The Papers of David A Morse (1907-1990), Director-General of the International Labour Organisation, 1948-1970, from the Seeley G Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University
Part 1: International Labour Organisation Files
Part 2: Subject files A-Z
Part 3: Special Subject Files, Writings and Speeches
Detailed Listing - Part 2
Box Folder Description Date(s)
Subject Files (A-Z)
Box 46, Folders 3-14
3 Abdel-Rahman, Ibrahim 1972
4 Abram, Morris 1976-1977
5 Acheson, Dean 1949-1950, 1965-1966, 1970
6 Adly, Ibrahim 1973
7 Advertising Council: Public Policy Committee 1973
8 Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid 1973
9 African-American Institute 1993
10 African Investment Corporation 1971
11 Afros, Johns Hopkins 1948
12 Alcock, Antony 1968, 1970-1972
13 Alexander, Archibald S 1957, 1961-1963 1967-1970, 1972, 1988
14 Ali, Syed Wajid 1971
Box 47, Folders 1-11
1 Altschul, Frank 1970
2 Alvarado, Luis 1961-1962, 1967-1968, 1972
3 American Arbitration Association 1939, 1944 1948, 1970-1971, 1979
4 American Bar Association 1949, 1967-1968, 1970-1971
5 American Foundation on Automation and Employment 1963
6 American Geographical Society 1972
7 American International Club of Geneva 1970, 1972
8 American Jewish Committee 1970
9 American Legion 1948-1952
10 American Nobel Convocation 1988
11 American Society of International Law 1971-1972
Box 47, Folders 12-31
12 American Trade Union Council for Histadrut Dinner Honouring Morse 1983
13 Ammar, Abbas 1961, 1970-1974
14 Anderson Foundation 1970
15 Apparel Industry 1977
16 Application for Admission to the Bar: District of Columbia University 1971-1972
17 Application for Admission to the Bar: New York State 1972
18 Arden, John Re’al 1972
19 Arms Control Association 1971-1974
20 Asha, Rafik 1971-1972
21 Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales 1970
22 Association of the Bar of the City of New York 1972, 1974
23 Association of Former International Civil Servants 1970, 1977
24 Associazione “Insieme per la Pace” 1989
25 Atkins, C Clyde 1972
26 Baldwin, Roger N 1961-1962, 1967, 1972-1973
27 Bancroft, Harding F 1967
28 Barbeau, Charles 1966, 1970-1971, 1974
29 Bar-Niv, Zvi 1962, 1970 1972
30 Barto, Harold E 1973
31 Batt, William Jr 1946
Box 48, Folders 1-33
1 Beal, Edwin F 1952
2 Beloit College Seminar n.d.
3 Benazzeddine, Mahmoud 1972
4 Benton, William 1952, 1957 1970, 1972
5 Best, Winfield 1971-1972
6 Bilderberg Meetings 1966, 1969-1970
7 Billikopf, Jacob 1946
8 Biographies of Morse 1947-1948,
1957, 1964 1968-1970, 1972
9 Blamont, Philippe 1962, 1967 1970-1972, 1974-1975
10 Blanchard, Francis 1953, 1971-1976
11 Blum, Eric 1971
12 Blum, Jeanne Leon 1950, 1953
13 B’nai B’rith Dinner Honouring Mason Gross 1971
14 Bohr, Aage 1979
15 Bolds, Clarence M 1946, 1949
16 Borlaug, Norman E 1971
17 Bovier-Maurer, Stefanie 1973
18 Bowles, Chester 1951
19 Boy Scouts 1970-1971
20 Brandeis University: Honorary Degree 1969-1971
21 Bray, Charles W III 1984
22 Bristow, Philip 1988-1989
23 Britton, Anthony 1970
24 Brock, William E 1987
25 Brown, Roland D 1943
26 Buiter, Harm G 1971-1973
27 Bunche, Ralph J 1961
28 Burger, Warren E 1957, 1977 1982
29 Burr, Francis H 1970
30 Bushey, Fred 1954
31 Bush George 1988
32 Bustamante, Jose L 1967, 1970-1971
33 Cambridge Conference on Development 1970
Box 49, Folders 1-35
1 Candau, M G 1973
2 Carey, James B 1962
3 Carlucci, Frank C 1987
4 Carneiro, Barboza 1971-1972
5 Carter, Jimmy 1977, 1979
6 Case, Clifford P 1946, 1961-1962
7 Cass, Millard 1948, 1951 1957, 1959 1961-1972
8 Cass, Ronald and Pamela 1972-1973
9 Cates, John M Jr 1971
10 Century Association 1964, 1970-1972
11 Chandler, Geoffrey 1971
12 Chapman, Oscar L 1948
13 Churchill, Winston 1951
14 Clark, Tom 1946, 1949
15 Claudel, Francois n.d.
16 Cleveland, Harlan 1962, 1967
17 Clifford, Clark 1947-1948
18 Coakley, John W 1972
19 Coat and Suit Industry 1970-1974
20 Coblentz, Gaston 1961, 1970
21 Cohen, Myer 1967-1968, 1971-1972
22 Cohen, Walace M 1972
23 Cohn, Sidney Elliott 1966
24 College du Leman 1970
25 Commission for International Justice and Peace 1970
26 Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy 1973
27 Commission to Study the Organization of Peace 1972, 1981
28 Communism in Latin America 1961
29 Condolence Letters to Mildred H Morse 1990-1991
30 Conference on Human Survival 1971-1972
31 Connelly, Matthew J 1947-1948
32 Cooper, Herman 1946, 1948 1962
33 Cooperative League of the USA 1970
34 Cordier, Andrew W 1962, 1969-1970, 1972-1973
35 Cortney, Philip 1957-1959, 1962-1965, 1970
Box 50, Folders 1-10
1 Cosmos Club 1965-1967
2 Coult Satz & Tomlinson: Correspondence on Morse’s Joining Firm 1939
3 Coult Satz, Tomlinson & More: Partnership Agreement 1939
4 Council on Foreign Relations: Corporation Service Seminar 1970
5 Council on Foreign Relations: Correspondence 1961-1962, 1970-1971
6 Council on Foreign Relations: David A Morse Program 1994
7 Council on Foreign Relations: Field Trip to Military Installations 1971
8-9 Council on Foreign Relations: Study Group on US Labor and the International Economy 1977, 1979-1980
10 Cousins, Norman 1972
Box 51, Folders 1-34
1-2 Cox, Robert W 1970-1974, 1978
3 Crawford, John F 1970-1972
4 Cuomo, Mario M
5 D’Angelo, Armand 1971-1972
6 Davis, William H 1948
7 de Cuellar, Javier Perez 1988
8 de Ferron, Olivier 1960-1961, 1963
9 de Graaff, Peggy 1971
10 de Seynes, Philippe 1970
11 de Terra, Rhoda 1970
12 de Villier, H N 1948
13 Debre, Michel 1962, 1970
14 Delaney, George P 1950, 1953-1954,1958-1959, 1971
15 Democratic Party Dinners 1946, 1948
16 Department of Interior: Appointment of Morse to Solicitor’s Staff 1933
17 Devin, C 1972
18 Diarra, Oumar Baba 1972-1973, 1976
19 Diouf, Abdou 1981, 1985, 1988
20 Dole, Bob 1984
21 Donato, Joseph 1970-1973
22 Dondero, George A n.d.
23 Dunlop, John T 1970, 1973
24 Durand, Jean-Pierre 1972
25 Economic Panel 1971
26 Eden, Anthony 1951, 1954 1957, 1877
27 Eichelberger, Clark M 1961, 1970
28 80th Birthday of Morse 1987
29 Eisenhower, Dwight D 1953, 1955-1956, 1959-1960
30 Elliott, S Michael 1972
31 Ernst, Morris L 1970, 1972
32 Ewing, George M 1970
33 Fahy, Charles 1948-1949, 1954-1958, 1961-1963, 1970-1975
34 Fascell, Dante B 1970
Box 52, Folders 1-30
1 Faure, Edgar J 1972
2 Fenton, Frank P 1948
3 Fichter, Michael 1978-1979
4 Fischer, Ben 1972
5 Fisher, Joe 1943
6 Fix, Brian D 1972
7 Ford, Betty 1986
8 40th Birthday of Morse 1947
9 Foster, William C 1950
10 Francis, John J 1970, 1972
11 Franklin D Roosevelt Foundation 1949-1950, 1953-1954
12 Franklin D Roosevelt Four Freedoms Foundation 1970
13 Frazao, Sergio 1972-1973
14 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Correspondence with Federal Bureau of Investigation 1980-1982
15 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Correspondence with National Security Agency 1984
16 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts 1955, 1957-1963, Request: Files Released by Central Intelligence Agency 1984
17 Freedom of Information/Privacy 1954, Acts Request: Files Released by 1956-1962, Department of State 1984
18 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts 1946-1947, Request: Files Released by Federal 1953, 1955, Bureau of Investigation 1957, 1978
19 Freedom of Information/Privacy 1946-1948, Acts Request: Files Released by 1950-1951
Federal Bureau of Investigation
20 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Files Released by Federal Bureau of Investigation 1948
21 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Files Released by Federal Bureau of Investigation 1943-1954
22 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Files Released by Federal Bureau of Investigation 1953-1954
23 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Files Released by Federal Bureau of Investigation 1957, 1961
24 Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Request: Files Released by Federal Bureau of Investigation 1978
25 Freund, Paul 1957
26 Fried, John H E 1948
27 Friedman, Elisha M 1946
28 Fruchtman, Edward J 1947-1948
29 Fulbright, J W 1959
30 Furth, Warren W 1964, 1966 1968-1970, 1972-1973
Box 53, Folders 1-53
1 Galenson, Walter 1970, 1972 1979
2 Gardiner, Rita 1970
3 Gardner, Richard N 1962
4 Garrison, Lloyd K 1946, 1971
5 Gifts to Cultural Institutions 1976, 1978-1980
6 Gillette, Arthur C 1970
7 Goekjian, Samuel V 1970
8 Goldberg, Arthur J 1957, 1962 1965-1966, 1970
9 Goodwin, Robert C 1948
10 Gordenker, Leon 1978
11 Gouk, Yuri 1958
12 Goulding, Valeria 1987
13 Gray, Gordon 1950
14 Green, William 1948-1951
15 Griswold, Erwin N 1972, 1989
16 Gross, Ernest A 1946-1949, 1970
17 Gunter R J 1966
18 Gustafson, Charles H 1972
19 Haas, Ernst B 1971
20 Hammarskjold, Dag 1957, 1960
21 Hansenne, Michel 1989
22 Harbison, Frederick H 1961-1962, 1972
23 Harriman, Averell 1948-1950, 1959-1960, 1963-1968, 1981-1982, 1986
24 Harrison, Rex n.d.
25 Harvard Law School Association 1963
26 Harvard University: Gustav Pollak Lecture 1955
27 Harvard University: Program on 1971 Technology and Society
28 Hassouna, Abdal-Khalef 1972
29 Hauck, Henri 1949
30 Hayes, Wendel 1947-1949
31 Haythorne, George V 1961, 1972
32 Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York 1961-1962
33 Heath, Ted 1970
34 Heilperin, Michael A 1953
35 Hellman, Ted and Janice 1971-1972
36 Helsby, Robert D 1970
37 Henry, Paul Marc 1972
38 Hepler, Chester W 1951-1952
39 Herbert H Lehman College 1970-1971
40 Herrera, Felipe 1970
41 Herrick Elinore and Family 1946, 1949 1952, 1961-1970
42 Herter, Christian A 1966
43 Herzog, Paul M 1946, 1948-1959, 1961, 1972
44 Heyman, David M 1962, 1964 1969-1970
45 Higgins, Rev George G 1976
46 Hillpot, William n.d.
47 Hindle, S 1972
48 Hockstader, Leonard A and Aline S 1943, 1946-1947, 1961
49 Hodgson, James D 1970, 1973
50 Hoffman, Paul G and Anna M 1946, 1948 1950, 1966-1967, 1970-1972, 1983
51 Holbrook, Richard 1989
52 Holland, Tom 1947
53 Holmes, Allen 1990
Box 54, Folders 1-20
1 Holtzmann, Howard M 1973
2 Hoveyda, Fereydoun 1972
3 Humphrey, Hubert H 1962, 1967
4 Huth, Arno G 1972-1973
5 Hylander Folk School 1946
6 Industrial Relations Research Association (New York Chapter) 1970-1971
7 Institute on Man and Science 1971-1974
8 International Association of Students in Economics and Management 1972-1973 9 International Committee Against Mental Illness 1971-1973
10 International Court of Justice Nominations 1971-1972
11 International Drug Consortium 1971
12 International Encyclopaedia of Labor and Industrial Relations 1970-1974
13 International Ladies’ Garment 1971, 1977 Workers’ Union
14 International Lawyers’ Club 1979
15 International League for Human Rights Conference 1977
16 International League for the Rights of Man Human Rights Award 1970
17 International League of Societies for the Mentally Handicapped 1971-1973
18 International Manpower Institute: Executive Seminar on Employment Growth 1971
19 International Manpower Institute: Executive Seminar on Maximizing Employment 1973
20 International Planned Parenthood Federation 1964, 1969
Box 55, Folders 1-19
1 International Symposium on Public Employment Labor Relations 1970-1971
2 Investors Overseas Services 1970-1971
3 Isaacson, William J 1972
4 Jackson, C D 1953-1954
5 Jankowitsch, Peter 1973
6 Javits, Jacob K 1967, 1970, 1972
7 Jenks, C Wilfred 1947, 1949, 1962 1970-1973
8 Jerusalem Film Festival 1971
9 Johad, Sami 1972
10 Jimenez-Veiga, Danilo 1958
11 Joblin, Rev Joseph 1961-1968, 1970-1971, 1977, 1979 1981, 1988
12 Johansson, Bertram B 1971
13 Johnson. Edgar A J 1972
14 Johnson, Joseph E 1961, 1970
15 Johnson, Lyndon B 1963-1966, 1968, 1970
16 Joseph P Kennedy Jr Foundation: Kennedy International Award Selection Committee 1971
17 Jouhaux, Leon and Schnucky 1948-1950, 1954-1956, 1961, 1967 1972, 1979 1981
18 Kaiser, Philip M 1946-1949, 1959, 1961 1989
19 Kalb, Marvin 1987
Box 56, Folders 1-40
1 Karmel, Mahmoud 1971-1972
2 Kaplansky, Kalmen 1970, 1972-1973, 1976, 1989
3 Kaufmann, Johan 1972
4 Kaye, Danny 1971
5 Keenan, Joseph D 1946
6 Khan, Sadruddin Aga 1967, 1970 1972
7 Kingsley, J Donald 1946, 1948-1951
8 Kissinger, Henry A 1989
9 Klutznick, Philip M 1946, 1961
10 Koch, Hans Henrik 1948, 1957 1962, 1964 1967-1972
11 Koku, Simeon Olujimi 1970, 1972
12 Konvitz, Milton R 1946, 1962, 1967 1971
13 Kosciusko-Morizet, Jacques 1971-1972
14 Kotschnig, Walter 1949-1950, 1961-1965, 1967, 1970
15 Krag, Jens Otto 1972
16 Kramer, C Russell 1972
17 Kreeger, David Lloyd 1972, 1982
18 Kreisky, Bruno 1970
19 Krug, Julius A 1946, 1948
20 La Guardia, Fiorello 1942
21 Lane, Thomas A 1948
22 Lane, Tony 1972
23 Lasker, Mary 1972
24 Laves, Walter H C 1946, 1948-1951, 1962
25 Lawyer, John 1946-1950, 1968, 1970-1971
26 Le Roy, Rev A 1951
27 Legion of Honour 1970-1971
28 Lehman, Edith 1962-1964, 1970, 1972
29 Lehman, Herbert H 1942, 1944, 1946 1957, 1962-1963
30 Leichter, Otto 1945
31 Levin, Gerald M 1972
32 Lilienthal, David E 1962, 1971-1972, 1977
33 Lindsay, John V 1970
34 Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr 1948
35 Lord, Winston 1986
36 Lovett, Robert A 1948
37 Lower Eastside Action Project 1970-1972
38 Loyalty Data n.d.
39 Lubin, Isador 1948-1948, 1957
40 Lynch, John M 1972
Box 57, Folders 1-39
1 McCarthyism 1952
2 McCormick, Charles P 1949-1952
3 MacDonald, James E 1971
4 McGrath, Marcos G 1970
5 McGrath, W L 1951
6 McNamara, Robert S 1970, 1979
7 Maheu, Rene 1972, 1975
8 Major, Louisiana State University 1968
9 Marcelletti, Mario 1971
10 Marks, Herbert 1935
11 Marshall, George C 1948, 1950
12 Martin, Edwin M 1971-1973
13 Martin, Graham 1972
14 Marx, David 1972
15 Mathias, Charles McC, Jr 1985
16 Mathieson, W A C 1972
17 Mboya, Tom 1970
18 Meacham, Stewart 1946-1950
19 Meany, George 1948, 1950, 1964 1971, 1976
20 Meir, Golda 1970
21 Menefee, Selden 1942, 1946-1949
22 Menzies, R G 1966
23 Merani, S T 1972
24 Metropolitan Club 1961, 1967-1969
25 Michigan Law Review 1971
26 Milk Industry 1941-1942
27 Mitchell, James P 1957-1958
28 Morellet, Jean 1961, 1970-1971
29 Mori, Suzanne 1970
30 Moscovitz Family 1895, 1902-1906, 1943, 1958 1971
31 Mouvement Anti-Apartheid de Genève, 1970 Commission de Parrainage Scolaire
32 Moynihan, Helen 1972
33 Myrddin-Evans, Guildhaume 1948-1951, 1957 1960-1961, 1963
34 Nakayama, Yoshihiro 1972
35 Narasimham, C V 1972
36 National Association for Retarded Children 1971
37 National Conference of Christians and Jews: Dinner Honouring Morse 1971
38 National Labor Relations Board 1939, 1945-1946, 1975
39 National Lawyers Guild 1946-1948, 1953
Box 58, Folders 1-36
1 National Planning Association 1971-1973
2 National War College Seminar 1979
3 Neilan, Edwin P 1966-1957, 1970-1972
4 New Jersey Bar 1933
5 New York State Public Employment Relations Board 1970-1973
6 New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations 1970-1972
7 N’Gaki, Nzo Ekan 1972
8 Nixon, Richard 1968-1970
9 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1952
10 Obituaries and Tributes 1990-1991
11 O’Conor, Herbert R 1949-1951
12 Olav V of Norway 1961
13 Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy 1988-1989, 1992
14 Osmay, Mukdim 1951, 1972
15 Pachler, William J 1948
16 Parodi, Alexandre 1962, 1970
18 Pastoriza, Tomas A 1972
19 Pate, Maurice 1961-1962
20 Pazhwak, R 1966
21 Pegler, Westbrook 1955
22 Pell, Claiborn 1982-1983, 1985-1986, 1989-1990
23 Penrose, E F 1949
24 Perkins, Frances 1948
24 Perl, Frederick L 1969-1970
6 Peurifoy, John E 1947
27 Phelan, Edward J 1949, 1951, 1953 1956-1958, 1961-1962
28 Phi Epsilon Pi Award 1963-1966
29 Piliero, Daniel J II 1972
30 Plain Talk: Attack on Morse 1948
31 Planetary Citizens 1975
32 Plaza, Galo 1972
33 Politics 1946-1948
34 Pope John XXIII 1961
35 Pope Paul VI 196, 1969-1970
36 Pope Pius XII 1954
Box 59, Folders 1-28
1 Potential Book on Morse’s Years as 1961-1965, Director-General 1967, 1970
2 Potofsky, Jacob S 1948, 1967 1970, 1972
3 Powers, Susan 1989
4 Prebisch, Raul 1972
5 President’s Committee on Employment 1970, of the Handicapped 1972-1973, 1977
6 Princeton University Conference 1976-1978
7 Puig, Emilio Calderon 1970, 1972
8 Ramos, Fernando Yllanes 1972-1973
9 Ransom, William L 1942
10 Rao, Raghunath 1948, 1950-1951, 1957
11 Reagan, Ronald W 1981-1982
12 Reed, Charles D 1942, 1982
13 Rens, Alain 1954-1955
14 Rens, Ivo 1957
15 Rens, Jef 1947-1948, 1951, 1954, 1956 1961-1962, 1967, 1969
16 Rhyne, Charles S 1972
17 Ribeiro da Cunha, Alexandre 1961-1962, 1964-1965, 1967
18 Riesel, Victor 1946, 1948-1950, 1962
19 Robbins, Clifton 1949-1950
20 Rockefeller, David 1965, 1970
21 Roosevelt, James 1971
22 Ross, Claude and J P 1973
23 Rubin, Seymour J 1970, 1972
24 Rusk, Dean 1949
25 Rusk, Howard 1971, 1973
26 Rutgers University 1940, 1948-1954, 1958-1959, 1966-1970, 1981
27 Rutgers University: Board of Trustees and Advisory Committees 1971-1975
28 Rutgers University: Foundation 1972-1973
Box 60, Folders 1-13
1 Rutgers University: Foundation 1974-1977
2 Rutgers University: Honorary Degree 1956-1957
3 Rutgers University: Memorabilia 1929
4 Rutgers University: Memorabilia 1929, 1979, 1971
5 Salomon, Irving 1972
6 Sanders, Paul H 1972
7 Satz, David M 1944-1946
8 Saver, Walter 1970
9 Schager, Roger 1945
10 Scheuer, James H 1969-1973
11 Schweitzer, Albert: Hospital and Fellowship 1971-1974
12 Segal, Joseph M 1970
13 Senghor, Leopold S 1970-1975
Box 61, Folders 1-38
1 Senghor, Leopold S 1976-1984
2 75th Birthday of Morse 1982
3 Seward, Ralph 1947
4 Shallon, Nessim 1973
5 Shanley, Bernard M 1948-1950, 1953-1956, 1984
6 Shaw, Charles E 1948-1953
7 Shaw, Paul F 1971
8 Shultz, George P 1982
9 Sidney Hillman Foundation: Lecture 1966
10 Sidney Hillman Foundation: Meritorious Public Service Award 1969
11 Sierra, Etienne 1964
12 Singer, D S 1972
13 Singer, H W 1972
14 Sketches of Morse 1950, 1967, 1969
15 Smith, Bob 1944
16 Snyder, Donald 1971-1973
17 Society for International Development 1963, 1968, 1970
18 Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution 1973
19 Solarz, Stephen 1984-1985
20 Somerville High School: Class of 1925 40th Reunion 1965
21 Sorensen, Richard S 1972
22 Spaak, Paul-Henri 1956
23 Speaking Engagements 1946-1948 24 State Department 1948-1949, 1959-1962, 1965
25 Stauffer, Thomas 1945, 1949-1950
26 Steelman, John R 1946, 1948, 1972
27 Stehlin, Mark 1973
28 Stevenson, Adlai E 1961
29 Stewart, Potter 1984
30 Straus, Donald B 1961-1962, 1972
31 Straus, Nathan 1965
32 Straus, Oscar S 1947
33 Straus, Peter and Ellen 1949-1952, 1955-1961, 1964-1966, 1970
34 Straus, Roger W, Jr and Gladys 1970-1972
35 Stryker, Steven 1972-1973
36 Sugerman, Charles n.d.
37 Supreme Court Historical Society 1975-1979
38 Surrey, Karasik, Greene & Hill: Correspondence on Morse’s Joining Firm 1970
Box 62, Folders 1-24
1 Surrey, Karasik & Greene: Activities Chad and Senegal 1971, 1973
2 Surrey, Karasik & Morse: Mission of Granges Group to Iran 1974
3 Surrey, Walter Sterling 1970-1973
4 Swidler, Joseph C 1972
5 Taylor, George 1971
6 Taylor, Telford 1946
7 Terence, Nsanze 1971-1972
8 Thant, 1962, 1967 1969-1970, 1972
9 Thomas, Elbert D 1946, 1948 1950
10 Thompson, Frank Jr 1970, 1976
11 Tobin, Maurice 1948-1951
12 Todd, Joseph A 1972-1973
13 Travelers Aid International Social Service of America 1973-1974
14 Trimble, Phillip R 1973
15 Troclet, Leon-eli 1948
16 Truman, Harry S 1947-1950, 1970, 1972 1983
17 Truman Library 1963-1964, 1970, 1979-1980
18 Tubby, Roger W 1963, 1967
19 Tunney, John V 1972
20 Twigt, Bernard T 1970
21 Union Interalliee 1965, 1973
22 United Nations: 25th Anniversary Commemoration 1970
23 United Nations Association 1968-1971
24 United Nations Association 1972
Box 63, Folders 1-24
1-2 United Nations Association 1972-1974, 1980, 1983
3 United Nations Association: Economic Policy Council 1990
4 United Nations Association: Report on Foreign Policy Decision-Making 1972
5 Universite de Genève: Honorary Degree 1968-1969
7 Universite Laval: Honorary Degree 1969
8 University of Michegan 1970-1971
9 Urquhart, Brian 1972
10 Van Dusen, Lewis H Jr 1972
11 Vatican 1967, 1973
12 Velebit, Vladimir 1970-1972
13 Vincent, Patrick 1972
14 Vinci, Piero 1972
15-16 Vista 1971-1972
17 Vitamin-Erg Company 1948
18 Wagner, Richard 1961-1962
19 Wagner, Robert F 1964-1964
20 Waldheim, Kirt 1972
21 Waline, Pierre 1949, 1957-1958, 1962, 1972 1979
22 Watson, John Forbes 1948, 1950
23 Watt, Robert 1948
24 Weaver, George 1965-1971, 1973-1974
Box 64, Folders 1-18
1 Weisl, Edwin L 1965
2 Werblin, David A 1946, 1961 1965-1971
3 Werblin, Jacob S and Leo 1955
4 Wheeler, Frederick 1971
5 Wheeler, George Shaw 1945-1956
6 Willkie, Wendell L 1940, 1942
7 Winslow, Thacher 1946-1947, 1949
8 Wirtz, W Willard 1964, 1966-1967
9 Wisner, Franka G 1984
10 Wolf, Francis 1970, 1972-1976, 1978, 1986
11 Woll, Matthew 1948
12 Wood, Richard 1973
13 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1968-1971
14 Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation 1976-1979
15 World Association of World Federalists 1971-1974
6-18 World Rehabilitation Fund: Board of Directors 1968-1970
Box 65, Folders 1-5
1-5 World Rehabilitation Fund: Board of Directors 1970-1972
Box 66, Folders 1-13
1-3 World Rehabilitation Fund: Board of Directors 1972-1974
4 World Rehabilitation Fund Dinner Honoring Morse 1973-1974
5 World Rehabilitation Fund: Luncheon Honoring U Thant 1971
6 World Rehabilitation Fund: Vocational Rehabilitation Projects 1969-1974
7 Wou-Saofong 1946, 1959 1961-1962
8 Wright, Ralph 1953-1954, 1956, 1958 1961-1962, 1967
9 Young Presidents’ Organization Inc 1972
10 Zellerbach, J David 1947-1962
11 Zempel, Arnold L 1947-1948
12 Zimmerman, William 1972
13 Zorn, Burton A 1946, 1956 1961-1962, 1964-1967