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Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753, from the British Library, London

Part 6: The History of Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy

Part 7: The History of Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy

Contents of Reels - Part 7

REEL 114

Sloane 783

A & B Plague. f206 Signs of pestilence. 15c. 248ff

Sloane 785

Plague. ff7-8 Medicines vs the plague, 1604, 1636. 17c. 8ff

Sloane 786

Plague. Richard Smith, translated treatises on the plague. 1665. 7ff

Sloane 788

Plague. Richard Smith, translated treatises on the plague. 1665. 9ff

Sloane 790

Plague. Richard Smith, translated treatises on the plague. 1665. 18ff

Sloane 791

Plague. Richard Smith, translated treatises on the plague, including Boccaccio on Florence. 1665. 22ff

Sloane 870

Fludd, Robert. De instrumentis mobilibus oblongis. 17c. 14ff

Sloane 886

Plague. Richard Smith, catalogue of deceased friends, relatives, 1606-75. 17c. 75ff

Sloane 965

Plague. ff132-143 John de Bordeaux; ff143-145 the causes. 15c. 184ff

REEL 115

Sloane 983

Plague. ff37-39 John de Bordeaux. 112ff

Sloane 989

Plague. ff2-134 John de Bordeaux, Journal of health. 136ff

Sloane 1047

Agostini, Agostino et al. Medical receipts for Henry VIII. 16c. 94ff

Sloane 1055

Medical casebooks. Medicine, consilia. 1643, 1651-62.

Sloane 1069

Alchemy. Jean de Meung. 33ff

Sloane 1095

Alchemy. George Ripley. 90ff

Sloane 1112

Cambridge. Apothecaries prescriptions. 17c. 41ff

Sloane 1116

Glisson, Francis. ff4-48 Medical and anatomical papers. 17c. 48ff

REEL 116

Sloane 1124

Galen, Hippocrates. ff5-27, 36-50 Galen, Ars parva; ff51-57 Hippocrates, Prognostica etc. 13c. 180ff

Sloane 1137

Cambridge. Accompts/prescriptions of a physician. 1597-1636. 115ff

Sloane 1165

Buckley, T. medical casebooks. 1636-65.

Sloane 1195

Downes, John. Barts & Christs, collectanea medica. 17c. 75ff

Sloane 1228

Adair, Patrick. Trate de la verolle. 17c. 292ff

REEL 117

Sloane 1247

Adair, Patrick. ff23-31 De Memoria (Hol). 66ff

Sloane 1319

Power, Henry. The virtues of various herbs. 17c. 35ff

Sloane 1326

Harvey, William. letter re claim about circulation of blood in letters of Henry Power. 17c. 152ff

Sloane 1334

Power, Henry. Experiments and subtilities. 17c. 77ff

Sloane 1339

Power, Henry. Praecepta medica. 17c. 132ff

Sloane 1340

Power, Henry. Collectanea medica et chymica. 17c. 39ff

Sloane 1343

Power, Henry. ff3-40 Circulatio sanguinis. 17c. 82ff

REEL 118

Sloane 1345

Anon. Medical commonplace book. 17c. 85ff

Sloane 1351

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 211ff

Sloane 1352

Power, Henry. Thaumatographia naturalis. 17c. 59ff

Sloane 1353

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 124ff

Sloane 1354

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 96ff

REEL 119

Sloane 1355

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 72ff

Sloane 1356

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 111ff

Sloane 1357

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 120ff

Sloane 1358

Power, Henry. Private memoranda. 1657-69. 69ff

Sloane 1392

Plague. 135ff

REEL 120

Sloane 1395

Adair, Patrick. Praxis medica. 1683. 169ff

Sloane 1423

`Alchemy. George Ripley. 49ff

Sloane 1484

Harvey, William. ff8-17 on the circulation of blood. 17c. 17ff

Sloane 1586

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1660-80. 196ff

Sloane 1587

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-84. 90ff

REEL 121

Sloane 1588

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-84. 309ff

Sloane 1589

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1676-96. 306ff

REEL 122

Sloane 1590

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 48ff

Sloane 1591

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 163ff

Sloane 1593

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 62ff

Sloane 1594

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 63ff

Sloane 1597

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 33ff

Sloane 1598

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 67ff

REEL 123

Sloane 1610

Galen, Hippocrates….ff2-19 Galen, ars parva; ff40-42 anatomia; ff19-29 Hippocrates, various. 14c. 268ff

Sloane 1610

Ishak Ibn Sulaiman (Al Israili). ff53-123 De dietis; ff188-245 De febribus; ff246-267 De urinis. 13-14c.

Sloane 1621

Anon. Antodotarium. 10c. 111ff

Sloane 1626

Moore, Philip. medical receipts and tracts. 1572-1610. 89ff

Sloane 1627

Moore, Philip. medical receipts and tracts. 1572-1610. 66ff

REEL 124

Sloane 1628

Moore, Philip. medical receipts and tracts. 1572-1610. 95ff

Sloane 1629

Moore, Philip. medical receipts and tracts. 1572-1610. 85ff

Sloane 1633

Femelius, Joannes, Physician to Henry II of France. Methodi melendi. 17c. 206ff

Sloane 1634

Femelius, Joannes, Physician to Henry II of France. Translation of his counsels. 17c. 170ff

Sloane 1636

Moore, Philip. medical casebooks. 1572-1610. 113ff

REEL 125

Soane 1639

Femelius, Joannes, Physician to Henry II of France.
ff43-91 Pathologia I-II. 17c. 114ff

Sloane 1640

King, Sir Edmund. Physician to Charles II, medical casebooks. 1664-96. 110ff

Sloane 1644

Moore, Philip. medical casebooks. 1572-1610. 64ff

Sloane 1646

Moore, Philip. medical casebooks. 1572-1610. 113ff

Sloane 1647

Moore, Philip. medical writings. 1572-1610. 58ff

Sloane 1658

Moore, Philip. medical casebooks. 1572-1610. 56ff

Sloane 1677

Burton, Robert. ff72-107 Anatomy of Melancholy, excerpts. 17c. 107ff

REEL 126

Sloane 1679

Mayerne, Theodore. Prescriptions for the English Royal family. 1612-44. 74ff

Sloane 1764

Plague. ff5-6 John de Bordeaux. 113ff

Sloane 1953

Downes, John. Barts & Christs, excerpts. 17c. 68ff

Sloane 1975

Dioscorides. ff49-73 Liber Medicinarum. 1c. 25ff

Sloane 1977

Galen, Hippocrates. Book of Galen, Hippocrates, Socrates and Aesculapius. 13c. 146ff

Sloane 2039

Coates, David. Observations on Tyburn dissections. 1714. 199ff

REEL 127

Sloane 2089

La Riviere, Jean de. Medical cases and correspondence of premier physician to Henry IV of France. 1591-94. 80ff

Sloane 2128

Alchemy. Dee’s Lull. 33ff.

Sloane 2147

Gill, Thomas. Tractatus de partu (hol). 17c. 49ff

Soane 2177

St Bart’s Hospital. ff9-14 Account of it’s revenues. 1581-1582. 27ff

Sloane 2187

Plague. ff86-88 John de Bordeaux; medicines from head to foot. 126ff

Sloane 2194

Alchemy. Hugh Platt. 91ff

Sloane 2213

Mayerne, Theodore. Consilia et epistolae medicae. 1607-1653. 65ff

Sloane 2216

Mayerne, Theodore. Consilia et epistolae medicae. 1607-1653. 190ff

REEL 128

Sloane 2220

Mayerne, Theodore. Consilia et epistolae medicae. 1607-1653. 265ff

Sloane 2236

Mayerne, Theodore. Consilia et epistolae medicae. 1607-1653. 186ff

Sloane 2237

Mayerne, Theodore. Consilia et epistolae medicae. 1607-1653. 232ff

Sloane 2238

Mayerne, Theodore. Consilia et epistolae medicae. 1607-1653. 49ff

Sloane 2224

Platt, William. Physic book. 17c. 45ff

REEL 129

Sloane 2253

Hartighius, Sala, Sylvaticus. Consilia medica of physician in Venice and Professor in Padua. 1635-46. 326ff

Sloane 2276

Plague. treatise. 15c. 242ff

REEL 130

Sloane 2286

Disease. Lectures on wounds. 17c. 71ff

Sloane 2290

St Bart’s Hospital. Prescriptions of Dr F Bernard. 1679-1683. 274ff

Sloane 2393

Martin, William. ff9-48 Translation of Thierry de Hery’s treatise on the French pox. 1588. 51ff

Sloane 2364

Petivar, James. Diseases. 1687-1710. 93ff

Sloane 2366

Petivar, James. Remedies. 1687-1710. 181ff

REEL 131

Sloane 2412

Hippocrates. ff1-60. 14c. 63ff

Sloane 2435

Siena, Aldobrandino da. ff1-76 La medicine. 13c. 132ff

Sloane 2463

Anatomy & Surgery. 15c. 234ff

Sloane 2477

Alchemy. Silvestri, Bernard. 33ff

Sloane 2507

Plague. Thesaurus Pauperum. 31ff

REEL 132

Sloane 2527

Gordonio, Bernardus de. Lilium medicinae. 13c. 310ff

Sloane 2537

Society of Apothecaries. Papers. 1616-22. 58ff

Sloane 2584

Collectanea medica. 13c. 117ff

Sloane 2598

Alchemy. George Ripley. 137ff

Sloane 2639

Paracelsus. The Golden Fleece. 22ff

Sloane 2640

Alchemy. Charnock, Thomas. 2ff

Sloane 2688

Medical casebooks. Anthony, J. 1628-35.

REEL 133

Sloane 2728

A&B St Thomas’ Hospital. Papers. 16-17c. 404ff

Sloane 2779

Conny, John. Medical journal on board ship. 1648-92. 150ff

Sloane 2781

Harvey, William. f91v de motu cordis. 17c. 133ff

REEL 134

Sloane 2793

Boerhaave, Herman. Lectiones de viribus medica …. 18c. 129ff

Sloane 2811

Hippocrates. ff8-18, 37 Aphorisms; ff31-36, 38 Prognostica. 17c. 39ff

Sloane 2820

Hippocrates. ff11-32; Aphorisms; ff33-42 Prognostica; ff43-118 etc. 17c. 132ff

Sloane 2830

Vertunianus, Franciscus. Medical case-book of physician of Poitou. 1591-99. 112ff

Sloane 2880

Harvey, William. ff19-35 de animalium generatione. 17c. 224ff




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