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JAPAN AND AMERICA, c1930-1955:


Series Two: The O'Ryan Mission to Japan and Occupied China, 1940

Contents of Reels


Diary of Dr Simon N Whitney

Notes on conversations and conference prepared by Dr Whitney

Report to General O’Ryan by Professor Hunsberger and Dr Whitney

Background and memoranda prepared for General O’Ryan by Professor Hunsberger

Excerpts from General O’Ryan’s report to the Japan Economic Federation and Notes on General O’Ryan’s report by Dr Whitney and Professor Hunsberger

Materials prepared for the mission by the Japan Economic Federation

Professor Hunsberger’s pencil notes


Text of a radio broadcast speech by General O’Ryan on 15 August, 1940

Professor Hunsberger’s CV and miscellaneous letters concerning the O’Ryan Mission written by Professor Hunsberger

Article entitled ‘The Coming War with Japan’ written by Professor Hunsberger in the autumn of 1940 and submitted to, but rejected by a number of magazines - includes the rejection letters and covering letters

Comments of Dr Whitney and General O’Ryan re: the material listed above

Materials relating to the Joint Committee of Thirty - an American Club in Shanghai that entertained the mission while it was in China, including a newspaper article (source not indicated) to which Whitney makes reference in the Diary.

Press releases and newspaper clippings collected while the group was in Asia

Materials prepared and given to Professor Hunsberger by Frank S Booth, an American the group met in Asia. Includes an article written by Booth in Japanese and clearly published in Japan, but with no indication to where it was published.

Miscellaneous agendas, timetables, etc

Lists of personnel, guests, interviewees, etc. Also business cards identifying some of the Japanese interviewed.

Materials prepared for General O’Ryan by Professor Hunsberger. O’Ryan Mission 1940.

Miscellaneous materials collected by Professor Hunsberger

Photographs collected by Mrs Whitney

Published Materials

Whitney, Simon N. ‘Impressions of a Far Eastern Trip’. The Yale Review. December 1940

Hunsberger, Warren S. ‘The O’Ryan Mission to Japan’. Pacific Affairs. September 1943

Center for American Studies. University of Tokyo, College of Education ‘An Interview with Dr Warren S Hunsberger’. American Society During World War II, Oral History Series Vol 5. 1982

National Archives and Records Administration

State Department Documents

RG59 Documents relating to the O’Ryan Mission (photocopies)

Documents relating to the formation of the mission FW 711.94/1529

The Department’s reactions to General O’Ryan’s letter of 13 July sent from Japan to President Roosevelt
FW 711.94/2101

Report to the American Consul General in Shanghai concerning the O’Ryan Mission visit to that city
FW 711.94/1664

Excerpts from General O’Ryan’s letter of December 1940 to Baron Goh of the Japan Economic Federation and the Department’s reaction to it. FW 711.94/1769

Materials relating to proposals made to the Department by Mack Kleiman FW 711.894.00/998, 894.00/977

General O’Ryan’s letter of July 13 sent from Japan to President Roosevelt FW711.94/1670

National Archives - War Department Documents RG59 G-2/2515-H-125 (photocopies)

Memoranda of Brigadier General Sherman Miles on conversations with General O’Ryan in September 1940.

Documents relating to the Kleiman negotiations listed in the last item above.

Franklin D Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York

Relevant documents from PPF 1948 and PSF Box 59 (photocopies)

Correspondence concerning the mission between General O’Ryan and President Roosevelt and comments on same by Cordell Hull - this includes a typewritten copy of General O’Ryan’s letter of 13 July listed in item two of the State Department documents.



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