Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753, from the British Library, London
Part 6: The History of Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy
Part 7: The History of Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy
Contents of Reels - Part 6
Sloane 1
Guido de Cauliaco. Chirurgia. 15c. 312ff
Sloane 2
Wilhelmi de Saliceto. Chirurgia. 16c. 133ff
Sloane 3
Anon. Astrological collections. 16c. 38
Sloane 4
Plague. f27 medicine for pestilence of HVIII; f38 medical case of Sir John Falstof. 16c. 105ff
Sloane 5
Galen, Macer. ff158-172 The grievances of women; De viribus herbarum of Macer, ff13-57. 15c. 194ff
Sloane 6
Arderne, Galen. ff1-9, 183-203 Galen, Ars parva (Eng); ff141-150 Arderne, Practica de fistula. 15c. 205ff
Sloane 7
Plague. Collectanea medica (Eng), incl John de Bordeaux on the Plague (ff85-87).15c. 116ff
Sloane 9
Hilaret, Peter. Medical commonplace book. 1526-27. 312
Sloane 10
Charles, James. Medical collections. 1578. 116
Sloane 11
Severinus, Petrus. Idea Medicinae philosophicae. c1600. 123ff
Sloane 56
Arderne, John. Liber medicinarum. 14c. 100ff
Sloane 59
Aristotle. ff36-98 Book of anatomy. 214ff
Sloane 68
Plague. Dutch plague treatise. 16c. 67ff
Sloane 76
Arderne, John. Liber medicinarum. 15c. 186ff
Sloane 78
Barker, Pratt. Medical commonplace book. 1595-1605. 189ff
Sloane 79
Barker, Pratt. Medical casebooks. 1595-1605, 1645-61. 226ff
Sloane 80
Barker, Pratt. Medical casebooks. 1645-61. 120
Sloane 84
Galen, Hippocrates. f11 Galen, Observationes quaedem; Hippocrates, Dina medicarium. 12c. 40ff
Sloane 95
Catcher, Richard and Williams, Maurice. Lectures on the pathology and anatomy of humans. 1649-50. 258
Sloane 96
Galen, Hippocrates. Book of Galen, Hippocrates, Socrates and Aesculapius. 15c. 45ff
Sloane 100
Austen. Medical practice. 15c. 59ff
Sloane 135
Plague. Plague tract. 15c. 119ff
REEL 100
Sloane 153
Binns, J. Medical casebooks. 1633-63. 257ff
Sloane 161
Gooch, Thomas. Diary of his studies at Utrecht and at Norwich (hol). 1670-73. 31ff
Sloane 166
Brandon, C. Medical casebooks. 1597-98. 52
Sloane 175
Downes, John. Diary. 1663-63. 13
Sloane 176
Downes, John. Meteorological journal. 17c. 87ff
Sloane 177
Downes, John. Catalogue of Library; journal in France/Netherlands, 1666-67. 1666. 31ff
REEL 101
Sloane 179A
Downes, John. Travel journal. 1666-67. 292ff
Sloane 181
Alchemy. Khunrath engravings. 5ff
Sloane 183
Downes, John. On urines. 17c. 135
Sloane 185
Downes, John. Excerpt, notes. 1660. 77
Sloane 186
Downes, John. Excerpt notes - combined with 187. 1660.
Sloane 187
Downes, John. Ovbservations on Oxford. 17c. 58
Sloane 188
Downes, John. Misc memoranda. 1680-96. 39
Sloane 189
Downes, John. Medical receipts and notes by Veslingius on surgery in Padua, ff1-17. 17c. 20
Sloane 191
Downes, John. Medical receipts. 17c. 26
Sloane 192
Downes, John. Remedies. 17c. 17
REEL 102
Sloane 196
Downes, John. Pharmaceutical formulae. 17c. 83
Sloane 202
Downes, John. Medical commonplace book. 1674. 51
Sloane 203
Downes, John. Medical collection. 1640-95. 320ff
REEL 103
Sloane 204A-D
Downes, John. Collectanea medica (Eng). 1670-90. 449
Sloane 206A-B
Downes, John. Prescriptions etc of physician to Charles II; and of Wm
Harvey, ff138-9. 17c. 278
Sloane 213
Galen. ff41-46 Galen, Ars parva; f161 Ad servandum corpus a morbo pestilenttiali. 15c. 163ff
Sloane 222
Surgeons Co. Charter, Ordinance and Acts of Parliament relating to.
17c 16
Harvey, William. Praelectiones anatomicae (hol). 1616. 98ff
REEL 104
Sloane 236
Harvey, William. Medical commonplace book incl Harvey on the heart (ff62-77). 17c. 113
Sloane 238
Arderne, John. Liber medicinarum (ff8-96) and Practica de fistula ano (ff99-214). 15c. 214
Sloane 256
Downes, John. Anatomical observations. 1680-94. 15
Sloane 259
Montagnana, Bartholomaeus de. Medical commonplace book. 1435. 70
Sloane 270
Alchemy. Ramon Lull. 37ff
Sloane 275
Bredwell, S. Consilia. 1592-1607
Sloane 277
Arderne, John & William of Parma. WP, Surgery (ff1-59); Practica de fistula ano (ff60-75). 75ff
Sloane 287
Plague. Prayer for averting plague. 1640, 1645. 7
REEL 105
Sloane 334
Gordonio, Bernardus de. Tractatus medici. 14c. 302ff
Sloane 335
Arderne, John. Liber medicinarum (ff1-78). 14c. 87ff
Sloane 336
Montagnana, Bartholomaeus de. Consilia medica of physician in Padua. 1436. 305ff
REEL 106
Sloane 341
Arderne, John. Liber medicinarum (ff1-40); Practica de fistula ano
(ff41-69). 14c. 134
Sloane 345
Ketham, Johannes de. Chiurgia parva and other works incl Hippocrates. 1507. 228ff
Sloane 349
Plague. William Boghurst, Relation of the Plague of London. 1666. 85
Sloane 351
Plague. Plague remedies (ff17-19). 15c. 155
Sloane 356
Brandon, Edward. On easy childbirth. 1436. 35ff
REEL 107
Sloane 379
Chambars, G. Medical casebooks. 1661-62. 36
Sloane 382
Galen, Hippocrates. Book of Galen, Hippocrates, Socrates and Aesculapius. 16c. 264ff
Sloane 398
Clinton, Elizabeth. Medical prescriptions of mistress of Henry VIII; and of Hugo Glyn. 16c. 179ff
REEL 108
Sloane 404
Plague. Pharmacopaeia with Canutus on pestilence etc. 15c. 368
Sloane 405
Plague. John de Bordeaux (ff41-43); Hippocrates, de signis mortis (ff123-5). 206ff
REEL 109
Sloane 408
Hawtray, John. Practise of Physick. 1606-21 etc 56ff
Sloane 413
Sambrooke, Samuel. Anatomy of man. 17c. 66ff
Sloane 419
Lull, Ramón. Alchemy. 84ff
Sloane 421A
Disease. Diseases of women. 16c. 30ff
Sloane 426
Medical casebooks. Medicine, consilia. 1655-59. 58
Sloane 428
Trewythian, Richard. Entry book of medical practioner, astrologer and money-lender; plague ff141-4. 1442-58. 154
Sloane 433
Plague. John de Bordeaux (ff47-51). 15c. 104ff
Sloane 434
Physiognomy. and diseases of women. 13c. 49ff
REEL 110
Sloane 440
Sloane, Sir Hans. Medicines for the pox gathered by Bellinger. 18c. 31
Sloane 461
Medical casebooks. Medicine, consilia. 1610-26. 84
Sloane 462
Medical casebooks. Medicine consilia. 1636-63. 191
Sloane 464
Skinner, Ephraim. Autobiography of MD, 1616-61. 17c. 23ff
Sloane 486
Harvey, William. De musculis, motu locali (hol). 1627. 121
Sloane 496
Power, Henry. Historia physico-anatomica, ff2-41. 17c. 99ff
Sloane 507
Downes, John. Notes on causes of death. 17c. 41
REEL 111
Sloane 520
Harvey, William. f12, 18v Prescriptions; list of library of Francis Bernard (f60). 61
Sloane 540A
Galen. f24v meat and diet. 15c. 35ff
Sloane 563
Arderne, John. Liber medicinarum (ff122-9); Practica de fistula ano (ff63-121). 16c. 254ff
Sloane 574B
Glisson, Francis. Collectanea philosophica et medica (hol). 17c. 172ff
Sloane 587
Pratt, John. Medical casebooks. 1645-61. 21
REEL 112
Sloane 635
Sherwode, J. Medical casebooks. nd. 216ff
Sloane 660
Cambridge. Catalogus librorum medicorum. 1640. 256ff
REEL 113
Sloane 662
Medical commonplace book. include excerpts from Galen. 17c. 142
Sloane 681
Glisson, Francis. Adversaria medica et anatomica. 1651-57. 95ff
Sloane 689
Ripley, George. Alchemy. 42ff
Sloane 690
Alchemy. French. 30ff
Sloane 706
Plague. John de Bordeaux (ff104-106); Hippocrates (f95). 15c. 181
Sloane 724
St Bart’s Hospital. Papers. 1654. 28
Sloane 780
Hippocrates. Impact of lunar cycle on human health (ff55-58) 59ff