Series Two: The Papers of Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1805
Part 2: Papers relating to Voyages of Discovery, 1760-1800 from the British Library
Add. MS 32641 Journal of Archibald Menzies, Surgeon RN, employed as botanist in the voyage of discovery round the world in the ship Discovery, under Capt. George Vancouver; Dec 1790-16 Feb 1794. The voyage was not completed till the year 1795; this journal extending only to the third visit of the expedition to Sandwich Isles (see A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World under the command of Captain George Vancouver. 3 vols., London 1798). Paper; ff.420. Small folio. [Belonged to Sir Joseph Banks.]
Add. MS 34727 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, who held in succession (c.1608, c1662, post 1734) the manor of Alscot in Preston-on-Stour, Gloucestershire, on the Warwickshire and Worcestershire borders; 1065- 1813. They are connected more particularly with James West (1704-1772), Secretary to the Treasury (1741-1762), MP for St Alban’s (1741-1768), Treasurer of the Royal Society (1736-1768) and President of the Royal Society (1768-1772), former owner of the Burghley Papers and other MSS in the Lansdowne collection, which at his death were purchased for the Earl of Shelburne. A large proportion of the letters and documents in Vols. I and III appear to be papers which in some way escaped inclusion in the sale. For some sources of his collections see the description of Vol. VII. Twenty- one volumes paper).
34727 WEST PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff.289). Miscellaneous letters, most original, of interest historically or otherwise; 1532-1734. Among them are:
1 John Foxe, the Martyrologist, to Sir [William] Cecil, Sec. of State, asking licence to print his Tables of Grammar; “Raptim ex officina typographica,” [May, 1551]. Lat. Endorsed by Strype, fo.2.
2 John [Whitgift, Archbishop of] Canterbury, to Lord Burghley, concerning [Robert] Beale’s conduct with regard to “the booke which he deliverd unto mee” [A book respecting ceremonies, etc. 1584]; Lambeth, 6 May 1584. Signed. Endorsed by Burghley and Strype (see Strype’s Whitgift, Vol. I, bk. iii, chap. V., p.147). fo.4.
3 [Sir] John Haryngton [Harington] to [Henry,] Prince [of Wales], in answer to a letter from him of 28 Apr; no date [c.1610]. Lat. fo.8.
4 The Privy Council to Sir William Bond at Highgate for “some provision for one nightes lodging for the la. Arbella [Stuart] in respect that she cannott conveniently recover Barnett”; Whitehall, 15 Mar 1610[1]. Contemp. copy. fo.10.
5 The Privy Council to Sir James Croft to assist the Bishop of Durham, to whom “his Maty hath committed the La. Arbella Seymoure [Stuart] ... forasmuch as she ... Still refuseth to yield hir selfe to any remove [from Highgate] further then she shall be forced by the strength of mens hands”, Whitehall, 20 Mar 1610[1]. Contemp. copy. fo.12.
6 [Sir] William Monson [Admiral of the Narrow seas] to the Earl of Salisbury, Lord Treasurer, “to let your ho: knowe that thear is taken in the barke with my Ladie Arbella [Stuart] as passenger the French poast,” and to ask for instructions; “aboard the Adventure,” 6 [June 1611]. Signed. Seal of arms. Endorsed with the times at the various stages from Sandwich (almost 8 o’clock at night) to London (7 in the morning of 7 June). fo.14; to the same: “we ... can geve noe knowledg of Mr. Seamers [William Seymour] landing ... My Lady [Arbella] and her woman we bring in one barge”; Gravesend, 8 June, [1611]. Signed. fo.16.
7 [Philippe de Mornay, Seigneur] du Plessis[-Marly], to [Henry,] Prince of Wales, presenting his book []Mysterium iniquitatis seu historia papatus, Salmurii, 1611], and urging resistance to papal pretensions; Saumur, 8 July, 1611. Fr. Seal of arms. fo.18.
8 [Sir] Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon, Bt. his nephew, with court-news: “My Ladie Elizabeth and the Count Palatine ... at length on Sunday last ... did putt to sea, some 8 dayes after a booke had been printed and published in London of her intertaynment at Heidelberge, so nimble an age it is”; London, 29 Apr 1613. Printed (with the other letters here) in Sir H Wotton’s Letters to Sir E. Bacon, 1661. fo.25; narrating the journey of “my Ladie Elizabethe” 18 June, [1613]. Imperf. fo.25; concerning the King of Spain’s affairs in Italy; 1629. fo.53; concerning a duel between [Col. George] Goring and [Basil Feilding,] Viscount Feilding, etc.; [18 April. 1638]. Incomplete. fo.59; counselling him as to his health, etc.; 1638. fo.65;“touching the losse of Friends,” etc.; n.d. Contemp. Copy. fo. 67.
9 Fr[ancis] Junius [afterwards librarian to the Earl of Arundel] to Gerard [John] Vossius, his sister’s husband, concerning book-hunting: “sed hic in Anglia vix aliud quam Angliam, hoc est Anglicorum librorum maximum numerum, invenio”; London, 4 Feb 1614[5]. Lat. fo.26; to the same; Middelburg, 20 Oct 1615, Paris, 12 Aug, 18 Sept, 1620. Lat. ff.27, 38, 39; to the same, with mention of Ussher, Selden and other scholars; in “aedibus Arundelianis,” 6 May, 1630. Lat. fo.55; to the same, concerning the breach of his relations with the family of the Earl of Arundel; Paris, 1631. Lat. Seal of arms. fo.58; - to the same; “in aedibus Arundellianis,” 4 Mar 1633[4]. Lat. fo.60.
[Sir] Fr[ancis] Bacon, Lord Chancellor, to [Francis Knyvett] Baron Knyvett, to appear in the Chancery to answer the bill of Elizabeth, widow of Sir Richard Martyn; York House, 5 Mar 1618[8]. Signed fo.28.
1 T[homas] Lorkin to Sir Thomas Puckering, Bt. [with whom he travelled 1611-1613], with news of the court and of the manner of the creation of Lord Verulam; London, 21 July, 1618. fo.31; - to the same, with news of the court; London, 13 Oct 1618 [c.Oct 1618]. ff.33, 35; as secretary to the embassy at Paris, to the same, concerning “letters from the Grand Signior to the K. of Bohemia and Prince of Orange,” offering aid against the Emperor; Senlis, 11 Sept 1623, N.S. fo.49.
2 The King to the Privy Council, to be “satisfied of suche things he [Sir Edward Coke] promised unto us upon the marriage of Sir John Villers [Villiers, Viscount Purbeck, 1619] and his daughter and that the Ladie Hatton [Sir E. Coke’s wife] be noe loser ... in signeing to Sir Robert Riche and Sir Christopher Hatton”; [1617-1619]. Contemp. copy. fo.37.
3 John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Keeper to the Lord Admiral [George Villiers, Marquis and in 1623 Duke of Buckingham], concerning “that excellent peace of Mercye, which his Mtie ... is about to expresse in the E. of Southampton”; Westminster College, 2 Aug 1621. Seal of arms. fo.40; to [Henry Wriothesley,] Earl of Southampton, concerning the same matter; 2 Aug 1621. Enclosed in the preceding. fo.42; to the Lord Admiral, “My paines ... are restles and endeles, but under earth and out of his Mytes sight ... Onely my L. Marshall hathe dealt . to make a Faction to disgrace the poore L. Keeper,” etc.; 21 Sept 1622. Seal of arms. fo.43; to the same, concerning the Council’s request to the King, to postpone Irish suits till the return of the Irish Committee, as an infringement of prerogative, etc.; Westminster College, 12 Oct 1622. Signed. fo.45; - to the same, “of the course held with our Recusants” [in view of the Spanish match], and of the plan of action with regard to “Dr [William] Bushopp, the newe Bpp. Of Calcedon”; Nonsuch, 3 Aug 1623. fo.47.
4 Robert Dixon to Sir Richard Brawne concerning occurrences in the House of Commons on 2 Mar; 4 Mar 1628[9]. fo.51.
5 Letter of instructions from the Privy Council to the Sheriff of Warwickshire for collecting ship-money; Whitehall, 12 Aug 1635. Contemp copy. fo.61.J[ohn] G[reaves], orientalist, to [a fellow of Merton College, Oxford?] and to [Archbishop Laud], concerning his visit to Constantinople; [Mar-June, 1638]. Drafts. ff.63, 64.
6 [Sir] E[dward] H[yde], [afterwards 1st Earl of Clarendon,] to his wife during his embassy to Spain (9 letters); 3 Sept [1649]-5 Dec 1650. ff.74-80, 83-85.
7 [Col.] G[ervase] Holles to Lord ----, reproaching him with his conduct in the matter of the execution of [Arthur Capel,] Baron Capel; Rotterdam, 20 Mar 1650. Draft. fo.81.
8 “Consules ... Cantonum Helvetiae Evangelicorum” to the English Parliament, urging the conclusion of peace with the Dutch; Zurich, 24 Dec 1652. Lat. Endorsed “Duplicate of the Switzer’s Lettre read 1 Feb 1652[3]”. fo.90.
9 Gerard Langbaine [the elder] to John Selden: “I Cannot yet see the bottome of the bagge which belongs to Eutychius,” etc. [E Pocock’s Contextio gemmarum sive Eutychii annales, Oxford 1654, etc. for which Selden found the funds and the profits of which he left to Langbaine and Pocock]; Queen’s College, [Oxford], 20 Mar 1653[4]. Seal of arms. fo.93.
10 Edw[ard] Hyde, Lord Hyde, Lord Chancellor, to [George Villiers, 2nd] Duke of Buckingham: “I do assure you, if I Know the kinge, he hath greate kindnesse for you”; Worcester House, 24 Feb [1661]. fo.102.
11 [Sir] Jo[hn] Werden, Envoy to Sweden, to Sir Charles ---- concerning mines in Sweden; Stockholme, 9 Dec 1671. fo.104.
12 Copy of an unsigned letter from an English agent at Middelburg [in the Isle of Walcheren] concerning a proposal for “the annexion of it to the [English] crowne as Wales is”; 6 May/26 April, 1673. Followed by a report by the same (?) on the defences of Walcheren, etc. ff.110, 111.
13 Nine letters from officers and others to Prince Rupert, with one to Hargill Baron, his secretary, concerning naval matters; 7 May - 14 Dec 1673, n.d. fo.115-130.
14 [Carlo Emanuele d’Este], Marquis de Borgomanero, Spanish ambassador to Charles II, expressing his master’s desire “to enter into a strict and firm alliance with your Matie” against France; London, 5 June, 1677. Translation. fo.148.
[Sir] J[oseph] Williamson [Secretary of State,] to Prince Rupert, concerning the negotiations at Nymegen and the Hague; 1 Aug 1678. fo.150.
16 “Cormacus S. Ciarani successor,” to D. Michael O’More, STD., Paris, concerning the state of Ireland, mentioning the successful defence by the Irish by a town unnamed [the description seems to apply exactly to the siege of Limerick in Aug 1690]; Dublin, 24 Apr 1690 [sic] Irish, with Latin translation. fo.159.
17 Baron [Gottfried Wilhelm von] Leibnitz to ----- concerning the publication of Vol. I. of his Codex juris gentium diplomaticus; [1693?]. Fr. fo.165.
18 Newsletters to [Henry] Davenant [Envoy at Frankfort] from other British envoys, etc.: (a) E[dmund] Poley; Hanover, 4 Jan 1703, 3 Feb, 4 Aug 1704. ff.171, 190, 204-206; (b) Ja[mes] Dayrolle, Hague 14 Apr - 20 Nov 1703, 17 Mar - 6 Nov 1705, 24 Apr 1708. ff.173, 174, 183-187, 212-225, 256; (c) C[harles] Whitworth [(1720) Baron Whitworth]; Ratisbon and Vienna, 30 Aug, 24 Nov 1703, 8 Mar - 15 Nov 1704. ff.177, 188, 193, 195, 202, 210; (d) Ad[am] Cardonnel, secretary to the Duke of Marlborough; 5 Feb - 3 Oct 1704. ff.192, 197-199, 109; (e) [Walter Chetwynd, 1st Viscount] Chetwynd; Turin, 5 July, 1704, fo.200; (f) [Thomas Wentworth, 3rd Baron] Raby; Berlin, 27 Sept 1704. fo.207;(g) Marquis [Ferdinand] Paleotti; Dusseldorf, 24 Feb 1707. fo.238; (h) Broun; camp at Philippsburg, 8 Aug 1707. fo.240; (i) H[erman] Olmius; London, 2 Sept 1707. fo.242; (k) A[braham] Stanyan; Bern, 3 Mar 1708. fo.246; - (l) [Georg Heinrich], Baron von Goertz; Hanover, 12, 30 Mar, 27 Apr 1708. ff.252, 258; (n) Sir Philip Meadows; Vienna, 11 Apr 1708. fo.254;(o) Camp at Terbanck, 4 June, 1708. fo.260.
19 Correspondence of [Françoise d’Aubigné,] Marquise de Maintenon and [Anne Marie Orsini,] Princesse des Ursins; 24 June-25 July, 1706. Copies. fo.227-235.
20 Thomas Beaven junior, to the Quakers at their monthly meeting to be held at Warminster, Wiltshire, 8 Nov on leaving their Communion, taunting them with violating liberty of conscience in forcing upon members the non-payment of tithes and other peculiarities; Melksham, 12 Oct 1706. fo.236.
21 R[ichard] R[awlinson] to John Hare, Richmond Herald, concerning his “design of the Eton fellows,” etc.; Oxford, 2 Mar 1715/6. fo.266.Stanislas [Leczinski], King [of Poland] to a friend, concerning his escape from Dantzig, with a brief narrative of the siege; July 1734. Fr. Copy. fo.276
Add. MSS 34728-29 (Part of Add Mss 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above)
34728 WEST PAPERS. Vol. II. (ff.216). Miscellaneous letters, chiefly addressed to James West, as Secretary to the Treasury, or otherwise; 1742-1794. Among the contents are:
1 K[atherine Sheffield, widow of John 1st Duke of] Buckingham-[shire] to Sir Robert Walpole, concerning her alum works; n.d. fo.1.
2 R[obert] Knight [formerly cashier of the South Sea Company] to James West, asking his influence to obtain a general release; Paris, 10 Dec 1742. fo.7.
3 Peter Razer, customs officer at Philadelphia to J. West with colonial news; May, 1754-1 Mar 1757. ff.21, 36, 52, 54.
4 H[enry] Fox [afterwards 1st Baron Holland], Secretary of State to [Antoine Louis] Rouillé [Comte de Jouy], French Minister of Marine declaring that “sa Majesté ne sauroit accorder la demande qu’on fait de la Restitution ... de tous les Vaisseaux François ... comme une Condition Préleminaire a toute Négociation”; Whitehall, 13 Jan 1756. Fr. Copy. fo.40.
5 M[argaret Walpole, widow of Robert, 2nd Earl of] Orford to John Sharpe, MP, with reflections on the loss of Minorca: “I conclude that you know that from our poor good doating Commander all the officers were incompleat”; [Florence?, c.July, 1756]. fo.44.
6 [Thomas Pelham-] Holles, [Duke of] Newcastle, to J West on political matters, etc.; [1761?] - 29 July, 1769. ff.72,83, 91, 109, 111, 116, 120-134, 137, 146, 148, 165-169, 172-179, 182, 184, 194-199.
Andrew Coltee Ducarel to J West, concerning a register of Waltham Abbey and other matters; Doctors’ Commons, 20 Sept. 1764. fo.93. George Onslow [afterwards 1st Earl of Onslow] to J West, concerning the Ministry, etc.: “... The King, after having offer’d Carte Blanche to the Duke of Cum:, submitted yesterday to the terms demanded by the Old Ministry” (see fo.95b); 22 May, 12 Oct, [16 Dec] 1765, 6 Oct 1766. ff.95, 105, 107, 118.
8 George Rose to J West, concerning the printing of the Journals of the House of Lords, asking his aid in case he has papers to supply the proceedings in the Earl of Strafford’s trial which had been cancelled; Westminster, 7 Nov 1767. fo.135.
9 [Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of] Rockingham to J West on the meeting of Parliament; 2 Jan 1770. fo.200.
10 T[homas] Morell, DD, to J. West concerning his edition of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales [part only published, 1737]; Eton, 18 [July, 1771]. fo.203.
11 Richard Burke to James West Junior, concerning compensation for the abolition of his office [as Auditor of the Exchequer for land revenue]; Beaconsfield, 24 Apr 1794. fo.213.
34729 WEST PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff.365). Historical documents, extracts from records, naval and parliamentary papers, etc., many original; 1065-1759. Among them are:
1 “Homagium Malcolmi [Malcolm III. Canmore] Regis Scocie et Edwardi filii ejus primogeniti factum Edwardo Confessori Regi Anglie pro regno Scocie”; 5 June, 1065. fo.1. Copy of the forgery by John Hardyng the chronicler. See Bain, Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, Vol. i., p. 1, no. 1; for the seal, Birch, Cat. of Seals in the Brit. Mus., Vol. iv., p. 647.
2 Extracts from records relating to Windsor Forest; 1220-1375. Lat. Endorsed by Lord Burghley. fo.3.
3 Extracts from records relating to the representation of the borough of St. Albans, Hertfordshire; 1307-1347. Lat. and Fr. fo.8. See also other papers, 1714, ff.276b-283.
4 Memorial by [Robert Cooke], Chester Herald to Queen Elizabeth, concerning the infringement of her prerogative by the Earls Marshal; [1561?]. fo.39.
5 Receipts and payments of the Exchequer; 18 Eliz. [1575-6]. fo.41.
6 Summary of “cristnynges and buryalles within the cyttye of London and the libartys thereof,” 25 Dec 1577 - 25 Dec 1578. fo.47.
7 “Matters desyred to be considered of in the behalf of the church of Chester”; 27 Apr 1579. fo.48.
8 List of 128 Preachers “conformable within the Diocesse of Canterbury”; 1 July, 1584. fo.50 b.
9 “Answer to certen Questions propounded to the Bish. of Sarum [John Piers]” concerning the Queen’s right on religious grounds to assist the Netherlands against their Sovereign; 1584. Endorsed by Burghley and Strype (for a summary see Strype’s Whitgift, Vol. iii. bk. iii. chap. xiv. No. xxv.). fo.52.
10 “A note of the charge of certayne shippes sette forth by the Earle of Sussex [Thomas Ratcliffe] for the ayde of her Majesties armye againste the Spanishe forces in Anno 1588”. Signed by [Sir] John Hawkyns, William Holstok, W[illiam?] Borough. fo.61.
11 “A True Reporte of all the Shipps and Barks that have this yeare made their voyadge into Islande and retorned, and payed the composicion of Lynges and Codd,” with memorial by Robert Ardern [in 1576 customer at Berwick] for the easier exaction; 14 Sept 1593. Endorsed by Burghley. fo.63.
12 List of sees, bishops, valuations and deans; 8 Oct 1594. Endorsed by Strype. fo.65.
13 Summary of opinions in the Controversy “de descensu Christi ad inferos,” drawn up by [Burghley’s] order; 12 Ma[r.] 1597[8]. Lat. (See Strype’s Whitgift, Vol. ii., bk. iv., Chap.xxi., p.503.). fo.67.
14 “Reasons why the Divinitie Lecture [in Gresham College] ought to bee in the English tongue all or part”; temp. Eliz. [the lectures began in June 1597]. fo.73.
15 “An act for the reducinge of diversities of Bibles now extant in the Englishe tongue to one setled vulgar translated from the originall,” and to compel students of both universities to assist; temp. Eliz. Endorsed by Strype. fo.75.
16 Memorial by William Herlle to Lord Burghley “for repressing of pyrates and piracyes” by registration of ships; c.1580 (cf. Cal. Of State Papers, 1547-80, p.642). fo.79.
Rough extracts by Lord Burghley of genealogies of the Saxon kings and Norman dukes, etc. (cf. Lansdowne MS 94, f.121); temp. Eliz. ff.81, 83.
18 “Towchinge Baytaile betwene an approver and a defendant beinge approvyd”; temp. Eliz. Endorsed by Burghley: “The ordre of battayl betwixt ii champions by ye lawe of England.” fo.85.
19 Extract from pleas of Windsor Forest, concerning the claim of Sir Thomas Trevor, Baron of the Exchequer, to the stewardship of the honour and castle; 24 Sept 1632. Copy. fo.89 b.
20 “A note of the Shipps with their Burthens and men that are to be raysed in England and Wales by the first of March next, 1635[6].” fo.101.
21 Warrant to pay the Earl Marshal’s fees for the knighthood of Prince Charles [Charles II]; Westminster, 6 July, 1638. Copy. With notes by Peter Le Neve, Norroy, 7 Oct 1714. fo.103.
22 Petition by the trained bands of Cashio and Dacorum hundreds to the deputy-lieutenants of Hertfordshire against impressment for foreign service, having “been allwayes reputed to bee the Kinges Guarde, etc.”; 28 Apr 1640. fo.104.
23 Autobiography in Latin iambics, [of William Chappell, Bishop of Cork]; 30 July, 1632 - Mar 1641. See another copy in Lansdowne MS. 958, fo.7, and Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa, vol.ii. p.414, where it is printed from a MS. at Trinity College, Cambridge. fo.106.
24 Memorial for payment of a pension by the King of Spain to Anna [Maria], Princess of Portugal [daughter of B João Bautista Capeche Galeota, Principe de Monte Leon, and wife of the Prince D Luiz de Portugal]; [1654-1661]. Fr. fo.111.
25 Constitution of the Council of Trade; Nov 1660. Copy. fo.112
26 Speeches and proceedings in the House Commons; 1 July 1663, 20 Oct 1673, 16 Apr - 28 May 1677, Jan - 20 June 1678. ff.115, 149, 199, 201, 205-210, 216, 218, 231-245.
27 Papers [of Prince Rupert] relating to the Navy, including lists of English, French and Dutch vessels, orders, soundings, petitions, etc., mostly connected with the expedition of 1673; 13 Apr, 1672 - 2 Jan 1675. ff.120-196 passim. Included are: (a) Narrative by the Captain of HMS Assistance of the capture of St. Helena; 4-27 May 1673. fo.127; (b) Orders by the King to Prince Rupert at the council of flag officers on board the Royal Sovereign; 16 July 1673. Fr, translation. fo.135; (c) Narrative [by Prince Rupert] of the engagement of the English and French fleets with the Dutch near the Texel; 11 Aug 1673. Two copies in Engl.; three in Fr. ff.138-148; (d) Instructions for the French squadron with the English fleet for manoeuvring; [1673?]. Draft and Fr. Translation. ff.190, 191.
28 Memorial by George Jolly concerning an agreement with Sir William Davenant and Thomas Killigrew in the matter of a warrant to erect a play-house, etc., which the latter, now Master of the Revels, refuses to carry out; [early in 1673?]. fo.124.
29 Memorial by Jo: Kinge [religious fanatic] to his Highness [Prince Rupert?] concerning visions ordering the invasion of France, alliance with Spain, etc.; 1 Apr 1677. fo.203.
30 Treaty between Great Britain and the States General; Hague, 30 Dec 1677, 10 Jan 1678. Lat. fo.212.
31 List of the House of Commons on the new election, [6 Mar] 1678[9]. fo.220.
32 “Proposition pour la surprise [by England] de la ville de Vlyssynge [Flushing], par S.” [an inhabitant]; temp. Charles II.(?). fo.251.
33 Counsel’s opinions by [Sir] Fr[ancis] Pemberton and H[eneage] Finch on the case of the University of Cambridge with regard to the admission of Alban Frances, a Benedictine; Mar 1686[7]. ff.255-258.
34 Essay on the proclamation [12 Feb 1687] for liberty of conscience to recusants in Scotland. fo.260.
35 “A Deduction of His Majesties Title to the Island of St Lucia in answer to the French ambassador’s Letter to Mr Blathwayt of 16th Oct 1700.” fo.263.
36 “A Catalogue of Books to be sould by Auction at the D[uke] of Marlb. [Marlborough’s] Lodgins in St. Jams. On Sunday the 25th of July. An:1704”: a satire, with verses appended (see another copy with variations in Stowe MS. 305, fo.283). Printed, without the verses, in Poems on affairs of State, 1716, iii. p.388. fo.267.
37 Speech of [Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford], taking leave of the House of Lords; [9 July, 1715]. fo284. Endorsed “This paper is handed about and A[bel] Boyer talks of publishing it in his monthly account,” and below in another hand “This false.” Printed, with additions and considerable variations in wording, in Boyer’s Political State of Great Britain, Vol. x. p.44.
38 Reply to the pamphlet The case of addressing Considered; on occasion of the late addresses to the Earl of Nottingham and the Bishop of Chester, London, 1721. 4. fo.290.
39 Narrative by Thomas Wells [of the Post Office] of the Pretender’s designs from 16 April 1715, till his retreat in 1716 and of the method of discovery, presented to the Treasury in 1734 and in 1740. fo.297. See Lansdowne MS.849, fo.303 for the petition to the Prince of Wales to which this narrative was apparently attached.
40 Satirical dismissal by Frederic II [the Great] of Prussia of Baron [Carl Ludwig] von Pöllnitz, Master of the Ceremonies; Potsdam, 1 Apr 1744. Fr. Copy. Printed in Oeuvres de Frédéric, Berlin, 1846-1857, Vol. xv. p.193. fo.308.
41 Papers relating to the disposal of estates given in 1686 to popish and superstitious uses; [post 1745]. fo.310.
42 “Lettre a M. l’evêque de ---- sur l’affaire présente du Parlement au sujet du refus des sacremens”; [circ. 1752?]. Fr. fo.325.
43 Papers relating to the Society of the Free British Fishery; 1754. fo.331.
44 Petitions concerning the illicit trade in sugar, with draft of a bill to prevent the importing of British sugar from any other place but the British sugar colonies; [1754?]. fo.348.
Add. MS 34730 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above)
34730 WEST PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff.450). Correspondence of members of the Mariett family, of Alscot in Preston-on-Stour, Gloucestershire, chiefly of Thomas Mariett (ob. 1691), Sheriff of Warwickshire (1678) and MP (1681) and John Mariett, his son, Commissioner of the Prize Office, Plymouth (1693), and Sheriff of Gloucestershire (1698); ante 1623- 1717. Included (ff.1-5) are letters to or concerning Sir Hugh Brawne and Sir Richard Brawne, his son; and at ff.30, 31 are two letters relating to the arrest of Ralph Sheldon, of Weston, Warwickshire, for high treason [c.22 Nov. 1678], 25 Jan 1678/9.
Add. MS 34731 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above)
34731 WEST PAPERS Vol. V. (I, ff.332). Correspondence of Thomas Steavens (ob. 1759), son of Sir Thomas Steavens, of Eltham, Kent, and brother of James West’s wife; 1738-1759. It begins when Steavens was at school at Eton and under the guardianship of his brother-in-law, but for the most part it was carried on while he was residing on the continent. The first of two volumes covering 1738-1751, chiefly at the embassies at Dresden, Berlin, Vienna and Venice. Included in Vol. V. (I) are: (a) “Character of the Court of Dresden,” in a letter “to the Earl of Chesterfield,” endorsed “Feb 1748,” being a copy by Steavens of a letter of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Envoy at Dresden (printed from another copy, also by Steavens, in Williams’s Works, 1822, ii. p.211). ff.45-60; (b) “Account of the Court of Berlin,” apparently by Steavens himself in a letter to J West, dat. Berlin, 1 Sept 1748. ff.70-110; (c) “Account of the Court of Vienna” [1749], in the hand of Steavens. ff.126-151.
Add. MSS 34732-33 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34732 WEST PAPERS Vol. VI. (II, ff.311). Continuation of the correspondence of Thomas Steavans as per Add MS 34, 731 above. This is the second volume covering 1752-1759, chiefly at Venice and Naples. Appended to Vol. VI. (ii) are a few verses addressed to Steavens and elegies upon his death and that of the Marchesa Catarina Trotti Gabriella, in Italian and Latin, etc.
34733 WEST PAERS Vol. VII. (ff.350). Private and business correspondence of James West (1704?-1772) and members of his family, with a few papers appended; c.1702-1813. Following the undated letters at the end are: (a) Extracts [by Anna West her niece] from a diary of Esther Jackson; c.1702, fo.310; (b) Acquaintances to James West for fees, commons, etc. at the Inner Temple; 1721, 1724-1736, 1748-1752. fo.322; (c) Acquaintances to James West for purchases of printed books, MSS, coins, pictures, etc. from the collections of White Kennett [Bishop of Peterborough], Joseph Sparke, registrar of Peterborough Cathedral, [Revd John] Strype, [Edward Harley, 2nd] Earl of Oxford, [Josceline Sidney] Earl of Leicester and Mrs. Bridgeman; 1740-1743. fo.340. Small Folio.
Add. MS 34734 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34734 WEST PAPERS Vol. VIII (I, ff. 440). Correspondence of James West as MP (1741-1768), Recorder (1758) and High Steward (1759) of St. Albans, with persons in the town and neighbourhood; 1740-1768. The first of two volumes for 1740 - June 1760. Folio.
Add. MSS 34735-36 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34735 WEST PAPERS Vol. IX. (II., ff.390). Correspondence of James West as above (see Add Ms 34734). The second of two volumes for July 1760- 1768. Interspersed and at the end of Vol. IX. (II.) are a few election ballads and lists of voters of the Corporation of Commissions of the peace for the borough and liberty etc. Folio.
34736 WEST PAPERS. Vol. X. (ff.227). Treasury papers, comprising various accompts and documents concerning works, army contracts for provisions and forage, customs and excise, etc. 1732-1763; followed (fo.110) by miscellaneous undated papers and (fo.127) by petitions to be Commissioners of the Treasury with a few to the Duke of Newcastle appended, temp. Geo. I.-post 1760. The names will be found in the index. At fo.46 is a “Table shewing the deductions to be made for 11 days in the year 1752 on all annual payments by the crown for that year.” Folio.
Add. MSS 34737-38 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34737 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XI. (ff.142). Papers relating to the land-tax, being chiefly statements of accounts of receivers-general in the division of William Lowndes, one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, of whose place James West and his son James held the reversion; 1724-1795. At fo.3 is a memorial of Sir Humphrey Howorth, Receiver-General in North Wales and Co. Chester, MP for Radnorshire (1722-1755) to Sir Robert Walpole for relief from a debt to the crown on the plea of defeating the Harley interest in Radnorshire at elections, [1734-1742]. Folio.
34738 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XII. (ff.236). Wills of various persons 1597-1783, including: (a) Sir Arthur Throkmorton of Paulerspury, Northants., 26 Jan 1624 [5], proved 9 Aug 1626. Extract fo.2b; (b) Sir Nicholas Overbury of Bourton-on-the-Hill, Gloucestershire, 1 Sept 1640 with codicils, 17 Feb 1641[2] and 17 May 1643, one clause mentioning a gift of silver to his son Sir Thomas by the King of Denmark during a visit to England, [1606?]. fo.16b;- (c) Frances Seymour-Conway, 1st Baron Conway, 8 July 1727, proved 1 Mar 1732[3]. f.127b;- (d) Thomas Fermor, 1st Earl of Pomfret, July 1738. Draft. fo.148; (e) Thomas Archer, 1st Baron Archer, 21 May 1767, with codicil 12 May 1768, proved 29 Oct 1768. fo.218. Folio.
Add. MS 34739 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - as above)
34739 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XIII (I, ff.390). Miscellaneous papers, deeds, bonds, accompts, etc. relating to Preston-on -Stour, Whitchurch, Alderminster and other places near Stratford-on-Avon in Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire and to the families of Brawne, Mariett and West; 1419-1810. The first of two volumes covering 1419- 1684. In Vol. XIII, fo.12b is a compotus of Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecote, Warwickshire (cf.f.33), for Allescote [Alscot in Preston-on-Stour, Gloucestershire] and other manors, 1519-1520. He married the widow of George Catesby, ancestor of Robert Catesby, the conspirator, from whose papers the extract was made, temp. Charles I. Sir Thomas Overbury to whom some of the papers in the latter part of the volume relate, was the son of Sir Giles and nephew of the better-known Sir Thomas. His widow Hester afterwards became the wife of Thomas Mariett, his executor. Folio.
Add. MS 34740 (Part of add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34740 WEST PAPERS Vol. XIV (II, ff.520). Miscellaneous papers, deeds, bonds, accompts, etc. A continuance of Add MS 34739 above. This second volume covers 1685-1810. In Vol. XIV., fo.192, Shaxpeer Hart, who signs an acquittance for window-glazing at Crimscott [in Whitchurch, Warwickshire] 1726, was a descendant of William Hart, husband of William Shakespeare’s sister Joan. Folio.
Add.MSS 34741-41 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34741 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XV. (ff.374). Miscellaneous papers, deeds, rentals, etc. relating to manors etc. in various counties, arranged alphabetically in order of counties and names, a large proportion being connected with houses in London; 1397-1755. Included are:
1 Inventory of church goods at Beaconsfield, Bucks. made 18 July 1552, under the royal commission of 16 May. Signed by Francis [Russell, Baron] Russell and others. fo.3.
2 Notes concerning the manors of Sutton Poole in Plymouth, Devon, belonging to the Duchy of Cornwall and Elthan, Kent, Newark, Nottinghamshire, Shimpling, Suffolk and Corsham, Wiltshire, parcels of the jointure of various queens; [18th cent.]. ff.9, 95, 372.
3 Papers of [Thomas Fermor, 1st] Earl of Pomfret, relating to his manors of Corscombe and Halstock, Dorset; 1723-1742. ff.11-68.
4 Papers relating to a house called Elliotts in the little Old Bailey, London, fitted up in 1741 as a library [for James West?]; 1558-1741. ff.101b-140.
5 Papers relating to a mortgage on a house in Clifford Street, Burlington Gardens in the parish of St. James’s Westminster, occupied in 1723 by Lady Teynham, in 1734 by the Earl of Marchmont, in 1735 by the Duke of Beaufort and in 1754 by Baron Hop, the Dutch envoy; 1723-1754. ff.174-313.
6 Plan of approach to Westminster Bridge; [18th cent.]. fo.316.
7 Endowment by New College, Oxford of the vicarage of Adderbury, Oxfordshire; 1397. Copy. fo.353.
8 Accompt for provisions some public occasion at or near Guildford, Surrey; 3-5 Aug 1709. fo.361b.
9 Commission to enquire into alleged embezzlements, etc. by the governors of King Edward’s School, Birmingham; 1722. fo.364. Large Folio.
34742 WEST PAPERS Vol. XVI (I, ff.264). Pleadings etc. in various suits, 1620-1752. First of two volumes covering 1620-1641. (1) Elizabeth Thorpley v. Sir Richard Brawne concerning the rectory of Preston- on-Atour, Gloucestershire; 1620-1621. fo.1; (2) Joas Godschalke v. Sir Richard Brawne concerning right of way to the mill of Atherstone-on-Stour, Warwickshire; 1631-1634. fo.70; (3) Thomas Mariett v. Thomas Warmestrey, parson of Whitchurch, Warwickshire, concerning the tithes of Whitchurch pastures; 1634-1641. fo.216. Folio.
Add MSS 34743-45 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 - JAMES WEST PAPERS - Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne Mariett and West, as above).
34743 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XVII (II, ff.209). Pleadings, etc. in various suits; 1620-1752. In continuance of Add MS 34742 above. The second of two volumes covering 1635-1752. Includes:
(1) The dean and chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, v. Sir Richard Brawne, concerning the rectory of Preston-on-Stour; 1635-1638. fo.1;
(2) Thomas Mariett (by Richard Walton, shepherd) v. Samuel Wynter, parson of Whitchurch, for trespass; post 20 Oct 1656. fo.50;
(3) William Whitelocke and Mary his wife, sister of Sir Thomas Overbury, deceased, v. Thomas Mariett, who married the widow, as heirs and executor respectively; 1685. fo.52; (4) Anne Somervile, widow of William Somervile and daughter of [Robert Tracy, 2nd] Viscount Tracy, v. Henry Birkhead, LLD and John Mariett, executors of Thomas Mariett, Lady Grace Bernard, his widow [3rd wife], and others to recover on a mortgage (including papers relating to allied suits) - revived later as William [Tracy, 4th ] Viscount Tracy v. John Mariett; 1693-1710. fo.62;
(5) Decrees of Chancery, etc. to settle property under the will of Francis Seymour-Conway, 1st Baron Conway; 1735-1744. fo.135;
(6) Order in Chancery to convey to Sir Thomas Samwell, 2nd Bt. and Thomas Samwell, his son, of Upton, Northants., certain manors and rectories in Warwickshire, the mortgage upon which was inherited by Neale Stonehouse and others, wards of the Court; 7 Feb 1752. fo.170. Other papers illustrating the above suits will be found in Vols. IV and XII-XIV. Large Quarto.
34744 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XVIII (ff.133). A few lists of armour, books, antiquities and works of art, followed (fo.29) by miscellaneous prose pieces and (fo.45) by miscellaneous verses and translations in Greek, Latin and English; 16th-19th cent. Included are:
1 “The particular discripcion of the [211] pryses ... in the lottery of armes ... by John Calthorp, cittezin and marchant of the cittie of London”; 16th-17th cent. fo.1.
2 “Tabula ex libro Vincent de authoribus et libris in eodem libro citatis” [i.e. in the Descoverie of errors in the first deition of the Catalogue of nobility published by Raphe Brooke, by Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald, London, 1622, 4], with some names of owners of MSS. Cited. fo.9.
3 List of marbles and pictures at Wilton House omitted in the catalogue made in 1738; 1739. ff.11-16.
4 “Liste des meilleurs livres François, par Monsieur le Président de Montesquieu”; [c1749]. fo.17.
5 Homily concerning persecutions, begins “Etiam omnes qui volunt pie vivere in Christo Jesu persecutionem patientur,” addressed by RH to D Rainoldus [John Rainolds(?), President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford]; 17th cent. Lat. Endorsed by Anthony Wood: “Hunc librum habui e musaeo Hen. Jacksoni [ob. 2 June, 1662] quondam CCC Oxon. Socii-an. 1662. Ant. à Bosco.” fo.19.
6 Correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks and Dr. Daniel Charles Solander concerning their reception at Rio de Janeiro on board the Endeavour; 1768. fo.38.
7 “Epithalamion one a cittisem,” begins “The sun beames in the East are spred,” [by John Donne, Dean of St Paul’s]; 17th cent. Copy. See another copy in Add MSS 18, 647, fo.59, with variations. Originally appeared in the 4 edition of 1633, pp.135-8. fo.47. Small Folio.
34745 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XIX. (ff.151). “The contents of the last 64 folio volumes of MSS, called Scrinia Ceciliana [the Burghley papers, now Lansdowne MSS. 51-113 (55 is missing)] and a supplement of 4 volumes Quarto [Lansdowne MSS,119-122] Collated, reduced to a chronological series and the several Articles distinctly specified by Joseph Greene [Master of the Grammar School of Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire] for the use of the Proprietor James West of Alscot” (see fo.150 b). The descriptions are written on the backs of school exercises, the bulk of them apparently between 1760 and 1766 (see notes of date on ff.17, 123 b). Obl. Quarto.
Add. MSS 34746-47 (Part of Add MSS 34727-34747 JAMES WEST PAPERS Correspondence and papers of the families of Brawne, Mariett and West, as above).
34746 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XX. (ff.36). Accounts of Thomas Mariett of Alscot, as executor of Sir Thomas Overbury (ss. above, Vol. XIII); 8 Mar. 1683/4 - 18 May, 1685. General receipts and payments are followed (fo.6) by Ryder’s British Merlin for 1684, inlaid (fo.30), by acquaintances for various payments as executor and (fo.35b) by a memorandum of an agreement on behalf of the widow Dame Hester Overbury (see above, Vol. XIII) concerning land in Clopton in Mickleton, Gloucestershire. Narrow Octavo. Bound in gilt-tooled vellum.
34747 WEST PAPERS. Vol. XXI. (ff.154). Miscellaneous accompts, etc.; 1675-1794. The contents are:
Accompts of John Mariett of Alscot, with a few memoranda concerning himself and his family; 7 Nov 1675-25 Mar 1701. A note (fo.2) of the death of his uncle [Sir John] Dormer, [Bt.], at Genoa, 7 Nov 1675, is followed (fo.3) by accompts relating thereto (fo.6) and (fo.9) by accompts of Alscot rents, 1683-1701. Reversing the volume, a note (fo.92 b) of his marriage 29 July 1677, is followed (fo.92b) by similar accompts of Alscot rents, 1680-1683, (fo.86), by notes of his mother’s death, 29 Oct 1681 and of his commencementof housekeeping, 7 Nov 1681 and (fo.85b) by monthly cash-accompts, Nov 1681-Jan 1690/1.
2 Pocket-book of James West with miscellaneous jottings concerning epitaphs, books, MSS., coins, prints, paintings etc., made in part apparently during a tour in the Eastern Counties early in 1730; with two entries (fo.114b) dated 14 July, 2 Aug 1731. fo.95.
3 Acquaintances to James West as executor of his father Richard West; 21 July-15 Sept 1730. fo.123.
4 Accompts with the executors of Richard West; 24 June 1730 - 20 Nov 1731; followed (fo.132) by acquaintances to James West by Sarah, Anna and Eliza West for shares in lottery tickets, 7 Dec 1731 and (fo.133) by acquaintances to him as executor of his uncle Aholiab West, 20-27 Nov 1731. ff.126-138.
5 A Rental at Christmas 1794 of the estates of Mrs. Sara West [widow of James West] in Surrey and Essex. fo.139. Octavo.
Add. MS 37327 Journal kept on the third voyage of Captain James Cook to the South Seas; 20 Feb - 30 Mar 1778, 16 Jan -1 May 1779. There is no internal evidence to indicate the author, but he was probably John Law, surgeon on the Discovery (see the list of officers in A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean ... 1784, Vol. i, p.11) The two sections begin at opposite ends of the MS The earlier entries (ff.48-52) are very brief, but those from 16 Jan 1779 onwards (ff.11-47) are fuller and interesting details are given of events in Owhyhee [Hawaii] at the time of the death of Capt. Cook. Some of the matter is cancelled and rewritten (e.g. ff.86, 53). For another Journal by David Samwell also called “Surgeon of the ‘Discovery’” but not included in the list above, see Egerton MSS 2591. Paper, ff.53. 75/8 in X 61/4 in. [Preserved by CG Lawrence-Law, Esq.]
Add Ms 37528 “A Journal of a voyage undertaken to the South Seas on discoveries by His Majesty’s Ships Resolution and Discovery, Captains James Cook and Chas. Clerke, Esq.'s, Commanders, kept by Thomas Edgar, Master,” an account of Cook’s third and last voyage (1776-1779) by the Master of the Discovery, preceded by the dimensions of the vessel, a list of her officers and crew and brief notes of proceedings from 10 Feb 1776, when the two vessels were put in Commission, down to 22 July. The actual Journal begins on 1 Aug, when the Discovery sailed from Plymouth to join the Resolution at the Cape of Good Hope and it ends abruptly on 6 June 1778. With drawings of Amsterdam or Tongatabu, etc. and Christmas Island, at ff.40, 81. Single leaves after ff.29, 69 and several at the end have been torn out. From 78b onwards there are several changes of hand. For other journals of the same voyage see Egerton MSS 2177 (Capt. Cook), 2591 (D Samwell) and Add MSS 37327 (J. Law). Paper; ff.102. Folio. Bound in parchment.
Add. MS 38530 Journal of one of the crew of HMS Resolution and afterwards (see fo.153b) of HMS Discovery on the third and last voyage of Capt. James Cook; 1776- 1780. A note on fo.1. Describes the writer as “George Gilbert, 1st Lieut. .on board the Discovery” and states that he “was made Captain after Cook was killed and died of smallpox on his return to England, aged 27.” This however is evidently based on a misconception. The name Gilbert does not occur among the officers of either ship and a log in the Public Record Office, no. 4559/213-215 bears the name of G. Gilbert, A-B. Prefixed are a few biographical notes on the Gilbert family and a type- written letter (f.ii) from C. Humphrey Gilbert to Alban Doran; 28 Jan 1707. Paper; ff.iv+165. Small quarto. [Presented by Alban Doran, Esq.]
Egerton 2177 A Journal by Captain James Cook, RN, of his third voyage
Reel 33, Egerton 2177 A voyage to the Pacific Ocean; 10 Feb 1776-6 Jan 1779. Fair copy; autograph. This journal forms the substance of the fist two volumes of A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, etc. 3 vol. 4to, 1784 prepared for the press by John Douglas, DD, afterwards Bishop successively of Carlisle and Salisbury. Three leaves of a vocabulary of the language of the people of Alaska and others have been cut out after fo.580. For drawings made on the same voyage, see Add MSS 15513, 15514, 17277, 23920, 23921. Paper. Small Quarto.
Egerton 2177 B Miscellaneous materials relating to Captain Cook’s third circumnavigation and to Lts. Pickersgill and Young. Namely:
1 Fragment of the logbook of Captain James Cook, RN, on his third voyage to the Pacific Ocean; 28 Nov 1778-17 Jan 1779. Autograph fo.1.
2 “Secret instructions for Captain James Cook, Commander of His Majesty’s sloop the Resolution;” July 1776. Signed by [John Montagu, Earl of] Sandwich, [Lord] C[harles] Spencer and [Sir] Hugh Palliser, [Bt.], Lords of the Admiralty. fo.5.
3 Extracts from Admiralty instructions to Lieutentants Pickersgill and Young, commanding the armed brig Lion, sent on exploring and other service to Baffin’s Bay; 14 May 1776, 13 Mar 1777. ff.13, 15. Paper. Folio.
Egerton 2178-2179 Journal by Captain James Cook, RN, of his third voyage, 10 Feb 1776-17 Jan 1779, as re-written for publication by John Douglas, DD; with an introduction by the latter and with chart. Two volumes. Paper. Small Quarto.
Egerton 2180 Original letters addressed to John Douglas, DD, afterwards Bishop successively of Carlisle and Salisbury, chiefly relative to the publication of the journals of Captain Cook’s second and third voyages, 1776-1784. Among the writers are:
Capt. James Cook. Mile End, 4 Jan -23 June 1776, ff.1-18.
Philip Stephens [afterwards Bt., Secretary to the Admiralty] Admiralty, 14 Nov 1780, 15 July 1783. ff.19, 245.
Capt. James King. Woodstock etc. 16 Dec 1780-[July 1784]. ff.21-183 passim, 249.
Lt. Henry Roberts. Newington etc. 22 Jan [1782] - 29 June 1784. ff.23, 25, 32, 61, 71, 72, 161, 192, 238.
Anthony Shepherd [DD, FRS, Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge]. London, 24 Apr 1782 - 15 Jan 1784. ff.26, 29, 30, 36-45, 50, 52, 60, 70, 81, 83, 85, 101, 103, 118.
Elizabeth Cook [widow of Capt. James Cook]. Mile End, 19 June 1782. fo.28.
Sir Joseph Banks [Bt. PRS]. London, 9 Nov 1782, 30 Mar 1784. ff.54, 188.
John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich [First Lord of the Admiralty]. London, Hinchingbrook etc. 19 Nov 1782 - 16 May 1784. ff.55, 59, 89, 98, 141, 153, 181, 204, 217, 222.
Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke. Richmond, Bath. 27 July 1783, 17 May, 14 June 1784. ff.76, 224, 234.
Thomas Pennant [FRS]. Downing, Flintshire. 11 Nov 1783 - 24 July 1784. ff.91, 92, 105, 128, 142, 157, 185, 194, 203, 208, 212, 226, 242, 253.
Jacob Bryant. [Jan 1784]. fo.127.
William Wales [FRS]. Christi Hospital, 11 Feb - 5 Aug 1784. ff.143, 170, 187, 190, 196, 207, 251, 255.
Sir Hugh Palliser [Bt., Governor of Greenwich Hospital] Grenwich, 5; 23 Mar 1784. ff.171, 184. At fo.258 are ”Errata to be corrected for a second edition” of Captain Cook’s “Third voyage”. Paper. Folio.
Egerton 2591 Journal of David Samwell, Surgeon of the Discovery in Captain Cook’s voyage to the Pacific Ocean; 10 Feb 1776 - 29 Nov 1779. Autograph. At the end are:
1 “A narrative of the Death of Captain James Cook, to which are added some particulars concerning his life and character,” etc. by David Samwell, 1786. Printed. The particulars of Cook’s death are taken from the Journal. fo.298.
2 “Ode for the New Year MDCCXC. As it was intended to have been rehearsed this day at St. James’s”. Printed. fo.317.
At fo.1 is a silhouette and at fo.2 an engraved portrait of Samwell. Paper; ff.318. Quarto. [Belonged to Matthew Gregson to whom Samwell’s printed tract above was given by the author and who probably therefore became the owner of the Journal in the same manner].