The Papers of David A Morse (1907-1990), Director-General of the International Labour Organisation, 1948-1970, from the Seeley G Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University
Part 1: International Labour Organisation Files
Part 2: Subject files A-Z
Part 3: Special Subject Files, Writings and Speeches
Contents of Reels - Part 3
Subject Files: Allied Military Government
Box 66, Folders 14-15: Army Record, 1940-1942
Box 67, Folders 1-3: Army Record, 1943-1947
Box 67, Folders 4-8 comprise material on:
Germany, 1944-1945
Japan, 1946
Journal, 1943-1945
Sicily and Italy, 1943
Subject Files: Allied Military Government
Box 68, Folders 1-3 comprise material on:
Reel 36, Box 68 (cont.)
Sicily and Italy, 1944, 1946, nd
Star of David, nd
Subject Files: Department of Labor
Box 68, Folders 4-15, including:
Administration, 1946-1948
Appointment of Morse as Assistant Secretary: Congratulations, 1946-1948
Atomic Energy Commission, 1946-1947
Budget, 1946, 1948
City Workers, 1947
Commerce Department, 1946-1947
Confirmation of Morse as Assistant Secretary, 1946
Council of Economic Advisors, 1946-1947
Subject Files: Department of Labor
Box 69, Folders 1-24, including:
Economic Cooperation, 1948
Equal Rights Amendment, 1948
Food Program, 1947
Ford, Henry II: Address on Steady Employment, 1946
Foreign Labor Conditions, 1946-1948
International Labor Affairs, 1947-1948
International Labour Organisation, 1945-1948
Justice Department, 1947
Korean Labor Report, 1947
Labor Relations, 1946
Legislation, 1946-1948
Manpower and Management, 1947-1948
Marine and Shipbuilding Workers’ Strike Vote, 1947
Minority Groups and Migratory Labor, 1947-1948
National Defense, 1946-1948
Subject Files: Department of Labor
Box 70, Folders 1-25, including:
National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week Committee, 1947
National Labor Management Board, 1946
National Security Resources Board, 1947-1948
Post-Resignation Correspondence, 1949-1954
Press Releases, 1947-1948
Programs, 1947
Racial Discrimination, 1946-1948
Schwellenbach, Lewis B, 1947
State Department, 1948
Taft-Hartley Act, 1947-1948
Telephone Strike, 1948
Trade Union Advisory Committee, 1946-1948
Treasury Department, 1947
Truman, Harry S, 1946-1948
United States Employment Service, 1947-1948
United States Steel, 1947
University of California Institute of Industrial Relations, 1947
Veterans’ Employment Rights, 1947-1948
Wage and Price Policy, 1947-1948
Women’s Bureau, 1947-1948
Papers of Mildred H Morse
Box 70, Folders 26-31:
Correspondence, 1919-1920, 1927, 1929-1931
Papers of Mildred H Morse
Box 71, Folders 1-10:
Correspondence, 1932-1934, 1936-1937, 1941, 1943-1944
Papers of Mildred H Morse
Box 72, Folders 1-22:
Correspondence, 1945, 1948, 1951-1961, 1966, 1968-1969, nd
Dependents Pass, South Plains Army Flying School, 1942
Employment, 1943-1945
Family Correspondence, 1900-1901, 1906, 1910, 1916
News Clippings, 1907, 1932, 1942, 1962
Presentation at the Court of St James, 1931
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 72, Folders 23-25:
Administrative Committee on Coordination, 1971
Administrative Committee on Coordination: Green Revolution, 1970-1972
Administrative Committee on Coordination: International Public Service Commission, 1970
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 73, Folders 1-8:
Administrator’s Office, 1972
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development, 1971
Advisory Panel on Programme Policy, 1970-1972
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 74, Folders 1-10, including:
Advisory Panel on Programme Policy, First, Second and Third Sessions, 1970-1971
Africa, 1971-1972
African American Labor Center, 1971
Agency for International Development: Employment, 1970-1971
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Democracy, 1970-1971
Appointment of Morse as Senior Consultant, 1970
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 75, Folders 1-9, including:
Asha, Rafik, 1971-1972
Aspen Institute Meeting: Asian Thought Seminar, 1971
Bellagio Group, 1970, 1972
Bureau for Policy Planning, 1970-1972
Canadian International Development Agency, 1970
Colombia: Employment Project, 1970
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 76, Folders 1-6:
Correspondence: Private, 1970-1972
Correspondence: A-Z, 1970-1972
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 77, Folders 1-13, including:
Development and Resources Corporation, 1970-1972
Employment, 1971-1972
Food and Agriculture Organisation, 1970-1971
General Committee Conference of the Cooperative Programme of Agro-Allied Industries, 1971
Housing, 1970-1971
Human Environment, 1971
Inter-Country Programming, 1970-1971
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 78, Folders 1-11, including:
International Agricultural Research Consultative Group, 1970-1971
International Council for Educational Development, 1971
International Labour Organisation, 1970-1972
International League for the Rights of Man, 1970
Jackson Report, 1970-1971
Overseas Development Council, 1971
Overseas Development Institute, 1971
Pre-Investment and Investment Follow-Up, 1970-1971
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 79, Folders 1-14, including:
Pre-Investment and Investment Follow-Up, 1971
Regional Bureau for Latin America, 1971-1972
Tidewater Meeting, 1971
United Nations Children’s Fund, 1961, 1970-1971
United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs, 1970-1971
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, 1971-1972
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 80, Folders 1-10, comprising material on:
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation/Licensing Executives Society
Symposium, 1972
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1970-1973
United Nations Institute for Training and Research: Seminars, 1971-1972
United Nations Volunteers, 1970-1972
University of California: Visiting Policymakers Program, 1971
World Assembly of Youth, 1970
World Crafts Council, 1971
World Population Institute: Feasibility Study, 1968-1971
Subject Files: United Nations Development Programme
Box 81, Folders 1-3, comprising material on:
World Population Institute: Feasibility Study, 1971-1972
World Rehabilitation Fund, 1971-1972
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 81, Folders 4-5: Speeches, 1936-1949
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 82, Folders 1-3: Speeches, 1949-1957
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 83, Folders 1-3: Speeches, 1957-1962
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 84, Folders 1-3: Speeches, 1962-1966
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 85, Folders 1-3: Speeches, 1966-1970
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 86, Folders 1-42, including:
Speeches, 1970
Speech, Unity Club, 1938
Speech, National Citizens Committee on Migrant Labor, 1947
"Arbitration versus Strike in the Private Sector", 1971
"The Challenges Facing the United Nations and What it Means to You", 1971
"United Nations Development Programme Activities in Black Africa and the Role of US
Business in that Regard", 1971
"Labor Relations in the Public Sector", 1971
Statement, Group of High-Level Experts on Long-Range Strategy of UN Industrial
Development Organization, 1972
"A More Powerful Secretary-General for the United Nations?" 1972
"Poor People Aren’t Good Customers", 1972
"On Returning to the United States After 22 Years Abroad", 1972
Speech, International League of Societies for the Mentally Handicapped
5th International Congress on Mental Retardation, 1972
Notes for Statement, Commission on the Reorganisation of the Government for the Conduct
of Foreign Policy, 1973
Notes for Statement, International Manpower Institute - Executive Seminar on Maximizing
Employment, 1973
Statement, Tribute Dinner in Morse’s Honour Benefiting the World Rehabilitation Fund, 1974
Remarks, 20th Anniversary of the World Rehabilitation Fund, 1976
"Monitoring of Equal Employment Opportunity Provisions of Construction Contracts of
Columbia University - NY City", 1977
"Trade and Cooperation", 1977
"Labor in the Public Sector: An International Perspective", 1978
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 87, Folders 1-18, including:
“Comparison of Dispute Resolution Techniques between International Relations and Labor
Relations”, 1978
Draft Notes, Foreign Service Institute Symposium on American Labor Diplomacy, 1986
Comments, ILO Panel Meeting, 1990
Bibliography of Articles, 1948-1970
Articles, 1930-1957
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 88, Folders 1-3: Articles, 1957-1970
Addresses, Writings and Interviews
Box 89, Folders 1-18, including:
“Ama Reflects”, 1938
“War and Peace: The Circle”, 1944
Reflections, 1956-1966
“Unemployment in Developing Countries”, 1970
“Development: An Enduring Issue”, 1972
“Unemployment: Bitter Burden of Millions in South America”, 1973
“Joint Investment Opportunities with the Socialist Republic of Romania”, 1973
“Labor in the Public Sector: An International Perspective”, 1978
Preface for Book on the Role of Women in the ILO, nd
Oral History Interviews, Columbia University, 1971, 1980-1981
Oral History Interviews, Harry S Truman Library, 1977