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The Papers of David A Morse (1907-1990), Director-General of the International Labour Organisation, 1948-1970, from the Seeley G Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University

Part 1: International Labour Organisation Files

Part 2: Subject files A-Z

Part 3: Special Subject Files, Writings and Speeches

Contents of Reels - Part 1

Table of Contents
Box 1, Folders 1-30

"Action of the ILO: Problems and Prospects”, 1974
"Activities of the ILO: 1970”, 1971
"Albert Thomas: 1878-1978”, 1978
Algeria, 1966
"The Amazing ILO”, 1948
American Arbitration Association - ILO collaboration, 1970
Andean Indian Project, 1954
Argentina, 1948
Auriol, Vincent, 1948
Bevin, Ernest, 1948
Biography of Morse, 1948
Blamont, Philippe, 1962
Bolivia, 1948
Brazil, 1966
Budget for 1965, ILO, 1964
Bulgaria, 1948
Bustamante, Jose L, 1962
Castberg, Johan, 1969
Ceylon, 1948
China, 1948
Colombia, 1970
Congo, 1961-1962
Constitution, ILO, 1958
Constitutional Issues, 1956
Cox, Robert W, 1956-1957, 1961, 1963-1966, 1969
Criticism of ILO, 1948-1952
Curtis, Thomas B, 1967
"David Morse and His Global Skill-Building Program”, 1960
"David Morse et l’Art”, 1991
DesRochers, Hermance, 1988

Box 2, Folders 1-13

"Development of the ILO during Mr Morse’s Terms of Office as Director-General”, 1967
Discrimination in Employment, 1958
Drug Abuse, 1969-1970, 1985-1987, 1989
Eastern European Staff, 1949, 1960
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 1948
Egypt, 1949, 1954
Election of Morse as Director-General: Congratulations, 1948-1949, 1957, 1962, 1967
Election of Morse as Director-General: Governing Body, 1948, 1957

Box 3, Folders 1-15

Election of Morse as Director-General: Governing Body, 1962, 1967
Election of Morse as Director-General: News Clippings, 1957, 1962, 1967
Election of Morse as Director-General: Pre-Election Correspondence, 1947-1948, 1956-1957,
1961-1962, 1965-1967
Entry of United States into ILO, 1934
European Economic Community, 1962
50th Anniversary of the ILO, 1967-1969

Box 4, Folders 1-12

50th Anniversary of the ILO, 1969
Forced Labour, 1954, 1969
40th Anniversary of the ILO, 1959
France, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1970
Gabon, 1967
Germany, 1948-1949
Governing Body: Finance Committee, ILO, 1949
Governing Body: Illness of Morse, 1950
Hildebrandt, George H, 1969
Hungary, 1960, 1962
Index to ILO Panorama, 1970
International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training, 1963, 1965, 1970

Box 5, Folders 1-2

International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training, 1970

Box 6, Folders 1-32

International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training, 1985
International Institute for Labour Studies, 1962, 1965-1966
International Labour Conference (29th Session): Constitutional Questions, 1946
International Labour Conference (29th Session): News Clippings, 1946
International Labour Conference (30th Session): News Clippings, 1947
International Labour Conference (31st Session): Reports Thereon, 1948
International Labour Conference (31st Session): United States Delegation, 1948
International Labour Conference (32nd Session): Report Thereon, 1949
International Labour Conference (35th Session): News Clippings, 1952
International Labour Conference (36th Session): Report Thereon, 1954
International Labour Conference (40th Session): Press Releases, 1957
International Labour Conference (43rd Session): Report Thereon, 1959
International Labour Conference (49th Session): News Clippings, 1965
International Labour Conference (53rd Session): News Clippings, 1969
International Labour Conference (54th Session): Report Thereon, 1970

"International Labor in Crisis”, 1971
Israel, 1959
Kelley, Augustine B, 1948
Kennedy, John F: Death of, 1963
Lebanon, 1948, 1958
Loyalty Proceedings, 1951, 1953-1956
Marshall, George C, 1948
Meany, George, 1961-1963, 1965, 1969-1970
"Minister of Labor for the World”, 1956
Myrddin-Evans, Guildhaume, 1948-1950
National Association of Manufacturers, 1947
New Headquarters, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1977
News Clippings concerning Morse, 1969
Nigeria, 1976
Nobel Peace Prize: Commemorative Booklet, 1970
Nobel Peace Prize: "The ILO receives the Nobel Peace Prize”, 1970

Box 7, Folders 1-11

Nobel Peace Prize: Messages, 1969
Nobel Peace Prize: News Clippings, 1969-1970
Nobel Peace Prize: "20 Years Ago, the Nobel Peace Prize for the ILO”, 1989
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1952
Norway, 1948
Oath of Office, 1948
"L’Opinion de M. David A Morse”, 1976
Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, 1949-1950
Peru, 1960, 1966, 1969
Phelan, Edward J, 1946-1948, 1951

Box 8, Folders 1-10

Pope Paul VI’s Visit to Geneva, 1969
Portugal, 1960, 1963
Post-Retirement Correspondence, 1970-1975

Box 9, Folders 1-3

Post-Retirement Correspondence, 1976-1990

Box 9, Folders 4-19

Post-Retirement Correspondence, 1976-1990
Presentation of Portrait to ILO, 1979
Press Releases, 1972-1973
"A Programme for Strengthening the International Labour Organisation”, 1963
Rao, Raghunath, 1948
Raza, S Hashim, 1969
Rens, Jef, 1948-1953, 1955-1959

Box 10, Folders 1-2

Resignation of Morse as Director-General, 1961-1963

Box 10, Folders 3-8

Resignation of Morse as Director-General: Announcement, 1970
Resignation of Morse as Director-General: Farewells, 1970
Resignation of Morse as Director-General: Governing Body, 1970
Resignation of Morse as Director-General: News Clippings, 1970

Box 11, Folders 1-6

Resignation of Morse as Director-General: Signatures of Colleagues, 1970
"Review of the Administrative and Management Procedures Concerning the Programme and
Budget of the ILO”, 1970
Rusk, Dean, 1948
70th Anniversary of the International Labour Organisation, 1989
Simultaneous Interpretation System, 1964
"The ‘Socialistic’ ILO”, 1953

Box 11, Folders 7-10

South Africa, 1963-1964
Soviet Union, 1954, 1958, 1961, 1967, 1970
Spain, 1965-1969

Box 12, Folders 1-7

State of World Labor, 1957
Stevenson, Adlai, 1965
Sudan, 1948
Syria, 1949
Technical Assistance, 1948-1949, 1957, 1962
Thomas, Elbert D, 1948
"Le Tribunal Administratif de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail”, 1954

Box 12, Folders 8-19

United States, 1956, 1977

"The United States and the International Labour Organisation: Background Paper, 1979
"The United States Assaults the ILO”, 1971
United States Association of the ILO, 1990
"United States’ Participation in the ILO: Redefining the Role”, 1989
Venezuela, 1957
Vietnam, 1966-1967
Villot, Jean Cardinal, 1969-1970
Winslow, Thacher, 1948, 1950-1954
Working Party on Structure, 1970

Box 13, Folders 1-5

World Employment, 1970-1973
"World Labor is Jerseyan’s Task”, 1964
"World Traveller: ILO’s David A Morse Directs a Far-Flung Program”, 1960
Wou-Saofong, 1948-1949

Box 14, Folders 1-4

Wou-Saofong, 1950-1958
Wright, Ralph, 1970
Zempel, Arnold, 1949



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