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Series Two: The Treaty of Rome and European Integration, 1957-1960

Part 2: Files for 1958-1959

Detailed Listing


General Correspondence and Related Papers from Political and Other Departments, 1958

FO 371/134482
Consultative Assembly of Council of Europe, 17 November 1958 comprising sub-files such as:
Brief for convening Conferences of Ministers of Labour and Social Welfare (Recommendation 171 (1958)) for Ministers’ Deputies Meeting on 17 November, 7 November 1958.

FO 371/134483
Progress in European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) comprising sub-files such as:
Report no 24 of the United Kingdom delegation to the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community for the period 16-31 December, 1957: topics discussed included: the seat of the European institutions; housing loans to Luxembourg; production in 1957.
Report no 17 of the United Kingdom delegation to the High Authority of the ECSC for the period 1-15 September 1958: topics discussed included: German coal import restrictions; scrap imports; Luxembourg steel in a Free Trade Area.

FO 371/134484
Presidency of ECSC comprising sub-files such as:
The appointment of M Finet as President of the High Authority of the ECSC, January 1958.
Official notification by the High Authority of the nomination of Monsieur E N van Kleffens as Head of the Permanent Delegation of High Authority in London in replacement of Jonkheer van Vredenburch, 21 February 1956.

FO 371/134485
ECSC as basis for formation of European Economic Community (EEC) following signing of Treaty of Rome comprising sub-files such as:
‘From Schuman Plan to European Economic Community’, an address delivered at St Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas by Albert Coppe, Vice-President of the ECSC, 3 October 1957.
Freight and transport conditions for coal and steel on the Rhine, includes a copy of the decree and the agreement, and exchange of letters in question, 10 February 1958.

FO 371/134486
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Copy of an interview given by Doctor Erhard to a correspondent of the Paris business paper, ‘Les Echos’, in which Dr Erhard expressed his approval of the Common Market and of the creation of a Free Trade Area, December 1957.
Conversation at the Italian Foreign Office between R F Bretherton, Under-Secretary, Board of Trade and Signor Ducci on the FTA and the Common Market, 4 January 1958.


FO 371/134487
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA. Copies of two lectures given by M Petitpierre, the Swiss Foreign Minister, 4 November 1958.
Conversation between the Paymaster General and M Maurice Faure when the French attitude to the Free Trade Area was discussed, January 1958.

FO 371/134488
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
The Portuguese economy in relation to the creation of a free trade area: includes an extract from an introduction to the draft law for the authorisation of revenue and expenditure of 1958, January 1958.

FO 371/134489
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Sir Denis Rickett’s working party economic policy in the FTA, 7 February 1958.
Talks in Munich between G M Wilson, of the Treasury, and von Mangoldt, Fischer-Menshausen and Schoellhorn, of the Ministry of Economics, February 1958.

FO 371/134490
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
Letter from the President of the FBI to the President of the Board of Trade about the concern of the FBI to the situation created by Articles 85-90 of the Treaty of Rome, together with a proposed reply and accompanying minute. February 1958.


FO 371/134491
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
Finnish participation in the FTA including negotiations and a talk between the Mr Maudling, Paymaster-General and Mr Seppala, Finnish Ambassador, 18 February 1958.
Conversation with A J Eden, of the Foreign Office, and Dr Harkort on 20 February 1958 about recent German statements in the press suggesting that it was no longer thought possible for a FTA and a Common Market to enter into force simultaneously.

FO 371/134492
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:
Series of articles in ‘La Cité’ on the possible effects of the Common Market on Belgian industry, February 1958.
Communication from the UK permanent delegation in Paris to the Foreign Office, London about the FTA containing a summary of French proposals (obtained through a German colleague), 6 March 1958.

FO 371/134493
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:
Copy of a report of the Conseil Economique on Etude des problemes poses par la creation d’une zone de libre exhange, projet d’Avis, presented by M Jean Deleau, 12 February 1958, together with comments and correspondence.
Summary of the French free trade proposals discussed between Geoffrey Kirk at the British Embassy in the Hague and Van Vredenborch, Bentinck and Linthorst Homan, 6 March 1958.

FO 371/134494
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 9) comprising sub-files such as:
Conversation between the Commercial Minister and Dr Ferlesch on 7 March 1958: Italian reaction to French Free Trade Plan.
Telephone conversation between R F Bretherton, Board of Trade, and Mr van Blankenstein giving the views of Dutch ministers on the French Free Trade Plan, 5 March 1958.


FO 371/134495
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 10) comprising sub-files such as:
Summary of the current state of Swiss public opinion on the FTA negotiations, also includes two articles from ‘Gazette de Lausanne’ and a text of M Petitpierre’s statement to the National Council, March 1958.
Report of E R Warner’s discussion with representatives of the FBI on 14 March 1958, and copy of the ‘Unofficial Summary of the French Draft Project for European Economic Co-Operation’.

FO 371/134496
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 11) comprising sub-files such as:
Copy of French proposals for the Free Trade Area, March 1958.
Visit by M Soldati to Sir Hugh Ellis-Rees, UK delegation to the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, with a discussion of the memorandum on the Free Trade Area negotiations, prepared by M Jean Rey and M Marjolin of the EEC, and approved by M Hallstein, 25 March 1958.

FO 371/134497
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 12) comprising sub-files such as:
Note for the record of the main points of a meeting between the Paymaster-General and M Faure about French ideas on FTA, 11 March 1958.
Meeting with the Netherlands State Secretary for Foreign Affairs on 10 April 1958, together with an analysis of the present state of FTA negotiations.


FO 371/134498
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 13) comprising sub-files such as:
Copy of the first draft of a lecture on the FTA which Ashley Clarke, British Embassy, Rome, is to give to ‘Centro Italiano di Studi per la Riconciliazione Internazionale’ on 23 April 1958: annotated with comments and suggestions.
Conversation between Geoffrey Kirk, British Embassy at the Hague, with M van Vredenburch: talks included the fact that as a result of the fall of French government the French had requested to postpone the meeting of Six Ministers fixed for 22 April 1958. The Carli Plan is also mentioned.

FO 371/134499
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 14) comprising sub-files such as:
Comments on Swedish support for the FTA, April 1958.
Letter from the British Embassy, Stockholm reporting on Swedish public opinion on the handling of the FTA negotiations by the Swedish Mininster of Commerce, Mr Lange, 16 April 1958.

FO 371/134500
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 15) comprising sub-files such as:
Copy of a joint statement drawn up by the Industrial Federations and Employers’ Organisations of the UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland, entitled, ‘Free Trade in Western Europe’, April 1958.
English final version of a lecture given by Sir A Clarke on the FTA at the ‘Centro Italiano di Studi per la Riconciliazione Internazionale’ on 23 April 1958, includes texts of interviews for ‘Il Sol’ and Italian television news.


FO 371/134501
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 16) comprising sub-files such as:
France and the Free Trade Area: text of a Resolution adopted by the Council of the International Chamber of Commerce at its 90th Session (DOC. NO. 510/59) 6 & 7 May 1958.
FTA: draft record of a meeting at 10 Downing Street at which representatives of the Federal Republic were among those present, 18 April 1958.

FO 371/134502
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 17) comprising sub-files such as:
Draft progress report on the European Free Trade Area OEEC Intergovernmental Committee negotiations sent to: Athens, Berne, Bonn, Brussels, Copenhagen, the Hague, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Vienna, Washington; UK delegations: OEEC, Luxembourg,Geneva, Strasbourg; BIS New York, 18 April 1958.
FTA. Record of a meeting with the Swiss held at Gwydyr House, 2 June 1958.

FO 371/134503
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 18) comprising sub-files such as:
Conversation with the Scandinavian delegates of OEEC with discussion on the present outlook of the FTA negotiations, 3 June 1958.
Request from Sir E Beddington-Behrens for the Prime Minister to address a luncheon of industrialists on the Free Trade Area in aid of the UK Council of the European Movement on 25 June 1958.

FO 371/134504
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 19) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA. Record of a conversation between the Secretary of State and the Netherlands Foreign Minister, Dr Luns, 16 June 1958.
Draft notes for a speech by the Prime Minister on the FTA negotiations to be made at a luncheon with industrialists: the object of the luncheon was to raise money for the UK Council of the European Movement, 23 June 1958.

FO 371/134505
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 20) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA. Note by A R K Mackenzie of a discussion with M Brunet on 26 June 1958. Also, the Prime Minister’s meeting with General de Gaulle.
The Prime Minister’s political view on the importance of the FTA: correspondence between Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister, and General de Gaulle, June 1958.
Report entitled, ‘A European Free Trade Area, United Kingdom Memorandum to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the President of the Board of Trade to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty’, Cmnd 72.


FO 371/134506
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 21) comprising sub-files such as:
An advertisement in the ‘Economist’ of June 28 for a weekly bulletin and a three-monthly report on Free Trade Area questions.
Report on Three-Monthly Economic Review, EIU, West Germany, No 25 April, 1958, The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd.
Report on Three-Monthly Economic Review, EIU, Denmark Iceland, April 1958, The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd.

FO 371/134507
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 22) comprising sub-files such as:
History and prospects of the French attitude to the FTA made in despatch by Sir G Young, August 1958.
Analysis of voting procedure in the FTA, August 1958.

FO 371/134508
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 23) comprising sub-files such as:
Second revision of voting in the FTA, September 1958.
Attitude of the French Patronat to the FTA: discussions with M Jean Louis, 19 September 1958.

FO 371/134509
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 24) comprising sub-files such as:
Extract from a brief on the FTA used by General de Gaulle at his meeting with Dr Adenauer, ‘If the German Government wants a Free Trade Area to be concluded they must support the French positions as the French Government has already made all the concessions it can and the efforts of the German negotiators must now be directed to persuading the British, who have so far made very few concessions, to adopt a more flexible attitude’: telegram from UK delegation to OEEC, Paris to Foreign Office, London, 7 October 1958.
FTA: notes for the record of a meeting between M Bartel of the Danish delegation and Hugh Ellis-Rees, 29 September 1958.


FO 371/134510
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 25) comprising sub-files such as:
Brief No 7 for the Prime Minister’s visit to Bonn from 8 - 9 October 1958 for Free Trade Area discussions.
Arrangements for the visit of M Wormser to London on 14 October 1958 with a draft of the speech suggested for Paul Gore-Smith to open the talks with M Wormser.
Report by the Intergovernmental committee on the establishment of a European Free Trade Area, Progress Report up to 7 October 1958.

FO 371/134511
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 26) comprising sub-files such as:
Letter from the British Embassy at the Hague, to the Foreign Office announcing that the Netherlands State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Dr E H van der Beugel, would be visiting the United States on a lecture tour from 12 -25 November. It was suggested that any discussions during his absence could be conducted on the Dutch side by Bentinck, or Zylstra (Minister for Economic Affairs) or Luns, 22 October 1958.
Draft brief on FTA negotiations for the meeting between the Prime Minister and Mr Diefenbaker, the Prime Minister of Canada, on 28 October 1958.

FO 371/134512
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 27) comprising sub-files such as:
German press reactions to the Intergovernmental Committee Meeting and Mr Maudling’s speech at Baden Baden on 24 October. Press headlines included: ‘Maudling warns of a split in Europe’ in the ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine’, and ‘Maudling warns against Common Market without Free Trade Area’ in the ‘Industrie-Kurier’.
Free Trade Area French press comments, November 1958.

FO 371/134513
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 28) comprising sub-files such as:
United States and the Free Trade Area: minutes of meetings held in Europe during October & November 1958.
Draft and final copy of a record of talks on the Free Trade with M Couve de Murville, French Foreign Minister, 6 November 1958.


FO 371/134514
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 29) comprising sub-files such as:
Translation of a letter from General de Gaulle’s reply to the Prime Minister’s letter of 7 November 1958 concerning misunderstandings in negotiations on the Treaty of Rome and trade between the Six of the Common Market and the eleven other countries in Europe.
Message from the Paymaster-General to Messrs Skaug, Lange, Krag and Schaffner and Figl confirming the official view of the French Government, which ‘clearly made any meetings this week out to the equestion as the French have publicly rejected the whole basis upon which we have been operating; I am making a statement in the House of Commons this afternoon …’, November 1958.

FO 371/134515
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 30) comprising sub-files such as:
Meeting with Sir P Gore-Booth and the French Ambassador on November 13: with talks about the effect of the French elections on the French attitude to the FTA.
Benelex Free Trade Area. Summary of proposals for concessions to the Six, 20 November 1958.

FO 371/134516
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 31) comprising sub-files such as:
Report on the effects of a Free Trade Area on Danish industry, November 1958.
History of the negotiations to establish a European Free Trade Area (draft White Paper), November 1958.

FO 371/134517
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 32) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA dispute with NATO and the personal interest of M Spaak in this matter, November 1958.
FTA negotiations: conversation with M van Vredenburch about the meeting of the Six Ministers in Brussels on 3 December 1958.


FO 371/134518
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 33) comprising sub-files such as:
‘An Economic Policy Board for Europe’ by Professor Muller Armack, includes section entitled, ‘Draft Blueprint’, December 1958.
FTA meeting of Ministers of the Eleven, 16 December 1958.

FO 371/134519
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 34) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA. Note on the attitude of the Non-six. December 1958
FTA. Proposal made by the British and Swedish Federations of Industry for a trade association of ‘the other Six’. 18 December 1958.

FO 371/134520
European economic integration: formation of EEC and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) (Folder 35) comprising sub-files such as:
Common Market and FTA: the ministerial meeting of OEEC scheduled for 4 December was convened. The meeting was to consider reports by officials on the possibility of setting up a UNISCAN Free Trade Area and on the Benelex and French proposals for a modus vivendi.
Draft document setting out the major concessions made by the UK in Free Trade Area negotiations in October, compared with the concessions made by the French, December 1958.

FO 371/134521
Drafting group and working party of EFTA Convention (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA. Press extracts of speeches made by MM Petitpierre and Holenstein, 18 December 1958.
FTA. Passage for inclusion in Lord Lansdowne’s speech in the House of Lords on 18 December 1958 with drafts covering three points 1) the need for a temporary agreement to avoid discrimination 2) the need for us to avoid spiteful retaliation against the Six 3) the inevitability of economic warfare leading to political dangers.


FO 371/134522
Drafting group and working party of EFTA Convention (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Convention Working Party. Draft for the Convention on anti-dumping and countervailing duties on dumped or subsidised imports, for consideration by the FTA, March 1958.
FTA Convention Working Party. Drafting Group: draft articles on Balance of Payments Escape Clause, March 1958.
Set of draft Articles and Annexes for a FTA Convention: Invisible transactions, transfers and related subjects, April 1958.

FO 371/134523
Drafting group and working party of EFTA Convention (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Closer economic association with Europe: Working Party on the FTA Convention, draft convention, such as note by the Chairman of the Drafting Group, 23 April 1958.
Convention establishing a Free Trade Area in Europe (Swedish draft), 18 April 1958.

FO 371/134524
Drafting group and working party of EFTA Convention (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Minutes of meeting of FTA Convention Working Party, held 7 May 1958.
Minutes of meeting of FTA Convention Working Party, held 17 June 1958.

FO 371/134525
Drafting group and working party of EFTA Convention (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA Convention: revised draft of Articles on Origin, tariff reductions, drawback and deflections of trade, June 1958.
OEEC Doc TIC (58) 23: Liberalisation of Invisible Transactions and Capital Movements in a Free Trade Area Convention, 19 June 1958.


FO 371/134526
Drafting group and working party of EFTA Convention (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
Re-draft of Article VII B: Consultation and Complaints procedure, August 1958.
Closer economic association with Europe, working party on the Free Trade Area Convention, Minutes of a meeting held on 6 November 1958 in the Treasury. Topics discussed include: Rules of Origin – ‘Libre Pratique’; possible shortcuts to agreement on origin; Memorandum from the EEC (the Ockrent Report): draft brief for the Paymaster General.

FO 371/134527
Visits by Paymaster General to countries in EFTA (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Visit of Paymaster General to Berne. Possible press conference with representatives of the Times, Telegraph and Swiss press.
Visit of Paymaster General to Dublin on January 10 1958, copies of correspondence concerning arrangements.

FO 371/134528

Visits by Paymaster General to countries in EFTA (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Invitation to Sir P Mason to attend a meeting in Rotterdam on May 16, 1958 of the International Chamber of Commerce; speech by Mr Maudling on ‘Problems of European Trade’; request for information.
Copy of a draft record of the talks between the Paymaster General and Dr Erhard, German Federal Minister for Economics on the Free Trade Area, 25 & 26 June 1958.

FO 371/134529
Discussions on origin of EFTA (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Definition of origin re: UK duty-free imports of Canadian chemicals. Comments of the French delegation on the Memorandum by the UK delegation, January 1958.
Alternates of working party no 21 of the Council Group of Trade Experts re: definition of origin: textile materials and articles thereof, 29 January 1958.


FO 371/134530
Discussions on origin of EFTA (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Trade negotiations committee, FTA Sub-Committee, definition of origin re: Danish proposals relating to the application of the process criterion to metals, metal products and machinery (chapter 73-92 of the Brussels Nomenclature).
Intergovernmental Committee on the establishment of a European Free Trade Area, Definition of origin of goods in the FTA, Memorandum submitted by the Canadian government to the Inter-Governmental Committee of Ministers, Paris, 10 March 1958.

FO 371/134531
Discussions on origin of EFTA (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
EFTA Group of Customs Experts, Sanctions against false certificates of origin and other infringements of customs legislation: Germany, 17 March 1958.
Intergovernmental Committee on the establishment of a European Free Trade Area, Group of Trade Experts, Report on the proposals by Mr Carli, prepared by the Italian delegation, 25 March 1958.

FO 371/134532
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
The Spanish application to take part in the meetings of the intergovernmental committee of the European Free Trade Area, January 1958.
Impressions of the Maudling Committee in Paris, March 11-14, 1958.

FO 371/1345533
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Memorandum on Spanish participation in the meetings of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Free Trade Area, May 1958.
Minutes of a meeting with M Uri on June 5, 1958: criticisms of the Free Trade Area negotiations in the Intergovernmental Committee.


FO 371/134534
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Conversation between J A M Marjoribanks (British Embassy, Bonn) and Dr Harkort on the German attitude to the results of the Ministerial Committee meeting, 1 August 1958.
8th meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Free Trade Area, 24 July 1958, morning proceedings.

FO 371/134535
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:

Agenda for the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee on the FTA, with the question whether to include the issues of Coal and Steel, October 1958.

Document concerning tactics to be taken at the Intergovernmental Committee on the FTA, discussions by Heads of Delegations of the ‘other Six’, October 1958.

FO 371/134536

Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
A telegram from Rome to the Foreign Office, London concerning the reactions of the Italian press on the eve of the meeting of the Maudling Committee. ‘Government press has gone out of its way to present the British case in a favourable light, and while stressing need for reciprocal concessions, has taken a consistently optimistic line concerning the future negotiations’. 23 October 1958.
Comments on the current Intergovernmental Committee meeting; advance text of speech by the Paymaster General to the German Chemical Association; statement by Wormser on the Definition of Origin; interview with the Paymaster General published in ‘Le Monde’, October 1958.

FO 371/134537
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
Internal minutes by the UK delegation to the Intergovernmental Committee meeting, October 23-30, 1958.
Letter from Monsieur E M J A Sassen of the Euratom Commission, dated 15 October 1958, concerning Euratom representation at the Intergovernmental meeting in Paris, October 23-30, 1958.

FO 371/134538
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:
Press cuttings from ‘La Libre Belgique’ of 29 & 30 October 1958 concerning statements made by the Belgian Minister for Foreign Trade on the subject of the FTA negotiations.
Round-up of Swiss opinion on the FTA negotiations, includes; press, public and official opinions, November 1958.

FO 371/134539
Intergovernmental Committee for EFTA (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:
Comments in the Swedish press and by prominent Swedish personalities on the failure of Paris decisions on the FTA, and copies of Embassy Press summaries on an interview with Professor Bertil Ohlin, leader of the Swedish delegation to the Nordic Council.
Proposal to hold an early meeting of the Maudling Committee, opinions of the Non-Six, December 1958.

FO 371/134540
Collaboration between ECSC, EEC and Euratom (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Parliamentary question: Mr H Hynd asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether in view of recent developments in connection with closer working between the ECSC, the Commonwealth and Euratom, whether the British representative to the ECSC will also be accredited to the other two organisations? March 1958.
Proposed composition of Netherlands delegation to the European Commission and Euratom, 21 March 1958.


FO 371/134541

Collaboration between ECSC, EEC and Euratom (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Meeting of the European Parliamentary Assembly, June 21-27, 1958: a report by the Dutch Catholic, M Blaisse, on the Importance of a European Economic Association (Free Trade Area).
Note by the Foreign Office on UK policy on relationships between the six power communities and other international organisations, October 1958.

FO 371/134542
Posts and telecommunications in Europe comprising sub-files such as:
Draft note of a meeting on February 19, 1958; report of the Frankfurt meeting in February 1957, and a copy of the financial resolution.
Invitation to the UK to attend as observers at the next meeting of the Working Party. The Working Party referred to started as one of the Spaak Working Parties in Brussels looking forward to the establishment of the Common Market. The Swiss also accepted an invitation to attend as an observer. Although described as observers both the UK and Switzerland have taken full part in the meetings.

FO 371/134543
Nuclear materials and equipment in EFTA comprising sub-files such as:
Draft submission to the Paymaster General on Nuclear Materials in the FTA, September 1958.
M Sassen is to attend the Intergovernmental Committee meeting as a representative of the Euratom Commission, October 1958.

FO 371/134544
Setting up of Nordic Common Market comprising sub-files such as:
Sixth Session of the Nordic Council in Oslo, 9-15 November 1958.

Possible breakdown of the FTA includes negotiations, action thereafter, and ‘political’ settlement, October 1958.

FO 371/134545

Possible breakdown of negotiations for EFTA comprising sub-files such as:
Action in the event of a breakdown in the FTA negotiations, October 1958.
Alternative courses: Memorandum by the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Closer Economic Association with Europe, 19 November 1958.


FO 371/137145
Effects of Treaty of Rome on trade within Europe comprising sub-files such as:
Car sales and production. Concerns arising from Chrysler acquiring Ford’s minority holding in Simca: French press reports.
Copy of a letter to G W Kirk of the British Embassy at the Hague stating that the talks for a Benelux-bilateral Agreement should be put off until the end of January, November 1958.

General Correspondence and Related Papers from Political and Other Departments, 1959

FO 371/141134
Economic events of Treaty of Rome and European Community (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Common Market. German tariffs in respect of coffee and cocoa: representations by the French government. Effect on overseas territories of non-reduction of tariff by Germany, January 1958.
Draft submission on the Association of Overseas Territories with the European Economic Community: mitigation for damage to trade of United Kingdom dependencies, January 1959.

FO 371/141135
Economic events of Treaty of Rome and European Community (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Treaty of Rome: effect of trade in tea. Development fund projects for the introduction of the culture of tea and construction of a pilot factory for the processing of crops in Ruanda-Urundi, March 1959.
Paper on the ‘mitigation’ of the effects of the association of the overseas territories of the Six with their metropolitan territories for the meeting of the Commonwealth officials, 17 March 1959.

FO 371/141136
Economic events of Treaty of Rome and European Community (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Treaty of Rome and GATT. Consultations with the Six re commodities of interest to British dependent territories overseas.
Report entitled, ‘Bulletin de la Banque Centrale du Congo Belge et Du Ruanda-Urundi (February 1959)’, containing an article dealing with the likely effects of the Common Market on the trade of the overseas territories of the Six. The commodities discussed in this article include: bananas, vegetable oils, tropical woods, rubber, cotton, rice, maize, tea, cocoa and coffee.

FO 371/141137
Economic events of Treaty of Rome and European Community (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Article XXII Consultations under the Treaty of Rome: request by Australia for a Consultation with Member States of the EEC on lead, zinc and aluminium, 16 October 1959.
Mitigation GATT. Conversation between J W Vernon and Dr Priester of the Dominican Republic about ‘mitigation’ and the events during the Fourteenth Session in Geneva, such as work done by the Americans behind the scenes, June 1959.

FO 371/141138
Economic events of Treaty of Rome and European Community (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
Decision to recommend a Free Trade Area among the seven countries represented at the Conference in Stockholm, July 20-21. Information for GATT secretariat, September 1959.
Mitigation of European Economic Community Tariffs for Colonies: proposal of a meeting with European Economic Commission includes a letter from Dr van der Lee, (Director of the European Economic Commission, Brussels) to W B L Monson (Under-Secretary, Colonial Office, London), August 1959.


FO 371/141139
Economic events of Treaty of Rome and European Community (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
Common Market Tariff: questions in connection with Mitigation, 29 September 1959.
Association of Overseas Territories with the EEC: draft note of an Informal Meeting at the Colonial Office, Thursday, 17 September 1959.

FO 371/142425
Economic unity in Europe comprising sub-files such as:
European Free Trade Association Common Market: talk with M Schippenkoeter about the new ‘Dillon Committee’, December 1959.
Mr Maudling’s analysis of the position reached on the problem of European economic relations: Minute by Mr Maudling to the Prime Minister, 27 November 1959.

FO 371/142504
EFTA comprising sub-files such as:
Note of a meeting with M Eldrich Haynes: attitude of US business to build a bridge between the Common Market & European Free Trade Association, December 1959.
Attitude of Dr Adenauer towards European economic affairs, December 1959.

FO 371/142561
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
France and the FTA: French Reliberalisation Measures and the FTA negotiations, 30 December 1958.
Attachés submission: proposal by the Belgian Foreign Minister for Anglo/French discussions & adjournment of the OEEC Ministerial Council, January 1959.

FO 371/142562
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA: Modus vivendi on quotes, submission by the Treasury, January 1959.
Anglo-French talks about the quota problem in OEEC, 15 January 1959.

FO 371/142563

Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Long term negotiations on the Free Trade Area: conversation between P J Gore-Booth and M Wormser at the Quai d’Orsay, on the 17 January 1959.
FTA. Note from the Paymaster General’s Office recording a conversation with M Odevall of the Swedish Embassy concerning bilateral talks with the French, 23 January 1959.

FO 371/142564

Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA. Document from Sir Gladwyn Jebb (British Embassy, Paris) to Harold Macmillan, MP suggesting that we should make a quick bargain with the French over the quota problem, 20 January 1959.
Anglo/French quota discussions: bilateral trade negotiations with France, February 1959.

FO 371/142565
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
Record of a conversation between Mr C M MacLehose and Mr Grant-Crofton (SMMT) on the French market for British cars and car parts, February 1959.
Telegram from Paris to the Foreign Office, London re: Anglo-French quota negotiations which took place on 13 March 1959.

FO 371/142566
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
Progress report about the over-licensing and quota problem from a record made by the British Embassy, Paris of a meeting at Quai Branly on 16 March 1959.
Anglo/French trade talks: analysis of the French offer, March 1959.


FO 371/142567
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:
Norwegian/French quota negotiations, April 1959.
Anglo/French Quota Agreement, April 1959.
France and the FTA. Herr Etzels suggestion that the UK ensure that France fully understands the Stockholm project, June 1959.

FO 371/142568
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:
France and the FTA: French press on the Ministerial Meeting of the Seven at Stockholm, July 1959.
France and the FTA: proposed conversation with M Dubré about negotiations between the Six and the Seven, September 1959.

FO 371/142569
Attitude of France to EFTA (Folder 9) comprising sub-files such as:
Conversation with M Bartels about his visit to Copenhagen with M Wormser re French attitude to EFTA, ‘He (M Bartels) thought it had done M Wormser good to experience the impact of a strange Nordic country and to see that there were other people in Europe besides the French who had views and knew how to express themselves’.
Briefs for Paris: November 11 & 12, 1959: Relations with Europe, includes a Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

FO 371/142588
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
The FTA: views of the Six on agreements with a) the UK, and b) the other members of the eleven, February 1959.
Minutes of a meeting held in Gwydyr House with the Paymaster General and Professor Hallstein, and others, on the FTA, 16 February 1959.


FO 371/142589
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Report by the European Commission on a European Economic Association, March 1959. Attached Note reads, ‘The attached copy of [the report] has been obtained by confidential means. The fact that we have acquired it must not be disclosed, as it is important to safeguard the source’, 5 March 1959, UK Delegation to OEEC, Paris.
Common Market and the FTA: summary of an article in the annual report of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce for 1958 with a report of an interview with the Deputy Mayor, Herr Engelhard, March 1958.

FO 371/142590
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA: includes the conclusions of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the EEC on 16 March 1959, and the position taken by the member governments on the report of the European Commission.
Note recording a meeting between Hugh Ellis-Rees, M Jacques Rueff, M Sargent and Mr John McCarthy about the problem of getting an agreement among the seventeen on a Free Trade Area, and what that implied for the future of European co-operation, 20 April 1959.

FO 371/142591

Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Recent events in Rome connected with the Common Market and the FTA. Lecture given by Professor Ludwig Erhard, the West German Minister of Economy, under the auspices of the Centro Italiano per la Riconciliazione Internazionale (March 23). Onorevole Malvestiti, the Vice-President of the European Commission also spoke on this subject: the main theme of his lecture was that free trade was an impossible ideal (April 3).
Common Market and FTA. Proposal by Signor Pella for a talk to restart negotiations between the eleven, 9 May 1959.

FO 371/142592

Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
A conversation between Sir G Jebb, Paris, and M Wormser about the attitude of the Six, in particular the French attitude, towards a Free Trade Area, 13 May 1959.
The Common Market and the FTA: documents discussing UK relations with the Six, May 1959.

FO 371/142593
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
A second meeting of the Special Committee of the EEC to consider a European Economics Association, Brussels, 20 May 1959.
Conversation with Dr Mayer-Cording, of the Federal Economics Ministry: with the results of the most recent meeting of the Special Committee to examine the association between the Common Market and other countries, May 1959.

FO 371/142594
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:
Greek application to accede to Treaty of Rome, June 1959.
Great Britain and the European Market: address by Mr P F D Tennant, to the AGM of the Foreign Trade Association of West German Retailers, 19 June 1959.

Record of a conversation between the Prime Minister and Mr H C Hansen, Prime Minister of Denmark, at No 10 Downing Street where discussions included: the Outer Seven Free Trade Area, 12 June 1959.


FO 371/142595
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:
Greece and the Common Market: discussions with M Economou-Gouras, Director-General of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when it was disclosed that Greece had decided to apply to the signatories of the Treaty of Rome for their agreement to accept Greece into the Common Market, August 1959.
Common Market and the FTA: press cutting from the ‘New York Herald Tribune’ about Britain’s attitude to European integration, 10 August 1959.

FO 371/142596
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 9) comprising sub-files such as:
The Common Market and FTA: first draft of Gen. 671 paper entitled, ‘Bridge between Seven and Six with a Note by the Chairman of ES (EI)’, September 1959.
Memorandum on developments and press comments on Common Market and Free Trade Area Matters in the Federal Republic of Germany, 14 September to 3 October 1959.

FO 371/142597
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 10) comprising sub-files such as:
Report on Free Trade Area: Common Market developments in the Federal Republic of Germany, 4-24 October 1959.
The Common Market and the Free Trade Association: suggestions for the line to be taken by Dr Adenauer over the question of the Six and the Seven, November 1959.

FO 371/142598
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 11) comprising sub-files such as:
North America and European Economic Integration: address given by Professor Dr Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Community, for the Conference of NATO Parliamentarians in Washington, 18 November 1959.
Briefs for Mr Spaak’s visit on 5 November, 1959, entitled ‘Problems of Europe – Economic, the Six and the Seven’, prepared in consultation with the Treasury and the Board of Trade.


FO 371//142599
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 12) comprising sub-files such as:
Report of a meeting at Kongresshaus, Zurich where Dr Ludwig Erhard, Minister for Economic Affairs for the Federal Republic of Germany, and M Jacques Rueff, economic advisor to General de Gaulle, were invited by the Swiss Institute for Foreign Affairs to speak on the post-war economic development of their respective countries, 23 November 1959.
Press report on separate statements made by Professor Hallstein and Professor Erhardt at the Bundestag about the bridge between the EEC and the EFTA, December 1959.

FO 371/142600
Attitude of EEC to EFTA (Folder 13) comprising sub-files such as:
Discussions about the effect on the UK economy over the next twenty years on the development of the Customs and Economic Union of the Six, December 1959.
A joint minute by the Economic Relations Department and the European Economic Organisation Department about ‘Six-Seven Relations: Possibility of Progress 1960-1961’, December 1959.

FO 371/142601
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Report of a conversation in which Tomicich spoke about Austrian public opinion on how the Eleven ought to proceed, 9 January 1959.
Views on Yugoslavia’s position vis-à-vis the OEEC and the FTA. A letter from the British Embassy, Belgrade to the Foreign Office, London Correspondence states, ‘For the Yugoslavs, realism consists at the moment of doing their best to counter any threat to their trading position with either the Common Market or an eventual Free Trade Area may constitute’. 24 January 1959.

FO 371/142602
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Swedish attitude to the FTA: speech by Mr Marcus Wallenberg, Vice-Chairman of Enskilda Bank, Stockholm, 5 March 1959.
FTA: summary of the chief points of a speech by Dr Bock, the Austrian Minister of Trade, to the Austrian Industrialists’ Union on trade policy, with comments by Mr C G Harris and a free translation of extracts of the speech.


FO 371/142603
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
FTA: meeting with Professor Müller Armack with comments on the European Commission’s Report and German plans for re-starting FTA negotiations, March 1959.
Swedish attitude to the question of a Free Trade Area, with an Introductory Statement by the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the foreign policy debate in the Riksdag, 11 March 1959.

FO 371/142604
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
British Embassy, Lisbon: note of a conversation with Guerra re Portuguese, Norwegian and Swedish views on the FTA, 3 April 1959.
Danish views on the FTA: extracts from a translation of an article by the Danish Foreign Minister, JO Krag, in the March issue of ‘Fremtiden’, 1959.

FO 371/142605
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
Italian attitude to the FTA: translation of an article by Dino Del Bo in ‘Tempo’ of 12 May 1959.
US attitude to the Common Market and FTA situation: conversation with M Dillon and the Minister of Transport, June 1959.

FO 371/142606
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
German and Danish attitude to FTA: visit by Danish ministers to Bonn, June 1959.
Forthcoming meeting of the American Management Association on the subject of evolving trade patterns in Europe: suggestion that a representative of OEEC should speak about a closer association between the Six and the Seven, July 1959.

FO 371/142607
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:
German press comments on the FTA and the Seven: interview of Professor Erhard with Associated Press, July 1959.
Record of a conversation between Sir J Coulson, Mr Martin and Mr Greenwald, of the American Embassy: topics discussed included the Stockholm meeting of the Ministers of the Seven, 28 July 1959.

FO 371/142608
Attitude of various countries towards EFTA (Folder 8) comprising sub-files such as:
EFTA and Japanese reactions: note by H Vere Redman recording his impressions derived from conversations with Japanese economic journalists and businessmen, November 1959.
EFTA: paper for the State Department: a draft copy amended following discussion in the ES (EI) Committee of November 24, December 1959.

FO 371/142609
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Fortnightly reports on the European Communities: the European Economic Community, for the period 16 December 1958 to 14 February 1959.
Memorandum about the putting into effect of the provisions of the European Economic Community Treaty, from UK Delegation, Luxembourg, 31 December 1958.


FO 371/142610
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Copies of a translation of the new Benelux Global Quotas for the year 1959 for the whole world, and for those other countries of the European Common Market, January 1959.
Common Market: informal conversation between M Rey of the Commission and A H Tandy about proposed talks between the Commission and the non-Six, January 1959.

FO 371/142611
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Report on a visit to Brazzaville and Leopoldville in the Belgian Congo by a delegation of the Working Party for the Overseas Countries and Territories of the EEC, February 1959.
Press extracts of M Jean Mornet’s interview given to ‘The US World Report’ published in ‘Le Monde’ on the Common Market, 16 February 1959.

FO 371/142612
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Common Market. Progress of the Six in putting the Treaty of Rome into effect: requests lists of points of current interest, March 1959.
Comments on a Memorandum by Dr Luns on the German/Danish trade agreement, 17 March 1959.

FO 371/142613
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 5) comprising sub-files such as:
Comments on a press release of 20 March by M Bouabid, Minister of National Economy and Finance, announcing Morocco’s official policy on the Common Market.
Suggestion by Besche and Sommerfelt that the UK accredit a representative in the EEC: draft telegram to be sent to consult the rest of the non-Six, April 1959.

FO 371/142614
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 6) comprising sub-files such as:
Accreditation to the European Economic Community: Austrian views, May 1959.
Diplomatic relations with EEC procedure being followed by the Swedish government in accrediting Baron Lagerfelt as their representative to Euratom, 6 May 1959.

FO 371/142615
Treaty of Rome and EEC (Folder 7) comprising sub-files such as:
Belgian paper given by M Wigny, Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs, on ‘Considerations on the development of co-operation between the six countries of the European Community and on their external relations’, October 1959.
Comments by the Milan newspaper, ‘Il Sole’, about the need to maintain and increase the effectiveness of the Six, 15 October 1959.


FO 371/142616
Reports on EEC organizations (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Chronological Summary of Events in the European Communities 1958.
Report from the UK Delegation in Luxembourg: re recent developments showing the eclipse of the supranational concept in the European Communities, that the six governments had displayed a growing tendency to revert to independent action, February 1959.

FO 371/142617
Reports on EEC organizations (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Distribution of European Community documents for the European Parliamentary Assembly, the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Commission and Euratom Commission.
Visit to Washington on 9-11 June of the Presidents of the European Commission, Euratom Commission and the High Authority of the ECSC, April 1959.

FO 371/142618
Reports on EEC organizations (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Meeting of Ministers of the EEC and Euratom at Strasbourg on 23-24 November: including decisions reached on the report by the Rey Committee on the European Economic Association, concerning Quotas, Tariffs and the Commision de Contact.
Request from the Foreign Office to the UK Delegation in Brussels to prepare a Personalities Report for the three European Communities, 1 September 1959.

FO 371/142619
Reports on EEC organizations (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Confidential report on the Leading Personalities in the European Committees, 14 December 1959, sent as an enclosure to Mr A H Tandy’s despatch No 35.
Appointment of Monsieur Georges Gorse as the new Permanent French Representative to the three European Communities: M Gorse appears as No 213 on the latest Personality Report, extract attached, 26 November 1959.

FO 371/142620
Quotas and customs tariffs in EEC comprising sub-files such as:
Report by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the discrimination against Danish exports: comments, April 1959.
Decrease in Import Duties: copy of a letter to the Commercial Relations and Export Department, Board of Trade enclosing copies of a notice in the Staatscourant setting out a new form for the Certificate for the Circulation of Goods within the Common Market, August 1959.


FO 371/142621
Relations between EEC and OEEC (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Establishing relations between OEEC and EEC: with views of the Eleven Heads of Delegations, April 1959.
Accreditation of the representatives of the European Economic Community, June 1959.

FO 371/142622
Relations between EEC and OEEC (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Professor Hallstein stated in Washington that the three communities were considering the desirability of appointing a common representative to the United States Government, June 1959.
UK Delegation in Luxembourg concerning the procedures for establishing formal relations with the European Economic Community, 15 July 1959.

FO 371/142623
Relations between EEC and OEEC (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:

Formal relations with the EEC: the European Commission have agreed to the UK proposal, September 1959.
Formal relations with the EEC: the question is considered as to whether Mr Tandy, once the EEC has approved his appointment as the UK representative, should move to Brussels from Luxembourg. Previously, in his capacity as Head of the UK Delegation to the High Authority of the ECSC he had resided in Luxembourg, October 1959.

FO 371/142624
EFTA peripherals (Folder 1) comprising sub-files such as:
Minute by Mr Figgures: drawing conclusions from the Irish demand for concessions by the Six and the Seven, June 1959.
Peripherals and the Stockholm Group: concerning a meeting between the Commercial Counsellor and Van Sydon in which Greek and Turkish action was discussed, August 1959.


FO 371/142625
EFTA peripherals (Folder 2) comprising sub-files such as:
Finland and the EFTA: Finnish concerns about the United Kingdom’s attitude shown in a telegram from Helsinki to the Foreign Office, ‘I have learned from Swedish and Norwegian Ambassadors that within the last few days the Minister for Foreign Affairs has expressed to each of them separately concern about the United Kingdom’s attitude to Finland’s relations with the Seven.’ September 1959.
Iceland and the EFTA: a letter to Sir Dennis Rickett, Treasury, from J M Stevens, Bank of England, it was proposed that Finland should have special facilities for keeping in touch with the Stockholm negotiations. 17 September 1959.

FO 371/142626
EFTA peripherals (Folder 3) comprising sub-files such as:
Visit of the President of the European Commission, accompanied by Marjolin and Rey, to pay an official visit to Athens on 16 & 17 October, 1959.
Finland and the European Free Trade Area. Conversation between the Secretary of State and the Finnish Ambassador, October 1959.

FO 371/142627
EFTA peripherals (Folder 4) comprising sub-files such as:
Finland: a rough draft outlining problems in connection with Finnish membership of, or association with, European Free Trade, November 1959.
EFTA: copy of a letter from Holger Nysten on the attitude of Finnish-British Trade Association, November 1959.

FO 371/142628

Policy of EEC on agriculture comprising sub-files such as:
Copy of a letter from Mr K C Christofas to Mr P J Hewitt, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food about the additions of further agricultural items to those listed in Annex II of the Treaty of Rome, September 1959.
European Commission’s plan for agriculture: report of a press conference by Dr Mansholt, at the Hague, 17 December 1959.

FO 371/142629
Nordic Common Market comprising sub-files such as:
Report of a meeting of Ministers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland held in Oslo on January 24 & 25 to discuss proposals for a Nordic Common Market, 1959.
Nordic Common Market: reports on the Scandinavian Prime Minister’s meeting at Kungälv on the 11 & 12 July 1959.


FO 371/142630
Trade in nuclear materials by members of OEEC comprising sub-files such as:
A draft by the UK Delegation concerning the extension of standstill measures to be put to the Executive Committee, January 1959.
Two agreements of Euratom laying down the external customs tariffs, January 1959.

FO 371/142631
Industrial groupings in EEC comprising sub-files such as:
Textiles: concerning press reports stating that the Common Market Textile Manufacturers Association was pressing for severe restrictions on Asian imports, 24 July 1959.
Copy of a Minute by Mr B K Blount about the pooling of research and development resources of big firms from the countries of the Common Market, 11 December 1959.

FO 371/142632
Finances of EEC comprising sub-files such as:
Press cutting from the small businessman’s newspaper, ‘Les Echos’, about the organisation of medium-term export credit in the Common Market, June 1959.
Document produced by the Action Committee for the United States of Europe, Joint Declaration, Sixth Session, 11 May 1959.

FO 371/142633
Harmonisation with EEC of pension schemes and pharmaceutical regulations comprising sub-files such as:
Draft paper for submission to the Social Committee of Western European Union on the co-ordination of the social security schemes of member countries to achieve the free movement of manpower in the Western European Union, June 1959.
Copy of a French text of the Royal Decree (4.9.59) creating an advisory Commission, under the auspices of the Belgian Ministry of Public Health, to harmonize regulations on pharmaceutical matters within the EEC, 4 September 1959.

FO 371/142634
Discussions in European Parliamentary Assembly on proposals for creation of European University comprising sub-files such as:
The debate on the creation of a European University concluded on May 14 with the unanimous passage of a resolution. The text of the resolution is in the Inward Savings Telegram from the UK Delegation, Brussels, to the Foreign Office, 20 May 1959.
European University: Working Party set up by the Council of Ministers, under the chairmanship of Monsieur Hirsch, to consider this issue, includes the terms of reference of this working group, October 1959.

FO 371/142635
Overseas territories of members of EEC and EFTA comprising sub-files such as:
Free Trade Area and the Common Market: Implications for the associated overseas territories in Africa, July 1959.
Visit of the special commission of the European Economic Community Parliamentary Assembly to French Equatorial Africa and the Belgian Congo to study overseas territories of the EEC countries, August 1959.

FO 371/142636
Relations between EEC and other international organizations comprising sub-files such as:
Proposed draft agreement between FAO and the European Economic Community for provision in the Treaty of Rome for agreements to be drawn up between the Community and an international organisation, December 1959.




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