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Papers from the Mass-Observation Archive  at the University of Sussex

Part 10: Leisure and Entertainment, 1937-1951

Detailed Listing

REEL 168

HOLIDAYS 1937-51

TC 58: 2 boxes

TC 58, BOX 1: HOLIDAYS 1937-46

58/1/A: Early General holiday material
Report, newspaper cuttings and photograph; newspaper advertising campaign. "Lobby Lud" at Hastings, August 1938 (PF)
Holiday diary (Brighton 1938) and questionnaire on nudism (October 1938), sent in by volunteer observer
“I invariably begin planning for my holiday about fifty-one weeks and a few days before it arrives.”
Handwritten account of Bank Holiday activities in Appleshaw. August 1938

58/1/B: Worktown study: Holidays 1937-38
Analysis of how five couples spent September holiday and holiday budgets. Bolton, September 1937 (EL)
Letters to TH regarding holiday competition and BBC broadcast, Sept 1937
Competition entries September 1937
Handbills for competition and newspaper advert, September 1937
Holiday questionnaire (£2 prize for best summary) 14.9.37 (JW)
Handwritten report on boarding house food, undated
Correspondence from BBC referring to radio talk on M-O in Blackpool September 1937
Typed report on "Northtown" (Worktown) annual summer holiday week 1937 (incomplete)
Timetable for LMS excursions and trips, summer season 1937
Typed report on Jewish New Year in Blackpool 1937 (JW)
Undated press cutting reporting proposed Parliamentary Bill giving public access to moorland etc

58/1/C: Bank Holiday 1941
Newspaper cuttings August Bank Holiday 1941, traffic chaos etc. Sunday Chronicle, Daily Mail
Typed report Bank Holiday in London's West End 4.8.41 (BB)
Questionnaire including question on Government's request to people to stay at home. August 1941
Replies to above questionnaire and analyses of replies (VT, MS, DH, CF, JS, PM)
Pencilled tables of data from questionnaire
Us no. 8 "War Holiday?" 23.3.40. M-O Bulletin

58/1/D: Whitsun Holiday 1941
Observations Hampstead Heath, Whitsun Bank Holiday 2.6.41 (CF)
Observations London Zoo, 2.5.41 (CF)
Observations Paddington Station 2.6.41 (DH)
Typed report on Whitsun Monday, White City, Kew Gardens 2.6.41 (GH)
Reports Whitsun weekend London (NN)
Report Whitsun weekend, Euston Station 31.5.41. (NN)
Report Whitsun weekend Surrey 3.6.41 (VT)
Typed report, Whitsun weekend 2.6.41 (GD)
Typed observation Whitsun Monday entertainment 14.6.41 (GST)

58/1/E: Holidays at Home Campaign 1942-43
Handwritten reports and observations from Paddington 8.7.42, Willesden 18.7.42, Beckenham 15.8.42 (MS, PL, LB, EG)
Indirect, Pinner 28.5.42 (ML)
Printed handbills, programmes etc
Newspaper cuttings, programmes of events, reports and results and results of competitions and events arranged by local authorities to encourage holidays at home
Indirects on train journey 24.7.43 (FM)

58/1/F: Transport 1942
Easter transport reports 1942 (MT)
Station counts 3.4.42 (MT)
Travel survey 2.4.42 (MT)
King's Cross Station report 2.4.42 (EG)
Victoria Station report 2.4.42 (RCC)
Euston Station report 4.4.42 (RCC)
Paddington Station report 3.4.42 (PJ)
Hampstead Heath 8.41

58/1/G: Holiday travel 1942-44
Typed holiday questionnaire, handwritten replies 1.3.44 (LB)
Indirect: Bank Holiday 1945
Survey of railway stations 22.5.42 (RB)
Typed indirects (bus strike) 21.4.44 (GST)
Handwritten diary (Christmas leave) and travel report December 1943 (VB)
Handwritten travel report Easter 1945 (DH)
Indirects and impressions, railway stations July 1943 (CG)
Bank Holiday travel, counts in station 1.8.42 (EG)

58/1/H: Holiday activities, including fairs 1943-47
Handwritten observations of parks, fairs, etc. Easter 1943 (LB)
Handwritten observations of parks etc. Whitsun 1944 (DI, LB, DBL)
Typed report "Cornish conversations" and covering letter, May 1943 (NM)
(very poor originals)
Travel report informals 21.5.43 (NM)
Typed observations of holiday activities Bank Holidays August 1942
Handwritten list of activities; Bank Holiday, August 1942
Observations Whitsun Bank Holiday, London Zoo and West End 1942
Handwritten observation of holiday activities 1942 (EG)
Special report. Travelling to Ireland 1942 (EW)
Handwritten report. Trafalgar Square holiday crowds Whitsun Saturday 1942
Handwritten observation Blackheath Fair, Whitsun 1945 (NA)
Observation Hampstead Fair, Easter 1946 (ML)
Indirect, Pinner Fair, 28.5.47 (ML)
Railway observations 30.9.42 (LB), 22.4.43 (FM) 1.7.43 (LF)
Travel survey, Easter 1943 (EG, LB )
Travel survey, Easter 1942 (DH, LF)
Handwritten observation of taxis 17.10 43 (JF)
Handwritten street observations June 1943 (LF)
Handwritten street observations August Bank Holiday weekend 1942 (CM)
Questionnaire on Whitsun Bank Holiday activities 1942 (EG)
Replies to above questionnaire and indirects 1942 (EG)

58/1/I: Post-war holidays
Holiday indirects August 1946 (LB)
Report on Bank Holiday travel Waterloo to Exeter August 1946
Report on Bank Holiday travel from Paddington August 1946
Replies to questionnaire on preferred months for good holiday weather 13.5.46 (GST)
Tables of data from above questionnaire (GST)

REEL 169

TC 58, Box 2: Holidays 1946-51

58/2/A: Beveridge Holiday Questionnaire
Drafts of first and second pilot studies, nine questions. One typed and one carbon copy
Coding for replies to questionnaire
Handwritten replies to first pilot. (8)
Handwritten replies to second pilot (4)
Pencilled data tables

58/2/B: Beveridge Holiday Questionnaire
Questionnaire on holiday habits and aspirations, how people finance their holidays, opinions of holiday camps. Nine questions
Replies to questionnaire from Aston, Birmingham

58/2/C: Beveridge Holiday Questionnaire
Replies to questionnaire from York

58/2/D: Beveridge Holiday Questionnaire
Replies to questionnaire from Bethnal Green

58/2/E: Beveridge Holiday Questionnaire
Replies to questionnaire from Exmoor and Tottenham

58/2/F: General holiday material 1947
Newspaper cuttings of Bolton holidaymakers at various resorts
Newspaper cuttings of holiday events in Bolton
Handwritten observations London Zoo 16.7.47 (DH)
Handwritten observation August Bank Holiday 4.8.47 (DH)
Handwritten observation of Heathrow Airshow and tickets. August 1947 (DH)
Handwritten report August Bank Holiday 1947 (YT)
Typed report August Bank Holiday 1947 (MS, GL)
Holiday informals 1947 (KB, BW)
Information, brochure and application forms for SE Region Volunteer Agricultural Camps 1947
Pamphlet on staggered holidays (Ministry of Labour& National Service 1947)
Handwritten observation at the Tower of London 17.7.47 (DH)
Handwritten informals (holidays) July 1947 (DH)
Bolton impressions (holidays) undated (AL)

58/2/G: Butlin's Holiday Camp
Special report, "A week with Billy Butlin" 27.9.47 to 4.10.47. Handwritten with partly typed summary. 83 pp
Programmes, handbills, letters, photographs etc. relating to Butlin's
Reported discussion of Butlin's, informal 15.9.47 (DH)

58/2/H: Holiday Camps 1947-51
Typed report of Butlin's Holiday Camp Clacton September 1951 (DG, MR)
“A perfect opportunity to observe the consumers of mass-produced commodities.”
Photocopy of typed report on opinions of holiday camps, undated, post-war
Typed report on Holiday Fellowship camps June 1947

REEL 170

LEISURE 1940-47

TC 80: 6 boxes

TC 80, BOX 1: LEISURE 1940-47

80/1/A: Reports
Ts "Memo on a study of leisure" (JC, AH) 2.1.40
Ts "Note on leisure report" (LE) 25.8.40
Ts document "Leisure" 2962/42 by the PEP Physical Planning group 9.9.42
Ms "Supplement to leisure report" 5.10.42
Ts "Extracts from preliminary results of Birmingham leisure and pleasure survey for information PEP" 28.2.47
Ts "Appendix to report on leisure" August 1947 (BB)
Ts comments from leisure survey June 1948
Ts report covering: pubs, dogs (racing), outdoors, sex (lst 12 pages missing)

80/1/B: Cinema counts
Counts of people at cinemas in: Camden Town, Chiswick, Dorking, Hammersmith, Kilburn, Notting Hill Gate. 1947

80/1/C: Football/rugby counts
Counts of people attending football and rugby matches at Aston Villa, Blaina, Bolton, Fulham, Middlesbrough, York. April and May 1947

80/1/D: Magazines and newspapers
Ts list of newspapers and cheaper periodicals titles, price publisher and printers addresses 5.2.? (BW)
Magazine purchase counts Piccadilly Underground 7.11.? (BW)

80/1/E: Miscellaneous
Ts letter from the British Federation of Co-operative Youth. Details of weekend camp in August 24.7.41
Ts programme for "A performance of Eurhythmy" Ealing 2.8.41
Ms informals on hunting, reading and radio 28.4.44 (MM)
Overheards at Bethnal Green 19-20.6.47 (MM)
Typed ex. Daily Mail 3.1.42: Cinema income


80/2/A: Questionnaires, codings and instructions
Ts leisure questionnaire (final) 2 copies. Questions on: the likelihood of war; clubs; attitudes to luck; fatalism; God; astrology; betting; pubs; political alliance. Includes biographical information
Ts instructions for questionnaire (3 copies)
Ts coding (2 copies and 1 draft version)
Ts notes on coding leisure survey
Ts table of coding for football pools, dogs and crosswords (4 copies)
Ts analysis sheet for leisure survey
Ms "Method for finding out how many people bet weekly, monthly etc. from results of leisure questionnaire"

80/2/B-E: Questionnaire responses

80/2/F: Ms tabulation of responses

80/2/G: Results of survey on favourite pub drink: (see also TC 85: Drinking Habits)
Ts results of survey
Ms tabulation of responses

80/2/H: Ts table of coding for drinking in pubs vs clubs

80/2/I: Ms tabulations of coding of relation between drinking and newspaper reading

REEL 171

TC 80, BOX 3: LEISURE SURVEY SPRING 1947 (continued)

80/3/A-C: Questionnaire responses

80/3/D: Analysis sheets
Ms notes on sorting order included

80/3/E : Analysis sheets

TC 80, BOX 4: LEISURE SURVEY 9/2 (1948)

80/4/A: Questionnaires, coding and instructions
Ts 1st draft of leisure questionnaire 9/2
Ts 2nd draft leisure questionnaire 9/2 24.8.48 (2 copies)
Ts 2nd draft of questionnaire by BE (questions 11-19 only) (2 copies)
Ts draft of questionnaire 26.8.48
Ts final draft 4.9.48
Ts draft code list
Ts code list September 1948 (3 copies-1 with lst 2 pages missing)
Ts instructions to Investigators August-September 1948
80/4/B-C: Questionnaire responses September 1948
Questions and answers on: sporting activity and spectatorship; sporting standards; gambling on sport; games on Sunday; national sport; perceived attitudes of foreigners to Britain; world affairs-opinions of America, Russia, United Nations. Includes biographical information

80/4/D: Leisure survey 9/2 analysis sheets: October 1948

REEL 172


80/5/A: Questionnaire and coding
Ts code list
Ts/ms questionnaire responses November 1948. Questions on: leisure activity; cinema/theatre/music hall attendance; reading; working; clubs and societies; expenditure: house-keeping money, drinking, smoking, betting, clothes. Includes biographical information

80/5/B: Questionnaire responses: November 1948

80/5/C: Analysis sheets: December 1948
Ms note on limitation of tables

80/5/D: Analysis sheets: December 1948

80/5/E: Analysis sheets
Fulham only

REEL 173


80/6/A: Questionnaires, coding and instructions
Ts coding for Leisure III survey (2 copies)
Ts Leisure III questionnaire, lst pilot March 1948 (2 copies)
Ts Leisure III questionnaire, 2nd pilot and final March 1948 (2 copies)
Ms note and sample for further questionnaire on leisure basis
Ts table of Leisure III quota in Dagenham (DH)
Ts instructions 25.3.48 (MLY) (2 copies)
Ms note additional questions asked in Middlesbrough and Aston
Ts copy of questionnaire. Questions on: The Marshall Plan; smoking; newspaper readership; cinema attendance; pools; alcohol; pubs; political alliance. Includes biographical information

80/6/B-G: Questionnaire responses

80/6/H-I: Analysis sheets

REEL 174


TC 16: 6 boxes
The collection also includes a number of posters which are kept in a separate folder. These have not been reproduced. Some theatre reports for 1946-48 can be found in Topic Collection 17/15/I (FILMS)


16/1/A: Funfairs (Amusement Arcades) 1940
Reports/observations (KB, SS, CP) in London-Fulham, Oxford Street, Putney, Leicester Square, Tottenham Court Road, Charing Cross Road

16/1/B: Epstein's Adam-Sports Garden, Oxford Street, London
Report (HP) 17.1.40
Press cutting Evening Standard 21.12.39
Postcard and 2 catalogues

16/1/C: Funfairs (Amusement Arcades) 1941 Reports
Reports/observations (DS) November 1941 Fulham, Putney, Hammersmith, Wardour Street, Coventry Street, Edgeware Road, The Strand, Kilburn High Road

16/1/D: Funfairs (Amusement Arcades) 1942-43
Ad for Fete & Funfair, Ealing 3.8.42
Amusement Arcade, Shepherd's Bush report 14.7.43

16/1/E: Oxford Street Funfairs/Exhibitions 1946
"The Crown Jewels of England (replicas)" report & leaflet (GST) May 46
"Battle for Bread" report and exhibition leaflets 1-3
"Epstein & the Mermaid", "Jacob & the Angel" report & leaflet for "Jacob & the Angel"
Oxford Street Fairground report (GST) 3.8.46
Note on Butlin's Windows, Oxford Street (GST) May 46
"Winchester Rifle Range" report (GST) May 46
"The War In Wax" report (GST) May 46
"Crime Does Not Pay" report (GST) May 46

16/1/F: Correspondence/instructions for circus investigation 1944
(Life on the road with a circus in 1940s Britain)
3 letters undated Margaret Holland to Bob
Instructions for investigation and Plans for layout of report
Letter to Margaret Holland from one of the circus performers

16/1/G: Notes/rough drafts for circus report
Reco's Circus-history, personalities in brief and in more detail, children & education, morality, shopping, slang, jobs, wages

16/1/H: Notes/rough drafts for circus report
Reco's Circus-transport, grumbles & disputes, wagons
Day's Routine Sept 44, Week's Routine 27.8.44-3.9.44
Zoo Market 13.9.44, the animals, advertising
Description of tight rope/lion act, comedy highwire act, comedy riding act, lasso act
Diary dated between 6.9.44 & 21.9.44
Accidents/miscellaneous anecdotes Aug/Sept 44

16/1/I: Programme/typed copies for circus report
Personalities (3 copies) Sept 44
Artistes-Herbert Reco & description of highwire act
More detailed description of artistes-Reco, Reg Robinson (2 copies), Cook (2 copies), Mrs Cook (2 copies), Rene Cook (2 copies), Gordon Cook (2 copies), Stanley Mason, The DeMarnes (part report). Tommy Ross
"Reco: Comedy Riding Act" (4 copies) Sept 44
"Before the Matinee: Speech by De Marne"
"Petty Quarrels, Grumbling, Road Marking, Leading Wagon" 26.8.44
"Zoo Market" 13.9.44

16/1/J: Typed copies for circus report
"Day's Routine (One Day Stand)"
"Week's Routine: week beginning 27.8.44 & ending 3.9.44"
Diary 6.9.44 to 21.9.44
"Miscellaneous, Sept 1944" (3 copies)
"Miscellaneous" (3 copies)
"Miscellaneous Anecdotes" (3 copies)

REEL 175

TC 16, BOX 2: PANTOMIME 1939-42

16/2/A: General Notes, Pantomime Reports
Report-general tendencies, propaganda, jokes, songs, responses, note on "Cinderella" (2 copies) (LE) 30.1.40
Pantomime Report-shows seen, method used, war references, non-war jokes, songs, general tendencies (2 copies) (LE) 6.3.40
Notes for Pantomime Report 1940-41
War references (KT) 8.3.41

16/2/B: Pantomime Reports and Programmes 1939-40
"Pool Pantomime" report, press cutting (HP) 27.12.39
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" report & programme (HP) 28.12.39
"The Sleeping Beauty" report (HP) 30.12.39
"Who's Taking Liberty?" Report 1 (2 copies) programme (LE) 30.12.39
"Cinderella" Report 2 (2 copies) programme (LE) 2.1.40
"Cinderella" Report 3 (2 copies) programme (LE) 4.1.40
"Aladdin" Report 4 (2 copies) programme (LE) 4.1.40
"Cinderella" Report 5 (2 copies) programme (LE) 19.1.40

16/2/C: Heil Cinderella 1940
Report (2 copies) programme (HP) 3.1.40, press cuttings Daily Express, The Sketch, The Tatler, The Bystander, correspondence over the lyrics, press releases

16/2/D: Pantomime Reports and Programmes 1940
"Mother Goose" Report 1 (2 copies) 2 programmes (LE) 26.12.40
"Cinderella" Report 2 (2 copies) programme (LE) 7.1.41
"Aladdin" Report 3 (2 copies) programme (LE) 8.1.41
"Cinderella" Report 4 (2 copies) programme (KT) 4.3.41
"Aladdin" Report 5 (2 copies) programme (KT) 4.2.41
"Jack The Giant Killer" Report 6 (2 copies) programme (KT) 27.2.41

16/2/E: Pantomime Report and Programme 1942
"Jack and Jill" report & programme HP 19.1.42


16/3/A: Music hall Volunteers
List of music hall volunteers 24.10.38
23 responses from volunteers 1938

16/3/B: Music hall Attendances Survey 1938
Report of survey Nov/Dec 38-tables/questionnaire responses (HB) 6.11.38 & 7.12.38, (LT) 8-9.12.38

16/3/C: Music hall and the War
Notes on Music hall work (propaganda) (LE) 5.2.40
Music hall Report (LE) 4.3.40
Memo on War Reference in Music hall (2 copies) (LE) 4.6.40
Note on the Royal Family in Music hall (LE) 27.6.40
Music hall trade (LE) 31.7.40
Criterion music hall-how coping with the war (LE) 14.9.40
Memo (KT) 10.2.41
Memo on Music hall (2 copies) (KT) 24.2.41
Notes on Music hall Jan-Sept 41 (LE) 15.9.41(Doncaster)
Music hall Report (LE) 27.6.42
Note (LE) 5.3.44

16/3/D: Reynolds and Co-Suppliers of Music hall Material
Cyril Fletcher & His Monologue-"Dreamin' of Thee" ad on a card
"Extracts from Reynolds & Co's Catalogue of Humour" catalogue
"Reynolds & Co's Art Songs" catalogue
"Reynolds & Co's Musical Monologues" catalogue
"Reynolds & Co's The Finest Musical Monologues Published for Years as Broadcast by Nosmo King" catalogue
"Reynolds & Co's Latest Publications" ad
"Songs and Monologues Sung and Broadcast by John Rorke" ad
"Reynolds & Co's Classified List of Character Songs, Monologues etc." catalogue
"Reynolds & Co's Concert Party Albums" catalogue

16/3/E: Music hall Reports/Programmes 1939-40
"The Little Dog Laughed" report & programme (TH) 31.9.39 (5 copies songs from the show)
"Young England" report HP 15.11.39, (LE) 16.11.39 3 programmes
"Young England" letter Beryl Cross to (TH) 16.12.39, includes references to German refugees
"Old Soldiers Never Die" part of report & programme (LE) 27.3.40
"Diversion" report & programme (LE) 4.11.40
Memo Edith Evans in "Diversion" (LE) to TH, 5.11.40

16/3/F: Music hall Reports/Programmes 1940
"Eve on Parade" Report 1 (2 copies) programme (LE) 17.1.40
"Caprice Parisien" Report 2 (2 copies) programme (LE) 22.1.40
"Revudeville 129" Report 3 (2 copies) programme (LE) 24.1.40
"Going Gay" Report 4 programme (LE) 25.1.40
"Haw Haw" Report 5 (LE) 31.1.40
"Splashes" Report 6 programme (LE) 17.5.40
"Turn Up The Lights" Report 6 (2 copies) programme & 4 pages extracts from the show
"Come Out To Play" Report 7 (2 copies) programme (LE) 2.2.40
"Home Service Scandals" Report 8 (2 copies) programme (LE) 13.2.40
"Don't Blush Girls" Report 10 & programme
"Strip Please" report (programme & second copy of report in file on nudity in the theatre, 16/4/H)
"We're In The Army Now" report & programme (LE) 20.8.40
"Black Velvet" report & 2 programmes (LE) 9.8.40
"Thumbs Up, Girls" report & programme (LE) 1.8.40

16/3/G: Reports 1942-43
Variety Show Report, Streatham Hill Theatre (LE) 17.12.41
Variety Show Report, Streatham Hill Theatre & programme (LE) 8.5.42
Report: Evening at the Chelsea Palace GST 30.7.43
"It's Foolish But It's Fun" report GST 31.7.43
"London After Dark" report 25.10.43

16/3/H: Provincial Reports: Shows/Condition of Theatres 1939-42
Letter undated-Glyndebourne
"Mirth & Beauty" report (JC) 5.12.39 Bolton
Letter to TH-the theatre in Oxford 4.2.40
Letter to (TH) From P Farnell-the theatre in Birmingham
Letter to (TH) from P Farnell-the theatre in Birmingham 25.2.40
Report from W White-the theatre in Dublin 25.1.40
"The Passing of the Third Floor Back" report (BA) 29.7.40
Variety Report (GW) 21.10.40 Oxford
N'Gai & Bud Ritchie report (JA) 16-18.7.40 Worcester
"Glad To Meet You" report (LE) 6.4.42 Donnington
"Venus Comes To Town" report & programme (LE) 6.6.41 Wolverhampton
"Fresh Faces" report & programme (DH) 1.12.42 Prestwich
"One For The Road" report & programme (LE) 8.8.42, Northampton

16/3/I: Opera
Note on Choral Union rehearsal of "The Messiah" Bolton 14.11.39 & 16.11.39
"The Barber of Seville" report & programme (JC) 28.2.40

16/3/J: Ballet
Anglo/Polish Ballet report & programme & 2 tickets (DH) 2.12.40
The Ballet Group at The Little Theatre report & part of report (VW) 10.2.41, programme
Invitation from The Ballet Group to attend a reception & private performance of the "New Ballet"

16/3/K: Theatre Reports
"The Devil's Disciple" report & programme (VW) 14.8.40
Report on Shakespeare Season at the Strand Theatre (LE) 15.10.40
"Chu Chin Chow" report (DH) 31.8.40
"While The Sun Shines" (premier) report undated

16/3/L: BBC Music hall 1944
Variety Radio Show Report (LB) 25.11.44
Variety Radio Show Report (GST) 2.12.44

REEL 176


16/4/A: General/Effects of the War
Rough notes/shorthand, card from Herbert (HH) re theatre book
TH to George Black (General Theatre Corporation Ltd) 7.12.38
George Black to (TH) 8.12.38
Notes for treatment of the theatre
Reports of interviews with Cicely Courtneidge, Gordon Harker, John Clements, Barbara Babington, Nancy Price (VB) 1939
General-plays produced since the war (LE) 14.4.40
Note on theatre trade (LE) 7.8.40
Copy of ad outside theatre booking office London (2 copies) (TH) 16.8.40
The Star-cutting "Londoners Walked Home Singing" 27.8.40
Air Raids and the theatre (VW) 14.9.40
Theatre & the blitz (4 copies) (VW) 23.10.40
Theatre Report-the blitz (VW) 24.10.40, 1 copy & part report
List of plays in production since the outbreak of war (VB) 16.1.40
Note on Royal Academy of Dramatic Art-effect of the war (VB) Jan 1940
Excerpts from The Stage , 18.1.40 (VB)
Behind the scenes at the Wyndham Theatre and the Tavistock Theatre (VB) Jan 1940
TH to Theatrical and General Advertising Co 9.1.40
Priscilla (PN) to Betty on theatre material 17.10.40
Memo on Entertainment (LE) 14.2.42
Note from (LE) 11.5.42
Notes on Entertainment (LE) 17.8.42

16/4/B: Extracts From The Press
Daily Express "Askey v Admiral" 31.10.39
The Star "He Had To Sleep With Handcuffs On" 18.11.39
Evening Standard "Ice Skater Could Not Pay For Boots" 28.11.39
Evening Standard "Elsie & Doris Waters" 28.11.39
Evening Standard "Lady Precious Stream" 29.11.39
The Listener " The Theatre These Days" Lionel Hale 30.11.39
The Listener (cutting) "The Theatre These Days" Lionel Hale 30.11.39
The Stage "West End Stage" 7.12.39
War-time Drama Nov 1939 Ed "War-Time Position of Theatre" (2 copies), "General Statement of War-Time Position of Theatre", "Denial Competition With Pros & Statement of Own Position" (1 copy and part of copy)
War-time Drama Jan 40 "Play Readings" L Millard, "Notes and News"

16/4/C: Scripts
"Winning The War" Arnold Freeman (marked 'Sheffield')
"Swelling The Labour Vote"
Script of a mock trial performed at 10 Hertford St, London W1 in conjunction with a staff party Dec 1941

16/4/D: Employment in the Theatre
National Association of Theatrical & Kine Employees to VB-working conditions for electricians etc 24.1.40
"Terms & Conditions of Employment in W End Theatres"
"Terms & Conditions of Employment for Twice-Nightly Performances in W End Theatres"

16/4/E: Theatre Queues 1940
"Once A Criminal" report on play and queue outside the theatre 20.7.40
Suggestion for study of theatre queues 22.7.40

16/4/F: Theatre Clubs

The Unity Theatre
Letter to members (2 copies) Nov 1939
Ad for "Plant In The Sun" and "Waiting For Lefty" 21.1.40
2 ads for "The Star Turns Red" marked 15.3.40 & 21.3.40
Letter to lapsed members 19.4.40 re "The Star Turns Red"
"The Star Turns Red" programme (NM) 25.5.40
'An Urgent Personal Appeal' re "The Star Turns Red"
Unity Theatre Handbook (LE) May 1940
"Distant Point" 2 programmes marked Aug 1940 & NM 16.7.40
"Gay Nineties Music hall" ad (NM) 16.7.40

London Playgoers Club
Application for membership
Letter to members, ad for "Major Barbara" & "Mandragola" 15.12.39

The Arts Theatre And Ballet Club
Application form
Report on Lunch Ballets (VW) 20.9.40
Forthcoming performances Sept-Oct 1940
Lunch Ballet (Ballet Rambert & London Ballet) Sept 1940

The Neighbourhood
Application card
Membership card, VB Ward, August 1941
Publicity letter undated from the Director of Publicity (2 copies)
The Neighbourhood-report (2 copies) (VW) 20.8.40
Brief report (VW) 24.1.40
Forthcoming performances

16/4/G: "Careless Talk"
Leslie Henson to (TH) 11.7.40
TH to Leslie Henson 12.7.40
Leslie Henson to (TH) 17.7.40
Versions of "Careless Talk"
Note on 'Mass-Observation' joke in "Up & Doing"

16/4/H: Nudity in the Theatre
Letters to the Daily Telegraph April 1940
"Strip Please" report & programme (LE) 24.7.40
"Gaieties De Montmartre" ad for audition & ad for show

16/4/I: Refugee Shows
Invitation from The Free German League of Culture in Great.Britain "English Actors To Their Friends" 18.2.40
"English Actors To Their Friends" programme 18.2.40
2 programmes for The Viennese Theatre Club

16/4/J: ENSA Press Cuttings and Reports
3 press cuttings Jan 1940-shows for the BEF
"ENSA Show On The Steps of St Paul's" report & 4 press cuttings (CM) 25.9.42
ENSA report (LE) 6.2.44

16/4/K: Press Cuttings 1939-40
Selection of press cuttings-reviews, reports, pictures & report on audience reaction to Gracie Fields (LE) 20.8.40

16/4/L: Sunday Opening of Theatres
History (DS)
Quotations from interviews
"God And Public Opinion" 20.1.41
Memo to (TH) 27.3.41
Report on Public Meeting in S Kensington
Note on Sunday Opening Of Theatres, etc in Scotland
Analysis of QQ in News Quota 20.3.41
Analysis Sheets
Questionnaire responses carried out Jan/April 1941 (DH, CF, KT, DS, HH) in London, Oxford and Epsom
Press cuttings about Sunday Opening
Rough notes

16/4/M: Correspondence-Violet Bazalgett
V Bazalgett to (TH) 30.1.40
J Huxley to (TH) 29-30.10.40

16/4/N: Miscellaneous Material
Page from Lilliput
Daily Telegraph 18.9.40
Note paper-unused, rough notes (some in shorthand)
Card to TH from AF Le Play House
The Stage 12.1.50

REEL 177


16/5/A: London Programmes/Advertisements

Streatham Hill Theatre: Programmes

"Desire Under The Elms" (LE) June 40
"Second Helping" (C) Oct 39
"Fair & Warmer" March 40
"French Leave" (LE) April 40
"Funny Side Up" May 40
"Runaway Love" (LE) April 40
"Ladies in Retirement" (LE) Aug 40
"The Body Was Well Nourished" (LE) July 40
"Cottage To Let" (LE) July 40
"The Police Are Anxious" (LE) July 40
"What Say They" (C) Feb 40
"Gilbert & Sullivan" March 40
"St Joan" (C) Sept 39
"The Good Natured Man" (C) Sept 39
"Romeo & Juliet" (C) Sept 39
"Shephard's Pie" (C) Oct 39

Other Theatres

"Under Your Hat" programme (C) Jan 40 Palace Theatre
"Chu Chin Chow" programme (DH) 31.8.40 Palace Theatre
"The Importance of Being Earnest" ad & programme 1940 Globe Theatre
"The Beggars' Opera" ad & 2 programmes 1940 Haymarket Theatre
"French Without Tears" ad Sept 40 New Coliseum Theatre
"White Horse Inn" programme (LE) June 40 The Coliseum
"Me & My Girl" programme Victoria Palace
"New Faces" programme (LE) May 40 Comedy Theatre
"Judgement Day" 2 programmes Phoenix Theatre
"Up & Doing" 2 programmes 1 marked TH, (LE) Aug 40 Saville Theatre
"Shakespeare Season" ad Kingsway Theatre
"While Parents Sleep" programme (CP) May 40 Kingsway Theatre
"Shephard's Pie" programme (CP) May 40 Princes Theatre
"Thunder Rock" programme (RF) The Neighbourhood Theatre
"A House In The Square" programme (NM) May 40 St Martin's Theatre
"All Clear" programme 4.1.40 Queen's Theatre
"Rebecca" programme Queen's Theatre
"Ghosts" programme The Duchess Theatre
"Doctor Faustus" 2 programmes 21.3.40 Rudolf Steiner Hall
"Running Riot" programme Gaiety Theatre

16/5/B: London Programmes/Advertisements
Theatre Guide of London 13-18.5.40
"The Cave of Harmony" ad 10.5.40 The Arts Theatre Club
"Sound Films at Fulham Central Libraries" ad 19.2.40
"Ram Gopal" 2 ads Dec 39 Vaudeville Theatre
"Great Expectations" ad Dec 39 The Actors' Company
"Major Barbara", "Abraham Lincoln", "Desire Under The Elms" 2 ads for each play London Mask Theatre
Keith Prowse-theatre ticket supplier-2 envelopes, ticket, booklet "Keith Prowse Programme"(TH Dorchester Hotel)
"The Playboy of the Western World" ad Mercury Theatre
"A New Comedy of Errors" 2 ads 8.5.40 Mercury Theatre
"Mandragola" ad & programme Mercury Theatre
"Murder In The Cathedral" programme Mercury Theatre
"The Jersey Lily" ad April 40, "Les Parents Terribles" ad May 40, "Boys In Brown" ad
"Searchlights" ad (HP) 27.8.40 Granville
Gilbert & Sullivan ad Golders Green Hippodrome/ Streatham Hill Theatre
"The Yeoman of the Guard" ad 5.2.40
"The Body Was Well Nourished" ad (HP) 28.8.40 Lyric Theatre
"Swinging The Gate" ad (HP) 23.8.40 Ambassadors Theatre
"Full House" ad (CP) 26.7.40 King's Theatre
"Abraham Lincoln" ad May 40 Westminister Theatre
"Eve Sur Parade" programme (LE) May 40 Empress Brixton
"Noah and the Waters" programme June 40 Richmond LBC
1940 ticket & ad for The Old Vic and Sadlers Wells
"King Lear" 4 ads April 40 The Old Vic
"The Tempest" ad (LE) May 40 The Old Vic
1940 The Old Vic & Sadlers Wells 3 ads
"Casey's Court" & pantomimes ad Dec 40 Metropolitan Theatre
The Palladium programme, 1939
"Meet The Girls" ad May 40 South London Palace
"We'll Be There" ad 29.1.40? New South London Palace
"Don't Be Rough Sergeant" ad Sept 40 Feldmans Theatre
Locarno Streatham Variety ad (LE) June 40
"Strip Please" ad (LE) July 40 Empress Brixton
The Palladium programme (LE) June 40
"Une Nuit Excitante" ad (LE) Aug 40 South London Palace
Stoll Empire Hackney ad Aug 40
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" ad Jan 40 Empress Brixton
Holborn Empire Variety programme Aug 40
"Pacific 1860" Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

REEL 178


16/5/C: Provincial Programmes/Advertisements

Leeds: sent by Masson

Leeds Grand Theatre and Opera House:
"Gaslight" ad 40
"The Women" programme Nov 39
Vic-Wells Ballet programme Oct 39
"Dear Octopus" programme Feb 40
"In Good King Charles's Golden Days" programme Mar 40
Theatre Royal
"The Importance of Being Earnest" programme April 40

Sheffield: sent by Gardner & Masson

Sheffield Lyceum Theatre:
"Passing Brompton Road" ad Oct 40
Gilbert & Sullivan programme Mar 40

Newcastle Upon Tyne

Theatre Royal:
Shakespeare Season ad Nov 39
"What Say They" programme April 40


New Theatre:
"You, of All People" Nov 39


Festival Theatre ad 39
"Distinguished Gathering" programme Aug 40 Arts Theatre Cambridge

Northampton: sent by O Burbrooke

Northampton Repertory Theatre:
"The Price of Wisdom" programme June 40
"The Man Who Stayed At Home" programme June 40
"Sheppey" programme July 40
"Sixteen" programme July 40
"Murder On The Second Floor" programme Aug 40
"And So To Bed" programme Aug 40
"The Fol-De-Rols" 2 programmes Aug/Sept 40
"Dear Octopus" programme Sept 40
"Musical Chairs" programme Sept 40
"The High Road" programme Oct 40
"Romance" programme Oct 40

New Theatre:
"London Night Life programme June 40?

Southport: sent by Miss Stuckey

Garrick Theatre:
"Springtime For Henry" programme Nov ?
"A Star Comes Home" programme Dec ?
"Shephard's Pie" programme Oct 39
"Song Parade" programme Oct 39
"Design For Living" programme Oct 39
"Saloon Bar" programme Sept, contains an ad for "Robert's Wife"
Variety programme Sept 40
ITMA programme Sept 40
Variety programme July 40
Variety programme Aug 40
Variety programme Aug 40
"Black & Blue" programme Mar 40

Little Theatre:
"To Kill A Cat" programme Oct ?
"Freshfields" programme Oct ?


Ministry of Information notice of special meeting June 40 Spa Theatre
Souvenir Programme 1940 The Spa Bridlington


Tower & Winter Gardens Souvenir Programme
Theatregoer 2.9.40 & week

16/5/D: Provincial Programmes/Advertisements
The Spice of Life ... ad (autobiography of a music hall performer)
Variety Artistes' Federation application form (LE)
Gilbert & Sullivan ad Theatre Royal Newcastle Upon Tyne
Variety ad 23.2.40 (TH) Festival Theatre Cambridge
"Troilus & Cressida" ad Arts Theatre Cambridge
"Suspect" & "French Without Tears" ad Jan 40 Farnham Playhouse
"New Revue" ad April 40 Watford Town Hall
"Swinging The Blues" ad Bede College
"Napoleon Couldn't Do It" programme April 40, Great Hucklow Village Players (Derbyshire)
Special Voucher for Palace Pier Theatre Brighton (TH) 40
Theatrical Garden Party Brighton ad 1940
"The Women" ad Nov 39 Grand Theatre Leeds


Theatre Royal:
Variety ad (JA) 18.7.40
"Novelty Show" ad July 40
Variety programme July 40

Sheffield: sent by Gardner

Lyceum Theatre:
"Once a Crook" ad Nov 40
"Snow Goose" ad Dec 40


Garrick Theatre:
Variety ad July 40
"Old Soldiers Never Die" ad Sept 40?


Royal Court Theatre:
Coming Attractions April/May 40
"The Chocolate Soldier" ad April 40
"No! No! Nanette" May 40 ad
"Desire Under The Elms" May 40 ad
"Peter Pan" ad April 40
New Theatre:
Variety Oct 40
"Me & My Girl" Nov 40
"'Top Hat & Tails" ad May 40
"Folies Superbes" programme & ad April 40
"Gaietes de Montmartre" 2 ads (LE) 24.8.40
The Playhouse:
"Heroes Don't Care "April 40 ad Shakespeare Theatre
"Naughty But Nice" ad May 40 ad for week of 29.4.40
Palace Theatre ad Aug 26.8.40
"Girls of Today" ad Aug 40

16/5/E: Programmes 1942
"Sweeney Todd" programme & 2 tickets 2.11.42, Chelsea Palace

REEL 179


16/6/A: Pre-War Concerts
Bolton Choral Union report (J Wilcock) 17.3.37
Concert, Victoria Hall, Bolton (TH) 20.3.37?
Mime & Dance Display report (Wilcock) 17.4.37?
Bolton Musical Artists Association 42nd Annual Meeting report & programme (TH) 22.5.37
"Madame Butterfly" report, ticket & programme (BB) 22.9.37?
Concert Party report 16.10.37
Accordion Band Concert report (ZB) 18.10.37

16/6/B: Concerts 1939 - early 1940
Wartime concert report & programme 30.11.39
The Musical Times-"The Coming Season" & "As Libitum" Dec 39
Musical Times Dec 39-Feb 40 pencil notes
Tomorrow-"Music Notes" by Havergal Brian 28.10.39
Lunch-Hour Recitals, St Margaret's Church ad, programme & report

National Gallery Concerts

Time and Tide extract on National Gallery Concerts 14.10.39
Report & programme for week ending 6.11.39 (BA) 8.11.39
Daily Express press cutting 7.11.39
Week of 5.11.39 report
Picture Post "Music Among The Masters" 11.11.39
Haydn's Toy Symphony-3 press cuttings, programme 1-5.1.40
Report children's concert (NM) 30.8.40

Music in Richmond

Letter to (TH) 29.1.40
Richmond Sunday Concerts-2 programmes Jan & Feb 1940
Letter to (TH) 6.3.40
Richmond Sunday Concerts-2 programmes Feb & March 1940
Letter from Treasurer for Richmond Sunday Concerts to Mr Lury 1.3.40
Letter to (TH) 15.4.40
Richmond Sunday Concerts-programme 10.3.40

Other concerts and musical material

Report Music in Oxford 21.2.40 (O Lloyd-Price)
Leicester Museum & Art Gallery programme 2.2.40
"Five Spring Concerts" Fulham ad (KB) 17.2.40
Queens Hall Concert report & programme (LE) 17.2.40
Ipswich Library Singers Concert programme sent by P Mills
Felix McGlennon Ltd-song books ad (NM) 21.6.40
"Music in Trafalgar Square" report (SS) 30.8.40
Dawson's Music Dealers report (DS) 6.8.40
Band Concert, Worcester report 15.8.40
Concert by three small girls report (DH) 14.9.40
Manchester Guardian 6.12.39 "Music in Wartime"
Daily Express 23.2.40 "Sing It Today"
Leeds College of Music, application form for the choir 1939-40 Season

16/6/C: Programmes and Advertisements 1936-40
Programmes and advertisement for London & other areas

16/6/D: Programmes and Advertisements 1941
Programmes and advertisements for London & other areas 1941

16/6/E: Concerts 1942-43
Military Band Concert, Trafalgar Square report (EG) 9.7.42
Concert, Wembley Town Hall report (Reber) 6.10.42
Kersley Village Concert, report, programme & poster (Glover) 9.9.42
Concert, Central Hall Coventry report (Reber) 9.12.42
National Gallery Concert, Trafalgar Square 3.9.43

16/6/F: Programmes and Advertisements 1942
Programmes and advertisements for London & other areas

16/6/G: Programmes and Advertisements late 1942 and 1943
Programmes and advertisements for London & other areas

16/6/H: Correspondence and press cuttings
M Hinrichsen (Hinrichsen Edition Ltd) to H Willcock
Prospectus for WEA Summer School July-Aug 42
The London Philharmonic Orchestra to The Bensham Grove Settlement 31.8.42
Daily Mail extract "Rations In Song - And You Do The Choosing"
News Chronicle "Community Song Sheet"

16/6/I: EDAC Concert 1948
Basic tables on EDAC Concert, interviews, written notes (IPS, PV) 15.3.48

REEL 180


TC 38: 9 boxes

The first six boxes of this group contain files of material with an original Mass-Observation number indicated in Roman numerals in this handlist. These categories have been retained although the order does not seem to have had any special significance. Most of the files contain a mixture of items including general notes, accounts of interviews, detailed descriptions of events and incidents, samples of printed materials and so on. These papers have not been itemised separately in this handlist. The work for this particular Mass-Observation study seems to have been the responsibility of Alec Hughes with directions from Tom Harrisson and assistance from other Observers including JA and HAC. Further material on attitudes to jazz can be found in the 1939 Directive Replies from the panel of voluntary observers. Additional observations made in Bolton dance halls is filed with the Worktown Papers , Box 48/C-D
DW 1979


Each file contains a collection of Observers' reports on different dance halls. Descriptions include details of the types of events, appearance of the hall, entertainment facilities, the behaviour of both staff and patrons, costumes, types of dances, music, notices and regulations
Samples of advertising material, programmes and tickets are also included.

The Streatham Locarno, London (I)

The Paramount Dance Hall, Tottenham Court Road (II)

The Royal Dance Hall, Tottenham.(III)

The Peckham Pavilion: administration and staff (IV)

The Peckham Pavilion: programmes, patrons etc (V)

The Peckham Pavilion: literature (VI)

The Peckham Pavilion: questionnaire on Old Time Dancing (VII)

Old Time Dancing: general notes and observations (VIII)

Rye Lane Private Dance Club (IX)

Other dance halls including those in London, Bolton, Liverpool, Brighton, Ipswich and Canterbury (X)

Dance Halls: locations, exteriors, posters, newspaper cuttings (XI)

REEL 181

TC 38, BOX 2: DANCES 1938-40

Further observations, descriptions of the music business, description of dances, their origins, popularity, versions

Dance Promotion and the Promoters (XII)

Dancing-general: includes notes of various dances: The Tuscana, Knees up Mother Brown, The Cakewalk etc (XIII)


The Lambeth Walk (XIV)

The Lambeth Walk (XIV)

The Lambeth Walk: newspaper cuttings (XIV)

Interviews re the Lambeth Walk

Newspaper cuttings

REEL 182


The Chestnut Tree (includes photographs) (XV)

The Chestnut Tree: Picture Post article by Tom Harrisson, January 1939 (XVI)

The Park Parade: interviews on the promotion of a new dance (XVII)

The Park Parade: literature (XVIII)

Mecca Agency-World's Band Centre (XIX)

Mecca Managers (XX)

Professional Dancers (XXI)

REEL 183


Mecca Bands, cuttings on dance bands, military bands (XXII)

Musicians' Union (XXIII)

Musicians: miscellaneous notes including material on barrel organists (XXIV)

Archer Street (XXV)

Instrument Makers (includes catalogues) (XXVI)

Swing (XXVII)

Rhythm in clubs (XXVIII)

Night Clubs (XXIX)

REEL 184


Melody Maker and other music publications (See also Danceland, 38/6/F) (XXX)

Denmark Street (XXXI)

Peter Maurice Music Publishing Company (XXXII)

Song writers (XXXIII)

Performing Rights Society (XXXIV)

Non-Mecca Managers (XXXV)

Dance Teachers (XXXVI)

Dance Schools and learners (XXXVII)

Printers of entertainment material (XXXVIII)

Public opinion on dancing: tabulation of results of survey carried out at the Stork Margarine Works at Purfleet, 1938 (XXXIX)

Broadcasting scenarios-observations at J Walter Thompson Studios, Bush House (XL)

REEL 185


History of jazz and dancing: notes (XLI)

Politics and dancing: dances held by political organisations as recruiting or fund raising events (XLII)

Bibliography, book plan, file index , for jazz and dancing investigation (XLIII)

Voluntary observers' reports on the Chestnut Tree and on jazz (Jan 1939) (XLIV)

Articles, broadcasts etc., on jazz and dancing including 'Music While You Work', by Tom Harrisson in New Writing, Oct/Nov 1938, published by Hogarth Press (XLV)

Danceland: replies to questionnaire in Danceland magazine on various dances and on attitudes to jazz (XLVI)

Dance Teachers' Societies (XLVII)

Jazz: theoretical notes; music as propaganda (XLVIII)

Open Air Dancing (XLIX)

Notes by Tom Harrisson on dancing and jazz

Classical music events, including programmes

REEL 186


Sheet music 1940-41: samples of song sheets and sheet music

Ephemera: dance tickets, advertising material, programmes, record sales advertisements etc

Song hits: lists of popular songs

Lyrics: notes of the words and meanings of songs (see also TH's article filed in 38/6/E)

Retail Trade: gramophone records and sheet music (includes promotional material and posters)

REEL 187

TC 38, BOX 8: JAZZ SURVEYS 1939-41

Jazz Survey 1939: trial survey carried out in Streatham. Questions on musical preferences, attitudes to dancing and dances, radio programmes etc. (HAC, JA and AH)

Jazz Survey 1939: larger survey in Wandsworth by HAC and AH. Questionnaire replies with analysis

Correspondence relating to the Jazz Survey, 1939

Dance Music Questionnaire 1941: questionnaire replies and tabulations

Dancing in wartimes: miscellaneous notes


Not included

REEL 188

SPORT 1939-47

TC 82: 2 boxes

TC 82, BOX 1: SPORT IN WARTIME 1939-41

82/1/A: Reports
Ts reports: "Sport in wartime" 29.10.39 (HJN) (2 copies)
"Organised sport and the war" 14.11.39 (HJN)
"Sport and the first two months of the war" 19.11.39
Ms draft reports on sport: 22.11.39 (TH); 23.11.39 (TH) (2 copies); 13.12.39 (HJN); 17.12.39 (HJN)
Ts "Wartime sport, a structural analysis" 14.1.40 (HN)

82/1/B: The effects of the war on sport
Ts interviews with the press secretary of Wembley Stadium 4.11.39 (HJN) and the Star sports editor 17.11.39 (HJN)
Press cutting "Coursing in wartime", The Times 20.11.39
Ts report "Some notes on the use of leisure" 18.3.43 (BW)
Ts report "Suffering culture"

82/1/C: The effect of the war on sports clubs
Printed YHA leaflet
Annual report of the Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland 1939 with accompanying letter from the press information department
Ts letters from: Arsenal Football Club 22.2.40; Auriol Rowing Club 22.2.40; Autocycle Union 29.2.40; The Suffolk Stadium February 1940; Progressive Rambler 8.4.40; Douglas Stuart Ltd 7.3.41
Printed syllabus of Sheffield and District Federation Rambling Association, Spring 1940
Ts copies of articles in The Motor Boat and Yachting 30.12.39 (VHID)
Ms preliminary report on sports clubs 31.5.41 (JS)

82/1/D: Surveys
Ts sport questions and replies: North London 28.11.39 (HJN)
Ms sport questions and replies: Hendon 12.3.41, 17.3.41, 20-22.4.41. Mill Hill 13-14.3.41 and analysis sheets 6.5.41.(JS)
Ms report on sports questionnaires 15.5.41

82/1/E: Letters to National Sports Poll
Approx 50 letters in response to a poll held by the Sunday Pictorial February 1941, on the subjects of extra rations for sports persons, midweek sport, pools and betting, striking, payment for lost time at work for amateurs

82/1/F: Midweek sport
Ms informals on midweek sport: Richmond, Kensington 13.3.47 (TT), London 13.3.47 (IP)

82/1/G: Miscellaneous
Ts synopsis of sport work 9.1.40 (HN)
Ts list of topics to be covered (?)
Ts observation on Streatham Common 24.8.40 (LE)
Ms indirects on the Derby 25.6.41 (HP), organised and unorganised sport 24.9.41 (JS), interest in sport 29.9.41 (JS)
Ms tables on playing games on Sunday

REEL 189

TC 82, BOX 2 : SPORT 1937-47

82/2/A: Angling
2 ts descriptions of fishing trips New Earswick 24.6.47, 30.6.47
Ts description of advert for fishing competition displayed in tackle shop window
3 press cuttings on fishing in the Yorkshire area
Ts notes on winning a fishing match 1.7.47 (KB)

82/2/B: Cricket
Press cuttings 21-29.12.39
Ms description of effect of war on cricket in Pett district 1940
Ts description of cricket match British Empire v London Counties 10.8.40, printed score card and press cuttings
Ts description of matches: Harrow v Eton 13.7.40 (JS); Worcester v Warwick 5.8.40 (JA); Blindley Heath v Newcastle 17.8.40 (LE); New Earswick 26.7.47 (KB)
Ts letter from Highams Park Cricket Club 7.4.41
Printed score card Epsom v London Counties 31.8.41

82/2/C: Darts
Ms and ts descriptions of darts matches (AVL)
Printed programme for Paddington and District League Grand Darts Tournament 14.7.47 (with ms results)
Printed card "Free Darts in exchange for Zig-Zag Cigarette Paper Covers"
Printed dart flights

82/2/D: Dogs
Printed race cards (greyhound): White City 2.6.41, 7.6.41; Cardiff 5.7.41; Harringay 21.7.41
Ts description of hound trails at Langdale, Cumbria 14.6.41
Ts informals with whippet owners: Shepherd's Bush 8-9.3.47(KB); York 18.4.47(KB); and ratcatcher, Euston 9.3.47
Ts informal on dog fights 3.7.47 (DH)

82/2/E: Football
Ms notes for report on soccer (?)
Ts note and press cuttings on the Unity Pools 1938-40
Press cuttings under ms headings of: crowds, wartime play, players, leagues, amateur leagues and Red Cross November-December 1939
Ts description football match (Arsenal v Crystal Palace at White Hart Lane) and informals 4.11.39 (HJN)
Ts informals on amateur football and the war 7.11.39 (HJN)
Ts copies of press articles on soccer 10.11.39
Ts description of match (Golders Green v Enfield at Golders Green), printed programme and interviews with cashier and secretary 11.11.39 (HJN)
Ts interview with Mr Ted Vizard 16.11.39 (HJN)
Ts description football and the war 19.11.39 (HJN)
Printed programme: Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 18.11.39
Printed news bulletin of Icklesham Casuals Football Club number 3, December 1939; number 4 February 1940
Press cuttings 1941
Ts descriptions of matches: Worcester City v Revo Sports, Birmingham, at Worcester 14.9.40 (JA); Scotland v England at Wembley 17.1.42 (MC?); York v New Brighton at York 26.4.47 (KB)
2 printed tickets for the Fire Services Challenge Cup replay 28.5.47
Ts comments by Blackburn electrician on local matches Oct-Nov l9 ?

82/2/F: Golf
Press cuttings 15.11.39-2.1.40
Ts description Coombe Hill Golf Club and menu 3.8.40 (HP)
Ts description and interviews at golf open championship 1.7.47 (KB)

82/2/G: Ice hockey and skating
Ts description ice hockey international championship 27.2.37 (BWW, HH)
Ts informal on ice hockey and the war 10.11.39 (HJN)
Printed pamphlet for the re-opening of Wembley Empire Pool and Arena 21.10.39
Ts description ice skating Wembley Pool 2.11.39 (HJN)
Ts description ice hockey match 04.11.39 (HJN)
Press cuttings on ice skating 17.12.39
Press cuttings on ice hockey 21.11.39-6.1.40

82/2/H: Pigeon racing
Ts and ms informals: New Earswick 24.4.47, 25.6.47 (KB); York 26.4.47 (KB); Blaina 10.5.47, 29.6.47 (JG)
Ts letter from The Racing Pigeon about circulation 11.8.47
The Racing Pigeon 5.7.47, 2.8.47
Ts interview with The Racing Pigeon editor and assistant 1.8.47 (KB)

82/2/I: Rugby
Press cuttings 5.11.39-3.1.40
Ts extracts from press articles 12.11.39 (HJN)
Ms + ts descriptions rugby matches: Blaina 16.4.47 (JG); York 19.4.47 (KB)

82/2/J: Snooker and billiards
Ts description of match (Donaldson v Brown), Thurston Hall 30.10.39 (HJN)
Ts interview with Secretary of Thurston Hall 2.11.39 (HJN)
Ts interview with owner of billiard hall, Cricklewood Broadway 4.11.39 (HJN)
Ts overheards 6.11.39 (HJN)
Ts questionnaire response (4 questions on effects of the war ?) 14.9.40
Ms description billiards match 16.7.47
Ts description Abbey Billiard Room, Victoria Street 19.9.40 (HP)
Ts and ms miscellaneous observations, conversations etc
Press cutting: "Joe Davis raises £200 for Red Cross"

82/2/K: Speedway
Ts and ms informals: Kensington 23.5.47 (DH); Fulham 17-18.7.47 (KB)
Ts description Shelsley Walsh International Hill Climb, Worcs 21.6.47 (MS, GL)
Ms description Harringay 23.7.47 (AVL)

82/2/L: Swimming
Ts description hotel swimming pool in Herts 31.8.40 (LE) (2 copies)
Ms description swimming pools in NW London: Mill Hill, Hendon Hall Hotel, Kenton, Squires Lane, Finchley 4.6.41 (JS)
Printed ticket for West Hendon Swimming Pool bicycle enclosure 8.7.41

82/2/M: Various sports
Ms observations of roller skating 27.2.41
Press cuttings from The Cyclist 3.2.37
Ms description of Epsom pony races 27.5.44 (D Ivey)
Ts description York Regatta 21.6.47 (KB)

82/2/N: Various sports
Tennis: Interview with E Avory, international tennis player 1.12.39
Printed programmes: "A Garden Party in Aid of China" 20.9.41; Lawn tennis exhibition matches 9.7.41
Athletics: Printed leaflet for sports fair 2-4.8.41
Printed programme for Rowntree's Athletic Sports 21.6.47 (KB)
Ms description of marble tournament, Tinsley Green, Sussex 4.4.42 (TT)

82/2/O: Miscellaneous sporting ephemera
Printed catalogue of books available from Hatchards bookshop, Piccadilly 1941
Printed booklet "This cruelty called sport" by LEO Charlton (4th ed), 1941 (League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports)
Printed pamphlet "H Samuel: Sports Trophy Specialists"
Printed card, order form and reply envelopes from Ajax Press with samples of "doubles" and "trebles" sports cards
Printed Littlewoods Pools forms 6.9.41, 13.9.41 and envelopes
Printed McLauchlan Pools forms 29.9.41, 4.10.41, reply envelope and forms for postal betting

REEL 190


TC8: 1 box

TC 8, BOX 1

Report on mass astrology, 1941
Note on astrology (CF)
Study plan: Concerning Astrology, including suggested questionnaire
Suggestions for astrology investigation & breakdowns
Questionnaire replies 29.2.40 (BA)
Interviews 24.6.41 (NN)
Interviews 24.6.41 (JS)

Overheards & Observations (DH)
Overheards & Interviews (CF)
Overheards 13.9.39 (DHN)

Personal opinion by JF
Interview with RH Naylor 13.2.40 (BW)
Letter from E Lyndoe to TH + leaflet
Newspaper extracts
N'Gai (Theatre Royal) 18.7.40 (JA)
Leaflet with Witchball Charm
Magic and Miraculous, review extract
Hitler's Last Year of Power - book by astrologer; sales data etc
Bookshops - Charing Cross Road
3 replies to horoscope enquiries
Extract from letter (GR): predictions
Palmists - various visits by ZB
Visit to the Fortune Teller (NN)
Note on the Amusement Gardens, Marble Arch
Olympia - fortune telling machine (TH)
Blackpool - palmistry
and fortune telling machines (AL)
Visits to Mrs Menary, fortune teller
Letter from Celia to TH
Folder containing newspaper horoscope

Psychometry Class (CF)
Report on Psychic Phenomena No 1
Report on a meeting of the Ipswich Psychic Society
Psychic Research + Postcard (removed by JE)
Cutting: "Church Keeps Spiritualism Probe Secret"
Long Article: "I Spoke to a Boy Who was Killed Three Weeks Ago"
Group Seance at Marylebone Spiritualist Association
Interview with spiritualist
Harvest Festival, Spiritual Centre
Meeting at Spiritual Centre, Fold Street 18.8.37 (JHW)
Meeting at Spiritual Centre, Fold Street 24.2.38 (AVW)
Meeting at Bradford Street 27.2.38 (AVW)
Meeting at Rishton Lane 20.2.38 (AVW)
Meeting at Rishton Lane 23.2.38 (AVW)
National Union of Spiritualists Church (AVW)
National Spiritualist Church 3.7.38 (DMH)
National Spiritualist Church 3.7.38 (AR)
National Spiritualist Church 19.2.38 (APW)
Rishton Lane, 27.2.38 (JAS)
Fold Street 25.8.?
Fold Street 18.8.?
Halliwell Road 21.7.?
Spiritualist Service at Mrs Dickinson's, Mortfield Street 22.3.38 (BCP)
'Cylinder No 8' - Spiritualist Meeting
Spiritualism 19.8.37

8/1/C: Cuttings

8/1/D: Pamphlets
Including Leo Tree's Horoscopes, Universal Group of Intuitives, several copies Old Moore's, copy of Prediction, and Weekly Horoscope. Miscellaneous

Typed draft "Superstition" January 1947 (2 copies)
Typed draft "Superstition" February 1947 (1 copy)
Reports from members of Panel on supernatural, superstitions, ghosts, etc


REEL 191


TC 41: 1 box only

41/1/A: Wall chalkings 1939-43
London 1939 (AH, TH); London 1940 (CP, HP, VMD, JA, NM); Fulham 1940 (HP, KB, CP); analysis of chalkings in Fulham and elsewhere 1940 (HP); Fulham 1941 (HP); Glasgow 1941 (KB); London 1942 (MS, POL); London 1943 (LB); London 1943 (FM, LB)
Chalk markings possible clues and notes; chalk marks in Hastings; graffiti collected by J.Parker 1940; litter trails (MPC); press-cuttings 1939-40

41/1/B: Jokes 1939-47
1939-40: Extract from Sunday Chronicle (HP); diary references to jokes (LE); private jokes (NM, HP, CF, JA, VBW, JS, LE); air-raid jokes (London) (CF); note on Sunday Dispatch joke competition (LE); copy of Keep On Smiling No.6; a resumé of humour in magazines (LE)
Memo to TH on Joke Chart 10.10.40 (LE)
1941: 100 jokes (LE); soldiers' jokes (LE); topical jokes (VW); music hall jokes (LE); various (DH,VW, HP)
1942: various (PJ, RCC, EG, LB,VT, DH, DB, CM, MS); analysis sheet (DBL)
1943-44: various (GB, GST, FM) (London), (INV, EG) (Nottingham); music hall jokes (LE); magazine jokes (LE)
1947: various (DH)

41/1/C: Interviews with humourists 1940 (LE)
Will Wise; Con West; David Low; Ronald Frankau; "Fougasse" (Kenneth Bird); Kenway & Young; Kavanagh & Francis Worsley; Leonard Henry
Cuttings of jokes and cartoons from newspapers 1940-41
M-O draft Bulletin "Jokes" February 1943

41/1/D: Children's games 1937-40
Observations 1937 (AS, WH, JS); lists of games complied by 10 year old girls (4); obs. 1938 (AVW, NC, TH, JW, LT); obs 1939 (HP); obs 1940 (CP)
M-O report on party games old and new, undated

41/1/E: Toys 1939-40
Christmas 1939 toys and the war, reports and overheards from shops Hamleys, Marks & Spencer and Harrods; summary (CP); August 1940 war toys in Finchley (JS), Hamleys (SS) and brochure, note on street toys (HP); Christmas toys 1941; Ellisdon & Son catalogue - jokes, novelties and magic 1941

41/1/F: Jigsaw puzzles 1940-41
The British Jigsaw Puzzles Club 1940 (CP); interview with member; notes on puzzles on sale in J Waddington, Woolworths, British Home Stores, Marks & Spencer, WH Smith, Queensway Press 1940 (CP); Daily Mail issues of jigsaws 1940 (BW); jigsaw puzzles repeat 1941 (DS)




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