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Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 from the British Library, London
Parts 2 and 3: Manuscript Records of Voyages of Discovery, 1450-1750

Contents of Reels - Part 3

Sloane 1554 Notes on Brazilian Natural History (in Latin)

Sloane 1899 Travels of Thomas Browne in Kent, with Dr Plott, 1693

Sloane 1900 Travels of Thomas Browne in England (bound with Medical treatises)

Examples of early rules of arithmetic

List of players acting in London theatres, 1662

Sloane 1905 Travels of Edward Browne in Austria, Germany, Hungary and Eastern Europe and observations on parts of Turkey, 1669

Sloane 1906 Miscellaneous notes including travel journal of Edward Browne in England and Norwich in particular, 1663-1664. The journal contains many medical receipts and anatomical observations

Rules of grammar in Italian

Medical receipts

Exercises in the French Language
Sloane 1908 Travels of Edward Browne in Germany, 1668-1669. Includes medical prescriptions and letters of credit

Sloane 1910 Account of the present state and condition of Persia

Notes taken on the history of the Turks, by Richard Knolles, 1603

Diary of George Weldon & Abraham Nauarros’ journey to the court of the Great Mogul on a diplomatic mission, 1688-1690

A further diary ‘of all occurrences or our expedition to Daman in order to the making peace between the English nation and the Mogul’, 1689-1690

An account of the expedition of Carthagenn, translation, 1689

Sloane 1950 Commonplace book including: short accounts of Constantinople and China

Naval and military terms, rivers and seas etc

Observations relative to the customs and manner of foreign nations etc

Terms of drawing and painting

A short account of Thales, Solon, Socrates and other systems of philosophy

Some anatomical observations

The practice of archery

Observations on fleas, flies, spiders and other insects
Commonplace book consisting of verses and phrases

Sloane 2026 Portuguese manuscript treatise on Brazil

Sloane 2032 Naval papers: Lists of ships and their captains, 1660, 1672, 1673

A list of naval captains killed or mortally wounded, 1665, 1666, 1672, 1673

The recruiting and arming the Navy for ordinary services in the narrow seas, 1663

An recruitment order from the Duke of York and Albany, Lord High Admiral, 1664

Tables showing the value of some ships if they were built new and a charge of fitting them to sea for six months

Sloane 2034 Journals kept by Isaac Hunt on board Patience, 1680, to Tangier; Zant, 1681, to Venice; and African, 1682, to Tangier

Tables of observations on the weather and notes of longitude and latitude of the voyage of the Patience to Tangier, 1680

Sloane 2113 Longitudes, latitudes, length, breadth and climes of the continents and the most notable islands in the world with longitudes and latitudes of the most famous cities therein, according to Mercator. 17th century

Sloane 2177 Miscellany including: 'the briefe of our voyage with Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins into the West Indies, 1595' (f186)

Language, vocabulary and prayers of Persian and Malayan dialects

The Hebrew alphabet

Medical aphorisms

Philosophical declarations following the death of Queen Elizabeth I

Miscellaneous verses translated from Latin

Medical treatise on stitching, old age and gout

Weights and measures tables

Christian name derivations

Sloane 2178 Quastiones Pyschologicae and (f35) a copy of the Charter granted by Charles II to the East India Company, 3 April 1661

Sloane 2179 A treatise on corporations and trading companies: ‘The intolerable injuries and indignities which are offered to his majesty’s subjects in the government of these bodies politique.’

'Keymer's book of observations … touchinge trade and traffique beyond the seas and in England."

Sloane 2291 Journal of a voyage to Maryland and homeward with an account of the natural produce of the country and the habits of the Indians, 1705

Sloane 2292 Rutters describing navigation from Brazil to the West Indies

A rutter with general notes of the West Indies

Navigational marks and signs for the Canaries to the West Indies; Dominica to Mattalino; Dominica to the Terra Firma; Puerto Rico to St Domingo; St Domingo to Honduras

Sloane 2296 Record of the voyage of the Sidney from Land's End, England, to Canton, China, and India, 1703

The names and virtues of several roots, herbs, fruits and seeds, which Dr Dumery bought at Canton, China, 1704

Sloane 2302 Letters of J Walduck to James Petivar regarding the history, laws, produce and trade of Barbados and respecting the witchcraft practiced by the negroes, 1711-1712

Sloane 2337 A description of American plants by Charles Plumiere, 1693

Sloane 2376 Various notes on voyages to Java, China, etc. Records fish caught off the Cape of Good Hope

A few notes on Chinese customs and the method of dyeing red

Various plant catalogues in Latin, 1669

Sloane 2441 An account of Barbados and the government thereof with a map and tables of population, trade and members of the Assembly of 1682-1683, 1684

Sloane 2442 'A collection of several instructions and directions to divers ambassadors and other commissioners appointed to treat with foreigne Princes about
affaires of State’, 1549-1550, 1551-1553, 1576-1579 Also some things concerning Jersey in the time of Edward VI, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and King James I, by Sir John Peyton, Governor of Jersey at the time of Charles II.' Includes instructions to
Martin Frobisher for his second voyage, 1577 (f23)

Dedication to the work of Charles II, Index and
military orders

Count Mansfield’s expedition, General of English
and French forces, 1624

Instructions from the King to Sir John Barthwick to King of Denmark

Instructions to Sir William Paget, controller of the Kings Household, 1548

Instructions for our trusty and beloved Sir Henry Cobham, Knight, appointed to be our ambassador resident with French Kings, 1579

Other instructions concerning the Low Countries, 1576; Germany, 1576; Holland, 1575; Portugal;, 1581; Russia, 1575; Spain 1575-6 and 1583; Scotland, 1555 and 1575; Mary Queen of Scots via Servant
Randolph, 1563-1564

Sloane 2447 A copy of the patent of the Hudson's Bay Company,
2 May 20 Car II

Sloane 2450 An account of extraordinary expenses in the Navy, 1588 under the following headings:

Sea-wages paid to all Her Majesty’s ships under the command of Lord Charles Howard, 1587-1588
Charges sustained and paid for preparing and fitting some of Her Majesty’s ships docked at Portsmouth appointed to serve under Drake against the Spanish

Payments of sundry provisions for voyage westward under Drake

Payments made by Sir John Hawkins, Treasurer of Her Majesty’s Navy, regarding the fleet against the Spanish, and 15 transport ships

Cost of new wharfs and docks at Deptford, including bricklayers and carpenters

Sloane 2496 Miscellany. Includes examination of Sir Stafford Fairborne and Captain John Jennings relative to the failure to capture Cadiz, 1702

Henry Fymberley's trip; Cairo to Jerusalem, 1601/2

Accounts of an expedition for the discovery of China, in the Leicester, the Edward, the Francis and the Elizabeth, under Edward Fenton, 1582

A journal of a voyage to the West Indies, 1699-1702

Treatise on voyages and commanders at the time of the war with Spain, 1585-1603.

Diplomatic letters between Aragon and Castile regarding the French, 1642

Sloane 2497 Miscellany. Includes orders for navy (f46), material on Drake (f47) and also poems by Herbert
Mercantile letters to the city of Gloucester from Worcester and Bristol

Drawings of cannon and shot; receipts for making fireworks

Orders set down by common consent by the commission appointed by Drake and Sir John Morris to be observed by the army, 1589

Sloane 2504 Miscellany. Contains accounts of voyages of the Montaigne, to the Straits 1699/1700, The Griffin, in the Straits of Gibraltar, 1709/10, The Phoenix, to the Canaries and back to England, 1681/2

The St David, westward and to Smyrna, 1677-1688

Proposals regarding wool production for the benefit of English plantations in America, 1698

Sloane 2716 A discourse on the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Parliament

The second memoir of the French Company in Canada in answer to the reply of the English Company regarding the rights of the coast of Hudson Bay (in French)

Synopsis of a history of Philosophy

Sloane 2717 Legal petitions in Chancery and observations of trials, 1659 and 1693

Account of the sea battle between the French and the English & Dutch, 1692

A Diplomatic letter regarding Jamaican forts, 1683
Arrears of the Militia tax, 1683 in Cumberland and Westmoreland

Statements by officers regarding the theft from a ship at Dartmouth, 1692

Declaration of acceptance of the General Pardon proclaimed by Charles II, 1660

Letters detailing the capture, trial and execution of a highwayman, 1693

Documents relating to the retaining of Seamen c.1642

Documents relating to the tobacco and wool trade and taxes thereof, 1695

Various verses, poems and songs from the late seventeenth century

Sloane 2720 Diary of a Journal to Smyrna, Halicarnassus and Constantinople, 1679

Sloane 2724 Various papers of the Earl of Carlisle principally relating to the expenses incurred when Governor of Jamaica, his defence against Colonel Longs’ accusations relative to the government of Jamaica and other issues on the island such as trade, property, French pirates, accounts of plantations and profits from the Slave Trade, 1677-81.

Later issues covered include, the healing properties of the waters at Scarborough, local government in Cumberland and Westmoreland, Parliament, mortgages and lead mines in Tees dale, 1681-1683
Royal Proclamation against interlopers in the trade of the African Company 1680-1681

Sloane 2752 Miscellany including observations on Italy by the Earl of Franconberg, regarding government policy, power, commerce and population. He covers the Duchy of Savoy, Genoa, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and Venice, 1669-1670

A voyage to Porto Bello from Jamaica, 1679, a voyage round South America, 1680/1, and material on Coxon, Harriss, Sawlkins, Bartholomew Sharp etc

Sloane 2872 Observations on China, 1650 (in French)

Sloane 2902 A report by the Commissions on Trade and Plantations to the House of Commons on improvements made to trade, 1699-700

A voyage from Gravesend to Barbados, 1697

A collection of papers respecting trade, imports and exports and taxes, by Abraham Hill, including notes on African trade, 1696, an account of Florida, 1698 (f108), Pennsylvania (f165), value of gold and coin, coal imports, the wine and brandy trade c,1700, the silk trade, wool, customs from French trade, the population in Bermuda, 1698, trade with Ireland

The East India Company; extracts of minutes from the Committee book, 1692 (f147) and the cargoes of the East India Company ships, 1696, 1699, 1700

Sloane 2992 An account of Ethiopia, 1700. Also, an account of one Indian and six English men taken into slavery for 16 years by natives of Ethiopia. Drawings of several strange animals and birds by one of the captives

Sloane 3052 Historia de las Indias (occidentale) par Don F Bartolome de Las Casas, obispo de Chiapa, 1492-1500 (Heavy showthrough)

Sloane 3053 Historia de las Indias (occidentale) par Don F Bartolome de Las Casas, obispo de Chiapa, 1492-1500 (Heavy showthrough)

Sloane 3055 Spanish papers on the Mines of Potosi
Sloane 3079 Sir Walter Ralegh’s arraignment at the Castle of Winchester, 1605: His letter to the King after his condemnation
His letter to his wife after his condemnation
His letter to Sir Robert Carre

Sloane 3105 'A treue relation concerninge Newe England as it was presented to his Majestie'

Sloane 3143 A treatise on the Art of Navigation by Middle Latitude, sailing after the true method with appendices concerning rules for finding latitude and mathematical lectures. 17th century

Sloane 3145 Voyage of Captain Francis Stanes in the Rochester, to Muscat in Arabia, with details of the crew and ship, and coastal charts and maps, 1703/4

Sloane 3228 Record of a pilgrimage from Scotland, through France, to Jerusalem, 1655-1656

Sloane 3231 Voyage of Charles Wilde on the Buritto from England to Madras, 1649-1651, and back, 1651-1652. Both volumes are illustrated

Sloane 3232 Papers of William Penn, including a discourse on the government, office of the Admiralty, 1638

Orders and instructions from the Lord High Admiral, 1646

Sloane 3236 Adventures of William Dampier with others who left Captain Sharpe in the South Seas and travelled back over land through the country of Darien, 1681
Observations made by Mr. De La Wafers when he was left behind in the country amongst savage Indians

William Dampier’s second voyage to the South Seas, 1683-91

Sloane 3237 Voyage of the Panther to Cadiz, 1696; Mary Bonaventure to the Canaries, 1700; and sundry other voyages to the Canaries, 1701; Archangel, 1702 and Alexandria, 1706-7

Sloane 3271 The 'true and real state of trade into the East Indies,' by Richard Wylde, merchant, to his highness Lord Protector

Sloane 3272 Miscellany including two letters by Ralegh regarding the second Guiana voyage and two tracts about the same

Sloane 3295 Journal by John Strong, Commander of the ship Welfare, to the Straits of Magellan and the South Seas, with a copy of the warrant granted to him to seize all ships and goods belonging to the French, 1689

Sloane 3296 Journal of voyage from Panama to Porto di Pitas. 17th century

Sloane 3324 Miscellany including James Petivar's account of animals and plants in Maryland and Dr Mather on savages of New England, 1721/2
Papers relating to natural curiosities, animals, insects, medicine etc., collected by Hans Sloane

Description of the Island of Madeira
Hans Sloane’s account of a book entitled ‘A voyage to the island of Madeira, Barbados, St Christopher and Jamaica with Natural History’

Training elephants in Ceylon

Sloane 3332 James Petivar commonplace book – including records regarding Barbados, of the most part letters and observations on plants and insects

Sloane 3336 James Petivar commonplace book – mostly regarding plants Maxwell’s account of the Cape of Good Hope

Extract of the natural history from William Funnell’s voyage around the world

Sloane 3340 James Petivar commonplace book – including many letters 1712-77 (f3-332)

Remarks on journey from London to Portsmouth, 1705

Plants in Madagascar (in French), Palestine, France, Mexico and the Americas

Sloane 3364 A description of the 3rd voyage, 1596, taken to Cathay and China

Sloane 3448 A relation concerning estate of New England, c.1640

A abstract of the laws of New England, 1641

Sloane 3456 Jesuit letters from Japan, 1591-1592
Sloane 3459 The language of Japan, 1632, translated from the Latin

Sloane 3492 Voyage of Thomas Clement from England to Surat via the Cape of Good Hope and back, 1632-1635
Voyage of five English ships; Charles Admiral; Jonas Admiral; Dolphine; Rear Admiral and the
Heart of the Swallow

Sloane 3494 Journal of a voyage to Venice, 1648-9

Journal of the Relief from London to Tripoli, 1650

Journal of the Confidence, engaged to serve the Venetian Armada against the Turks, 1653

Sloane 3520 Ralegh: copies of letters regarding the Guiana expedition 1617-1618:
To his wife from the Isle of St Christopher, 1617
To Sir Ralph Winmood
To James I before his trial at Winchester, 1603
To Sir Robert Carre, 1608
To his wife the night before his expected execution, 1603

Sloane 3527 Pierre Radisson surveying Canadian North for the Hudson's Bay Company in 1684 (in French)

Sloane 3612 Medical treatise: “Divide the body of man into four parts; head, breast, belly and bladder”. Includes the professed treatment for baldness, lice, sun burn, spots, warts, headaches, drunkenness, lethargy, vertigo, epilepsy etc.

Accounts of Proceedings of the Scotch Merchants Co, regarding trade with Africa and the Indies, 1696

Sloane 3650 Instructions by George, Lord Dartmouth, for the better ordering of sailing and fighting. Illustrated with drawings and sea signals. 17th century
Sloane 3662 Miscellany. Records of colonisation of Newfoundland up to 1670.

Records of war against the governors of Macasser and the Dutch East India Company, 1666-1669. History of Barbados and Grenada. Lieutenant General Ryan's Journal of Guiana, 1665-1667

Sloane 3665 Captain John Kempthorne's book of sea views, 1688-1690 (China, Japan, Martinique, Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, etc)

Sloane 3668 Copies of sea journals to the East Indies by Captain John Kempthorne

The London, England to Bantam, 1667-8
The London, Bantam to England, 1668-9
The Samson, London to Bengal Bay and back on behalf of the East India Company, 1679-81
The Casar, England to Bantam and back, 1679-80

Sloane 3669 Voyage of William Perse to India and back in the Casar, 1679-80

Sloane 3670 Captain John Kempthorne’s journal of his voyage in the Kempthorne to the Bay of Bengal and back, under the employment of the East India Company, 1684-87, including Gambon, Persia and other particulars about the trip such as deaths, costs and the ship’s size

Sloane 3671 Bound with Sloan 3670 – tables of ships going to the East Indies with the numbers of men, guns, cargoes etc.

Kempthorne journal; voyage to Isle of Bombay, 1688-9

Sloane 3672 Voyage of John Preston to India in the Charles, 1682-1684, and records of voyages to Africa in the Coast Frigate, 1659

Copies of letters from the Kempthorne and the Diana giving accounts of French pirates

Sloane 3673 Voyage to the east Indies in a Dutch vessel, 1666-1670

Sloane 3674 Voyage from the East Indies to England and back in the Scarborough, 1703-1705

Sloane 3675 Voyage of John Goodfellow in the Abingdon to Bombay, 1703/4. Illustrated

Sloane 3814 Captain John Kempthorne's journals of voyages to the East Indies and back, 1668-1670, on the Sampson

Sloane 3816 Records of naval and military expedition to Cadiz, 1625, by John Glanvill, secretary to the expedition, under Sir Edward Cecil, including a list of names of commanders, officers and antients of His Majesty’s army, employed on the voyage. The number of ships used

Sloane 3820 Records of an overland expedition by Basil Ringrose from Porto Bello to Panama and voyages in the South Seas via the west coast of South America and Antigua, illustrated with charts and maps, 1681

Sloane 3833 Voyage from England to Patagonia on the Sweepstakes, 1669-1670

Journal of the voyage of the Garnsey, 1677
Sloane 3916 East Indies papers including the anatomy of an elephant, an account of the respect paid to the memory of the White Elephant by natives of Siam; how to catch wild elephants, 1715

Sloane 3918 'A most exact and particular account of the Island of Jamaica’, from the time of discovery and settlement, 1772 and a full account of the present government with a list of past governors and chiefs, by Henry Barham, c1725

Sloane 3926 Journal of a voyage from Stokes Bay to the West Indies, by Commander General Penn, 1654-1655

Sloane 3931 Establishment of the officers of His Majesty’s Customs, patent officers and others, 1673

Sloane 3964 ‘The booke…of the compasse’ and its use to find longitude. Navigation

Sloane 3970 An account of General Vernon's attempt upon Carthagena in the West Indies, 1741

Sloane 3986 A miscellany with much on the West Indies and including John Smith’s account of a revolt in Guinea, 1697 (f10-20)

An account of Greenland (f78ff)

Articles of high treason against Edward Earl of Clarendon

Proposals for improving Jamaica

Natural history of Madagascar
An account of the book ‘voyage around the world’ by William Dampier, 1697

Letters to Hans Sloane, relating the condition of Algiers and Tunis, 1729

Sloane 4002 Papers of Revd. John Banister of Virginia on local plants, animals, insects and shells



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