Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 from the British Library, London
Parts 2 and 3: Manuscript Records of Voyages of Discovery, 1450-1750
Contents of Reels - Part 2
Sloane 21 A discourse on a Bill of Parliament against the Merchant Adventurers Co. for free
trade in all countries
Sloane 25 A fragment of a complaint made by the English Company regarding the manner of
exacting customs in the Danish Sound
The bond to be given by the Masters of Ships transporting the English Company’s goods
The agreement of the English Company for disposingof 40,000 Tallows [Thalers] returned by
the King ofDenmark
A proclamation by the Spanish, under Don John de Aquilla [Aguila] at Kinsale, Ireland
A Merchant Adventurers Co. charter confirming their privileges in the transportation of cloth. A
Privy Council report in reference to a dispute between the Earl of Cumberland and the
Merchant Adventurers Co A letter from Charles IX, King of Sweden, to Captain Bart Schott,
concerning the raising of 600 soldiers in England
The places in the East Indies where the Spanish have settlements and forts
The places in the East Indies where the Portuguese have no settlements or forts
Sloane 28 A report to the Lords of Council on how to raise an extra 200 ships and 2000
mariners in 3-4 years
Sloane 42 The original draft of John Chilton’s voyage to the South Seas and to New Spain,
Sloane 43 ‘Instructions From a Father to his Son.’ The tract ends “I can as well content myself
to bee a spectator as an actor in the world”
The laws made during expedition at sea by Richard I
Notices of England’s principal voyages and naval expeditions 1585-1603:
Francis Drake’s voyage to the West Indies, 1585
Drake’s 2nd voyage to Cadiz, 1587
The action of Portugal, 1589
John Hawkins' and Martyn Frobisher’s voyage, 1590
The Earl of Cumberland’s voyage, 1589
Action between the English and Spanish fleets, 1591
Earl of Cumberland’s voyage to Spanish coast, 1591
Frobisher’s voyage to Brest, 1594
Sir Walter Ralegh’s voyage, 1592
Drake’s voyage, 1595
The Earl of Essex’s voyage to Cadiz, 1596
The Earl of Essex’s voyage to the Islands, 1597
Proceedings of fleet under Lord Howard, 1599
Sir Richard Lewson’s voyage to the Islands, 1600
Sir Richard Lewson’s voyage to Ireland, 1601
Sir William Munson’s voyage to coast of Spain, 1602
Sir Richard Lewson’s voyage to the narrow seas, 1603
Sloane 44 Captain Bartholomew Sharp’s South Sea Waggoner, or a chart of South America,
containing 135 maps and drawings of the western coast from Acapulco to Cape Horn,
carefully sketched on a large scale. Each drawing has a brief description with bearings and
distances, and sometimes instructions for anchoring and the navigation of rivers. This volume
appears to be the work of celebrated seventeenth century map-maker, William Hack.
Originally presented to King Charles II
Sloane 45 39 maps and drawings by William Hack, including:
Draft describing the coast, from Acapulco to California, taken from the original Spanish
Draft of the Galapagos Islands and Pepys Island, originally described by William Cowley
A Description of the Bahama Banks
Sloane 46A Journal of Captain Bartholomew Sharp’s journey over land to the South Seas in
1680 and then by sea along the west coast of America, around Cape Horn to Barbados. With
Drawings and maps.
A description of the Straits of Magellan by Captain John Wood, in HMS Sweepstakes, under
command of Captain John Narbrough, 1669
Sloane 46B A copy of 46A presented to King Charles II, probably with Sharp’s South Sea
Waggoner (Sloane 44)
Sloane 47 An appendix to Sharp’s South Sea Waggoner. Instructions for sailing around the
coast of America: Callao to Panama; Parico to Callao; Panama to Peru; Panama to California;
Acapulco to California. Dedicated to the Duke of Albemarle by William Hack
Sloane 48 Journal of Basil Ringrose’s voyage with Bartholomew Sharp in the South Seas,
1680. With Maps and drawings
Sloane 49 Journal of John Cox, 1680-81, recording his travels over land into the South Seas
then around South America to Barbados and Antigua
Sloane 50 Journal of the James & Mary’s voyage from Samana Bay to the wreck of a Spanish
ship containing gold lost off Poto Plato, and the return to England.
Captain Francis Rogers and Captain William Phips, Commanders
Sloane 54 Journal of William Cowley recording voyage from Virginia to the islands of Cape de
Verd, Guiniz, Terra de Fuego, Panama, Gorganna, Ladroones, thence to China, Java, Cape
of Good Hope and back to Holland, 1683-86
Sloane 61 Francis Fletcher’s narrative of the first part of Drake’s second voyage, exactly
copied from the original by John Congers, 1677
Sloane 62/63 Miscellany including Ralegh’s views on peace with Spain in 1602 and
commonplace book entries on navigation
Books of approved medicines by Doctor Watson, Bishop of Lincoln and a controversial Epistle
to Mr. Leonard Baker by J. Toppe
Sloane 79 A draft of government framed by William Penn anno 1682 for Pennsylvania and
West Gersey in America (f186) and material on the silver and timber trades
Miscellany including material on medicine, urine, plants and chemistry
Sloane 86 (aka 672) Journal of Richard Simson recording a voyage through the Straits of
Magellan to the South Seas in the Farewell, 1689
Sloane 172 Relation of the State of New England regarding commodities and inhabitants,
An extract from the register of the resolutions of the States General, 25 September 1664,
concerning complaints made by Sir George Downing, envoy of Great Britain, against the
Dutch East & West India Company in the case of some English ships being prevented from
entering harbours on the coast of Malabar and Guinea
A letter to King Charles II by George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, regarding his visit to
Magdalen College, Oxford
Sloane 173 Letter from Mary de Medici, the Queen Regent of France, to King James I
concerning a Spanish prize (a French Man of War) and commissions to Robert le Brett &
Lord Dubose de la Villesanges, to pursue discoveries in South America
Sloane 179B French account of the West India Company and Guiana
Sloane 197 Pedro Baretto de Rosende's Historical & Topographical account of Portuguese
Settlements in the East Indies, 1646. With 44 maps
Sloane 205 (aka 992) Charter granted to the Company of Royal Adventurers of England
relating to trade in Africa
Sloane 207 Sir Henry Maynwaringe on the practice of Navigation, c1660. Alphabetically
arranged and dedicated to Edward Lord Zouch, Lord warden of the Cinque Ports
[For convenience the items on this reel have been sorted into numerical order. The true
order on the microfilm is 226, 239, 251, 232, 241, 301, 305]
Sloane 226 Record of a Voyage unto Spaine by Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and
Charles, Lord Howard, Lord High Admiral, resulting in the burning of Cadiz, 1596. By Dr
Morbeck, attendant to Lord Howard
Sloane 232 Journey to Russia by Nicolai Warkottschii, 1593
Sloane 239 A book of original ‘draughts’ of the coast of the South Sea from Acapulco to the
Straits of Magellan, in Spanish, or a Spanish South Sea Waggoner
Sloane 241 A brief geographical description of the world.
A more full description of Britain
The names and arms of all the nobility in 1572, created since 1066, and by whom they were
Sloane 251 The travels of Marco Polo, written by Salvador Paruti, in the Venetian dialect
Sloane 301 Record of Drake’s third voyage to the West Indies (1572-3), by Philip Nicholls,
preacher, from the reports of Christopher Ceelie and Ellis Hixon and others who were on the
voyage. Reviewed with additional notes by Sir Francis Drake, in his own hand. Formerly
owned by King Charles I
Sloane 305 Voyages & Travels, 1623-1640. Notes on Indian Ocean and its islands by French
travellers. St Helena, Ascension, Azores, etc
Sloane 333 Petition from Luis Paez de Torres, admiral of the Spanish fleet, to Philip III, King
of Spain. Narrates his discovery of New Hebrides, and begging the king to undertake a new
expedition, 1608 (translation)
Experiments and cures performed and carried out by Dr Sam Bellingham
Some money accounts and veterinary receipts
Sloane 358 Account of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester’s voyage to the West Indies, 1594
Sloane 359 Chemical receipts ascribed to Ralegh
Sloane 375 The Destruction of the Indias, By Bartolome de Lascasas, 1552
Sloane 524 A commonplace book containing French, Latin and Italian poetry, surgical and
chemical receipts, references to Drake and recording travels from London to Paris,
Marseilles, Florence and Rome, 1656-58
Sloane 608 A copy of Confession of Faith by the Independents in their meeting at the Savoy,
In part, the positions contained in the Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly of the Divines
Various theological theses
A poem relating to a dialogue between a youth and the devil, 1671
Voyage by John de Ley, 1594, Journal by an English poet in Paris and Messina, 1649-54
Various Latin texts and sermons
Sloane 683 Iter a Venetiis ad Joppen. 15th Century text with excerpts from Anselm,
Grosseteste, etc
Sloane 713 Ralegh’s discourse on the marriage between Prince Henry of England and a
daughter of Savoy
Sloane 739 Commonplace book containing table of vessels of war, numbers of men and their
wages; poems by Carew
Medical cases and Medicine in English and Greek
Excerta ex ejusden comment in Hippocratis Aphorism
Sloane 750 Register of the commissions granted by the Governor of the Council of the
Bermudas, 1619-1620, and a History of the Bermudas from their first settlement (1609) to
1622, by Captain Nathaniel Butler, Governor
Form and composition of the General Assembly of the Bermudas, 1620
Sloane 760 Ralegh's apology for his voyage to Guiana, 1617
Sloane 793 William Jackson's Journal of a voyage to the West Indies, 1642
Sloane 811 Records of the travels of Richard Bell, gun founder to the Great Moghuls,
travelling in India and the Middle East, 1654-1669
Sloane 819 Voyages of the HMS Sweepstakes through the Straits of Magellan to the South
Seas and Baldavia, 1669-71, by Nathaniel Peckett
Sloane 854 Journal of Jacob Bevan, 1684-85, of a voyage via the Cape of Good Hope to Bombay, then sinking, returning to England in a new ship, Williamson
Journal of Captain Thomas Parramore voyage on the Barnadistant to the East Indies and Persia, 1685
Sloane 855 Journal of the voyages of the Francis, the Phoenix and the Bristol, 1684-5 to the East Indies.
A Catalogue of books belonging to Francis Lodwick
Sloane 858 Journal of John Jourdain, recording an East Indies voyage, 1607-17, travels in Arabia and the territories of the Great Moghul
Sloane 863 Journal of Jacob Bevan, 1678, of a voyage via the Madeira's, the Cape of Good Hope, to St Helena and Ascension and back to England
Sloane 887 A brief description of the limits of Africa, Asia and Europe in Italian and astrological observations in Italian
Sloane 934 The state of the British Navy with the pay of officers, men and others employed in the dockyards, 1669
Sloane 978 Journal of voyage of the Happy Return to Tangier, Algiers and Genoa, 1678-9
Journal of voyage from Genoa to Leghorn, Cadiz, England, then Antigua on Turkey Merchant of London, with names of traders, prices of articles traded etc., 1678-80
Sloane 973 Records of the Merchant Adventurer's Co and a plantation on the island of Providence, 1631
Sloane 998 Records of East India Company Factory at Tanqueen, 1672-77, transcribed by Francis Davenport
Sloane 1005 Adriano de las Cartes on the Compagnia de Jesus in China, 1621-26, neatly written and illustrated with numerous drawings in Indian Ink
Sloane 1009 Miscellany, including Chaucer's tale of Melibeus, and a geographical vocabulary
Part of an English translation of the first book of Cicero’s treatise De Officius
Papers of Gideon Bonnivert, French author, including novels based on the reign of King Charles II, and the Moor’s in Spain; works on plants and wildlife
Minutes of the Privy Council, 1667 relating to the seizure by the French of a Scottish fishing boat, and complaints of London merchants (in French)
A Catalogue of all the religious houses demolished by Henry VIII
Astrological treatises
Sloane 1010 Notes by Sir Henry Maynwaringe on pirates, and where along the Turkish and Spanish coasts, they can sell goods safely, re-stock, drop anchor; and how to surprise them
Sloane 1013 Observations on Persians, Babylonians, Chaldeans etc., in French
Sloane 1018 The geography and history of the main countries of the world, by M de Monnville, French, C17th. Written with the intention of making a system of geography
Sloane 1019 The geography and history of the main countries of the world, by M de Monnville, in French, C17th. With attention to China and statistical remarks on Europe with a description of the river Elbe and Hamburg
Miscellaneous extracts from Brantome and others relating to Charles V and various Spanish nobles
Sloane 1026 A survey of the Portuguese Navy, clergy, nobility and provinces with their cities, 1586
Sloane 1028 Commonplace book of Bonnivert, with notes on Columbus, Robert Paston, Lord Yarmouth; Marquess of Worcester and the Hot Well at Bristol
Sloane 1031 Commonplace book of Bonnivert with much on geography, some medicine and a fragment of a printed almanac for February to June 1597. Part in French and part in Latin
Sloane 1040 Plans by Sir Nicholas Miller of the Cape of Good Hope, Java, Martinique and Mauritius. Also includes charts, harbours and views of headlands on the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean
Sloane 1045 Journal of Harry Starkey’s voyage on board the Williamson to the East Indies, 1684-86
Sloane 1050 Journal of a round the world voyage, 1683-86, from the Cape of Virginia to Cape Horn, through the South Seas, to the Philippines, Java, Cape of Good Hope and back to Europe. Possibly by William Ambrosia Cowley, on board a pirate ship
Sloane 1056 Notes on roots and plants in the East Indies. In Latin
Sloane 1083 English and Latin lectures and extracts of anatomical and physiological observations
Notes on geography and history extracted from ancient authors, arranged alphabetically
Sloane 1133 Ralegh’s voyage to Guinea
Sloane 1139 Natural History of America in Latin
Sloane 1378 Miscellaneous papers and letters of Dr James Pragestus, in French, German, Latin and English, c.1700
Chemical and medical receipts in French and German
Journal of Captain James Wood’s voyage to Japan and China in the Speedwell attempting to discover the North East passage, 1676
History of printing the Bible
A short treatise on alchemy
The laws of Virginia, 1657
Sloane 1394 Miscellany, including a description of the Island of Jamaica
Various Latin texts, 167 medical receipts and a short table of events in Spanish, 1672
Satirical verses and poems on law and adultery
A Treatise on alchemy and diseases of young children
Sloane 1426 Collection of Edward Maynard, including:
Arithmetical questions, the principles of geometry, rules of navigation, astronomical observation, a table showing northwesterly and southwesterly locations
Journals: Nevis to Bristol in the Good Fellowship, 1687
Poole to Virginia and back in Swan Pinche, 1667-68 Weymouth to Virginia and back in Constance, 1668
To Madeira and the Caribbean islands and back in the William of Dover, 1670
Sloane 1428 Notes on Navigation, including charts and rules to be observed for the southwest coast of England, Wales and the coast of France; a book of arithmetic; observations on the navigation of Sardinia; how to work a plain sail and necessary questions and answers
Sloane 1433 Journal of John Greene of a voyage to the Straits in the Tiger frigate, 1658-9. Also memoranda of payments made by John Greene to people on same voyage
Debtor and creditor account of the Alexander, 1647-48
Sloane 1447 The relacione of David Ingram of Barkinge in the county of Essex, saylor, … of sundrye thinges which he with others did see in travelinge. Records journey to Mexico and Nova Scotia, 1582
Sloane 1453 A discourse by Edward Missleden showing the necessity of restoring the Merchant Adventurers Co. privileges and government in Germany
Sloane 1504 Memoranda report by Latimer Ridley, chiefly during his journey in the Netherlands and France, including some satirical verses, 1679
Sloane 1510 Geographical and historical notes relating to various nations and cities, ancient and modern (17th century)
Journal of the Montague’s voyage to Algiers, under the command of Sir Thomas Allen, 1688
Notes on scriptural texts relative to following a multitude to do evil
Geographical and astronomical calculations “which will be as pleasant to the ingenious as miraculous to the ignorant”
Sloane 1514 Memoranda of victuals provided for the Tiger, 1659 (see 1433)
Journal kept on board a ship accompanying the fleet sent to Tetuan, 1658
Sloan 1515 Memorandum of Henry Kirton, master of a Merchantman, containing: Rules and examples, hiring crews, the provision of victuals and sailing notes and elevations of headlands on the Spanish coast
Sloane 1519 Letters illustrative of British history, especially concerning the conduct of the Civil War, Interregnum and the reign of Charles II, including:
From Philip II of Spain to Elizabeth I, regarding his fleet sent to the Low Countries to fight insurgents, 1574
On the battle of Cropredy (f51)
From Ralegh regarding his ship (f137)
From Sir Maurice Eustace, regarding the defeat of Irish Rebels and the siege of Tredathe, 1641
To and from Prince Rupert to the Marquis of Newcastle stating his intention of advancing from Worcester 1643/4; the Battle of Evesham and Taunton
From Charles I, at Oxford, in cipher, April 1643
A paper written by the Parliamentary Party containing a denouncement and punishment upon the Royalists accompanied with reference to texts of the scriptures
Numerous letters to the third Lord Fairfax from John Lambert, Second Earl of Dumphries, R. Montgomerie, Lord Sinclair, First Lord Newark, Earl of Northumberland, and Henry Grey (Speaker of the House of Commons) congratulating Fairfax for the victory at Naseby in 1645
Many letters and warrants from Oliver Cromwell to Fairfax and others on matters of the Civil War
To and from King Charles II: Edward First Earl of Sandwich, 1665 regarding the victory over the Dutch and the King of Denmark regarding a royal visit
Sloane 1533 Petri Bellonni and Christopheri on Asia, in Latin
Sloane 1554 See reel 38
Sloane 1619 Miscellany with items on the East Indies, Alexander the Great, etc, in Latin
Sloane 1622 The History of Travaille into Virginia relating its commodities, manner and customs of the people, compiled by William Strachey, Secretary of State
A dictionary of the Indian Language
Sloane 1689 Journal of a voyage by Dr Edward Browne, 1691/2
Sloane 1700 Journal of voyages by John Smith, 1664-1669, to the Canaries, Tenerife, Smirna, Lisbon, Alicante, Venice and Kephalonia
Sloane 1704 Journal of the weather during the voyage between the Cape of Good Hope and England in the Commerce, 1681-1682, by Thomas Compton
Journal of a voyage to the East Indies, 1679
Journal of a voyage between Leg Horn and England, 1688
Sloane 1709 Miscellany including: Arithmetic and Grammar lectures
‘The book of license of the mines royal in England’. Documents from Queen Elizabeth I patents
Instructions given by the Committee of the Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports to be observed in the Fleet
Medical tracts, various astrological schemes, theological collections and English verse
‘Columbus’ translated from Italian, the original by his son Ferdinand.
Sloane 1745 See entry after next
Sloane 1813 The journey of Sir Edward Hutton and his company into Italy, written by one of his servants. Contains distances travelled and towns where they stayed
Sloane 1745 Letters from Thomas Browne from the Marie Rose, 1666-1667. Various verses written on the Marie Rose, and an account of Thomas Browne’s journey from Bordeaux to Paris, 1662
Journal of Thomas Browne’s voyage on board the Marie Rose from the Thames to Falmouth
Sloane 1831A Journal of a voyage in the Mediterranean with the fleet commanded by Sir Jeremy Smith, 1665-1666 together with charts of the Spanish and African coasts, and the towns of Rota, Cadiz, Alicante and Tangier
Another Journal of the same voyage
Voyage of the Gilliflower to the West Indies under Admiral Deakins, 1654
Sketches in pencil of ships, 1665
Sloane 1836 17th century account of Europe (ff1-25) and Asia (ff26-103) and their principal states and countries
Sloane 1837 17th century account of Africa and its principal states and countries
Sloane 1855 Travels of Edward Browne from Vienna through Austria and Bohemia, 1669
Sloane 1856 Miscellany containing many letters of the Earl of Essex including one from Anthony Bacon and one from Dover to Queen Elizabeth I (f5). Also notes by Ralegh on the invention of ships (ff50b-56), War (ff57-62) and Guiana (ff63-67).
A fragment of debate probably in Star Chamber on some libel
Sloane 1886 Travels of Thomas Browne in France and Italy, 1664-1665 including descriptions of paintings, medical receipts and memoranda, also in French and Italian.