Manuscript Records of Traders- Travellers- Missionaries and Diplomats- 1853-1941
Part 2: Journals and Student Essays
Part 3: Correspondence and Scrapbooks
Part 4: Collected Papers of Brown, Perry and others
Part 5: Writings by Griffis
Detailed Listing - Part 5
Published Works: Kraft-bound articles from the "Death of a noted Japanese" [Iwakura Tomosada] to "Dr Griffis on Japan"
Box 49
Item 1:
"Death of Noted Japanese" <12/4>. Obituary, n.d. [Iwakura Tomosada]
Item 2:
"Death of Mr Hatakeyama" <12/7>. Obituary, n.d. [Hatakeyama] [Perhaps alias Soogiwoora]
Item 3:
"Entertaining Angels Unaware" <12/7>. Magazine article, n.d. [Yokoi Bros; Joseph Neesima]
Item 4:
"Japanese Students Educated Abroad; Their Influence and Record" <12/7>. Newspaper article, n.d.
Item 5:
"First Glimpses of Japan" <31>. Newspaper article, Christian Intelligencer, n.d.
Item 6:
"James Curtis Hepburn: Pioneer of Science and Religion in Japan" <31>. Magazine article, The Missionary Review of the World, Dec 1911 [Two copies] [Hepburn, James Curtis]
Item 7:
"Japan's New Premier - Kei Hara" <31>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Oct 2 1918 [Hara Kei]
Item 8:
"Japan's Loss in Premier Hara" <31>. Newspaper article, The New York Herald, Nov 6 1921 [Hara Kei]
Item 9:
"First Man North of Tokio to Assume the Important Portfolio Kei [Hara Kei] <31>. Newspaper article, [Philadelphia] Public Ledger, Oct 20 1918. [Hara Kei]
Item 10:
"New Japan: She Will Yet Become a Christian Nation" <32>. Newspaper article, n.d.
Item 11:
"Japan Will Not Be Degraded by Even Uncle Sam" <31>. Newspaper article, Ithaca Daily Journal, July 9 1907
Item 12:
"The Last of the Military Premiers of Japan" <31> [Terauchi Seiki]
Item 13:
"The Father of the Japanese Constitution" <31>. Magazine article, n.d. [Ito Hirobumi]
Item 14:
"Japan's Transformation Since her Hermit Days" <31>. Magazine article, Life and Light for Woman, Sep 1901
Item 15:
"The Japanese Emperor" <31>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Nov. 10 1915. [Taisho Tenno]
Item 16:
"Count Okuma and Townsend Harris" <31>. Letter to the Editor, New York Tribune, Nov 7 1908
Item 17:
"What is Going on in Japan" <31>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Jan 30 1917
Item 18:
"The Japanese Red Cross" <31>. Newspaper article, The Sun, July 20 1918
Item 19:
"A Footnote to the Japanese Supplement" <31>. Letter to the Editor, New York Evening Post, Jan 8 1917
Item 20:
"The Old and the New Japan" <31>. Magazine article, Life and Light for Woman, Jan 1900. Also includes "Christianity's Blessing for the Women of Japan," by Hide Yegashira.
Item 21:
"The New Emperor of Japan" <31>. Magazine article, Nov 17 1915 [Taisho Tenno]
Item 22:
"Ito, the Victim" <31>. Newspaper article, Cornell Daily Sun, Oct 27 1909 [Ito Hirobumi]
Item 23:
"In the Heart of Japan" <31>. Letter to the Editor, The Christian Intelligencer, Apr 27 1871 [Letter posted from Fukui]
Item 24:
"Japan: Past and Present" <31>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 25:
"An Apostle of Christian Unity: The Life and Work of David Thompson, of Japan" <31>. Magazine article, The Missionary Review of the World, Sep 1916 [Thompson, David].
Item 26:
"Okuma and the New Era in Japan" <31>. Magazine article, The North American Review (104, no. 732)
Item 27:
"Japan's First Ambassador to the United States" <31>. Magazine article, The Outlook, n.d. [Aoki Shiuzo]
Item 28:
"The Empire of the Risen Sun" <31>. Magazine article, The National Geographic Magazine, Oct 1923
Item 29:
"Japan's Civilian Premiers" <31>. Magazine article, The North American Review, Jan 1922 [Hara Kei; Takahashi Korekiyo]
Item 30:
"Two Valuable Hints from One Who Knows" <31>. Letter to the Editor, [Ithaca, NY] Oct 2,1909 [Ishibashi; Iwaya; Kanda; Kumagae; Midzuno; Shibusawa]
Item 31:
"Yoshihito" <31>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Oct 31 1917 [Taisho Tenno]. An anonymous poem on the Taisho succession is also included.
Item 32:
"Three Royal Ladies of the Orient" <31>. Magazine article in two parts, The Christian Work, April 4-11 1895 [Empress Dowager of China; Queen of Korea; Empress of Japan] "A Chinese Woman's Work for Women" Magazine article, n.d.
Item 33:
"What's in a Cup of Tea?" <31>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 34:
"The First Benefactor of the Japanese in America" <31>. Magazine article, The Christian Intelligencer, Sep 27 1916 [Ferris, John Mason]
Item 35:
"General Nogi: His Opposition to Ultraconservatism in Japan" <31>. Letter to Editor, The New York Herald, April 11[1912?] [Nogi Kiten]
Item 36:
"No 'Coolies' in Japan" <31>Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, July 3 1914.
Item 37:
"Japan's Sailor Prince" <31>. Newspaper article, n.d. [Prince Yorihito]
Item 38:
"Aladdin and Mercury in Japan" <31>. Magazine article, n.d
Item 39:
" Do We Understand the Chinese and Japanese Peoples?" <31> Newspaper article, May 7-13 [?] by William Elliot Griffis.
Item 40:
"Two Japanese Men of Letters" <31>. Magazine article, The Independent, Sep 21 1893 [Michizane; Rai Sanyo]
Item 41:
"General Nogi's Suicide and the Old Japan" <31> Magazine article in two parts [1912] [Nogi Kiten]
Item 42:
"The Land of the Rising Sun: the Japanese at Home" <31> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 43:
"Count Okuma" <31> Newspaper article, The Sun, May 31 1914 [Okuma Shigenobu]
Item 44:
"The Future Empress of Japan" <31> Magazine article [1899] [Princess Sada]
Item 45:
"Boston's Welcome to Togo" <31> Magazine article [The Christian Intelligencer], [ca. 1906] [Togo Heihachiro]
Item 46:
"The Holy Places of the Orient" <31> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 47:
"Japan's Decorations Explained by Griffis" <31> Letter to the Fairhaven Star, as printed in The Morning Mercury, Aug 2 1919
Item 48:
"The Coming Financial Embassy of Japan to America" <31> Newspaper article, The Sun, Nov 11 1917 [Megata Tanetaro]
Item 49:
"Koruma as a Former Teacher, Dr Griffis, Knew Him" <31> Newspaper article, The New York Times, July 30 1905 [Komura Jutaro]
Item 50:
"What I Know of Tasuke Harada" <31> Magazine article, n.d. [Harada Tasuke]
Item 51:
"Our Welcome to the Japanese" <31> Newspaper article, The Sun, Sep 27 1917
Item 52:
"Traveller's Luck in Japan" <31> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 53:
"Japanese Polo" <31> Letter to the Editor, New York Herald, May 10 1876
Item 54:
"Japan Since 1854" <31> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 55:
"The Mikado's Birthday" <31> Newspaper article, n.d. [Meiji Tenno]
Item 56:
"The Game of Go" <31> Magazine article [The Nation], n.d.
Item 57:
"The Second Ambassador from Japan" <31> Newspaper article, The Sun, Nov 8 1919
Item 58:
"Death of Prof. Gustaaf Schlegel" <31> Obituary, n.d. [Schlegel, Gustaaf] "Death of Dr. David Thompson" Obituary, n.d. [Thompson, David] "General Otani" Newspaper article, The Sun, Aug 11 1918 Otani Kikuzo] "The Japanese Lincoln" Letter to the Editor , March 17 1904 [Meiji Tenno] "Japanese Jurist" Newspaper notice, n.d. [Masujima R]
Item 59:
"Welcome to Ishii" <31> Two newspaper article, unidentified [1917] and The Sun, Aug 17 1917 [Ishii Kikujiro]
Item 60:
"The Career of the Mikado" <31> Magazine article, n.d. [Meiji Tenno]
Item 61:
"The Late Empress Dowager of Japan <31> Obituary, n.d.
Item 62:
"Japan's Aryan Blood" <31> Letter to the Editor, New York Herald, Jan 28 1924
Item 63:
"The Present Aspect of Affairs in Japan" <31> Address, as printed in The New Ideal, July-Aug 1890
Item 64:
"Names of [Japanese] Royalty" <31> Letter to the Editor, New York Herald, Feb 6 [?]
Item 65:
"Japan's 'Grand Old Man', Fukuzawa" <31> Magazine article, n.d. [Fukuzawa]
Item 66:
"The Leper Asylum in Tokio" <31>. Charity appeal (in memory of Martin N Wyckoff), n.d.
Item 67:
"The Mind of Modern Japan" <31>. Magazine article, The Homiletic Review, Feb 1905
Item 68:
"The Original of Uncle Remus' Tar Baby in Japan" <31> Magazine article, The Folklorist, n.d.
Item 69:
"Japan as I Knew It, and Know It" <31> Magazine article, Home Progress, n.d.
Item 70:
"Japan and the United States: Are the Japanese Mongolian?" <31> Magazine article, North American Review, June 1913
Item 71:
"Edmund Roberts, Our First Envoy to Japan" <31> Newspaper article, The New York Times, August 6 1905 [Roberts, Edmund]
Item 72:
"The Man Who Rules Japan" <31> Magazine article, n.d. [Meiji Tenno]
Item 73:
"Admiral Togo and Virtue of Mikado" <31> Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, June 9 1905 [Togo Heihachiro]
Item 74:
"Dr Griffis on Japan" <31> Letter to the Editor, The Journal, [ca. 1911]
Published Works: Kraft-bound articles from "How some men of new Japan stooped to conquer" to "A modern miracle - Commercial Japan"
Box 50
Item 1:
"How Some Men of New Japan Stooped to Conquer" <31> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 2:
"Aimaro Sato" <31> Newspaper article, n.d. [Taisho era] [Sato Aimaro]
Item 3:
"Will Adams, Pilot"<31> Letter to the Editor, The Sun, Sep 28 [?] [Adams, Will]
Item 4:
"Japan's New Premier" <31> Letter to the Editor, The New York Herald, Nov. 16 [ca. 1920] [Takahashi Korekiyo]
Item 5:
"The Samurai of the Ages; The Christ of Japan" <31> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 6:
"Nature and People of Japan" <31> Magazine article, The Century Magazine, Dec. 1889.
Item 7:
"Are the Japanese Mongolian?" <31> Magazine article, North American Review, June 1913. [Two copies; one in binder]
Item 8:
"The Empire of the Risen Sun" <31> Magazine article, National Geographic Magazine, Oct 1923
Item 9:
Marquis Ito: The Mikado's premier who rose from the ranks" <31> Magazine article, The Craftsman, n.d. [Ito Hirobumi]
Item 10:
"Coercion in Japan" <46> [Anonymous] letter to the Editor, Evening Post, Feb. 24 [?], with editorial reply [by Griffis? cf. Printed Materials - Newspaper Clippings and Published Works - Newspaper Clippings].
Item 11:
"Roosevelt and Japan" <46> Letter to the Editor, New York Herald Tribune, Aug 9 1924 [Roosevelt, Theodore]
Item 12:
"Japanese Victories: Are They a Menace or a Blessing?" <46> Magazine article, Sunday Magazine, Oct 29 1905
Item 13:
"The Japanese at Mukden" <46> Newspaper article, The Evening Register, Oct 17 1904[incomplete]
Item 14:
"Orient's 'Power to Become' Expressed in Western Terms" <46> Newspaper article, [Philadelphia Ledger] 1916. [Two copies]
Item 15:
"China and Japan at the World's Peace Table" <46> Newspaper article, n.d.
Item 16:
" War Degrading" <46> Magazine notice [ca. 1915]
Item 17:
"Japan as an Ally" <46> Newspaper article ["The Journal"], Feb 5 1918
Item 18:
"Getting Along with the Orientals" <46> Magazine article, The Christian Intelligencer.
Item 19:
"Japan in the World War" <46> Magazine article, The North American Review (208, no. 5), 1915
Item 20:
"A Coming of World Power" <46> Newspaper interview with Griffis, n.d.
Item 21:
"The Japanese Peace Commission" <46> Magazine article, The Outlook, July 22 1905
Item 22:
"Japan's Absorption of Korea" <46> Magazine article, The North American Review, Oct 1910
Item 23:
"Our New Treaty with Japan" <46> Newspaper article, New York Herald, Dec 13 1920
Item 24:
"A St. Andrew's Day in Japan" <46> Magazine Article, n.d.
Item 25:
"William Elliot Griffis Sees Only Future Peace in Her [Japan's] Recent Diplomatic Triumph Over China" <46> Newspaper article, The Sun. May 30 1915
Item 26:
"International Friendship Illustrated" <46> Magazine notice, n.d.
Item 27:
"Steady Stream of Friendship Out of America to Japan" <46> Newspaper article [Japan Advertiser], n.d.
Item 28:
"What Caused It All?" <46> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 29:
"Japan and the Treaty Powers" <46> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 30:
"Our Honour and Shame With Japan" <46> Magazine article, North American review [Oct. 1914] [two copies]
Item 31:
"The 'Wyoming' in the Straits of Shimonoseki" <46> Magazine article, The Century Magazine, April 1892 [two copies]
Item 32:
"Relations Between the United States and Japan" <46>. Letter to the Editor, Magazine of American History, n.d.
Item 33:
"Japan as an Industrial Power" <46> Magazine article, n.d.
Item 34:
"Says Japs Will Stay with Allies" <46> Newspaper interview with Griffis, n.d.
Item 35:
"Democratic Japan Draws up a Chair to the Peace Table" <46> Newspaper article, Public Ledger [Philadelphia]. Jan 5 1919
Item 36:
"Our Ally Japan and her Flag" <46> Newspaper article, The Sun, Sep 17 1917
Item 37:
"Japan at the Peace Table" <46> Newspaper article, The Sun, Dec 30 1918
Item 38:
"Japan's Debt to Korea" <46> Magazine article, Aug 1919 [Following a copy of "Sky Lotus", a poem by Elizabeth J Coatsworth]
Item 39:
"The New World of Books in Japan" <46/a> Magazine article, The Critic, n.d.
Item 40:
"The Literary Movement in New Japan" <46/a> Magazine article, The Outlook, n.d.
Item 41:
"It Was America that Taught the Japanese to Sing" <46/a> Newspaper article, The Sun, Dec 20 1916
Item 42:
"Art Competition" <46/a>; "Bilingual Report 1902-1903"; " Japanese Educational Influence in China"; Magazine notices, n.d.
Item 43:
"Japanese Art Symbols" <46/a> Magazine article, Scribner's Magazine, Jan 1889
Item 44:
"Oriental Portraits" <46/a> Magazine series, The Nation, Sep 1918 - May 1919, signed "Eothen" [William Elliot Griffis] Titles:
"I. Lieutenant-General Kikuzo Otani"
"II. Terauchi, Ex-Premier of Japan"
"III. Kei Hara, Journalist-Premier"
[IV. Missing]
"V. The Japanese Peace Delegates"
Item 45:
"The Changeful and Adaptable, not the Immovable Orient" <46/a>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Sep 3 1916
Item 46:
"Says the Japanese Stand for Both Manhood and Honour" <46/a>. Newspaper article, The Sunday Herald, [Boston], Aug 3 1913
Item 47:
"Bushido Holds" <46/1>. Newspaper article, n.d.
Item 48:
"Japanese Commercial Morality" <46/a>. Newspaper article, Dec 28 1909
Item 49:
"The National Exposition in Japan" <46/a>. Magazine article, The Outlook, Aug 1 1903
Item 50:
"The Craftsman's Life and Lot in Japan" <46/a>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 51:
"The Sorrows of a Non-Partisan" <46/b>. Magazine article, The Missionary Herald [Sep 1919]
Item 52:
"The Call of the Famine Witnesses in Japan" <46/b>. Magazine notice [March 17 1919]
Item 53:
"What is the Meaning of the Food Riots in Japan?" <46/b>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Aug 21 1918
Item 54:
"Constitutional Japan" <46/b>. Magazine article, The Illustrated Christian Weekly, Feb 7 1891
Item 55:
"The Government of Japan" <46/b>. Magazine article [1889]
Item 56:
"The Constitution of Japan" <46/b>. Magazine article [The Chautauquan, February 1891]
Item 57:
"The Samurai of the Ages: the Christ of Japan" <46/e>. Magazine article, Homiletic Review, July 1913
Item 58:
"Japan: A Paradox in Education" <46/e>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 59:
"A Glorious Company" <46/e>. Magazine article, The Missionary Link, Sep 1918
Item 60:
"Christian Missionary Influence on Music in Japan" <46/e>. Letter to the Editor, The Journal-News, Jan 25 1923
Item 61:
"The Complete Bible in Japanese" <46/e>. Magazine article, The Congregationalist, Dec 26 1889
Item 62:
"The Insult to Japan and the Rift in the Church" <46/e>. Letter to the Editor [The Journal-News], June 6 1924
Item 63:
"Christian Art in Japan" <46/e>. Magazine article, The Bible Magazine, n.d.
Item 64:
"Japanese Buddhism" <46/e>. Magazine article , April 5 1888
Item 65:
"The Missionary That Made Sunshine" <46/e>. Magazine article, June 22 1893. [Brown, Samuel Robbins]
Item 66:
The Japanese Interpretation of Christianity" <46/e>. Magazine article, The Homiletic Review, May 1910
Item 67:
"Woman's Progress in Japan" <46/e>. Magazine article, The Missionary Review of the World, July 1915
Item 68:
"Japan's Moral Progress" <46/e>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 69:
"The Japanese in Formosa" <46/e>. Magazine article, n.d. "Formosa: Home of the Morning-Glory, Tea-Garden of the Pacific". Magazine article, n.d.
Item 70:
"Democracy in Japan" <46/e>. Review of Griffis article, New York Tribune [Dec. 29 1921]
Item 71:
"A Modern Miracle - Commercial Japan" <46/e> Newspaper article, The Sun, Oct 12 1917
Published Works: Kraft-bound articles from "Allies' Siberian leader" to "Kim the Korean"
Box 51
Item 1:
"Allies' Siberian Leader Typical of Jap Democracy" <80>. Newspaper article, Philadelphia Public Ledger, Aug 18 1918 [Otani Kikuzo]
Item 2:
"Readers in Council: Friends of Japan Are in a Quandary" <80>. Letter to the Editor, Tokyo, Aug 22 1919
Item 3:
"Pouring Water in a Frog's Face" <80>. Letter to the Editor, Japanese American Commercial Weekly, n.d.
Item 4:
"The Voice of Japan's Premier" <80>. Newspaper article, The Sun, Oct 23 1918 [Hara Kei]
Item 5:
"Count Okuma's Appeal" <80>. Magazine article, The Christian Intelligencer, n.d. [Okuma Shigenobu]
Item 6:
"Democracy in Japan" <80>. Newspaper article, The Sun, July 15 1920
Item 7:
"The Unknown Soldier" <80>. Magazine article, The Homiletic Review, May 1921
Item 8:
"The Peace That Is No Peace" <80>. Newspaper article, The Ithaca Journal, Dec 7 1917
Item 9:
"The Ancient and Lasting Friendship of America for Japan" <80>. Magazine article, Munsey's Magazine [1917?]
Item 10:
"Delta U's Pioneers in Christian Work in Japan" <80>. Magazine article quoting Griffis, Delta Upsilon Quarterly, n.d.
Item 11:
"The Personality of the Mikado" <80>. Magazine article [The Outlook, July 6 1901]
Item 12:
"Dr William E Griffis Discusses Japan" <80>. Newspaper reprint of Griffis's article, "An American View" [in The Nation], Ithaca Daily News, June 15 1919; "Why Japan Has Sent No Army to Europe", Newspaper article [The Sun, 1918?]
Item 13:
"Takahira: Student and Ambassador" <80>. Magazine article, n.d. [Takahira Kogoro]
Item 14:
"Teaching of Wang Yang-ming Recoils from Japan to China" <80>. Newspaper article, Philadelphia Public Ledger, Aug 17 1916
Item 15:
"Technical Training in Japan" <80>. Newspaper article, The Sun, May 3 1916
Item 16:
"Passing of the Makers of New Japan" <80>. Newspaper article, Jan 15 1922
Item 17:
"Past and Present Christian Work for Japan" <80>. Magazine article, Missionary Review of the World, March 1905.
Item 18:
"Three Decades of the Mikado's Reign" <80>. Magazine article, The Independent, n.d.
Item 19:
"Three Japanese Birthdays" <80>. Magazine article in two parts, Oct-Nov 1912
Item 20:
"Story of Baron Komura Told by Dr W E Griffis" <80>. Newspaper article, Ithaca Daily News, Aug 7 1905 [reprinted from The New York Times] [Komura Jutaro]
Item 21:
"Prince Iwakura" <80>. Magazine notice, The Christian Intelligencer, n.d. [Iwakura Tomosada; Iwakura Tomomi]
Item 22:
"Marquis Okuma: Japan's Veteran Educator" <80>. Magazine article [No. IV of "Oriental Portraits," q.v. The Nation], Dec 7 1918 [Okuma Shigenobu]
Item 23:
"Bishop Channing M Williams, of Japan" <80>. Magazine article, Missionary Review of the World, Sep 1913[Williams, Channing Moore]
Item 24:
"The Awakening of Japan" <80>. Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, May 28 1924
Item 25:
"Baron Kaneko's Verdict on Occidental Christianity" <80>. Magazine article, The East and the West: A Quarterly Review for the Study of Missions, Oct 1906 [Kaneko Kentaro]
Item 26:
"American Sympathies" <80>. Letter to the Editor, The Sun, Mar 4 [1904]
Item 27:
"Why Russian and Japan Should Shake Hands" <80>. Magazine article, The Outlook, Aug 19 1905
Item 28:
"America in the Far East" <46> Magazine series, The Outlook, Nov 1898 - Jan 1899. Titles:
"The Signal Gun at Manila"
"The Anglo-Saxon in the Tropics"
"American Leaven in the Chinese Mass"
"What American have Done for Japan"
"The Pacific Ocean and Our Future There"
Item 29:
"Woman's Progress in Japan" <6/4>. Magazine article, The Missionary Review of the World, July 1915 "The Women of Chosen". Magazine article, The Missionary of Review of World, March 1918
Item 30:
"The Launching of the Ship" <30/1>. Magazine article, The Sailor's Magazine and Seaman's Friend, Feb 1919
Item 31:
"British and American Cooperation in Asia" <30/1>. Magazine article, The Landmark (no. 9) Sep 1925
Item 32:
Review of "The Third Annual Report of Reforms and Progress in Korea (1909-10)" <30/3>. Magazine article, The Nation n.d.
Item 33:
"The Statemanship of Yuan Shi-Kai" <30/2>. Magazine article, The North American Review [ca. 1916] "China's Cromwell", Griffis interview on Yuan Shi-Kai, June 7 1916
Item 34:
"The Makers of New China" <30/2>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 35:
"Real Friends of China" <30/2>. Letter to the Editor, New York Herald Tribune, Aug 29 1925
Item 36:
"Europe in China" <30/2>. Magazine article, Harper's Weekly 42 no. 2143 [1898?]
Item 37:
"Before and Behind China's Throne" <30/2>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 38:
"the Chinese Students in America" <30/2>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 39:
"The Young Nation Teaching the Old" <30/2>. Newspaper article. The Sun, Jan 2 1919
Item 40:
"The Troubles in China" <30/2>. Letter to the Editor, New York Herald-Tribune, July 23 1925
Item 41:
"Young J Allen, the man who Seeded China" <30/2>. Magazine article, The Missionary Review of the World, Sept 1912
Item 42:
"Chinese Discover a Contrast" <30/2>. Letter to the Editor, Syracuse Post-Standard, June 19 1925
Item 43:
"The Corean Uprising" <30/3>. Magazine article, The Christina Intelligencer, April 2 1919
Item 44:
[Untitled synopsis of Korean news] <30/3>. Magazine notice n.d.
Item 45:
"Coreans, Americans and Japanese" <30/3>. Newspaper article, n.d.
Item 46:
"Korea for Christ" <30/3>. Magazine notice n.d.
Item 47:
"The Land of the Winged Tiger" <30/3>. Newspaper article, Aug 6 1898
Item 48:
"Russia and Japan in Korea" <30/3>. Magazine article, n.d.
Item 49:
"Korea, the Pigmy Empire" <30/3>. Magazine article, [The New England Review] n.d.
Item 50:
"Kim the Korean" <30/3>. Magazine article, The Outlook, n.d.
The following items include pieces not by Griffis (mainly anonymous newspaper articles).
Item 51:
"Japanese Workers Make Demands" <31>. Newspaper article, June 10 [?]
"Puts O.K.' on Oriental Races". Review of Griffis lecture, July 1[?]
"Origin of the Japanese". Letter to the Editor, The Sun, Jan 29 [?] by William Elliot Griffis
"Ex Oriente Lux". Review of lecture by Arthur Lloyd on Buddhism in Japan, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis [Lloyd, Arthur]
"The Japanese a Young Nation". Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, Sep 4 1904 by William Elliot Griffis.
"Forty Years of Mission Work in Japan". Report by H.N.C. of Yokohama dinner recognizing Mr and Mrs James Ballagh, n.d.
"The Seed and the Harvest". Magazine notice, The Christian Herald, Oct 23 1918 by William Elliot Griffis.
"For the Hall of Fame". Letter to the Editor, The Post-Standard, May 15 [?] by William Elliot Griffis [Verbeck, Guido]
"The Westminster Club". Review of Griffis lecture, n.d.
"Japan Regards US as a Big Brother". Interview with Griffis, Grand Rapids MI, n.d.
Item 52:
"The Mikado's Ancestors" <31>. Letter to the Editor by Albert S Ashmead, The Tribune, Oct 19 1905
"Togo and 'The Mikado's Ancestor'". Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, Oct 17 1905 by William Elliot Griffis.
Item 53:
"Shidehara: Japan's New Ambassador" <31>. Newspaper article, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis. [Shidehara Kijuro]
"Dr Griffis and Japan". Interview with Griffis, Japanese-American Commercial Weekly, n.d.
"Dr William Elliot Griffis on Japan". Letter to the Editor, Feb 15 [?].
Item 54:
"Dr Griffis Gets a Letter on Old School in Japan" <46/a>. Newspaper article, n.d.
"Chinese Students in America". Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, Oct 12 1910 by William Elliot Griffis.
Item 55:
"Dr. Griffis Heard in Aid of Japanese Fund" <46/a>
"Girl's Graphic Quake Letter Read in Pulaski"
"Raising Funds for Quake Sufferers"
"1400 Rescued on Collapsed Yokohama Pier". Newspaper articles, Sep 30 - Oct 1 [1913?]
"Japan's Calamity". Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, Jan. 15 1914 by William Elliot Griffis
Item 56:
"The Famine in Japan" <46/b>. Letter to the Editor [Feb 24 1906] by William Elliot Griffis.
"Famine Relief Needed in Japan". Letter to the Editor, New York Tribune [Feb 25 1906] by William Elliot Griffis
"Famine Breaker". Letter to the Editor, The Christian Herald, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Japan Earthquake Relief Fund". Newspaper notice, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Names of Royality: The Japanese Emperor Does Not Bear a Family Name". Letter to the Editor, New York Herald, Feb 6 by William Elliot Griffis.
"Dr Griffis on the Japanese". Newpaper article, n.d.
"Sui Komu! Prevent Grippe". Magazine notice, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Japan and R.P.I." [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute]. Letter to the Editor, Troy Times, Oct 4 1924
"Central High's Annual Dinner: Alumni Listen to Educator of Japanese Discourse on Peace Prospect". Review of Griffis lecture, Dec 12
"The Ethics and Politeness of Breath". Magazine article, n.d.
Item 57:
"Will the Japanese Become a Christian Nation?" <46/e>. Magazine article, The Christian Work and Evangelist, Sep 30 1905 by William Elliot Griffis
"Will Japan Become a Christian Nation?". Newspaper articles by Griffis, T Kuma, R.G.F. Candage, Kikichiro Matsuki: Boston Sunday Globe, Aug 20 1905
"Japanese Will Become Christians". Review of Griffis lecture, n.d.
Item 58:
"The Religions of Japan" <46/e>. Magazine article, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Religion in Japan". Review of Griffis lecture, April 4 1888
Item 59:
"Townsend Harris Hero" <80>. Newspaper article, Albany NY, Dec 14 1919
"Townsend Harris, Center of Japanese Drama". Magazine article, New York Times Magazine, Dec 28 1919 by William Elliot Griffis
Item 60:
"Americans Copy, Orientals Create" <80>. Review of Griffis lecture, n.d.
"Houses Roofed with Gold". Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, Nov 1 1918 by William Elliot Griffis
"A Memorial for War Horses". Magazine article, citing Griffis, n.d.
"Why Japanese Grow Taller". Letter to the Editor, May 30 1921 by William Elliot Griffis
"A Glimpse Into the Christian Life in Japan". Magazine notice, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Madame Miura". Magazine article, n.d. By William Elliot Griffis [Miura]
"Greetings to the Emperor". Magazine article, Japanese-American Commercial Weekly, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis.
"The Jar of Candy: A Story for Young Folks from the Japanese". Magazine article, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Sabotage for Germs". Letter to the Editor, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Medicine in Japan: The Part Americans played in Her Progress". Letter to the Editor, The New York Herald, March 23 [190-] by William Elliot Griffis
"Ro-nin and Rowdy: The Imitative Nature of Japanese Progress". Letter to the Editor, New York Herald Tribune, June 10 1924 by William Elliot Griffis
"Japanese Physique". Newspaper article citing Griffis, June 16 1913
"The Earthquake Fish (A Japanese Tale Sent by Dr William Elliot Griffis)". Magazine article, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"The Jinrikisha's Inventor". Letter to the Editor, The New York Herald, Feb 21 [?] by William Elliot Griffis
[No title] Magazine article, The Nation, n.d.
[No title] Magazine article, The Nation, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"'Coolies' Abound in Japan". Letter to the Editor by Hamilton Butler, The Tribune, Aug 6 1914 [refuting Griffis]
Item 61:
"Japan's Friendship" <80>. Letter to the Editor, New York Herald, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"Japanese at Portsmouth". Letter to the Editor, The Tribune, Oct. 23 1911 [Komura, Yakahira]
"Problems of the Far East". Notice of upcoming conference, n.d.
"Treaty Relations of Japan". Newspaper article, n.d. [Untitled]
Letter to the Editor, The World, Feb 15 [191-] by William Elliot Griffis
"Meaning of Togo's Victory". Letter to the Editor, as reprinted from The Sun, n.d. by William Elliot Griffis
"England and Japan". Letter to the Editor, The Sun, n.d.
"Arm against Japan!". Magazine notice [Japan Society Bulletin, 1916] citing Griffis
"Japan Desires Peace". Newspaper interview with Griffis, July 8 [191-]
"Dr. W.E. Griffis's Views". Newspaper interview with Griffis [same as previous article]
"Student of the Japanese Believes War is Far Off". Newspaper interview with Griffis [see preceding article]
"No Chance of War with Japs". Review of Griffis lecture, Nov 25 1908
"Who Opened Japan?". Magazine notice [Japan Society Bulletin, n.d.] citing Griffis
Item 62:
"Korea, Its History and Its Late Development" <30/3>. Newspaper article by William Elliot Griffis [Philadelphia Press, Feb 28 1904].
"Corea's Last Emperor". Newspaper article [by Griffis?], The Sun, Jan 26 1919
"Fruits of Militarism in Korea Under Japan". Newspaper article, Ithaca Daily News, June 3 1919
"Korea Situation is Explained by Dr Harada". Newspaper interview with Tasuke Harada [ca. 1919] [Harada Yasuke]
Published Works: Kraft-bound articles from "Dux Christus" and "American Makers of the New Japan" to "The Development of the Hardy Japanese"
Box 52
Folder 1:
"American Makers of the New Japan", The Century, August 1913 <10/5>
Folder 2:
"A Call on a Bonze" <18/4>. Article from [unidentified] journal or tabloid, n.d. Blacked out reference at top reads "(From Lippincot Magazine)"
Folder 3:
"The Central High School Alumnus in Japan", The Barnwell Bulletin 2 no. 16 (February 1926 5-11 <20/2>
Folder 4:
"Christ the Creator of the New Japan" <10/3> <46/e> <30/1> <35/2> <85> Pamphlet, Envelope Series (American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions), 10 no. 1 (April 1907) Five copies; one is annotated by WEG (May 20 1918)
Folder 5:
"Christianity in Japan", The Japan Christian Intelligencer 2 no. 8 (October 10 1927), 168-172. <46/e> <20/2>. Two complete copies of the magazine.
Folder 6:
"Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, the typical American Naval Officer". A number of copies clipped from The Magazine of American History 13, no. 5 (May 1885) <30/1> <42/2>. Holograph MS in Manuscripts
Folder 7:
"The Craftsman's Life and Lot in Japan", The Craftsman 8 no. 3 (June 1905), 293-311 <2/7> <20/2> Three copies.
Folder 8:
"The Development of the Hardy Japanese", [The Craftsman], 178-201 <20/1> <20/2>
Folder 9:
Dux Chritus syllabus to Chapter IV; study pictures <68>. Supplementary materials for use of the volume as a classroom text
Folder 10:
"The Empire of the Risen Sun", from The National Geographic Magazine 44, no. 4 October 1923) <81> Two copies
Folder 11:
"A Glance at the History and Symbolism of Japanese Art", The Art Interchange [n.d.], p. 37 <20/1>
Folder 12:
"Guido Fridolin Verbeck, Pioneer Missionary in Japan," The Auburn Seminary Record, 5 no. 5 (November 10 1909), 358-365 <20/1> Complete copy of the magazine
Folder 13:
"The Hope of Japan" <31> Pamphlet, Envelope Series (American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions), 25 no. 1 (April 1922)
Folder 14:
"Jack and the Giant in Korea," The Outlook, 11 August 1894, 212-213 <28/6>
Folder 15:
"Japan At the Time of Townsend Harris" <20/1>. Printed in Japan: A Comparison (New York: The Japan Society, 1923), 5-29. Three copies
Folder 16:
"Japan: Geographical and Social" [The Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, 1878] <20/1> <20/2>
Folder 17:
The Japan Primer, no. 1 <20/1> San Francisco: A L Bancroft, 1872
Folder 18:
"Japanese Art, Artists, and Artisans," Scribner's Magazine, 3 no. 1 (Jan. 1888), 108-121. <20/1> <20/6>. Three copies; one cut in pieces.
Folder 19:
"Japanese Art Symbols," [Scribner's Magazine 5 (1889), 88-101], <20/2> Clipped Article
Folder 20:
Japanese Fairy World text block <4/1>. Text block removed from the binding, with emendations by Griffis in pencil. Somewhat disarranged, with sections missing
Folder 21:
Japanese Fairy World materials [1880] <93>. Illustrations and front matter clipped from the book
Folder 22:
"The Japanese Students in America", The Japanese Student, 1 no. 1 (Oct. 1916, 8-15 <20/1> Complete copy of the magazine)
Folder 23:
"A literary Legend: the Oriental" <20/1> <30/1>. Article reprinted from The Journal of Race Development, 3 no.1 (July 1912), 65-69. Four copies
Folder 24:
"The Literary Movement in New Japan," The Outlook (Jan 27 1894), 169-170 <20/1>
Folder 25:
"Little Jo-Ji's Dream - Travels on a Purple Cloud" <50>. From The Rutgers Targum (n.d.)
Published Works: Kraft-bound articles from "The Makers of the New China" to "Why China and Japan are at War"
Box 53
Folder 1:
"The Makers of the New China" [ca. 1908] <28/6>
Folder 2:
"Marquis Ito: the Mikado's Premier Who Rose from the Ranks" <20/1> <73>. In The Craftsman 8, no. 2 (May 1905): 135-149. Two copies.
Folder 3:
The Mikado's Empire 10th edition, "Introduction" [offprint] <41/1>
Folder 4:
"Nature and People in Japan," Century Magazine [n.d.], 231-239 <20/1>
Folder 5:
"New Japan and the Gospel" offprint article <10>
Folder 6:
"Our First Pioneer in Korea: An Account of the Life and Works of Dr. Horace G. Underwood," The Delta Upsilon Quarterly [Dec 1916], 47-51 <30/2>
Folder 7:
"The Personality of the Mikado," The Outlook 68 no. 10 (July 6 1901), 559-569. Complete copy of the magazine; also a clipping of the article.
Folder 8:
"Pioneering in Chemistry in Japan" <30/5>. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 16 no. 11 (Nov 1924), p. 1195
Folder 9:
"Prayer for Japan in 1827" [n.d.]. <20/1>. Two copies
Folder 10:
"The Russo-Japanese War: A Review" <41/2>. The Outlook (December 24 1904), pp. 1038-1040
Folder 11:
"The Rutgers Graduates in Japan" <20/1>. Pamphlet published by the Rutgers College Alumni Association (Albany, 1886). Three copies
Folder 12:
"The Rutgers Graduates in Japan" [revised and enlarged] <85>. Revised and enlarged edition (Rutgers College 1916)
Folder 13:
Some of Japan's Contributions to Civilization: Direct and Indirect <20/1>. Pamphlet, Japan Society (New York), ca. 1925)
Folder 14:
Student Life in Old and New Japan," Delta Upsilon Quarterly, 266 no. 3 (May 1908), 226-232 [incomplete] <20/1>
Folder 15:
"The Temples and Palaces of Kyoto," Life and Light (January 1896), 3-9 <36/1>
Folder 16:
The Tokio Guide <20/1>. Guide booklet (Yokohama: F R Wetmore, 1874)
Folder 17:
"The Unknown Solider," The Homiletic Review 81 no. 5 (May 1921), 347-353 <20/1>
Folder 18:
"Vignettes of Memory" <3/4> <30/5>. Clippings of series of reminiscences as they appeared in The Christian Intelligencer.
Folder 19:
"What Hath God Wrought in Japan," The Missionary Herald 123 no. 11 (Nov. 1927), 403-404 <20/2>
Folder 20:
What I Saw in Japan <20/1>. Pamphlet, Instructor Literature Series (Danville NY F A Owen, No. 246C) [n.d.]
Folder 21:
"Why China and Japan Are at War" [ca. 1894] <27/8>
Books by Griffis
In addition to the Griffis Collection, Rutgers University Libraries contain further significant materials for the study of US-Japanese relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Among these are a collection of published books written by Griffis on Japan, Korea and China. Twenty of these have been reproduced here.
Asiatic History, 1882
America in the East, 1900
China's Story, 1911
Asiatic History, China, Corea, Japan. (Chautauqua Textbooks No 34).
New York, Phillips & Hunt, 1882. (i) + 88 = (ii) pp. (Ms notes by Bayard Taylor).
America in the East. A glance at Our History, Prospects, Problems and Duties in the Pacific Ocean.
New York, A S Barnes & Co, 1900 (2nd Ed). (xii) + 244pp.
China's Story. In Myth, Legend, Art & Annals.
Boston, Houghton & Mifflin Co. 1911. (xiv) + 302 pp.
Books by Griffis
Corea: The Hermit Nation, 1882
Dux Christus: An Outline Study of Japan, 1904
Hepburn of Japan and his wife...,1913
Corea. The Hermit Nation.
New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1882. (xxviii) + 462 pp + fold out map.
Dux Christus. An Outline Study of Japan.
New York, Macmillian, 1904 (xiv) + 296 + (iv) pp. (Poor condition, spine broken)
Hepburn of Japan and his wife and helpmates.
Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1913. (xiv) + 238 pp. (Includes 20 photos - film at two light settings).
Books by Griffis
Honda the Samurai, 1890
Japanese Fairy Tales, nd
The Japanese Nation in Evolution, 1907
Honda the Samurai. A Story of Modern Japan.
Congregational Sunday School & Publishing Society, 1890. 390 pp.
Japanese Fairy Tales.
London, George C Harrap & Co Ltd, nd. (xii) + 219 pp with illustrations.
The Japanese Nation in Evolution. Steps in the Progress of a Great People.
New York, Thomas Y Cromwell Co, 1907. (xii) + 408 pp.
Books by Griffis
Korean Fairy Tales, 1911 & 1912
A Maker of the New Orient: Samuel Robbins Brown, 1902
Matthew Calbraith Perry, 1887
Korean Fairy Tales.
New York, Thomas Y Crowell Co, 1911 & 1922. (viii) + 212 pp with Illustrations
A Maker of the New Orient: Samuel Robbins Brown. Pioneer Educator in China, America and Japan.
New York, Fleming H Revell Co, 1902. 332 pp.
Matthew Calbraith Perry. A Typical American Naval Officer.
Boston, Cupples & Hurd, 1887. xvi + 459 pp.
Books by Griffis
The Mikado's Empire, 1877
The Romance of Discovery, 1897
The Mikado's Empire.
New York, Harper & Brothers, 1877. 635 pp with illustrations.
The Romance of Discovery. A Thousand Years of Exploration and the unveiling of Continents.
Boston, W A Wilde Co, 1897. 304 pp.
Books by Griffis
The Romance of Conquest, 1899
The Religions of Japan., 1907
The Romance of Conquest. The Story of American Expansion through arms and diplomacy.
Boston, W A Wilde Co, 1899. 321 pp.
The Religions of Japan. From the Dawn of History to the Era of the Meiji.
New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907. xxii + 457 pp.
Books by Griffis
Townsend Harris, 1895
The Unmannerly Tiger & other Korean Tales, 1911
Verbeck of Japan, 1900
Townsend Harris, First American Envoy in Japan.
Boston, Houghton Mifflin & Co, 1895. xii + 351 + (iii) pp.
The Unmannerly Tiger and other Korean Tales.
New York, Thomas Y Crowell Co, 1911, xii + 155pp.
Verbeck of Japan. A Citizen of No Country, A Life Story of Foundation Work inaugurated by Guido Fridolin Verbeck.
New York, Fleming H Revell Co, 1900. 376 pp.
"In 1870 [Griffis] accepted an offer to teach science in the provincial capital of Fukui in Echizen (now Fukui Prefective), but after less than a year he resigned to teach at one of the schools that was later to form part of Tokyo University. Among his students were future prime ministers, ambassadors, businessmen and scholars. Perhaps Griffis' greatest contribution was his voluminous writing on Japan, including 18 books, several hundred articles, and hundreds of public lectures."
Edward R Beauchomp, author of An American Teacher in Early Meiji Japan (1976)
writing in Kodansha Encyclopaedia of Japan.
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