprising sub-files such as:

Reports on a statement made by an official  of the Association of Residents of French Chamber of Agriculture on 17 October 1957 that the association had decided not to seek the inclusion of agriculture in the FTA.

Attaches draft message for the Secretary of State in Washington concerning Mr Dulles’ attitude towards the Free Trade Area. 14 October 1957

FO 371/128368

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 38) comprising sub-files such as:

The status of the six in economic negotiations after the entry into force of the treaty establishing the European Economic Community.  Note by the Foreign Office.  Various drafts with annotations and amendments. 18 December 1957

Note of a conversation between Herr Figl (Austrian Foreign Minister), M François Seydoux (France) and Sir Geoffrey Wallinger on the most recent Paris discussions on the FTA.  22 November 1957

FO 371/128369

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 39) comprising sub-files such as:

Dr Adenauer’s visit on 4-7 December 1957, draft brief for the Prime Minister, Item B2, the European Free Trade area.  Several copies with amendments, comments.

Revised draft on voting in the FTA, including three possible systems of weighted voting, unweighted voting, and majority voting in international organisations, includes tables and statistics, 8 November 1857

FO 371/128370

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 40) comprising sub-files such as:

United Kingdom Council of European Movement.  European Industrial Conference.  Summary of position for information of European countries, including Belgium, Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and France. 29 November 1957

Visit to Scandinavia by Sir E Beddington Behren regarding arrangements for the European Industrial Conference on the FTA to be held in February 1958. 29 November 1957


FO 371/128371

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 41) comprising sub-files such as:

Attaches paper by Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Food on horticulture for consideration by the Working Party on Agriculture in the FTA.

European Initiative. Belgium. Debate on ratification of Rome Treaties: comments, 5 December 1957

FO 371/128372

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 42) comprising sub-files such as:

Text of Danish Prime Minister’s speech on the FTA, delivered at the dinner of the Copenhagen Journalists’ Association, 8 December 1957

Translation of a note from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the association of overseas territories within the European Economic Community, 14 December 1957

FO 371/128373

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 43) comprising sub-files such as:

Revised draft of the paper on voting in the FTA for circulation to ES(EI). 19 December 1957

Copy of supplement to Brussels weekly, Le Phare-Dimanche stating the claim for Brussels as the seat for the Common Market and Euratom Institutions. 19 December 1957

FO 371/128374

European economic integration: formation of Common Market and Free Trade Area (Folder 44) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of a letter from Baron Jean-Charles Snoy setting out his views on the draft outline of an Agreement on agriculture and fisheries. 17 December 1957

Draft report by the Working Party on the Irish Republic. 23 December 1957.

FO 371/128375 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

Circulation of a revised draft, prepared by the Treasury, of the UK Memorandum for the OEEC on the European Free Trade Area, 4 January 1958

Report of Special Working Party 17 on methods of association with the Common Market of the Six, 10 January 1957


FO 371/128376 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

Report by Sir H Ellis-Rees (OEEC) of his talks with the Portuguese delegate, M Calvet concerning the European Free Trade Area and Portugal, 21 January 1957

Report by Sir H Ellis-Rees (OEEC) of his talks with the Greek delegate, M Christidis concerning the EFTA and Greece, 21 January 1957

Report by Sir Hugh Ellis-Rees (OEEC) of his talks with the Turkish delegate concerning the EFTA and Turkey, 21 January 1957

FO 371/128377 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

Verbatum of the press conference given by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 14 February following the OEEC Ministerial Council meeting, 15 February 1957

Copy of a note, from Hugh Ellis-Rees, for the record on the views of the Heads of Scandinavian Delegations on the constitution of three Working Parties, 20 February 1957

FO 371/128378 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:

European Free Trade Area Working Party No 2 reporting, that since the refusal of the Swiss to Maire’s candidature of the Agricultural Working Party, Sir H Ellis-Rees has had another round of informal discussions with heads of delegations, 12 March 1957

Detailed account of the proceedings at the meeting of Working Party No 21 on 18 March 1957.

FO 371/128379 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:

Extract from Customs Union Treaty. Third Part – Chapter 1. Rules of Concurrance, 18 March 1957

OEEC and Messina. Minutes of the meetings of Working Party No 23 of the Council,18 March 1957


FO 371/128380 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:

Report that M Federspiel has declined Working Party No 22’s invitation for position of Chairman owing to his decision to stand for re-election in the Danish parliament, 1 April 1957

Summary records of the sessions of the Working Party No 22 of the Council.

FO 371/128381 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:

Working Party No 21 report by the Alternates on Rules of Competition about Governmental Intervention, 9 April 1957

Working Party No 21 note by the Alternates on Revenue Duties, 24 April 1957

FO 371/128382 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:

Working Party No 21 note submitted by the Austrian delegation on the maintenance of certain quantitative export restrictions, 30 April 1957

Working Party No 21 draft article submitted by the Norwegian delegate on provisions concerning Restrictive Business Practices, 6 May 1957

FO 371/128383 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 9) comprising sub-files such as:

Working Party No 21 note on the Liberalisation of Invisible Transaction and Capital Movements, 29 May 1957

Draft savingram from the Foreign Office, London to Paris on Working Party No 23, with special reference to the Irish Republic and Turkey, 27 May 1957


FO 371/128384 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 10) comprising sub-files such as:

Translation of an aide memoire from the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs with references to the position of overseas territories in the Free Trade Area, 14 June 1957.

Working Party No 22 comparison between the main provisions relating to agriculture and agricultural products in the Treaty of the Six and the corresponding provisions adopted or envisaged by the OEEC, 28 March 1957.

FO 371/128385 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 11) comprising sub-files such as:

Record of the first meeting of the ad hoc Group of Trade Experts held on June 19-20, for the discussion of definition of origin, 1957.

Working Party No 21 on the question of Institutions for a Free Trade Area, 18 June 1957.

FO 371/128386 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 12) comprising sub-files such as:

Reports that the Greek Government have now published the memorandum, previously submitted to the OEEC.  This gives a record of a meeting between the Commercial Secretary and M Papaligouras on the OEEC and Messina, June 1957.

Working Party No 21 notes by the French experts on definition of origin, from the Group of Trade Experts, 5 July 1957.


FO 371/128387 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 13) comprising sub-files such as:

Report by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the Free Trade Area Negotiations, 19 July 1957.

Working Party No 21 memorandum by the United Kingdom re the Definition of Origin: zinc and zinc products, 18 July 1957.

FO 371/128388 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 14) comprising sub-files such as:

Working Party No 21 memorandum by the United Kingdom re the Definition of Origin: Lead Ore and Metal, 24 July 1957.

Working Party No 21 list of basic materials: additions to and deletions from the United Kingdom list, proposed by the Austrian delegation, 24 July 1957.

FO 371/128389 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 15) comprising sub-files such as:

Reports that H M Chargé d’Affaires discussed with Baron van Tyull, the Secretary General of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on August 9 the present state of the negotiations for a European Free Trade Area, 1957.

Comparison of member countries’ tariff levels for selected products.  Recapitulatory lists of selected products, 16 August 1957.

FO 371/128390 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 16) comprising sub-files such as:

Invisibles: Background material for a study of liberalisation of invisible transactions and capital movements in the Free Trade Area, 19 August 1957.

Reports of a conversation with Hartman on 28 August 1957 during which the latter stated that an organised market as envisaged in the Rome Treaty would not be in the interests of Austria’s agriculture and therefore, like Britain, opposed the inclusion of food-stuffs in a Free-Trade Area.


FO 371/128391 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 17) comprising sub-files such as:

Note by the Alternates of the Committee for Invisible Transactions giving background material for a study of liberalisation of invisible transactions and capital movements in a Free Trade Area, 2 September 1957.

Report that the Danes have not yet decided on a deputy for Mr Krag.  Lists further names of people, who while not expected to comprise the delegation, are closely concerned with the Free Trade Area negotiations, 6 September 1957.

FO 371/128392 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 18) comprising sub-files such as:

Copy of a note recording a meeting with Mr Bartels, the Danish delegate, on September 19 about the probable arrangements for negotiation after the Ministerial Meeting, 19 September 1957.

Consolidated schedule of proposals by member countries on Definition of Origin: List of Qualifying Processes, 26 September 1957

FO 371/128393 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 19) comprising sub-files such as:

Reports on a discussion with Heads of Delegations about the presence of observers at the Ministerial Meeting, 4 October 1957.

Record of M Fayat’s statement, on behalf of the Six, about the FTA.  Also, records of statements made on behalf of France, US, Canada, Germany, Switzerland and Portugal, 16 October 1957.


FO 371/128394 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 20) comprising sub-files such as:

Report of the Resolution of the Council on the European Free Trade Area and problems linked therewith, 17 October 1957.

Report following Ministerial meeting for the FTA a verbatim record of the meeting reveals significant points made by speakers which were not reported at all, or where the telegraphed reports need slight amendment, or where subsequent discussion has produced clarification, 28 October 1957.

FO 371/128395 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 21) comprising sub-files such as:

Working Party No 21 comparison of Member countries’ tariff levels for selected products: Consolidated List, 31 October 1957.

Comments by the Irish Delegation on French proposals concerning equalisation of duties on certain machines and their parts, 15 October 1957.

FO 371/128396 

OEEC: Messina proposals on European integration (Folder 22) comprising sub-files such as:

Discussions by the Group of Trade Experts on chemicals, rubber and oil: future programme of work, 30 November 1957.

Note about the Investment and the Foreign Balance in Greece, Iceland, Ireland and Turkey, 20 December 1957.


FO 371/130988 

Council of Europe and OEEC (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

Council of Europe and OEEC.  The UK supports the proposal by the Irish delegate that the two Secretaries-General should prepare a report on the competence, working relations and collaboration between the two organisations, 17 January 1958.

Council of Europe, 20th Session of the Committee of Ministers, Strasbourg discussions about the relations between the Council of Europe and OEEC, 29 April 1958.

FO 371/130989 

Council of Europe and OEEC (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

Report of the first meeting of the Liaison Committee, Paris, 25 June.  The OEEC was represented by Italy (in the Chair), Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Ireland, and the Council of Europe by the United Kingdom (Chairman of the Council of Europe side), members Mr John Edwards (representing the Bureau) and Monsieur de Menton (Chairman of the Political Committee of the Assembly).  Monsieur Hayman (Chairman of the Social Committee) and Mr Federspiel (Economic Committee) were not present.

Council of Europe and OEEC Liaison Committees. Report on the outcome of a meeting on 20th October when the OEEC were forced to draw up a new document on the Duplication of Work Between European Organisations.

FO 371/130990 

European Movement (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:

European movements.  Correspondence between Beddington-Behrens and the Treasury about the campaign which the UK Council of the movement propose to launch in support of the Government’s European Policy, 25 January 1958.

Notes for the Prime Minister’s speech at European Movement Meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, 9 July 1958.

FO 371/130991 

European Movement (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:

European Union of Women. Memorandum on the union with details of work done by the movement which was founded to strengthen and increase the influence of Right and Centre European Women in the political and civic life of their country, 18 November 1958.

Pan European Union report of the 8th Paneuropean Congress at Bad Ragaz, Switzerland, 24 & 25 September 1957.

FO 371/1311000 

Round table conference of European ‘Wise Men’ comprising sub-files such as:

Proposed Round Table of European ‘Wise Men’: discussions concerning the conference and the proposal by Monsieur Dehousse,  President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, that it be held from 4 - 6 October 1957.

Protocol of the meeting of the Round Table held in Paris on 4 – 6 October 1957.

Record of the second meeting of the Round Table of European Wise men held in Paris from 29 November - 1 December. Includes a list of personalities who attended the meeting, and list of subjects discussed.

Related Papers on the Treaty of Rome:

Board of Trade and successors: Commercial Relations and Export Division: Registered Files, 1965-1969

BT 241/1700 

United Kingdom’s possible entry into the European Economic Community: a study in June 1966 of the rules and obligations of the Treaty of Rome of 1957 (Folder 1) Papers for 1966-1967, comprising sub-files such as:

Document preparing for the possibility of ‘British Entry into the EEC’, 20 March 1967.

Draft document for the ‘Basis of Negotiations for Joining the EEC’, March 1967.


BT 241/1701

United Kingdom’s possible entry into the European Economic Community: a study in June 1966 of the rules and obligations of the Treaty of Rome of 1957 (Folder 2) Papers for 1966-1967, comprising sub-files such as:

Notes on British Entry into the EEC, re: Ex-British African Countries, 11 & 12 May 1967.

First draft  on ‘Certain Specific Implications of the UK Joining the EEC’, 25 January 1966.

Cabinet Committees: Minutes and Papers, 1961

CAB 130/176 

GEN 732 only

Treaty of Rome: Meetings 1-2, April 1961

Treaty of Rome: Papers 1-8, April 1961

comprising sub-files such as:

Cabinet Minutes of Meetings on Exports: measures to increase UK exports; restrictive trade practices and exports includes: UK export performance; export awards; finance for exports and businessmen’s expenses.

Report by officials on the Treaty of Rome Working Group: the implications of signing the Treaty of Rome and associated overseas territories, 21 April 1961.

Treasury: Overseas Finance (Marshall Aid) Division: Registered Files, 1957-1958

T 237/196 

Effect of the financial provisions of the Rome Treaty and the Free Trade Area (Folder 1) Papers for 1957 comprising sub-files such as:

Draft submission to ministers on Economic Policy in a Free Trade Area, November 1957.

Draft interim report by the Managing Board of the European Payments Union to the Chairman of the Council and general implications for the Intra-European Payments System of the setting up of a Common Market and a Free Trade Area, 9 December 1957.

T 237/197 

Effect of the financial provisions of the Rome Treaty and the Free Trade Area (Folder 2) Papers for 1957-1958 comprising sub-files such as:

Record of discussions from the UK delegation of the Organisation for European Co-operation at the 91st session of the Managing Board of the European Payments Union, 19 -21 December 1957.

Inter-Governmental Committee for the European Free Trade Area: payments questions, 3 January 1958.

Treasury: Overseas Co-ordination Division: Registered Files, 1961-1962

T 299/112 

Form and content of Association of Commonwealth and Colonial Territories (as related to Association Protocols under Part IV of Rome Treaty) (Folder 1) Papers for 1961 comprising sub-files such as:

Report prepared by the Board of Trade entitled, ‘The Commonwealth and the Common Market’ (July 1971).  In J Gildes’s letter to the Board of Trade he writes, ‘the principles of the Treaty of Rome cover a special relationship with all Commonwealth countries.’

Letter (11 August 1961) from J Gildes, Board of Trade, to J Owen, H M Treasury reads, ‘I gather from Sinclair that you would like to  have urgently the evidence that the principles of the Treaty of Rome cover a special relationship with all Commonwealth countries.  I think you will find evidence of this in paragraphs 5-8 of the attached paper’, on the Commonwealth and the Common Market, 17 July 1961.


T 299/113 

Form and content of Association of Commonwealth and Colonial Territories (as related to Association Protocols under Part IV of Rome Treaty) (Folder 2) Papers for 1961 comprising sub-files such as:

Paper by the Colonial Office on the European Common Market and tropical products.

The policy of the EEC in respect of Underdeveloped Countries, draft report and recommendations, from the Bari Symposium, 7-9 October 1961.

T 299/114 

Form and content of Association of Commonwealth and Colonial Territories (as related to Association Protocols under Part IV of Rome Treaty) (Folder 3) Papers for 1961 comprising sub-files such as:

Document on the ‘General arguments for use in connection with the claim that all colonial territories should be given the opportunity for AOT (Association of Overseas Territories) Status’.

Note by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the Associated Overseas Territories, 12 February 1962.

Common Market negotiations (official) Steering Committee on the Association and Tropical Products (second revision), 5 March 1962.

T 299/115 

Form and content of Association of Commonwealth and Colonial Territories (as related to Association Protocols under Part IV of Rome Treaty) (Folder 4) Papers for 1961 comprising sub-files such as:

Information on tariffs and other commercial policy arrangements of commonwealth countries and territories who are candidates for AOT status, 9 March 1962.

Telegram from H A Harding requesting guidance about the attitude that the Delegation should adopt towards the establishment of funds for diversification and price stabilisation, 23 March 1962, communication sent to: Sir William Gorell Barnes; Mr Vernon, Colonial Office; Mr Cunningham, CRO; Mr Gallagher, Foreign Office; and others.

T 299/122

Liaison with USA (Folder 1) Papers for 1961-1962 comprising sub-files such as:

Visit by Mr Schaetzel of the State Department of the United States, with minutes of meetings between Mr Schaetzel, Sir Frank Lee, Mr George Bull and others, November 1961.

President Kennedy’s Message on Trade delivered to the Congress of the United States and circulated to officials in Whitehall, 25 January 1962.


T 299/123 

Liaison with USA (Folder 2) Papers for 1962 comprising sub-files such as:

Report from the British Embassy, Washington to the Treasury, London providing, ‘an assessment of present American thinking about the Commonwealth’, March 1962.

George Ball, US Under-Secretary of State, address to Foreign Affairs Group in Bonn about the Developing Atlantic Partnership, 2 April 1962.

T 299/124 

Prime Minister’s visit to Paris for talks with President de Gaulle, 1962, comprising sub-files such as:

Documents prepared for the Prime Minister’s visit to France include: the internal situation in France; contacts with the Provisional Algerian Government in Tunis; developments in Africa; Tripartism – talking points.

Report on the visit of Prime Minister Macmillan to the Chateau de Champs, 2-3 June 1962, with records of conversations between, the Prime Minister and President De Gaulle, M Pompidou and others.

T 299/125 

Implications to UK of becoming a signatory to Treaty of Rome (Folder 1) Papers for 1961 comprising sub-files such as:

Minutes of the Treasury Inner Group on the Treaty of Rome and the implications of the United Kingdom signature, Programme of Work, 21 March 1961.

Report of the seventh meeting of the Inner Group about constitutional aspects of accession to the Treaty of Rome, 1961.

T 299/126 

Implications to UK of becoming a signatory to Treaty of Rome (Folder 2) Papers for 1961 comprising sub-files such as:

Cabinet, Treaty of Rome Working Group, The implications of signing the Treaty of Rome, draft report by officials to the Economic Steering (Europe) Committee, 14 April 1961.

Cabinet, Treaty of Rome Working Group, Commercial Policy, report, 17 April, 1961.




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