Papers from the Mass-Observation Archive at the University of Sussex
Part 9: Shopping and Self-Image, 1938-1965
Detailed Listing
REEL 150
SHOPPING, 1937-1965
TC 4: 7 boxes
Trade organisations. Interviews, letters, addresses of Trade Secretaries 1939, 1940
Transport groups. Interviews 1939
4/1/B: Report on Business 1939
Position of retail trade, November 1939
Unorganised propaganda
Draft for book The Cash Front
Draft article on rationing for New Statesman, December 1939
Report on a 'Week on the Cash Front', December 1939
Stepney : shopkeeper interviews (NM)
Hire purchase and the war : report (NM)
4/1/D: Trade in Wartime : Individual Reports
Survey of shops in Fulham (AH) Aug 1939
Business in wartime (JA)
Goldhawk Road October 1939
Observations and overheards (JA) Sept 1939
Report from AF Coles on local shops in Highams Park (1939)
'Metrop' shop report (KB) Sept 1939
Grocery trade under war conditions (NM)
4/1/E: Worktown
Worktown shopping habits 1939
Check counts Woolworths. Report
4/1/F: Prices and Regulations
Observer report from Mrs Dawson of Gateshead 1939
Report from Mrs Saunders of Birmingham
Report from L Beharrell of Colne, Lancs, and cuttings
Statutory Rules and Orders 1939 No. 1818. Prices of Goods (HMSO Board of Trade)
Price lists
Various reports
Extracts from diaries November 1939
Advertising, advice and propaganda Jan 1940 (JA). Study conducted November 1939 in all parts of London
Worcester notices
Xmas posters
Fulham December 1939
Shop fronts
Sunday shopping
Hammersmith Chamber of Trade (JA). Interviews with Secretary re Co-op/National Federation of Small Shopkeepers
4/1/I: National Union of Shop Assistants
Interviews (JA) November 1939
Shop hours
Distributive Trade Journal Vol 2 No 13, Jan 1940
Distributive Trade Journal Vol 1 No 11, Nov 1939
Stockport Co-op. Butter rationing. Interviews, letters, press comment
Press comment and announcement of effect of war
Worcester : wartime business (JA). Counts 1939
Bolton : wartime business (BA). Counts 1939
Wartime business : Fulham (CP), counts and interviews; Notting Hill Gate; Kilburn; Shepherd's Bush; Portobello Market
Xmas shops and January sales. Observations and cuttings. Observer report from Mrs Dawson. Fashion
REEL 151
TC 23, BOX 1 : SHOPPING-EFFECTS OF WAR 1939-40 (continued)
Catalogues and leaflets with war references. Analysis of catalogues (JA)
Wartime Christmas in shops (NM)
Window displays 1940. Observations of people looking at displays in London 1940
Interviews with managers (JA) 1939. Sainsbury (Kensington High Street); Griegs (Shepherd's Bush)
4/1/T: Observations and Overheards
Report on fruit and vegetable stalls in Kilburn High Road. Aug 40 (CF)
The Shambles, Worcester. (August JA)
An afternoon at John Lewis, Oxford Street. (SS, May 1940)
Romford, overheards (NM)
Uxbridge Road : observations and leaflets. Examination of notices and display 1939 (JA)
Interviews with shopkeepers in Kentish Town (MT). Analysis. Reports (food, clothes, chemists, tobacconists, furniture shops, jewellers, stationers, florists, electrical goods, ironmongers) 1941
Wartime effect on business : Worcester and London (CF). Interviews with shopkeepers (July 1941)
Department stores (VW), June 1941
'Morale' in Oldbury: 3 reports (DH, VT, MS) on shopping and morale 1941
Newspaper Weekly News, 5.12.41
Winter sales 1941. Purchase tax. Department stores. Report : High Street Kensington and Oxford Street. Winter sales brochures
18 diary extracts 1941-42 on shopping difficulties
Observations on shoe shops and interviews 1941
Shoe shops : display and advertising 1941. Observations, letters and
advertising memos
Food and shoe shops. Interviews with consumers 1941. Observations, comments. Memory test on shoe names
Advertising portfolio on Selberite Arch Preserver Shoes
Preliminary survey on shoe shops 1941. Report. Observations (London)
Shoe repairers 1941. Observations. Tabulations. Cards of quotes on display
REEL 152
4/3/A: Chester
4/3/B: Chester : questionnaire to shoppers
4/3/C: Ealing : questionnaire to shoppers
4/3/D: Ealing : questionnaire to shoppers
4/3/E: Counts and interviews; Camden Town, Ealing, Nottingham
4/3/F Ealing : tabulations
4/3/G: Ealing, Chester and Bolton : analyses
Shopping habits in Ealing, Chester and Bolton. Shopping "follows". Observations. Report
4/3/I: Members and non-members of Multiple Shop Federation. Address lists
4/3/J: Saving and expenditure 1942. Personal budgets
Shopping habit changes. Questionnaire replies in Camden, Paddington September 1942
REEL 153
4/4/A: Envelope of diary extracts on shopping 1942
4/4/B: Bundles of cards relating to analysis of 1942 Survey
REEL 154
TC 4, BOX 5 : SHOPPING : GENERAL 1939-51
Window dressing 1940. Quotes from a book
Window displays and weekend ration shopping June/July 1943. Observations
Clothes buying Feb 1943. Overheard comments in Hampstead and Watford
Window shopping 1946. Observations in Oxford Street
A survey of shopping facilities. Leeds, Derby, Newport, and Rugby. Galley proof. No date. No author (OW Roskill ?)
Norwich Survey 1951. Report by M-O. Correspondence. Bill
Washing habits 1939. Use of washing products : interviews. Laundries
The Psychology of Housework (typescript). (This was apparently used in relation to housework/consumer demand, etc.)
“How is it that the age-old job of housekeeping began suddenly in this period to be described as ‘drudgery’; and why was there a sudden frantic demand for labour saving devices in the home.”
Survey reports on washing machines 1949. A typed "Report on a washing machine" (FR 3098) March 1949. Tabulations
Water heaters. General notes and tabulations. Notes on fuel
Two booklets: "M-O ... A Nationwide Intelligence Service" and "Your Store and Your Customers"
Note: Related material on shopping habits (1940-42) is included in the Topic Collection on Films (TC 17/11) as part of M-O's research into the MoI film "Rush Hour"
TC 4, BOX 6 : HAT SURVEY 1948, DESIGN QUIZ 1946, SKIRTS 1948, Folders A-C
Hats questionnaire 1948. Tabulations and analysis sheets
Men's hats. Questionnaire replies. London, St. Albans, Reading
Hats survey. Results. Summary and tables. Report
REEL 155
TC 4, BOX 6 : HAT SURVEY 1948, DESIGN QUIZ 1946, SKIRTS 1948, Folders D-G
Hat wearing. Notes to sponsor. Correspondence
Design Quiz 1946 (BW). Various articles pottery, glass, clocks, lights, heaters, gas cookers, fabrics, wall papers, furniture, radio. Personal comments
Cost of living and skirt buying 1948. Tabulations
Toilet paper. Computer print out (only)
4/7/A: The Off Side of the Counter
Shopping experiences and complaints. Letters
Suggestions for book. Synopsis
Self-service/customer psychology etc
Press cuts 1963
Financial Times on consumerism
4/7/E: Drafts of book
4/7/F: Drafts of book
Much on the role of the supermarket in modern society
REEL 156
TC 18: 5 boxes
18/1/A: Clothes in dance halls 1938-39
Observations made in the Locarno, Streatham; Peckham Pavilion (AH) and the Royal Tottenham (SS) between December 1938 and April 1939. Includes descriptions of the clothes worn by both professional dancers and the public
18/1/B: East End Observations April 1939
Examination and comparison between clothes worn by Jewish and Cockney women in the street. Small survey on clothes buying habits and preferences, (EBC). A count of people looking in shop windows, (HAC). Shop keepers discussing fashion, LT
18/1/C: Bolton clothes 1939
Interviews with Bolton women about their clothes buying habits and preferences. Result analysis of the investigation. Socio-economic function of clothes (notes) July 1939
18/1/D: Teenage clothes 1949
Lists of clothes and makeup by fifteen year olds, London
Week diaries Friday 9.12.49-16.12.49 written by the same girls
18/1/E: Observations and overheards outside shops. London 1940
Stepney 25.7.40-15.8.40, (NM); Oxford Street 8.7.40 and 14.7.40, (DH); Fulham 31.7.40, (CF); Blackpool 8.8.40, (AH) ; Bolton l.8.40, (AH); Worcester l.8.40 to 24.10.40 (JA/DA) .Interview with men's clothier 15.8.40
18/1/F: Working class personal appearance. 1940
Observations in Stepney 8.8.40, cosmetics, jewellery, hairstyles, handbags, (NM). Hairdressing Peckham 26.10.40 (JW). Extracts on shaving 12.10.40
18/1/G: Observations of shop windows. 1939-40
London 4.11.39 to 16.12.39, (PF); Fulham 13.3.40, (PF) and 31.7.40, (JS); Worcester 19.9.40, (JA/DA)
18/1/H: Reports on sales 1940 and sale publicity 1939-40
London 3-12.1.40. Promotion handouts, cosmetics, shoes, clothes and sales 1939-40
18/1/I: Dress coat colour counts in London and Worcester 1940-41. Clothes counts, 1941. Clogs, 1942
London 1940:-12.1.40, (HP); 22.2.40 and 24.2.40, (PF); 25.7.40, (DH); l.8.40, 5.8.40, 8.8.40, 14.8.40, 15.8.40, 22.8.40, 29.8.40, (RP/NM DH/JA/LE), 5.9.40 and 6.9.40, (DH)
Worcester:-l.8.40, 8.8.40, 15.8.40, 29.8.40; 5.9.40, 12.9.40, 19.9.40, 26.9.40, 3.10.40, 10.10.40, 17.10.40, (JA)
1941 colour counts, comparison with 1940, 2.8.41, (BB)
Stocking and trouser count l.8.41, (CF)
1942 notes on clogs
REEL 157
18/2/A: Interviews with people in fashion retail December 1939-April 1940. PF
Jean Smith (Fashion Group) 29.11.39;
Victor Stiebel (designer) l.12.39; notes on the above (TH) 4.12.39;
D Barber (Retail Distribution Association) 4.12.39;
Ann Seymour (Woman and Beauty) 5.12.39;
Aaage Thaarup (designer) 6.12.39;
Mary Joyce Woman's Wear News) 7.12.39;
Mrs Garland (Vogue) 15.12.39;
Elizabeth Wray (Drapers Organiser) 15.12.39;
John Dannhorn (Corot Ltd) 15.12.39; memo on present position;
Miss Fox (Courtaulds) 18.12.39; H. Scott (Mercia & Co) 18.12.39;
R. Driscoll (Kennards) 19.1.40
M Havinden (Crawfords Advertising) 27.2.40;
James Laver at the Treasury 20.2.40;
Digby Morton (designer) 24.4.40; resumé 30.4.40
18/2/B: Opinion forming and the creative artist
Hints for Observers 28.1.40, (HDW); conversations with people associated with fashion retail; article written using the material collected from the above interviews 15.5.40, (PF)
18/2/C-D: Correspondence to/from PF and voluntary contributors, arranged alphabetically. 1940
BMC, fashion report, February 1940; PF own hat count 10.1.40-13.3.40; Lewis Jones, fashion reports 8.2.40 and 23.2.40; Nora Jung; Mary Lawson, report l.3.40; Edward Lewis, reports, l.2.40-29.3.40; Peter Miles, reports on fashion magazines/hat count 17.1.40-7.1.41; Mary Pickles, reports 29.2.40-10.3.40; Betty Richards, reports 2.1.40-6.3.40; Hester Rosser, reports, 14.2.40-10.5.40; Margaret Saunders, reports 29.1.40-3.40; Yvonne Stuckey, reports/hat counts, 24.1.40-11.3.40
Letters to/from fashion business
18/2/E: Press cuttings sent to PF March, April, May 1940
18/2/F: General fashion reports 1939-40
Typed extracts from 1937 Day Survey material, 12.10.37, on personal appearance and toilet. Copy of printed Bulletin and Directive on clothes, May 1939. Typed extracts from Directive replies, May 1939. Typed ms "Clothes":summary of results of Panel replies to clothes Directive and Worktown (Bolton) investigation, April 1939 (CM). Press release on clothes study, April 1939. Notes and internal memos on fashion in the first two months of the war, November 1939-January 1940, (PF). Report on hat wearing, March 1940, (PF). Statistics on clothes sales, 17.2.40. Clothes QQ (9 Questions) 25.7.40-8.8.40, (LE, DH)
18/2/G: Correspondence to/from TH March 1939-March 1940
Miscellaneous. Re the study of the impact of the war on clothes
REEL 158
18/3/A: First questionnaire, London and Devon, 6.6.41-9.6.41
Clothes rationing draft plan 9.6.41; suggestions for clothes questions, 12-13.6.41
18/3/B: Second questionnaire 1941 Part I
Replies to questions on:-effect of rationing; comparison of planning; saving of coupons for winter use; importance of looking comfortable/smart; quality of clothing; things the public will give up; shoes
18/3/C: Second questionnaire 1941 Part II
Replies to questions on:-pooling of coupons within families; criticisms of rationing; changes in clothes situation; changes in colour; trousers and women; ways of making coupons last; the effect of length of war on the number of coupons spent. Comment on stockings
All the above questions in both Parts I and II were asked of people living in three separate towns; Bolton representing the North, Worcester representing the West, and London. Comparisons were made not only of the towns but also of the classes and the sexes and the marital status
18/3/D: Summary of the above questionnaire in chart form
18/3/E: Third questionnaire, Summer 1941. DH/CF/VT
London 7.7.41-18.7.41; Bolton 20.6.41-24.7.41; Worcester 27.6.41-2.7.41. 15 points to the questionnaire (similar phrasing to above QQ)
REEL 159
18/4/A: Clothes rationing. Conclusions and implications of the 1941 questionnaire
Printed Report: Clothes Rationing Survey, 24.6.41 (Change, June 1941. Proof copy. Impressions of the questionnaire results 24.6.41, (CF); attitude to future change 29.7.41, (CF); notes on scope and method of investigation; accounts of clothes rationing from diaries, 8.6.41-1.7.41, analysis of clothes rationing from M-O diaries 17.7.41; Report "First reactions to the clothes rationing in the M-O diaries" with typed extracts and analysis, 24.6.41, (YL); interviews with Post Offices on the new clothes rationing books, (BB) 19.8.41; press cutting October; typed extracts on clothing from April 1941 Directive, (BW); notes on enjoying patriotic shabbiness
18/4/B: The effect of rationing on business. Shop interviews. Worcester, London. 1941
Worcester, 1-6.7.41, (CF); 28-30.6.41, (VT). Summary. London, 19-23.7.41, Summary (CF, DH).
18/4/C: Sales observations and overheards. 1941
London l-17.6.41 (NN, VW, JS, DW); Newcastle 19.7.41; clothes rationing reactions in Newcastle 7-18.6.41, (PN); Report 2.8.41
18/4/D: Clothes coupons, January 1942
Shop survey (men) , 5.1.42 Hammersmith, (EG); shop survey (women) , 5.1.42 Chapel Market, (CM)
18/4/E: Utililty clothes 1942
Observations in the shops, 27.2.42-2.3.42, (PN); Interview with JM Payton (Secretary of The Drapers Council of Trade) ; interview with Digby Morton, designer 3.3.42; interview with Ann Seymour, editress of Woman and Beauty 5.3.42; overheards 30.3.42; interim note 31.3.42
REEL 160
18/5/A: Press extracts and cuttings, and Observation: The effect of war on clothing
1917 January, February, March; 1918 January, March Vogue. 1938 October Harpers, 1939 Evening Standard, Sunday Graphic, Observer, Daily Express, Vogue 2.12.39
Observations at fashion gala, (PF)
Press cuttings November 1939 to March 1940
18/5/B: Press cuttings 1939-40
Influence of stars and society on fashion. Reports and advice
18/5/C: Press cuttings 1939-40
Fashion adverts
18/5/D: Press cuttings 1939-40
Hat fashions
18/5/E: Ladies hat fashions 1939-41
Survey of hats in Whitechapel Road, 3.4.39, interviews with milliners in the East End and West End and summary 3.4.39 (LT); questionnaire (EBC, UC, KB), 3-4.4.39; "Madhattery" 12.4.39 (TH); hats in shop windows September to December 1939, (PF); hat counts February 1941, (JS); hat count follow up 5.8.41, (BB)
18/5/F: Hat questionnaire 1948
Eleven point questionnaire l.6.48, (LPS)
18/5/G: Hat questionnaire 1954
3.3.54, (LPS)
18/5/H: Clothes count 1944
Clothes/hat count 3.1.44, Whitechapel Road, (LB)
18/5/I: Skirts 1947-48
Skirt lengths 16.10.47 (BB), London
Investigation into the popularity of Gor-ray skirts June to November 1948
18/5/J: Face creams 1947
Questionnaire, lst pilot 28.11.47, (BS); 2nd pilot l.12.47, (LB); 3rd pilot 2.12.47 (LB, BB)
REEL 161
TC 21: 1 box only
21/1/A: Wartime Material on London Co-ops
Typed sales figures for Christmas trade 31.1.40 (JA)
Typed interview with Co-op officials and store managers about rationing and obtaining stock 20.11.39 (JA)
Typed summary of above interviews
Printed document. Report and Balance Sheet of London Co-operative Society Ltd. 1939
Printed handbill advertising London Co-operative Society afternoon school on "Consumer Co-operation" 12.12.42
Handwritten 'Opinion and stock' statistics collected May 1940 in Bolton, Fulham, Rickmansworth, Shepherd's Bush and Bow newscutting (JA)
21/1/B: Co-op Survey 1946-47
Handwritten pilot questionnaire and instructions to interviewers, undated (TH)
Typed draft questionnaire: 20 points including questions on use of Co-op stores, comparison with other shops, Co-op political and social activities and voting habits. Three copies. Undated
Handwritten rough drafts of report on survey entitled "Co-op Customer"
Handwritten synopsis of survey
Handwritten proposals for study; method, timing and costs 12.12.46
Handwritten report on Co-op employees
21/1/C: Background Material on Co-ops
Brief note on Co-ops in Aston, Birmingham, undated (LE)
Typed extracts from book, Consumers' Co-operation in Great Britain, Carr-Sanders, Florence and Peers, published 1938. Statistical material on Co-ops
Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings with reference to bulk purchasing and purchase tax 16.1.47; Co-ops in USSR 7.1.47, public opinion of "divi", Co-operative News 11.1.47; trade figures of Co-operative Wholesale Society, Co-operative News Jan. 1947
Typed list of statistics for September 1946 detailing membership, trade, capital and number of employees
Handwritten list of Co-op statistics, undated
21/1/D: Co-op Survey Questionnaire Replies
Handwritten replies to 21 point questionnaire concerning use of Co-op stores, range and quality of merchandise, attitudes to Co-operative principles and voting habits. Approx. 150 replies from Dartford and Camden Town, Jan. 1947 (HR, MM, BW, IPS, HS, BL, TT, GST)
21/1/E: Co-op Survey Questionnaire Replies
Handwritten replies to questions 1-6 of above questionnaire from non-users of Co-op stores in Hammersmith and Stepney. Approx. 100 replies, December to January 1947 (JEW, JLW, BW)
21/1/F: Co-op Survey Questionnaire Replies
Typed and handwritten replies to 6 point questionnaire concerning Co-op membership, attitudes to the Co-op readership and opinions of Reynold's News (Co-op weekly newspaper). Approx. 100 replies from Harlesden, Notting Hill, King's Cross, Paddington. January 1947 (LB, IPS, BL)
21/1/G: Impressions of the Co-op
Handwritten follows, Hammersmith Co-op 21.12.46 (TT)
Handwritten counts, various departments of Hammersmith Co-op 21.12.46 (TT)
Typed informals on Co-operative ideals 20.1.47 (LB)
Typed informals on general public impressions of Co-ops undated
Handwritten informal interviews with Co-op employees about their involvement in Co-op social and political activities. Stepney 30.12.46, Stratford 31.12.46 (ML)
Handwritten impressions of Hammersmith Co-op December 1946 (TT)
Handwritten impressions of Camden Town Co-op.Undated (TT)
21/1/H: Co-operative Social, Political and Women's Guild Activities
Handwritten impressions of people attending Co-op meetings 27.1.47 (LB)
Handwritten list of venues and times of meetings. Undated
Typed report of "facts and findings" Willesden Co-op 20.12.46 (LB)
Typed report of Co-op rally and dance. Dartford 10.1.47 (ML)
Handwritten report of London Co-op Society Youth Rally, Conway Hall 24.1.47 (ML)
Handwritten report of Co-op film show "Double Thread" film about model nurseries sponsored by Co-ops 29.1.47
Typed report of meeting of E. Willesden "mixed" group Co-op Political Section 21.1.47 (LB)
Typed impressions and interviews with staff about involvement in Co-op activity, Dartford Industrial Co-op 6.1.47 (ML)
Handwritten report of interview with official of Royal Arsenal Co-op about Co-op organisation and policy 1.1.47 (ML)
Typed report of Co-op rally, Dartford 10.1.47 (ML)
Typed report of meeting of Bethnal Green Co-op "mixed" group 13.1.47 (LB)
Informal interview with Secretary of Education Dept of the London Co-operative Societies, about Co-op social organisations 30.12.46 (LB)
Typed report of Morden Co-op Women's Guild meeting 8.1.47 (ML)
Typed report of Women's Guild meeting, Leman St, El 9.1.47 (ML)
Typed report of unsuccessful attempts to attend meetings 1.1.47 (LB)
Typed report of meeting of Women's Guild, Kensal Rise 1.1.47 (LB)
21/1/I, J,K: Tabulations and Analyses of Replies to Questionnaires
Three files of analytical material
REEL 162
TC 22: 1 box only
22/1/A: Typed report Reaction to Advertising M-O
December 1938
22/1/B: Press and magazine advertisements
Collected by DM, part-time Mass-Observer, on themes of war and sexism, October-December 1939.
Women - “on or off parade, your skin must be faultless.”
22/1/C: Analysis of adverts 1939-40
Percentage of adverts with war references in newspapers and magazines (HP)
Comparative analysis
Batch of pencilled cards illustrating and detailing posters/locations in London, also listing main attraction showing at cinemas/theatres. Some dated October/November 1939 & August 1940, or marked 'HP' in blue pencil, but handwriting suggests more than one contributor
22/1/D: Cuttings of adverts in magazines and newspapers 1940 (HP)
Includes Brylcream and the Man’s Shop at Harrods
22/1/E: Commercial advertising 1940-42
Typed observations, indirects and cigarette cards, 3.3.40 (HP)
Typed report Aspro Advertisement M-O, 11.6.40 (HN)
Typed observation on advert for Lever Brothers, 10.9.40 (VW), advert attached
Typed & handwritten newsagents' adverts, Kings Cross and Bayswater, 10.7.42 (CM, DL)
Press-cutting of P & O poster advert, 10.3.42
Parkinson's Scholars' Guide, advertising booklet - “work hard, play hard”
22/1/F: Advertising 1952-55
Promotional journal of Powers-Sams Punchcard Accounting, March 1952
Single page of 1955 Survey Report: Effects of TV advertising on sale of Guinness Book of Records (commissioned by Guinness Ltd)
Undated carbon copy of a promotional memo re brushless shaving cream
TC 78: 6 boxes
78/1/A: Bob Martin Powder QQ 1942
Typed report on survey 7.7.42
176 typed interviews with dog owners on use of Bob Martin powders-Bayswater, Notting Hill, Kensington, Regents Park, (NS, LB, EG, DH, CM, DBL)
Analysis sheets
78/1/B: Bob Martin Survey on health of dogs in war time 1945
Typed letter from Everett Advertising Ltd about qq
4 typed qqs for dog-owners, non dog-owners and people who used to keep a dog, 7-12.3.45
Typed and handwritten correspondence with investigators
20 handwritten interviews, London, February-July 1945 (NA)
Handwritten analysis sheets
REEL 163
78/1/C: Bob Martin Dog Conditioning Powders Survey 1948
This survey was for dealers only
3 typed copies of plans for the survey, 9.7.48
3 typed copies of outline of survey and notes to investigators. 9.7.48
3 typed copies of qq-1 pilot and final qq
2 printed copies of qq
Typed correspondence from Everetts Advertising Ltd on the survey
Handwritten coding list, July 1948
Handwritten and typed list of retailers requiring The Lead
One copy of The Lead-newsletter produced by Bob Martin for pet owners, June 1948
2 Bob Martin booklets: "Tibs Cat Book", "Dog Book"
78/1/D: Bob Martin Worming Survey 1949
Two part survey one for dog-owners and one for retailers on worming preparations
Typed correspondence with Everetts Advertising Ltd. on Bob Martin qq, September-October 1949
4 typed copies of qqs (version 1 and version 2), for dog-owners, October 1949
Approximately 200 handwritten responses to qq, London, October 1949 (BS, DM, BL)
78/1/E: Bob Martin Worming Survey 1949
3 typed copies of qq for retailers 24.10.49
20 handwritten responses to qq, London, November 1949 (DM, IPS)
Typed coding sheets and analysis sheets
78/1/F: Bob Martin Conditioning Powder Survey 1951
Typed preliminary report on 'Dog-ownership and expenditure'
Typed copy of pilot qq and 20 handwritten responses, September 1951
Handwritten report on reaction to qq, Scotland
Rough handwritten notes and petty cash voucher
Approximately 50 printed qqs, October 1951
Typed analysis
78/1/G: Dog Breeders QQ 1953
Four typed copies of qq for dog breeders on effect of advertising and the way in which it could effect care and breeding of animals
Correspondence with Bob Martin and various dog breeders March-June 1953
Approximately 200 handwritten interviews with dog breeders March-April 1953, York, London, Surrey
REEL 164
TC 78, BOX 2 : COMMODITIES 1941-49
78/2/A: Razor Blade QQ 1941
Two part survey, one for the public and one for dealers about introducing a scheme for resharpening and reconditioning old razor blades
Typed correspondence with Everetts Advertising Ltd about the survey and including notes of a meeting, 9-22.9.41
Three typed copies (one with handwritten notes) of detailed information about razor blade resharpening and reconditioning process for dealers
Three typed copies of qqs for dealers and for the public
Handwritten report on dealers survey October 1941 (JS)
Handwritten reports on public survey October 1941 (JS)
100 handwritten responses to qq for public, Mill Hill, Golders Green, Hendon, August-September 1941 (JS)
78/2/B: Toothpaste Trends 1947
1 page of typed remarks on consumer trends in toothpaste 22.9.47 (JL)
78/2/C: Electric Light Bulb and Fluorescent Lighting Survey 1949
3 qqs-one for consumers, one for dealers and one for office workers
Dealers QQ
2 typed copies of 6 point qq on sale of light bulbs, most popular brands, installation of fluorescent lighting and effect of the Government's fuel saving campaign on sale of bulbs, 10.1.49
26 handwritten responses to qq, London 11.1.49
Consumers QQ
3 typed copies of 6 point qq on whether home is lit by electric lighting, buying light bulbs, fuel saving and peoples opinions on fluorescent lighting, 10.1.49
86 handwritten responses to qq, London 10-11.1.49
Analysis of consumer qq-2 typed copies of coding guide and handwritten analysis sheets, January 1949
Office Workers QQ
2 typed 17 point qqs (one for offices and one for shops) on fluorescent lighting:-reasons for installation, effect on trade/business and colour preferred, March 1949
3 typed copies of notes to investigators, March 1949
Handwritten notes for investigators, March 1949
11 Handwritten responses to qq, London 1949
Handwritten analysis, March 1949
78/2/D: Juvenile Shaving Survey 1949
Survey of juvenile shaving practices. Questions asked-When did you start shaving? What do you use? Where did you get it from? What do you think of electric shavers?
50 handwritten responses to qq, Croydon 9.2.49 (IP)
78/2/E: Paint Survey 1949
Instructions to investigators
TC 78, BOX 3 : COMMODITIES 1953-58, Folders A-D
78/3/A: Laundry Survey 1953-54
The Laundry Survey (commissioned by a number of different laundries) was a series of qqs sent out to a 'Customer Advisory Panel'. Each qq was concerned with different aspects of laundry i.e. methods of washing, contact between the laundry and its customers, prices
Typed draft letter to laundry panel to be sent out with fourth qq in series 24.3.54
Typed report 'You and Your Laundry' (analysis of previous laundry qq) also to be sent out with fourth qq, 24.3.54
75 Handwritten responses to one of previous laundry qqs on how people do their washing, whether or not they send it to a laundry, and if so what they think of the laundry. Doncaster, Rossington October-November 1953
78/3/B: International Tea Company Survey 1956
Survey for the International Tea Company on the attitudes of the general public towards the company's shops
Typed proposal for market research survey, including proposed subjects to be covered in the survey, 1956
Typed correspondence about survey with Everetts Advertising Ltd, March-May 1956
Several typed drafts of pilot qq with handwritten amendments, 1956
Approximately 50 handwritten responses to qq, Portsmouth, Liscard, Liverpool 1956
Handwritten analysis 1956
78/3/C: Dishcloth Survey 1957
Typed detailed qq on dishcloths i.e. what type used, why preferred etc., February 1957
78/3/D: Toilet Soap Survey 1957
Survey on preference of toilet soap carried out for Lyttes (Imperial Leather soap), March 1957
1 printed qq on toilet soap (completed), Lancashire 29.3.57
Handwritten analysis of class sample, 1957
Tabulation sheets 1957 (large computer print-outs - filmed in sections)
Computer analysis with some handwritten notes 1957
REEL 165
TC 78, BOX 3 : COMMODITIES 1953-58, Folders E-H
78/3/E: Detergent Survey 1958
Survey carried out in January 1958 on attitudes towards use of detergents, awareness of and attitudes towards certain attributes of detergents, washing and study of possible relation between personality needs and attitudes to washing and use of detergents
Typed report on survey and handwritten notes for report, 13.2.58
Typed proposal for survey and handwritten notes on what Maspar Services want from the survey
Handwritten notes for qq and sample to be used, 1958
Typed correspondence about survey with Maspar Services Ltd and Masius Fergusson Ltd. December 1957-February 1958
78/3/F,G,H: Detergent Survey 1958
Completed interviews including a 'Draw a Person' test to make an assessment of personality traits, Surrey, Cheshire, London, Liverpool, Lancashire, January 1958
Handwritten analysis of survey, January 1958
Typed and handwritten coding sheets, January 1958
Analysis sheets, January 1958
REEL 166
TC 78, BOX 4 : COMMODITIES 1958-59
78/4/A: Electrical Appliance QQ 1958
2 printed qqs on appliances people own or are planning to buy i.e. washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, May 1958
2 handwritten investigators record sheets. Streatham Common, May 1958 (LE)
Handwritten notes on interviews by investigators, May 1958
78/4/B: Paint Survey 1959
5 printed completed qqs on painting and home decorating i.e. what type of paint used, Shrewsbury 29.8.59
Handwritten and typed correspondence with Crawford International Advertising about analysis of qq 16.11.59
Handwritten analysis of qq
Coding sheets
Tabulation sheets and computer analysis
78/4/C: Baked Bean Survey 1959
Product test carried out by M-O in London and Manchester in 1959 for Masius Fergusson Ltd and Libby McNeill and Libby Ltd. The test compared their beans with their competitors
Handwritten introduction to Baked Bean Survey, November 1959
Typed qq to establish people eligible for interviewing
Typed and handwritten details of survey i.e. how many people in which towns interviewed
Typed qq to be filled in by respondents
Typed qq to be used when interviewer calls after leaving product
Typed copies of both qqs completed
Handwritten tabulation index
Handwritten tabulation sheets
Computer analysis of qq
78/4/D: Foundation Garment Survey 1959
Typed report on survey of current attitudes to Gossard 7.11.59
Typed coding instructions for qq
Handwritten analysis sheets
78/4/E: Tape Recorder Survey (Undated)
1 copy of printed detailed qq on tape recorders including types of music people listen to, social life, state of mind at present
78/4/F: Mouthwash Survey (Undated)
Handwritten analysis of mouthwash survey including questions asked
Tabulation sheets
78/4/G: Spin Dryer Survey (Undated)
Computer analysis with some handwritten notes
Tabulation sheets
TC 78, BOX 5 : COMMODITIES 1960-64, Folders A-E
78/5/A: Liquid Scourer Survey 1960
Survey of how people use a new cleaning product when they are not told specifically what the product is for. Carried out for Bensons in London York and Liverpool
1 printed copy of instructions to investigators and typed and handwritten drafts of instructions
1 printed copy and 1 handwritten draft of interview schedule
2 typed copies of general notes on test interviews
1 printed copy of notes on selection of informants for survey
1 printed copy of sample design i.e. age group, class and geographical areas the survey is to cover
1 typed and 1 carbon copy of notes for first research meeting on liquid scourer 16.5.60
1 typed copy of 'Precis of General Impressions of the Survey'
Handwritten miscellaneous notes on costing, sample to be interviewed and general arrangements
78/5/B: Liquid Scourer Survey 1960
Typed correspondence with Benson about proposals for survey and costings 24.3.60-29.4.60
Typed and handwritten correspondence between M-O and investigators about the survey 6.4.60-29.6.60
78/5/C: Liquid Scourer Survey 1960
4 handwritten and typed investigators reports on interviews Liverpool, London, May 1960 (JW, DY, RA)
Typed list of people interviewed-addresses and times, London, Liverpool, York, May 1960
18 typed and handwritten responses to qq, London, Liverpool, York, May 1960
Analysis-typed list of survey sample
78/5/D: Liquid Scourer Survey 1960
2 typed copies of list of cleaning operations related to particular rooms
Typed summaries of different uses made of the scourer, amount of scourer left when investigator called, references made to the smell of the product, worst and best points of product, where product was kept and suggested changes
Handwritten analysis notes
78/5/E: Fizzy Drink Survey 1960
Survey of types of fizzy drinks drunk by participants in 7 days-where, how many, what brand?
25 printed qqs with handwritten answers and analysis sheet with each qq, Grangemouth, Widness, Manchester, Durham, Bristol, Plymouth, Colchester, Twickenham, Dartford, Acton, Kingston, April-September 1960
REEL 167
TC 78, BOX 5 : COMMODITIES 1960-64, Folders F-G
78/5/F: Dog Food Survey 1963
Survey on dog food called 'Gravy Train', for Alfred Pemberton Ltd
43 completed qqs, Southampton, Portsmouth, March 1963
Typed and handwritten analysis of qq
Printed survey estimate sheet
Typed code list for qq
Tabulation sheets and computer analysis
78/5/G: Brisk Deodorant Soap Survey 1963
Survey on people's reactions to advertising for soap, carried out for Crane Advertising Ltd, March 1963
Printed detailed report on survey
Typed correspondence with Crane Advertising Ltd, February-May 1963
Typed instructions to investigators, March 1963
9 completed qqs, London March 1963
Typed coding instructions for qq
Tabulation sheets and computer analysis
TC 78, BOX 6 : COMMODITIES 1963-64
78/6/A: Product Lime Concept Test 1963
Survey of a brand of toilet soap carried out for Crane Advertising Ltd, April 1963
Typed correspondence with Crane Advertising Ltd, including 2 typed copies of a report of a telephone conversation with investigator about interviewing, 5.4.63
1 typed copy of draft qq
Miscellaneous handwritten notes on survey
Handwritten tabulation sheets
78/6/B: Biscuit Survey 1963
Survey of brands of biscuits bought and tasting test for 2 types of biscuits, June 1963
Typed copy of coding instructions for qq (including questions asked), June 1963
78/6/C: Quaker Quick Survey 1963
Survey of Quaker Macaroni advertisement using other advertisements to compare its effectiveness, August 1963
Typed copy of coding instructions for qq including questions asked
Copies of adverts used in the survey:-Quaker Quick Macaroni, Osram Filta Lite, Max Factor Sheer Genius, Danish Bacon
78/6/D: Health Drink Survey 1963
Survey investigating peoples awareness of certain types of health drinks
1 copy of printed instructions for investigators
1 typed copy of draft qq with handwritten notes
Printed copy of final qq
78/6/E: Banana Survey 1964
Survey on buying bananas:-how many bought, condition, which brand and price
106 completed qqs, London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Cardiff, Poole, Colchester, Norwich, Birmingham, Newcastle upon Tyne, 28.4.64-14.5.64
Typed analysis table and tabulation sheets 7.5.64
78/6/F: Commodity Survey (Undated)
Pilot survey on food consumption-types of commodities bought by families
4 completed qqs
Classification sheets
Computer analysis